Anniversary 8
Listado top ventas anniversary 8

A Coruña (A Coruña)
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Madrid (Madrid)
BATMAN ANNIVERSARY 75 BOX SET 4 FIGURAS + BATMAN ESPECIAL 75 AÑOS (EAGLEMOSS MASTERPIECE COLECCTION) BATMAN ANNIVERSARY 75 BOX SET 4 FIGURAS + BATMAN ESPECIAL 75 AÑOS (EAGLEMOSS MASTERPIECE COLECCTION) Batman Anniversary 75th Box Set. Esta caja contiene 4 figuras: Catwoman, Joker, Batman y Dos Caras. Tienen una medida de 12 cm cada una. En el interior de la caja (como se puede ver en la segunda foto) esta incluido el tomo Batman Especial Detective Comics 27 - 75 años de Batman. Publicado por Ecc en tapa dura. Este Box Set es obra de Eaglemoss. Las figuras estan nuevas y el cómic tambien, hemos abierto la caja para comprobar que el comic estaba tambien nuevo y en perfecto estado. Más fotos al final de la descripción del anuncio. El producto o productos que aparecen en las fotos de todos y cada uno de nuestros anuncios son reales y por lo tanto, el producto que se muestre en la foto es el que os va a llegar a casa y no otro igual o parecido. ACERCA DE NOSOTROS En ATF Comics llevamos más de 40 años vendiendo comics de superhéroes Marvel y DC, comic americano publicado por otras editoriales y algo de europeo. El 90% del stock que vendemos se encuentra en un estado 5 Muy bueno (nuevo o como nuevo, sin señales de uso) e incluye bolsa y cartón. Tenemos colecciones y miniseries completas descatalogadas, además de comics sueltos difíciles de encontrar. Prueba a comprarnos un comic cualquiera, ya que los hay desde 1€ (gastos de envío aparte por cuenta del comprador). Y descubrirás la calidad que ofrecemos en todos nuestros productos y servicios. Además de una excelente atención ya contrastada, puedes echar un ojo a las 309 valoraciones actuales que tenemos, con una puntuación de 4,98 sobre 5 y todas verificadas y asociadas a un número de seguimiento de paquete entregado. Si nos compras, comprobaras como te vamos acompañar en el proceso de venta de principio a fin, informándote en todo momento de los estados por los que va pasando tu paquete. Y por supuesto, cuidando mucho el buen embalaje de todos y cada uno de los paquetes que salen desde nuestras dependencias. Aquí estamos, te esperamos. A CONTINUACIÓN DETALLAMOS LAS CONDICIONES DE VENTA, PAGOS Y ENVÍOS QUE EL COMPRADOR HA LEÍDO, ENTENDIDO Y ACEPTADO CUANDO LE HA DADO A COMPRAR: Avisamos de que si el comprador por el motivo que sea le da a comprar (incluido “le di sin querer a comprar” cosa imposible y que en realidad es una excusa para ocultar el autentico motivo, dado que hay que seguir varios pasos para finalizar la compra) y el pedido no es abonado al precio fijado, según las normas establecidas y en un plazo máximo de 6 días naturales, los cuales se empiezan a contar desde el mismo día que el comprador le da a comprar. Lo pondremos en conocimiento de todocoleccion, puntuaremos negativamente al comprador y le impondremos un bloqueo de por vida. Ya que todocoleccion nos exige poner una mala valoración y un bloqueo al comprador para justificar la anulación de la venta y que no nos cobren la comisión del artículo no vendido. Es decir, no se puede anular una venta sin que haya consecuencias muy negativas para el comprador. Porque si no ponemos una mala valoración al comprador y un bloqueo, todocoleccion se piensa que hemos hecho la venta a sus espaldas y que somos nosotros los que no queremos pagar la comisión. Y no vamos a pagar una comisión por un artículo que no hemos vendido. SI QUIERES SABER CUÁNTO VAS A TENER QUE PAGAR DE GASTOS DE ENVÍO O CUALQUIER OTRA COSA QUE NO HAYAMOS DETALLADO EN LOS PARRAFOS ANTERIORES O POSTERIORES, POR FAVOR NO LE DES A COMPRAR. LEE ATENTAMENTE LAS CONDICIONES DETALLADAS A CONTINUACIÓN O CONTACTA CON NOSOTROS, DI QUE LOTES TE INTERESAN, QUE MÉTODO DE ENVÍO QUIERES Y TE DIREMOS EL COSTE. NO OBSTANTE, RECHAZAREMOS Y NO CONTESTAREMOS TODAS AQUELLAS PREGUNTAS RELACIONADAS CON HACER DESCUENTOS. YA QUE LOS PRECIOS NO SON NEGOCIABLES Y TAMPOCO ADMITIMOS OFERTAS DE NINGUNA CLASE. RECHAZAREMOS Y NO CONTESTAREMOS TODAS AQUELLAS PREGUNTAS RELACIONADAS CON HACER DESCUENTOS EN ARTÍCULOS QUE YA TIENEN DESCUENTO O PORTES GRATIS. RECHAZAREMOS Y NO CONTESTAREMOS TODAS AQUELLAS PETICIONES QUE CONSIDEREMOS ABUSIVAS, QUE NO NOS INTERESEN O QUE ESTÉN RELACIONADAS CON COMPRARNOS LAS COLECCIONES A PLAZOS O CON PAGAR EN UN PLAZO SUPERIOR A LOS 6 DÍAS NATURALES QUE HEMOS ESTABLECIDO PARA PAGAR. RECHAZAREMOS Y NO CONTESTAREMOS TODAS AQUELLAS PREGUNTAS QUE NOS HAGAN SIN UNAS MÍNIMAS FORMAS DE RESPETO Y EDUCACIÓN. RECHAZAREMOS Y NO CONTESTAREMOS CUALQUIER PREGUNTA QUE NO TENGA NINGÚN SENTIDO O QUE QUEDE PERFECTAMENTE RESPONDIDA LEYENDO ESTAS CONDICIONES. NO OBSTANTE, SI QUE RESPONDEREMOS AQUELLOS COMPRADORES QUE NO HAYAN ENTENDIDO ALGO DE LO QUE PONE AQUÍ POR ESTAR POCO CLARO O DETALLADO Y ASÍ NOS LO HAGAN SABER. NUESTRA NO RESPUESTA O RECHAZO A LAS PREGUNTAS DE ALGUNOS COMPRADORES, NO LES DA DERECHO A DARLE A COMPRAR Y DAR POR HECHO QUE LES HEMOS RESPONDIDO AFIRMATIVAMENTE A TODAS SUS EXIGENCIAS Y PETICIONES. O QUE VAMOS A ACCEDER A ELLAS DESPUES DE QUE LE HAYA DADO A COMPRAR, CUANDO EN REALIDAD NO HEMOS RESPONDIDO O HEMOS RECHAZADO ABIERTAMENTE SU PREGUNTA. ES DECIR, ANTE LA DUDA O NUESTRA NO RESPUESTA O NUESTRO RECHAZO DE LA PREGUNTA, LO QUE VALE Y LO QUE SE ACEPTA ES LO QUE PONE EN LA DESCRIPCIÓN DEL ANUNCIO Y EN ESTAS CONDICIONES. NO HACEMOS ENVÍOS POR CORREO ORDINARIO BAJO NINGÚN CONCEPTO. NO SE REALIZAN ENTREGAS EN MANO BAJO NINGÚN CONCEPTO. NO REALIZAMOS ENVÍOS CONTRA REEMBOLSO BAJO NINGÚN CONCEPTO. NO ACEPTAMOS PAGOS POR PAYPAL NI POR BIZUM BAJO NINGÚN CONCEPTO. NO SE ACEPTAN CAMBIOS NI DEVOLUCIONES DE NINGÚN TIPO. NO COBRAMOS GASTOS DE MANIPULACIÓN. RECOMENDAMOS A TODOS LOS COMPRADORES QUE SE ASEGUREN DE QUE TODOS LOS DATOS PERSONALES QUE APARECEN EN SUS PERFILES, SON SUFICIENTES Y SON LOS CORRECTOS, YA QUE PARA HACER EL ENVÍO NOS LIMITAREMOS A COPIAR Y PEGAR LO QUE APAREZCA EN LOS DATOS DEL COMPRADOR Y POR LO TANTO NO NOS RESPONSABILIZAREMOS DE NINGÚN ERROR EN ESE ASPECTO. TAMBIÉN ES OBLIGATORIO INDICAR UN EMAIL Y UN NÚMERO DE CONTACTO MÓVIL. YA QUE LAS AGENCIAS PRIVADAS COMO CORREOS EXPRESS O SEUR EXIGEN ESTOS DATOS COMO REQUISITO OBLIGATORIO PARA TRAMITAR EL ENVÍO. ADEMÁS DE QUE USARAN TANTO EL EMAIL COMO EL NÚMERO DE CONTACTO PARA INFORMAR AL COMPRADOR DE FORMA RÁPIDA Y EFICAZ DEL SEGUIMIENTO DE SU ENVÍO. ES OBLIGATORIO FACILITAR EL DNI PARA LOS ENVÍOS A CANARIAS CONDICIONES DE PAGO Y ENVÍOS PAGOS: SOLAMENTE ACEPTAMOS PAGOS POR TRANSFERENCIA BANCARIA. Las comisiones que el banco del comprador le cobre al comprador por hacernos el pago, corren por cuenta del comprador. El comprador podrá hacer la transferencia a cualquiera de nuestras cuentas pertenecientes a Openbank (se pueden hacer operaciones con Openbank en las sucursales de Banco Santander, excepto en algunas sucursales rurales) y Evo Banco. Por motivos de seguridad y también para agilizar la operativa, es muy recomendable que el comprador nos indique cual de las dos cuentas quiere que le facilitemos para que nos haga la transferencia. No obstante, si el comprador no lo comunica, le daremos la información igualmente. ENVÍOS A PENÍNSULA Y BALEARES. ENVÍOS CERTIFICADOS POR CORREOS. Envíos a domicilio por cuenta del comprador en compras inferiores a 50€ dentro de la península y Baleares. Entregas en 48/72 horas. Avisamos de que estos plazos podrían aumentarse en zonas confinadas. O si se produjese un nuevo estado de alarma y/o confinamiento. En esta modalidad de envío, los portes gratis solamente se aplicaran en compras superiores a 50€ y solo dentro de la península y Baleares. Tarifas al mismo precio que todocoleccion nos las ha puesto a nosotros gracias a su acuerdo con Correos. Es decir, sin subidas de ninguna clase, ya que nuestra intención ni ha sido, ni es, la de ganar dinero con los envíos. Esta forma de envío es exclusivamente para PENÍNSULA Y BALEARES. Envíos Intrapeninsulares (Península y Andorra. EXCLUIDO BALEARES Y CANARIAS) TARIFAS CON IVA INCLUIDO Hasta 100g 3,18€ Mas de 100g hasta 500g 3,33€ Mas de 500g hasta 5kg 4,31€ Mas de 5kg hasta 10kg 5,43€ Mas de 10kg hasta 15kg 7,24€ Mas de 15kg hasta 20kg 10,02€ Mas de 20kg hasta 25kg 12,39€ Mas de 25kg hasta 30kg 13,64€ Envíos a Baleares. TARIFAS CON IVA INCLUIDO Hasta 100g 8,57€ Mas de 100g hasta 500g 8,57€ Mas de 500g hasta 2kg 8,57€ Mas de 2kg hasta 5kg 15,10€ Mas de 5kg hasta 10kg 22,36€ Mas de 10kg hasta 15kg 29,62€ Mas de 15kg hasta 20kg 36,68€ Mas de 20kg hasta 25kg 51,40€ Mas de 25kg hasta 30kg 51,40€ ENVÍOS POR CORREOS EXPRESS. Envíos puerta a puerta por cuenta del comprador en compras inferiores a 50€ dentro de la península. Envíos a Baleares SIEMPRE por cuenta del comprador, independientemente del importe de compra. En esta modalidad de envío, los portes gratis solamente se aplicaran en compras superiores a 50€ y solo dentro de la península. Entrega en 24 horas laborables desde que recogen el paquete en origen. Cuando el dinero se hace efectivo en nuestra cuenta, preparamos la recogida para el día siguiente laborable. Y desde que nos recogen el paquete a nosotros, tardan 24 horas en entregárselo al destinatario. Correos Express podría aumentar estos plazos en 24 horas más por motivos muy especiales como: Navidades, zonas confinadas, futuros confinamientos estrictos que puedan producirse en el país o problemas organizativos que pudieran surgir dentro de la propia Correos Express. Retrasos de los que no podemos responsabilizarnos porque escapan a nuestro control y cuya responsabilidad corresponde solamente a Correos Express. Tarifas al mismo precio que todocoleccion nos las ha puesto a nosotros gracias a su acuerdo con Correos Express. Es decir, sin subidas de ninguna clase, ya que nuestra intención ni ha sido, ni es, la de ganar dinero con los envíos. Esta forma de envío es exclusivamente para PENÍNSULA Y BALEARES. Envíos a Península. TARIFAS CON IVA INCLUIDO Hasta 1kg 5,13€ Mas de 1kg hasta 2kg 5,54€ Mas de 2kg hasta 3kg 5,77€ Mas de 3kg hasta 4kg 6,57€ Mas de 4kg hasta 5kg 7,05€ Mas de 5kg hasta 10kg 8,18€ Mas de 10kg hasta 15kg 10,34€ Mas de 15kg hasta 20kg 11,94€ Mas de 20kg hasta 25kg 14,67€ Mas de 25kg hasta 30kg 16,11€ Envíos a Baleares. TARIFAS CON IVA INCLUIDO Hasta 1kg 12,65€ Mas de 1kg hasta 2kg 13,27€ Mas de 2kg hasta 3kg 15,15€ Mas de 3kg hasta 4kg 17,03€ Mas de 4kg hasta 5kg 18,95€ Mas de 5kg hasta 10kg 29,03€ Mas de 10kg hasta 15kg 39,24€ Mas de 15kg hasta 20kg 49,38€ Mas de 20kg hasta 25kg 59,53€ Mas de 25kg hasta 30kg 69,67€ ENVÍOS POR SEUR. Envíos puerta a puerta SIEMPRE por cuenta del comprador, independientemente del importe de compra y de la zona. Entrega en 24 horas laborables desde que recogen el paquete en origen. Cuando el dinero se hace efectivo en nuestra cuenta, preparamos la recogida para el día siguiente laborable. Y desde que nos recogen el paquete a nosotros, tardan 24 horas en entregárselo al destinatario. Seur podría aumentar estos plazos en 24 horas más por motivos muy especiales como: Navidades, zonas confinadas, futuros confinamientos estrictos que puedan producirse en el país o problemas organizativos que pudieran surgir dentro de la propia Seur. Retrasos de los que no podemos responsabilizarnos porque escapan a nuestro control y cuya responsabilidad corresponde solamente a Seur. Tarifas al mismo precio que todocoleccion nos las ha puesto a nosotros gracias a su acuerdo con Seur. Es decir, sin subidas de ninguna clase, ya que nuestra intención ni ha sido, ni es, la de ganar dinero con los envíos. Esta forma de envío es exclusivamente para PENÍNSULA Y BALEARES. Envíos a Península. TARIFAS CON IVA INCLUIDO Hasta 2kg 4,84€ Mas de 2kg hasta 3kg 5,07€ Mas de 3kg hasta 4kg 6,11€ Mas de 4kg hasta 5kg 6,32€ Mas de 5kg hasta 7kg 7,96€ Mas de 7kg hasta 10kg 8,58€ Mas de 10kg hasta 12kg 9,18€ Mas de 12kg hasta 15kg 9,86€ Mas de 15kg hasta 17kg 10,53€ Mas de 17kg hasta 20kg 12,45€ Envíos a Baleares. TARIFAS CON IVA INCLUIDO Hasta 1kg 8,21€ Mas de 1kg hasta 2kg 9,27€ Mas de 2kg hasta 3kg 10,21€ Mas de 3kg hasta 4kg 11,04€ Mas de 4kg hasta 5kg 11,90€ Mas de 5kg hasta 7kg 16,08€ Mas de 7kg hasta 10kg 18,18€ Mas de 10kg hasta 12kg 20,25€ Mas de 12kg hasta 15kg 22,37€ Mas de 15kg hasta 17kg 24,47€ Mas de 17kg hasta 20kg 28,65€ ¡¡ATENCIÓN!! USAR ESTE TIPO DE ENVÍO O CUALQUIER OTRO, NO NOS OBLIGA A RELLENAR LA CASILLA DEL ENVÍO DONDE SE ESPECIFICAN LAS MEDIDAS DEL PAQUETE, COSTE, ETC HASTA QUE EL DINERO NO SE HAGA EFECTIVO EN NUESTRA CUENTA (QUE SERÁ ENTONCES CUANDO RELLENEMOS DICHA CASILLA Y EL ENVÍO QUEDE REGISTRADO) YA QUE CUANDO UN COMPRADOR NOS COMPRA CUALQUIERA DE NUESTROS ARTÍCULOS, NOSOTROS LO PRIMERO QUE HACEMOS ES ENVIARLE UN MENSAJE (A TRAVÉS DEL MENSAJERO) INDICÁNDOLE EL IMPORTE A PAGAR (INCLUYENDO LOS GASTOS DE ENVÍO) Y LOS DATOS NECESARIOS PARA QUE REALICE EL PAGO. POR LO TANTO, EL QUE NO RELLENEMOS ESTA CASILLA, NO ES MOTIVO PARA QUE EL COMPRADOR PIENSE QUE NO VAMOS A COBRARLE GASTOS DE ENVÍO, NI PARA QUE DEJE DE PAGAR EL ARTÍCULO COMPRADO Y TAMPOCO PARA RETRASAR EL PAGO. NO OBSTANTE, POR NUESTRA PARTE NOS COMPROMETEMOS A QUE EL PESO DEL PAQUETE SIEMPRE COINCIDA CON LA TARIFA QUE LE CORRESPONDE DE ACUERDO A SU PESO Y A LA TARIFA PAGADA POR EL COMPRADOR. PERO SI EL COMPRADOR INCURRE EN ALGUNA DE ESTAS MALAS PRÁCTICAS, NOS VEREMOS OBLIGADOS A PONERLO EN CONOCIMIENTO DE TODOCOLECCION, A PUNTUAR NEGATIVAMENTE AL COMPRADOR Y A PONERLE UN BLOQUEO DE POR VIDA. YA QUE TODOCOLECCION NOS EXIGE PONER UNA MALA VALORACIÓN Y UN BLOQUEO AL COMPRADOR PARA JUSTIFICAR LA ANULACIÓN DE LA VENTA Y QUE NO NOS COBREN LA COMISIÓN DEL ARTÍCULO NO VENDIDO. ENVÍOS A CANARIAS Portes SIEMPRE por cuenta del comprador. Envíos por Correos. A través de carta certificada, paquete azul o estándar a domicilio. Siempre elegiremos la opción más económica para el comprador o la que él nos diga. Pero siempre según las tarifas oficiales publicadas en la web de Correos, ya que SOLAMENTE realizaremos y pagaremos el envío en la sucursal física de Correos. Una vez que se haga efectivo el dinero del comprador en nuestra cuenta, realizaremos el envío ese mismo día o al siguiente laborable. NOS VEMOS OBLIGADOS A NO OFRECER EL SERVICIO DE ENVÍOS BAJO EL ACUERDO QUE TODOCOLECCION TIENE CON CORREOS PARA CANARIAS. DEBIDO A LA INEPTITUD TANTO POR PARTE DE CORREOS COMO DE TODOCOLECCION CUANDO LOS VENDEDORES REALIZAMOS ENVÍOS ACOGIÉNDONOS A DICHO ACUERDO. Ya tuvimos que anular un envío que realizamos bajo este acuerdo por culpa de ambas partes. Y al final tuvimos que hacer un envío por paquete azul con las tarifas oficiales de Correos, asumiendo nosotros el sobre coste. Por lo tanto, como en estos envíos a Canarias bajo este acuerdo, tanto todocoleccion como correos demuestran su total dejadez, ineptitud y falta de preocupación por el envío del comprador. Nos vemos obligados a no ofrecer este servicio para Canarias, sola y exclusivamente por el bien del comprador. Dicho esto, si el comprador después de darle a comprar, insiste en que le hagamos el envío bajo este acuerdo, cuando ya estamos advirtiendo que no lo hacemos. Y por no hacer el envío bajo este acuerdo, decide no pagar el artículo en el plazo establecido de 6 días naturales desde que le ha dado a comprar, o quiere anular la venta o dice que le ha dado a comprar sin querer o que su abuela se ha puesto mala o cualquier otra excusa. Tendremos que ponerlo en conocimiento de todocoleccion, puntuar negativamente al comprador e imponerle un bloqueo de por vida. Ya que todocoleccion nos exige poner una mala valoración y un bloqueo al comprador para justificar la anulación de la venta y que no nos cobren la comisión del artículo no vendido. Es decir, no se puede anular una venta sin que haya consecuencias muy negativas para el comprador. Porque si no ponemos una mala valoración al comprador y un bloqueo, todocoleccion se piensa que hemos hecho la venta a sus espaldas y que somos nosotros los que no queremos pagar la comisión.
