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Civilization and iv

Listado top ventas civilization and iv

Valencia (Valencia)
juego pc sid meier civilization and railroad tycoon deluxe edicion española juego pc sid meier civilization and railroad tycoon deluxe edicion española
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Los valles fértiles y las rutas comerciales de Oriente Medio han atraído a ambiciosos conquistadores desde que el mundo es mundo. Ahora, Europa Universalis IV incorpora un mayor nivel de profundidad y más posibilidades variadas a este cruce de imperios en la nueva expansión, Cradle of Civilization. Con nuevas decisiones y oportunidades vinculadas al desarrollo histórico de la región a comienzos de la era moderna, Cradle of Civilization mejora todavía más el aclamado juego de estrategia de Europa Universalis IV. Características: Nuevos gobiernos: Poderosas decisiones relacionadas con cada uno de los tipos de gobierno especiales de Oriente Medio, incluyendo una mecánica única para los mamelucos egipcios, Persia y los herederos de Tamerlán. Políticas comerciales: Activa tus mercaderes en nodos de comercio para misiones especiales más allá de la recogida de dinero. Prepara el terreno para una acción militar futura o difunde el Islam a una audiencia muy receptora. Escuelas islámicas: Estudia las doctrinas e ideas de la fe verdaderas para conseguir bonificaciones especiales y ventaja diplomática, en un nuevo ajuste para la última de las grandes religiones abrahámicas. Profesionalidad militar: Entrena y disciplina a tus ejércitos mientras avanzas desde la era de los capitanes mercenarios hasta los reclutamientos en masa de los ejércitos permanentes. Explotar el desarrollo: Reduce la fuerza de tus provincias para disfrutar de una rápida entrada de dinero o mano de obra y desmonta el futuro de tu nación para obtener ganancias inmediatas. Y más cosas: Cambios de ideas nacionales, acciones misioneras, jenízaros turcos y muchas otras mecánicas de juego.
19,98 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Although battles and territorial strategy are important, Mega Civilization is not a wargame as you might expect when looking at the map board. Instead, the objective of play is to gain a level of overall advancement involving cultural, economic, scientific, political, civic, and religious factors. The player who most effectively balances these various goals will achieve the best scores and win.
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Barcelona (Barcelona)
Heroes of Might and Magic IV - Juego PC Heroes of Might and Magic IV - Juego PC Incluye manual Versión íntegra en castellano GASTOS DE ENVÍO según tarifa vigente de CORREOS Tiempo estimado de entrega indicado por Correos: De 1 a 4 días hábiles En caso de comprar varios artículos, éstos se pueden agrupar para su envío.
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Málaga (Málaga)
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España (Todas las ciudades)
This is NOT a book! This is a bank of tests (study questions) to help you prepare for the tests. To clarify, this is a test bank, not a textbook. You have immediate access to download your test bank. No delays, loading is fast and instant immediately after ordering! You will receive a full bank of tests; in other words, all chapters will be there. Test banks are presented in PDF format; therefore, no special software is required to open them. Table of Contents (Pathophysiology The Biologic Basis for Disease in Adults and Children 8th Edition Test Bank) Part 1: CENTRAL CONCEPTS OF PATHOPHYSIOLOGY: CELLS AND TISSUES Unit I: THE CELL Cellular Biology Altered Cellular and Tissue Biology: Environmental Agents The Cellular Environment: Fluids and Electrolytes, Acids and Bases Unit II: GENES AND GENE-ENVIRONMENT INTERACTION Genes and Genetic Diseases Genes, Environment-Lifestyle, and Common Diseases Epigenetics and Disease Unit III: MECHANISMS OF SELF-DEFENSE Innate Immunity: Inflammation Adaptive Immunity Alterations in Immunity and Inflammation Infection Stress and Disease Unit IV. CELLULAR PROLIFERATION: CANCER Cancer Biology Cancer Epidemiology Cancer in Children Part 2: PATHOPHYSIOLOGIC ALTERATIONS: ORGANS AND SYSTEMS Unit V: THE NEUROLOGIC SYSTEM Structure and Function of the Neurologic System Pain, Temperature Regulation, Sleep, and Sensory Function Alterations in Cognitive Systems, Cerebral Hemodynamics, and Motor Function Disorders of the Central and Peripheral Nervous Systems and the Neuromuscular Junction Neurobiology of Schizophrenia, Mood Disorders, and Anxiety Disorders Alterations of Neurologic Function in Children Unit VI: THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM Mechanisms of Hormonal Regulation Alterations of