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Accesorio vapor

Listado top ventas accesorio vapor

  • ✔ Conjunto completo: este conjunto de accesorios para ollas instantáneas tiene todo lo que necesita para hacer las mejores comidas posibles. ¡Con esos 9 accesorios, puedes recalentar varios artículos a la vez y ahorrar tiempo!
  • ✔ Estilo de vida saludable: ayudan a retener más del 90% de los nutrientes que se pierden al hervir o cocinar en el microondas. La canasta del vaporizador y la rejilla de vaporizador de huevos pueden usarse para cocinar verduras, mariscos, huevos, carnes, postres, alimentos para bebés y mucho más. Recalienta tu comida sin perder su sabor o nutrientes originales para que puedas evitar el uso del microondas.
  • ✔ Acero inoxidable de grado alimenticio: los accesorios de la olla a presión están certificados por la FDA y son seguros para el medio ambiente, seguros para lavavajillas.
  • ✔ El paquete incluye: 1 * 304 cesta de vapor; Molde para pastel de 1 * 7 pulgadas / antiadherente Springform Pan; 1 * 304 divisor; 1 * 304 Steam Rack de huevos; 1 * 7 hoyos de alimentos complementarios caja / Silicon Egg Bites Mold; 3 * Hojas magnéticas; 2 * Leches de silicona; 1 * Bowl Clip; 1 * abrazadera de silicona
  • ✔ Sirve como la mejor idea de regalo para los seres queridos y queridos. Un juego de accesorios perfecto para tu olla a presión instantánea.
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  • 【DISEÑO EXPANDIBLE Y COLAPSIBLE】 Puede abrir y cerrar la cesta de vapor muy fácilmente con solo usar los dedos. La cesta de vapor se abre como un lirio de agua una vez que se extienden los pétalos. El diámetro de este vaporera puede variar entre 5,51 a 9,25 pulgadas(la pequeña), o 7,09 a 18,83 pulgadas(la grande), dependiendo de cuánto lo expanda. La vaporera ajustable encaja bien en ollas a presión, ollas con 3, 5, 6, 8 cuartos de capacidad.
  • 【LA CALIDAD PREMIUM DE AGUJEROS VAPORERAS】 Es resistente a la corrosión y no contaminará los alimentos. La cesta de vapor soporta temperaturas de -40 ° F a 446 ° F, por lo que no debe preocuparse por la fusión. Los agujeros en la cesta de vapor son para vaporizar y drenar fácilmente. El vapor caliente atraviesa los agujeros y cocina la comida, sin tocar el agua hirviendo.
  • 【430 ACERO INOXIDABLE】 La cesta de vapor plegable está hecho de acero inoxidable de grado alimenticio que no es óxido y es fácil de limpiar. La superficie pulida es a prueba de arañazos para un uso prolongado. Le permite disfrutar de una comida sana y deliciosa.
  • 【PRÁCTICOS ACCESORIOS DE COCINA】 El diseño extensible y ajustable se adapta a varias ollas y sartenes, no solo se puede usar como canasta para cocinar alimentos, sino que también se puede usar como colador o contenedor de fruta. Las tres patas de la parte inferior de la cesta mantienen los alimentos separados de la olla, Puede cocinar mientras cocina al vapor en la misma olla. Tiene un anillo central en la cesta de vapor, es fácil extraido para ahorrar el espacio de almacenamiento.
  • 【GARANTÍA MULTIUSOS Y DE SATISFACCIÓN】 La cesta de vapor no solo puede cocinar verduras al vapor como el brócoli, zanahorias, coliflor, maíz, papas, sino que también puede cocinar al vapor pescado, carne, albóndigas, cangrejo, mariscos, huevos, alimentos para bebés y más. Viene con una caja de tamaño perfecto que lo convierte en un regalo increíble. Confiamos en su satisfacción con la cesta de vapor. Si por alguna razón no le gusta, contáctenos para obtener un reembolso o reemplazado.
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  • Buena calidad: el juego de paños de microfibra KEEPOW es compatible con el set de microfibra EasyFix. Contiene 8 paños absorbentes de microfibra de alta calidad.
  • Easy Fit: el suelo de microfibra para el limpiador a vapor se puede fijar fácilmente y rápidamente a la boquilla de mano gracias al cierre de velcro.
  • Para todo tipo de superficies: se puede utilizar perfectamente para todo tipo de superficies.
  • Compatible con los números de pieza de limpieza de vapor: Karcher EasyFix SC1 SC2 SC3 SC4 SC5.
  • Pack incluye: 8 paños de microfibra EasyFixKärcher.
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    • Accesorio compatible con la Cuisine Companion e iCompanion
    • Incremento de la capacidad de la Cuisine Companion ya que este accesorio tiene una capacidad de 3.7 L, suficiente para 6 personas
    • Aumenta la versatilidad a la hora de cocinar alimentos y elaborar nuevos platos; ahorro de tiempo de cocción con el accesorio, cocina hasta 4 recetas a la vez
    • Incluye: bol de vapor externo, bol de vapor interno, tazón cortador interno
    • Comodidad y robustez gracias a sus materiales: tapa de cristal para poder controlar las preparaciones y bol de acero inoxidable con asas aislantes
    • Más versatilidad a la hora de cocinar cualquier alimento y elaborar platos más saludables gracias a sus 2 boles de vapor (interno y externo) y a su tazón cortador interno
    • Además, incorpora un colector de jugos exclusivo que evita que los jugos se mezclen con las otras preparaciones
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    • 【430 de Acero Inoxidable】- fabricado en acero inoxidable de grado alimenticio, seguro y saludable para su uso. Puede tener grandes comidas saludables con facilidad, fácil de limpiar
    • 【Vapor Plegable】- puede ampliar y ajustar para adaptarse a diferentes ollas y sartenes de tamaño. Se abre como una flor y crea una forma de tazón y se pueden abrir aún más en una placa plana de estilo
    • 【Tres Piernas】- en la parte inferior de la cesta de alimentos para mantener separada de la olla para que no se queme, se mantiene lo suficientemente alto como fuera del agua, también ofrece soporte constante
    • 【Compacto y útil】- Ocupa menos espacio en el bote, un fácil almacenamiento. diseño de la forma de pétalos, simple y elegante. borde liso evitar herir las manos
    • 【Bandeja Perfecta】- para cocer al vapor el brócoli, espárragos, coliflor, mariscos, perros calientes, tamales y bolas de masa hervida. vapor de múltiples funciones para las verduras, mariscos, comida para bebés y mucho más. Nota: Debido a que el producto utiliza un proceso de pulido especial, debe lavarse con agua caliente antes de usarlo para asegurarse de que esté limpio.
