Black imperial blood
Listado top ventas black imperial blood

Imagina los combates y misiones más importantes de la saga Star Wars con las figuras de Star Wars The Black Series.. Con una cuidada atención a los detalles, esta serie establece el estándar de calidad y el realismo que esperan los fanáticos de Star Wars. Star Wars ha atrapado el corazón de millones de fans con sus emblemáticos personajes, impresionantes vehículos y una galaxia de historias que perduran en el tiempo. Celebra el 40.º aniversario de Star Wars: El Imperio contraataca con figuras de The Black Series, con diseños y embalajes clásicos. (Se venden por separado. Sujeto a disponibilidad). Recuerda momentos intensos de la galaxia de Star Wars con esta figura de acción de Piloto Imperial de caza TIE de 15 cm por el 40.° aniversario de Star Wars The Black Series que incluye 1 accesorios de lanzamiento y cuenta con decoración premium en los múltiples puntos de articulación... Los productos de Star Wars son fabricados por Hasbro bajo licencia de Lucasfilm Ltd. Hasbro y todos los términos relacionados son marcas registradas de Hasbro... PILOTO IMPERIAL DE CAZA TIE. Los Pilotos Imperiales contaban con reflejos más rápidos que un relámpago y audacia para sobrevivir a los períodos de servicio contra los enemigos del Imperio. FIGURA POR EL 40.º ANIVERSARIO. Celebra los 40 años de Star Wars: El Imperio contraataca con esta figura de acción de Piloto Imperial de caza TIE de The Black Series con un diseño inspirado en la década de 1980. EMBALAJE CON ESTILO RETRO. Figuras clásicas de Star Wars The Black Series de 15 cm por el 40.° aniversario de Star Wars: El Imperio contraataca que presenta la marca original de juguetes Kenner (Se venden por separado. Sujeto a disponibilidad.). ARTICULACIÓN Y DETALLES PREMIUM. Los fans y los coleccionistas de Star Wars pueden exhibir en su colección de figuras de acción y vehículos esta figura altamente articulada (con 4 extremidades completamente articuladas), que presenta una decoración premium. BUSCA OTRAS FIGURAS DE UNA GALAXIA MUY, MUY LEJANA. Busca otras figuras de Star Wars The Black Series, inspiradas en las películas y la animación, para crear una galaxia de Star Wars (se venden por separado. Sujeto a disponibilidad.)... COMPOSICIÓN. CONTENIDOS. Incluye figura y accesorio. INFORMACIÓN DE SEGURIDAD. 4 AÑOS+
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Imagina los combates y misiones más importantes de la saga Star Wars con las figuras de Star Wars The Black Series.. Con una cuidada atención a los detalles, esta serie establece el estándar de calidad y el realismo que esperan los fans de Star Wars. Star Wars ha atrapado el corazón de millones de fans con sus emblemáticos personajes, impresionantes vehículos y una galaxia de historias que perduran en el tiempo. Celebra el 40 aniversario de Star Wars: El Imperio contraataca con figuras de The Black Series, con diseños y embalajes clásicos. (Se venden por separado. Sujeto a disponibilidad). Recuerda momentos intensos de la galaxia de Star Wars con esta figura de acción de soldado de asalto de las nieves imperial (Hoth) de 15 cm por el 40 aniversario de Star Wars The Black Series que incluye 3 accesorios y cuenta con decoración premium en los múltiples puntos de articulación... Los productos de Star Wars son fabricados por Hasbro bajo licencia de Lucasfilm Ltd. Hasbro y todos los términos relacionados son marcas registradas de Hasbro... SOLDADO DE ASALTO DE LAS NIEVES IMPERIAL (HOTH). Los soldados de asalto con equipos para clima frío se desplegaron de caminantes AT-AT imperiales e invadieron la Base Eco de Hoth, y luego tomaron el control de los Rebeldes de forma rápida y despiadada. FIGURA POR EL 40 ANIVERSARIO. Celebra los 40 años de Star Wars: El Imperio contraataca con esta figura de acción de soldado de asalto de las nieves imperial (Hoth) de The Black Series con un diseño inspirado en la década de 1980. EMBALAJE CON ESTILO RETRO. Figuras clásicas de Star Wars The Black Series de 15 cm por el 40 