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Listado top ventas pillow

  • ✅ La espuma viscoelastica es un material de ultima generación, con alta viscosidad y alta densidad.
  • ✅ Tiene la propiedad de retorno lento o memoria, actuando como un verdadero amortiguador.
  • ✅ Gracias a su material innovador permite que durante el descanso su cabeza y cuello apoye totalmente en la almohada.
  • ✅ Las principales características y propiedades son que con esta almohada aliviarás tus dolores cervicales y dormirás de la forma más cómoda posible, relajando todos lo músculos del cuerpo y adoptando una postura sana y confortable.
  • ✅ Su material sensible a la temperatura corporal que ofrece una perfecta adaptación al cuello y a la nuca, manteniéndolos en una postura correcta. Dimensiones (aprox): 47,5x29x8,5cm
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  • La única almohada de pierna que soporta ambos. Las patas y las rodillas. La almohada de pierna se inventó para ayudar a reducir la presión que se produce por la mala postura de dormir que causa malestar. Años más tarde nos dimos cuenta de que amortiguar y apoyar a las piernas y rodillas son importantes para mantener una alineación adecuada para ayudar a reducir el dolor.
  • Almohada de espuma viscoelástica con ventilación que absorbe el calor de tu cuerpo con agujeros de aire ventilados en la espuma de memoria que promueven la circulación del aire durante toda la noche. La tecnología de espuma que regula la temperatura empuja el calor hacia el exterior de tu cuerpo, para evitar que te sientas como si estuvieras sobrecalentando.
  • Utiliza 2 almohadas de pierna para un apoyo total y total de la pierna: para un mejor apoyo y comodidad, puedes utilizar 2 de las almohadas ortopédicas para alineación total de la pierna, soporte y alivio mejorado para tus caderas, piernas inferiores y rodillas. La forma única de esta almohadilla ergonómica para piernas permite adaptarse a la comodidad de la almohada de piernas, pero luego puedes invertirla y colocarla entre tus pantorrillas para mayor comodidad y apoyo
  • Escobilla de REDUCE, HIP, LEG, KNEE y DESCOMFORT DE NÚMERO CIATICA - Como un sueño lateral, usted no duerme perfectamente recto. Tu pierna superior se cae delante de usted presionando en la espalda, sus articulaciones de cadera giran y su rodillas tacto, causando dolor. La almohada Contour Legacy es la mejor almohada para las piernas para aquellos que buscan alivio ya que el cojín soporta cómodamente sus piernas y rodillas para proporcionar una alineación adecuada para dormir y posicionamiento p
  • Manténgase cómodo en cualquier posición. Se amolda por la noche. A diferencia de las almohadas de rodilla tradicionales, cuenta con un verdadero diseño ergonómico con sus suaves curvas y forma crescente para adaptarse a hombres y mujeres cómodamente. Sin necesidad de correas de restricción de circulación peligrosas, la punta precisa de la almohada contornos para adaptarse a la forma natural de sus piernas. Esto permite que la almohada de espuma para las piernas contorne a su forma sin restringir
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  • ❤✔Funda de Almohada de Fibra de Bambú Fresca: Almohada de fibra tiene una funda de fibra de bambú. Los materiales de alta calidad pueden maximizar la transpirabilidad de la almohada y garantizar una sensación de frescor durante el uso a largo plazo. Las almohadas brindan una mayor ventilación y lo ayudan a mantenerse fresco durante la noche para dormir lo mejor posible.
  • ❤✔ Almohadas Hipoalergénicas: Almohadas del hotel están rellenas de fibras superfinas en lugar de suave plumón, que pueden proporcionar una excelente suavidad y soporte. La funda de tela hipoalergénica transpirable es muy adecuada para todo tipo de pieles sensibles para garantizar un sueño reparador.
  • ❤✔Funda Extraíble con Cremallera: la funda de almohada de microfibra y fibra de bambú de alta calidad con cremallera se puede abrir inmediatamente para facilitar el lavado a máquina. La funda de almohada también es muy suave, y las personas alérgicas adoran esta almohada.
  • ❤✔Comodidad de Apoyo: Este pack de 2 almohadas está hecho con un gran equilibrio de suavidad flexible y firmeza regordeta, brindando un apoyo suave y una comodidad adecuada para la cabeza y el cuello, lo que las hace adecuadas para quienes duermen de lado, boca abajo y boca arriba.
  • ❤✔Cuidado y Garantía: garantía de satisfacción de 60 días. No dude en contactarnos si tiene alguna pregunta. ¡No escatimaremos esfuerzos para ayudarlo a resolver cualquier problema! Nota: Las almohadas están selladas al vacío para su envío y se dejan ventilar para que se inflen por completo durante 24 horas.
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  • Almohada de Maternidad
  • Para Embarazo y Lactancia
  • Con forma de U para cuerpo completo
  • 100% Algodon
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  • 【Anti-ácaros e Hipoalergénicos】 Nuestras almohadas antiácaros son la opción ideal para las personas alérgicas. Certificada por OEKO-TEX, la funda de cojín y el relleno de microfibra son transpirables e hipoalergénicos, resistente a las bacterias y los ácaros.
  • 【Comodidad de Apoyo】 Estas almoadas para camas ofrecen la firmeza media, cómodidad y suavidad para la cabeza y el cuello, adecuado para personas que duermen de lado, o boca arriba y boca abajo. Nota: Debido a que la altura y el peso de cada persona son diferentes, puede parecer demasiado blando o duro para todos
  • 【Suave y Esponjosa】 Las almohadas 70 de microfibra son muy suaves, blandas y esponjosas, hecho de microfibra. El diseño de la banda lateral hace que la almohada mantiene su forma y no se aplana.
  • 【Tamaño Estándar】 El tamaño estándar de almohadas de cama(40x70cm) se ajustará perfectamente a sus fundas de almohada estándar. Nuestros cojines de 2 paquetes están sellados al vacío para el envío. Al abrirlo, puede seguir tocándolo para que se hinche rápidamente. Normalmente se tarda varias horas en alcanzar el espesor máximo.