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    • Cocción en papillote: una de las formas más sanas de cocción; La comida sabe mejor y resulta más nutritiva en el Estuche de Vapor: los sabores quedan bloqueados y la humedad se mantiene, gracias a la circulación del calor por el espacio ovalado
    • La cocción en el microondas o en el horno es más nutritiva que en la cocina tradicional (fritos y hervidos)
    • La bandeja permite que: Las grasas y líquidos se escurran durante la descongelación o el proceso de cocción; hierbas o condimentos, vino u otros ingredientes pueden colocarse debajo de la bandeja para aromatizar los alimentos
    • Opción ecológica: Los microondas son energéticamente eficientes; la cocción y el recalentado en el microondas puede ahorrar el 80% de la energía que usa el horno
    • Seguro: las asas se mantienen frías y, además, pesa poco
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    • El vapor de Polti Vaporetto Lecoaspira mata y elimina el 99,99% * de virus, gérmenes y bacterias.
    • Sistema de limpieza integrado: limpiador a vapor y aspirador con filtro de agua.
    • Higieniza con vapor de alta presión hasta 5,5 bar, autonomía ilimitada
    • Aspira suciedad seca y húmeda
    • 15 accesorios en dotación
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    • ?ECOLÓGICA Y SEGURA?: La ECOVAPORETA es un electrodoméstico de vapores 100% libre de productos químicos y nocivos, solo necesita agua para limpiar el interior y exterior de su piso o vivienda. Con su tapón podrás manejarla con seguridad, cuando el agua esté caliente no podrás abrirlo y el gatillo tiene un sistema de bloqueo y puede regular la fuerza de evaporación desde 2,5 Bares hasta 3,2 Bares .
    • ✅LIMPIA, DESINFECTA Y DESENGRASA✅: Limpiadora compacta a vapor que actuará de desinfectante y desengrasador con solo presión de agua caliente en su casa o en su coche, trasteros, terrazas, garajes, chinches de cama, colchón, sabanas, fundas, cocina, vitrocerámica, moquetas, radiador, tapicerías, azulejos, juntas, persianas, ranuras de ventanas, baño, llantas, mármol, cortinas, jaulas y camas de mascotas, es un perfecto limpiacristales, acaba con el moho, grasa, bacterias y virus. etc…
    • ?CARACTERÍSTICAS?: Incluye 9 accesorios para que los usos y tarea sean fácil de realizar, válvula y pulsador de seguridad, con una energía de 3,2 Bares y una temperatura de 135° C. No habrá rincón que quede sin vaporar ni desinfectar. Es ligera, ya que Pesa 1.36Kg. Su asa ergonómica hará su manejo práctico y sencillo. El tanque es de 250 ml.
    • ✨MUY FÁCIL DE USAR✨: Rellenar el depósito y cuando la luz indicadora se apague en aproximadamente 3 minutos, podrá empezar el trabajo presionando el pulsador a la potencia deseada, utilizando el extensible que mejor se adapte a su faena en el hogar y podrá empezar a remover las impurezas y la suciedad..
    • ?AHORRE TIEMPO Y ESFUERZOS?: Con la VAPORETA no necesitará mil productos para una limpieza diaria o profunda. Con nuestro vaporizador manual de múltiples usos podrá sanear todo lo que desee sin tener que estar frotando sin parar, ni meter las manos en sitios poco seguros para llegar a todos los rincones y por consiguiente eliminar los malos olores.
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    • La limpiadora de vapor manual SC 1 está indicada para la limpieza de mantenimiento rápida sin productos químicos gracias a su tamaño compacto y poco peso; rendimiento 20 m²
    • Con múltiples accesorios para la limpieza de toda la casa y kit de suelos Easyfix que evita el contacto con la suciedad
    • Rellenar con agua del grifo junto con el descalcificadora según dureza del agua, no usar nunca con agua destilada
    • Limpieza profunda sin químicos, puede eliminar hasta el 99,99% de las bacterias
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    Práctico Accesorio Vapor Basic Lacor para los amantes de la cocina sana y libre de grasas.Como todos los productos de la Serie Basic Lacor, este accesorio destaca por su elegante acabado y porque se ha realizado en acero de alta calidadlo que le da mayor durabilidad.La base tiene un gran espesor para garantizar el reparto uniforme del calor.Accesorio Vapor Basic Lacor se puede emplear en cocinas eléctricas, de gas, inducción y vitrocerámica y limpiar en lavavajillas.
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    Zaragoza (Zaragoza)
    Accesorio para guisar al vapor. Medidas: 11 cm de alto; 11 cm de diámetro de base; 17,3 x 15,2 cm en la parte superior. No se ha usado nunca. En Zaragoza puedo entregar en mano; gastos de envío a cargo del comprador: correo ordinario 3 euros; correo certificado 6 euros.
    9 €
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    Zaragoza (Zaragoza)
    Original accesorio para cacerola, que permite rallar y también cocinar al vapor. Medidas: 19,5 cm de diámetro y 3 cm de altura. A estrenar; nunca se ha utilizado. En Zaragoza puedo entregar en mano; gastos de envío a cargo del comprador: correo ordinario 3 euros; correo certificado 6 euros.