aniversario de Star Wars: El Imperio contraataca que presenta la marca original de juguetes Kenner (Se venden por separado. Sujeto a disponibilidad.). ARTICULACIÓN Y DETALLES PREMIUM. Los fans y los coleccionistas de Star Wars pueden exhibir en su colección de figuras de acción y vehículos esta figura altamente articulada (con 4 extremidades completamente articuladas), que presenta una decoración premium. COLECCIONA OTRAS FIGURAS DE UNA GALAXIA MUY, MUY LEJANA. Colecciona otras figuras de Star Wars The Black Series, inspiradas en las películas y la animación, para crear una galaxia de Star Wars (se venden por separado. Sujeto a disponibilidad.)... COMPOSICIÓN. CONTENIDOS. Incluye figura y 3 accesorios.. INFORMACIÓN DE SEGURIDAD. 4 AÑOS+
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Vive aventuras en una galaxia muy muy lejana con esta figura basada en Star Wars Black Series... SOLDADOS DE LA MUERTE IMPERIAL. Los soldados de élite de la inteligencia imperial, los soldados de la muerte, están recubiertos con la armadura especializada de los soldados de asalto.. FIGURA POR EL 50.º ANIVERSARIO DE LUCASFILM. Celebra los primeros 50 años de Lucasfilm con figuras inspiradas en Rogue One: Una historia de Star Wars (se venden por separado. Sujeto a disponibilidad.). LA COLECCIÓN ARCHIVE. Vuelven las figuras emblemáticas de Star Wars The Black Series con las figuras de acción de 15 cm de Black Series Archive, que cuentan con una decoración y un diseño premium.. ACCESORIOS INSPIRADOS EN EL PERSONAJE DE LA PELÍCULA. Esta figura de acción de Star Wars The Black Series incluye dos accesorios lanzadores inspirados en la ficción, ideales para sumar a cualquier colección de Star Wars.. ARTICULACIÓN Y DETALLES PREMIUM. Los fans y los coleccionistas de Star Wars ya pueden exhibir en su colección de figuras de acción y vehículos esta figura en diferentes poses, ya que es totalmente articulada y presenta una decoración premium.
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Vive aventuras en una galaxia muy muy lejana con esta figura basada en Star Wars Black Series... CONDUCTORES DE TANQUE REPULSOR IMPERIAL. Los conductores de combate imperiales conducen los vehículos repulsores blindados del Imperio, que confían en el grueso revestimiento de sus vehículos para protegerse en el combate.. FIGURA POR EL 50.º ANIVERSARIO DE LUCASFILM. Celebra los primeros 50 años de Lucasfilm con figuras inspiradas en Rogue One: Una historia de Star Wars (se venden por separado. Sujeto a disponibilidad.). LA COLECCIÓN ARCHIVE. Vuelven las figuras emblemáticas de Star Wars The Black Series con las figuras de acción de 15 cm de Black Series Archive, que cuentan con una decoración y un diseño premium.. ACCESORIOS INSPIRADOS EN EL PERSONAJE DE LA PELÍCULA. Esta figura de acción de Star Wars The Black Series incluye un accesorio lanzador inspirado en la ficción, ideal para sumar a cualquier colección de Star Wars.. ARTICULACIÓN Y DETALLES PREMIUM. Los fans y los coleccionistas de Star Wars ya pueden exhibir en su colección de figuras de acción y vehículos esta figura en diferentes poses, ya que es totalmente articulada y presenta una decoración premium
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Imagina las batallas y misiones más importantes de la saga Star Wars con las figuras Star Wars Black Series! Con una extrema atención a los detalles, esta serie establece el estándar de calidad y el realismo que esperan los fanáticos de Star Wars.. La saga de Star Wars ha atrapado el corazón de millones de fans con sus emblemáticos personajes, impresionantes vehículos y una galaxia de historias que perduran en el tiempo. ¡Celebra el 50.º aniversario de Lucasfilm con figuras The Black Series inspiradas en los libros e historietas de Star Wars, las cuales cuentan con diseño y empaques premium! (Se venden por separado. Sujeto a disponibilidad)... CARNOR JAX: Tras entrenarse en los caminos del lado oscuro de la Fuerza, Carnor Jax se convirtió en uno de los miembros más formidables de la Guardia Imperial. Jax traicionó a esta hermandad al usurpar el Trono Imperial. FIGURA DEL 50.