  • 【Tips al usar】 Es que nuestras almohadas estan envasadas al vacio, por favor golpeela con fuerza y ajustala en aire hasta que rebota despues de abrir al paquete
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  • ☛ 【NUEVO DISEÑO DE ALMOHADA】Almohada cervical ortopédica tamaño: L*W*H---- 23.62 "(60cm)× 13.78"(35cm) × 4.33 "(11cm)/3.54"(9cm).
  • ☛ 【DISEÑO ERGONÓMICO】Diseño ergonómico para promover una alineación adecuada. La almohada cervical proporciona un soporte efectivo para aliviar la presión sobre nuestra columna cervical y espalda y hombro durante el sueño, libera la respiración y evita los ronquidos, lo ayuda a dormir mejor. Pruébelo para obtener un nuevo nivel de comodidad, ya duerma usted boca arriba, boca abajo o de lado.
  • ☛ 【MATERIAL DE CALIDAD】Nuestras almohadas están hechas de espuma de memoria de densidad 50D de alta calidad y están destinadas a durar años. La almohada para cuello tiene una cubierta interior transpirable a prueba de polvo, que extiende de manera más efectiva la vida útil del núcleo de espuma de memoria. A diferencia de una almohada tradicional para el cuello, la almohada de contorno presenta un lado redondeado y un lado plano.
  • ☛ 【TRANSPIRABLE Y FRESCO】 La funda de almohada está hecha de telas de punto suaves y respetuosas con el medio ambiente. Gracias al diseño de la cubierta de malla de tecnología de flujo proporciona una ventilación superior mientras regula la temperatura para mantener la superficie de la almohada fresca para el mejor sueño.
  • ☛ 【FUNDA DE ALMOHADA CREMALLERA 】La funda de almohada cremallera es totalmente extraíble y lavable a máquina para facilitar la limpieza. Después de abrir el paquete, antes de usar, se sugiere colocar la almohada en un lugar fresco y ventilado durante 3-5 días.
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  • Tratamiento aloe vera, que produce un efecto tonificante en la piel
  • Recomendado para dormir de lado y boca abajo
  • Ideal para personas que buscan una almohada altura y firmeza baja
  • La funda de almohada es de alta transpirabilidad y suavidad
  • Ecolofil Down Touch, una fibra que aporta un tacto semejante al plumón, con gran capacidad de recuperación y fácil mantenimiento
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  • INCLUYE: dos almohadas de 48 x 74 cm con relleno de plumas de ganso blancas. El peso del relleno es de 850, firmeza mediana
  • MATERIAL: 100 % algodón peinado. Suave, impermeable, hipoalergénico y transpirable
  • COMPOSICIÓN EN TRES CÁMARAS: el diseño con tres cámaras cuenta con un forro transpirable y a prueba de fuga de plumas, evitando pinchazos desagradables e irritaciones.
  • COMODIDAD COMPLETA: nuestras almohadas están hechas con plumas de ganso blancas de primera calidad, de 2-4 cm, y proporcionan un soporte óptimo para las zonas de la cabeza, los hombros y el cuello. Son perfectas para todas las personas: ya duerman de espalda, de costado o boca abajo.
  • SEGURAS Y SOSTENIBLES: certificadas por IDFL, Downpass y OEKO-TEX
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  • Seasons-Pack 2 Almohadas Viscoelasticas 70 cms,Antiácaros y Antibacterias
  • Tejido Aloe vera hilo de plata
  • Doble funda
  • Confortable y adaptable almohada viscoelástica
  • Ideal para dormir de lado y boca arriba
  • Funda exterior en tejido Strech con tratamiento Aloe Vera con hilo lurex símil plata
  • Reduce los puntos de presión durante el sueño permitiendo un descanso profundo.
  • Disponible en todas las medidas y en Packs
  • Máxima Protección Higiénica: Sistema previo de limpieza con Ozono
  • Fabricada en España
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  • 【Diseño Único】El diseño ergonómico único permite que tus piernas, caderas y columna se mantengan alineadas de forma perfecta, mejorando la circulación sanguínea mientras duermes. A diferencia de las almohadillas de rodillas tradicionales, tiene un diseño ergonómico, curvas suaves y una forma de media luna adecuada tanto para hombres como para mujeres. Está diseñada con orificios de ventilación en la espuma viscoelástica que promueven la circulación del aire durante toda la noche.
  • 【Espuma con memoria de alta densidad】Hecha de espuma con memoria de altísima calidad, podrás mantener tu comodidad durante un tiempo prolongado. Proporciona un soporte excelente y mejora significativamente la alineación de tu columna, permitiéndote mantener una mejor postura al dormir por la noche, además de que no se caerá ni deslizará de donde esté. Es totalmente superior a otras almohadas, ya que no se aplanará con el tiempo.
  • 【Usa 2 almohadas para piernas para alivio】Para un mejor apoyo y comodidad, puedes usar 2 de las almohadas ortopédicas para una alineación y soporte total para las piernas y un alivio superior para las caderas, piernas y rodillas. Esto permite que la almohada de espuma se adapte a la forma de tus piernas sin restringir el movimiento ni requerir que duermas de determinada posición.
  • 【Aliviará el dolor】Si duermes de lado o no duermes con el cuerpo completamente recto.Tu pierna superior cae frente a ti presionando tu espalda, articulaciones, y torciendo tus caderas y rodillas, causando dolor. Esta almohada para piernas está diseñada para proporcionarte un soporte excelente para tus rodillas y una mejor alineación de tu columna vertebral, para mejorar tu circulación sanguínea, ayudándote a aliviar el dolor en la espalda, las caderas, las piernas, las rodillas y los tobillos.
  • 【Totalmente garantizada】Tu almohada está protegida por nuestra garantía de por vida y, si sucede algo, recibirás un reembolso del 100% de tu pago, sin preguntas.