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Ficha técnica sin marca mini game anniversary edition marca: sin marca modelo: mini game anniversary edition cables: Sí accesorios: si descripcion: consola 8 bits 500 juegos a/v mando: Sí cargador: Sí caja original: Sí informacion adicional: revisar el estado de uso en las imágenes Descripción sin marca mini game anniversary edition sin marca mini game anniversary edition es un objeto de Segunda Mano que se ofrece en estado Buen estado.
24,25 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Nintendo Mini Game Anniversary Edition - HDD 8 GB - Gris/Negro reacondicionado Nintendo Mini Game Anniversary Edition barato restaurado Hasta 0% más barato. Alta Tecnología Mini Game Anniversary Edition ¡al mejor precio! Nuestros compromisos: Satisfecho o Reembolso 2 años de garantía Entrega en 48 horas Pago seguro Back Market tiene una nota de 4.1/5 por 28124 clientes
99,90 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Nintendo Mini Game Anniversary Edition - HDD 8 GB - Gris/Negro reacondicionado Nintendo Mini Game Anniversary Edition barato restaurado Hasta 0% más barato. Alta Tecnología Mini Game Anniversary Edition ¡al mejor precio! Nuestros compromisos: Satisfecho o Reembolso 2 años de garantía Entrega en 48 horas Pago seguro Back Market tiene una nota de 4.1/5 por 28696 clientes
99,90 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Unique Birthday Gift Personalized USB necklace 8~64GB, Silver and Amber USB Pendant, Birthday Gift, Birthday gift for her, Anniversary GiftUPGRADE TO DHL EXPRESS The best shipping optionUS b'&' Canada $21 Delivery 2-4 business days | Europe $19 Delivery 1-2 business days | Other countries $27 2-4 business daysCheck the DHL b'&' FREE SHIPPING delivery times and upgrade prices at the bottom of the page !!! b'"'FAQsb'"'GREAT FOR BIRTHDAY b'&' ANNIVERSARY GIFTSurprise Your loved ones or friends a unique gift with your personalized massage or Your graphics/sign.---------- A FEW WORDS ABOUT THE PRODUCT ----------ZaNa Silver Cherry is a unique, exclusive gadgets that combine modern technology with a unique USB memory design. Ultra-modern electronics capacity from 8GB to 64GB was covered with a golden glow Baltic Amber and silver casing made of the finest silver 925. Memory stick Silver Cherry are not only ideal for transferring data, images, and presentations, but also serve as an original pendant around her neck, elegant keyring or a prestigious decoration to your phone.---- SPECIFICATION ----• Memory capacity: 8 ~ 64GB• USB host interference: USB 2.0• Dimension: 28,5 x 12,5 x 3,4mm (1,12 x 0,49 x 0,13 inch)• Guarantee: 24 months • Products certificate: CE, FCC, RoHS, FSC• Handmade Made in Poland• Reliable electronics from the best producers like SH Hynix,Samsung,Micron,Toshiba---- EXCLUSIVE DISCOUNTS FOR YOU ----Check the discount coupons at the bottom of the page !!!Share Your opinion about the product and write a review, You will receive special discount 15% OFF! for next orders.---- HOW TO ORDER? IT'S EASY! ----• Select memory capacity with extra sterling silver chain 45cm (17,72 inch) • Add to cart• Include in the Notes to Seller area, enter type of box: Jewelry black box or Gift red box• Include in the Notes to Seller area, enter your personalization information (text maximum 50 characters).• For Gift letter enter your message in the Notes to Seller (250 characters with spaces). If notes to seller area is blank, we will process your order without any personalization. • Your order will ship up to 2 - 4 business daysThank you for ordering from us!If i want to engrave something else ? Send me a message on Etsy and attach your photo/graphics/logo to it in files: jpg, png, eps, pdf, cdr, ai. Message me with any questions.Please, view all of our designs:
4.955 €
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Cádiz (Cádiz)
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Juego de Mesa GREATER THAN GAMES Sentinels of the Multiverse: 5th Anniversary Foil Hero Set (Inglés - Edad Mínima: 8)
28,54 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
KONAMI empieza a celebrar su 50º aniversario con la primera entrega de la serie Anniversary Collection de clásicos de todos los tiempos. Incluye 8 obras maestras de arcade de los años 80, desde Nemesis a Haunted Castle. Descubre estos clásicos de KONAMI en todo su esplendor retro y con características modernas. Novedades Por primera vez, estos clásicos permiten guardar durante el juego y ofrecen niveles de dificultad y opciones de visualización: una experiencia nueva para los antiguos fans. Libro extra Incluye un eBook extra con información sobre los juegos, entrevistas con los desarrolladores, secretos entre bastidores y bocetos y documentos de diseño nunca antes revelados al público. Contenido: Scramble TwinBee Nemesis (también conocido como Gradius) Salamander (también conocido como Life Force) Typhoon (también conocido como A-Jax) Haunted Castle Vulcan Venture (también conocido como Gradius II) Thunder Cross
19,98 €
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¡Los niños merecen lo mejor, por eso te presentamos Juego de Mesa Ravensburger Ramses 25th anniversary (FR), ideal para quienes buscan productos de calidad para los más peques! ¡Consigue Ravensburger a los mejores precios! Edad recomendada: + 8 Años+ 6 AñosIdiomas: FrancésTipo: Juego de MesaColor: MulticolorMaterial: PlásticoIdioma: FrancésPilas incluidas: NoMontaje: No
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Regalo tradicional del 6º aniversario para esposa, esposo, pareja o pareja. Tally Mark / Hash Mark Marcador de hierro. Nuestro marcador Iron '6 Tally Mark' es nuestro diseño de marcadores MÁS VENDIDO para cualquier persona que esté marcando 6 años de... matrimonio, ser pareja, CUALQUIER cosa que te guste marcar. Somos herreros profesionales, una empresa familiar, a quienes les encanta hacer artículos conmemorativos especiales para sus aniversarios, ¡marcando esos momentos de la vida juntos! Las 6 marcas de conteo, aunque un diseño simple, muestran una forma elegante de marcar el paso de 6 años importantes, y hemos escuchado los comentarios de nuestros clientes y ahora estamos haciendo este diseño, ¡listo para enviar el próximo día hábil! Si tiene tiempo para esperar y desea poner su propio mensaje en el marcador, ¿por qué no personalizar su propio marcador aquí: ????Compra de parejas; compre dos y obtenga AL MENOS un 10% de descuento ???? aw, marcadores coincidentes! No es necesario que también se pierda la oportunidad de obtener su marcador de aniversario, por lo que le hemos dado una opción de descuento. ✤ DIMENSIONES DEL MARCADOR 6" de largo (155mm) x 1" de ancho (25mm) x 1/8 " de espesor (2,6 mm). Peso ~ 2oz (65g) Forjado de metal y limpiado a un brillo pulido. ¡Disponible con una selección de 9 colores de cordón de cuero de ante 'Faux' para que pueda encontrar su página! ✤ EMBALAJE Y ENVÍO - Embalado en funda de cartón reciclable lista para regalar - Enviado en un sobre blanco acolchado - Envío acelerado disponible en la caja ✮Las instrucciones de cuidado se incluyen con cada marcador✮ Enviado el siguiente día hábil [M-F]
2.761 €
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JOGO ORIGINAL EM INGLÊS: Battles of Legend: Monstrous Revenge* introduces 52 new cards plus a bunch of returning favorites! This all-foil booster set weaves a tale of knights, dragons, ghosts, and serpents, alongside cards for many different Decks seen in the Yu-Gi-Oh! manga and anime series, led by the new Dark Magician the Knight of Dragon Magic, Armed Neos, Assault Synchron, Numbers Last Hope, Odd-Eyes Rebellion Xyz Dragon, and Rokket Coder!The monstrous denizens of this 100 card booster set also includes Extox Hydra, which can weaken your opponent’s monsters from the Extra Deck categories and draws you a card for every thousand battle damage it inflicts! You can also beef up your Extra Deck with the new Tri-Edge Master Synchro Monster, the Xyz/Pendulum Daidaratant the Ooze Giant, and many more. From “Underworld” ghosts to “Puppet” chessmen, “Performapals” to “Sky Strikers,” you’ll find new cards for plenty of Decks inside!Battles of Legend: Monstrous Revenge* is also the first booster set for the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME to celebrate its 25th Anniversary with Quarter Century Secret Rares!You can find Quarter Century Secret Rare versions of new cards like Armed Neos and Assault Synchron, but also for iconic cards from the game’s history like Dark Armed Dragon, Dante, Traveler of the Burning Abyss, and a new alternate-art Sky Striker Mobilize - Engage!. Plus some of today’s hottest cards like Rite of Aramesir, Divine Arsenal AA-Zeus - Sky Thunder, and Welcome Labrynth – all available as Quarter Century Secret Rare cards!Each 5-card pack contains 4 Ultra Rares and 1 Secret Rare.The complete Battles of Legend: Monstrous Revenge booster set contains*:40 Secret Rares62 Ultra Rares(More than 20 cards in the set also available as Quarter Century Secret Rares)*Set name and contents subject to change.