º ANIVERSARIO DE LUCASFILM: Celebra los primeros 50 años de Lucasfilm con figuras inspiradas en libros e historietas de Star Wars (Se venden por separado. Sujeto a disponibilidad). ACCESORIO INSPIRADO EN EL PERSONAJE: Esta figura de acción Star Wars The Black Series incluye un accesorio inspirado en el personaje que hace de la figura una adición fantástica a toda colección Star Wars. ARTICULACIÓN Y DISEÑO PREMIUM: Los fans de Star Wars pueden exhibir esta figura altamente articulada con cabeza, brazos y piernas móviles y diseño premium en su colección de vehículos y figuras. BUSCA OTRAS FIGURAS DE UNA GALAXIA MUY, MUY LEJANA: Busca figuras de Star Wars The Black Series inspiradas en las películas y las series de TV, y crea tu propia galaxia de Star Wars (se venden por separado; sujeto a disponibilidad)
52,90 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
MULTIJUGADOR TÁCTICO Y CONSOLIDADO El multijugador de Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 sube el listón y ofrece la experiencia de combate más apasionante hasta la fecha, con especial atención a la jugabilidad táctica y a la toma de decisiones del jugador. El juego ofrece un nuevo nivel de acción online a través del armamento, los mapas y los modos de juego. Por primera vez, el modo multijugador es el núcleo de la narrativa del juego, donde los jugadores podrán explorar el papel de cada especialista con sus estilos de juego exclusivos. Con el regreso del sistema Crear una clase: elige 10, combinado con la nueva categoría Equipo, la jugabilidad es más personalizable que nunca y los jugadores podrán elegir cómo mejorar a sus especialistas. Esto, junto al desbloqueo de poderosas rachas de puntos, les permitirá lucirse en solitario o formar un equipo imparable. EL MODO ZOMBIES MÁS GRANDE DE CALL OF DUTY Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 incluye la mayor oferta de lanzamiento en el modo Zombies con tres experiencias completas: IX, Voyage of Despair y Blood of the Dead. Con las nuevas aventuras y los nuevos personajes, el modo Zombies de Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 volverá con una jugabilidad y unas sorpresas a la altura de lo que esperan los fans de la comunidad. CELEBRA LA EXPERIENCIA BLACK OPS Black Ops cobra vida en Blackout, una enorme experiencia de Battle Royale que incluye el combate característico de Black Ops con vehículos para desplazarse por tierra, mar y aire: todo ello en el mapa más grande de la historia de Call of Duty. Queremos conectar los distintos mundos de Black Ops para que los jugadores puedan ponerse en la piel de sus personajes favoritos y puedan luchar en escenarios emblemáticos del universo Black Ops en una experiencia de supervivencia y eliminación sin cuartel.
5 €
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AXE WOVES: Hábil guerrero, Axe Woves es leal a Bo-Katan y es uno de los mandalorianos miembros del Clan Kryze dedicados a luchar en contra del Remanente Imperial ¡Tanto los niños como los coleccionistas pueden imaginar las más grandes batallas y misiones de la saga de Star Wars con las figuras de Star Wars The Black Series! Con características y decorado premium, esta serie establece el estándar de calidad y realismo que esperan los fans de Star Wars. Star Wars The Black Series incluye figuras, vehículos y artículos para juego de rol inspirados en los más de 40 años de legado que nos ha dado la galaxia de Star Wars, incluyendo los cómics, películas y series animadas. (Los productos adicionales se venden por separado. Sujeto a disponibilidad.) Esta figura Black Series de Axe Woves a escala de 15 cm fue diseñada con lujo de detalles para verse igual al personaje de la serie The Mandalorian y cuenta con diseño detallado y múltiples puntos de articulación. Los productos de Star Wars son fabricados por Hasbro bajo licencia de Lucasfilm Ltd. Hasbro y todos los términos relacionados son marcas registradas de Hasbro.
