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Madrid (Madrid)
Dark Souls 1 PS3 Prepare to die edition. Uno de los mejores juegos que existen en el mercado actualmente y que su complejidad es increíblemente alta. En perfecto estado de conservación.
70 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Esto incluye: un ajuste preestablecido 1. DARK TEAL Preset para escritorio (xmp) Saca el máximo partido a tus imágenes. Mis ajustes preestablecidos ofrecen la mezcla perfecta para cualquier situación. Como artista digital, mis ajustes preestablecidos están diseñados con el mayor cuidado para que agreguen el toque perfecto a cualquiera de sus fotos. P.D. Para obtener los MEJORES resultados, ajuste la exposición y la temperatura para su estilo de disparo y guarde el ajuste preestablecido para que funcione a la perfección con sus archivos RAW / imágenes sin editar. Para usar con escritorio: 1. Abra Lightroom y luego vaya a "Lightroom Classic" en la parte superior izquierda y luego a "preferencias" 2. Haga clic en "mostrar ajustes preestablecidos de desarrollo de Lightroom" 3. Pegue los archivos xmp en los "ajustes preestablecidos de usuario" 4. Reinicie el equipo y abra Lightroom para utilizar los ajustes preestablecidos Para utilizarlo con RAW de cámara: 1. Abra Photoshop y luego vaya a "Filtro" en la parte superior y luego a "Filtro Camera Raw..." 2. Haga clic a la derecha en el "Botón de 3 líneas" 3. Presione "Configuración de carga" 4. Elija el ajuste preestablecido
210 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
This digital planner has been carefully designed to help you to keep your life more organized, balanced and productive. It comes with tons of freebies to make sure you got everything you need to start using your planner.:) You can decorate your planner pages and notes with these stickers and labels. You will also get 120 stunning covers which all designed by me from scratch. Here you can find more about the bonus files: ???? BONUS 1: 2370 Digital Planner Stickers https://www.etsy.com/es/listing/1168814725 ???? BONUS 2: 100 Digital Planner Covers https://www.etsy.com/es/listing/1148553477 ✔️ PLANNER FEATURES • Professionally designed in Adobe Suite • Fully hyperlinked for easy navigation • 2022 Full Year Planner • 2023 Full Year Planner • 16 planners to choose from • Sunday or Monday start options • 2 Weekly layouts options • Each weekly layout also linked to weekly schedule, weekly review and weekly meal planner for that particular week • 2 Daily page layouts options • All-in-One Monthly Index to access all your monthly pages, trackers at a glance • All-in-One Weekly Index to access all your weekly pages, trackers at a glance • 12 Custom Sections • 9 Projects Sections to keep track • 9 Goals Sections to keep track • Recipe section hyperlinked to 40 recipes • 8 notepaper templates that you can copy and paste endlessly according to your needs • 6 main categories (finance, wellness, nutrition, fitness, productivity, lifestyle) ✔️INDEX OF THIS PLANNER • Index / Homepage • Yearly Calendar • Yearly Reflections • New Year Resolutions • Yearly Goals • Yearly Overview • Key Dates • All-in-One Monthly Index • All-in-One Weekly Index • Monthly Calendar (Jan - Dec) • Monthly Plan (Jan - Dec) • Monthly Review (Jan - Dec) • Weekly Plan (53 weeks) • Weekly Schedule (53 weeks) • Weekly Review (53 weeks) • Weekly Meal Plan (53 weeks) • Daily Plan (365 Days) • Daily Reflection (365 Days) ???? Finance Section • Yearly Finances • Monthly Finances (Jan - Dec) • Monthly Bill Tracker (Jan - Dec) • Dept Payoff Tracker • Savings Tracker ♥️ Wellness Section • Mood Tracker (Jan - Dec) • Sleep Tracker (Jan - Dec) • Hydration Tracker (Jan - Dec) • Vitamins-Supplements-Medications (Jan - Dec) ???? Nutrition Section • Weekly Meal Planner (53 Weeks) • Grocery List • Kitchen Inventory • Recipes ????️‍♂️ Fitness Section • Fitness Plan • Workout Log • Steps Tracker (Jan - Dec) • Progress Tracker ⏰ Productivity Section • Habit Tracker (Jan - Dec) • Pomodoro Tracker • To-Do lists • Meeting Notes • Vision Board • 30 Day Challenge ???? Projects Section • Linked to 9 Projects ???? Goals Section • Linked to 9 Goals ???? Lifestyle Section • Life Balance (wheel of life) • Daily Routine Planner • Chores Planner • My Lists • Reading List • Wish List • Delivery Tracker • Passwords • Birthdays ???? Custom Sections • 12 Hyperlinked custom sections that you can use as you wish ✍️ Notepaper Templates • 8 notepaper templates (blank, lined, graph, dotted, cornell, cornell lined, cornell graph, cornell dotted) ✔ Detailed help guide included but you can always contact me if you need any assistance.:) ⚠️ IMPORTANT NOTE This product is a digital planner.pdf file that you can jump page to page thanks to the hyperlinks. To be able to use it you need to have a.pdf annotation app like GoodNotes, Notability, ZoomNotes, Noteshelf, Xodo