Beyond 2 almas
Listado top ventas beyond 2 almas

España (Todas las ciudades)
Videojuego play 4! Dos Almas, el jugador alterna el control de Jodie y de Aiden (los dos únicos personajes manejables del juego). En el caso de Aiden, debido a que se trata de un ser inmaterial, es capaz de atravesar paredes y suelos e interactuar con otros personajes sin que estos sean conscientes. Más juegos en mi perfil !! Pack de 3 por 15€!!
7 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
10 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
El poder de elegir Dos viajes emocionales Prepárate para vivir dos de las aventuras más envolventes jamás vistas para consola. Si ya eran populares en PlayStation 3, ahora Heavy Rain y BEYOND: Dos almas renuevan su aspecto y mejoran aún más para PlayStation 4. Tus decisiones y acciones son lo más importante. El desarrollo de las historias... y su desenlace... dependen completamente de ti. Heavy Rain Dirige la caza para desenmascarar al misterioso Asesino del Origami y juega con cuatro personajes...
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Beyond the Grave contains: - Brand new campaign - 3 new tiles - New Upgrade cards - New Quest cards - New Tombstone cards with a new game mechanic - 2 new Heroes - 22 new Monster figures
51,11 €
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Valencia (Valencia)
TRILOGÍA WITCHFIRE COMPLETA EDG3001,2,3:LA NOCHE MAS LARGA, SOMBRA DEL EXILIO, LEGION ALMAS PERDIDAS TRILOGÍA WITCHFIRE COMPLETA EDG3001,2,3:LA NOCHE MAS LARGA, SOMBRA DEL EXILIO, LEGION ALMAS PERDIDAS EN PERFECTO ESTADO. Trilogía del fuego de brujas - La noche más larga - La sombra del exilio. - La legión de las almas perdidas Muchos otros librojuegos y módulos de Rol de Dungeons and Dragons en mis otros lotes a la venta, aproveche la posibilidad de ahorrar dinero en gastos de envío agrupando varios lotes.
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Murcia (Murcia)
PC URU AGES BEYOND MYST PC URU AGES BEYOND MYST COMPLETO. CON INSTRUCCIONES. EN ESPAÑOL. Gastos de envio 4,80 euros POSTAL EXPRES DE CORREOS; 2,50 correo certificado. Puede efectuar el pago mediante transferencia bancaria, ingreso en cuenta o PAYPAL (en este caso se incrementa con 3,4% + 0,35 €). Puede realizar cualquier consulta.
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Este pack incluye tres miniaturas en metal de los Investigadores de los Aliados, a escala 28 mm.: el capitán Eric “Badger” Harris, la agente de la Resistencia francesa Ariane Dubois con la aterradora criatura que la permite vivir para alimentarse de almas nazis y el cabo Akhee “El ojo” Singh Estas miniaturas de Achtung! Cthulhu incluyen también tres bases redondas de 30 mm., con reborde elevado.
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España (Todas las ciudades)
The alien monster invaders have left Bricksburg in ruins and taken Emmet's friends! It is now up to Emmet and a host of heroic characters to go beyond their world and save their friends from the strange inhabitants of the Systar System. Journey into outer space, discover new worlds, and test your Master Building skills. Requisitos Recomendados OS: Windows 10 Processor: AMD Ryzen 3 1200 or Intel Core i5-3470 Memory: 4 GB RAM Graphics: GeForce GTX 750 Ti or Radeon HD 7770 DirectX: Version 11 Network: Broadband Internet connection Storage: 16 GB available space Requisitos Mínimos OS: Windows 7 Processor: Intel Core i3-4130 Memory: 4 GB RAM Graphics: Radeon R9 280X or GTX 660 Ti DirectX: Version 11 Network: Broadband Internet connection Storage: 16 GB available space Instrucciones de activación Para activar este juego, se necesita una cuenta tercera 'Steam'. Para más detalles sobre como activar, siga el link: Legal Notice / EULA THE LEGO MOVIE 2 Videogame software © 2019 TT Games Ltd. Produced by TT Games under license from the LEGO Group. LEGO, the LEGO logo, the Brick and the Knob configurations and the Minifigure are trademarks and/or copyrights of the LEGO Group. © 2019 The LEGO Group. THE LEGO MOVIE 2 © & ™ DC Comics, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc., & The LEGO Group. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved. BATMAN and all related characters and elements © & ™ DC Comics. WB GAMES LOGO, WBIE LOGO, WB SHIELD: ™ & © Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. (s19)
29,98 €
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Madrid (Madrid)
Colección Gloom (básico + 2 expansiones; edición en inglés) Colección Gloom (básico + 2 expansiones; edición en inglés) The world of Gloom is a sad and benighted place. The sky is gray, the tea is cold, and a new tragedy lies around every corner. Debt, disease, heartache, and packs of rabid flesh-eating mice—just when it seems like things can't get any worse, they do. But some say that one's reward in the afterlife is based on the misery endured in life. If so, there may yet be hope—if not in this world, then in the peace that lies beyond. In the Gloom card game, you assume control of the fate of an eccentric family of misfits and misanthropes. The goal of the game is sad, but simple: you want your characters to suffer the greatest tragedies possible before passing on to the well-deserved respite of death. You'll play horrible mishaps like Pursued by Poodles or Mocked by Midgets on your own characters to lower their Self-Worth scores, while trying to cheer your opponents' characters with marriages and other happy occasions that pile on positive points. The player with the lowest total Family Value wins. Printed on transparent plastic cards, Gloom features an innovative design by noted RPG author Keith Baker. Multiple modifier cards can be played on top of the same character card; since the cards are transparent, elements from previously played modifier cards either show through or are obscured by those played above them. You'll immediately and easily know the worth of every character, no matter how many modifiers they have. You've got to see (through) this game to believe it! Each of the three expansions for Gloom adds one more player, thus with all three expansions, this should be playable with seven players.
