El proyecto se dispone en seis bloques con distintas orientaciones, todos rodeados de vegetaci/xc3/xb3n aut/xc3/xb3ctona que junto al dise/xc3/xb1o de las piscinas y huellas de agua le confiere un car/xc3/xa1cter /xc3/xbanico al residencial. Las tipolog/xc3/xadas son dos principalmente: bajos con gran jard/xc3/xadn y /xc3/xa1ticos con solarium, esto genera un producto exclusivo y con gran demanda entre los clientes internacionales. Los acabados ser/xc3/xa1n de lujo en una promoci/xc3/xb3n que apunta al p/xc3/xbablico m/xc3/xa1s exigente en cuanto a calidad, arquitectura y dise/xc3/xb1o.~ ~ ~ * El precio no incluye IVA. ~ ~ ~ _________________-~ ~ Eng:~ ~ ~ The project is arranged in six blocks with different orientations, all surrounded by native vegetation that, together with the design of the pools and water tracks, gives the residential area a unique character. The types are mainly two: ground floor with a large garden and penthouses with a solarium, this generates an exclusive product that is in great demand among international clients. The finishes will be luxury in a promotion that targets the most demanding public in terms of quality, architecture and design.~ ~ ~ ~ * The price does not include VAT. ~ ~
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