etc. installed on your device. It works on iPad with an Apple pencil or stylus. Also please be aware of that it is not suitable for mobile phones nor for printing. ✔ How to access your downloads after purchase: Since this is an instant download item you will get access to your product immediately after your purchase. You will get an email with the downloads or you can always access them through the purchases section of your Etsy account: http://www.etsy.com/es/your/purchases If you can't see it please make sure you're logged in the account you bought the product. BOHO STICKER PACKS https://www.etsy.com/listing/1156192239 https://www.etsy.com/listing/1154474668 https://www.etsy.com/listing/1167774485 • For personal use only. Don't use our creations for any commercial purposes and don't give them away. • This is an instant download - No physical product will be shipped to your address. If you need any assistance with your order please feel free to contact us. Happy planning!:) Kaya Planners
365 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
The Dark Pictures Anthology Volume 1 incluye: Los dós primeros juegos de la serie: The Dark Pictures: Man of Medan y The Dark PisturesLittle Hope para la plataforma selccionada. Toda la saga en tus manos. Steelbook EXCLUSIVA de 4 disco, para que puedas guardar los discos del juego, que quedará perfecta en tu estanteria. 2 pins coleccionables del juego. Mapamundi de tela. The Dark Pictures Anthology es una serie de juegos individuales cinemáticos de terror con una profunda históriay modos multijugador únicos. Cada nuevo juego está basado en eventos del mundo real ya sean hechos, ficción o leyenda e incluye una historia, ambientación y personajes totalmente nuevos. Cada nuevo juego en The Dark Pictures Anthology ofrecerá una nueva experiencia cinemática de terror jugable en solitario y multijugador incluyendo Historia Compartida jugable con un amigo online y el modo Noche de Pelis donde hasta 5 jugadores pueden jugar juntos pasándose el mando. The Dark Pictures: Man of Medan Man of Medan es el primer juego en la antología Dark Pictures, llevando el terror sobrenatural al Pacífico sur. Cinco amigos navegan en un viaje vacacional de submarinismo, con rumoreado naufragio de la 2ª Guerra Mundial que encontrar. Mientras el día pasa, y una tormenta se aproxima, su viaje pronto se transforma en algo mucho más siniestro. ¿Quién vivirá? ¿quién morirá? Depende de ti. ¿Puedes salvarlos a todos? The Dark Pictures: Little Hope: Little Hope es el segundo juego de The Dark Pictures Anthology. Atrapado en el pueblo abandonado de Little Hope, 4 estudiantes y su profesor deben escapar de apariciones de pesadilla que les persiguen incansablemente a través de una niebla impenetrable. The Dark Pictures: Little Hope para PlayStation 4 y Xbox One. The Dark Pictures Anthology es una serie de juegos individuales cinemáticos de terror con una profunda y modos multijugador únicos. Atrapado en el pueblo abandonado de Little Hope, 4 estudiantes y su profesor deben escapar de apariciones de pesadilla que les persiguen incansablemente a través de una niebla impenetrable. The Dark Pictures: Little Hope, está ambientado en un tenebroso pueblo dedicado a la caza de brujas. La trama de este nuevo episodio nos llevará a un pueblo aparentemente abandonado de New England llamado Little Hope. Este lugar cuenta con una historia bastante oscura y que deja claro por qué nadie quiere acercarse a sus alrededores. Más que nada, porque se dice que antiguamente la brujería se había asentado tanto que la locura y el miedo llegó a invadir a sus habitantes. Concretamente, en el año 1692, algunos ciudadanos de este pueblo decidieron convertirse en cazadores de brujas para restaurar el orden. Esta situación provocó que a las personas que les acusaban de dominar la brujería les castigaban de la peor forma posible y de las maneras más crueles que uno se pueda imaginar, dando como resultado una enorme cantidad de fallecidos. Sin embargo, en el aire quedó la duda de si realmente estas acusaciones estaban realmente en lo correcto o por el contrario existía una presencia maligna que se encargaba de manipular la mente de los acusadores. Así pues, esto nos dejará con una historia que tocará temas relacionados con la paranoia, las ejecuciones brutales y la búsqueda de la redención. Caracterìsticas principales. Cada juego de la saga cuenta con una nueva historia, ambientación, personajes y dos modos multijugador únicos: historia compartida (comparte tu historia y juega con un amigo online) y Noche de Pelis (juega con hasta 5 jugadores offline pasando el mando). BIENVENIDO A LITTLE HOPE Vislumbra terroríficas visiones del pasado, perseguido por los eventos de los juicios por brujería de Andover del Siglo XVII SALVAD VUESTRAS ALMAS… Escapa las apariciones de pesadilla que persiguen incansables a tus personajes antes de que