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España (Todas las ciudades)
If you wondering the gemstone is natural not not, please check below information, thanks and enjoy your time! #1 Green Blood Stone--100% natural gemstone and natural color #2 Garnet--100% natural gemstone and natural color #3 Lapis Lazuli--100% natural gemstone color treatment #4 Green Sandstone--artificial synthesis #5 Blue Sandstone--artificial synthesis #6 Gold Sandstone--artificial synthesis #7 Colorful Tiger Eye--100% natural gemstone and natural color #8 Red Tiger Eye--100% natural gemstone and natural color #9 Yellow Tiger Eye--100% natural gemstone and natural color #10 Malachite --artificial synthesis #11 Sodalite--100% natural gemstone and natural color #12 Purple Fluorite--100% natural gemstone and natural color #13 Labradorite--100% natural gemstone and natural color #14 Green Jade--100% natural gemstone and natural color #15 Zebra Jasper--100% natural gemstone and natural color #16 Rhodochrosite--100% natural gemstone and natural color #17 Rhodonite--100% natural gemstone and natural color #18 Sunset Dumotierite--100% natural gemstone and natural color #19 Unakite--100% natural gemstone and natural color #20 Blue Sodalite--100% natural gemstone and natural color #21 Peach Aventurine--100% natural gemstone and natural color #22 African Jade--100% natural gemstone and natural color #23 Mahogany Obsidian--100% natural gemstone and natural color #24 Green Unakite--100% natural gemstone and natural color #25 Snow Flake Jasper--100% natural gemstone and natural color #26 Mookaite--100% natural gemstone and natural color #27 Picture Japser--100% natural gemstone and natural color #28 Picasso Jasper--100% natural gemstone and natural color #29 Red Jasper--100% natural gemstone and natural color #30 Rhyloite Jasper--100% natural gemstone and natural color #31 Jadeite--100% natural gemstone and natural color #32 Dalmation Jasper--100% natural gemstone and natural color #33 Leopard Jasper--100% natural gemstone and natural color #34 Qinghai Jade--100% natural gemstone and natural color #35 Silver Leaf Jasper-- 100% natural gemstone and natural color #36 Black Spinel-- 100% natural gemstone and natural color #37 Yellow Turquoise--100% natural gemstone and natural color #38 Mother of Pearl--100% natural gemstone and natural color #39 Lime Agate--100% natural gemstone and natural color #40 Green Aventurine--100% natural gemstone and natural color #41 Watermelon Quartz--artificial synthesis #42 White Opalite--artificial synthesis #43 Rose Quartz--100% natural gemstone and natural color #44 Mustars Jasper--100% natural gemstone and natural color #45 Peridot--100% natural gemstone and natural color #46 White Quartz--100% natural gemstone and natural color #47 Amethyst--100% natural gemstone and natural color #48 Sunstone--100% natural gemstone and natural color #49 New Jade--100% natural gemstone and natural color #50 Black Obsidian--100% natural gemstone and natural color #51 Smoky Quartz--100% natural gemstone and natural color #52 Red Aventurine--100% natural gemstone and natural color #53 Amazonite--100% natural gemstone and natural color #54 Yellow Jade--100% natural gemstone and natural color #55 Green Amazonite-- 100% natural gemstone and natural color #56 Strawberry Quartz--100% natural gemstone and natural color #57 Yellow Citrine--artificial synthesis #58 White Porcelain--artificial synthesis #59 Lapis--artificial synthesis #60 Red Jasper--100% natural gemstone and natural color #61 African Turquoise--100% natural gemstone and natural color #62 White Howlite--100% natural gemstone and natural color #63 Turquoise--100% natural gemstone and natural color #64 Syn Turquoise--artificial synthesis #65 Blue Turquoise--artificial synthesis #66 Taiwan Turquoise-- artificial synthesis #67 Colorful Turquoise--artificial synthesis ★ SUPERIOR QUALITY: Natural AAA Quality Rondelle Shape Highly Polished Loose Gemstone Beads for Jewelry Making Designs ★QUALITY CONTROL: Each strands are carefully HAND picked and seleted for quality control. ★SHIPPING: All of my inventory ship out from Hong Kong or Guangzhou via DHL or EUB Which is Post office First Class International Package Service, It usually takes about 7-12 business to arrive. There are No Custom Fee or Tax Apply. Package will arrive to your door. ★NOTE: All stones are unique and may vary from the one shown in the picture ★ WIDE USAGE: excellent for Beading, Jewelry Making, Jewelry Design, DIY gifts, Arts & Craft, Necklaces, Bracelets, Yoga bracelets, Earrings, Ring, Home & Wedding Decoration. Q&A: What are the Quality Options? A: AAAA(Best Quality)--------------------------- AAA(Good Quality)-----------------------A(Poor Quality) About how many beads are on a strand? A: For most 15-16inch long strand. Bead Size: 2mm about 0.8mm hole, about 165 beads per strand 3mm about 0.8mm hole, about 130 beads per strand Kindly Note: 1.Since the size above is measured by hand, the size of the actual item you received could be slight different from the size above. 2.Due to lighting effects, monitor's brightness/contrast settings etc, there could be some slight differences in the color tone of the pictures and the actual item. 3.All stone beads are unique and genuine. Size and color may be a little different from the one shown in the picture. For any quality issue of the item, please contact the seller directly and we will assist you resolve any issue. Features & details
