This listing is for a pattern for a custom word of your choice in the brushstroke style font shown above. Multiple stacked words are not available. NOTE: THIS LISTING IS FOR A WORD OF YOUR CHOICE AND NOT A FULL ALPHABET. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN AN ALPHABET SO THAT YOU CAN MAKE YOU OWN WORDS YOU NEED TO ORDER https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/244545165/soft-brushstroke-style-alphabet-book The letters have soft shapes, and the strokes resemble those of a brush. The size of the characters is as follows: Upper case approx. 7 - 9.5 cms tall Lower case approx. 5 - 8.5 cms tall Numbers approx. 6.5 cms tall The number of folds required for each character varies, and these are shown in one of the photos above. When ordering please provide me with the word required in the notes to seller section. I will then send the following 3 pdf files for you to print. Please allow 1-3 business days for me to create your custom pattern. 1. Instructions on how to use your pattern 2. Your custom pattern 3. Your free gift Designed with lots of ❤️ and ☕. The pattern is a template style with easy to read columns, which makes it more straightforward and quicker to use than most book folding patterns available. You do not need to measure and mark each page of the book before folding (who has time to do this on every sheet of a large book!).... NO MEASURING AND MARKING EACH PAGE... EASY TO FOLLOW TEMPLATE... CLEAR INSTRUCTIONS... START FOLDING STRAIGHT AWAY... RESIZE FOR DIFFERENT HEIGHT BOOKS You can find out more about how easy it is to use these book folding patterns on my about us page http://etsy.me/2aEFmE8 The clear and simple instructions include colour photos to guide you and there are many helpful tips along the way. I have also made a video to help get you started. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3etARkQLTg We also include a free gift to personalise your finished book! Use the list below to calculate the number of folds your pattern requires. Your book will then need DOUBLE THIS NUMBER OF PAGES. Letter - Number of Folds A 56 B 46 C 52 D 55 E 49 F 45 G 52 H 54 I 18 J 53 K 49 L 47 M 68 N 59 O 61 P 48 Q 62 R 51 S 48 T 50 U 53 V 53 W 80 X 55 Y 49 Z 55 Letter - Number of Folds a 46 b 43 c 39 d 48 e 40 f 47 g 46 h 42 i 19 j 42 k 47 l 16 m 66 n 43 o 45 p 49 q 50 r 36 s 36 t 32 u 40 v 41 w 62 x 41 y 40 z 44 Number - Number of Folds 0 47 1 41 2 47 3 42 4 45 5 43 6 42 7 42 8 42 9 43 Symbol - Number of Folds decimal point [·] 14 exclamation mark [!] 20 pound [£] 44 dollar [$] 42 ampersand [&] 58 open bracket [(] 31 close bracket [)] 31 hyphen [-] 31 plus [+] 45 equals [=] 45 colon [:] 17 semi colon [;] 21 apostrophe ['] 18 hash [#] 66 comma [,] 19 full stop [.] 14 question [?] 36 backslash [/] 38 slash [/] 38 Remember: No marking and measuring of every page Easy to read template pattern Clear and simple instructions This pattern is an original design by Looks Inviting and may not be copied, shared or sold under any circumstances. However, you are free to sell completed books made from our patterns. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me and I will do my best to help. Enjoy your folding! Sharron
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656,00 €
656,00 €