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Detail information of Kilim Pillow, Cushion Cover, Throw Pillows, I have been collecting vintage Turkish rugs since years and selling my kilim rugs in my first Etsy shop since 2017 at https://www.etsy.com/shop/DecorativeVintageRug You can see these handmade vintage rugs are over 30+ years old and Some of the very old vintage rug I collected from all over Turkey may have some holes and wears due to the nature of their age and sometimes it is close to impossible to repair them but these rugs are 100% organic colors and organic materials therefore, I recycle these handcrafted vintage rugs and make unique pillowcases from these rugs.Before cutting and sewing all my vintage rugs, they are washed with organic eco-friendly shampoos so all of my kilim pillow covers are clean and ready to use when you receive it. Features of this Kilim Pillow: Decorative kilim pillow cases are very unique items which will add beauty to your home decor. Turkish Pillow is designed and created in my workshop by myself. Sizes of this Turkish Kilim Pillow Cover is 16x16 inches which is 40x40 centimeter but as I am the maker of these beautiful pillow covers, I can make any size you want. Material of this home decor kilim pillow cover is wool rug on the front side. Each of my pillow cover has cotton fabric and hidden zipper on the back of the pillowcase, so that the pillow insert can be removed and washed whenever you want. You can use these beautiful rug cushions in every corner of your home, even as outdoor pillow on your veranda, in your office decor, which you can use comfortably for a lifetime in everywhere. There are many different type pillow covers in my Etsy shop such as geometric pillow, striped pillow, and embroidered pillow with many different size like, square pillow, rectangular pillow, lumbar pillow, bedding pillow, sofa pillow, throw pillow, floor cushion. Each of my Turkish kilim pillow cover can be personalized. I can embroider any name or logo you want on it. You can just need to order personalization listing for it for each pillow cover from this listing. FREE SHIPPING for the Orders over $60 to World Wide! I will pack and ship your kelim pillow cover with DHL Express or FedEx which will delivery in 3-5 business days to your address. Care Instructions of your pillow cover and pillow insert. You can gentle wash the vintage pillow cover in the machine with cold water or hand wash and please don't use bleach or dryer. Just dry your kilim cover outdoor under the sun. Return and Exchange: Your satisfaction is everything for me so I will do anything necessary for it. If you want to return or exchange, I accept it without any question. Please just contact to me in any question. WHOLESALE ORDER for my kilim pillow cover, lumbar pillow, rug pillow or any other size and type. I have already very reasonable prices but if you order 50 or more Turkish Rug pillow at a time, I can offer you special discount. Please contact to me for details. Thank you so much for your support Warm regards and love. Nurgul
3.192 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Inserts By Soraida's Cover: 100% Cotton Fabric Filling: 100% Polyester fiber filling Soraida"s Pillow Inserts. Made to fit our pillow covers perfectly. Soft and fluffy like a down insert with no allergens. Made with 100% Polyester fiber filling that is silky and the ultimate in softness. Our Inserts are handmade with a lot of care and love we ensure you received what you purchase and make sure these insert pillows will be your new favorite pillow CARE INSTRUCTIONS:
 To maintain plumpness, re-fluff occasionally in a tumble dryer in a warm setting and tumble dry for 10 minutes. !!!!!!!!WE DO NOT ACCEPT RETURNS IN OUR PILLOW INSERTS!!!!!! Our Story Soraida's Pillows - Home Decor Pillow Covers Soraida's Pillows is a small online store that has continually A lot of a variety of high-quality and affordable products since day one. As well we love to expand more options for each of now of you. Shipping Enjoy our fast free shipping to the USA only. All orders ship via USPS First class. You can select other options at checkout but this does not speed up your order during busy times. Please get in contact for more info.
1.572 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
free shipping handmade pillow cover 1.97 ft x 1.31 ft material: wool, cotton payment: etsy payment turkish pillow cover
6.833 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Beautiful cushion 40/40cm with Good Vibes (Vintage Style) in black & white... modern /monochrom style. Pillow is stitched outside cia.1cm wide. Also different words possible: OUR HOME... disired Text. Very nice as a gift or for home as an eye-catcher Rear flap closure Including Padding made of high quality goose feathers, Cover cotton, 30 degrees washable. Our product is unique and hand made(in Germany). Each part is different and feels different thereby it is unique and that makes it so special.
3.990 €
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Pillow children children pillow shaped pillow.we offer the best wholesale price, quality guarantee, professional e-business service and fast shipping. you will be satisfied with the shopping experience in our store. look for long term businss with you.
16,86 €
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Pillow case size: 45x45cm material: polyester color: mix many color, if u have special need, leave message best for: home sofa
2,33 €
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Pillow handmade gel mats for kitchen floors pillow cat.we offer the best wholesale price, quality guarantee, professional e-business service and fast shipping. you will be satisfied with the shopping experience in our store. look for long term businss with you.
13,55 €
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Pillow X Almohada hinchable con sistema de apoyo para la cabeza Fabricada con dos materiales, un poliéster 75D resistente a la abrasión en la parte inferior y un poliéster 30D suave en la parte superior, esta almohada está diseñada para su uso en exteriores y es fácil de transportar. Su exclusivo diseño en forma de X sostiene perfecta y cómodamente la cabeza con una altura y dureza ajustables, al tiempo que se adapta fácilmente a la capucha del saco de dormir. Ventajas: Ultraligero Ultracómodo Garantía de por vida Características: Peso: 71 g Dimensiones: 183 x 58 x 6 cm Dimensiones de embalaje: 20 x 8 cm Material: Poliéster 30D Color: Rojo
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España (Todas las ciudades)