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España (Todas las ciudades)
The Dark Pictures Anthology Volume 1 incluye: Los dós primeros juegos de la serie: The Dark Pictures: Man of Medan y The Dark PisturesLittle Hope para la plataforma selccionada. Toda la saga en tus manos. Steelbook EXCLUSIVA de 4 disco, para que puedas guardar los discos del juego, que quedará perfecta en tu estanteria. 2 pins coleccionables del juego. Mapamundi de tela. The Dark Pictures Anthology es una serie de juegos individuales cinemáticos de terror con una profunda históriay modos multijugador únicos. Cada nuevo juego está basado en eventos del mundo real ya sean hechos, ficción o leyenda e incluye una historia, ambientación y personajes totalmente nuevos. Cada nuevo juego en The Dark Pictures Anthology ofrecerá una nueva experiencia cinemática de terror jugable en solitario y multijugador incluyendo Historia Compartida jugable con un amigo online y el modo Noche de Pelis donde hasta 5 jugadores pueden jugar juntos pasándose el mando. The Dark Pictures: Man of Medan Man of Medan es el primer juego en la antología Dark Pictures, llevando el terror sobrenatural al Pacífico sur. Cinco amigos navegan en un viaje vacacional de submarinismo, con rumoreado naufragio de la 2ª Guerra Mundial que encontrar. Mientras el día pasa, y una tormenta se aproxima, su viaje pronto se transforma en algo mucho más siniestro. ¿Quién vivirá? ¿quién morirá? Depende de ti. ¿Puedes salvarlos a todos? The Dark Pictures: Little Hope: Little Hope es el segundo juego de The Dark Pictures Anthology. Atrapado en el pueblo abandonado de Little Hope, 4 estudiantes y su profesor deben escapar de apariciones de pesadilla que les persiguen incansablemente a través de una niebla impenetrable. The Dark Pictures: Little Hope para PlayStation 4 y Xbox One. The Dark Pictures Anthology es una serie de juegos individuales cinemáticos de terror con una profunda y modos multijugador únicos. Atrapado en el pueblo abandonado de Little Hope, 4 estudiantes y su profesor deben escapar de apariciones de pesadilla que les persiguen incansablemente a través de una niebla impenetrable. The Dark Pictures: Little Hope, está ambientado en un tenebroso pueblo dedicado a la caza de brujas. La trama de este nuevo episodio nos llevará a un pueblo aparentemente abandonado de New England llamado Little Hope. Este lugar cuenta con una historia bastante oscura y que deja claro por qué nadie quiere acercarse a sus alrededores. Más que nada, porque se dice que antiguamente la brujería se había asentado tanto que la locura y el miedo llegó a invadir a sus habitantes. Concretamente, en el año 1692, algunos ciudadanos de este pueblo decidieron convertirse en cazadores de brujas para restaurar el orden. Esta situación provocó que a las personas que les acusaban de dominar la brujería les castigaban de la peor forma posible y de las maneras más crueles que uno se pueda imaginar, dando como resultado una enorme cantidad de fallecidos. Sin embargo, en el aire quedó la duda de si realmente estas acusaciones estaban realmente en lo correcto o por el contrario existía una presencia maligna que se encargaba de manipular la mente de los acusadores. Así pues, esto nos dejará con una historia que tocará temas relacionados con la paranoia, las ejecuciones brutales y la búsqueda de la redención. Caracterìsticas principales. Cada juego de la saga cuenta con una nueva historia, ambientación, personajes y dos modos multijugador únicos: historia compartida (comparte tu historia y juega con un amigo online) y Noche de Pelis (juega con hasta 5 jugadores offline pasando el mando). BIENVENIDO A LITTLE HOPE Vislumbra terroríficas visiones del pasado, perseguido por los eventos de los juicios por brujería de Andover del Siglo XVII SALVAD VUESTRAS ALMAS… Escapa las apariciones de pesadilla que persiguen incansables a tus personajes antes de que arrastre vuestras almas al infierno NO JUEGUES SOLO Juga online con un amigo o con hasta 5 jugadores offline, comparte tu historia y coopera sabiamente para salvar a tus personajes… Ten cuidado, puede que no estés en total control de tu propio destino. Little Hope es el segundo juego de The Dark Pictures Anthology, esel segundo capítulo de una ambiciosa saga antológica de terror, cuyo objetivo es publicar un nuevo y terrorífico capítulo cada cierto lapso de tiempo con nuevos personajes, ambientaciones y géneros de terror. Cada juego cuenta con una nueva historia, ambientación, personajes y dos modos multijugador únicos: historia compartida (comparte tu historia y juega con un amigo online) y Noche de Pelis (juega con hasta 5 jugadores offline pasando el mando). Little Hope es el segundo juego de The Dark Pictures Anthology. Atrapado en el pueblo abandonado de Little Hope, 4 estudiantes y su profesor deben escapar de apariciones de pesadilla que les persiguen incansablemente a través de una niebla impenetrable.
