And with
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Pontevedra (Pontevedra)
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Cádiz (Cádiz)
Wim Mertens. A Man on no fortune, and with a name to come Wim Mertens. A Man on no fortune, and with a name to come
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Córdoba (Córdoba)
With It Guys Featuring Beverly – You And Me-LP-ESPAÑA-1993- With It Guys Featuring Beverly – You And Me-LP-ESPAÑA-1993- With It Guys Featuring Beverly – You And Me-LP-ESPAÑA-1993-
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Madrid (Madrid)
WITH LOVE FROM MADRID - LP VINILO - POLYDOR WITH LOVE FROM MADRID - LP VINILO - POLYDOR Puedes realizar el pago a través de ingreso o transferencia en cuenta corriente y a través de PayPal. Tiempo estimado de entrega para España 3 a 5 días una vez recíbido el pago. International Buyers ask for the costs of shipment and other information.
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone is a fantasy novel written by British author J. K. Rowling. The first novel in the Harry Potter series and Rowling's debut novel, it follows Harry Potter, a young wizard who discovers his magical heritage on his eleventh birthday, when he receives a letter of acceptance to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Harry makes close friends and a few enemies during his first year at the school and with the help of his friends. Bloombury. UK. Año 1997.
15 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
When the children dug a hole in the gravel-pit, they were very surprised at what they found. 'It' was a Psammead, a sand-fairy, thousands of years old. It was a strange little thing - fat and furry, and with eyes on long stalks. It was often very cross and unfriendly, but it could give wishes - one wish a day. 'How wonderful!' the children said. But wishes are difficult things. They can get you into trouble.... OUP Oxford.. Año 2007. 1ª edición
15 €
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![Cannonball adderley: cannonball and eight giants [esp 1974] Cannonball adderley: cannonball and eight giants [esp 1974]](/static/img/caticons/musica.png)
Girona (Girona)
CANNONBALL ADDERLEY: CANNONBALL AND EIGHT GIANTS [ESP 1974] LPx2 CANNONBALL ADDERLEY: CANNONBALL AND EIGHT GIANTS [ESP 1974] LPx2 Cannonball Adderley "Cannonball And Eight Giants" LPx2 (Milestone) 1974 made in Spain cat. num. MM.40-068/69 S #jazz previously released as "Portait Of Cannonball" and "Things Are Getting Better" on Riverside label. A Little Taste 4:34 Straight Life 5:30 Minority (Take 2) 7:24 Minority (Take 3) 7:05 Nardis 5:30 Blue Funk 5:30 People Will Say We're In Love 9:38 Blues Oriental 4:55 A Few Previously Unissued Words From Cannonball And Then... 0:47 Things Are Getting Better 7:09 Serves Me Right 4:44 Groovin' High 5:17 The Sidewalks Of New York 6:56 Sounds For Sid 6:24 Just One Of Those Things 6:44 "Portait Of Cannonball" This fine Riverside debut by Adderley was cut just a few months after the alto saxophonist had contributed to Miles Davis ' stellar Milestones release. Joining Adderley for the six tracks here are fellow Davis alumni Philly Joe Jones on drums and Bill Evans on piano. These three are augmented by the wonderful and often-underrated Blue Mitchell on trumpet and the equally illustrious Sam Jones on bass. Everyone is in top form on a varied set that takes in two Adderley originals (the fine ballad "Straight Life" and "A Little Taste"), a classic Gigi Gryce number ("Minority"), and Miles ' oft-covered "Nardis." Filling out the program, we have a rare Sam Jones -penned cut, "Blue Funk," and a lone standard in the Rogers & Hammerstein chestnut from Oklahoma, "People Will Say We're in