6,30 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre el PlayStation 4 1000GB - Negro - Edición limitada 20th Anniversary PlayStation 4 1000GB - Jet black Nuestros colaboradores son expertos en electrónica que se revisan y comprueban que cada producto esté funcionando al 100% antes de salir del taller. Además, todos los reacondicionados incluyen 2 años de garantía en Back Market. PlayStation 4 1000GB - Negro - Edición limitada 20th Anniversary Año de lanzamiento: 2013 Edición limitada: Sí Almacenamiento: 1000 GB Modelo: PlayStation 4 Tipo de almacenamiento: HDD Número de mandos: 2 Color: Negro Controlador incluido: Sí Calidad de imagen: Full HD 1080p Pack oficial: No Blu-Ray: Sí Serie: PlayStation 4 Vibración en el controlador: Sí Tecnología de controladores: Bluetooth Resolución: 1920 x 1080 Puerto USB-C: No Puerto USB-A: Sí Puerto HDMI: Sí Procesador: AMD Jaguar x86-64 Memoria RAM: 8 GB Wi-Fi: Sí Ethernet: Sí Bluetooth: Sí Dolby Atmos: No Dolby True HD: No Dobly Digital 5.1: Sí Dolby Digital DTS: Sí Reproductor de Blu-Ray Ultra HD: No Tipo de consola: Videoconsola Edición limitada: 20th Anniversary Color del controlador: Negro Uso: Gamer: PlayStation Plus: Sí Marca: Sony Peso: 2799 g Ver más
294,95 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Fast delivery before Christmas ???? at checkout ubgrade to DHL EX ✈︎ delivery at special price Unique Birthday Gift Personalized USB necklace 8~64GB, Silver and Amber USB Pendant, Birthday Gift, Birthday gift for her, Anniversary Gift UPGRADE TO DHL EXPRESS The best shipping option US & Canada $21 Delivery 2-4 business days | Europe $19 Delivery 1-2 business days | Other countries $27 2-4 business days Check the DHL & FREE SHIPPING delivery times and upgrade prices at the bottom of the page !!! "FAQs" GREAT FOR BIRTHDAY & ANNIVERSARY GIFT Surprise Your loved ones or friends a unique gift with your personalized massage or Your graphics/sign. ---------- A FEW WORDS ABOUT THE PRODUCT ---------- ZaNa Silver Cherry is a unique, exclusive gadgets that combine modern technology with a unique USB memory design. Ultra-modern electronics capacity from 8GB to 64GB was covered with a golden glow Baltic Amber and silver casing made of the finest silver 925. Memory stick Silver Cherry are not only ideal for transferring data, images, and presentations, but also serve as an original pendant around her neck, elegant keyring or a prestigious decoration to your phone. ---- SPECIFICATION ---- • Memory capacity: 8 ~ 64GB • USB host interference: USB 2.0 • Dimension: 28,5 x 12,5 x 3,4mm (1,12 x 0,49 x 0,13 inch) • Guarantee: 24 months • Products certificate: CE, FCC, RoHS, FSC • Handmade Made in Poland • Reliable electronics from the best producers like SH Hynix,Samsung,Micron,Toshiba ---- EXCLUSIVE DISCOUNTS FOR YOU ---- Check the discount coupons at the bottom of the page !!! Share Your opinion about the product and write a review, You will receive special discount 15% OFF! for next orders. ---- HOW TO ORDER? IT'S EASY! ---- • Select memory capacity with extra sterling silver chain 45cm (17,72 inch) • Add to cart • Include in the Notes to Seller area, enter type of box: Jewelry black box or Gift red box • Include in the Notes to Seller area, enter your personalization information (text maximum 50 characters). • For Gift letter enter your message in the Notes to Seller (250 characters with spaces). If notes to seller area is blank, we will process your order without any personalization. • Your order will ship up to 2 - 4 business days Thank you for ordering from us! If i want to engrave something else ? Send me a message on Etsy and attach your photo/graphics/logo to it in files: jpg, png, eps, pdf, cdr, ai. Message me with any questions. Please, view all of our designs:
5.156 €
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JOGO ORIGINAL EM INGLÊS: Maze of Millennia contains new long-thought-lost cards seen in the TV series, and some of today’s hottest tournament-level cards!Maze of Millennia rings in the New Year with new long-thought-lost cards seen in the TV series, and some of today’s hottest tournament-level cards, coming in January 2024! From the mesmerizing power of Pegasus’ Eye of Illusion to the unseen evil of Clorless, Chaos King of Dark World, you’ll have your hands full with dozens of new cards that first appeared in or were inspired by the many worlds of Yu-Gi-Oh! Take a look at just some of the spoils that await you within this maze! You’ll need a light source to get through the maze, so start with the brand-new card, Bonfire! This long-awaited Spell Card adds any Level 4 or lower Pyro-Type Monster from your Deck to your hand. It’s a must for Duelists interested in the upcoming new theme from Phantom Nightmare, or any Duelist lighting up their “Volcanic” cards from Legendary Duelists: Soulburning Volcano or other fiery Decks! Get a 2-for-1 from your Extra Deck with Harmonic Synchro Fusion! This Spell lets you Tribute 2 monsters to Special Summon both a Fusion Monster they could form AND a Synchro Monster they could form – you get both! Are you using Garura, Wings of Resonant Life from the 25th Anniversary Tin: Dueling Heroes? Now you can Summon Garura and get a free Synchro Monster to clear the way for Garura to attack directly and do double damage! Infect your opponent’s Extra Deck with the dark power of Number 1: Infection Buzz King! This Rank 8 Xyz Monster lets you peer into your opponent’s Extra Deck and eliminate a dangerous card before it can even be played. This Fiend is also easy to Summon with the many Level 8 “Horus” monsters from Age of Overlord! Add in another effect that can destroy any card your opponent controls, and inflict damage if you targeted a monster, and the Fiend uprising in the Dueling world shows no sign of stopping! Sometimes the best things in life aren’t free. Transaction Rollback is going to cost you half your Life Points, but will duplicate any Normal Trap Card in either Graveyard! First you get to play it from your field and copy a Normal Trap from your opponent’s GY, then you get a second charge by banishing it from your Graveyard to copy a Normal Trap Card in your own GY. If you just built your “Labrynth” Deck with the cards from 25th Anniversary Tin: Dueling Heroes you’ll want to make sure to pick up this endlessly useful Trap Card to go with it! Even more surprises await you within the Maze of Millennia! The complete Maze of Millennia set contains 85 cards: 11 Ultra Rares16 Super Rare57 Rares1 Quarter-Century Secret Rare (16 cards also available as Collector’s Rares)Each booster pack contains 7 cards: 1 Foil card per pack6 Rare cards per pack
5,40 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
A great choice to spend a quality time together: LOVELAND CUSTOM/JIGSAW PUZZLES. Want to buy a gift for special occasions? Puzzle is not just a gift, it is much more than a gift. A great experience in terms of cognitive and educational... You can create your own puzzle with your own photo, then a great activity awaits you. The difficulty level is up to you as you create your own puzzle. You can have a great time with 120 piece puzzle or 500 piece puzzle. Send us pictures of your pets and we'll send you a personalized pet puzzle. Have an unforgettable moment with your pet. We can create a custom photo puzzle for you with the photos you take at all your other precious moments. You can prepare an anniversary gift with your photos taken on those beautiful days. On your anniversary day, you can do a great activity together. It can also be a great wedding gift, birthday gift for loved ones... SIZE SCHEME 120 Pieces (10'' x 8'') 252 Pieces (14'' x 11'') 500 Pieces (20'' x 16'')
2.280 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