49,95 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
La colección de SEGA en Mega Drive y Genesis Classics llega a la nueva generación de consolas: PlayStation 4 y Xbox One. Más de 50 títulos que abarcan todos los géneros, desde clásicos como el Sonic y Streets of Rage 2 hasta grandes RPG’s como Phantasy Star series; arcade, shooters o puzles. Características: Guarda la partida en cualquier momento. Rebobina cuando tengas algún contratiempo. Personaliza tus controles. La mayor colección de clásicos retros en un solo pack. Incluye póster de doble cara: Streets of Rage y Golden Axe. Listado completo de juegos: Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle • Alien Soldier • Alien Storm • Altered Beast • Beyond Oasis Bio-Hazard Battle • Bonanza Bros. • Columns • Columns III: Revenge of Columns • Comix Zone Crack Down • Decap Attack • Dr. Robotnik’s Mean Bean Machine • Dynamite Headdy ESWAT: City Under Siege • Fatal Labyrinth• Flicky • Gain Ground • Galaxy Force II • Golden Axe Golden Axe II • Golden Axe III • Gunstar Heroes • Kid Chameleon • Landstalker • Light Crusader Phantasy Star II • Phantasy Star III: Generations of Doom • Phantasy Star IV: The End of the Millennium • Ristar • Shadow Dancer: The Secret of Shinobi • Shining Force • Shining Force II Shining in the Darkness • Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master • Sonic 3D Blast • Sonic Spinball Sonic the Hedgehog • Sonic the Hedgehog 2 • Space Harrier II • Streets of Rage • Streets of Rage 2 Streets of Rage 3 • Super Thunder Blade • Sword of Vermilion • The Revenge of Shinobi ToeJam & Earl in Panic on Funkotron • ToeJam & Earl • Vectorman • Vectorman 2 • Virtua Fighter 2 Wonder Boy III: Monster Lair • Wonder Boy in Monster World La colección de SEGA en Mega Drive y Genesis Classics llega a la nueva generación de consolas: PlayStation 4 y Xbox One. Más de 50 títulos que abarcan todos los géneros, desde clásicos como el Sonic y Streets of Rage 2 hasta grandes RPG’s como Phantasy Star series; arcade, shooters o puzles.