arrastre vuestras almas al infierno NO JUEGUES SOLO Juga online con un amigo o con hasta 5 jugadores offline, comparte tu historia y coopera sabiamente para salvar a tus personajes… Ten cuidado, puede que no estés en total control de tu propio destino. Little Hope es el segundo juego de The Dark Pictures Anthology, esel segundo capítulo de una ambiciosa saga antológica de terror, cuyo objetivo es publicar un nuevo y terrorífico capítulo cada cierto lapso de tiempo con nuevos personajes, ambientaciones y géneros de terror. Cada juego cuenta con una nueva historia, ambientación, personajes y dos modos multijugador únicos: historia compartida (comparte tu historia y juega con un amigo online) y Noche de Pelis (juega con hasta 5 jugadores offline pasando el mando). Little Hope es el segundo juego de The Dark Pictures Anthology. Atrapado en el pueblo abandonado de Little Hope, 4 estudiantes y su profesor deben escapar de apariciones de pesadilla que les persiguen incansablemente a través de una niebla impenetrable.
49,95 €
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Barcelona (Barcelona)
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Moreda de Álava (Alava)
Juego segunda mano ps2 dark alliance 1 completo Juego segunda mano ps2 dark alliance 1 completo
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Moody Black - Lightroom Presets / Best for Lightroom Mobile and Desktop/ Lightroom Presets/ Instagram Presets Make your photos stand out with this preset pack which includes 10 unique presets for Lightroom. These presets were designed especially for portraits, travel, lifestyle, and wedding photography to give your photos that popular and attractive dark and moody look. This preset pack is the second version of our Dark and Moody Preset Pack. This bundle includes 10 beautiful Lightroom presets which can be used in almost every type of situation. Whether you took an amazing selfie, or you took awesome photos on your new camera these presets will be great. They were great in a variety of lighting situations, even in extremely low light environments. You can use these presets in both the mobile and the desktop version of lightroom with a very easy install that can take under 1 minute. Compatibility: Works on all Versions of Lightroom Classic, Lightroom CC and Lightroom Mobile. Lightroom Classic versions 7.2 and older use the.lrtemplate files while 7.3 and newer can use either.lrtemplate or.xmp. Top features of this bundle: ???? One time purchase, keep forever ???? 10 Presets in.xmp Format ???? 10 Presets in.lrtemplate Format ???? 10 Preset in.dng Format ???? Compatible with Lightroom Mobile ???? Compatible on Windows and Mac ???? 24/7 Support ???? Free Updates ???? Install Instructions Included
593 €
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León (León)
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A Coruña (A Coruña)
HOT WHEELS THE DARK KNIGHT RISES BATMAN TUMBLER HOT WHEELS THE DARK KNIGHT RISES BATMAN TUMBLER Caracteristicas del envío:  Solo envio por correo certificado Envios Los envios se realizaran mediante Correos. Se hacen envios combinados. Envios Nacionales Menos de 400 gramos 5 euros Hasta 1 kilo 7,60 euros Para más de un kilo consultar Para envios internacionales ponerse en contacto con el vendedor
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Cádiz (Cádiz)
Figura Batman (Dark) (Fisher Price - Imaginext) Figura Batman (Dark) (Fisher Price - Imaginext) La figura se han limpiado con agua y jabón; no se ha usado líquidos abrasivos por si pudiera estropearse. Puede requerir una limpieza más exhaustiva y profesional. Seguramente le falten accesorios; el lote lo compone lo que se observa en las fotos; lo que no este en ellas, no lo lleva ni lo conservamos. Se vende tal cual se ve en las fotos, que forman parte de la descripción. Pagos: -  Transferencia Bancaria (BBVA) o Bizum. - NO tenemos Paypal, lo sentimos. Si sólo tiene este medio de pago, por favor, no compre el artículo. Nota: las transferencias pueden tardar de 1 a 3 días, depende de los bancos. Se atenderá el pedido solo cuando sea confirmado el pago. Envíos: - Consulte la pestaña "Formas o Condiciones de Pago y Envío" que hay un poco más arriba. -  Envío por Correo Ordinario disponible para este artículo (Categoría A). - Se hacen envios de lotes combinados para ahorrar en gastos. - Para envíos fuera de la Península (Canarias, Islas Baleares, Ceuta y Melilla), se aplicarán las tarífas vigentes por Correos. Por favor, consultar antes de hacer la compra, ya que pueden ser muy elevadas. - Se hacen entregas en mano en Cádiz Ciudad. Si pasados 3 días, no se sabe nada del comprador, se anulará la venta, se votará en negativo y se bloqueará al usuario (salvo alguna justificación lógica; se dará el suficiente tiempo). Si no se llega a un acuerdo, no pasa nada, se anulará la venta sin más. Gracias por la visita.