Love." One of the highlights from Adderley 's hard bop prime. "Things Are Getting Better" This title provides ample evidence why alto Cannonball Adderley is considered one of the masters of his craft. Here he joins forces with Modern Jazz Quartet co-founder Milt Jackson on vibes to create a variety of sonic atmospheres. They are backed by the all-star ensemble of Wynton Kelly on piano, Percy Heath on bass, and the one and only Art Blakey on drums. The moody "Blues Oriental" opens the set with Jackson immediately diving in with his trademark fluid runs and shimmering intonation. Adderley counters with a light and lively line that weaves between the rhythm section. The optimistic "Things Are Getting Better" is a good-natured romp as the co-leads trade and cajole each other into some downright rollicking exchanges. This directly contrasts with the sultry "Serves Me Right," which allows the combo members to demonstrate their collective musical malleability. The interaction between Adderley and Jackson sparkles as they entwine their respective playing with an uncanny singularity of spirit. The cover of Dizzy Gillespie 's "Groovin' High" contains another spirited performance with some thoroughly engaging improvisation, especially during Adderley 's voracious solos. "Sidewalks of New York" bops freely as Jackson unleashes some sublime licks against a hearty and equally boisterous sax. Adderley 's "Sounds for Sid" demonstrates his uncanny ability to swing with a strong R&B vibe. With drop-dead timing and profound instrumental chops, this cut is undoubtedly one of the best from Adderley 's earliest canon. The album concludes with a jumping reading of Cole Porter 's "Just One of Those Things." While Wynton Kelly has been uniformly solid, his interjections stand out here as he bridges and undergirds the two as they banter with flair and aplomb. This set can be recommended without hesitation to all manner of jazz enthusiast, as it quite literally offers something for every taste. [Some reissues include two bonus tracks supplementing the original seven-song running order, alternate takes of "Serves Me Right" and "Sidewalks of New York."]
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A Coruña (A Coruña)
Huey Lewis And The News - The Heart Of Rock & Roll (The Best Of Huey Lewis And The News) (CD, Comp) Huey Lewis And The News - The Heart Of Rock & Roll (The Best Of Huey Lewis And The News) (CD, Comp) Huey Lewis And The News - The Heart Of Rock & Roll (The Best Of Huey Lewis And The News) (CD, Comp) Sello:Chrysalis, Chrysalis Cat. nº: 0946 3 21934 2 1, CDCHR 1934 Estado del soporte: Near Mint (NM or M-) Condición de la Funda: Very Good Plus (VG+) España Europe Rest World 1 CD: 1.5€ (Spain) (no tracking, no jewel case) 1 CD: 3€ (no tracking, no jewel case) 1 CD: 3.5€ Certificado y con caja 1 CD: 7€ (with tracking, with jewel case) 1 CD: 8€ (with tracking, no jewel case) Tarifa Plana CDs: 5€ (Spain) (certificado) 2-5 CDs: 11€ (with tracking, with jewel case) 2-5 CDs: 15€ (w tracking, with jewel case)
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Castejón-Navarra (Navarra)
simon & garfunkel / parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme 66, Scarborough FaiR, RARA ORIG. EDIT. USA !! EX simon & garfunkel / parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme 66, Scarborough FaiR, RARA ORIG. EDIT. USA !! EX ES UNO DE MIS ALBUNES PREFERIDOS DE TODOS LOS TIEMPOS.. ES COMPLICADO QUEDARSE CON UN SOLO TEMA DEL DUO QUE PLASMARON EN ESTE ALBUN DE 1966, TOCADOS POR ALGO SOBRENATURAL A LA HORA DE COMPONER Y DE UTILIZAR SUS VOCES. Y ARMONIAS EN AQUELLA MITAD DE LOS GLORIOSOS AÑOS 60. LA PRODUCION DE SUS DISCOS REALIZADAS EN SU MAYORIA POR EL GRAN BOB JOHNSON, UN ABSOLUTO GENIO QUE CONSIGUIO QUE ESTOS DISCOS SEAN ETERNOS Y QUE ESCUCGADOS 50 AÑOS DESPUES SIGAN EMOCIONANDO Y DESLUMBRANDONOS A TODOS POR SUS ARREGLOS Y SONIDO LIMPIO.. Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme es el tercer álbum de Simon & Garfunkel, que significa Perejil, salvia, romero, y tomillo, haciendo referencia a la segunda línea de la canción Scarborough Fair. Publicado el 10 de octubre de 1966, se convirtió en disco de oro y alcanzó el cuarto puesto en los listados de éxitos. El disco está compuesto en su mayoría por algunas temas grabados anteriormente por Simon. UNA ABSOLUTA OBRA MAESTRA DE TODOS LOS TIEMPOS. sin duda uno de los albunes que mas he disfrutado, temas que ponen los pelos de punta y donde el duo es perfecto, sus voces son de terciopelo art y simon hacen que se les escuchen cada matiz y detalle de sus tonos, temas emblematicos como escarborough fair hoy en dia me sigue emocionando o el The 59th Street Bridge Song que maravilla casi cantado a pelo solo con sus voces y una acustica, el tema Flowers Never Bend With the Rainfall..autentico folk pero como ese algo diferente que ellos tenian...siempre delicados,sensibles..y asi es todo el albun una verdadera obra maestra que no tienes que perderte. Hermoso disco, como así son las apacibles melodías y la bella combinación de voces de sus autores e intérpretes, líricos declarantes de una generación reivindicativa en un escenario de decisivos cambios, como fue la incorporación de la protesta y demanda juvenil en el ámbito sociocultural y político, fruto, entre otros muchos factores, de la madurez aportada al rock y el pop por los músicos procedentes del folk, avezados poetas de cariz social. Este es un álbum con sonoridades acústicas de folk pop barroco con apoyos de clavicordios y alegóricas historias de matiz antibélico, exposiciones de angustia existencial en cálidas tonalidades, refugio interno en el hogar conocido, rítmicas piezas satíricas que se burlan del consumismo desaforado, delicados cánticos de apariencia optimista, simpáticos ejercicios dylanianos, entonaciones líricas con comentario social, recuerdos para la gran poetisa Emily Dickinson o el tradicional "Noche de Paz" arrullando apuntes sobre la guerra del Vietnam y la protección de los derechos civiles. El disco, producido por el gran Bruce Johnston, presenta unos fenomenales arreglos vocales de Art Garfunkel, siempre a la sombra compositiva del maestro Paul Simon, quien nos regala joyas, al margen de los grandes clásicos del álbum (entre ellos "Scarborough Fair" o "Homeward Bound"), como "The Dangling Conversation" o la maravillosa "Flowers never bend with the rainfall", todo un prodigio de sensibilidad y talento melódico. Flowers Never Bend With the RainfallThe 59th Street Bridge Song "Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme" (Columbia). Simon y Garfunkel habían dejado atrás su imagen de dúo adolescente fabricante de éxitos pegadizos para dar paso a personas más interesadas en buscar nuevas sonoridades para sus canciones cada vez más relacionadas con la sociedad convulsa que les tocó vivir. Esto ocurría con mayor vehemencia cuando grabaron su tercer elepé, un disco que llevaba en el título las palabras de una vieja canción de Inglaterra, arreglada por Simon y Garfunkel. Esta pieza, que abre el álbum, y la última, "O' Clock News/Silent Night", son las únicas de procedencia foránea, aunque el dúo superpusiera algunos versos propios de claro contenido social y antibelicista. El repertorio se completa en este disco con grandes composiciones de Paul Simon: "Patterns", "Cloudy", "Flowers Never Bend with the Rainfall" o "For Emily, Whenever I May Find Her", que convierten a "Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme" en uno de los mejores elepés de la década, en pleno reinado del folk-rock y del Dylan electrizado. La larga sombra de la influencia de este último se aprecia en "A Simple Desultory Philippic", pero el dúo ya adulto se convirtió en una referencia para muchos grupos y solistas que supieron apreciar sus cualidades melódicas y vigorosas composiciones, las cuales abundaban en su tercer elepé. La portada se realizó con una fotografía de Bob Cato con el título en letras góticas. En España se hizo una carátula diferente en la que se incluía un dibujo de los rostros de Simon y Garfunkel. Músicos: Paul Simon (guitarra y voz), Art Garfunkel (teclado y voz), Bob Johnson (producción). Side One: 1. Scarborough Fair / Canticle 2. Patterns 3. Cloudy 4. Homeward Bound 5. The Big Bright Green Pleasure Machine 6. The 59th Street Bridge Song (Feelin' Groovy) Side Two: 1. The Dangling Conversation 2. Flowers Never Bend With The Rainfall 3. A Simple Desultory Philippic (Or How I Was Robert McNamara'd Into Submission) 4. For Emily, Whenever I May Find Her 5. A Poem On The Underground Wall 6. 7 O'Clock News / Silent Night
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Córdoba (Córdoba)
LOIS SVARD. With and without memory LOIS SVARD. With and without memory LOIS SVARD. With and without memory. – Lovely Music, Ltd., 1994 – 1 CD. – LCD 3051. – Libreto de 6 p. (pleg.). – Buen estado Pistas 1 –"Blue" Gene Tyranny Nocturne With And Without Memory 11:24 Imaginary Dances 17:28 2 –William Duckworth No. 1 1:16 3 –William Duckworth No. 2 2:53 4 –William Duckworth No. 3 2:27 5 –William Duckworth No. 4 2:36 6 –William Duckworth No. 5 0:58 7 –William Duckworth No. 6 2:38 8 –William Duckworth No. 7 1:59 9 –William Duckworth No. 8 1:28 10 –William Duckworth No. 9 2:08 -- 11 –Robert Ashley Van Cao's Meditation 37:52
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![Lou reed: rock and roll heart [deu 1992] cd/re Lou reed: rock and roll heart [deu 1992] cd/re](/static/img/caticons/musica.png)
Girona (Girona)
LOU REED: ROCK AND ROLL HEART [DEU 1992] CD/RE LOU REED: ROCK AND ROLL HEART [DEU 1992] CD/RE (Arista - BMG) 1992 made in Germany cat. num. 262 271 #rock 1 I Believe In Love 2:42 2 Banging On My Drum 2:09 3 Follow The Leader 2:09 4 You Wear It So Well 4:47 5 Ladies Pay 4:17 6 Rock And Roll Heart 3:02 7 Chooser And The Chosen One 2:44 8 Senselessly Cruel 2:04 9 Claim To Fame 2:48 10 Vicious Circle 2:52 11 A Sheltered Life 2:17 12 Temporary Thing 5:12 Rock and Roll Heart was Lou Reed 's first album for Arista Records, and one senses that he wanted to come up with something saleable for his new sponsors. Uptempo numbers with pop hooks dominate the set, the 12 songs zip by in an efficient 38 minutes, and instead of Reed 's trademark meditations on the dark side of life, the lyrics are (for the most part) lean bursts of verse and chorus, in which the artist sings the praises of good times in general and rock & roll in particular (then again, on "I Believe in Love," Reed pledges his allegiance to both "good time music" and "the iron cross," a bit of perversity to remind us whose album this is). But if Rock and Roll Heart sounds like " Lou Reed Lite," there are more than a few flashes of Reed 's inarguable talent. His band is in fine form (especially Marty Fogel on sax and Michael Fonfara on keyboards). "Banging on My Drum" is a crunchy rocker that recalls his work with the Velvet Underground; "A Sheltered Life" is an amusing bit of VU archeology (the Velvets demoed the song, but this marked its first appearance on record); and the closer, "Temporary Thing," is a bitter, haunting narrative that foreshadows Reed 's next album, the harrowing masterpiece Street Hassle.