29,95 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Get your hands on a signed copy of my book, "Sacred Decay: The Art of Lauren Marx"! They'll be released in batches. This shop is the only place to get yourself, or someone else, a signed copy on the internet The book is a hardcover book, 9.75 inches by 12.25 inches by.75 inches. 136 pages of artworks! Produced, designed, and published by Dark Horse Comics. Unsigned copies can be found by looking up the book title online! Books are prints will be shipped separately for those of you who order both! Photos of the book: Alison Holman @btpalison on IG Check out my full shop policies below before purchasing and if you end up having questions about your order! Most basic questions can be answered there, but do not hesitate to contact me! **FOR US ORDERS: Shipping is set at $10 US for all print orders *ONLY*(this is even if they are combined into one package). If your order includes a few different types of merch, I will be shipping your orders in a few packages. You'll receive separate tracking numbers for each package once they ship. **FOR INTERNATIONAL ORDERS: Shipping will be set at $27 USD for all print orders. They will be shipped separately from shirts, postcards, etc. So if you order a few different items, your order will arrive in one, or more, packages. Don't worry! You'll receive all the customs forms information when they ship. The other merch items will have their own customs shipping fees attached. Thank you so much for your purchase! Every sale helps to support my ability to create more lovely art for you! 99% of my income comes from this shop alone, so thank you! Please be sure to READ ALL. Many common issues are addressed here. Contact me ONLY through my ETSY shop with questions and/or concerns. It is the only way I can address them. By reading this policy, you are agreeing to the terms within. GENERAL INFORMATION: Refunds are only provided after purchased items have been successfully returned to the Shop - please note that shipping costs are never refunded unless it is the fault of the shipper. Replacements are not provided without proof of damaged and/or lost items. Average shipping windows: - 1-4 weeks within the continental United States. - 2 weeks - 5 months for international orders depending on the country. (Other factors may impact these shipping windows (these are mentioned further in this message). ** I cannot be personally responsible for shipping once the order has been handed to USPS. Tracking numbers are provided on all orders shipped EXCEPT those orders shipped with postage stamps (usually small packages such as stickers). Tracking is on the order confirmation email and should be noted by the purchaser. It is the purchaser's responsibility to track packages. Not the Shop. USPS = United States Postal Service Shop = LaurenMarxArt CONTENTS OF THE POLICY BELOW: SECTION 1: REFUND/CANCELLATIONS/EXCHANGES SECTION 2: SHIPPING SECTION 3: NEGATIVE CUSTOMER INTERACTION SECTION 4: COMMON QUESTIONS SECTION 1: REFUND/CANCELLATIONS/EXCHANGES: Refund Policy: Refunds on purchased items (shipping costs are not refunded) are provided if All products have been successfully returned to the Shop. Proof of damage during shipping is provided to the Shop. USPS has declared in writing that the shipment has been “LOST” (must provide proof to the Shop) ***International Orders Only: Refunds are only available if the order has not arrived after 5 months. Long shipping delays are not unusual for international orders. **No refunds will be honored without at least one of the above **Shipping is not refunded unless it is the Shop's error. Once a purchase has been refunded, the buyer will then have the option to repurchase the items. This is for inventory reasons and cannot be avoided. Replacement, cancellation, or exchange policies: As of January 1, 2021: Replacement policy: Due to many shop items being Limited Editions (one-of-a-kind items), there will be no replacements for orders. This includes any orders still in transit. Cancellation policy: Cancellations will be provided IF purchaser contacts the shop with suitable reason(s) for cancellation. Exchange policy: Exchanges are never accepted by the shop for any items under any circumstance. SECTION 2: SHIPPING: Shipping concerns: Purchasers must contact USPS with concerns of a suspected delayed, lost, missing etc. shipment. The shop has no resources to answer these concerns - only the purchaser. Sellers are not responsible for shipping issues due to USPS. This is outlined clearly in Etsy’s seller policies and protections. This shop only ships via USPS. No alternative shipping methods are used. Average shipping timelines: 1-4 weeks within the United States 2 weeks - 5 months outside of the United States Shipping Rates: $10 PER PRINT ONLY PACKAGE* for orders within the US. $25 PER PRINT ONLY PACKAGE* for International orders. This should cover insurance and packing materials for most orders. *Prints are packed and shipped separately from all other items. Merchandise that cannot be shipped with prints (for example: shirts, postcards, pins) will be shipped separately and will have their own shipping rates attached at checkout. Shipping delivery windows: Delivery times are ESTIMATED and are based on Etsy’s own estimations. This does not reflect when a package might arrive. Many factors need to be considered when determining an expected delivery date such as holidays, weather, politics, etc. There is NO guaranteed date of arrival. Please keep this in mind if making a purchase and expecting delivery for a special occasion. International Shipping cont.: Once a package has left the USA, a package can no longer be tracked by USPS. An international purchaser is provided with a customs form. The purchaser (not the Shop) is responsible for any customs fees or any other fee related to the shipping. The customs number can be used by the purchaser to contact their customs office to inquire about the status of the delivery. This shop does NOT refund any international shipping costs if: Package(s) not picked up by the purchaser. If the purchaser refuses to pay customs Package(s) are returned for any reason. If purchaser provided incorrect shipping address information ONLY will shipping costs be refunded IF the Shop addressed incorrectly. Please note: International orders can take anywhere from 2 weeks to 5 months to arrive. International purchaser’s need to wait for 5 months from the date package(s) shipped before presenting a case for refund due to missing or lost packages. Delivery dates are never guaranteed by my Shop. Delayed items: In these times of social unrest, items may be delayed for a variety of reasons that are not in anyone’s control. Please consider these factors before contacting the Shop with complaints and/or issues. Delays can be due to USPS being understaffed, Holidays, elections, domestic terrorist attacks, an unusually high volume of packages, issues with the tracking/scanning/sorting machines, etc., etc. - the list goes on. The official “shipped” date is the date indicated on the