    9 €
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    Acessórios de fritadeira de ar para barril de bolo gowise cosyna, kit de bandeja e tapeteanuncie para preto cadeira de bebê portátil giratória em 360 grausanuncie para vermelho cadeira de bebê portátil giratória em 360 grausanuncie para azul cadeira de bebê portátil giratória em 360 grausanuncie para cinzento assento de segurança dobrável para carro portátil com música bluetooth, trava isofixanuncie para bluetooth mp3 azul assento de segurança dobrável para carro portátil com música bluetooth, trava isofixanuncie para bluetooth mp3 marrom assento de segurança dobrável para carro portátil com música bluetooth, trava isofixanuncie para bluetooth mp3 vermelho assento de segurança dobrável para carro portátil com música bluetooth, trava isofixanuncie para bluetooth mp3 preto assento de segurança dobrável para carro portátil com música bluetooth, trava isofixanuncie para disco isofix azul assento de segurança dobrável para carro portátil com música bluetooth, trava isofixanuncie para isofix duro marrom assento de segurança dobrável para carro portátil com música bluetooth, trava isofixanuncie para disco isofix vermelho assento de segurança dobrável para carro portátil com música bluetooth, trava isofixanuncie para disco isofix preto assento de segurança dobrável para carro portátil com música bluetooth, trava isofixanuncie para isofix macio azul assento de segurança dobrável para carro portátil com música bluetooth, trava isofixanuncie para isofix macio marrom assento de segurança dobrável para carro portátil com música bluetooth, trava isofixanuncie para isofix macio vermelho assento de segurança dobrável para carro portátil com música bluetooth, trava isofixanuncie para isofix macio preto assento de segurança dobrável para carro portátil com música bluetooth, trava isofixanuncie para cinto de segurança azul assento de segurança dobrável para carro portátil com música bluetooth, trava isofixanuncie para cinto de segurança marrom assento de segurança dobrável para carro portátil com música bluetooth, trava isofixanuncie para cinto de segurança vermelho assento de segurança dobrável para carro portátil com música bluetooth, trava isofixanuncie para cinto de segurança preto espumante elétrico de aço inoxidávelanuncie para 800ml espumante elétrico de aço inoxidávelanuncie para 400ml touch screen, bluetooth audio video mp5 player para carroanuncie para com câmera remota touch screen, bluetooth audio video mp5 player para carroanuncie para com controle remoto touch screen, bluetooth audio video mp5 player para carroanuncie para com câmera touch screen, bluetooth audio video mp5 player para carroanuncie para normal espumante elétrico, aquecedor de leite em vapor e creme com espuma de chocolateanuncie para 100-120v nós espumante elétrico, aquecedor de leite em vapor e creme com espuma de chocolateanuncie para 220-240v au espumante elétrico, aquecedor de leite em vapor e creme com espuma de chocolateanuncie para 220-240v reino unido espumante elétrico, aquecedor de leite em vapor e creme com espuma de chocolateanuncie para 220-240v eu apoio de cabeça do assento de carro, cinto de fixação para acessórios de proteção do posicionadoranuncie para b apoio de cabeça do assento de carro, cinto de fixação para acessórios de proteção do posicionadoranuncie para uma esteiras de chute organizador de carro no banco traseiro, protetores de encosto do banco do carro com suporte para tablet e 9 bolsosanuncie para uma peça l esteiras de chute organizador de carro no banco traseiro, protetores de encosto do banco do carro com suporte para tablet e 9 bolsosanuncie para bolso lateral esteiras de chute organizador de carro no banco traseiro, protetores de encosto do banco do carro com suporte para tablet e 9 bolsosanuncie para uma peça s espumante elétrico, aquecedor de
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    Acessórios de fritadeira de ar para barril de bolo gowise cosyna, kit de bandeja e tapeteanuncie para castanho acessórios de fritadeira de ar para barril de bolo gowise cosyna, kit de bandeja e tapeteanuncie para preto cadeira de bebê portátil giratória em 360 grausanuncie para vermelho cadeira de bebê portátil giratória em 360 grausanuncie para azul cadeira de bebê portátil giratória em 360 grausanuncie para cinzento assento de segurança dobrável para carro portátil com música bluetooth, trava isofixanuncie para bluetooth mp3 azul assento de segurança dobrável para carro portátil com música bluetooth, trava isofixanuncie para bluetooth mp3 marrom assento de segurança dobrável para carro portátil com música bluetooth, trava isofixanuncie para bluetooth mp3 vermelho assento de segurança dobrável para carro portátil com música bluetooth, trava isofixanuncie para bluetooth mp3 preto assento de segurança dobrável para carro portátil com música bluetooth, trava isofixanuncie para disco isofix azul assento de segurança dobrável para carro portátil com música bluetooth, trava isofixanuncie para isofix duro marrom assento de segurança dobrável para carro portátil com música bluetooth, trava isofixanuncie para disco isofix vermelho assento de segurança dobrável para carro portátil com música bluetooth, trava isofixanuncie para disco isofix preto assento de segurança dobrável para carro portátil com música bluetooth, trava isofixanuncie para isofix macio azul assento de segurança dobrável para carro portátil com música bluetooth, trava isofixanuncie para isofix macio marrom assento de segurança dobrável para carro portátil com música bluetooth, trava isofixanuncie para isofix macio vermelho assento de segurança dobrável para carro portátil com música bluetooth, trava isofixanuncie para isofix macio preto assento de segurança dobrável para carro portátil com música bluetooth, trava isofixanuncie para cinto de segurança azul assento de segurança dobrável para carro portátil com música bluetooth, trava isofixanuncie para cinto de segurança marrom assento de segurança dobrável para carro portátil com música bluetooth, trava isofixanuncie para cinto de segurança vermelho assento de segurança dobrável para carro portátil com música bluetooth, trava isofixanuncie para cinto de segurança preto espumante elétrico de aço inoxidávelanuncie para 800ml espumante elétrico de aço inoxidávelanuncie para 400ml touch screen, bluetooth audio video mp5 player para carroanuncie para com câmera remota touch screen, bluetooth audio video mp5 player para carroanuncie para com controle remoto touch screen, bluetooth audio video mp5 player para carroanuncie para com câmera touch screen, bluetooth audio video mp5 player para carroanuncie para normal espumante elétrico, aquecedor de leite em vapor e creme com espuma de chocolateanuncie para 100-120v nós espumante elétrico, aquecedor de leite em vapor e creme com espuma de chocolateanuncie para 220-240v au espumante elétrico, aquecedor de leite em vapor e creme com espuma de chocolateanuncie para 220-240v reino unido espumante elétrico, aquecedor de leite em vapor e creme com espuma de chocolateanuncie para 220-240v eu apoio de cabeça do assento de carro, cinto de fixação para acessórios de proteção do posicionadoranuncie para b apoio de cabeça do assento de carro, cinto de fixação para acessórios de proteção do posicionadoranuncie para uma esteiras de chute organizador de carro no banco traseiro, protetores de encosto do banco do carro com suporte para tablet e 9 bolsosanuncie para uma peça l esteiras de chute organizador de carro no banco traseiro, protetores de encosto do banco do carro com suporte para tablet e 9 bolsosanuncie para bolso lateral esteiras de chute organizador de carro no banco traseiro, protetores de encosto
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    Producto 1: Boquilla de la ventana para una limpieza particularmente fácil y minuciosa de vidrio, ventanas o espejos con el producto de limpiador de vapor 1: con el labio de escobilla de alta calidad, los paneles de vidrio y los espejos se pueden quitar sin dejar StreaksProduct 1: gracias a las aberturas de salida de vapor. La boquilla, la superficie de limpieza se evapora uniformemente, lo que disuelve de manera óptima el Producto Dirtproduct 1: Áreas de la aplicación: para la limpieza de ventanas y superficies de vidrio Producto 2: Dos colores diferentes (negro y amarillo) Perfectos para diferentes ubicaciones Producto 2: El material de cerdo de alta calidad permite el material de cerdo de alta calidad. Desmontaje de la terca suciedad de suciedad 2: adecuado para vapor mopsproduct 2: áreas de aplicación: articulaciones, esquinas y otros lugares difíciles de alcanzar como grietas, desagües en la cocina y baño, fregadero/fregadero, superficies de trabajo en la cocina, grifos, taps, HOODCOLOUR: como se muestra Material: Plasticpackage Contenido: 1 x boquilla de limpieza4 x Round Round Schishesonly El contenido del paquete anterior, no se incluyen otros productos. Nota: Las pantallas de luz y diferentes pueden causar el color del artículo en la imagen un poco diferente de la cosa real. El error de medición permitido es +/- 1-3cm.