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Sevilla (Sevilla)
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Alicante (Alicante)
Rose Maddox And The Maddox Brothers. An Evening With. Arc 803, Canada 1962 LP Rose Maddox And The Maddox Brothers. An Evening With. Arc 803, Canada 1962 LP Rose Maddox And The Maddox Brothers. An Evening With. Arc 803, Canada 1962 LP usado pero en buen estado de conservación
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Madrid (Madrid)
Frank Sinatra ?– Sing And Dance With Frank Sinatra (MONO) (10 PULGADAS) Frank Sinatra ?– Sing And Dance With Frank Sinatra (MONO) (10 PULGADAS) Frank Sinatra – Sing And Dance With Frank Sinatra (MONO) (10 PULGADAS)
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A Coruña (A Coruña)
Lonnie Donegan And His Skiffle Group - Tops With Lonnie (Pye Nixa) (LP, Album) (1959/UK) Lonnie Donegan And His Skiffle Group - Tops With Lonnie (Pye Nixa) (LP, Album) (1959/UK) Lonnie Donegan And His Skiffle Group -Tops With Lonnie (Pye Nixa) (LP, Album) (1959/UK) Vinilo con uso, pero muy buen sonido. Portada (revisar fotos) en muy buen estado. Una oportunidad única de comprar discos clásicos. (Envío certificado 3,5€ // Tarifa Plana: 5€) Consulta mi inventario y aprovecha gastos de envío de tarifa plana
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A Coruña (A Coruña)
Jeanie Lambe with Danny Moss Quartet And Pat Halling String Quartet - My Man (Zodiac, UK, 1988) Jeanie Lambe with Danny Moss Quartet And Pat Halling String Quartet - My Man (Zodiac, UK, 1988) Jeanie Lambe with Danny Moss Quartet And Pat Halling String Quartet - My Man (Zodiac Records Ltd, UK, 1988) ***Estoy vendiendo toda mi colección de Vinilos de jazz*** Son Vinilos que he ido coleccionando a través de los años pero que por falta de espacio me veo obligado a vender. Son ediciones que hoy en día son dificiles de conseguir y el estado general de los vinilos es excelente.
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A Coruña (A Coruña)
The Warren Vaché Trio With John Bunch And Phil Flanigan - Midtown Jazz (Concord Jazz, US, 1983) The Warren Vaché Trio With John Bunch And Phil Flanigan - Midtown Jazz (Concord Jazz, US, 1983) The Warren Vaché Trio With John Bunch And Phil Flanigan - Midtown Jazz (Concord Jazz, US, 1983)
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A Coruña (A Coruña)
Wild Bill Davison With Freddy Randall And His Band (World Record Club, UK, 1966) Wild Bill Davison With Freddy Randall And His Band (World Record Club, UK, 1966) Wild Bill Davison With Freddy Randall And His Band (World Record Club, UK, 1966) Label: World Record Club – T.552 Format: Vinyl, LP, Album Country: UK Released: 1966 Genre: Jazz Style: Dixieland
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Girona (Girona)
Aerosmith – Done With Mirrors -LP- Aerosmith – Done With Mirrors -LP- More images Aerosmith – Done With Mirrors Label: Geffen Records – GEF 26695 Format: Vinyl, LP, Album, Stereo Country: Europe Released: 1985 Genre: Rock Style: Classic Rock, AOR Tracklist A1 Let The Music Do The Talking 3:44 A2 My Fist Your Face 4:21 A3 Shame On You 3:38 A4 The Reason A Dog 4:11 B1 Shela 4:32 B2 Gypsy Boots 4:13 B3 She's On Fire 3:44 B4 The Hop 3:39 Companies, etc. Phonographic Copyright ℗ – The David Geffen Company Copyright © – The David Geffen Company Recorded At – Fantasy Studios Recorded At – Power Station Mastered At – Masterdisk Distributed By – CBS Records Credits Art Direction, Design – Norman Moore Bass – Tom Hamilton (2) Coordinator [Production] – Joan Parker Design Concept, Cover – Jeffrey Kent Ayeroff Drums – Joey Kramer Engineer [2nd] – Garry Rindfuss, Stan Katayama, Tom Size Engineer, Mixed By – Jeff Hendrickson Guitar – Brad Whitford Guitar, Backing Vocals – Joe Perry Lead Vocals, Piano, Harmonica – Steven Tyler Photography By – Jim Shea Producer – Ted Templeman Written-By, Performer – Aerosmith Notes Recorded at Fantasy Recording, Berkeley, California Additional Recording and Mixing at The Power Station, New York and Can-Am Recorders, Tarzana, California Includes custom inner sleeve. Barcode and Other Identifiers Label Code: LC 7266 Price Code (Boxed, sleeve rear): CB 291 Price Code (Circled, sleeve rear): 57 Other (Sleeve rear and inner sleeve): 01-026695-20 Rights Society: BIEM/STEMRA Matrix / Runout (Runout side A): SP-CBS 01-26695AM/A MASTERDISK GHS-24091.A REI SR-2 1-5 Matrix / Runout (Runout side B): 01-26695-B SP-CBS GHS.2. 4091-B SRI MASTERDISK 1-1SMI-2
