BCBA Mock Exam 1 with the explanation guide to the answers. 5th Edition Task List. Welcome and thank you for supporting my small business! Congratulations on pursuing your certification and I hope that these materials help you pass the big exam! This mock exam, this file and its content is in no way, shape or form affiliated with, nor endorsed by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB®) in any way. Please refer to www.bacb.com, the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB®) for task list versions, areas, and content. The sole purpose of this mock exam is to be used as a study aid only. This mock exam should not be used as a comparison tool or to compare the complexity and difficulty of the actual exam. This mock exam was designed with difficulty in mind, however, this should not be considered representative of the real exam. This mock exam should be used in conjunction with other training and study material and should not be relied on as a sole study tool. This mock exam does not guarantee a passing result on the real exam. This mock exam is based off of the BCBA 5th edition task list. This mock exam contains 150 questions, broken down by task area. An additional 10 questions have been added to this mock exam for a total of 160 questions. The Answer key is provided at the end of the document. The explanation guide for BCBA® mock exam 1 5th edition. This does not include the original questions, this only includes the answers, explanation and some examples for each answer. If you do not own BCBA® mock exam 1 5th edition, please do not purchase this explanation guide individually. All 150 questions + 10 bonus questions are explained with some examples provided where applicable. The information within this mock exam is believed to be accurate. The author is not responsible for any errors, misinterpretation of information, factual errors or typographical errors. This file and its contents are the property of ABA Made Simple and may not be distributed, reproduced or duplicated, in whole or in part, physically, electronically, or other means, without written consent from the author. This file, its content, and any part thereof, is subject to change at any time, without notice. Please forward all errors, questions and comments to abamadesimplestudy [!at] gmail.com. Source Cooper, J. O., Heron, T. E., & Heward, W. L. (2019). Applied Behavior Analysis (3rd Edition). Hoboken, NJ: Pearson Education.


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