Thank you for purchasing a reading from me! Here is some information to help you get your reading as soon as possible. After purchase, please send me: -One to three questions or situations (depending on which option you selected when purchasing) -Your first and last name -Your pet's name -Your email address -A picture of your fur, scaly, or feather baby! (pet) You will receive: -PDF: Delivered to you via Etsy convo within 24-48 hours of payment clearing, if ordered during business hours. -Audio: Delivered to your Email address within 24-48 hours of payment clearing, if ordered during business hours. -Video: A personal YouTube video link will be sent to you via Etsy convo within 24-48 hours of payment clearing, if ordered during business hours. You can download the video to keep, and share the link with whoever you would like. Not sure what to ask? Here are some ideas! This reading is great for any humans wanting to know more about their pet's: -Needs -Wishes and desires -History before entering your life -Reasoning for their behaviors -Wisdom they have for you from their more pure perspective Please do not worry about the shipping timeframe to the right on this page. If you order within business hours, you will receive your reading within 24-48 hours - not days later as the timeline suggests. I will not do readings on: those under 18, legal questions, lottery numbers, pregnancy, and medical issues. My reading will always come from a place of love. However, please note that I will only tell you what I see. Sometimes this will be information you do not want to hear. If you would like a reading, please be ready to hear what spirit wants to share with you, and know that it may not necessarily be the outcome you desire. Please also make sure you are honest with me in the information you provide or questions you ask, as this will lead to a much better reading. Disclaimer: By paying for a reading you are stating that you are 18 years of age or older. While I may provide insights in these areas upon request, for medical, legal, counseling, financial, pregnancy, or other such services and advice, please consult with a professional in that area. The intuitive information offered should not be used as a substitute for other professional services. This reading and all others are for entertainment purposes only. Any decisions you make are your own. PsychicTS / Trishna's Temple is not liable whatsoever for any actions (or lack thereof) taken, repercussions, losses or damages (including, without limitation, physical, mental, special, indirect, incidental or consequential) caused as a result of the insights and advice provided. PsychicTS / Trishna's Temple makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, with respect to the accuracy, relevancy or quality of information provided. PsychicTS / Trishna's Temple will make every effort to provide you with helpful, insightful information, however no reader is 100% accurate. Please remember that while psychic readings can provide valuable insights, they are only one source of information. The future is not set in stone, it can change as a result of your free will. (Pet Psychic Clairvoyant & Tarot Reading / One to Three Questions Cats Dogs Birds Oracle Real Love Career Job Advice Healing Experienced Same Day)
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2.300,00 €
2.300,00 €