· B U S Y · B O A R D · W I T H · N A M E · The philosophy behind toys like the Montessori Busy Boards is quite simple: Real toys. Mostly Wood. Not Too Many. This is based on the belief that children need to be encouraged to explore the world around them. Play is a huge part of a child’s development. · A B O U T · P U Z Z L E · Children learn quickly through play by touching and exploring various objects. A busy board is a Montessori Toy that stimulates learning through experiments. It is a toy that a child can touch and hold. Learning to manipulate everyday objects help children develop their fine motor skills. It will also help him figure out and work things out on their own and at their own pace. You don’t need a lot of toys for your toddler. Less can be more with a curious toddler who loves to tinker. What they love are playing with wooden blocks, jumping on a mini couch, tinkering with a box of plastic kitchen tools, strewing paper across the living room floors, and enjoying an open-ended play. These are all design to develop their gross motor skills and provide an opportunity for toddlers to explore their surroundings. The best way to provide your child with the full sensory experience is to give him a Montessori busy board. · F A C I L I T I E S · O F · T H I S · P U Z Z L E · ☆ Montessori toy. They are simple, made of natural materials, and functional. These are the best toys for our little ones’ development that allow them to explore and involve their own will, decisions, and ideas. ☆ Build Nerve Connections in the Brain. The more sensory experiences your child has, the stronger are the pathways that are developed. ☆ Sensory play can be quite calming for kids. Perhaps, you have noticed it – handing something interesting to your baby would help quiet him down. ☆ High quality. We use only first-class safe materials such as wood and non-toxic ink so your child is perfectly safe with this puzzle. Materials are only eco-friendly and safe for humans (water-based ink, wood). · C U S T O M I Z A T I O N · A N D · S A F E T Y · ☆ You can choose one of the 10 color schemes. If you want to learn with your child colors - choose rainbow. Or if you like the classic style - choose the wooden color scheme. ☆ You can add a stand, which displays the puzzle in your playroom ☆ The backside is where you can place your engraving message. Kids will grow older, new toys will be needed, but your warm wishes will stay forever. ☆ The toy is safe. We use water-based paint, smooth wooden materials to give you assurance. But of course, we ask you to be attentive while your child is playing. · D I M E N S I O N S · 16.1x9 in (41.5x23 cm) Weight 710 grams. · H A V E · A N Y · Q U E S T I O N S ? · • If you got a damaged product - contact us. We are ready to return your full price for bad quality. • Remember, that we don’t own delivery services and can’t control this process. So, if you have trouble with the time of shipping - check if your product was sent correctly. If all were sent in time - the problem is from the part of the delivery service. • If your dog ate the shape of the puzzle or you lost it - we are ready to send you a new set of letters for a good price. · T E R M S · A N D · C O N D I T I O N S · F O R · S A F E · U S E · 1. All kids have imagination. And we made all we can to give you a safe toy. But be careful and try not to leave your child alone with puzzles. Instead - play with your kid. Collect memories 2. Ensure that the child does not take small parts for him. 3. IF IN YOUR PUZZLE YOU HAVE LETTER ”I” - BE ATTENTIVE. THIS SHAPES CAN BE DANGEROUS FOR KIDS 0-3. DON’T LEAVE YOUR CHILD ALONE. OR WE CAN MAKE SHAPES BE FIXED TO THE PUZZLE.
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