Hormonal Regulation Obesity and Disorders of Nutrition NEW Unit VII: THE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEMS Structure and Function of the Reproductive Systems Alterations of the Female Reproductive System Alterations of the Male Reproductive System Sexually Transmitted Infections Unit VIII: THE HEMATOLOGIC SYSTEM Structure and Function of the Hematologic System Alterations of Erythrocyte, Platelet, and Hemostatic Function Alterations of Leukocyte and Lymphoid Function Alterations of Hematologic Function in Children Unit IX: THE CARDIOVASCULAR AND LYMPHATIC SYSTEMS Structure and Function of the Cardiovascular and Lymphatic Systems Alterations of Cardiovascular Function Alterations of Cardiovascular Function in Children Unit X: THE PULMONARY SYSTEM Structure and Function of the Pulmonary System Alterations of Pulmonary Function Alterations of Pulmonary Function in Children Unit XI: THE RENAL AND UROLOGIC SYSTEMS Structure and Function of the Renal and Urologic Systems Alterations of Renal and Urinary Function Alterations of Renal and Urinary Tract Function in Children Unit XII: THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Structure and Function of the Digestive System Alterations of Digestive Function Alterations of Digestive Function in Children Unit XIII: THE MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM Structure and Function of the Musculoskeletal System Alterations of Musculoskeletal Function Alterations of Musculoskeletal Function in Children Unit XIV: THE INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM Structure, Function, and Disorders of the Integument Alterations of the Integument in Children Unit XV: MULTIPLE INTERACTING SYSTEMS Shock, Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome, and Burns in Adults Shock, Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome, and Burns in Children
1.261 €
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JOGO ORIGINAL EM INGLÊS: In Monuments, 1 to 4 players lead their Mayan, Incan, Greek or Egyptian Civilization. Over the course of the game, you will build your mighty Monument, layer by layer. Impressive as this is, it is also important to grow your population, produce resources, expand your territories over land and sea, build buildings and keep your opponents at bay. Gameplay is smooth and fast. Each turn, you either play a simple action card and discard it, or take all discarded cards back on hand. When someone builds the fifth and final layer of their Monument, the game is over. But only the player with the most victory points wins! An AI opponent for solo play is included. Key Selling Points: -Very little downtime because turns go very quickly - most actions take 5 seconds to execute.-High replayability because of the unique civilizations, different score cards, common and personal bonus cards and abilities.-Many different ways to play and win, quest cards guide newer players.-6 large punchboard sheets of Monuments provide an excellent gaming experience in this price segment.-A full size civilization game with easy rules and actions result in quick turns and a play time of 30 minutes per player.-Fully localized versions, with all cards describing clearly what they do in the native language without the use of confusing iconigraphy. Game Contents: -1 Game Board (65x80 cm with stunning artwork)-4 Cardboard Monuments-291 Cardboard Resources and Play Pieces-168 Cards-4 Player Boards-11 Dice-Score Pad
52,79 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
In The Golden Ages, you lead your civilizations through history. The game lasts four different eras, during which you develop technologies, create fine arts, erect buildings, and build wonders. You'll send explorers to discover the continents, found cities in distant lands, and send your soldiers into battles. The game lasts four rounds ("Eras"), during which the players: - show/discard the civilization that they will play during the Era; - discover new continents placing tiles on the map; - take turns doing actions (explore/found a city, erect a building, make arts, build a wonder, develop a techology, activate a building/wonder, attack another player, start a Golden Age). The first player starting a Golden Age during an Era choose an "History Judgement" card that states the way all the players will score in that round. Each player who started a Golden Age continues taking money at his turns until all other players have passed. There are many ways to score points (artists, history judgement, wonders, technologies, attacks, money, secret future technologies, etc.), and then also many different ways to achieve a victory. Will you succeed in evolving your civilization through history, overwhelming your opponents on the way to glory?