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Oria-Guipúzcoa (Guipúzcoa)
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A Coruña (A Coruña)
Ella Fitzgerald With Frank De Vol And His Orchestra – The Ballad Style Of Ella Fitzgerald (HMV, UK) Ella Fitzgerald With Frank De Vol And His Orchestra – The Ballad Style Of Ella Fitzgerald (HMV, UK) Ella Fitzgerald With Frank De Vol And His Orchestra – The Ballad Style Of Ella Fitzgerald (HMV, UK)
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Cádiz (Cádiz)
Bill Haley and his comets Ep Rockin´ Again Come Rock with me +3 Bill Haley and his comets Ep Rockin´ Again Come Rock with me +3 Bill Haley and his comets Ep Rockin´ Again Come Rock with me +3
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A Coruña (A Coruña)
Johnny Mathis With Ray Ellis And His Orchestra – A Certain Smile (Fontana, UK, 1958) Johnny Mathis With Ray Ellis And His Orchestra – A Certain Smile (Fontana, UK, 1958) Johnny Mathis With Ray Ellis And His Orchestra – A Certain Smile (Fontana, UK, 1958)
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Pontevedra (Pontevedra)
Prince And The Revolution – Purple Rain,Vinyl, LP 1984 Europe 925 110-1 Prince And The Revolution – Purple Rain,Vinyl, LP 1984 Europe 925 110-1 Prince And The Revolution – Purple Rain,Vinyl, LP 1984 Europe 925 110-1 DISCO: VG+ PORTADA: GENERIC, (Portada genérica de papel, va incluido funda de plástico protector) A1 Let's Go Crazy 4:39 A2 Take Me With U 3:54 A3 The Beautiful Ones 5:15 A4 Computer Blue 3:59 A5 Darling Nikki 4:15 B1 When Doves Cry 5:52 B2 I Would Die 4 U 2:51 B3 Baby I'm A Star 4:20 B4 Purple Rain 8:45 SI NO ESTÁS CONTENTO CON LA COMPRA ANTES DE VOTAR POR FAVOR PONTE EN CONTACTO CONMIGO,TODO TIENE SOLUCIÓN SE COMBINAN ENVIOS CON UN MAXIMO DE 3 DIAS DESDE LA PRIMERA COMPRA, PRECIOS SEGUN TARIFAS DE CORREOS, ENVIOS CERTIFICADOS CON NUMERO DE SEGUIMIENTO Envíos combinados nacionales mediante agencia de transporte Seur ENVÍOS A CANARIAS Y BALEARES PRIMERO CONSULTAR IF YOU ARE NOT HAPPY WITH THE PURCHASE BEFORE VOTING PLEASE CONTACT ME, EVERYTHING HAS A SOLUTION SHIPMENTS ARE COMBINED WITH A MAXIMUM OF 3 DAYS FROM THE FIRST PURCHASE, PRICES ACCORDING TO POSTAL RATES, CERTIFIED SHIPMENTS WITH TRACKING NUMBER
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A Coruña (A Coruña)
IMAN/MAGNET THE BELLRAYS. punk rock and roll soul high energy mc5 stooges IMAN/MAGNET THE BELLRAYS. punk rock and roll soul high energy mc5 stooges Imán de máxima calidad y con el mejor acabado, plastificado y con el diseño que andabas buscando! Tamaño: Ø 50 mm ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ Magnet made with high quality materials and fine workmanship. Laminate cover and coolest designs! Size: Ø 50 mm ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ Si quieres hacer imanes con tus propios diseños, consúltanos. ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ If you have your own designs, we can make them, contact us. ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ Combinamos gastos de envío si compras varios artículos, visita nuestra tienda. ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ We combine shipping costs if you buy other items, visit our store. ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ Si tienes algún problema con alguno de nuestros artículos o con tu compra, por favor ponte en contacto con nosotros antes de emitir un voto negativo. Haremos lo posible para solucionar tu problema! ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ If you have any problem with any of our item or with your purchase, please contact us before issuing a negative feedback. Will do our best to solve your problem!