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León (León)
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Valencia (Valencia)
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España (Todas las ciudades)
El terror psicológico se une al gótico sureño en esta reinvención del clásico juego de supervivencia Alonein theDark. Esta carta de amor al innovador juego original te permite vivir una inquietante historia a través de los ojos de uno de los dos protagonistas. Juega como Edward Carnbyo como Emily Hartwoody explora tu entorno, lucha contra monstruos, resuelve puzles y descubre la sórdida verdad de la mansión Derceto... Estamos en el sur profundo de los años 20, y el tío de Emily Hartwoodha desaparecido. La joven se embarca junto al investigador privado Edward Carnbyen un viaje a la mansión Derceto, un hogar para enfermos mentales sobre el que se cierne algo misterioso. Se encontrará con extraños residentes, reinos de pesadilla, monstruos peligrosos y, en última instancia, descubrirá una trama de intensa maldad. En la intersección de la realidad, el misterio y la locura, te espera una aventura que desafiará tus creencias más íntimas. ¿En quién puedes confiar, en qué creerás y qué harás a continuación? CARACTERÍSTICAS: 1.Explora la mansión Dercetoen esta reinvención de Alonein theDark, una carta de amor al clásico de terror de los 90. 2.Vuelve a las raíces del terror psicológico y embárcate en un viaje envolvente digno del juego que inició el género. 3.Sumérgete en un mundo lleno de sonidos que te erizan la piel, con una banda sonora de doomjazz inquietante y a la vez hipnotizadora. 4.Sumérgete en una profunda historia psicológica que va más allá de lo imaginable de la mano de Mikael Hedberg, el escritor de terror de culto autor de SOMA y Amnesia.
5.295 €
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Hot Wheels Coche Batman Dark Night Batmobile. ¡Al Batmobile™!... O a cualquiera de los vehículos de las calles de Gotham City™ disponibles en esta colección de Hot Wheels® con temática de Batman™. Recrea las escenas de persecución épicas de la saga de Batman™ o inventa otras nuevas con estos vehículos de metal a escala 1:64 que incorporan la decoración y el estilo de los cómics, las series de televisión y las películas. El increíble embalaje también es digno de coleccionar. Tanto los niños como los coleccionistas quedarán encantados con los detalles y las piezas de metal archiconocidas. ¡Las querrán todas! Se venden por separado y están sujetos a disponibilidad. Los colores y la decoración pueden variar. Edad recomendada: +3 años.
4,19 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
???? OR SHOP THE PRESET BUNDLE: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1332120741/1000-lightroom-presets-bundle-natural?click_key=cec8d80a49119655b0c2cf63adc94ebeb232e8aa%3A1332120741&click_sum=754c8668&ref=shop_home_feat_1&pro=1&sts=1 Are you looking to: ✔️ Take your photos to the next level? ✔️ Save time editing? ✔️ Create consistent and cohesive edits? ✔️ Level up your Instagram game? ✔️ Edit like a pro? If you answered yes to any of these, then Wayfarer Presets are for you! ☆ Here’s what you’ll receive with your purchase ☆ – 15 Unique MOBILE Presets (DNG) – 15 Unique DESKTOP Presets (XMP) – A Step-by-Step Installation Guide – Guaranteed Customer Support These presets make editing on-the-go quick and easy! ☆ Compatibility ☆ ✔️Compatible with All Photo Formats including RAW & JPEG ✔️Compatible with FREE Lightroom Mobile App ✔️Compatible with Desktop Lightroom Classic v7.3 (2018) and newer NOTE: Please remember that all presets work differently on every image. Due to the nature that every photo is different (shot in different light, etc) you may need to make minor adjustments to the edit after the preset is applied. ☆ DOWNLOAD THE FREE LIGHTROOM APP ☆ – iPhone: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/adobe-lightroom-photo- editor/id878783582 – Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.adobe.lrmobile&hl=en_US ☆ REFUNDS AND EXCHANGES ☆ Due to the nature of the product - Digital Download - all sales are final. Please read all product information carefully before making a purchase. I am always available to answer any questions you may have regarding the listing prior to purchase. However, if there is any case of dissatisfaction, I will be more than happy to help. ♡ Share Your Edits! ♡ I love seeing your beautiful edits. Please include them in your review! © The Wanderful Wayfarer LLC, All Rights Reserved Terms of Use: By purchasing this item, you are automatically agreeing to the terms of use. Included but not limited to: Prohibition of sharing the files, or selling them in any form. Derivative works are also prohibited.