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    Característica:br / 1. Fácil de reemplazar y usar, combinación y ajuste perfectos para Steam Mop X5.br / 2. Accesorio de reemplazo de cabezal de cepillo de latón para trapeador de limpieza de alta calidad.br / 3. Hecho de material de primera calidad, que garantiza la máxima durabilidad.br / 4. Fácil instalación, un reemplazo directo para el roto.br / 5. Muy efectivo en una amplia gama de aplicaciones, como eliminar la suciedad persistente en hornos, parrillas y tiendas. luces de superficie.br / br / Especificación:br / Condición: 100 % nuevobr / Tipo de artículo: Accesorios para fregonabr / Material: Plástico Latónbr / Color: Negro Amarillo br / Montaje: Apto para Steam Mop X5br / Tamaño del producto: Aprox. 4 x 3 cm / 1,6 x 1,2 pulgadasbr / Peso: aprox. 16 g/0,6 ozbr / br / Lista de paquetes:br / 2 cabezales de cepillobr /
    7,42 €
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    Característica: 1. Fácil de reemplazar y usar, combinación y ajuste perfectos para Steam Mop X5. 2. Accesorio de reemplazo de cabezal de cepillo de latón para trapeador de limpieza de alta calidad. 3. Hecho de material de primera calidad, que garantiza la máxima durabilidad. 4. Fácil instalación, un reemplazo directo para el roto. 5. Muy efectivo en una amplia gama de aplicaciones, como eliminar la suciedad persistente en hornos, parrillas y tiendas. luces de superficie. Especificación: Condición: 100 % nuevo Tipo de artículo: Accesorios para fregona Material: Plástico + Latón Color: Negro + Amarillo Montaje: Apto para Steam Mop X5 Tamaño del producto: Aprox. 4 x 3 cm / 1,6 x 1,2 pulgadas Peso: aprox. 16 g/0,6 oz Lista de paquetes: 2 cabezales de cepillo
    6,67 €
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    Made of high quality material, durable and practical to use.Using the round brush, you can clean large surfaces faster. Stubborn dirt can be removed from a significantly larger area in the same time than with smaller brushes.Perfect for fast cleaning of larger surfaces. Easily removes stubborn dirtThe cleaning brushes can be clearly differentiated and used for different tasks. Hygienic work in different locations (sanitary area, kitchen, fittings, etc.).Highly effective in a wide range of applications such as removing stubborn and ingrained dirt from ovens, barbecues, workshop surfaces, tiles, metalwork plus all delicate surfaces, including soft fabric and furniture and more. High-strength wear-resistant brush material, steam heating for efficient decontaminationFitment: Suitable for Karcher SC1 SC2 SC3 SC4 SC5colour:BlackMaterial:nylonPackage Contents:1 x extension nozzle1 x small flat brushOnly the above package content, other products are not included.Note: Light shooting and different displays may cause the color of the item in the picture a little different from the real thing. The measurement allowed error is +/- 1-3cm. It is not the original spare part, but compatible with it.
    34,11 €
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    Made of high quality material, durable and practical to use.Using the Flat brush, you can clean large surfaces faster. Stubborn dirt can be removed from a significantly larger area in the same time than with smaller brushes.Perfect for fast cleaning of larger surfaces. Easily removes stubborn dirtThe cleaning brushes can be clearly differentiated and used for different tasks. Hygienic work in different locations (sanitary area, kitchen, fittings, etc.).Highly effective in a wide range of applications such as removing stubborn and ingrained dirt from ovens, barbecues, workshop surfaces, tiles, metalwork plus all delicate surfaces, including soft fabric and furniture and more. High-strength wear-resistant brush material, steam heating for efficient decontaminationFitment: Suitable for Karcher SC1 SC2 SC3 SC4 SC5Colour: blackMaterial: nylonPackage Contents:1 x Extended nozzle4 x small round brush (4 colors)1 x small flat brushOnly the above package content, other products are not included.Note: Light shooting and different displays may cause the color of the item in the picture a little different from the real thing. The measurement allowed error is +/- 1-3cm. It is not the original spare part, but compatible with it.
    39,58 €
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    As part of routine maintenance, easy to disassemble and replaceThis product keeps your steam mop cleaner at its best performanceHigh-quality materials can trap and lock dust, and can handle all types of floor surfacesEasy to fix, fixed with BuckleThe mop cloth and cushion cover are, but the quality is higherProduct name: mop cloth cleaning pad coverSuitable for Karcher EasyFix SC2 SC3 SC4 SC5 steam mop cleanerMaterial:fibercolour:WhitePackage Contents:8 x MopOnly the above package content, other products are not included.Note: Light shooting and different displays may cause the color of the item in the picture a little different from the real thing. The measurement allowed error is +/- 1-3cm. It is not the original spare part, but compatible with it.