shipping label/ customs form. Items can be held at USPS hubs for an indeterminate amount of time. This is not the fault of this Shop nor is it the Shop’s responsibility. Please ONLY contact USPS for these concerns. Under no circumstances will this Shop refund orders that are currently tracking as “in transit”. If circumstances require that a package(s) needs to be intercepted and rerouted to the Shop’s PO Box, the purchaser’s order will be refunded once the package(s) are received. Shipping will not be refunded. Damaged Items: Sometimes item(s) can be damaged while in transit - it happens. Refunds will be provided for the damaged items ONLY. Proof will need to be provided of the damage - pictures work best. Without the proof, no refund will be provided for any of the items. Please note refunds will be for ONLY the damaged items, not necessarily the entire order. Shipping costs will NOT be refunded. Proof of damage must be provided, or no refund will be issued. Lost Items: USPS can provide a document stating that the package(s) are LOST. (Tracking status must not be “in transit”). Purchaser’s must contact USPS to have this confirmed. The purchaser can have USPS flag the package(s) so that if the package(s) is updated, or if USPS notifies the purchaser that the item is indeed lost, a refund will be considered. Please note that the order might not qualify for a “full refund”. Each case will be considered independently. Incorrect Items: Sometimes incorrect item(s) can accidentally be shipped. Due to the size of my shop, and number of orders, it can happen. If it does occur, the buyer needs to provide images of the order including the incorrect item(s). Once sent to me, and the incorrect item(s) claim is verified, the buyer and the shop can discuss options to correct the error. Customized Orders: This Shop does not customize orders. This Shop cannot include special notes, special messages, or repackage randomly assorted packs in order to include specific items (5-10 packs of randomly assorted postcards for example). Holiday/Birthday/Event shipping requests: There is NO guarantee of a specific shipping date and/or a specific delivery date in order for a purchase to arrive on/or around special events. Purchaser’s need to keep this in mind when placing an order to allow enough time for delivery. Holidays are usually higher volume shipping events which means more time needs to be allowed for delivery. Purchaser’s need to order well in advance. Ship out turnaround times: Shipping usually occurs one to two weeks from the time the order has been confirmed. This Shop reserves the right to extend this time depending on conditions beyond the control of this Shop. SECTION 3: NEGATIVE CUSTOMER INTERACTION: Purchasers exhibiting unseemly behavior: Another copy of this policy will be provided to the purchaser for review. This Shop will limit contact with any unreasonable purchaser. This Shop is owned and operated by a compassionate human being. Please be kind. SECTION 4: COMMON QUESTIONS: 1. Why are some of my items arriving at different times? When items ship in more than one package, they will inevitably ship at different rates of speed. Prints ship in tubes which are handled differently at the USPS than the flat/carton style packages. Each package is provided with individual tracking numbers to the purchaser. Etsy’s updates saying that all packages have arrived at the same time are incorrect. This feature is inaccurate for multiple shipping situations. 2. Why is shipping not being refunded for my order? As seller, and per Etsy’s seller policies, Etsy shops are not responsible for shipping unless the shop made an error with the address. If the item(s) are being delivered to the provided address from the buyer, and a tracking number was included, the seller must state a case with USPS. The Shop is not responsible for any issues or delays by the United States Postal Service. 3. My item(s) arrived damaged. What can I do now? Please provide the Shop with images of the damage. Once provided, the Shop will begin the process of providing a refund if warranted. If photographic proof is not provided, a refund will not be provided. If the buyer refuses to accept the package and has it returned through USPS, the discussion of a refund will begin once the items have been returned to the Shop. This is not a guarantee of a refund, nor a full refund, and replacements will not be provided. 4. I am not happy with these policies put in place by the Shop and have now decided to make demands outside of these policies. What can I do? If the buyer ignores, does not read, or wants to fight against any of the Shop’s clearly provided policies, take the case to Etsy. If any cases and/or reports are made against the shop due to the customer deciding that they do not agree with these policies, the case/report will be challenged. 5. I am experiencing delays/My order is late/Tracking has not been updated in a while. Why might that be? Many issues can cause shipping delays outside of the Shop. Since March of 2020, tracking nor delivery times have been reliable due to many factors (that at this time are still affecting shipping): COVID-19, the forced removal of a good portion of the USPS’s staff due to the election and pandemic, the domestic terrorist attacks in Nashville and Washington DC (threats of more future attacks are circulating - just to name a few! USPS is a gov’t entity and has reasonably slowed down shipping to inspect packages), record shopping season starting November 2020 that is still affecting shipping, and weather. All of these issues have nothing to do with the Shop. Please direct all questions about the shipping of your order to the United States Postal Service. If an order is late, but still marked as “in transit” during all this chaos, please be patient. If USPS refuses, the Shop can/will have the package intercepted and returned. Once the packages are returned, a refund (sans shipping) will be provided. 6. My order shipping label says it shipped on a [blank] date, but USPS didn’t update it until much later. Why? Sometimes items get stuck at the hub where the package was received. This is out of this Shop’s control. The date on the shipping label is the date the package shipped since USPS will not accept new packages/drop offs later than the date provided on the label. This is the proof that the date provided on the label is indeed correct. These items can be held at a package center for an indeterminate amount of time, which could be caused by numerous issues, and is not at the fault of the shop. 7. How long will it take for the seller to process my order and ship it out to me? 2-3 weeks. Due to the unrest currently, I am lengthening packing times in hopes of finding more secure shipping days/weeks. This may be because your order will be shipped out earlier than that if I feel it is reliable enough to do so. This is not a guarantee. Each print purchased helps me to support myself as an artist and to continue to make more artwork in the future. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Thank you!
