SA MARINA OS PRESENTA ESTA EXCEPCIONAL CASA EN PLENO CENTRO DE S/xc3/x93LLER.~~Esta bonita vivienda se encuentra cercana a la biblioteca del municipio, tiendas y colmados.~En planta baja encontramos un gran recibidor, manteniendo el car/xc3/xa1cter de las t/xc3/xadpicas casas mallorquinas de la /xc3/xa9poca, una sala de estar de buen tama/xc3/xb1o, zona de almacenaje, un ba/xc3/xb1o y una habitaci/xc3/xb3n donde se encuentra la caldera de la casa.~Accediendo a las dem/xc3/xa1s plantas de la casa tenemos 7 habitaciones, todas ellas muy amplias, 3 ba/xc3/xb1os completos, cocina independiente con despensa y un acogedor comedor.~Tambi/xc3/xa9n dispone de una bonita terraza interior, con zona de lavander/xc3/xada y almacenaje.~~Las habitaciones de la /xc3/xbaltima planta pertenecen a lo que antiguamente se denominaba "porchada", son abuardilladas, ambas de gran tama/xc3/xb1o y tienen armarios empotrados hechos a medida.~Todas las estancias disponen de ventanas con persiana mallorquina de aluminio y cerramientos de climalit.~~No te lo pienses y ven a visitar esta espectacular casa en centro de uno de los pueblos m/xc3/xa1s bonitos y con inmejorables vistas de Mallorca.~Ideal si quieres vivir en un entorno id/xc3/xadlico o si por lo contrario quieres transformarlo en un bonito hotel de interior.~~Puedes contactarnos al 637615860 o 638410712~~~SA MARINA PRESENTS YOU THIS EXCEPTIONAL HOUSE IN THE FULL CENTER OF S/xc3/x93LLER. ~~The house has three floors. On the ground floor we find a large hall, maintaining the character of the typical Mallorcan houses of the time, a good-sized living room, a storage area, a bathroom and a room where the house/'s boiler is located. Accessing the others On the floors of the house we have 7 bedrooms, all of them very spacious, 2 bathrooms, both with shower, separate kitchen with pantry and a cozy dining room. It also has a beautiful interior terrace, with a laundry and storage area. ~The rooms on the top floor They belong to what was formerly called "porchada", they are attic, both large in size and have custom-made built-in wardrobes. All rooms have windows with aluminum Mallorcan blinds and climalit enclosures. Don/'t think about it and come visit This spectacular house in the center of one of the most beautiful towns with unbeatable views of Mallorca. ~Ideal if you want to live in an idyllic environment or if, on the contrary, you want to transform it into a beautiful interior hotel.~~ You can contact us at 637615860 or 638410712~~~~~
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