35,95 €
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Madrid (Madrid)
RAREZA - SIMON & HALBIG - ANTIGUA Y EXCEPCIONAL CABEZA DE MUÑECA ALEMANA - Nº IV - CIRCA 1910-1912 RAREZA - SIMON & HALBIG - ANTIGUA Y EXCEPCIONAL CABEZA DE MUÑECA ALEMANA - Nº IV - CIRCA 1910-1912 ANTIGUA Y MUY BUSCADA CABEZA DE MUÑECA SIMON & HALBIG - S&H - IV MANUFACTURA ALEMANA CIRCA 1910 - 1912 SE TRATA DE UNO DE LOS MODELOS MÁS BUSCADOS DE UNA PEQUEÑA SERIE DE CUATRO (Información adicional en negrita al igual que las imágenes que completan el reportaje que incluyen precios) EXQUISITO BISCUIT POLICROMADO CON OJOS DE CRISTAL RESLATAN SUS EXPRESIVOS OJOS ENMARCADOS POR UNAS RIZADAS Y ELEGANTES PESTAÑAS PINTADAS AL IGUAL QUE SUS BONITAS Y SUTILES CEJAS AFILADAS NARIZ CON CARÁCTER GRACIAS A SUS ACENTUADAS FOSAS NASALES EXQUISITA BOCA CERRADA CON LABIOS BELLAMENTE FORMADOS EN CONJUNTO UN PRECIOSO Y DELICADO ROSTRO MAGISTRALMENTE EJECUTADO, CON UNA EXPRESIÓN QUE VA UN PASO MÁS ALLÁ ELEVANDO A ETÉREO LA BELLEZA DE LAS MUÑECAS OREJAS PERFORADAS PARA COLOCARLE PENDIENTES PRECIOSOS Y ELEGANTES CABELLOS RUBIOS PELUCA DE MOHAIR O QUIZÁ PELO HUMANO, LO DESCONOZCO ALGUNOS ROCES VISIBLES EN LAS FOTOGRAFÍAS  CABEZA SIN ROTURAS, NI FISURAS,  NI REPARACIONES… SE ADJUNTAN IMÁGENES  CON LINTERNA LAS FOTOGRAFÍAS FORMAN PARTE DE LA DESCRIPCIÓN EXCEPCIONAL PIEZA PARA COLECCINISTAS E  INVERSIÓN  - MEDIDAS - ALTURA TOTAL 12CM ANCHURA TOTAL - 8CM   Pertenece a una pequeña serie muy rara de cabezas biscuit que realizó la empresa en la primera década del Siglo XX. La serie, compuesta por cuatro modelos distintos, tenía la particularidad que, además de la marca de fábrica, estaba marcada con los números romanos I, II, III y IV, siendo los modelos I y IV los más difíciles de encontrar. La empresa de porcelana Simon & Halbig fue fundada en 1839 por Wilhelm Simon y Carl Halbig. Ubicada en la región alemana de Turingia, comenzaron a producir cabezas de muñecas biscuit en 1869 Simon & Halbig solo fabricaban cabezas de muñecas y miembros inferiores de porcelana  para muñecas. No producían cuerpos de muñecas ni muñecas completas. Estas cabezas de muñecas eran de mayor calidad que las de sus competidores, y, por ete motivo, la empresa produjo cabezas de muñecas para muchos otros fabricantes  de muñecas tanto en Europa como en Estados Unidos... La compañía Simon & Halbig funcionó de forma independiente hasta 1920, cuando fueron comprados por la empresa Kämmer & Reinhardt, que continuó produciendo muñecas hasta 1932. Después de este año, la fábrica Simon and Halbig pasó a llamarse Keramisches Werk Gräfenhain y continuó fabricando muñecas hasta 1943
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Juego Original en Inglés: The Lazax Empire has burned to ash, rejected by its subjects. The aftermath was tragedy and petty conflict in equal measure, a time of loss and exhaustion. In the ensuing Dark Years, the factions of the galaxy retreated and recovered their strength. Now, they look upon the stars and see an opportunitya chance to reclaim what was lost. A chance to redefine galactic civilization. A chance to leave their mark upon the stars.Twilight Inscription, an epic roll-and-write game for one to eight players, offers an experience unlike anything Fantasy Flight Games has done before. With a limited pool of resources at your disposal, youll need to carefully manage Navigation, Expansion, Industry, and Warfare as you amass victory points and earn your right to the throne on Mecatol Rex. Will your faction become the new rulers of the galaxy? Or will your fledgling empire fade into obscurity? Anything can happen in this strategic, infinitely-replayable game!
64 €
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JOGO ORIGINAL EM INGLÊS: Will the mages of New Gravehold ever truly be able to escape from their past? The World That Was and the world that is, Gravehold and New Gravehold. Every new civilization is built on the bones of its predecessors. In order to look forward and build a brighter future, the mages must first understand their roots. The Ruins is an expansion for Aeons End: The Legacy of Gravehold. This expansion features: 130 new cards, Aether tokens, Silence tokens, and several additional game mechanics.