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    1. The replacement Press free dirt grip washable microfiber pad is compatible with for Shark Lift away Pro Steam Pocket Mop S3973 S3973D S3973WM & Shark Genius Steam Pocket Mop System S5002Q S5003A S5003D S5004 S6001W S6001WM S6002 S6002C S6003D S600W, Replaces Part # XTP184 and P184WQ.2. Press free dirt grip soft microfiber mop pad replacement with scrubbing strip for tough and sticky stains. Sandwich mesh cloth speeds up the diffusion of steam.3. These well-made shark lift away steam mop pads replacement have thousands of tiny micro-fibers to loosens and lifts locked-in dirt while your steam mop cleans. Sealed hard-floor surfaces dry in seconds.4. Washable and reusable Microfiber material, easy to clean when the steam mop pads get dirty.colour:WhiteMaterial:fibersize:35cm x 33cmPackage Contents:3 x Mopping machineOnly the above package content, other products are not included.Note: Light shooting and different displays may cause the color of the item in the picture a little different from the real thing. The measurement allowed error is +/- 1-3cm. About tracking number update: If your tracking number is no logistics information, as thousands of parcels sent to foreign countries, logistics companies did not update logistics information, please us the first time, Please kindly do not directly open the dispute. We are the first time for you to solve!Time of shipment:All of product we can shipping out within 5~8 weekday, on usually we are according to customer orders time for packing and shipment, we need to carefully check the quality of the goods before to Ship, So take some time to handled.Time of delivery: Due to force majeure factors: hurricanes, rainstorms affect flights. Leading to logistics delays. We are honest sellers, will not let you suffer any loss. Please give the logistics company a little processing time, we wait for the package to reach your side.If It is not the original spare part, but compatible with it.
    49,65 €
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    100% brand new and high quality.Made of high-quality material, durable and practical to use.With the large round brush, you can clean large surfaces faster. Stubborn dirt can be removed from a much larger area at the same time as with smaller brushes.Large cleaning surface. perfect for quick cleaning of larger surfacesHigh quality bristle material for long service life.Manufacturer Part Number: 2.863-022.0Fit: for Karcher steam cleanersSC 1 EasyFixSC 2 EasyFixSC 3 EasyFixSC 4 EasyFixSC 4 EasyFix PremiumSC 5 EasyFixSC 5 EasyFix PremiumSC 1,020 or be!SC 2,600 CSC 4 EasyFix PremiumSC 5,800 CSC1 handheldSC2SC3SC4SC5colour: blackMaterial: nylon + PVCsize: about 73x63mmPackage Contents:1 x large round brush2 x yellow Cleaning Brush2 x black Cleaning Brush2 x red Cleaning BrushOnly the above package content, other products are not included.Note: Light shooting and different displays may cause the color of the item in the picture a little different from the real thing. The measurement allowed error is +/- 1-3cm. It is not the original spare part, but compatible with it.
    40,15 €
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    Acessórios para fritadeira de ar - bandeja para pizza grelhador para torradas almofada de isolamento de vaporanuncie para 8 polegadas acessórios para fritadeira de ar - bandeja para pizza grelhador para torradas almofada de isolamento de vaporanuncie para 7 polegadas acessórios para fritadeira de ar - bandeja para pizza grelhador para torradas almofada de isolamento de vaporanuncie para 6 polegadas cortador de faca de lâmina de cerâmica, substituição de cabeça para aparadoranuncie para lâminas de cerâmica 2pcs cortador de faca de lâmina de cerâmica, substituição de cabeça para aparadoranuncie para lâmina de cerâmica 1pc caixa traseira transparente com capa transparente para cortador de cabelo da série wahlanuncie para bl caixa traseira transparente com capa transparente para cortador de cabelo da série wahlanuncie para y caixa traseira transparente com capa transparente para cortador de cabelo da série wahlanuncie para db caixa traseira transparente com capa transparente para cortador de cabelo da série wahlanuncie para c caixa traseira transparente com capa transparente para cortador de cabelo da série wahlanuncie para r caixa traseira transparente com capa transparente para cortador de cabelo da série wahlanuncie para pk caixa traseira transparente com capa transparente para cortador de cabelo da série wahlanuncie para gn filtro de escova lateral principal para xiaomi, acessórios de aspirador, aspirador, robô, peças sobressalentesanuncie para xm270 para 7pcs filtro de escova lateral principal para xiaomi, acessórios de aspirador, aspirador, robô, peças sobressalentesanuncie para xm269 para 21pcs filtro de escova lateral principal para xiaomi, acessórios de aspirador, aspirador, robô, peças sobressalentesanuncie para xm076 para 10pcs filtro de escova lateral principal para xiaomi, acessórios de aspirador, aspirador, robô, peças sobressalentesanuncie para xm044 para 15pcs filtro de escova lateral principal para xiaomi, acessórios de aspirador, aspirador, robô, peças sobressalentesanuncie para xm033 para 2pcs filtro de escova lateral principal para xiaomi, acessórios de aspirador, aspirador, robô, peças sobressalentesanuncie para mi025 por 1pcs filtro de escova lateral principal para xiaomi, acessórios de aspirador, aspirador, robô, peças sobressalentesanuncie para mi019 por 1pcs filtro de escova lateral principal para xiaomi, acessórios de aspirador, aspirador, robô, peças sobressalentesanuncie para mi028 para 1pcs filtro de escova lateral principal para xiaomi, acessórios de aspirador, aspirador, robô, peças sobressalentesanuncie para xm027 para 2pcs filtro de escova lateral principal para xiaomi, acessórios de aspirador, aspirador, robô, peças sobressalentesanuncie para xm022 para 12pcs filtro de escova lateral principal para xiaomi, acessórios de aspirador, aspirador, robô, peças sobressalentesanuncie para mi001 para 1pcs filtro de escova lateral principal para xiaomi, acessórios de aspirador, aspirador, robô, peças sobressalentesanuncie para xm004 para 2pcs filtro de escova lateral principal para xiaomi, acessórios de aspirador, aspirador, robô, peças sobressalentesanuncie para xm099 para 4pcs filtro de escova lateral principal para xiaomi, acessórios de aspirador, aspirador, robô, peças sobressalentesanuncie para xm024 para 6pcs filtro de escova lateral principal para xiaomi, acessórios de aspirador, aspirador, robô, peças sobressalentesanuncie para xm026 para 10pcs filtro de escova lateral principal para xiaomi, acessórios de aspirador, aspirador, robô, peças sobressalentesanuncie para xm038 para 16pcs kit de tinta de recarga de cartucho de impressoraanuncie para 5 garrafas kit de tinta de recarga de cartucho de impressoraanuncie para 4 garrafas kit de tinta de recarga de cartucho de impressoraanuncie para tinta de garrafa com ferramenta cortador de fotos de papel de
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    Fit for the Karcher Steam Cleaner Handheld Tool.High quality microfiber material traps and locks away dust and take care of all types of surfaces.size:22x10cmMaterial:cottoncolour:WhitePackage Contents:10 x Mop cloth coverOnly the above package content, other products are not included.Note: Light shooting and different displays may cause the color of the item in the picture a little different from the real thing. The measurement allowed error is +/- 1-3cm. It is not the original spare part, but compatible with it.
