IH-G08-F8688-V2 Interline HORIZON 868 Helium LoRaWan Designed for IoT M2M (Machine to Machine) systems like Lora, Sigfox, XBee, RFID. Horizon 868 MHz is carefully designed omnidirectional antenna working in the unlicensed 867-870MHz band. Typical applications are monitoring and digital transmission of small amounts of data (up to 40 kbps) Helium LoraWan devices, working with commercially available broadband antennas, covering the EU868 and US915 MHz range. These antennas also receive strong signals from GSM 900MHz transmitters, working in Europe with high powers. This adversely affects the range and sensitivity of Helium-LoraWan devices, intermodulations may appear, especially near GSM antenna masts. Our antenna has a built-in bandpass filter that works without attenuation in the working band of the antenna and is characterized by attenuation for other frequencies. It is a specialized narrowband antenna operating in a dedicated band (EU868), which allows it to obtain a high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and maintain high sensitivity of the receiver in the device. The range obtained on this antenna is even several dozen kilometers. The range depends on the mounting height, the type of Access Point, the quality of the antenna connector used (unit attenuation, length, quality of connectors), as well as the terrain and configuration of access points on the other side of the link. In the construction of the heat sink, we do not use LC matching circuits (capacitance-inductance correlation) that allow for "artificial" antenna impedance adjustment and lowering the VSWR coefficient. This causes an increase in induction or capacitance which results in "blurring" of digital signals and has a negative impact on the bit / Hz encoding and the error rate (BER). Our antenna works "clean, resonant-resistive" and has a very low self-noise figure and an excellent bit / Hz encoding ratio. The antenna housing is grounded, which protects it against electrostatic discharge (electric charges appearing on the antenna are discharged to the earthing system) For proper operation, the mast on which the antenna is mounted must be grounded to the existing lightning protection system. Electrical specification: Frequency (min) 860MHz Frequency (max) 880MHz Gain 8dBi VSWR (max) 2.00:1 Polarization Vertical Half Power Beam Width (-3dB) - horizontal 360° Half Power Beam Width (-3dB) - vertical 15° XPD (Cross Polarization Discrimination) >20dB Max Composite Power 500W DC Ground yes Impedance 50Ω, Mechanical specification: Connector N female Mounting Diameter ø 38... 51mm Dimensions (excl. mount) 860x26 Weight (incl. mount) 0,47kg
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