275 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
45 + English Magpie Feathers with their beautiful iridiscent black/blue/green colours, cleaned, dried and ready for use in any number of craft projects. These are wing and tail feathers with a few smaller ones included as extras. They vary in length from 6cm to 20cm. There may be a little end fraying to some tail feathers. This is quite normal with any species of wild bird. Magpie Superstitions Around the World: In China, instead of being a sign of misfortune, European magpie is considered to be a lucky sign. The name is literally "happiness magpie." In China a singing Magpie foretells happiness and good luck. An old English folk tale states that when Jesus was crucified on the cross, all of the world's birds wept and sang to comfort him in his agony. The only exception was the magpie, and for this, it is forever cursed. In many parts of Europe, the Magpie is honored due to the fact it warns people of the approach of wolves and armed men. In German folklore the magpie is seen as a thief. In ancient Greece, the Magpie was associated with Dionysos and intoxication. In both Italian and French folklore, magpies' penchant for picking up shiny items is thought to be particularly directed towards precious ones. In Korea, the Magpie delivers good news and invites good people into your life. He is also seen as the village spirit. Therefore in Korea, the Magpie is seen as the symbol of good luck and happiness. In the Middle Ages and during the witch-hunts in Europe, the bird was considered to be connected with witchcraft - just like crows, ravens and black cats. In Mongolia, the Magpie is considered a clever bird with control over the weather. In Native America, the Magpie is considered as a friend and helper. In Native American folklore, wearing a magpie feather is a sign of fearlessness in some tribes as the magpie is bold and has little fear. In Norway, a magpie is considered cunning and thievish, sometimes wicked, but a playful and loud bird is also bringer of good weather. In Ancient Rome, the Magpie is sacred and linked to the god Bacchus. In Scandinavia, the Norse snow shoe goddess Skadi was associated with Magpies. In Scotland, a Magpie near the window of the house foretells death. In Scottish folklore, (in a story possibly related to the above) magpies were long reviled for allegedly carrying a drop of Satan's blood under their tongues. In South Dakota, there is a myth that all the animals had a race to determine if the two legged animals had the right to eat the four legged ones or if it was the reverse. The Bison was winning, but the Magpie was sitting between his horns. As he got close to the finish line she burst forward and won. The Magpie straddles both the inspiration and chaos archetypes. In many parts of the United Kingdom spotting a single magpie is considered bad fortune and saluting it is a way of showing the bird respect in the hope that the magpie won't pass on some of the misfortune that follows it. The Magpie is featured in some creation myths and one myth is that it allows its tail to be used as a bridge for people needing to cross a river into this world. More Magpie Superstitions: If a flock of magpies suddenly abandon a nesting area, hard times are ahead. A chattering magpie denotes the arrival of a stranger. Reversing the Magpie Myth of Bad Luck: As you can see, the solitary Magpie is very often seen as bad luck, something to be feared. Perhaps this should be reversed and the solitary Magpie will then become a lucky symbol, a symbol to be revered. When you see this solitary Magpie make a wish. When the wish materializes you will understand the true magic of the Magpie and you will understand that someone created this fearful superstition to prevent us from truly understanding and utilizing the magic of the Magpie. We have been dealing in rural and countryside related items for nearly 40 years, and have acquired a reputation for quality and reliability with thousand’s of satisfied customers worldwide. We specialise in books and other items and curios relating to Natural History, Countryside, Wildlife, Field Sports, Farming, Dogs, and other similar topics. ALL ITEMS FOR SALE ARE SOURCED LEGALLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH NATURAL ENGLAND LICENCES AND WITHIN THE WILDLIFE AND COUNTRYSIDE ACT. THEY HAVE NOT BEEN OBTAINED SPECIFICALLY FOR THE PURPOSE OF RESALE BUT ARE THE BY PRODUCTS OF GAME KEEPING AND GAME DEALING.