throw pillow, kilim pillow, boho pillow, decorative pillow, vintage pillow, turkish throw pillow, kilim cushion, home decor, pillow case, bohemian pillow Pillow Dimensions 12” x 24” inch - 30 x 60 cm Materials The front side of the pillow is made of hand-woven vintage Turkish rugs, woven with wool and cotton threads and dyed with natural dyes. It is made of high-quality fabricated fabric with a hidden zipper on the back. *Shipping will be discounted for the second or more pillowcases you add to your cart!!* The pillowcase is clean and ready to use. **Listed product is pillow case only** Shipping I am working with FedEx and UPS for shipping. The pillowcase is ready for shipment in 1-2 business days. Delivery time is usually 2-5 business days. I try to photograph products as close to reality as possible. There may be slight differences in the color tone depending on the screen you are using. If you are not sure about the colors, you can contact me. Thank you for visiting my store. lumbar pillow, kilim pillow, throw pillow, turkish throw pillow, boho pillow cover, kilim cushion, decorative pillow, unique throw pillow, needlepoint pillow, embroidered pillow aztec pillow, morrocan pillow, pillow covers, throw pillow covers, bench cushion, pillow case, bolster pillow, pillow cover, lumbar pillow cover, crochet pillow, throw pillow cover, bolster pillow cover, meditation pillow,boho pillow, long lumbar pillow, pillow shams, lumbar throw pillow, embroidered pillow case, suzani pillow, bolster pillow case, long bolster pillow, boho throw pillow, southwestern pillow, faded pillow, muted pillow
4.258 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
✸Welcome to my shop, ✸Size is 16 inches x 16 inches 40 cm X 40 cm ✸back is cotton fabric with hidden zipper ✸insert is not together with kilim pillow ✸The product in the picture will be sent. ✸All my kilim pillows in my Collections are made from vintage kilims they have been washed and ready to use Thanks your visiting. Use your İtem in Happy days. hope to see you next time for any item. where you can use my kilim pillows kilim pillow / boho decor / sofa pillow / floor cushion / bedding pillow / throw pillow / bolster pillow lumbar pillow / aztec pillow / bohemian pillow / rustic pillow / cushion / gift pillow / etsy pillow / patio pillow / pillow / cushion cover / bench pillow / hemp pillow / turkish pillow / pillows / farmhouse kilim pillow / unique gift / pillow case / mom gift / house gift / throw pillow / precious gift / home design pillow / antique pillow / furniture pillow / couch pillow / present for house / decorative pillow / wonderful gift / square pillow / bohemian pillow / boho decor / lumbar pillow / decor lumbar pillow / hemp cushion / pillow cushion / bench cushion / wool pillow / chair pillow / cover kilim pillows / carpet lumbar pillow / authentic lumbar rug pillow / vintage rug pillow / handmade rug pillow / handwoven rug pillow / ethnic rug cushions / bukhara pillow cover / rug cushion cover / case square rug pillow / anatolian pillow / nomadic pillow / cushion / embroidered pillow, Kind Regards, Sait
1.723 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Turkish Pillow, Throw Pillow, Kilim Pillow, Pillow Cover, Patterned Pillow, Wholesale Cover, Anatolian Pillow, Blue Cushion, 16*16 ????Pillow Covers Details; ????Size: 16*16 Inches (40*40) cm ????The front side is made of handmade vintage kilim rugs from organic wool natural dyes. ????It is a wool and cotton fabric with an invisible (hidden) zipper on the back. ???? INSERT not included (1 sizes larger is recommended) ????If you need INSERT, you can check my list. ????Soft and easy to wash. You can wash in cold water at low speed or hand wash. Please leave it to dry. ????There may be slight color difference due to the light difference. ????You can contact for bulk orders. ???? Be sure to let me know if you have any problems. Your satisfaction is very important to me. ????These handmade vintage rugs are over 30 years old and besides the very old vintage rugs I collect from all over Turkey, I also collect rare old woven rugs and rugs. I recycle these handcrafted vintage rugs and make unique pillowcases from these rugs. ????You may find that some of them may be punctured and worn due to age and are sometimes close to impossible to repair. ????The vintage pillows in my collection are as follows; Home Decor Pillow, Lumbar Pillow, Bed Pillow, Decorative Pillow, Kilim Pillow, Turkish Kilim Pillow, Old Rug Pillow, Boho Pillow, Sofa Pillow, Cushion Cover, Home Decoration, Boho Pillow, Extra Long Waist Pillow Cover, Rustic Decor, Patchwork Pillow, Turkish Pillow, Vintage Pillow, Antique Pillow, Handmade Pillow, Anatolian Pillow, Hand Woven Pillow,
3.197 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Bohemian Kilim Pillow, 16x16 Turkish Kilim Pillow, Decorative Throw Pillow, Boho Accent Pillow, Tribal Sofa Pillow, Kilim Cushion Cover ????Pillow Covers Details; ????Size: 16*16 Inches (40*40) cm ????The front side is made of handmade vintage kilim rugs from organic wool natural dyes. ????It is a wool and cotton fabric with an invisible (hidden) zipper on the back. ???? INSERT not included (1 sizes larger is recommended) ????If you need INSERT, you can check my list. ????Soft and easy to wash. You can wash in cold water at low speed or hand wash. Please leave it to dry. ????There may be slight color difference due to the light difference. ????You can contact for bulk orders. ???? Be sure to let me know if you have any problems. Your satisfaction is very important to me. ????These handmade vintage rugs are over 30 years old and besides the very old vintage rugs I collect from all over Turkey, I also collect rare old woven rugs and rugs. I recycle these handcrafted vintage rugs and make unique pillowcases from these rugs. ????You may find that some of them may be punctured and worn due to age and are sometimes close to impossible to repair. ????The vintage pillows in my collection are as follows; Home Decor Pillow, Lumbar Pillow, Bed Pillow, Decorative Pillow, Kilim Pillow, Turkish Kilim Pillow, Old Rug Pillow, Boho Pillow, Sofa Pillow, Cushion Cover, Home Decoration, Boho Pillow, Extra Long Waist Pillow Cover, Rustic Decor, Patchwork Pillow, Turkish Pillow, Vintage Pillow, Antique Pillow, Handmade Pillow, Anatolian Pillow, Hand Woven Pillow,
3.996 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Handwoven Turkish Kilim Pillow, 16x16 Pillow Cover, Decorative Pillow Cover, Couch Accent Pillow, Cushion Cover, Home Decor, Turkey Pillow ????Pillow Covers Details; ????Size: 16*16 Inches (40*40) cm ????The front side is made of handmade vintage kilim rugs from organic wool natural dyes. ????It is a wool and cotton fabric with an invisible (hidden) zipper on the back. ???? INSERT not included (1 sizes larger is recommended) ????If you need INSERT, you can check my list. ????Soft and easy to wash. You can wash in cold water at low speed or hand wash. Please leave it to dry. ????There may be slight color difference due to the light difference. ????You can contact for bulk orders. ???? Be sure to let me know if you have any problems. Your satisfaction is very important to me. ????These handmade vintage rugs are over 30 years old and besides the very old vintage rugs I collect from all over Turkey, I also collect rare old woven rugs and rugs. I recycle these handcrafted vintage rugs and make unique pillowcases from these rugs. ????You may find that some of them may be punctured and worn due to age and are sometimes close to impossible to repair. ????The vintage pillows in my collection are as follows; Home Decor Pillow, Lumbar Pillow, Bed Pillow, Decorative Pillow, Kilim Pillow, Turkish Kilim Pillow, Old Rug Pillow, Boho Pillow, Sofa Pillow, Cushion Cover, Home Decoration, Boho Pillow, Extra Long Waist Pillow Cover, Rustic Decor, Patchwork Pillow, Turkish Pillow, Vintage Pillow, Antique Pillow, Handmade Pillow, Anatolian Pillow, Hand Woven Pillow,
