Collection pc
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Valencia (Valencia)
Leisure suit Larry collection pc 8 juegos Leisure suit Larry collection pc 8 juegos
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Cádiz (Cádiz)
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Cádiz (Cádiz)
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Valencia (Valencia)
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Barcelona (Barcelona)
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Barcelona (Barcelona)
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Sevilla (Sevilla)
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Valencia (Valencia)
juego para ordenador pc hidden & dangerous xtreme collection nuevo precintado juego para ordenador pc hidden & dangerous xtreme collection nuevo precintado nuevo sin uso, aun precintado
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Villalba de Rioja (La Rioja)
Cossacks II. Napoleonic Wars para PC. Red Collection. TDKV10B Cossacks II. Napoleonic Wars para PC. Red Collection. TDKV10B
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Mieres-Asturias (Asturias)
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Prepárate para vivir el comienzo de la saga del género survival horror por excelencia. Resident Evil Origins Collection te trae el recopilatorio con los juegos Resident Evil 0, la precuela donde descubrirás los misterios que esconde la corporación Umbrella y las primeras apariciones del equipo S.T.A.R.S., y Resident Evil HD, el primer juego de la saga, ambosremasterizados y mejorados para la nueva generación. ¡Hazte con el en GAME! Características: Resident Evil Origins Collection incluye en Resident Evil 0 y Resident Evil HD por primera vez juntos. Utiliza las últimas mejoras de resolución y la tecnología de modelados en 3D, las resoluciones de juego y las texturas se han renovado de forma significativa. Con Resident Evil Origins Collection vuelve el intenso terror que experimentaron los fans por primera vez con el lanzamiento del original. Juega por primera vez con Albert Wesker como protagonista en Resident Evil 0 en su nuevo modo “Wesker”. Descubre la historia del famoso incidente de la Mansión en este paquete de 2 juegos en 1: Resident Evil Origins CollectionCoincidiendo con el lanzamiento de Resident Evil 0, Resident Evil Origins Collection estará disponible para PlayStation®4, Xbox One y PC. Este paquete que incluye ambas versiones en HD de Resident Evil 0 y Resident Evil, ofrece la verdad de la historia, no disponible para aquellos que solo han jugado a uno de los dos juegos.
17,95 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Resident Evil Origins Collection es una introducción al origen de la historia de Resident Evil. Un recopilatorio que incluye tanto el próximo estreno en HD de Resident Evil 0 como el aclamado Resident Evil HD. Resident Evil 0 y Resident Evil Remake recopilados en un mismo pack. El origen de la franquicia de terror de Capcom en sus dos mejores versiones, estrenadas en Game Cube a principios de la década pasada y reeestrenados para la actual generación de consolas y PC. Entre las novedades, el villano Albert Wesker, que será jugable por primera vez en Resident Evil 0. Características: Resident Evil Origins Collection incluye en Resident Evil 0 y Resident Evil HD por primera vez juntos. Resident Evil Origins Collection, utiliza las últimas mejoras de resolución y la tecnología de modelados en 3D, las resoluciones de juego y las texturas se han renovado de forma significativa. Con Resident Evil Origins Collection vuelve el intenso terror que experimentaron los fans por primera vez con el lanzamiento del original. Juega por primera vez con Albert Wesker como protagonista en Resident Evil 0 en su nuevo modo ?Wesker?
9,5 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Resident Evil Origins Collection es una introducción al origen de la historia de Resident Evil. Un recopilatorio que incluye tanto el próximo estreno en HD de Resident Evil 0 como el aclamado Resident Evil HD. Resident Evil 0 y Resident Evil Remake recopilados en un mismo pack. El origen de la franquicia de terror de Capcom en sus dos mejores versiones, estrenadas en Game Cube a principios de la década pasada y reestrenados para la actual generación de consolas y PC. Entre las novedades, el villano Albert Wesker, que será jugable por primera vez en Resident Evil 0.
1.595 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
????????Actualizar para incluir archivos???????? SVG ¡Mega colección de 250 paquetes de fuentes plus! Obtenga este precio especial de Mega Collection en fuentes 250 Plus por solo $ 9 a un valor de más de $ 3,000. La fuente del archivo incluye: (TTF, OTF, WOFF, SVG) Todas las fuentes también son compatibles con multilingüe Software para el uso de esta fuente y opentype: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Indesign, Word, Corel Draw, Inkscape, Cricut Design Space, Corjl, Silhouette Studio. Este paquete incluye fuente manuscrita, fuente de caligrafía, fuente de pincel, fuente hermosa, fuente elegante, fuente moderna, fuente Swash y más. ¡Todas las fuentes perfectas para empaques de productos, logotipos, stikers, tarjetas de visita, impresiones de planificadores, proyectos de marca, megazine, redes sociales, sitios web, bodas o simplemente se usan para expresar palabras sobre el fondo! __________________________________ Licencia de escritorio - 1 Usuario - Hasta 5 proyectos comerciales/fuentes - Proyectos personales ilimitados - 2 Productos finales de instalación informática a la venta - Ventas ilimitadas / Impresiones / PC (Productos / Anuncios impresos / Impresiones digitales / Mercancía) No permitido - No puede vender archivos de fuente o incluir archivos de fuente en productos como descargas gratuitas - No puedes digitalizar fuentes y venderlas en tu tienda como fuentes bordadas Disfruta de la fuente, siéntete libre de dar tu opinión si tienes alguna pregunta Gracias:)
868 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Esto no es un elemento físico. Cuando realice el pedido, recibirá un enlace para descargar su colección en breve. Autor/Creador: Hall, Manly P. (Manly Palmer), 1901-1990. Fecha de creación: circa 1500-1825. Resumen: Esta colección consta de 45 libros electrónicos PDF que contienen 243 manuscritos raros recopilados por Manly P. Hall sobre temas de alquimia, hermetismo, rosacrucianismo y artes relacionadas. ¡Más de 10,000 páginas! Esta es la colección de Alchemical más grande disponible en línea. La colección incluye más notablemente: un rollo de Ripley del siglo 16 que combina ilustración pintada con un poema alquímico de Ripley; una copia manuscrita francesa del siglo 17 de "Atalanta fugiens" de Michael Maier; una colección de dibujos e iluminaciones emblemáticas y místicas según Jacob Bo ̈hme; un manuscrito holandés de Pensilvania del siglo 18 de cartas cosmológicas rosacruces e imágenes simbólicas; una colección de 18 volúmenes de manuscritos, la mayoría traducidos al inglés y nombrados en honor al Dr. Sigismond Bacstrom, Rosacruz holandés del siglo XVIII; una colección de 30 manuscritos encuadernados en un volumen, que se dice que provienen de la biblioteca del conde Cagliostro; dos manuscritos masónicos triangulares; un manuscrito napolitano iluminado a principios del siglo 17 que traza la búsqueda de la piedra filosofal. Idioma: Múltiples idiomas pero principalmente inglés Si supiera que hace 9 años podía pagar $ 15 en lugar de hacer años y años de investigación y trabajo, habría aprovechado fácilmente esto. Deje que mi arduo trabajo sea su ganancia por una tarifa muy pequeña. La Biblioteca de la Universidad Oculta es una colección de libros raros y textos antiguos / sagrados, conferencias, audiolibros e instructivos que personalmente he recopilado o escaneado a lo largo de los años. Muchas de estas obras son escaneos de libros que cuestan miles o más para el original, y muchos más ya no se pueden encontrar a la venta. El valor total de estas colecciones es de más de $ 100,000, pero para el verdadero buscador de conocimiento, estos libros no tienen precio. Todos los escaneos de libros están en formato PDF para que puedan leerse en Ipads, lectores electrónicos, Kindle, tabletas Android, Mac y PC. Este tipo de literatura es demasiado importante para descargar archivos procesados por palabras aleatorias de Internet, como lo hace la mayoría de la gente. Muchos de esos libros electrónicos tienen errores tipográficos, páginas faltantes, eliminaciones y muchos más se alteran a propósito. Con nuestros escaneos, el texto está en el lugar correcto, tal como el autor pretendía, así como cualquier obra de arte. Nunca se sabe si algunos libros están codificados, o pueden ser examinados con una brújula y un cuadrado, por ejemplo. Dado que la edad promedio de estos libros es de 150 años, no hay derechos de autor. Esto presenta una oportunidad increíble. Puede imprimir y encuadernar sus propios libros para revenderlos, o simplemente construir su propia biblioteca física. La mayoría de estos escaneos tienen archivos de texto, por lo que puede copiar fácilmente el texto para imprimir en calidad. Incluso puedes usar tu propia obra de arte. Las posibilidades son infinitas. Una vez más, este no es un elemento físico. Esta colección tiene más de 600 MB de datos. Asegúrese de tener suficiente espacio para ello. Al finalizar su pedido, espere hasta 24 horas para recibir un enlace para su descarga. Visita para mucho más. ¡Gracias!