A luxury vintage phone holder!! When you buy a new phone, you want to protect it from external dust, damages, bumps, and scratches. The high-quality leather used to make this phone case protects your phone while giving the case a vintage texture. This is a personalized handmade leather phone case with one holder for iPhone (6/6s, 7, 8, 6/6S Plus, 7 Plus, 8 Plus, SE-2020, 11 Pro), one pocket for the bill, 3 card slots for credit cards, and a removable hand strap holder. This wallet is perfect as a Birthday gift, Anniversary gift, Groomsmen Gifts, Father's day gift, Mother's day gift, Valentine Gift, Graduation Gift, and the best Christmas gift. Please visit our Etsy shop: ✦✦✦NOTE✦✦✦ ✦✦ Genuine leather with a specific color usually has slightly different shades and textures as you move across the leather. Therefore, the wallet that you will receive might be slightly different in tone or texture from the listing pictures. ATTN: All engraving pictures in our listing such as the initials, sentence, and image are examples. If you want your order to be engraved like the listing sample, you should pay for that based on the variation that you choose. ================================================= ✦✦✦ Product Features ✦✦✦ ================================================= ✦ Made of high-quality cowhide leather. ✦ Measures approximately: - iPhone 6/6S: 5 1/2" x 2 7/8" (14 cm x 7.3 cm) when folded. - iPhone 6/6S Plus: 6 1/4" x 3 1/4" (16 cm x 8.2 cm) when folded. - iPhone X/XS: 5 3/4" x 3" (14.6 cm x 7.6 cm) when folded. - iPhone XR: 6" x 3 1/8" (15.2 cm x 8 cm) when folded. - iPhone XS Max: 6 3/8" x 3 1/4" (16.2 cm x 8.2 cm) when folded. - iPhone 13: 5 7/8" x 3" (15 cm x 7.6 cm) when folded. - iPhone 13 Mini: 5 5/16" x 2 3/4" (13.5 cm x 7 cm) when folded. - iPhone 13 Pro: 5 7/8" x 3" (15 cm x 7.6 cm) when folded. - iPhone 13 Pro Max: 6.5" x 3 1/4" (16.5 cm x 8.3 cm) when folded. ✦ One holder for any iPhone is made of a soft silicone snap-in case that won't scratch your phone. ✦ One interior pocket on the left side under the credit card slots for the bill. ✦ 3 card slots for credit cards and ID cards. ✦ This phone case comes with a removable hand strap holder. ✦ Fits an iPhone and is closed with magnetic claps. ✦ Anti-knock. ✦ Soft and can be flipped. ✦ Flexible and easy to clean. ✦ Protects your phone from external dust, damage, bumps, and scratches. ✦ Cowhide leather gets better with age and has the wonderful smell of raw leather. ================================================= ✦✦✦ PERSONALIZED NAME & INITIALS ✦✦✦ ================================================= When submitting your order, please leave a note at the checkout, in the message box in the bottom left corner, providing: 1) Any word/sentence/initials requested for personalization should be inside quotes. The quotation marks will not be engraved unless requested by the customer. Anything inside the quotes will be engraved exactly on the wallet. We will not contact customers for possible typos. 2) You can choose the font for your personalization in the last two pictures and tell us your choice in the “note to seller” at the checkout. If the fonts are not specified in the note to the seller, we will engrave initials in Times font and sentences in Cursive font. The font size used depends on the location and length of the personalization. It is not necessarily the same font size you see in the pictures. 3) The location of each message on the wallet (You can choose the available locations in the 8th picture and tell us your choice in the “note to seller” at the checkout). If the location is not specified in the note to the seller, we will engrave it on the front lower right corner of the case. 4) For the front of the wallet, usually, engraved initials/monograms are composed of two or three characters. If you want the sentence in front, we can engrave it up to 60 characters. Also, your secret messages can be engraved on the inside of the wallet up to 30 characters. The back location of the wallet can be engraved with your message up to 60 characters too. 5) For personalization in Style 4 and Style 5, normally the last name initial is bigger than the two other initials (first name and middle name) and is placed in the middle. Considering this, please tell us in the "note to seller" what order you want your initials to appear in the wallet? For example: Adam Bryan Cole Standard initials: ABC Style 5 and Style 5 initials: ACB (C bigger than A and B) 6) If you would like a logo/design/handwriting/picture engraved on the wallet, please choose the “your own design/your own handwriting” option when submitting your order and send us a high-quality picture of the design through Etsy message. For engraving handwriting, Please write your message on a piece of white paper preferably with a black sharpie, take a high-resolution picture of it and send it to us through Etsy messages. 7) We do not engrave trademarks such as sports logos due to copyright infringement laws. ✦✦✦ We Can Personalize Your Order With Any Design That You Want. Please Leave Us Your Instructions. We Love Assisting Customers!✦✦✦
6.481 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
If you are looking for; Large Journal, Personalised Journal, Wedding Guestbook, Pocket Notebook, Gift Journal, Quality Letaher Journal, Rustic Journal, Vintage Journal, anniversary gift, personalized gift, lined or unlined journal, handmade journal, birthday gift, scrapbook (scrapbook supplies), sketchbook, premium quality leather and excellent paper performance, with many different sizes and many different colors, this journal is for you. *Journal Size and Dimensions: -A7:The paper size is A7 (4.1 inc x 2.9 inc). The leather size is 4.8 inc x 3.8 inc -A6:The paper size is A6 (5.8 inc x 4.1 inc). The leather size is 6 inc x 4.5 inc. -A5:The paper size is A5 (8.2. inc x 5.8 inc). The leather size is 8.5 inc x 6.6 inc. -A4:The paper size is A4 (11.7 inc x 8.2 inc). The leather size is 12 inc x 9 inc. *Journal Paper: 150 Sheets/300 Pages and we use 120 Grams of Ivory(cream color) LİNED OR BLANK paper. (A7 journal 130 pages/260 sides) !!!!Paper thickness is very important in a notebook. If you want to write on both sides of a paper, the paper should not allow ink to pass on to the back. A 120 gram paper does not pass ink on its back.!!!!! Journals Weight: A4 Weight:1500 Grams, 150 Sheets/300 Pages A5 Weight:780 Grams, 150 Sheets/300 Pages A6 Weight:360 Grams, 150 Sheets/300 Pages A7 Weight:185 Grams, 130 Sheets/260 Pages *If you are looking for a refillable journal, I have two different journal for you. Please click the links: *Why leather journal? If you value what you write or draw, this journal is for you. If you have a real leather cover journal, you can keep your writing and drawings in this journal forever. The leather is really durable and you don't have to worry about contamination. Unlike many poor quality leathers, it does not smell and its smell does not bother you. Our leathers are of premium quality. Journals with a paper or similar cover can get dirty or faded over time, but real leather is completely different. It does not get dirty and does not fade. Its appearance is vintage. Designed with modern considerations, this journal has a rustic look. *What kind of gift is it? We can personalise this completely handmade journal for you. By gifting your loved ones a personalized journal, you will be giving them an unforgettable gift. If you want to go beyond the classic gifts, this journal is for you. Our customers who have bought this journal before really loved it. (Please take a look at the rewiev section below) You will love it too. *Enjoy a genuine handmade leather journal. This journal you bought was completely hand-stitched, not machines. Please do not confuse this journal with the journals that were sewn on machines but tried to be sold to you as handmade. *The paper and leather quality of this hand-stitched journal will really surprise you. A premium quality leather is used for a journal. *You can buy this journal with six different color and four different size options. Some colors and sizes may be out of stock and may take some time to add to stock. If you are interested in a journal that is out of stock, please feel free to ask us when they will be added to stock. We recommend choosing a color from the photos we provide as the colors are close to each other. When you select a color, the photo of the journal in that color is displayed. * You will take this journal with you on your travels or at any time, which is hand-sewn from genuine calf leather. * You can use this hand-stitched notebook yourself or gift it to your loved ones on Christmas, birthday, mother's day, anniversaries or whenever you want. Do not forget! Your gift will not be forgotten and will always be in their hands. Shipping: All of our products are shipped from the UK. All shipments to the UK are provided by Royal Mail as standard and do not have a Tracking number. You can upgrade your delivery option when purchasing. If you upgrade you will have a tracking number with your order. International shipments are made with Royal Mail signed and tracking number. Overseas delivery time may exceed the time specified by Etsy due to customs procedures. Personalisation: If you want personalisation, choose Size-Personalisation when choosing a journal you want to buy from the Size-Personalisation(For example:A5-Personalisation) section. We use hot stamping and Times New Roman character for personalization. Please make a customization request by following the explanations we have given in the personalisation section. Unfortunately, we cannot make personlisations requested for more than 14 characters. Up to 14 characters can be printed for A5 and A4. Only one line.(Only English characters) Up to 10 characters can be printed for A6. Only one line.(Only English characters) Up to 5 characters can be printed for A7 size. Only one line.(Only English characters) Printing is made in the bottom right. If you have any other personalization requests, please do not hesitate to ask.