3.197 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Decorative Pillow Cover, Handwoven Turkish Kilim Pillow, 16x16 Pillow Cover, Couch Accent Pillow, Cushion Cover, Home Decor, Turkey Pillow ????Pillow Covers Details; ????Size: 16*16 Inches (40*40) cm ????The front side is made of handmade vintage kilim rugs from organic wool natural dyes. ????It is a wool and cotton fabric with an invisible (hidden) zipper on the back. ???? INSERT not included (1 sizes larger is recommended) ????If you need INSERT, you can check my list. ????Soft and easy to wash. You can wash in cold water at low speed or hand wash. Please leave it to dry. ????There may be slight color difference due to the light difference. ????You can contact for bulk orders. ???? Be sure to let me know if you have any problems. Your satisfaction is very important to me. ????These handmade vintage rugs are over 30 years old and besides the very old vintage rugs I collect from all over Turkey, I also collect rare old woven rugs and rugs. I recycle these handcrafted vintage rugs and make unique pillowcases from these rugs. ????You may find that some of them may be punctured and worn due to age and are sometimes close to impossible to repair. ????The vintage pillows in my collection are as follows; Home Decor Pillow, Lumbar Pillow, Bed Pillow, Decorative Pillow, Kilim Pillow, Turkish Kilim Pillow, Old Rug Pillow, Boho Pillow, Sofa Pillow, Cushion Cover, Home Decoration, Boho Pillow, Extra Long Waist Pillow Cover, Rustic Decor, Patchwork Pillow, Turkish Pillow, Vintage Pillow, Antique Pillow, Handmade Pillow, Anatolian Pillow, Hand Woven Pillow,
3.996 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Kilim Pillow Cover 10x20, Vintage Lumbar Pillow, Turkish Kilim Pillow, Turkish Kilim Cushion, Anatolian Vintage Pillow, 10x20 pillow, G1 Handknotted vintage turkish kilim rug pillow Front side is handmade vintage Turkish kilim and back side is fabric and hidden zipper Multicolors vintage kilim pillow It was made in Turkey only the cover will be sent. Size: 10x20 inches (25X50cm) Design: Turkish Traditional Material: Wool and cotton Dye: Natural Dye All product is Clean And Ready To Use We offer % 100 Refund, if you don't like. If you live a problem with rugs. In this case the buyer must pay the shipping costs while returning the product. please contact with us, we'll be happy to help you We are adding new products every day, don't forget to check our store. Turkish rug pillows, oriental pillows, large rug pillow, ethnic pillow, anatolian rug pillow, red pillow vintage, rug pillow, decorative pillow, antique pillow, carpet pillow covers, oushak rug pillows, turkish kilim pillow, decorative pillows, 16x16 rug pillow, Turkish Rug cushions, kilim cushion, vintage kilim pillow, anatolian kilim, boho kilim pillow, oriental pillow, striped kilim pillow, eclectic kilim pillow
3.548 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Boho Turkish Pillow, Anatolian Pillow, Vintage Turkish Pillow, Rug Pillow, Kilim Lumbar, Decorative Pillow, Sofa Accent Pillow ????Pillow Covers Details; ????Size: 10*20 Inches (25*50) cm ????The front side is made of handmade vintage kilim rugs from organic wool natural dyes. ????It is a wool and cotton fabric with an invisible (hidden) zipper on the back. ???? INSERT not included (1 sizes larger is recommended) ????If you need INSERT, you can check my list. ????Soft and easy to wash. You can wash in cold water at low speed or hand wash. Please leave it to dry. ????There may be slight color difference due to the light difference. ????You can contact for bulk orders. ???? Be sure to let me know if you have any problems. Your satisfaction is very important to me. ????These handmade vintage rugs are over 30 years old and besides the very old vintage rugs I collect from all over Turkey, I also collect rare old woven rugs and rugs. I recycle these handcrafted vintage rugs and make unique pillowcases from these rugs. ????You may find that some of them may be punctured and worn due to age and are sometimes close to impossible to repair. ????The vintage pillows in my collection are as follows; Decorative Pillow, Turkish Kilim Pillow, Old Rug Pillow, Boho Pillow, Sofa Pillow, Cushion Cover, Home Decoration, Boho Pillow, Extra Long Waist Pillow Cover, Rustic Decor, Patchwork Pillow, Turkish Pillow, Vintage Pillow, Antique Pillow, Handmade Pillow, Anatolian Pillow, Hand Woven Pillow,
3.853 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Turkish Rug Pillow, Handmade Rug Pillow, Lumbar Pillow, Anatolian Kilim Pillow, Handwoven Pillow, Antique Kilim Pillow, Vintage Rug Pillow ????Pillow Covers Details; ????Size: 10*20 Inches (25*50) cm ????The front side is made of handmade vintage kilim rugs from organic wool natural dyes. ????It is a wool and cotton fabric with an invisible (hidden) zipper on the back. ???? INSERT not included (1 sizes larger is recommended) ????If you need INSERT, you can check my list. ????Soft and easy to wash. You can wash in cold water at low speed or hand wash. Please leave it to dry. ????There may be slight color difference due to the light difference. ????You can contact for bulk orders. ???? Be sure to let me know if you have any problems. Your satisfaction is very important to me. ????These handmade vintage rugs are over 30 years old and besides the very old vintage rugs I collect from all over Turkey, I also collect rare old woven rugs and rugs. I recycle these handcrafted vintage rugs and make unique pillowcases from these rugs. ????You may find that some of them may be punctured and worn due to age and are sometimes close to impossible to repair. ????The vintage pillows in my collection are as follows; Decorative Pillow, Turkish Kilim Pillow, Old Rug Pillow, Boho Pillow, Sofa Pillow, Cushion Cover, Home Decoration, Boho Pillow, Extra Long Waist Pillow Cover, Rustic Decor, Patchwork Pillow, Turkish Pillow, Vintage Pillow, Antique Pillow, Handmade Pillow, Anatolian Pillow, Hand Woven Pillow,