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Madrid (Madrid)
LP. Ella Fitzgerald With Count Basie And His Orchestra. Ella And Basie LP. Ella Fitzgerald With Count Basie And His Orchestra. Ella And Basie
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Zaragoza (Zaragoza)
Jeff Buckley * 2LP 180G You And I * Gatefold * Covers B. Dylan, Led Zepellin, Smiths...Precintado! Jeff Buckley * 2LP 180G You And I * Gatefold * Covers B. Dylan, Led Zepellin, Smiths...Precintado! Las primeras sesiones para Columbia Records de Jeff Buckley, You and I, se descubieron en los archivos de Sony Music. En este trabajo de estudio inédito del artista, se incluyen versiones de canciones de Bob Dylan, Sly & the Family Stone, the Smiths, Bukka White y Led Zeppelin, entre otros. El 11 de Marzo de 2016, Columbia/Legacy Recordings, publicó " You and I", las primeras grabaciones de estudio realizadas por Jeff Buckley para Columbia Records. Estas 10 canciones (la mayor parte de ellas realizadas en el estudio Shelter Island Sound de Steve Addabbo en Febrero de 1993) no han sido escuchadas por nadie en más de dos décadas. Recientemente descubiertas en los archivos de Sony Music durante la búsqueda de material para la edición 20º aniversario del álbum Grace de Buckley, las interpretaciones que aparecen en You and I son una revelación, un retrato íntimo del artista interpretando versiones de canciones de otros músicos además de música original que expresan emociones canalizadas a través de su singular sensibilidad. Las canciones en You and I revelan, en parte, el alcance ecléctico del extraordinario talento y gusto musical de Jeff Buckley. Las versiones del álbum incluyen las personales interpretaciones de Jeff de canciones escritas por Bob Dylan ("Just Like a Woman"); Sylvester Stewart ("Everyday People," grabada por Sly & the Family Stone); Joe Green ("Don't Let the Sun Catch You Cryin'," grabada por Louis Jordan, Ray Charles y otros); Bob Telson ("Calling You," grabada por Jevetta Steele para la película de 1987 Bagdad Café); Morrissey y Johnny Marr ("The Boy with the Thorn in His Side" y "I Know It's Over," grabada por The Smiths); Booker T. Washington "Bukka" White ("Poor Boy Long Way from Home," de una grabación ‘de campo’ de 1939 realizada por John Lomax) y John Paul Jones/Jimmy Page/Robert Plant ("Night Flight," grabada por Led Zeppelin). "Cada vez que hago una versión de una canción, es porque tiene algo que ver con mi vida y todavía marca un momento en el que necesitaba esa canción más que cualquier otra cosa." Jeff Buckley, entrevista para Plane Truth de 1994. Completan You and I dos piezas de música original: la primera grabación de estudio de su famosa canción, "Grace" y "Dream of You and I," una misteriosa y encantadora pieza que conforma el profundamente íntimo y personal estado de ánimo del álbum. A pesar de haberse rumoreado durante mucho tiempo sobre su existencia aunque nunca se escucharan fuera del estudio, las interpretaciones que aparecen en You and I nunca han sido publicadas de contrabando o de cualquier otra forma. Estas primeras grabaciones son el Santo Grial de todo fan, una única oportunidad de escuchar a Jeff Buckley en plena forma, desarrollando su talento a través de fascinantes interpretaciones solistas, cada una de ellas capturada con un sonido impecable y al detalle. You and I es sencillamente eso, sólo Jeff Buckley y el oyente juntos en el estudio mientras él toca y canta la música más importante para él en ese momento de su vida. Las canciones interpretadas en solitario de You and I dan muestra del carácter sobrenatural su de voz excepcional, trascendiendo la técnica, estableciendo una conexión directa entre lo terrenal y lo divino. Nombrado por la revista Rolling Stone “Uno de los 100 Mejores Cantantes de Todos los Tiempos,” Buckley también era un consumado guitarrista, y