1.773 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
A3 JOURNAL LINK: If you are looking for; Large Journal, Personalised Journal, Wedding Guestbook, Pocket Notebook, Gift Journal, Quality Letaher Journal, Rustic Journal, Vintage Journal, anniversary gift, personalized gift, lined or unlined journal, handmade journal, birthday gift, scrapbook (scrapbook supplies), sketchbook, premium quality leather and excellent paper performance, with many different sizes and many different colors, this journal is for you. *Journal Size and Dimensions: -A7:The paper size is A7 (4.1 inc x 2.9 inc). The leather size is 4.8 inc x 3.8 inc -A6:The paper size is A6 (5.8 inc x 4.1 inc). The leather size is 6 inc x 4.5 inc. -A5:The paper size is A5 (8.2. inc x 5.8 inc). The leather size is 8.5 inc x 6.6 inc. -A4:The paper size is A4 (11.7 inc x 8.2 inc). The leather size is 12 inc x 9 inc. *Journal Paper: 150 Sheets/300 Pages and we use 120 Grams of Ivory(cream color) LİNED OR BLANK paper. (A7 journal 130 pages/260 sides) !!!!Paper thickness is very important in a notebook. If you want to write on both sides of a paper, the paper should not allow ink to pass on to the back. A 120 gram paper does not pass ink on its back.!!!!! Journals Weight: A4 Weight:1500 Grams, 150 Sheets/300 Pages A5 Weight:780 Grams, 150 Sheets/300 Pages A6 Weight:360 Grams, 150 Sheets/300 Pages A7 Weight:185 Grams, 130 Sheets/260 Pages *If you are looking for a refillable journal, I have two different journal for you. Please click the links: *Why leather journal? If you value what you write or draw, this journal is for you. If you have a real leather cover journal, you can keep your writing and drawings in this journal forever. The leather is really durable and you don't have to worry about contamination. Unlike many poor quality leathers, it does not smell and its smell does not bother you. Our leathers are of premium quality. Journals with a paper or similar cover can get dirty or faded over time, but real leather is completely different. It does not get dirty and does not fade. Its appearance is vintage. Designed with modern considerations, this journal has a rustic look. *What kind of gift is it? We can personalise this completely handmade journal for you. By gifting your loved ones a personalized journal, you will be giving them an unforgettable gift. If you want to go beyond the classic gifts, this journal is for you. Our customers who have bought this journal before really loved it. (Please take a look at the rewiev section below) You will love it too. *Enjoy a genuine handmade leather journal. This journal you bought was completely hand-stitched, not machines. Please do not confuse this journal with the journals that were sewn on machines but tried to be sold to you as handmade. *The paper and leather quality of this hand-stitched journal will really surprise you. A premium quality leather is used for a journal. *You can buy this journal with six different color and four different size options. Some colors and sizes may be out of stock and may take some time to add to stock. If you are interested in a journal that is out of stock, please feel free to ask us when they will be added to stock. We recommend choosing a color from the photos we provide as the colors are close to each other. When you select a color, the photo of the journal in that color is displayed. * You will take this journal with you on your travels or at any time, which is hand-sewn from genuine calf leather. * You can use this hand-stitched notebook yourself or gift it to your loved ones on Christmas, birthday, mother's day, anniversaries or whenever you want. Do not forget! Your gift will not be forgotten and will always be in their hands. Shipping: All of our products are shipped from the UK. All shipments to the UK are provided by Royal Mail as standard and do not have a Tracking number. You can upgrade your delivery option when purchasing. If you upgrade you will have a tracking number with your order. International shipments are made with Royal Mail signed and tracking number. Overseas delivery time may exceed the time specified by Etsy due to customs procedures. Personalisation: If you want personalisation, choose Size-Personalisation when choosing a journal you want to buy from the Size-Personalisation(For example:A5-Personalisation) section. We use hot stamping and Times New Roman character for personalization. Please make a customization request by following the explanations we have given in the personalisation section. Unfortunately, we cannot make personlisations requested for more than 14 characters. Up to 14 characters can be printed for A5 and A4. Only one line.(Only English characters) Up to 10 characters can be printed for A6. Only one line.(Only English characters) Up to 5 characters can be printed for A7 size. Only one line.(Only English characters) Printing is made in the bottom right. If you have any other personalization requests, please do not hesitate to ask.
1.539 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Pen Holder Link: If you are looking for; Large Journal, Personalised Journal, Wedding Guestbook, Pocket Notebook, Gift Journal, Quality Letaher Journal, Rustic Journal, Vintage Journal, anniversary gift, personalized gift, lined or unlined journal, handmade journal, birthday gift, scrapbook (scrapbook supplies), sketchbook, premium quality leather and excellent paper performance, with many different sizes and many different colors, this journal is for you. *Journal Size and Dimensions: -A7:The paper size is A7 (4.1 inc x 2.9 inc). The leather size is 4.8 inc x 3.8 inc -A6:The paper size is A6 (5.8 inc x 4.1 inc). The leather size is 6 inc x 4.5 inc. -A5:The paper size is A5 (8.2. inc x 5.8 inc). The leather size is 8.5 inc x 6.6 inc. -A4:The paper size is A4 (11.7 inc x 8.2 inc). The leather size is 12 inc x 9 inc. *Journal Paper: 150 Sheets/300 Pages and we use 120 Grams of Ivory(cream color) LİNED OR BLANK paper. (A7 journal 130 pages/260 sides) !!!!Paper thickness is very important in a notebook. If you want to write on both sides of a paper, the paper should not allow ink to pass on to the back. A 120 gram paper does not pass ink on its back.!!!!! Journals Weight: A4 Weight:1500 Grams, 150 Sheets/300 Pages A5 Weight:780 Grams, 150 Sheets/300 Pages A6 Weight:360 Grams, 150 Sheets/300 Pages A7 Weight:185 Grams, 130 Sheets/260 Pages *If you are looking for a refillable journal, I have two different journal for you. Please click the links: *Why leather journal? If you value what you write or draw, this journal is for you. If you have a real leather cover journal, you can keep your writing and drawings in this journal forever. The leather is really durable and you don't have to worry about contamination. Unlike many poor quality leathers, it does not smell and its smell does not bother you. Our leathers are of premium quality. Journals with a paper or similar cover can get dirty or faded over time, but real leather is completely different. It does not get dirty and does not fade. Its appearance is vintage. Designed with modern considerations, this journal has a rustic look. *What kind of gift is it? We can personalise this completely handmade journal for you. By gifting your loved ones a personalized journal, you will be giving them an unforgettable gift. If you want to go beyond the classic gifts, this journal is for you. Our customers who have bought this journal before really loved it. (Please take a look at the rewiev section below) You will love it too. *Enjoy a genuine handmade leather journal. This journal you bought was completely hand-stitched, not machines. Please do not confuse this journal with the journals that were sewn on machines but tried to be sold to you as handmade. *The paper and leather quality of this hand-stitched journal will really surprise you. A premium quality leather is used for a journal. *You can buy this journal with six different color and four different size options. Some colors and sizes may be out of stock and may take some time to add to stock. If you are interested in a journal that is out of stock, please feel free to ask us when they will be added to stock. We recommend choosing a color from the photos we provide as the colors are close to each other. When you select a color, the photo of the journal in that color is displayed. * You will take this journal with you on your travels or at any time, which is hand-sewn from genuine calf leather. * You can use this hand-stitched notebook yourself or gift it to your loved ones on Christmas, birthday, mother's day, anniversaries or whenever you want. Do not forget! Your gift will not be forgotten and will always be in their hands. Shipping: All of our products are shipped from the UK. All shipments to the UK are provided by Royal Mail as standard and do not have a Tracking number. You can upgrade your delivery option when purchasing. If you upgrade you will have a tracking number with your order. International shipments are made with Royal Mail signed and tracking number. Overseas delivery time may exceed the time specified by Etsy due to customs procedures. Personalisation: If you want personalisation, choose Size-Personalisation when choosing a journal you want to buy from the Size-Personalisation(For example:A5-Personalisation) section. We use hot stamping and Times New Roman character for personalization. Please make a customization request by following the explanations we have given in the personalisation section. Unfortunately, we cannot make personlisations requested for more than 14 characters. Up to 14 characters can be printed for A5 and A4. Only one line.(Only English characters) Up to 10 characters can be printed for A6. Only one line.(Only English characters) Up to 5 characters can be printed for A7 size. Only one line.(Only English characters) Printing is made in the bottom right. If you have any other personalization requests, please do not hesitate to ask.
2.480 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
If you are looking for; Large Journal, Personalised Journal, Wedding Guestbook, Pocket Notebook, Gift Journal, Quality Letaher Journal, Rustic Journal, Vintage Journal, anniversary gift, personalized gift, lined or unlined journal, handmade journal, birthday gift, scrapbook (scrapbook supplies), sketchbook, premium quality leather and excellent paper performance, with many different sizes and many different colors, this journal is for you. *Journal Size and Dimensions: -A7:The paper size is A7 (4.1 inc x 2.9 inc). The leather size is 4.8 inc x 3.8 inc -A6:The paper size is A6 (5.8 inc x 4.1 inc). The leather size is 6 inc x 4.5 inc. -A5:The paper size is A5 (8.2. inc x 5.8 inc). The leather size is 8.5 inc x 6.6 inc. -A4:The paper size is A4 (11.7 inc x 8.2 inc). The leather size is 12 inc x 9 inc. -A3:The paper size is A3 (16.5 x 11.7 inches). The leather size is 17.5 inc x 12.5 inc. *Journal Paper: 150 Sheets/300 Pages and we use 120 Grams of Ivory(cream color) LINED OR BLANK paper. (A7 journal 130 pages/260 sides) !!!!Paper thickness is very important in a notebook. If you want to write on both sides of a paper, the paper should not allow ink to pass on to the back. A 120 gram paper does not pass ink on its back.!!!!! Journals Weight: A4 Weight:1500 Grams, A5 Weight:780 Grams, A6 Weight:360 Grams, A7 Weight:185 Grams, *Why leather journal? If you value what you write or draw, this journal is for you. If you have a real leather cover journal, you can keep your writing and drawings in this journal forever. The leather is really durable and you don't have to worry about contamination. Unlike many poor quality leathers, it does not smell and its smell does not bother you. Our leathers are of premium quality. Journals with a paper or similar cover can get dirty or faded over time, but real leather is completely different. It does not get dirty and does not fade. Its appearance is vintage. Designed with modern considerations, this journal has a rustic look. *What kind of gift is it? We can personalise this completely handmade journal for you. By gifting your loved ones a personalized journal, you will be giving them an unforgettable gift. If you want to go beyond the classic gifts, this journal is for you. Our customers who have bought this journal before really loved it. (Please take a look at the rewiev section below) You will love it too. *Enjoy a genuine handmade leather journal. This journal you bought was completely hand-stitched, not machines. Please do not confuse this journal with the journals that were sewn on machines but tried to be sold to you as handmade. *The paper and leather quality of this hand-stitched journal will really surprise you. A premium quality leather is used for a journal. *You can buy this journal with six different color and four different size options. Some colors and sizes may be out of stock and may take some time to add to stock. If you are interested in a journal that is out of stock, please feel free to ask us when they will be added to stock. We recommend choosing a color from the photos we provide as the colors are close to each other. When you select a color, the photo of the journal in that color is displayed. * You will take this journal with you on your travels or at any time, which is hand-sewn from genuine calf leather. * You can use this hand-stitched notebook yourself or gift it to your loved ones on Christmas, birthday, mother's day, anniversaries or whenever you want. Do not forget! Your gift will not be forgotten and will always be in their hands. *If you are looking for a refillable journal, I have two different journal for you. Please click the links: Shipping: All of our products are shipped from the UK. All shipments to the UK are provided by Royal Mail as standard and do not have a Tracking number. You can upgrade your delivery option when purchasing. If you upgrade you will have a tracking number with your order. International shipments are made with Royal Mail signed and tracking number. Overseas delivery time may exceed the time specified by Etsy due to customs procedures. Personalisation: If you want personalisation, choose Size-Personalisation when choosing a journal you want to buy from the Size-Personalisation(For example:A5-Personalisation) section. We use hot stamping and Times New Roman character for personalisation. Please make a personalisation request by following the explanations we have given in the personalisation section. Unfortunately, we cannot make personlisations requested for more than 14 characters. Up to 14 characters can be printed for A5 and A4. Only one line.(Only English characters) Up to 10 characters can be printed for A6. Only one line.(Only English characters) Up to 5 characters can be printed for A7 size. Only one line.(Only English characters) Printing is made in the bottom right. If you have any other personalisation requests, please do not hesitate to ask.