1.439 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
sistema hyperspin de 8tb listo para jugar es plug and play . Más de 90.000 juegos 007 James Bond - 3 AAE - 34 Aamber Pegasus - 12 Acorn BBC Micro - 6 Acorn Electron - 4 Alf - 3 American Laser Games - 10 Amstrad CPC - 1,166 Amstrad GX4000 - 25 Colección Angry Birds - 6 Apogee BK01 - 6 Apple II - 1,321 Atari 2600 - 667 Atari 5200 - 72 Atari 7800 - 59 Atari 8Punta - 189 Atari Classics - 410 Atari G42 - 2 Atari GX2 - 3 Atari Jaguar - 53 Atari Jaguar CD - 1 Atari Lynx - 75 Atari ST - 2918 Atlus - 13 El ataque de los Clones - 40 Bally Astrocade - 41 Bally Classics - 71 Bandai Super Vision 8000 - 7 Bandai WonderSwan - 110 Bandai Wonderswan Color - 94 Banpresto - 29 Colección Beat Em Up - 526 Big Fish Games - 73 Colección Bomberman - 32 Bootleg Games - 14 Capcom 68000-7 Capcom Classics - 502 Capcom Play System -32 Cpacom Play System II - 41 Capcom Juega System III - 6 Juegos de Casino - 1357 Casio FV-1000 - 13 Casio PV-2000 - 10 Castlevania Collection - 23 CAVE - 43 CAVE CV1000D - 5 Colecovision - 140 Commodore 64 - 2234 Commodore Amiga - 1954 Commodore Amiga CD32 - 163 Commodore CDTV - 33 Commodore VIC-20 - 1406 Colección Crash Bandicoot - 14 Creatronic Mega Duck - 14 Daphne - 17 Data East Burger Time - 13 Data East Classics - 328 DICE - 20 Donkey Kong Collection - 57 Doom - 208 Doujin Soft - 36 Dragon 64-536 Dungeon Punks - EG2000 Color Genie - 49 Electronic Game & Watch - 94 Emerson Arcadia 2001-55 Entrex Adventure Vision - 4 Epoch Game Pocket Computer - 6 Epoch Super Cassette Vision - 30 Examu eX-Board - 3 Exidy Sorcerer - 9 Fairchild Channel F - 30 Fatal Fury Collection - 13 Fightcade - Juegos de lucha - 746 Final Burn Alpha - 4,149 Colección Final Fantasy - 37 Final Fight Collection - 9 Flash Games - 164 Frets on Fire Funtech Super Acan - 7 Fuuki Co Classics - 6 Gaeico - 2 GamePark 32-28 GCE Vectrex - 23 Ghouls N Ghosts GOG - 29 Gun Games - 167 HBMAME - 2.409 IGS PolyGame Master - 25 Interton VC 4000 - 28 Irem Classics - 141 Irem M107 - 3 Irem M27 - 4 Irem M52 - 6 Irem M62 - 12 Irem M72 - 10 Irem M92 - 13 Irem M97 - 4 Kaneko - 102 Killer Instinct Arcade - 9 Colección King of Fighters - 18 Konami Bubble System - 5 Konami Classics - 476 Legend of Zelda Collection - 24 Juegos de Locomalito - 9 Magnavox Odyssey 2 - 146 MAME - 10,514 Juegos de 2 jugadores MAME - 6,223 Juegos de 4 jugadores MAME - 153 Juegos de vuelo MAME - 8 Juegos de armas ligeras MAME - 149 Juegos de Mario Kart - 7 Matra & Hachette Alice - 3 Mattel Aquarius - 31 Mattel Intellivision - 140 Mega Man Legacy Collection - 6 Colección Metal Slug - 14 MGT Sam Coupe - 18 Microsoft MS-DOS - 748 Microsoft MSX - 289 Microsoft MSX2 - 90 Microsoft MSX2 + - 53 Midway Classics - 242 Midway Graphite - 1 Midway Killer Instinct - 2 Midway Seattle - 7 Unidad Midway T - 5 Unidad Midway V - 4 Unidad Midway Wolf - 7 Midway Zeus - 2 Mikrosha - 64 Mitchell Classics - 21 Mortal Kombat Collection - 35 Mugen - 120 Namco Classics - 435 Namco System - 32 Namco System FL - 2 NEC PC Engine - 294 NEC PC Engine CD - 120 NEC PC FX - 71 NEC SuperGrafx - 5 NEC TurboGrafx-16 - 94 NEC TurboGrafx-CD - 46 Need for Speed Collection - 13 Need for Speed PC Collection Nichibutsu Classics - 166 Nintendo 3DS - 403 Nintendo 64-303 Nintendo 64DD - 8 Nintendo Arcade Systems - 104 Nintendo Clasic Mini - 30 Nintendo Classics - 137 Nintendo DS - 1,558 Nintendo Entertainment System - 886 Nintendo Entertainment System Hacks - 158 Nintendo Famicom - 364 Nintendo Famicom Disk System - 209 Nintendo Game Boy - 858 Nintendo Game Boy Advance - 1,129 Nintendo Game Boy Color - 535 Nintendo Gamecube - 637 Nintendo Pokemon Mini - 30 Nintendo Prototipos - 50 Nintendo Satellaview - 65 Nintendo Sufami Turbo - 15 Nintendo Super Famicom - 525 Nintendo Super Game Boy - 145 Nintendo Virtual Boy - 20 Nintendo Vs System - 36 Nintendo Wii - 527 Nintendo Wii Light Gun - 16 Nintendo Wii U - 188 Nintendo WiiWare - 494 OpenBor - 217 Othello Multivision - 7 PacMAME - 306 Pacman Collection - 15 Panasonic 3DO - 216 Juegos de lucha para PC - 7 Juegos de PC - 40 Philips CD-i - 56 Philips VG 5000 - 21 Pinball Arcade - 71 Pinball FX2 - 66 Pinball FX3 - 75 Pioneer Palcom Laserdisc - 8 Platform Classics - 950 Colección Pokémon Classics - 44 PopCap - 45 Psikyo Classics - 35 Raizing Classics - 20 Colección Rayman - 19 RCA Studio II - 5 Sammy Atomiswave - 23 Sammy Seta Visco SSV - 23 Samurai Shodown Collection - 6 ScummVM - 229 Sega 32X - 33 Sega Edades - 33 Sega CD - 169 Sega Classics - 523 Sega Dreamcast - 349 Sega Dreamcast Indies - 21 Sega G80 Raster - 6 Sega G80 Vector - 4 Sega Game Gear - 335 Sega Genesis - 942 Sega Hikaru - 6 Sega Kyugo - 3 Sega Mark III - 69 Sega Master System - 334 Sega Mega Drive - 521 Sega Mega Drive Japón - 186 Sega Mega Play - 12 Sega Model 1-7 Sega Model 2-55 Sega Model 3-38 Sega Naomi - 168 Sega Naomi 2-12 Sega Naomi Gun Games - 8 Sega Nomad - 28 Sega Pico - 16 Sega Saturn - 299 Sega Saturn Japón - 117 Sega SC-3000 - 33 Sega SC-1000 - 72 Sega ST-V - 61 Sega System 16 - 26 Sega System 18-10 Sega System 24-14 Sega Triforce - 4 Sega Y Board - 5 Seibu Kaihatsu Classics - 16 Sharp MZ-2500 - 55 Sharp X68000 - 1.136 Shoot Em Up Games - 2.724 Juegos de escopeta - 74 Juegos de los Simpsons - 17 Los Simpsons - 13 Sinclair ZX Spectrum - 2,766 SNES CD MSU-1 - 40 SNK Classics - 246 SNK Neo Geo AES - 141 SNK Neo Geo CD - 90 SNK Neo Geo MVS - 139 SNK Neo Geo Pocket - 10 SNK Neo Geo Pocket Color - 40 SNK Neo Geo X - 35 Juegos de fútbol - 106 Juegos de Sonic The Hedgehog - 30 Sony Playstation - 1,807 Sony Playstation 2 - 1,503 Sony Playstation 3 - 10 Sony Playstation Japón - 28 Sony Playstation Minis - 312 Sony Playstation SHRUMPS - 135 Sony Pocketstation - 101 Sony PSP - 1091 Sord M5 - 11 Street Fighter Arcade - 200 Colección Super Mario - 38 Sistema de entretenimiento Super Nintendo - 807 Taito Classics - 703 Taito Type X - 22 Technos - 16 Technos Arcade - 22 Technos Nintendo - 18 Tecmo Classics - 51 Tekken Collection - 8 Tiger Games - 20 TNMT Collection - 15 Toapian Classics - 50 Touhou Project - 9 Trackball Games - 190 Ultra 64-2 Uniplayer - 25 Video System Co Classics - 32 Visco Classics - 27 VTech CreatiVision - 14 Watara Supervision - 44 Williams Classics - 166 Williams Midway Y Unit - 8 WoW Action Max - 5 Wrestling Collection - 116 Zinc - 61 para mas info contacta conmigo y te explico.
220 €
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2 fotos

España (Todas las ciudades)