20,39 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Descripción en inglés: As dire omens fill the skies, demons roam the countryside, and plagues ravage civilization, the Harbinger wanders throughout the realm of Talisman, prophesying the imminent end of the world. If you encounter him, he may help you stave off the end of the world and let you peer into the future — or you may be attacked by demon horsemen and stalked by cursed followers. Fabricante: GAMES WORKSHOP Nº de jugadores: 2-6 Duración: 90 Edad mínima: 13+ Idioma: inglés. Referencia BGGAW89007...
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España (Todas las ciudades)
This bundle includes EVERY STUDY GUIDE currently available for sale on my shop (Over $140 value!) After your purchase you will receive one PDF file including the following study guides Fundamentals of Nursing Bundle - Origins of Nursing - The Interprofessional Team - Health Care Delivery - Nursing Ethics and Law - Nutrition - Safety and PPE - Medical Terminology and Abbreviations - Basic Human Needs - The Nursing Process - Fluid and Electrolyte Imbalances - Basic Pharmacology and Medication Administration (3 pages) - Blood Transfusions - IV Therapy (2 pages) - Documenting and Reporting Med-Surg Bundle - Neurological Disorders - Cardiac Disorders - Dysrhythmias - Respiratory Disorders - Hematology Disorders - Integumentary Disorders - Genitourinary Disorders - Gastrointestinal Disorders - Fluid and Electrolyte Imbalances - Reproductive Disorders - Musculoskeletal Disorders - Endocrine Disorders - COPD - Pneumonia - Cardiovascular Disorders (CAD, HF, Angina) - Head to Toe Assessment - Lung Assessment - Musculoskeletal Injuries - Hepatic Disorders - OB/Maternity Bundle - Concept Map Templates - Critical Care Basics - 9/9/2019 - EKG & Dysrhythmias - 2/22/20 - Lab Values - 2/22/20 - Skin Integrity & Wound Care - 2/22/20 - Diuretics - 4/13/2020 - Hypertension - 4/13/2020 - Dosage Calculation - 5/12/2020 - Perioperative Pharmacology - 5/12/2020 - Mental Health - 5/12/20 - Valvular Heart Disease - 7/19/20 - Acute Coronary Syndromes - 7/19/20 - Diabetes - 7/19/20 - Foley Insertion - 7/19/20 - Trauma & Emergency Care - 7/19/20 - Pediatric Disorders & Congenital Abnormalities - 7/19/20 Added 4/5/21 - ABGs - Pediatric Respiratory - Pediatric GI - Vital Signs - Neuro Assessment - General Assessment - Endocrine Assessment - Respiratory Pharmacology - Nutrition Disorders - Obesity Please let me know if you have any questions about the file. I periodically add new guides to the Complete Bundle. If you have my shop favorited, you should get alerts for any new guides. Prior Complete Study Guide Bundle purchasers are eligible for a 50% discount on digital orders of any new guides added since their purchase date (shipped orders will include shipping, processing and production fees as well). If you see any new guides that you are interested in, message me and I would be happy to set up a custom order with the 50% discount for you. Happy Studying!
9.581 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Dosage Calculation TEST BUNDLE for Nursing Students Format: PDF Delivery Time: Download is automatic after payment. No waiting time. ACE your Nursing Program with this Test Bundles. Includes 207 pages / +1000 Questions covering Dosage and Calculation Books. Questions are separated by Topic. The test questions inside are similar the real test. 100% Correct Answers. PASS GUARANTEE You should know: - This is not a textbook. - Simulated questions are very close to the official real test - The simulated questions are all personal summary. There may be personal analysis and notes in the files. - These files are for study and communication only. Information cannot be shared and/or transferred. The purpose is to help nursing students pass the exam - Any similarity is mere coincidence. TABLE OF CONTENTS: 1- Conversions 2- Dimensional Analysis 3- Oral Medication 4- Parenteral Medication 5- Reconstitution of Meds 6- IV Solution and Flow Rate 7- Pediatric Dosages
1.566 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
This expansion includes: Eight new scenarios including four linked campaign scenarios Over 100 new cards including Weather and Leadership decks New terrain such as beach and bunkers New AFVs, including the American M-10, and the German StuGIII, Jagdpanzer IV, King Tiger, and Panther
49 €
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