los acompañamientos de 6 cuerdas en estas grabaciones añaden profundidad y una dimensión emocional sublime a estas inolvidables interpretaciones. Nacido el 17 de Noviembre de 1966, Jeff Buckley trabajó durante varios años como guitarrista de estudio en Los Angeles. Tras establecerse en Nueva York a principios de los 1990s, un fiel grupo de fans comenzó a seguirlo cuando tocaba en pequeños recintos, especialmente en Sin-é en The East Village. Su repertorio incluía canciones de género folk, rock, R&B, blues y jazz. Jeff Buckley completó un solo álbum de estudio, Grace, de 1994, antes de que su vida y carrera terminaran de forma trágica ahogándose accidentalmente en Memphis el 29 de Mayo de 1997. Las grabaciones de estudio recientemente encontradas que aparecen en You and I representan una incorporación esencial a la discografía de uno de los mejores artistas musicales Americanos del siglo XX, una mirada reveladora al proceso creativo de un genio en desarrollo. Edición en doble vinilo de lujo. 2LP con carpeta gatefold y vinilos de 180 gramos. Está precintado de fábrica. Un disco imprescindible en las mejores colecciones. A 1.Just Like A Woman 2.Everyday People 3.Don't Let The Sun Catch You Cryin' B 1.Grace 2.Calling You 3.Dream Of You And I C 1.The Boy With The Thorn In His Side 2.Poor Boy Long Way From Home D 1.Night Flight 2.I Know It's Over
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Madrid (Madrid)
Cámaras Compactas segunda mano, ocasión en Madrid, Madrid.-We deal in all kinds of electronics product such as digital camera & lens, mobile phones, musical instruments, televisions, rower gym machine etc..-Product we supply are all quality items, unused, unopened, undamaged and brand new item inside original packaging box along with complete set of accessories, 1 year international warranty' and a 6 months return policy along with a 5 days money back guarantee..-Shipment! We deliver worldwide through Dhl / FedEx shipping company while delivery takes 48 hours (2 working days) for customers to receive goods deliver at your doorstep..-For enquiries, Contact one of the customer care representatives on the link found below, they are always available to give you the best and answer any question Thanks and regards, Yours Sincerely, David Robinson Mobile: +447452059984 WhatsApp: +447937458484
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Girona (Girona)
Kiss – unreleased kisses -LP Picture with cover- Kiss – unreleased kisses -LP Picture with cover- More images Kiss – unreleased kisses Label: kiss – kkur001 Format: Vinyl, LP, Compilation, Limited Edition, Unofficial Release, Stereo, Picture disc with cover Country: Australia Released: 2021 Genre: Rock Style: Heavy Metal Tracklist a1 burning up with fever a2 true confessions a3 love her all i can a4 night fly a5 detroit rock city a6 youre my reason a7 life in the woods b1 reputation b2 much too soon b3 she b4 i know who you are b5 rip and destroy b6 high and low b7 daily planet Companies, etc. Record Company – kiss records – kkur001
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Madrid (Madrid)
Dances with Wolves - Bailando con Lobos - John Barry Dances with Wolves - Bailando con Lobos - John Barry Tracklist 1 Main Title ? Looks Like A Suicide 3:57 2 The John Dunbar Theme 2:15 3 Journey To Fort Sedgewick 3:22 4 Ride To Fort Hays 2:00 5 The Death Of Timmons 2:21 6 Two Socks ? The Wolf Theme 1:28 7 Pawnee Attack 3:45 8 Kicking Bird's Gift 2:08 9 Journey To The Buffalo Killing Ground 3:39 10 The Buffalo Hunt 2:41 11 Stands With A Fist Remembers 2:07 12 The Love Theme 3:52 13 The John Dunbar Theme 1:53 14 Two Socks At Play 1:57 15 The Death Of Cisco 2:12 16 Rescue Of Dances With Wolves 2:07 17 The Loss Of The Journal And The Return To Winter Camp 2:07 18 Farewell And End Title 8:40
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