Portrait Beauty Pro Lightroom Mobile Presets Created by Aimee Pool Photography There are 20 presets in the Portrait Beauty Pro collection to add some pop to your images. This collection to enhance your portrait photos. There are a variety of different presets that will help to soften and smooth skin and enhance makeup. These collection will not apply makeup but it will enhance makeup that is already there. I have been a professional photographer for over 15 years and I created these presets to use in my own workflow. Each preset has been uniquely created to work with many different image types. Please keep in mind that due to the nature of presets there is not a one size fits all. Preset results will vary depending on the lighting and settings in each photo. After applying the preset, you may find that some minor adjustments are needed. While we try to create presets that will work with a variety of images, it is impossible to predetermine the perfect settings for every type of photo. We recommend that you look at the types of sample images that we use in our before and after photos to get a feel for the types of images that will work best with each set of presets. These presets are perfect to a clean and consistent style. They are a great way to create your unique style on Instagram. ★ DETAILS ★ ✓ Works in Lightroom Mobile App (iOS/Android) ✓ Works With & Without Adobe Subscription ✓ Works With Lightroom Desktop Mac or PC ✓Compatible with all photo formats. ★ INCLUDED IN YOUR PURCHASE ★ ✓ 20 Mobile Lightroom Presets (DNG files) ✓ 20 Desktop Lightroom Presets (XMP files).xmp files are for Lightroom CC Classic (starting version 7.3) and Photoshop CC ✓ PDF and video instructions for easy installation. ✓ Step-by-step PDF guide with video instructions for easy installation. ✓Dropbox download link provided in PDF. ★ IMPORTANT PLEAE READ BEFORE BUYING★ Older versions of Lightroom are NOT compatible with.xmp files. Please check your LR compatibly before buying. We only offer.xmp files for newer Lightroom 7.3 (2017) and newer. We DO NOT support LRTEMPLATE files. ❤ BE FEATURED ❤ We would love to see our presets in use. Please follow us on Instagram @aimee_pool_photography and tag your images to be featured #goldielights ❤ STAY IN-TOUCH ❤ ≫ IG: ≫ EMAIL: aimee [@] ★ Refunds/Exchanges ★ Due to the digital nature of this product, all sales are final and we are unable to offer refunds. However, customer satisfaction is our number one priority. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns. ➜ TERMS & CONDITIONS 1. All sales are final and due to the nature of the product, NO refunds will be given. 2. By purchasing presets by Aimee Pool Photography you are agreeing to be bound by the Following Terms and Conditions of use. All who purchase are bound to these terms. 3. You may not share, redistribute or sell these presets in any way. 4. You may not alter or claim these presets as your own. 5. By purchasing these presets the user is responsible to have a working knowledge of Lightroom. User should be familiar with Lightroom. © 2020 Aimee Pool Photography, All Rights Reserved Do not share the files or sell them in any form. Any type of derivative work is prohibited. Keywords: Lightroom Presets, Mobile Preset, Lightroom Mobile, iPhone Presets, Presets, Mobile Filter, DNG, Instagram Preset, Lightroom CC,.xmp, Blogger Presets, Influencer Presets, Travel Presets, Photo Filters, Photo Presets, Lightroom Presets, Android Presets, Light and Airy Presets, Bright and Airy Presets, Moody Presets
384 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Montessori color matching downloadable toddler activities which are useful and handy to support your kids with their color recognition. Grab this bundle now! Education prepping your child for preschool or homeschool preschool? Line Art Room has this set of colors matching activity which comes with 6 colorful activities that able to assist your toddler or preschooler to learn their colors in an interesting and interactive approach. Color recognition is a key cognitive development for both toddlers and pre-schoolers as it plays an important role in object recognition as well as to develop their language descriptive skills. Other benefits are to improve their concentration and fine motor skills. Recommended to laminate all activity sheets and cut outs for long lasting durability purpose. Great add on to your toddler activity binder or preschool busy book collection. ????THIS PURCHASE INCLUDES???? All of my files are created in A4 size (210mm x 297mm) (8.3” x 11.7”), 300dpi (dots-per-inch) high resolution which saved as CMYK color code for a high-quality print. 1. Education_Preschool_Toddler_Colors_Matching (1 Zipped Folder) Total 12 files inside zipped folder ❖ ColorsMatching Activity 1-Paint– Pg 1 – 1 JPEG file ❖ ColorsMatching CutOut 1-Paint– Pg 2 – 1 JPEG file ❖ ColorsMatching Activity 2-Candy– Pg 3 – 1 JPEG file ❖ ColorsMatching CutOut 2-Candy– Pg 4 – 1 JPEG file ❖ ColorsMatching Activity 3-Crayon– Pg 5 – 1 JPEG file ❖ ColorsMatching CutOut 3-Crayon– Pg 6 – 1 JPEG file ❖ ColorsMatching Activity 4-Car– Pg 7 – 1 JPEG file ❖ ColorsMatching CutOut 4-Car– Pg 8 – 1 JPEG file ❖ ColorsMatching Activity 5-Icecream– Pg 9 – 1 JPEG file ❖ ColorsMatching Activity 6-Icecream– Pg 10 – 1 JPEG file ❖ ColorsMatching CutOut 5&6-Icecream– Pg 11 – 1 JPEG file ❖ Direction guide – 1 JPEG file ????YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE???? Click here to view the following matching products ❖ Colors Pattern Click here to visit our shopfront page for more products at ????HOW DIGITAL DOWNLOAD WORKS???? This product listing is ❖ Instant download digital files and please note that NO physical product will be mailed to you. ❖ After purchased, is available automatically after check out at ❖ Or you can download your files from the “Purchases and Reviews” section of your Etsy profile. ❖ If you check out as a guest without Etsy account, your download links will be sent to your email address shortly. (Please check your junk/spam/promotions folder for the automated email from Etsy) ❖ You will need a pc or laptop to download the artwork files as they can’t be downloaded on a phone o tablet. ????HOW TO UNZIP FOLDER???? Windows Unzip folder by ❖ Download WinRAR (free software) if you do not have it at your pc/laptop. ❖ Open File Explorer and find the zipped folder. ❖ Unzip the entire folder, right-click to select Extract All, and then follow the instructions or ❖ Unzip a single file or folder, double-click the zipped folder to open it. Then, drag or copy the item from the zipped folder to a new location. Mac Unzip folder by ❖ Double click the zipped folder. ❖ The file will automatically be decompressed by Archive Utility into the same folder the compressed file is in. ❖ Alternatively, if the method above does not work, you can right-click on the zipped folder and select Open With Archive Utility (default). ????HOW & WHERE TO PRINT???? Once you save the artwork files to your pc or laptop, you can choose to ❖ Print it out instantly on your home or office printer. ❖ Save and bring your USB thumb drive to your nearby local printing shop. ❖ Order the artwork print online using an online printing company. Print the artwork on ❖ A4 size paper (210mm x 297mm) (8.3” x 11.7”). ❖ Multipurpose (70gsm or 80gsm) thickness paper (recommended). ❖ Printer setting - scale need to set to scale to fit. ❖ Please kindly take note that colors may vary slightly due to different color monitors and printers. ????HOW TO ASSEMBLE???? After you printed out the artwork, you can ❖ Laminate all printed papers (recommended for long lasting usage and able to use dry erase marker on it). ❖ Cut out all the laminated items (as per direction guide) ❖ Equipment or art & craft materials (recommended) used to assemble the printable: ✩ Laminator (A4 or A3 size); ✩ Laminating pouch (A4 size or A3 size); ✩ Scissors, penknife or paper trimmer/cutter; ✩ Adhesive Velcro, etc. ❖ Direction guide in