We’re adding another amazing spell kit to our spell kits. This is our Hex breaking spell and ritual kit... I have worked really hard on this kit I tried to suit is for all kinds of Witches. When we put a spell kit together it takes a while because when I put together the herbs they are all charged separately then combined and charged again. Every tool I use is cleansed and I always cast a circle before I do all my workings. Our spell and ritual oils are charged separately then together as a whole. The crystals are cleansed and charged. Thank you for shopping with us. We now also include a 4 inch white sage smudge stick. You also will still receive the Palo Sonto stick. I have found that smudging with white sage first is amazing for clearing ur space then I go in with Palo Santo to fill the space with blessings and positivity. —Blessed Be —The Baby Witch Kit comes with— 1- 1 1/2 Oz glass reusable jar of my Herbal spell blend 1- 1/2 Oz glass see through eye dropper bottle of my Hex breaking spell and ritual oil 2 votive 100% beeswax candle in the Corresponding colors (1 in white and 1 in black both shimmer candles) 1 piece of Palo Santo One 4inch white sage smudge stick—Herb Jar— Juniper berries (crushed) Powdered frankincense Powdered clove Dragon blood (crushed) Holy Thistle Mint Echinacea Chamomile Anise star Powdered ginseng Red pepper flake Rose bud Rosemary Bay leaf—Spell Oil Essential Oil Blend— Juniper Berry Essential Oil Stat anise essential oil Chamomile essential oil Pine essential oil Clove essential oil Myrrh essential oil Winter green essential oil —Herbs In the Spell Oil -— 1 pc. Frankincense 1 clove 1 pinch of Agrimony 1 pc. Star Anise 1 juniper berry —Crystals in Spell Oil— Bloodstone Citrine Fluorite —Candle for Spell Kit— 1- black votive 100%beeswax Candles 1- white votive 100% beeswax Candle—Smudging Stick— Palo Santo —The Seasoned Witch Kit— will receive everything listed Above and these products Below.—5 Elemental black Witches Salt— Black Hawaiian lava salt Red Hawaiian Salt Black Hawaiian sea salt Pink Himalayan Salt Ashes from protection herbs that I‘ve burnt for protection A small amount of activated charcoal — Crystals in The Seasoned Witch Kit Tigers Eye Black Obsidians — I get asked a lot how do you use the spell kits. I usually respond with how ever you want to. You can’t follow how I do magick you have to do magick how you want to. You have to put your soul and your essence into your spell work. I can tell you that I would cleanse my space with the smudging stick then cast a circle with my salt, anoint my candle w oil then roll the herbs on it and place my crystals around my candle. Sometimes I carve into my candles first sometimes I’ll break a crystal if I can and add some chips to the candles or write my intentions and charge it with the crystals on top of the spell paper in the moon for 3 days. It’s up to you. These are tools for you to achieve the goal you want. But how you use the items it’s up to you because there is no wrong way to do magick!!Be creative!!— Blessed BeOur Direct Link Http://moonshadowessentials.Etsy.com/—WARNING NONE OF THESE PRODUCTS ARE EDIBLE! DO NOT INGEST. WHEN BURNING HERBS AND THE CANDLES PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE UNATTENDED THIS CAN CAUSE A FIRE ????! PLEASE KEEP ALL PRODUCTS OUT OF THE REACH OF PETS AND CHILDREN CHOKING HAZARD DUE TO SMALL PARTS AND KEEP BURNING HERBS AND OR CANDLES OUT OF THE REACH OF CHILDREN AND PETS!!!!WARNING ALL CUSTOMERS ARE EXPECTED TO CONDUCT THEMSELVES WITH MANNERS TOWARDS STAFF. PLEASE LET US KNOW IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT A PURCHASE.HOWEVER, RUDENESS, VERBAL ABUSE, AND BULLYING WILL NOT BE TOLERATED BY ANYONE YOU WILL NO LONGER BE ABLE TO SHOP WITH US. WE ARE ALL EXPECTED TO BEHAVE WITH RESPECT TOWARDS EACH OTHER ANY BREACH OF THIS WILL RESULT IN US REFUSING SERVICE AND PERMANENTLY BANNING YOU FRKM SHOPPING IN OUR SHOP! WARNING I USE ESSENTIAL OILS NOT FRAGRANCE OILS SO IF YOU ARE ALLERGIC TO ANY OF THESE INGREDIENTS DO NOT PUT ON YOUR SKIN! KEEP OUT OF REACH OF PETS AND CHILDREN!IF INGESTED SEEK IMMEDIATE MEDICAL ATTENTION! WARNING PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY POSITIVE THAT YOU WANT TO PURCHASE THIS ITEM BECAUSE I DO NOT REFUND NOT FOR ANY REASON!!! THIS IS THE BUYS RESPONSIBILITY TO MAKE SURE THEY WANT THIS ITEM !WARNING I AM NO LONGER RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR ITEM ONCE IT IS SHIPPED AND IT LEAVES MY CARE. I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR WHAT HAPPENS TO YOUR PACKAGE. WHEN YOU PURCHASE YOUR ITEM YOU ARE PURCHASING SHIPPING FOR YOUR ITEM I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH IT THIS IS BETWEEN YOU AND THE UNITED POSTAL SERVICE! I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE IF YOUR PACKAGE GETS LOST OR STOLEN THAT IS BETWEEN YOU AND THE POSTAL SERVICE. IF YOU THINK THEFT MIGHT HAPPEN AND YOU KNOW YOU HAVE A PACKAGE ARRIVING GO TO YOUR POST OFFICE AND ASK THEM TO HOLD IT FOR YOU WHEN THEY RECEIVE IT INSTEAD OF DELIVERING IT! WARNING WHEN YOU CLICK PURCHASE YOU ARE AGREEING TO THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS!
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2.473,00 €
2.473,00 €