2.296 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Human: Fall Flat para PlayStation 4, Xbox One y Nintendo Switches un estrafalario juego abierto de exploración y rompecabezas basado en la física y ambientado en flotantes paisajes oníricos. Tu objetivo es escapar de los surrealistas sueños resolviendo rompecabezas con la sola ayuda de tu ingenio y de la física. En Human: Fall Flat te pones en la piel de Bob, un tembloroso héroe humano que sigue soñando con lugares alucinantes llenos de acertijos que todavía no ha logrado resolver. Pon a prueba tu creatividad: ¡todas las soluciones valen! Tú y hasta siete amigos podréis interactuar en línea con máquinas de minería enormes y manipular corrientes térmicas de aire ascendente para atravesar cuevas gigantes. O puede que el tenue resplandor de la hoguera te parezca demasiado reconfortante como para dejarlo atrás. Características: El tembloroso arte del parkour: Bob puede caminar (casi recto), tirar, empujar, transportar, romper e interactuar con los objetos del juego, en virtud de un sistema de física avanzado. El primer y más divertido reto será dominar sus movimientos a través de los innovadores controles para enseguida hacer frente a un gran abanico de retos. Modo cooperativo local: Juega con un amigo o familiar, trabaja en equipo para lograr cualquier tarea o pasaos una hora lanzándoos mutuamente de las formas más descabelladas. Locura multijugador en línea: Déjate caer por salas públicas o créalas. Invita a tus amigos y disfruta viendo cómo tiemblan y caen 8 torpes Bob. Verás que con un par de manos más podréis dar con nuevas soluciones y posibilidades o simplemente contribuir a la locura. ¡No hay nada como ver a 8 Bobs catapultándose! Personalización: El armario de Bob está lleno de trajes ridículos; desde el de un albañil hasta el de un perro; de turista, astronauta, ninja... Puedes elegir la cabeza, torso o piernas e incluso cambiarla el color. ¡Crea un Bob a tu gusto! Paisajes surrealistas: Explora niveles abiertos que obedecen a las reglas de la física. Interactúa con prácticamente todos los objetos del juego y ve adonde quieras: tienes total libertad. Una comunidad vibrante: Streamers y YouTubers acuden a Human: Fall Flat por su juego único e hilarante. ¡Los fanáticos han visto estos videos más de 600 millones de veces! Más de 600 millones de visitas en videos en YouTube Más de 200 videos con más de 1 millón de visitas El video más visto: 23 millones de visitas HFF has sido presentado por los principales creadores de contenido de YouTube: elrubiusOMG (37.2M suscriptores) – video de HFF con 9 millones de visitas Vegetta777 (29.1M suscriptores) – más de 10 videos de HFF, la mayoría con más 2.5 millones de visitas Jacksepticeye (23.4M suscriptores) – más de 8 videos de HFF cada uno con más de 1 millón de visitas. La “Anniversary Edition” incluye los 14 niveles lanzados hasta la fecha en el cartucho/disco Desde su lanzamiento, se han lanzado cinco niveles nuevos con aún más en el horizonte. Dark: Bob sueña con un área nocturno, ambientado bajo el resplandor inquietante de una luna llena y completa con clásicos tropos y simbolismos de terror. Con todo tipo de acertijos complicados y artilugios tortuosos, Dark hará que los jugadores jueguen con imanes, electricidad y, por supuesto, ¡la física tambaleante de Bob! Steam: Este nuevo nivel se establece en un entorno industrial impulsado por vapor, donde los nuevos rompecabezas y mecanismos giran en torno a hacer que las abundantes cantidades de vapor de agua trabajen para ti. ¡Comienza una revolución industrial, manipula barriles, tuberías, hornos y más para llegar a la salida! Ice: ¡Los humanos no son las únicas cosas que caen del cielo! A ellos se unen hermosos copos de nieve ondulantes que han recubierto generosamente un nuevo nivel en un complejo alpino. La nieve y el hielo crean desafíos divertidos y congelados. Thermal: El sueño de un buscador de oro se hace realidad en las montañas heladas de «Termal», el nuevo nivel de Human: Fall Flat. Tú y hasta siete amigos podréis interactuar en línea con máquinas de minería enormes y manipular corrientes térmicas de aire ascendente para atravesar cuevas gigantes. O puede que el tenue resplandor de la hoguera te parezca demasiado reconfortante como para dejarlo atrás. Factory: ¿Estás listo para pasar un buen rato en el nuevo nivel de Human: Fall Flat, Factory? Está repleto de mecanismos metálicos e interruptores para crear piezas de maquinaria ¡Y el ganador es! Ganador de más de 10 premios de la industria, Human: Fall Flat continúa deleitando a los fanáticos por su encantador juego cooperativo disfrutado por un increíble número de jugadores.
24,95 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Personalized Leather Portfolio, Leather Portfolio Zipper, Zipper Portfolio, Business Portfolio, Personalized Graduation Gift, Refillable, Personalized Refillable Portfolio, Custom Portfolio With Zipper, Custom Leather Portfolio, Personalized Padfolio, Business Gift, Gift For Him, Personalized Graduation Gift, Business Gift, Executive Gift, Phd Gift, Personalized Business Portfolio, Vegan Leather, Custom Notepad Cover, Zipper Portfolio ❤This will make a perfect gift for your friends and family for any occasion, such as Christmas, Father's Day, Graduation, Birthday, Anniversary, Promotion, and more... ❤This personalized portfolio will look even more beautiful with your name or logo on it. It will make a great impression and be remembered forever. You may also add a personal note inside. ❤ How to Order: ✦Please choose your monogram or font from the monogram chart. ✦Please choose your design option from design chart. ✦Please choose your portfolio color. ✦ If you have your own design or logo please send us via Etsy Message. ✦ If you need express shipping please choose express shipping option during check out and you will receive your order in 2 business days after purchasing. ❤ Dimensions: ✦ Large: 9x12 Inches, Medium: 7x9 ✦ The large notepad is lined paper which measures 8.5x11.75 inch. It can be replaced with any memo/notepads up to 8.5x11.75 inch. ✦ The medium 50 page lined note pad size 5 3/4"(L) x 8 3/4"(H). ❤ Details: ✦ Material: Synthetic Vegan Leather
3.063 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
High Quality Premium Chess Set And Board Wooden Chess Set Figures 12mm Thick, First Class MDF Board Manufactured. On Wood Pattern After 3 Floor Filler And 3 Layers Glossy Polyester Varnish Product With All Surfaces Protection Perfect Gift And Decoration Object Ideal gift for her, gift for him, gift for mom, gift for dad, gift for boyfriend, gift for girlfriend Ideal Valentine's Day gift, Ideal birthday gift, Ideal anniversary gifts, Mother's Day Gift, Father's Day Gift -37cm BOARD (14.5") Mosaic Patterned Board 37cm x 37cm (14.5") Walnut Patterned Board 37cm x 37cm (14.5") Black Marble Patterned Board 37cm x 37cm (14.5") Grey Marble Patterned Board 37cm x 37cm (14.5") KING SIZE Height of Figure 9cm (3.54") -30cm BOARD (12") Mosaic Patterned Board 30cm x 30cm (11,8") Walnut Patterned Board 30cm x 30cm (11,8") Marble Patterned Board 30cm x 30cm (11,8") KING SIZE Height of Figure 7cm (2,75")
7.822 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Mixed paper travel journal with a dark blue faux leather soft cover. The inside cover is hand painted with a purple, blue and white checkered design. This would make a lovely one year anniversary gift, which is traditionally the b'"'paper anniversaryb'"'Over 80 pages of assorted paper. The majority of the pages are unlined and neutral in colour (cream, white, buff, off-white, sand) but vary in texture and weight. I have also included some blue, purple, pale green, and light brown pages to match the colour theme of the book.You will also find some of these papers added, some full-sized and half-sized pages, and some smaller pages:- lined/ruled (vertical and horizontal)- squared- manuscript paper (unused music paper)- textured- salvaged paper from security envelopes- recycled confetti paper - recycled elephant poo paper- recycled coffee chaff paper- practice writing paper- cash book paper- graph paperThe great variety of paper is what I find most fun about this book. I like to have a different combination of papers each time you turn a page. Some pages are small or torn in half. There's an envelope sewn into one of the signatures (pictured) so you can keep things inside there. There's also a 'mini book' sewn into another signature (pictured).'PAPER DREAMS' embossed sticker on the front.SIZE: A6 / 105 x 148 mm / 4.1 x 5.8 inPAGES: 80+ (160+ both sides)OrSIZE: A5 / 148 X 210 mm / 5.8 x 8.3 inPAGES: 100+ (200+ both sides)Please note that the photos used here are representative of the book you will receive. Each book is unique, and will be very similar to the one pictured.More mixed paper journals available here:
3.998 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