5.949 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Climbing Arch with Pillow, Arch Rocker Pillow, Handmade Toddler Bedroom gift, Nursery Playmat, Wooden Baby Gym, Children's Playroom, Arch Rocker Playmat, Baby Cotton Pillow, Rocker Cushion ✅ VERY FAST FREE DELIVERY FEDEX ✈️ ✅ 24/7 hours communication service ✅ The only company in the world that gives a lifetime warranty for its products ✅ Our products are CE and CPC-certified. ✅ The best price and quality on this site * * * An unique and luxurious set of many parts for the physical development of your child is made by us exclusively by hand with love. That is why all our sets are unique. We take into account all the age needs of kids in the manufacture of each set, and take care of the comfort and safety of our future little users. Climbing arch, made by us for children, is a multi-functional kids’ furniture. It has been designed to support active play and diverse development of gross motor skills, coordination, balance, and strength. Climbing fulfills kids’ natural built-in need to learn new things and learning to climb is a wonderful way to get physically active and build kids’ confidence. Climbing arch also has many other functions beyond climbing. When turned upside down climbing arch works as a rocker, and it is perfect as a dreamy naptime nest. For this use we create unique cute pillows and cover which makes the use of the arch as a rocker safer and more comfortable Each pillow is hand-sewn by us, taking into account all manufacturing technologies. Each pillow is surprisingly soft and light, designed for the comfort and convenience of the baby. Natural cotton is incredibly pleasant to the touch, which will be especially pleasant for the baby. The pillow filler specially selected by us allows the child to feel comfortable. We make pillows for the arch with four ties for a strong fixation. Each product is sewn by us by hand and with the utmost care, using the highest quality materials. We create quilted pillows or capes for wigwams in a single copy. You can choose the color of the fabric and we will sew a pillow for your baby. ❗️❗️❗️ We create fabric products only according to the dimensions of our wooden products. If you want a larger/smaller size, just contact us. * * * The age range for using the climbing arch is 0–9 years. The frame of the climbing arch is made of sustainably sourced birch plywood, and the rungs are sustainably sourced aspen. Cushion is made of 100 % cotton and it is filled with EcoSuperSoft filling - antiallergenic children's synthetic winterizer. * * * ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ▷Small pillows not included▷ Big pillow: Length 130cm / 51.18 " Width 50cm / 19.68 " Height 7cm / 2.75 " Small pillow: Length 85cm / 33.46 " Width 50cm / 19.68 " Height 7cm / 2.75 " ************************* Climbing Arch Big Width: 97 cm (38,2 inch) Height: 47 cm (18,5 inch) Length: 52 cm (20,5 inch) Climbing Arch Small Width: 75 cm (30,2 inch) Height: 35 cm (13,5 inch) Depth 44 cm / 17 inches You can choose from 7 different color variations of the climbing arch. Pillow can be washed in 40°C with a delicate wash cycle. ❗️❗️❗️Use the climbing arch on a non-slip surface. Young kids should only use the climbing arch under adult supervision. * * * ▷WORLDWIDE DELIVERY Free worldwide shipping. Each item is checked and professionally packed for safe travel so that your item arrives at your place in perfect condition. If you have any problems with delivery, or have any questions - just contact me! Your order will be shipped within 1-3 business days after payment is confirmed. We use the mailing address you indicate, therefore, please make sure it is correct. We will inform you when the order is in transit, and send you a package tracking number. Standard international shipping takes up to 10-20 business days. ▷ RETURNS/EXCHANGES No returns/exchanges. If there is any problem with the purchase, you must inform us within 3 days. If the error was on my part, I am ready to help you solve this situation. If you changed your mind, or for some other reason, you are fully responsible for your purchase. ▷ IMPORT TAXES AND CUSTOM. ITEM LOST Buyers are responsible for any customs and import taxes that may apply. We are not responsible for delays due to customs, and we are not responsible for lost packages in transit. ▷ IMPORTANT!!! ▷ Image Copyright and Item Copyright - "WoodenLikesUa" 2020 Copyright Law prevents others from copying items or images without "WoodenLikesUa" permission. ▷ Please note that picture colors may differ slightly depending on your monitor settings. Thank you for your visit! We hope you found what you were looking for, but if not, we have lots more items to see in our shop You can look at the FAQs * care instructions * delivery * packaging * * * Please CONTACT ME if you have any problems with your order. Before you write feedback, write to us and we will help you solve your problem
18.486 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