    38,31 €
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    Made of high quality material, durable and practical to use.Using the round brush, you can clean large surfaces faster. Stubborn dirt can be removed from a significantly larger area in the same time than with smaller brushes.Perfect for fast cleaning of larger surfaces. Easily removes stubborn dirtThe cleaning brushes can be clearly differentiated and used for different tasks. Hygienic work in different locations (sanitary area, kitchen, fittings, etc.).Highly effective in a wide range of applications such as removing stubborn and ingrained dirt from ovens, barbecues, workshop surfaces, tiles, metalwork plus all delicate surfaces, including soft fabric and furniture and more. High-strength wear-resistant brush material, steam heating for efficient decontaminationFitment: Suitable for Karcher SC1 SC2 SC3 SC4 SC5Colour: Black+Yellow+RedMaterial: NylonPackage Contents:4 x small round brush (4 colors)1 x small flat brushOnly the above package content, other products are not included.Note: Light shooting and different displays may cause the color of the item in the picture a little different from the real thing. The measurement allowed error is +/- 1-3cm. It is not the original spare part, but compatible with it.
    34,95 €
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    4Pcs Fit for Rowenta ZR005801 Steam Mop Cloth Cover, Mop Head Accessories, Mop Cleaning Replacement Cloth Machine washable, reusable and durable pocket mop pads for daily use.Replacement mop cloths are rectangle shape that fits for cleaning mop.Effectively absorbs liquids and pick up dust, grime, it is of great help to mop the floor.Works well on carpet or hardwood, laminate, tile, wood and other hard surfaces.Made of high quality fiber, long lasting, soft hand feeling, comfortable to use.Colour: gray + blueMaterial: fiber materialSize: 30x20cmPackage Contents:4 * Mop ClothsOnly the above package content, other products are not included.Note: Light shooting and different displays may cause the color of the item in the picture a little different from the real thing. The measurement allowed error is +/- 1-3cm. About Dropshipping 1)We accept dropshipping, we have a lot of experience in dropshiping and will not put any ads and materials in the order. 2ï¼We accept CSV file (Excel File) to handle order for bulk orders.You just need to pay at one order on.We'll handling your orders accoring to the excel file. you can send us CSV file which contacts all customerrsquos information (Name, Email, Full address etchellip) and order info(color, quantity).I'll offer total price. You just need to place one order on, after you pay for it. We'll load your file into our system and handling your orders accoding to your file. After we ship out the order, I'll send back the CSV file with tracking codes. It is not the original spare part, but compatible with it.
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    Replacement Steam Cleaner Mop Cloth Rag For Xiaomi Deerma DEM ZQ100 ZQ600 ZQ610 Handhold Vacuum Cleaner Spare Parts AccessoriesFeature:100% brand new and high quality.Made of high quality material, durable and practical to use.When the robot is working, clean and wipe the floor to make the floor as clean as new.The mop cloth has strong and long-lasting cleaning power, which can easily handle various stains such as footprints on the floor, juice residue, oil stains.As part of normal maintenance, it can be easily removed and replaced.Fitment: For Deerma ZQ610 ZQ600 ZQ100Mop Cloth Size: 270 * 155mm (Approx)Color: WhiteMaterial: MicrofiberPackage Contents:3 * Mop Cloth or5 * Mop Cloth or10 * Mop Cloth Only the above package content, other products are not included.Note: Light shooting and different displays may cause the color of the item in the picture a little different from the real thing. The measurement allowed error is +/- 1-3cm It is not the original spare part, but compatible with it.
    49,54 €
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    1pcs powerful sprinkler nozzle head for KARCHER SC Series SC1 SC2 SC3 SC4 SC5 Steam Cleaner Parts AccessoriesFeatures:*100% brand new and high quality.*Made of high quality material, durable and practical to use.*Solid and durable, long service life.*Easy to install and reliable to use.*Material: PC*Color: Yellow, Red*Fitment:For Karcher SC1/SC2/SC3/SC4/SC5/ CTK10 Steam CleanerPackage Contents:1* nozzle Note:1. The real color of the item may be slightly different from the pictures shown on website caused by many factors such as brightness of your monitor and light brightness.2. Please allow slight manual measurement deviation for the data. It is not the original spare part, but compatible with it.
    32,90 €
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    1Pcs New Powerful extension nozzle sprinkler For KARCHER SC Series SC1 SC2/SC3 SC4 SC5 Steam Cleaner Parts AccessoriesFeatures:*100% brand new and high quality.*Made of high quality material, durable and practical to use.*Application: Carding brush, fabric brush, nozzle, hanging ironing accessories*Solid and durable, long service life.*Easy to install and reliable to use.*Fitment:For KarcherSC1/SC2/SC3/SC4/SC5Package Contents:1* nozzleNote:1. The real color of the item may be slightly different from the pictures shown on website caused by many factors such as brightness of your monitor and light brightness.2. Please allow slight manual measurement deviation for the data. It is not the original spare part, but compatible with it.