2.525 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Good News! If your order amount over $500 UDS, l will free upgrade to DHL Express to you, please leave your phone number when you in checkout! Enjoy your time! If you wondering the gemstone is natural not not, please check below information, thanks and enjoy your time! #1 Green Blood Stone--100% natural gemstone and natural color #2 Garnet--100% natural gemstone and natural color #3 Lapis Lazuli--100% natural gemstone color treatment #4 Green Sandstone--artificial synthesis #5 Blue Sandstone--artificial synthesis #6 Gold Sandstone--artificial synthesis #7 Colorful Tiger Eye--100% natural gemstone and natural color #8 Red Tiger Eye--100% natural gemstone and natural color #9 Yellow Tiger Eye--100% natural gemstone and natural color #10 Malachite --artificial synthesis #11 Sodalite--100% natural gemstone and natural color #12 Purple Fluorite--100% natural gemstone and natural color #13 Labradorite--100% natural gemstone and natural color #14 Green Jade--100% natural gemstone and natural color #15 Zebra Jasper--100% natural gemstone and natural color #16 Rhodochrosite--100% natural gemstone and natural color #17 Rhodonite--100% natural gemstone and natural color #18 Sunset Dumotierite--100% natural gemstone and natural color #19 Unakite--100% natural gemstone and natural color #20 Blue Sodalite--100% natural gemstone and natural color #21 Peach Aventurine--100% natural gemstone and natural color #22 African Jade--100% natural gemstone and natural color #23 Mahogany Obsidian--100% natural gemstone and natural color #24 Green Unakite--100% natural gemstone and natural color #25 Snow Flake Jasper--100% natural gemstone and natural color #26 Mookaite--100% natural gemstone and natural color #27 Picture Japser--100% natural gemstone and natural color #28 Picasso Jasper--100% natural gemstone and natural color #29 Red Jasper--100% natural gemstone and natural color #30 Rhyloite Jasper--100% natural gemstone and natural color #31 Jadeite--100% natural gemstone and natural color #32 Dalmation Jasper--100% natural gemstone and natural color #33 Leopard Jasper--100% natural gemstone and natural color #34 Qinghai Jade--100% natural gemstone and natural color #35 Silver Leaf Jasper-- 100% natural gemstone and natural color #36 Black Spinel-- 100% natural gemstone and natural color #37 Yellow Turquoise--100% natural gemstone and natural color #38 Mother of Pearl--100% natural gemstone and natural color #39 Lime Agate--100% natural gemstone and natural color #40 Green Aventurine--100% natural gemstone and natural color #41 Watermelon Quartz--artificial synthesis #42 White Opalite--artificial synthesis #43 Rose Quartz--100% natural gemstone and natural color #44 Mustars Jasper--100% natural gemstone and natural color #45 Peridot--100% natural gemstone and natural color #46 White Quartz--100% natural gemstone and natural color #47 Amethyst--100% natural gemstone and natural color #48 Sunstone--100% natural gemstone and natural color #49 New Jade--100% natural gemstone and natural color #50 Black Obsidian--100% natural gemstone and natural color #51 Smoky Quartz--100% natural gemstone and natural color #52 Red Aventurine--100% natural gemstone and natural color #53 Amazonite--100% natural gemstone and natural color #54 Yellow Jade--100% natural gemstone and natural color #55 Green Amazonite-- 100% natural gemstone and natural