LUOTO rocker is a multi-functional kids’ furniture. It’s perfect for little pirates to voyage in or to be used as a dreamy naptime nest. For this use we recommend getting the KAURA cushion which makes the use of the arch as a rocker safer and more comfortable. As mentioned, LUOTO also has many other functions beyond rocker. It can be used as a climbing arch, play fort, baby gym, goal, kids’ table, toy storage or as a side table! It has been designed to support active play and diverse development of gross motor skills, coordination, balance, and strength. When turned upside down LUOTO rocker works as a climbing arch – climbing fulfills kids’ natural built-in need to learn new things and learning to climb is a wonderful way to get physically active and build kids’ confidence. In addition to working as a climbing arch in its arch position, LUOTO can also be used as a play fort, a goal or as a baby gym. Cover it with a blanket and place a cushion (like KAURA) underneath to turn it into a play fort or hang sensory stimuli from few of the top rungs to turn it into a baby gym. In its arch position LUOTO also works as a perfect indoor football goal or as goal for pretty much any fun and games the kids might come up with! When turned on its side so that the backboard of the arch is facing up the climbing arch can be used as a table. Place it against a wall to act as a side table or combine with a small stool to use it as a kids’ activity table for painting, crafting, and playing. If you turn the arch on its side so that the backboard is facing the floor and push it against a wall (or another LUOTO arch), it becomes a toy storage. Great for big stuffed animals or for pillows and blankets! The age range for using the rocker is 0-9 years: • 0–12 m/o can use it as rocker, baby gym or support for crawling and learning to stand • 1–5 y/o can use it as rocker, climbing arch, play fort, goal etc. • 6–9 y/o can use it as table, rocker, play fort, goal etc. As a side table the LUOTO works for kids and adults of any age! Please note that slight bending spares the joints of the climbing arch when it’s used often. Use the climbing arch on a non-slip surface. Young kids should only use the climbing arch under adult supervision. TUOHI slide ramp TUOHI slide ramp is a fun and versatile product that can be combined with our LUOTO climbing arch and with all the different wall bars available in our product range. The slide ramp has two sides, one for sliding and the other for climbing. It enables the familiar climbing arch and wall bars to take on new dimensions and thus takes playtime to a whole new level. TUOHI is easy to use and requires no fixed installation. The slide /climbing ramp incline can be changed in no time by placing it on the desired bar. The slide ramp is designed to improve children’s coordination and motor skills while encouraging them to engage in free and creative play. Only the imagination is the limit to what this slide ramp can turn into – small birdies can climb down the ladder to start their days adventures, or rally drivers can race to see whose car is fastest down the hill. Playing together improves children’s social skills, and our versatile slide ramp ensures there will be no dull moments. Details: Rocker measures: - Width: 100 cm / 39.3" - Depth: 60 cm / 23.6" - Height: 54 cm / 21.2" - Weight: 10 kg / 22 lbs - Weight limit: 60kg / 132.3 lbs Cushion measures: - Width: 55 cm / 21.6" - Depth: 13.5 cm / 5.3" - Height: 150 cm / 59" - Weight: 2 kg / 6.4 lbs Slide ramp measures: - Width: 120 cm / 47.2″ - Depth: 40 cm / 15.7″ - Height: 5,8 cm / 2.3″ - Weight: 6,9 kg / 15.2 lbs - Weight limit: 60 kg / 132.3 lbs - Age recommendation: 0-9 years The TUOHI slide ramp and the frame of the LUOTO rocker are made from sustainably sourced, high-quality birch plywood. The rungs of the climbing arch are sustainably sourced aspen. KAURA cushion is made of 97 % recycled fabric (84 % recycled cotton, 13 % recycled polyester and 3 % cotton – Standard 100 by Öko-tex) and it is filled with 100 % recycled EcoSuperSoft filling (may contain individual down feathers). The cushion can be washed in 40°C with a delicate wash cycle. The KAURA cushion is only available in a sand color. Products are designed in Finland and made in the EU. They are designed to support an active lifestyle without compromising on design or sustainable values. LUOTO and TUOHI comply with EN 71-3,8 standards. Products have a warranty of two years (one year for semi-commercial and commercial use). Also, we do our best to provide spare parts even after the warranty has expired. SHIPPING AND DELIVERY Please write your phone number so the delivery service can contact you and deliver the package to you in time. We prepare and ship orders only on WORKING DAYS from Monday to Friday, NOT including Saturday and Sunday! The delivery time depends on your location. Usual delivery time is 5-12 business days. •━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━• ⚠️There will be no additional taxes or duty charges requested on delivery by our carriers if you are from: USA, UK, Canada or European Union. All other countries may need to pay extra for customs service, or import fees. These charges can vary and are based on the price and package weight and dimensions, origin country, and the taxes, duties, and fees of the destination country. You may check the approximate customs fee by the link: •━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━•