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    For Karcher SC Series Window Mirror Glass Scraper SC2 SC3 SC4 SC5 CTK10 CTK20 Steam Cleaner Cleaning Nozzle Head Spare PartsFeatures:lBrand new and high qualitylUse with high-temperature steam, lightly scrape, anti-virus and decontamination, efficient cleaning, saving time and effortlMade of high quality material, durable and wear-resistantlEasy and convenient to install and removelSolid and durable, long service lifeSpecification:lMaterial: PP plastic + aluminum alloy + rubber scraperlSize: About 255mm x 130mm x 43mmPacking includes:l1 x Scraper It is not the original spare part, but compatible with it.
    39,25 €
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    Replacement Steam Cleaner Mop Cover+Mopping Pad for Karcher SC Series SC1 SC2 SC3 SC4 SC5 Mops Rags cleaning parts AccessoriesDescription:lMade of high quality materials, durable to uselReplacementcleaning cloths covers for the old, dirty oneslEasy to clean to the footprints on the floor, juice residue, oil stains, etc.lIt can be easily removed and replacedlReusable, you can clean and dry it easily after using itlPerfectly fit the size of your own cleanerlPractical replacement accessories for the mop cleanerSpecification:lColor: WhitelSize: Steam Pad: About 350x120mm, About Cloth Cover:200x90mmlTypes:Steam Pad+ Cloth CoverlSuitable for Karcher SC1 SC2 SC3 SC4 SC5 steam mop cleanerPackage: (Optional)Steam Pad+ Cloth CoverNote:lThe real color of the item may be slightly different from the pictures shown on website caused by many factors such as brightness of your monitor and light brightness.lPlease allow slight manual measurement deviation for the data. It is not the original spare part, but compatible with it.
    36,88 €
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    Extension Powerful sprinkler nozzle head for KARCHER SC1 SC2 SC3 SC4 SC5 Steam Cleaner Spare Parts AccessoriesFeatures:*100% brand new and high quality.*Made of high quality material, durable and practical to use.*Solid and durable, long service life.*Easy to install and reliable to use.*Material: PC*Color: Yellow/Black & Red/Black*Fitment:For Karcher SC1/SC2/SC3/SC4/SC5/ CTK10 Steam CleanerPackage Contents:1set* nozzleNote:1. The real color of the item may be slightly different from the pictures shown on website caused by many factors such as brightness of your monitor and light brightness.2. Please allow slight manual measurement deviation for the data. It is not the original spare part, but compatible with it.
    37,25 €
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    1Pcs Big Round Brush Cleaning Brushes for Karcher SC1 SC2 SC3 SC4 SC5 CTK10 Steam Cleaner Replacement Spare PartsFeatures:lIt well compatible for Kärcher SC1 SC2 SC3 SC4 SC5 CTK10lMade of high quality material, durable and practical to uselHand tool round cleaning brushes for Karcher steam cleanerslEasy to remove stubborn dirt and scale. Ideal for use on wear-resistant surfaceslLarge area of brush area, suitable for large area decontamination, high efficiencylAreas of application: joints, corners and other hard-to-reach areas such as gaps, drains in kitchen and bathroom, sink/sink, work surfaces in the kitchen, taps, toiletSpecifications:lMaterial: PVC+NylonlSize: about 6.3cm * 7.5cmlWeight: about 45gPackage Include:l1 x Cleaning Brush (PCS) It is not the original spare part, but compatible with it.
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    10Pcs/lot Steam Mop Cloth Rag Mopping Pads Cover for Karcher SC1 SC2 SC3 SC4 SC5 SV7 Vacuum Cleaner Spare Parts AccessoriesDescription:lMade of high quality materials, durable to uselReplacementcleaning cloths covers for the old, dirty oneslEasy to clean to the footprints on the floor, juice residue, oil stains, etc.lIt can be easily removed and replacedlReusable, you can clean and dry it easily after using itlPerfectly fit the size of your own cleanerlPractical replacement accessories for the mop cleanerSpecification:lColor: WhitelTypes:Cloth CoverlSuitable for Karcher SC1 SC2 SC3 SC4 SC5 steam mop cleanerPackage: (Optional)l5xCloth Cover orl10xCloth Cover orNote:lThe real color of the item may be slightly different from the pictures shown on website caused by many factors such as brightness of your monitor and light brightness.lPlease allow slight manual measurement deviation for the data. It is not the original spare part, but compatible with it.
    42,02 €
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    18 Pcs Furniture Supplies: 10 x Mop cloth cover & 8 x Cleaning clothThe mop cloth are not but have premium qualityFit for the Karcher Steam Cleaner Handheld Tool.High quality microfiber material traps and locks away dust and take care of all types of surfaces.Easy to remove and replace as part of routine maintenanceThe products keep your steam mop cleaner operate at peak performanceHigh quality material traps and locks away dust, and takes care of all types of floor surfacesEasy to attach with Nylon Sticker fasteningItem name: Mop cloth cleaning pad coverCondition: NewSuitable for Karcher EasyFix SC2 SC3 SC4 SC5 Steam Mop CleanerCleaning cloth size:34.5x12cmMop cloth cover size:22x10cmMaterial:cotton+clothcolour:WhitePackage Contents:10 x Mop cloth cover8 x Cleaning cloth (PCS)Only the above package content, other products are not included.Note: Light shooting and different displays may cause the color of the item in the picture a little different from the real thing. The measurement allowed error is +/- 1-3cm. About tracking number update: If your tracking number is no logistics information, as thousands of parcels sent to foreign countries, logistics companies did not update logistics information, please us the first time, Please kindly do not directly open the dispute. We are the first time for you to solve!Time of shipment:All of product we can shipping out within 5~8 weekday, on usually we are according to customer orders time for packing and shipment, we need to carefully check the quality of the goods before to Ship, So take some time to handled.Time of delivery: Due to force majeure factors: hurricanes, rainstorms affect flights. Leading to logistics delays. We are honest sellers, will not let you suffer any loss. Please give the logistics company a little processing time, we wait for the package to reach your side.If your logistics information arrives at t It is not the original spare part, but compatible with it.