details will be included. ????DISCLAIMER???? CHOKING HAZARD (ADULT SUPERVISION REQUIRED) Once assembled, some of these activities contains small pieces or pieces with sharp edges that are not appropriate for children aged 4 and below. These are not independent play activities for the kids. Please pay attention to the kids when they work on these activities. Please trim the corners for the pieces with sharp edges. ????NO PHYSICAL ITEMS WILL BE SHIPPED???? This product listing is for instant download digital file(s) so please kindly note that you will not receive a physical product. ????COPYRIGHT???? All printable artwork files are COPYRIGHT of LINE ART ROOM and all artwork files are solely for your PERSONAL USE only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited. NOT for RESALE. You are NOT allow to COPY, MODIFY, or SHARE these digital files. ????SOCIAL MEDIA???? I would love to see your little happy learner learns, plays and enjoys LINE ART ROOM’s educational resources. Please tag me @lineartroom | #lineartroom at: Instagram: Pinterest: ????CREDITS???? Graphics by Inkley Studio Graphics by My Cute Lobster Designs Thanks for visiting. Yonna LINE ART ROOM Digital. Learn. Fun
511 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Level up your desk setup with a desk mat, mousepad or wrist rest! Pick from 15+ sizes or visit our store for more of the best ©DeskNeko gaming desk mats, ergonomic mouse pads and keyboard wrist rests! Browse our large collection of aesthetic designs or create your own custom print. Japanese Desk Mat Mousepad, Large Lofi Mouse Pad, Anime Manga Aesthetic, Gaming Deskmat XXL, Long matt extended XL, Work Office Decor We offer the biggest range of sizes and styles, from small laptop mouse pads to extra large and extended gaming play mats up to 60 x 120 cm. Most sizes come with optional RGB/LED lights and stitched edges for added durability. These mousepads are durable, ergonomic, and the perfect addition to any desk setup. This is the perfect gift and accessory for your gaming PC setup or office work space. How to place an order? ????. ???????????????? ???????????????? ????????????????????: Stitched Edges · Flat Edges · RGB/LED Edges · Ergonomic Mousepad (silicone) ????. ???????????????? ???????????????? ????????????????: If your size is not available in the selected style, please consider a different style or contact us to see if we can arrange a different size! ????. ???????????? ???????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????: (????????????????????????????????) If you'd like to add a text, change a color or make other changes add your 'personalization' in the dedicated field or contact us. ????. ???????????????? ???????? ????????????????????????: (????????????????????????????????) For a custom printed image or a custom design, please visit this listing instead: ????????????.????????????????.????????????/????????????????????????????/???????????????????????????????????????? ????. ???????????????????????? ???????????????? ????????????????????: Place your order as usual. Please double check your address and provide a phone number to ensure smooth delivery. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to send us a message! **When selecting a b'"'Styleb'"' or b'"'Sizeb'"' it will only show those available variants. Remember to DESELECT your chosen variant to see all available variants again. ???? ???????????????????? ????????????????????: · 40cm x 30cm / 16″ x 12″ Inches · 35cm x 25cm / 14″ x 10″ Inches · 30cm x 25cm / 12″ x 10″ Inches · Circle: 20cm / 8″ Inches diameter · Circle: 35cm / 12″ Inches diameter · Square: 35cm x 35 cm / 12″ x 12b'"' Inches ???? ???????????????????? ???????????????????? · 70cm x 35cm / 27.6″ x 13.8″ Inches · 60cm x 35cm / 24″ x 13.8″ Inches · 60cm x 30cm / 24″ x 12″ Inches · 45cm x 35cm / 18″ x 14″ Inches · Circle: 45cm / 16″ Inches diameter · Square: 45cm x 45 cm / 16″ x 16b'"' Inches ???? ???????????? ????????????????????: · 120cm x 60cm / 47.2″ x 23.6″ Inches · 100cm x 50cm / 39.4″ x 19.7″ Inches · 90cm x 40cm / 35.4″ x 15.7″ Inches · 80cm x 30cm / 31.5″ x 11.8″ Inches ???????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????: A: Round Shape: 23 x 25,5 cm / 9″ x 10″ Inches B: Ergonomic Shape: 23 x 25,5 cm / 9″ x 10″ Inches C: Rectangle Shape: 20 x 25,5 cm / 8″ x 10″ Inches ???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????? ????????????????: 44cm x 8cm / 17.3″ x 3″ Inch: Premium silicone padded wrist rest with a 1″ / 2,4 cm thick wrist support ???? ???????????????????????? ???????????????????? & ???????????????????????? (please contact us for the options) · Custom shapes such as a cat paw, flower, polygon or an animal shape: 30x30cm / 12″ x 12″ or 40x40cm / 16″ x 16″ · Custom sizes up to 40 x 40 cm / 16b'"' x 16b'"' on demand · Bigger custom sizes on request: ONLY flat or black stitched edges, in any size up to 183x122cm / 70″ x 48″ inch starting from $75. Keep in mind that the price will be significantly higher than standard sizes. Not available with LED/RGB lights. ⭐ ???????????? ????????????????????????????????: · Made from smooth anti-static micro woven neoprene fabric · Small and Large sizes are 0.12-0.14b'"' (2-3mm) thick · XXL sizes are 0.14-0.16b'"' (3-4mm) thick · Non-slip rubber backing · Scratch resistant and friction-reducing properties · With optional durable Stitched Edges · High-quality Dye-Sublimation edge-to-edge print ⭐ ???????????? ???????????????????????????????? · Extra durable nylon stitched edges · 5W FULL-RGB lighting tube around the edges · Over 12 colors and dynamic color modes! - Colors: Red, orange, green, light blue, dark blue, purple, pink and white - Dynamic modes: Full RGB, RGB fading-in-fading-out, waves, breathing, and more! · Illuminated controller button on the left side for convenient color switching · Including a black USB to mini USB power cable · Perfect sizes for gaming, with a large area for both your keyboard and mouse. ???? ???????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????: · The 5W LED lights and can be powered by any standard Laptop or PC USB-A outlet or trough a power outlet with the use of a USB charger · There is a convenient controller box on the left side of the desk mat with a button to control the lights (Please contact us if you prefer the controller on a different side) · To wash the mousepad, please unplug all electronics and wipe clean only. While the LED lighting tube itself is waterproof, the LED controller box is not waterproof. ???????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????: · Sizes are rounded up or down to the closest decimal. For example, 12 inches equals 30,42 centimeter but is listed as 30cm. Please allow for a small ~1cm/0.5inch sizing margin. Please double-check the size and details and measure your desk if needed. · Due to differences in Display/Monitor settings and lighting conditions, the printed colors may vary slightly from how it appears. · These mousepads are hand made and usually takes 3-5 days to print, custom orders may take longer depending on the request. · We ship worldwide with delivery times of 1-3 weeks, varying between destinations. · Please refer to our FAQ for the washing instruction and more frequently asked questions or send us a message.:) DeskNeko.Etsy.Com | | Custom Aesthetic Desk Mats and Mouse Pads ????????????????????????????????: Mousepad, Deskmat, Desk Mat, XL, XXL, Neoprene Rubber, Pro Grade Gaming, High Quality, Non-Slip, Non-Skid, Grip, Stitched Edges, Sewn Edges, LED/RGB lights, PC Gaming, Gift for gamers, for him/her/men/women, gift for teen girls/boys, artisan, best deskmats, deskpad, playmat, tabletop matt, play mat, desk blotter, ergonomic, rectangle, square, round, oval, custom, personal, Cozy Mousepad Lofi, Plants Desk Mat, Aesthetic Mouse Pad xxl, Ergonomic keyboard wrist rest, Cute extended gaming matt, Gift for him/her, Lofi Desk Mat xl, Aesthetic Mousepad Cozy, Large Mouse Pad xxl, Cute extended gaming deskmat/play matt, Green cottagecore dark academia cat