3.211 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Kilim Cushion Cover, Throw Pillow, Decorative Throw Pillow, Vintage Kilim Pillow, Neutral Pillow, Wool Cushion Cover, Natural Kilim Pillow ????Pillow Covers Details; ????Size: 10*20 Inches (25*50) cm ????The front side is made of handmade vintage kilim rugs from organic wool natural dyes. ????It is a wool and cotton fabric with an invisible (hidden) zipper on the back. ???? INSERT not included (1 sizes larger is recommended) ????If you need INSERT, you can check my list. ????Soft and easy to wash. You can wash in cold water at low speed or hand wash. Please leave it to dry. ????There may be slight color difference due to the light difference. ????You can contact for bulk orders. ???? Be sure to let me know if you have any problems. Your satisfaction is very important to me. ????These handmade vintage rugs are over 30 years old and besides the very old vintage rugs I collect from all over Turkey, I also collect rare old woven rugs and rugs. I recycle these handcrafted vintage rugs and make unique pillowcases from these rugs. ????You may find that some of them may be punctured and worn due to age and are sometimes close to impossible to repair. ????The vintage pillows in my collection are as follows; Decorative Pillow, Turkish Kilim Pillow, Old Rug Pillow, Boho Pillow, Sofa Pillow, Cushion Cover, Home Decoration, Boho Pillow, Extra Long Waist Pillow Cover, Rustic Decor, Patchwork Pillow, Turkish Pillow, Vintage Pillow, Antique Pillow, Handmade Pillow, Anatolian Pillow, Hand Woven Pillow,
3.318 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Detail information of Handwoven Kilim Pillow, Cushion Cover, Throw Pillows, This kilim pillow case has made of from vintage, anatolian rugs and kilims.All of them has made of %100 handspoon wool.Our handmade pillow covers are suitible for authentic corners. ⬛KILIM CUSHION TERMS ✔This is a new, clean and ready-to-use pillow case ✔Only pillow case ✔INNER PILLOWCASE THAT YOU CAN FILLED WITH FIBER WILL BE SEND AS A GIFT ⬛ DIMENSIONS ✔16" x 24" - 40 x 60cm ⬛MATERIALS ✔Vintage handmade Turkish Rugs from Anatolia (100% wool and painted with natural dyes) ✔Back cover with high quality cotton fabric ✔Lining ✔Hidden zipper ⬛QUALITY - STORAGE and MAINTENANCE ✔Rug parts may have minor defects since rugs are old and hand-made. ✔I put detailed photos to show every aspect of the products. Please note that there may be a slight color tone difference between the photos and the actual product due to different computer settings. ✔Dry cleaning only ✔Do not iron ⬛RETURN AND EXCHANGES Your satisfaction is everything for me so I will do anything necessary for it. If you want to return or exchange, I accept it without any question. Please just contact to me in any question..⬛ THE TECHNIQUE OF PRODUCTION I have been collecting vintage Turkish rugs.You can see these handmade vintage rugs are over 30+ years old and Some of the very old vintage rug I collected from all over Turkey may have some holes and wears due to the nature of their age and sometimes it is close to impossible to repair them but these rugs are 100% organic colors and organic materials therefore, I recycle these handcrafted vintage rugs and make unique pillowcases from these rugs.Before cutting and sewing all my vintage rugs, they are washed with organic eco-friendly shampoos so all of my kilim pillow covers are clean and ready to use when you receive it. Decorative kilim pillow cases are very unique items which will add beauty to your home decor. Turkish cushion covers are designed and created in my workshop by myself. You can use these beautiful carpet pillow cover in every corner of your home, even as outdoor pillow on your veranda, in your office decor, which you can use comfortably for a lifetime in everywhere. There are many different type pillow covers in my Etsy shop such as geometric pillow, striped pillow, and embroidered pillow with many different size like, square pillow, rectangular pillow, lumbar pillow, bedding pillow, sofa pillow, throw pillow, floor cushion. Thank you so much for your support Kind regards and love. Ayça
6.439 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Dear My Valuable Customer Thank you so much for visit TURKISHRUGSELECTIONS Store and your kind interest for my vintage rugs and kilims with all kind of handmade home textiles made by my tailor Ayten's hard work everyday we are now happy to share our beautiful creations made in different sizes and style as well.We make everyday different items and we will be happy to accept any of your custom made orders in available sizes and fabrics I have in my warehouse.please check with me before custom order my items if there is available fabric for it and how long time I can have your order made and shipped. They are woven in looms and after that they all arrive to my tailor house and we cut them and sew many beautiful different useful home textiles from these lovely Turkish Ottoman Chenille Acrylic and Polyester mixture fabric.they are all very soft and okay with using decorative bedding and all type of home decor textile use. You can wash them with warm water in your machine better if its close to a cold tempereture and dry them either outdoor or in drier machine as well.ironing them is recommended from the back of the fabric. please make sure you reverse the tassles inside and close the zip so tassles dont fall of as they are only made for decoration I have got so many fabric I sell them by yard or meter if you like to order any of them please write to me for availability and we can discuss about what you need it for and I will do my best for you to get the right fabric for your personal needs of my fabrics. if you are interested to order them for wholesale or if you are designer please contact with me if you have nay question about them and my best prices for large quantity of orders. I hope my pillow covers will look gorgeous in your beautiful homes and I wish you pleasant use with my pillow cases and rugs in your home. some of the patterns and colors in turkish & ottoman culture have some meanings culturely so if you are interested to learn about them please feel free to write me I be more than happy to give you my best knowledge about them Yours Faithfully Serkan boho decor orange pillow lumbar pillow bohemian pillow home decor pillow cover 10 x 20 inch pillow cover bedding pillow decorative pillow decorative pillow Sizes: 10 inch x 20 inch 25 cm x 50 cm Note: Insert is not included the pillow cases its only for my photography but if you like to order insert as well please let me know and its possible we can make for you any size inserts for your pillow shams and covers. Material: chenille, acrylic, polyester type of home textiles in my collection: bedding set / turkish bed cover / ottoman bed covers / decorative bed spread / bed cover double bed cover / queen size bed cover / king size bed cover / custom size bed cover / single bed cover / twin size bed cover french bed cover / table clothes / sofa throws / upholstery fabric / table runners / pillow covers / pillow shams lumbar pillow covers / coffe table cloth / wall hanging textile / decorative home textiles / home textiles / custom order textiles / gift ideas home textile / living room home textile / drapes home textile Return: You are welcome for return my item in 14 days if there is a problem with your order please contact with me for more