***Order cutoff for Christmas delivery is 12/11/22. Orders placed after 12/11/22 may NOT arrive in time for Christmas. *** This beautiful wooden chess set is made using quality solid hardwoods and precision craftsmanship to create an heirloom quality showcase set. The handmade wooden chess board is made in our shop in Missouri and features dark squares of solid walnut and light squares of solid maple, surrounded by a solid walnut border for a classic, clean look. Expertly carved wooden Staunton-style chessmen complete the set. Custom engraving is available. Also available - Solid wood box to store chess pieces; link below. - Tailored cover to protect your chess board ($48); send us a message and we'll send you a custom link to order from. Contact us if you'd like to order the board without pieces. ___________________________________________________ ➤ LEAD TIME: Ships within 1-3 days ➤ PIECES: Set includes solid wooden chessmen made by craftsmen in India, the global leader in quality wooden chess pieces. Pieces come in a cotton drawstring bag. Choose standard or premium. Standard: This is a quality Staunton-style wooden chess set with 3.25" king (king's base is 1-1/8"). Light pieces are boxwood, dark pieces are acacia wood. Pieces are weighted with green felt on bottom. Extra queens are available, just send us a message. Premium: In this premium Staunton-style set, the king is 3.25" tall with base of 1-7/16". This set features a lovely smooth finish and highly detailed carving. Double queens are included. Light pieces are boxwood, dark pieces are sheesham. Pieces are nicely weighted for a substantial feel in the hand and lined with green felt on the bottom. ___________________________________________________ ➤ NATURAL BEAUTY: Each handmade walnut and maple chess board is unique due to natural variations in the color and grain of wood. This variation is part of the beauty of working with natural materials. The item you receive will vary slightly from the one that's pictured here, but will be equally beautiful. ➤ SIZE/DIMENSIONS of BOARD: Playing surface: 13" x 13" (1-5/8" squares) Overall size with border: 15-1/2" square x 3/4" thick The playing surface is backed by Baltic birch for stability. Rubber pads on the bottom of the board protect surfaces and prevent slipping. ___________________________________________________ ➤ CUSTOM ENGRAVING: We'd be happy to engrave names, dates, or a message on the back of the chess board. See listing photos for example. Select the "custom engraving" option and enter your request when you order. We'll send a proof for your approval before we actually engrave your board, so please watch for that message. ➤ CHESS PIECE BOX: We offer a chess coffer to protect your premium chessmen. This handcrafted lined box is made from solid walnut and is well-matched to the board. Order it here: ➤ GIFTS: We do not include price info in our packages. If you'd like gift wrapping or to include a gift message, please mark your order as a gift and select those options when you check out. Wood is the traditional gift for the 5th anniversary, and a custom engraved chess board makes a really special gift! ___________________________________________________ ➤ RELATED PRODUCTS: Set with geometric carved border on board (see listing photos): Set with calligraphy style carved border on board: Larger tournament size set in a similar style: Walnut box to store chess pieces: ___________________________________________________ ➤ GIVING BACK: We plant 5 trees for every product we sell through a partnership with Trees for the Future. To date, we've helped plant more than 40,000 trees. Read more at Chess board made in the USA, pieces made in India
23.302 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Refillable Personalized Leather Journal As you experience inspiration, write it down. With this refillable journal, you can keep a consistent writing experience without limits. Get ready for a masterpiece of fine leather and craftsmanship. Features: * Size: 8.75x6 in * Genuine Leather * Comes with A5 size (8.3x5.8in) 112 sheet (224 pages) Journal. * You can pick Lined or Blank notebook/Journal options * Refillable * Pen holder * Convenient to use **How To Order ** Step #1 - Select the design option that you like from drop down menu. We prepared 6 designs that you can pick from. You may find them the last image of the listing. Step #2 - Write your personalization details in the "Personalization Box" Our journal makes a perfect gift for your loved ones on special occasions such as Birthday, Anniversary, Graduation, Wedding, Christmas, or Father’s Day, or even just a treat for yourself! Click “Add to Cart” right now and order yours today!
4.900 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
This is a laser cut and engraved Baltic Birch wood playing boarder and ports (THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE ANY HEXES OR ANY OTHER GAME PIECES) for any hex shaped game board that uses 78-79 mm hexes. You can customize yourself by painting the border and using your existing pieces, or playing just the way it is. Available in 1/8" thick Baltic Birch. Please measure your hexes (flat side to flat side) from your game to make sure these fit because different versions have different size hexes. I have them in 3 different sizes depending on which version you have. If you have any questions about which one to order, please just message me a picture of one of your hexes with a Millimeter ruler on measuring flat side to flat side across the hex before you order. Option 1: 78.5mm (most common size fits most 3rd, 4th, 5th editions and the new 25th Anniversary edition) Option 2: 79mm (some knock-off Chinese boards are this size) Option 3: 79.375mm (1st, 2nd edition boards are this size- these are the ones that had blue hexes for the border/ports) As with all our boards/components, they are designed to work with the original game as well as our boards/components. This is just the border which works perfectly with all the original hexes/game of all versions as pictured. Features: - Grade A Baltic Birch plywood that is easily painted, stained, dyed, etc. - Easily removable ports from border that drop in space and sit flat during play - Border Snaps together and stays put during play - Fits nicely with all versions settlers and other hex shaped board games. Replaces original store-purchased border that falls apart during play Border can be arranged in a couple different sizes 3-4 player border configuration will hold 19 hexes inside 5-6 player border configuration will hold 29-30 hexes depending on which layout you choose Includes everything for the 3-4 Player Set and a 5-6 player set: - 6 Large Border Pieces engraved with detail - 4 Small Border Pieces engraved with detail - 9 Ports Engraved with 2:1 and 3:1 trading engraved with detail To get the box made to hold this border, your original game hexes, game pieces, cards, dice, robber and everything else you'll want, click this link: I have several other boards, pieces, parts, cards and boxes. So check out my store if you want to get more accessories for your board game. Please note: This board DO NOT come with any player pieces or playing cards, and is meant to supplement the existing game you already own. DISCLAIMER: This is a compatible accessory and/or supplement for the official Settlers of Catan® and/or Catan® board game. Catan® is the registered trademark of Catan GmbH. This serves as notice that JonesLaserWorks is not associated with, or sponsored by Catan GmbH. In order to play Catan® with this accessory you must have already purchased, and currently own the official Catan® board game. We do not include nor sell anything that is protected by copyright or trademark laws.
1.897 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Gift For Men Excellent gift for everyone Best gift for him Groomsmen gift Gift for hunter Gift for Boss Boyfriend gift Anniversary gift Birthday Gift ######### Elite Woodsman ######## Elite Woodsman Outdoor Camping Hatchet Axe Damascus Steel leather grip handle Overall Length: 16'' Inches Axe Blade Length: 4.5'' Inches Handle Length:.16.5'' Inches Blade Cutting surface: 4.00'' Inches Handle Material: Rose Wood Blade Material: Damascus steel Hardness: 56-59 Sheath Material: Cow-hide Leather Sheath This Axe Is Specially Made By Hand Each and Every Job Is Done By Hand Note::- My All products are specially handmade there are chances to be little difference product you receive from picture when you order I refresh my Product before shipping It take little more time estimated shipping date ######## Multihead axe ############ Overall Length: 20'' Inches Axe Blade Length: 8'' Inches Handle Length:.20'' Inches Blade Cutting surface: 5.00'' Inches Handle Material: Rose Wood Evil Bull Knives & Cutlery ® is a product of years’ worth of professional work that has run in the family for generations. Over the years, our hand-crafted items and metalwork have grown and modernized, allowing us today to provide you with top-notch quality products along with a wide variety of unique, traditional, and custom designs
32.112 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
✔ A perfect choice for family nights is the Jigsaw! ❤ The best gift for couples who like to play games with each other. An amazing gift for your wife/husband for a Wedding Anniversary. With this Jigsaw, boring nights can be changed into enjoyable nights.:) ⇶ D E T A İ L S You have 3 different size options as 500, 1000 and 2000 pieces. 500 pieces: 13.5x19 Inches 1000 pieces: 19x27 Inches 2000 pieces: 27x38 Inches ⁇ HOW TO ORDER 1) Click to add to cart or buy it now button in the listing. 2) Share your messages to "add a note to seller" section in the cart page. 3) Finish your payment and complete your order. 4) Share your picture to me with the contact shop button. 5) You can always contact with me by the purchases and reviews section and contact the shop button. 6) That's it. We will handle the rest! ☞ You can see our all custom puzzle variations via this link: ☞ For more products, please visit our unique gift store: DSGiftStudio WHO IS DSGIFTSTUDIO? Greetings! We’re happy to welcome you to DSGiftStudio, a company that specializes in offering personalized gifts that are stylish, eco-friendly, and truly one-of-a-kind. We at DSGiftStudio are on a mission to make gift-giving for our customers a memorable and special experience because we believe it should be. Our gifts are made from the highest-quality eco-friendly materials available, guaranteeing that they are both environmentally friendly and aesthetically pleasing. Our distinctive designs distinguish us from other gift shops and ensure that the recipient will receive a truly one-of-a-kind gift that they will treasure for years to come. We value promptness and effectiveness, so we are dedicated to offering quick shipping options to all of our customers. You can depend on us to deliver your gifts on time whether you are looking for a last-minute gift or making preparations in advance. DSGiftStudio has been a Star Seller for more than 8 months, which is evidence of our commitment to providing happy customers. Every gift that leaves our studio must adhere to our exacting standards for quality and excellence, for which our team of talented designers and artisans works tirelessly. In conclusion, if you are seeking a unique, eco-friendly, and elegant gift, look no further than DSGiftStudio. We are confident that we can give you the best gift-giving experience possible thanks to our fast shipping options, premium quality gifts, and dedication to customer satisfaction. Thank you for considering DSGiftStudio for all of your personalized gift needs.
5.956 €
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