2.500 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
SALE!! Buy 3 Packs & Get 3 FREE! Add all 6 Packs to your cart and only pay for 3 in total! ALL COLLECTIONS INCLUDE MOBILE & DESKTOP ⭐ #1 TOP SELLING Natural Preset The Everyday Bright Lightroom Preset Collection For Mobile & Desktop Lightroom and Photoshop ACR. This Preset Collection will help you step up your photo editing and edit your photos like a pro! Inspired by mommy bloggers, home bloggers and lifestyle bloggers. Works amazing in one click to brighten and enhance dull images. Everyday Presets create bright, soft, light airy images with warm skin tones and dreamy greens. Perfect for photos of home decor, lifestyle, kids, family, style, flat lay, selfies and everyday photos. This Preset Pack is trendy Mobile Lightroom Presets that are light & bright for a cohesive theme or blog images. Makes everyday photos look amazingly bright and light. Lou & Marks Presets work with All Versions of Lightroom Mobile & Lightroom Desktop and with Photoshop ACR. INCLUDED IN YOUR PURCHASE ✔️ 15 Mobile Lightroom Presets (DNG) ✔️ 15 Desktop Lightroom Presets (LR) ✔️ 15 Lightroom & Photoshop Presets (XMP) ✔️ Step-by-step PDF guide with video instructions COMMON QUESTIONS ✔️ Works With The Free & Paid Lr iPhone App ✔️ Works With The Free & Paid Lr Android App ✔️ Works With All Lightroom Desktop Versions ✔️ Works With Photoshop ACR ✔️ Works With Mac & PC ✔️ Works With JPG & RAW Formats SKIN TONE PROMISE ♡ You are you unique and so are our Presets! We created our Presets for everyone. No one specific skin tone or hair color. When you purchase from Lou + Marks you are not just purchasing presets you also get our guarantee that they will suit your skin tone. If they don’t send me a message with an unedited image and I will personally adjust them for you. STAY IN TOUCH ♡ Connect with me on Instagram @louandmarks and tag #louandmarks so I can see all your amazing photo edits and share them in my daily stories of my audience of over 60K. © Lou & Marks. All Rights Reserved. By Purchasing this product you agreeing to the Terms of Use. Do not sharing the files, or sell them in any form. Derivative works are also prohibited.
764 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
???? PRESETS SALE ???? ✩ BUY 3 Presets Packs GET 3 FREE ✩ Add 6 Packs To Your Cart ✩ Coupon Automatically Applied Worldwide famous presets store with more than 100, 000 Customers. Created for the Lightroom Desktop App with Adobe subscription. Create a consistent aesthetic on your Instagram. So many styles to choose from. You can rebrand your social media in a matter of minutes! ✩ABOUT THIS COLLECTION ✓ 11 Lightroom Desktop Presets (.XMP and.LRTEMPLATE) ✓ One-click automated Lightroom filters ✓ Detailed installation instructions included (Video & PDF) ✓ Instant Download ✓ 24/7 Customer Support ✩TRANSFORM YOUR DESKTOP PHOTOS ✓ Professional look within seconds ✓ Makes your IG feed stand out from the crowd ✓ Quick and easy to use with a paid Lightroom Desktop App ✓ Lifetime purchase protection ☆ COMMON QUESTIONS ✓ Compatible with both Mac & PC ✓ Works well with photos shot with your camera, iPhone or Android ✓ Works WITH Adobe subscription ✩ FEATURES ✓ Save time. Quality edits on the go. Just upload the image to your Lightroom app, add preset and your photo is ready to be posted. ✓ Complete freedom. Presets are 100% customizable. After you apply the preset, you can still make your own changes: increase exposure, decrease highlights or add some whites. Everything is possible. ✓ Take your Instagram to the next level. More reach. More engagement. More everything. ✓ Make Instagram’s algorithm love you. Instagram is a highly visual platform. You need to capture people’s attention with your photos first. ♡ ABOUT 123PRESETS Our Lightroom presets are currently enjoyed by 100 000 photography lovers! We focus on quality edits. Our main mission is to turn everyday mobile photos into stunning art pieces. With over 5,000 customer reviews and counting, 123Presets continuously strive to exceed your expectations. Save time. Get PRO edits in seconds. Attention to every detail. We have started just with a few presets 3 years ago not ever thinking that we will create such a large and diverse collection of them. At the moment you can choose from more than 100+ unique styles. All because we want you to find your own voice that helps the photos tell your story in the most personal way. ☆ FOLLOW US & GET FEATURED Tag #123presets ON IG: @123PRESETS (106,000 Followers) WEBSITE: EMAIL: info [!at] ☆CUSTOMER SUPPORT 100% Customer Support. We care about our customers. Our goal is to make sure that your presets work the way they are intended to perform. Hence, if you have any questions whatsoever, feel free to contact us. Our photographer’s team will be more than happy to help you out! © 2020 MB 123PRESETS, All Rights Reserved Do not share the files, or sell them in any form. Keywords: 123presets, Presets, Desktop Preset, XMP, LRTEMPLATE, Instagram Preset, Lightroom CC, Desktop Filter, Travel Presets, Influencer Presets, Desktop Presets, Blogger Presets, Photo Presets, Lightroom presets, Lightroom Desktop, Summer Preset, Selfie Preset, Outdoor Presets, Portrait Presets, Fashion Preset, Bright Preset, Style Preset, Social Media Presets, Close-up Presets
493 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