color #56 Strawberry Quartz--100% natural gemstone and natural color #57 Yellow Citrine--artificial synthesis #58 White Porcelain--artificial synthesis #59 Lapis--artificial synthesis #60 Red Jasper--100% natural gemstone and natural color #61 African Turquoise--100% natural gemstone and natural color #62 White Howlite--100% natural gemstone and natural color #63 Turquoise--100% natural gemstone and natural color #64 Syn Turquoise--artificial synthesis #65 Blue Turquoise--artificial synthesis #66 Taiwan Turquoise-- artificial synthesis #67 Colorful Turquoise--artificial synthesis ★ SUPERIOR QUALITY: Natural AAA Quality Rondelle Shape Highly Polished Loose Gemstone Beads for Jewelry Making Designs ★QUALITY CONTROL: Each strands are carefully HAND picked and seleted for quality control. ★SHIPPING: All of my inventory ship out from Hong Kong or Guangzhou via DHL or EUB Which is Post office First Class International Package Service, It usually takes about 7-12 business to arrive. There are No Custom Fee or Tax Apply. Package will arrive to your door. ★NOTE: All stones are unique and may vary from the one shown in the picture ★ WIDE USAGE: excellent for Beading, Jewelry Making, Jewelry Design, DIY gifts, Arts & Craft, Necklaces, Bracelets, Yoga bracelets, Earrings, Ring, Home & Wedding Decoration. Q&A: What are the Quality Options? A: AAAA(Best Quality)--------------------------- AAA(Good Quality)-----------------------A(Poor Quality) About how many beads are on a strand? A: For most 15-16inch long strand. Bead Size: 2mm about 0.3mm hole, about 165 beads per strand 3mm about 0.5mm hole, about 130 beads per strand Kindly Note: 1.Since the size above is measured by hand, the size of the actual item you received could be slight different from the size above. 2.Due to lighting effects, monitor's brightness/contrast settings etc, there could be some slight differences in the color tone of the pictures and the actual item. 3.All stone beads are unique and genuine. Size and color may be a little different from the one shown in the picture. For any quality issue of the item, please contact the seller directly and we will assist you resolve any issue. Features & details
344 €
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Gerrera se oculta en el antiguo planeta Jedha, desde donde coordina una larga insurgencia en contra de la ocupación imperial. Su frágil salud no disminuye su determinación de luchar ¡Tanto los niños como los coleccionistas pueden imaginar las más grandes batallas y misiones de la saga de Star Wars con las figuras de Star Wars The Black Series! Con características y decorado premium, esta serie establece el estándar de calidad y realismo que esperan los fans de Star Wars. Star Wars The Black Series incluye figuras, vehículos y artículos para juego de rol inspirados en los más de 40 años de legado que nos ha dado la galaxia de Star Wars, incluyendo los cómics, películas y series animadas. (Los productos adicionales se venden por separado. Sujeto a disponibilidad). Esta figura premium de Saw Gerrera a escala de 15 cm fue diseñada con lujo de detalles para verse igual al personaje de la película Rogue One: una historia de Star Wars. Esta figura cuenta con diseño detallado y múltiples puntos de articulación. Star Wars products are produced by Hasbro under license from Lucasfilm Ltd. Hasbro y todos los términos relacionados son marcas registradas de Hasbro.