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    Made of high quality material, durable and practical to use.Using the Flat brush, you can clean large surfaces faster. Stubborn dirt can be removed from a significantly larger area in the same time than with smaller brushes.Perfect for fast cleaning of larger surfaces. Easily removes stubborn dirtThe cleaning brushes can be clearly differentiated and used for different tasks. Hygienic work in different locations (sanitary area, kitchen, fittings, etc.).Highly effective in a wide range of applications such as removing stubborn and ingrained dirt from ovens, barbecues, workshop surfaces, tiles, metalwork plus all delicate surfaces, including soft fabric and furniture and more. High-strength wear-resistant brush material, steam heating for efficient decontaminationFitment: Suitable for Karcher SC1 SC2 SC3 SC4 SC5Colour: blackMaterial: plasticPackage Contents:1 x Flat BrushOnly the above package content, other products are not included.Note: Light shooting and different displays may cause the color of the item in the picture a little different from the real thing. The measurement allowed error is +/- 1-3cm. About tracking number update: If your tracking number is no logistics information, as thousands of parcels sent to foreign countries, logistics companies did not update logistics information, please us the first time, Please kindly do not directly open the dispute. We are the first time for you to solve!Time of shipment:All of product we can shipping out within 5~8 weekday, on usually we are according to customer orders time for packing and shipment, we need to carefully check the quality of the goods before to Ship, So take some time to handled.Time of delivery: Due to force majeure factors: hurricanes, rainstorms affect flights. Leading to logistics delays. We are honest sellers, will not let you suffer any loss. Please give the logistics company a little processi It is not the original spare part, but compatible with it.
    27,30 €
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    1. 100% brand new and high quality.2. Made of high-quality materials, durable and practical.3. Wet and dry dual purpose: good water absorption, strong decontamination ability, easy to rinse, dry and wet dual purpose no dust.4. Strong cleaning power: soft fabric, easy to dry, can be replaced at any time, repeated use.5. Easy to install and use reliable, delicate, highly matched equipment.colour:WhiteMaterial:fiberSize: 110 x 345mmPackage Contents:4 x Clean floor cloth matOnly the above package content, other products are not included.Note: Light shooting and different displays may cause the color of the item in the picture a little different from the real thing. The measurement allowed error is +/- 1-3cm. About tracking number update: If your tracking number is no logistics information, as thousands of parcels sent to foreign countries, logistics companies did not update logistics information, please us the first time, Please kindly do not directly open the dispute. We are the first time for you to solve!Time of shipment:All of product we can shipping out within 5~8 weekday, on usually we are according to customer orders time for packing and shipment, we need to carefully check the quality of the goods before to Ship, So take some time to handled.Time of delivery: Due to force majeure factors: hurricanes, rainstorms affect flights. Leading to logistics delays. We are honest sellers, will not let you suffer any loss. Please give the logistics company a little processing time, we wait for the package to reach your side.If your logistics information arrives at the local post office: If the local post office does hasn't you, please your local post office as soon as possible to get your package. Otherwise, overtime receipt of parcels, the local post office will return your parcel, the consequences of self-responsibility.Protection time is running out: When we have finish It is not the original spare part, but compatible with it.
    38,13 €
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    Made of high quality material, durable and practical to use.Using the large round brush, you can clean large surfaces faster. Stubborn dirt can be removed from a significantly larger area in the same time than with smaller brushes.Large cleaning surface, perfect for fast cleaning of larger surfacesHigh quality bristle material for long life, Easily removes stubborn dirtThanks to the color difference, the cleaning brushes can be clearly differentiated and used for different tasks. Hygienic work in different locations (sanitary area, kitchen, fittings, etc.).Highly effective in a wide range of applications such as removing stubborn and ingrained dirt from ovens, barbecues, workshop surfaces, tiles, metalwork plus all delicate surfaces, including soft fabric and furniture and more.High-strength wear-resistant brush material, steam heating for efficient decontaminationColour:Black+whiteMaterial:plasticPackage Contents:4 * Small round brush (red + yellow + black + copper brush)1 * Nozzle (red)2 * Mop coverOnly the above package content, other products are not included.Note: Light shooting and different displays may cause the color of the item in the picture a little different from the real thing. The measurement allowed error is +/- 1-3cm. About tracking number update: If your tracking number is no logistics information, as thousands of parcels sent to foreign countries, logistics companies did not update logistics information, please us the first time, Please kindly do not directly open the dispute. We are the first time for you to solve!Time of shipment:All of product we can shipping out within 5~8 weekday, on usually we are according to customer orders time for packing and shipment, we need to carefully check the quality of the goods before to Ship, So take some time to handled.Time of delivery: Due to force majeure factors: hurricanes, rainstorms affect flights. Lea It is not the original spare part, but compatible with it.
    38,88 €
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    Using the round brush, you can clean large surfaces faster. Stubborn dirt can be removed from a significantly larger area in the same time than with smaller brushes.Perfect for fast cleaning of larger surfaces. Easily removes stubborn dirtThe cleaning brushes can be clearly differentiated and used for different tasks. Hygienic work in different locations (sanitary area, kitchen, fittings, etc.).Highly effective in a wide range of applications such as removing stubborn and ingrained dirt from ovens, barbecues, workshop surfaces, tiles, metalwork plus all delicate surfaces, including soft fabric and furniture and more. High-strength wear-resistant brush material, steam heating for efficient decontaminationFitment: Suitable for Karcher SC1 SC2 SC3 SC4 SC5Material:plasticcolour:BlackPackage Contents:1 x big round brush4 x Small round brush (red+yellow+black+copper brush)1 x Nozzle1 x flat brushOnly the above package content, other products are not included.Note: Light shooting and different displays may cause the color of the item in the picture a little different from the real thing. The measurement allowed error is +/- 1-3cm. About tracking number update: If your tracking number is no logistics information, as thousands of parcels sent to foreign countries, logistics companies did not update logistics information, please us the first time, Please kindly do not directly open the dispute. We are the first time for you to solve!Time of shipment:All of product we can shipping out within 5~8 weekday, on usually we are according to customer orders time for packing and shipment, we need to carefully check the quality of the goods before to Ship, So take some time to handled.Time of delivery: Due to force majeure factors: hurricanes, rainstorms affect flights. Leading to logistics delays. We are honest sellers, will not let you suffer any loss. Please give the logistics comp It is not the original spare part, but compatible with it.
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