15 Mobile Presets WARM & MOODY Presets Photographer Desktop Presets Warm Preset For Bloggers Moody Editing Filter Fall Theme For Instagram Create beautiful, moody photo edits with The Warm & Moody Preset Collection, Enhance all your photos tones (without compromising skin tones) with just a click! Our presets look great with a wide variety of images. Perfect for everyday photos, lifestyle photography, travel photography, photos around the house, family and friends, your fur babies, selfies, blogger images, product photography, flat lays, landscapes, architecture, cityscapes, boudoir, editorial, fashion, and so much more! WHAT'S INCLUDES ✔️ 15 Mobile Lightroom Presets (DNG) ✔️ 15 Desktop Lightroom Presets (LR) ✔️ 15 Lightroom & Photoshop Presets (XMP) ✔️ Step-by-step PDF instructions guide. Boost your photography mood with one click! ✔ Fully customizable. ✔ Compatible with iOS & Android & MAC & PC ✔ Compatible With Free Lightroom Mobile App & Lightroom Software. ✔ Work With And Without Adobe Subscription. ✔ Lifetime Purchase Protection ✔ You don’t need any professional knowledge about Adobe Lightroom to use it ✔ 24/7 Customer service ✔ Instant Download Please Note These presets are our humble works of art. Each preset has been handcrafted with love and care by a professional photographer to look great with a wide variety of images. However, please keep in mind that results may vary with each photo depending on the lighting, tones, and settings of the original photo. After applying the preset, you may find that some minor adjustments are needed. In most cases, all you need to do is adjust the exposure. Our presets are created for all skin tones. Before launching a new preset collection, each preset undergoes testing with dozens of different skin tones. In the rare event that the presets slightly alter your skin tone, please contact me for any questions or editing help. © 2022 Lamour Preset LTD, All Rights Reserved. TERMS AND CONDITIONS: You can use my Products/Presets for personal use and save them "presets" in one device "Mobile Or Desktop". Is prohibited to sell, distribute, rent, give, sub-license, or otherwise, transfer presets or the right to use presets set to anyone else and will be met with legal action. All Presets are copyright protected. Any other use is strictly prohibited and may violate copyright, trademark, and other laws.
385 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
???? PRESETS SALE ???? ✩ BUY 3 Presets Packs GET 3 FREE ✩ Add 6 Packs To Your Cart ✩ Coupon Automatically Applied Worldwide famous presets store with more than 100, 000 Customers. Created for the Lightroom Desktop App with Adobe subscription. Create a consistent aesthetic on your Instagram. So many styles to choose from. You can rebrand your social media in a matter of minutes! ✩ABOUT THIS COLLECTION ✓ 10 Lightroom Mobile & Desktop Presets (.DNG and.XMP) ✓ One-click automated Lightroom filters ✓ Detailed installation instructions included (Video & PDF) ✓ Instant Download ✓ 24/7 Customer Support ✩TRANSFORM YOUR DESKTOP PHOTOS ✓ Professional look within seconds ✓ Makes your IG feed stand out from the crowd ✓ Quick and easy to use with a paid Lightroom Desktop App ✓ Lifetime purchase protection ☆ COMMON QUESTIONS ✓ Compatible with both Mac & PC ✓ Works well with photos shot with your camera, iPhone or Android ✓ Works WITH Adobe subscription ✩ FEATURES ✓ Save time. Quality edits on the go. Just upload the image to your Lightroom app, add preset and your photo is ready to be posted. ✓ Complete freedom. Presets are 100% customizable. After you apply the preset, you can still make your own changes: increase exposure, decrease highlights or add some whites. Everything is possible. ✓ Take your Instagram to the next level. More reach. More engagement. More everything. ✓ Make Instagram’s algorithm love you. Instagram is a highly visual platform. You need to capture people’s attention with your photos first. ♡ ABOUT 123PRESETS Our Lightroom presets are currently enjoyed by 100 000 photography lovers! We focus on quality edits. Our main mission is to turn everyday mobile photos into stunning art pieces. With over 5,000 customer reviews and counting, 123Presets continuously strive to exceed your expectations. Save time. Get PRO edits in seconds. Attention to every detail. We have started just with a few presets 3 years ago not ever thinking that we will create such a large and diverse collection of them. At the moment you can choose from more than 100+ unique styles. All because we want you to find your own voice that helps the photos tell your story in the most personal way. ☆ FOLLOW US & GET FEATURED Tag #123presets ON IG: @123PRESETS (106,000 Followers) WEBSITE: EMAIL: info [!at] ☆CUSTOMER SUPPORT 100% Customer Support. We care about our customers. Our goal is to make sure that your presets work the way they are intended to perform. Hence, if you have any questions whatsoever, feel free to contact us. Our photographer’s team will be more than happy to help you out! © 2020 MB 123PRESETS, All Rights Reserved Do not share the files, or sell them in any form. Keywords: 123presets, Presets, Desktop Preset, XMP, LRTEMPLATE, Instagram Preset, Lightroom CC, Desktop Filter, Travel Presets, Influencer Presets, Desktop Presets, Blogger Presets, Photo Presets, Lightroom presets, Lightroom Desktop, Summer Preset, Selfie Preset, Outdoor Presets, Portrait Presets, Fashion Preset, Bright Preset, Style Preset, Social Media Presets, Close-up Presets
526 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
102 BABY BUNDLE Lightroom Mobile + Desktop Presets Created by Aimee Pool Photography This Bundle includes 5 of our top selling baby presets collections: 1. Oh Baby 2. Hey Baby 3. Sweet Dreams 4. Dreamy Baby 5. Organic Newborn I have been a newborn photographer for 15 years and I am finally releasing my tried and true newborn Lightroom presets. This collection works great for in-home lifestyle newborn sessions. The presets are clean and bright. These newborn presets will help to achieve a a nice and creamy skin tone while keeping your images looking soft and sweet with a light and airy look. Please note that images may need a slight amount of tweaking depending on your photography style and your lighting. Please refer to the before and after photos for examples. There are 102 beautiful presets in this collection to enhance your images. I have been a professional photographer for over 15 years and I created these presets to use in my own workflow. Each preset has been uniquely created to work with many different image types. Please keep in mind that due to the nature of presets there is not a one size fits all. Preset results will vary depending on the lighting and settings in each photo. After applying the preset, you may find that some minor adjustments are needed. While we try to create presets that will work with a variety of images, it is impossible to predetermine the perfect settings for every type of photo. We recommend that you look at the types of sample images that we use in our before and after photos to get a feel for the types of images that will work best with each set of presets. These presets are perfect to a clean and consistent style. They are a great way to create your unique style on Instagram. ★ DETAILS ★ ✓ Works in Lightroom Mobile App (iOS/Android) ✓ Works With & Without Adobe Subscription ✓ Works With Lightroom Desktop Mac or PC ✓Compatible with all photo formats. ★ INCLUDED IN YOUR PURCHASE ★ ✓ 102 Mobile Lightroom Presets (DNG files) ✓ 102 Desktop Lightroom Presets (XMP files).xmp files are for Lightroom CC Classic (starting version 7.3) and Photoshop CC ✓ PDF and video instructions for easy installation. ✓ Step-by-step PDF guide with video instructions for easy installation. ✓Dropbox download link provided in PDF. ★ IMPORTANT PLEAE READ BEFORE BUYING★ Older versions of Lightroom are NOT compatible with.xmp files. Please check your LR compatibly before buying. We only offer.xmp files for newer Lightroom 7.3 (2017) and newer. We DO NOT support LRTEMPLATE files. ❤ BE FEATURED ❤ We would love to see our presets in use. Please follow us on Instagram @aimee_pool_photography and tag your images to be featured #goldielights ❤ STAY IN-TOUCH ❤ ≫ IG: ≫ WEBSITE: ≫ EMAIL: aimee [@] ★ Refunds/Exchanges ★ Due to the digital nature of this product, all sales are final and we are unable to offer refunds. However, customer satisfaction is our number one priority. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns. ➜ TERMS & CONDITIONS 1. All sales are final and due to the nature of the product, NO refunds will be given. 2. By purchasing presets by Aimee Pool Photography you are agreeing to be bound by the Following Terms and Conditions of use. All who purchase are bound to these terms. 3. You may not share, redistribute or sell these presets in any way. 4. You may not alter or claim these presets as your own. 5. By purchasing these presets the user is responsible to have a working knowledge of Lightroom. User should be familiar with Lightroom. © 2020 Aimee Pool Photography, All Rights Reserved Do not share the files or sell them in any form. Any type of derivative work is prohibited. Keywords: Lightroom Presets, Mobile Preset, Lightroom Mobile, iPhone Presets, Presets, Mobile Filter, DNG, Instagram Preset, Lightroom CC,.xmp, Blogger Presets, Influencer Presets, Travel Presets, Photo Filters, Photo Presets, Lightroom Presets, Android Presets, Light and Airy Presets, Bright and Airy Presets, Moody Presets
1.076 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
????BUY 2 PRESETS and GET 2 FREE ????Add 4 packs to your cart and use code: "2FREE” ????BUY 3 PRESETS and GET 3 FREE ????Add 6 packs to your cart and use code: "3FREE” ????BUY 4 PRESETS and GET 4 FREE ????Add 8 packs to your cart and use code: "4FREE”
✩ Use COUPON: "2FREE" or link to apply coupon automatically: Add 4 or more Products to your cart Pay only for 2 Products ✩ 200+ Lightroom preset Collections in our STORE: ✩ABOUT THIS COLLECTION ✓ 10 Lightroom Mobile Presets (.DNG) ✓ 10 Lightroom Desktop Presets (.XMP and.Lrtemplate) ✓ One-click automated Lightroom filters ✓ Detailed installation instructions included (Video & PDF) ✓ Instant Download ✓ 24/7 Customer Support ✩TRANSFORM YOUR DESKTOP PHOTOSXMP files ✓ Professional look within seconds ✓ Makes your IG feed stand out from the crowd ✓ Quick and easy to use with a paid Lightroom Desktop App ✓ Lifetime purchase protection ☆ COMMON QUESTIONS ✓ Compatible with both Mac & PC ✓ Works well with photos shot with your camera, iPhone or Android ✓ Works WITH Adobe subscription ✩ FEATURES ✓ Save time. Quality edits on the go. Just upload the image to your Lightroom app, add preset and your photo is ready to be posted. ✓ Complete freedom. Presets are 100% customizable. After you apply the preset, you can still make your own changes: increase exposure, decrease highlights or add some whites. Everything is possible. ✓ Take your Instagram to the next level. More reach. More engagement. More everything. ✓ Make Instagram’s algorithm love you. Instagram is a highly visual platform. You need to capture people’s attention with your photos first. ♡ ABOUT 123PRESETS Our Lightroom presets are currently enjoyed by 100 000 photography lovers! We focus on quality edits. Our main mission is to turn everyday mobile photos into stunning art pieces. With over 7,000 customer reviews and counting, 123Presets continuously strive to exceed your expectations. Save time. Get PRO edits in seconds. Attention to every detail. We have started just with a few presets 3 years ago not ever thinking that we will create such a large and diverse collection of them. At the moment you can choose from more than 100+ unique styles. All because we want you to find your own voice that helps the photos tell your story in the most personal way. ☆ FOLLOW US & GET FEATURED Tag #123presets ON IG: @123PRESETS (106,000 Followers) WEBSITE: EMAIL: info [!at] ☆CUSTOMER SUPPORT 100% Customer Support. We care about our customers. Our goal is to make sure that your presets work the way they are intended to perform. Hence, if you have any questions whatsoever, feel free to contact us. Our photographer’s team will be more than happy to help you out! ❗️Refund and Cancellation: In order to ensure the satisfaction of all my customers, I provide an option for exchanges if they are not completely happy with their purchase. Please feel free to leave me a message and we can discuss further. © 2023 MB 123PRESETS, All Rights Reserved Do not share the files, or sell them in any form. Keywords: 123presets, Presets, Desktop Preset, XMP, LRTEMPLATE, Instagram Preset, Lightroom CC, Desktop Filter, Travel Presets, Cinematic Presets, Film Presets, Influencer Presets, Desktop Presets, Blogger Presets, Photo Presets, Lightroom presets, Lightroom Desktop, Summer Preset, Selfie Preset, Outdoor Presets, Portrait Presets, Fashion Preset, Bright Preset, Style Preset, Social Media Presets, Close-up Presets
674 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
????BUY 2 PRESETS and GET 2 FREE ????Add 4 packs to your cart and use code: "2FREE” ????BUY 3 PRESETS and GET 3 FREE ????Add 6 packs to your cart and use code: "3FREE” ????BUY 4 PRESETS and GET 4 FREE ????Add 8 packs to your cart and use code: "4FREE”
✩ Use COUPON: "2FREE" or link to apply coupon automatically: Add 4 or more Products to your cart Pay only for 2 Products ✩ 200+ Lightroom preset Collections in our STORE: ✩ABOUT THIS COLLECTION ✓ 10 Lightroom Mobile Presets (.DNG) ✓ 10 Lightroom Desktop Presets (.XMP and.Lrtemplate) ✓ One-click automated Lightroom filters ✓ Detailed installation instructions included (Video & PDF) ✓ Instant Download ✓ 24/7 Customer Support ✩TRANSFORM YOUR DESKTOP PHOTOSXMP files ✓ Professional look within seconds ✓ Makes your IG feed stand out from the crowd ✓ Quick and easy to use with a paid Lightroom Desktop App ✓ Lifetime purchase protection ☆ COMMON QUESTIONS ✓ Compatible with both Mac & PC ✓ Works well with photos shot with your camera, iPhone or Android ✓ Works WITH Adobe subscription ✩ FEATURES ✓ Save time. Quality edits on the go. Just upload the image to your Lightroom app, add preset and your photo is ready to be posted. ✓ Complete freedom. Presets are 100% customizable. After you apply the preset, you can still make your own changes: increase exposure, decrease highlights or add some whites. Everything is possible. ✓ Take your Instagram to the next level. More reach. More engagement. More everything. ✓ Make Instagram’s algorithm love you. Instagram is a highly visual platform. You need to capture people’s attention with your photos first. ♡ ABOUT 123PRESETS Our Lightroom presets are currently enjoyed by 100 000 photography lovers! We focus on quality edits. Our main mission is to turn everyday mobile photos into stunning art pieces. With over 7,000 customer reviews and counting, 123Presets continuously strive to exceed your expectations. Save time. Get PRO edits in seconds. Attention to every detail. We have started just with a few presets 3 years ago not ever thinking that we will create such a large and diverse collection of them. At the moment you can choose from more than 100+ unique styles. All because we want you to find your own voice that helps the photos tell your story in the most personal way. ☆ FOLLOW US & GET FEATURED Tag #123presets ON IG: @123PRESETS (106,000 Followers) WEBSITE: EMAIL: info [!at] ☆CUSTOMER SUPPORT 100% Customer Support. We care about our customers. Our goal is to make sure that your presets work the way they are intended to perform. Hence, if you have any questions whatsoever, feel free to contact us. Our photographer’s team will be more than happy to help you out! ❗️Refund and Cancellation: In order to ensure the satisfaction of all my customers, I provide an option for exchanges if they are not completely happy with their purchase. Please feel free to leave me a message and we can discuss further. © 2023 MB 123PRESETS, All Rights Reserved Do not share the files, or sell them in any form. Keywords: 123presets, Presets, Desktop Preset, XMP, LRTEMPLATE, Instagram Preset, Lightroom CC, Desktop Filter, Travel Presets, Cinematic Presets, Film Presets, Influencer Presets, Desktop Presets, Blogger Presets, Photo Presets, Lightroom presets, Lightroom Desktop, Summer Preset, Selfie Preset, Outdoor Presets, Portrait Presets, Fashion Preset, Bright Preset, Style Preset, Social Media Presets, Close-up Presets, Aesthetic Presets, Instagram Presets, Beige Presets
674 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection para PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch y PC resalta el pasado de la serie en una antología de 12 títulos icónicos con el perfecto equilibrio arcade, entre los que se incluye: El original Street Fighter Street Fighter II Street Fighter II: Champion Edition Street Fighter II: Hyper Fighting Super Street Fighter II Super Street Fighter II: Turbo Street Fighter Alpha Street Fighter Alpha 2 Street Fighter Alpha 3 Street Fighter III Street Fighter III: 2nd Impact Street Fighter III: Third Strike Los jugadores podrán llevar la lucha al entorno online en cuatro de los títulos clásicos, logrando incluso mayores opciones de juego, entre ellos Street Fighter II: Hyper Fighting, Super Street Fighter II: Turbo, Street Fighter Alpha 3 y Street Fighter III: Third Strike. Los usuarios pueden recrear la experiencia de juego arcade clásica compitiendo contra la máquina al tiempo que esperan a los amigos para participar en las batallas online, donde pondrán a prueba sus habilidades de lucha. Soporte para lobbies de hasta cuatro jugadores aguardando por subir en los escalafones a través de partidas por clasificación. Cada título contará también con sus propias Clasificaciones Globales y la tecnología de “rebobinado” asegurará una baja latencia en las batallas online CARACTERÍSTICAS Celebra los 30 años de la más icónica serie de juegos de lucha La exitosa serie cuenta con más de 39 millones de unidades vendidas en todo el mundo y regresa por su 30 Aniversario con un recopilatorio de 12 clásicos títulos arcade en un pack para PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and Windows PC. Revive los títulos que hicieron historia en los videojuegos Entre ellos se incluye el original Street Fighter lanzado en 1987 que introdujo dos de los héroes más famosos de los videojuegos, Ryu y Ken. Además, el icónico Street Fighter II se convirtió en el primer juego que dio la oportunidad a los jugadores de elegir personajes, incluyendo el estreno de la fémina más fuerte de la saga Chun-Li. Street Fighter III continuó la serie numérica principal y fue el primer juego en introducir la posibilidad de contrarrestar ataques. Nuevas opciones de juego, entre las que se incluye el juego online Los jugadores pueden salvar estados a medida que progresen en el juego offline. Además, los jugadores pueden competir en línea con cuatro títulos clásicos (Street Fighter II: Hyper Fighting, Super Street Fighter II: Turbo, Street Fighter Alpha 3 and Street Fighter III: Third Strike). Además de las opciones partida casual y por clasificación, hasta cuatro jugadores pueden unirse a un lobby donde jugar contra la máquina al tiempo que esperan por su partida. Cada título cuenta con su Clasificación global y la tecnología de “rebobinado” asegurará una baja latencia en las batallas online. Ábrete paso por tus recuerdos Revisita momentos históricos de la serie y explora una línea temporal interactiva de eventos que ayudaron a crear una de las principales series de juegos de lucha del mundo. Puedes ver alucinantes piezas de arte conceptual y descubrir datos no conocidos de cada lanzamiento del juego. • Aprende más acerca de tus personajes favoritos– Recorre las biografías de los personajes y descubre datos pocos conocidos de la serie, al tiempo que disfrutas de los sprites y las animaciones clave para ver cómo los luchadores clásicos han evolucionado con el paso del tiempo.
16 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
SALE!! Buy 3 Preset Packs & Get 3 FREE! Add all 6 Packs to your cart and only pay for 3 in total! ALL COLLECTIONS INCLUDE MOBILE & DESKTOP PRESETS ⭐ #1 TOP SELLING & Top Rated Creamy Preset NEW!! Creamy Moody Lightroom Preset Collection for Mobile & Desktop Lightroom and Photoshop ACR. Creamy Moody Presets will help you edit your photos like a pro! Inspired by that gorgeous neutral and beige theme. Creamy Moody Presets create soft, creamy, warm toned images with tan skin tones and moody backgrounds. Perfect for photos of summer, fall, travel, lifestyle, kids, family, style, flat lay, selfies and everyday photos. This Preset Pack is trendy, creamy & moody for a cohesive theme or blog images. Makes everyday photos look amazing! Lou & Marks Presets work with All Versions of Lightroom Mobile & Lightroom Desktop and with Photoshop ACR. INCLUDED IN YOUR PURCHASE ✔️ 10 Mobile Lightroom Presets (DNG) ✔️ 10 Desktop Lightroom Presets (LR) ✔️ 10 Lightroom & Photoshop Presets (XMP) ✔️ Step-by-step PDF guide with video instructions COMMON QUESTIONS ✔️ Works With The Free & Paid Lr iPhone App ✔️ Works With The Free & Paid Lr Android App ✔️ Works With All Lightroom Desktop Versions ✔️ Works With Photoshop ACR ✔️ Works With Mac & PC ✔️ Works With JPG & RAW Formats SKIN TONE PROMISE ♡ You are you unique and so are our Presets! We created our Presets for everyone. No one specific skin tone or hair color. When you purchase from Lou + Marks you are not just purchasing presets you also get our guarantee that they will suit your skin tone. If they don’t send me a message with an unedited image and I will personally adjust them for you. STAY IN TOUCH ♡ Connect with me on Instagram @louandmarks and tag #louandmarks so I can see all your amazing photo edits and share them in my daily stories of my audience of over 60K. © Lou & Marks. All Rights Reserved. By Purchasing this product you agreeing to the Terms of Use. Do not sharing the files, or sell them in any form. Derivative works are also prohibited.
764 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
This sleek Samsung case protects your phone from scratches, dust, oil, and dirt. It has a solid back and flexible sides that make it easy to take on and off, with precisely aligned cuts and holes. Art design by Sarah Mattinson, 2022 blow my mind collection. • BPA free Hybrid Thermoplastic Polyurethane (TPU) and Polycarbonate (PC) material • Solid polycarbonate back • 0.02″ (0.5 mm) raised bezel • See-through sides • Wireless charging compatible • Easy to take on and off
2.101 €
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