39.564 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
If you are looking for; Large Journal, Personalised Journal, Wedding Guestbook, Pocket Notebook, Gift Journal, Quality Letaher Journal, Rustic Journal, Vintage Journal, anniversary gift, personalized gift, lined or unlined journal, handmade journal, birthday gift, scrapbook (scrapbook supplies), sketchbook, premium quality leather and excellent paper performance, with many different sizes and many different colors, this journal is for you. *Journal Size and Dimensions: -A7:The paper size is A7 (4.1 inc x 2.9 inc). The leather size is 4.8 inc x 3.8 inc -A6:The paper size is A6 (5.8 inc x 4.1 inc). The leather size is 6 inc x 4.5 inc. -A5:The paper size is A5 (8.2. inc x 5.8 inc). The leather size is 8.5 inc x 6.6 inc. -A4:The paper size is A4 (11.7 inc x 8.2 inc). The leather size is 12 inc x 9 inc. *Journal Paper: 150 Sheets/300 Pages and we use 120 Grams of Ivory(cream color) LİNED OR BLANK paper. (A7 journal 130 pages/260 sides) !!!!Paper thickness is very important in a notebook. If you want to write on both sides of a paper, the paper should not allow ink to pass on to the back. A 120 gram paper does not pass ink on its back.!!!!! Journals Weight: A4 Weight:1500 Grams, 150 Sheets/300 Pages A5 Weight:780 Grams, 150 Sheets/300 Pages A6 Weight:360 Grams, 150 Sheets/300 Pages A7 Weight:185 Grams, 130 Sheets/260 Pages *If you are looking for a refillable journal, I have two different journal for you. Please click the links: *Why leather journal? If you value what you write or draw, this journal is for you. If you have a real leather cover journal, you can keep your writing and drawings in this journal forever. The leather is really durable and you don't have to worry about contamination. Unlike many poor quality leathers, it does not smell and its smell does not bother you. Our leathers are of premium quality. Journals with a paper or similar cover can get dirty or faded over time, but real leather is completely different. It does not get dirty and does not fade. Its appearance is vintage. Designed with modern considerations, this journal has a rustic look. *What kind of gift is it? We can personalise this completely handmade journal for you. By gifting your loved ones a personalized journal, you will be giving them an unforgettable gift. If you want to go beyond the classic gifts, this journal is for you. Our customers who have bought this journal before really loved it. (Please take a look at the rewiev section below) You will love it too. *Enjoy a genuine handmade leather journal. This journal you bought was completely hand-stitched, not machines. Please do not confuse this journal with the journals that were sewn on machines but tried to be sold to you as handmade. *The paper and leather quality of this hand-stitched journal will really surprise you. A premium quality leather is used for a journal. *You can buy this journal with six different color and four different size options. Some colors and sizes may be out of stock and may take some time to add to stock. If you are interested in a journal that is out of stock, please feel free to ask us when they will be added to stock. We recommend choosing a color from the photos we provide as the colors are close to each other. When you select a color, the photo of the journal in that color is displayed. * You will take this journal with you on your travels or at any time, which is hand-sewn from genuine calf leather. * You can use this hand-stitched notebook yourself or gift it to your loved ones on Christmas, birthday, mother's day, anniversaries or whenever you want. Do not forget! Your gift will not be forgotten and will always be in their hands. Shipping: All of our products are shipped from the UK. All shipments to the UK are provided by Royal Mail as standard and do not have a Tracking number. You can upgrade your delivery option when purchasing. If you upgrade you will have a tracking number with your order. International shipments are made with Royal Mail signed and tracking number. Overseas delivery time may exceed the time specified by Etsy due to customs procedures. Personalisation: If you want personalisation, choose Size-Personalisation when choosing a journal you want to buy from the Size-Personalisation(For example:A5-Personalisation) section. We use hot stamping and Times New Roman character for personalization. Please make a customization request by following the explanations we have given in the personalisation section. Unfortunately, we cannot make personlisations requested for more than 14 characters. Up to 14 characters can be printed for A5 and A4. Only one line.(Only English characters) Up to 10 characters can be printed for A6. Only one line.(Only English characters) Up to 5 characters can be printed for A7 size. Only one line.(Only English characters) Printing is made in the bottom right. If you have any other personalization requests, please do not hesitate to ask.
1.773 €
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