details of my return policy. custom made orders not possible I accept returns because of its special size only made for your home need. Cleaning: they are all clean and never used before. Condition: Good and ready for order to use in your lovely home Delivery Time: Maximum 3 to 5 Days to Worldwide Via DHL Express custom order can take up to 7 days depend on our work schedule you can pay securely with etsy payments any major credit cards welcome Type of home textile collection you will have the pleasure of seeing in my shop. My goal for Turkish & Ottoman home textiles sold here at TURKISHRUGSELECTIONS Store is to be the finest quality that you will have the only privilege of using it in your homes. please feel free to contact with me for any question about my fabrics and home textiles we create from them.if you would like to hear more about each fabric and pattern on it with meanings I will be more than happy to give you a special information about each of my fabrics & home textiles. Yours Faithfully Serkan CUSTOMS AND IMPORT TAX FEE DETAILS WITH EVERY COUNTRY HAS DIFFERENT CUSTOMS PROCESS FEES AND TAX FREE LIMITS Custom Duties and Import VAT When a package ships internationally, it may be subject to import taxes, customs duties, and/or fees imposed by the destination country. These charges are typically due once the package arrives in the destination country. Sellers are responsible with ensuring to comply with laws and regulations of the country of destination. Generally, the buyer is responsible for paying customs duties on receipt of the package. Certain countries may require certain documentation before the items are sent. If the necessary information is not provided, this may result in delays in the order. https://help.etsy.com/hc/en-us/articles/360036867914?campaign_label=transaction_seller_notification&eaid=620786420098&email_sent=1602 Note about designs on pillow covers: each of my pillow covers made from a large cut of woven fabrics from different areas of the fabric and sometimes patterns can be little different than what you see identical in the pictures but I make sure its most similar one to the cover in my pictures. here is a link of pillow insert in size 10 x 20 inch if you like to order as well for your pillow cover https://www.etsy.com/listing/839581495/pillow-insert-boho-pillow-insert-10-x-20?ref=shop_home_active_2&pro=1&frs=1
3.728 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Detail information of Handwoven Kilim Pillow, Cushion Cover, Throw Pillows, This kilim pillow case has made of from vintage, anatolian rugs and kilims.All of them has made of %100 handspoon wool.Our handmade pillow covers are suitible for authentic corners. ⬛KILIM CUSHION TERMS ✔This is a new, clean and ready-to-use pillow case ✔Only pillow case ✔INNER PILLOWCASE THAT YOU CAN FILLED WITH FIBER WILL BE SEND AS A GIFT ⬛ DIMENSIONS ✔12" x 36" - 30 x 90 cm ⬛MATERIALS ✔Vintage handmade Turkish Rugs from Anatolia (100% wool and painted with natural dyes) ✔Back cover with high quality cotton fabric ✔Lining ✔Hidden zipper ⬛QUALITY - STORAGE and MAINTENANCE ✔Rug parts may have minor defects since rugs are old and hand-made. ✔I put detailed photos to show every aspect of the products. Please note that there may be a slight color tone difference between the photos and the actual product due to different computer settings. ✔Dry cleaning only ✔Do not iron ⬛RETURN AND EXCHANGES Your satisfaction is everything for me so I will do anything necessary for it. If you want to return or exchange, I accept it without any question. Please just contact to me in any question..⬛ THE TECHNIQUE OF PRODUCTION I have been collecting vintage Turkish rugs.You can see these handmade vintage rugs are over 30+ years old and Some of the very old vintage rug I collected from all over Turkey may have some holes and wears due to the nature of their age and sometimes it is close to impossible to repair them but these rugs are 100% organic colors and organic materials therefore, I recycle these handcrafted vintage rugs and make unique pillowcases from these rugs.Before cutting and sewing all my vintage rugs, they are washed with organic eco-friendly shampoos so all of my kilim pillow covers are clean and ready to use when you receive it. Decorative kilim pillow cases are very unique items which will add beauty to your home decor. Turkish cushion covers are designed and created in my workshop by myself. You can use these beautiful carpet pillow cover in every corner of your home, even as outdoor pillow on your veranda, in your office decor, which you can use comfortably for a lifetime in everywhere. There are many different type pillow covers in my Etsy shop such as geometric pillow, striped pillow, and embroidered pillow with many different size like, square pillow, rectangular pillow, lumbar pillow, bedding pillow, sofa pillow, throw pillow, floor cushion. Thank you so much for your support Kind regards and love. Şerafettin
14.464 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
* FREE WORLDWIDE EXPRESS DELIVERY (approx. 1 - 3 business days) - FOR ALL ORDERS! **************************************************** This beautiful and timeless pillow cover is made of luxury soft, stonewashed linen. It’s perfect on a chair, sofa or bed. Use it on its own or combined with our other pillows to get a chic and rustic look. Notice! Pillow insert NOT INCLUDED. Original NORDECO LIVING design. ________________________________________________________ Pillow Cover: Many sizes available Custom orders (size, quantity, color etc.): Please contact me and I’ll do my best to accommodate your request Ready to ship: 1-5 business days (FREE EXPRESS SHIPPING) Color: Pure white or Ivory Fabric: premium quality, luxury soft, stonewashed linen (OEKO-TEX fabric) Pillow: machine sewn and an invisible zipper Care instructions: machine wash at gentle settings (40 C / 104 F) or hand wash, tumble dry (gentle settings)/hang to dry/lay flat to dry, iron if needed at medium high (cotton) temperature _______________________________________________________ SIZE RECOMMENDATION (inches): * 16x16 inches - 20x20 inches -> same size pillow cover & same size pillow insert (e.g. 20x20 inch size pillow cover + 20x20 inch size pillow insert) * 22x22 inches - 30x30 inches -> one size smaller pillow cover than the insert pillow is (e.g. 24x24 inch size pillow cover + 26x26 inch size pillow insert) ***************************************************** SIZE RECOMMENDATION (cm): * 40x40 cm- 50x50 cm -> same size pillow cover & same size pillow insert (e.g. 50x50 cm size pillow cover + 50x50 cm size pillow insert) * 55x55 cm - 75x75 cm -> one size smaller pillow cover than the insert pillow is (e.g. 60x60 cm size pillow cover + 65x65 cm size pillow insert) ________________________________________________________ FOLLOW US: • Instagram: www.instagram.com/nordecoliving SHARE YOUR NORDECO LIVING!! Don't forget to tag us with your Nordeco Living products! We love to see your photos!