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Our Forgiven notebook is great for Bible Study note-taking, Bible journaling, shopping lists, poems, and jotting down anything you'd like to remember. This 118-page spiral notebook with ruled line paper is a perfect companion for everyday life. The durable printed cover makes a great conversation starter too!/n/n"In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace..." - Ephesians 1:7.: 118 ruled line single pages/n.: Front cover print/n.: Black back cover One Size Width, in 0.59 Length, in 5.98 Height, in 7.99
1.587 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
This is a single genuine English Magpie skull collected from the wild. It is air dried and if you wish, ready for further preparation or treatment, whitening, coloring, etc. I will include a few magpie feathers with each order as a little gift. Please note my photo is a stock picture. The price is per skull. Skulls may vary slightly in colour and condition. These skulls are collected from the wild and may have small imperfections such as cracks, small holes etc. Each skull is about 5cm or 2ins long. Note: This item will often arrive with the bottom beak detached. This is not a fault, but is a result of the cleaning process. I leave it to the recipient to decide if they wish to re-attach it with a spot of clear glue. Magpie Superstitions Around the World: In China, instead of being a sign of misfortune, European magpie is considered to be a lucky sign. The name is literally "happiness magpie." In China a singing Magpie foretells happiness and good luck. An old English folk tale states that when Jesus was crucified on the cross, all of the world's birds wept and sang to comfort him in his agony. The only exception was the magpie, and for this, it is forever cursed. In many parts of Europe, the Magpie is honored due to the fact it warns people of the approach of wolves and armed men. In German folklore the magpie is seen as a thief. In ancient Greece, the Magpie was associated with Dionysos and intoxication. In both Italian and French folklore, magpies' penchant for picking up shiny items is thought to be particularly directed towards precious ones. In Korea, the Magpie delivers good news and invites good people into your life. He is also seen as the village spirit. Therefore in Korea, the Magpie is seen as the symbol of good luck and happiness. In the Middle Ages and during the witch-hunts in Europe, the bird was considered to be connected with witchcraft - just like crows, ravens and black cats. In Mongolia, the Magpie is considered a clever bird with control over the weather. In Native America, the Magpie is considered as a friend and helper. In Native American folklore, wearing a magpie feather is a sign of fearlessness in some tribes as the magpie is bold and has little fear. In Norway, a magpie is considered cunning and thievish, sometimes wicked, but a playful and loud bird is also bringer of good weather. In Ancient Rome, the Magpie is sacred and linked to the god Bacchus. In Scandinavia, the Norse snow shoe goddess Skadi was associated with Magpies. In Scotland, a Magpie near the window of the house foretells death. In Scottish folklore, (in a story possibly related to the above) magpies were long reviled for allegedly carrying a drop of Satan's blood under their tongues. In South Dakota, there is a myth that all the animals had a race to determine if the two legged animals had the right to eat the four legged ones or if it was the reverse. The Bison was winning, but the Magpie was sitting between his horns. As he got close to the finish line she burst forward and won. The Magpie straddles both the inspiration and chaos archetypes. In many parts of the United Kingdom spotting a single magpie is considered bad fortune and saluting it is a way of showing the bird respect in the hope that the magpie won't pass on some of the misfortune that follows it. The Magpie is featured in some creation myths and one myth is that it allows its tail to be used as a bridge for people needing to cross a river into this world. More Magpie Superstitions: If a flock of magpies suddenly abandon a nesting area, hard times are ahead. A chattering magpie denotes the arrival of a stranger. Reversing the Magpie Myth of Bad Luck: As you can see, the solitary Magpie is very often seen as bad luck, something to be feared. Perhaps this should be reversed and the solitary Magpie will then become a lucky symbol, a symbol to be revered. When you see this solitary Magpie make a wish. When the wish materializes you will understand the true magic of the Magpie and you will understand that someone created this fearful superstition to prevent us from truly understanding and utilizing the magic of the Magpie.
1.873 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Size: Adult 24” Baby 7” Will soon be introducing wall mounted stands for these as well. Any out of stock color can still be ordered through custom color, but will be subject to an extended lead time in the event I’m unable to restock quickly. Current out of stock colors: Silver purple Pink yellow Authorized seller of Cinderwings design. Adopt your very own TikTok Crystal Gem dragon! They are loads of fun to play with! The sound they make is deeply satisfying as well. Sit beautifully on your shoulders or wrapped around your wrist. **New* and now you can adopt a little baby dragon as well! Due to the nature of 3D printing it is possible small pieces could fall off if being overly aggressive with the dragon or dropping it. It is not recommended for smaller children. Color choices listed are shown in photos. Will be adding more color choices soon as well such as various multi colors, as well as different premium filaments. Available in solid colors and glow in the dark as well! ***Feel free to request any color you want. If it’s not listed I can probably get it.*** Current Premium Colors: Quantum (duo colors): Blue Raspberry, raspberry gold, Blue green, silver purple, silver gold, pink yellow, green raspberry. Atomic: Blood diamond- translucent red with gold flecks. Rose gold- rose gold colored filament with gold flecks. Iridescent pearl- silky white with iridescent pink. Fillamentium: Galaxy Black- black filament with extra gold flecks. (I do not color enhance any of the photos. Colors may differ due to the nature of filament making and phone/monitor settings.)
1.042 €
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