1.661 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
* FREE WORLDWIDE EXPRESS DELIVERY (approx. 1 - 3 business days) FOR ALL ORDERS! ********************************************************* This beautiful and timeless pillow cover is made of luxury soft, stonewashed linen. It’s perfect on a chair, sofa or bed. Use it on its own or combined with our other pillows to get a chic and rustic look. Notice! Pillow insert NOT INCLUDED. Original NORDECO LIVING design. __________________________________________________________________________________________ Pillow Cover: 12" x 12" (30 x 30 cm), 12" x 16" (30 x 40 cm), 12" x 20" (30 x 50 cm), 16" x 16" (40 x 40 cm), 18" x 18" (45 x 45 cm), 20” x 20” (50 x 50 cm), 22" x 22" (55 x 55 cm), 16" x 24" (40 x 60 cm), 24" x 24" (60 x 60 cm), etc. Ready to ship: 1-5 business days (FREE EXPRESS SHIPPING) Custom orders (size, quantity, color etc.): Please contact me and I’ll do my best to accommodate your request Fabric: premium quality, luxury soft, stonewashed linen (OEKO-TEX fabric) Color: light natural linen (oatmeal color) Pillow: machine sewn and an invisible zipper Care instructions: machine wash at low settings / hand wash, hang to dry / lay flat to dry, iron if needed at medium high (cotton) temperature _______________________________________________________ SIZE RECOMMENDATION (inches): * 16x16 inches - 20x20 inches -> same size pillow cover & same size pillow insert (e.g. 20x20 inch size pillow cover + 20x20 inch size pillow insert) * 22x22 inches - 30x30 inches -> one size smaller pillow cover than the insert pillow is (e.g. 24x24 inch size pillow cover + 26x26 inch size pillow insert) ***************************************************** SIZE RECOMMENDATION (cm): * 40x40 cm- 50x50 cm -> same size pillow cover & same size pillow insert (e.g. 50x50 cm size pillow cover + 50x50 cm size pillow insert) * 55x55 cm - 75x75 cm -> one size smaller pillow cover than the insert pillow is (e.g. 60x60 cm size pillow cover + 65x65 cm size pillow insert)
1.708 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
child room pillow, anatolian kilim pillow, ethnic kilim pillow, boho pillow, turkish pillow, animal pillow, turkey pillow, wool pillow, lumbar pillow, hemp pillow, moroccan pillow, linen pillow, velvet pillow, burlap pillow Type: wool kilim pillow, decorative turkish kilim pillow, kilim pillow Sizes: 16 x 16 inches 40 cm x 40 cm 02847 Material: Organic Wool and Organic Cotton Turkish Pillow organic hemp pillow organic linen pillow Condition: It is a vintage rug but it has excellent condition. It has been professionally washed before the photos taken. Ready for use. Shipping: Ship in the same day with Dhl Express. Deliver time maximum 1-3 days. Return/Exchange: I accept return/exchange without any hassle. Please contact to me in 3 days. For any other question, PLEASE just write me anytime you want. I will reply your message in the same hour.
6.650 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
child room pillow, anatolian kilim pillow, ethnic kilim pillow, boho pillow, turkish pillow, animal pillow, turkey pillow, wool pillow, lumbar pillow, hemp pillow, moroccan pillow, linen pillow, velvet pillow, burlap pillow Type: wool kilim pillow, decorative turkish kilim pillow, kilim pillow Sizes: 16 x 16 inches 40 cm x 40 cm 02845 Material: Organic Wool and Organic Cotton Turkish Pillow organic hemp pillow organic linen pillow Condition: It is a vintage rug but it has excellent condition. It has been professionally washed before the photos taken. Ready for use. Shipping: Ship in the same day with Dhl Express. Deliver time maximum 1-3 days. Return/Exchange: I accept return/exchange without any hassle. Please contact to me in 3 days. For any other question, PLEASE just write me anytime you want. I will reply your message in the same hour.
6.650 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
child room pillow, anatolian kilim pillow, ethnic kilim pillow, boho pillow, turkish pillow, animal pillow, turkey pillow, wool pillow, lumbar pillow, hemp pillow, moroccan pillow, linen pillow, velvet pillow, burlap pillow Type: wool kilim pillow, decorative turkish kilim pillow, kilim pillow Sizes: 16' x 16 inches 40 cm x 40 cm 02844 Material: Organic Wool and Organic Cotton Turkish Pillow organic hemp pillow organic linen pillow Condition: It is a vintage rug but it has excellent condition. It has been professionally washed before the photos taken. Ready for use. Shipping: Ship in the same day with Dhl Express. Deliver time maximum 1-3 days. Return/Exchange: I accept return/exchange without any hassle. Please contact to me in 3 days. For any other question, PLEASE just write me anytime you want. I will reply your message in the same hour.
6.650 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
child room pillow, anatolian kilim pillow, ethnic kilim pillow, boho pillow, turkish pillow, animal pillow, turkey pillow, wool pillow, lumbar pillow, hemp pillow, moroccan pillow, linen pillow, velvet pillow, burlap pillow Type: wool kilim pillow, decorative turkish kilim pillow, kilim pillow Sizes: 16 x 16 inches 40 cm x 40 cm 02848 Material: Organic Wool and Organic Cotton Turkish Pillow organic hemp pillow organic linen pillow Condition: It is a vintage rug but it has excellent condition. It has been professionally washed before the photos taken. Ready for use. Shipping: Ship in the same day with Dhl Express. Deliver time maximum 1-3 days. Return/Exchange: I accept return/exchange without any hassle. Please contact to me in 3 days. For any other question, PLEASE just write me anytime you want. I will reply your message in the same hour.
6.650 €
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