980 €
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Wild boara figurine painted by hand and designed with the aim of offering children a wonderful support for games and imagination. accuracy of the postures, respect for the morphology, faithful reproduction of the main characteristics of the animal, nothing is left to chance.the papo wild boar is the youngest of the sow and the wild boar. unlike adults, it has a coat with dark stripes, preceding the red beast stage around 6 months when it becomes more independent. he is born perfectly alert, with his eyes open and happy to be able to follow his mother in her travels from the end of their first week.the wild boar, a pretty figurine on the theme of wild animals, carefully painted by hand and modeled very realistically. papo figurines will quickly become the basis of a collection to be gradually enriched for the awakening and discovery of your child.product dimensions: 6 x 1.6 x 3.1 cm
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España (Todas las ciudades)
11/0 tamaño Miyuki cuentas de semillas japonesas. Diámetro: 2mm Diámetro del agujero: 0,80mm Altura: 1.36mm Forma redonda Perfectamente regular, ideal para trabajos de precisión. Peso: 10 gramos, o aprox. 900 perlas.
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Un conjunto de 5 miniaturas de Warborn - Rise of the Barbarians por el Masterforge. Las figuras incluidas en este conjunto son el Dark Elf Barbarian, Aarakocra, Dwarf Ranger, Dwarf Warrior y Einherjar. Los artículos vienen con bases no adjuntas. Los artículos se hacen a pedido. Puedo imprimirlos en
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JUEGO ORIGINAL EN INGLÉS: Los Conjuntos de Juego de Rol consisten en 7 dados diferentes: D6, D4, 2x D10 (pasos de 1 y pasos de 10), D8, D20 y D12. Vienen empaquetados en cajas fuertes con estantes extensibles para que puedas llevarlos contigo y jugar donde quieras. Compatible con Ultimate Guard: Los estantes en los que vienen empaquetados los dados encajan perfectamente en el Ultimate Guard Twin Flip'n'Tray 160.
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Pegatinas de dinosaurios de Dino World adhesivas por las dos caras, se ven en la oscuridad y se adhieren muy bien a superficies lisas. El set incluye 8 tipos de dinosaurios distintos, por ejemplo, tiranosaurio rex, estegosaurio, triceratops y pterosaurio. Dimensiones: 1.5 x 9 x 14 cm. Edad recomendada: +5 años.
3,95 €
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Málaga (Málaga)
Lote 28 figuras variadas skylanders Lote 28 figuras variadas skylanders Lote de 29 figuras skylanders, 5 giants, 1 dark, 1 flúor, 1 lightcore, 4 con defectos Las fotos forman parte de la descripción Posibilidad de unificar gastos de envío Gastos de envío a España 8 Gastos de envío Europa 18 eur.  Reino Unido consultar  
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España (Todas las ciudades)
???? DARK MODE ADHD DIGITAL PLANNER: FOR APPLE, ANDROID AND WINDOWS ANNOTATION APPS (GOODNOTES, NOTABILITY, XODO etc) ???? If you’ve tried and ‘failed’ at planners, it’s not because you’re ‘bad’ at planning or organization. It’s because most traditional planners (you know, the kind with 365 daily page layouts staring accusingly at you) aren’t designed for your neurotype. If you’re like me, you’ll feel guilty when you miss a day (or month) with regular planners, and then just stop using the planner altogether and throw it in a pile with all the others. But your brain isn’t broken, it’s just NEVER been given a flexible system that works with its creativity, passion and inconsistency. Until now… We’re not organizational robots… we’re messy, organic humans, and we need a planner that evolves with us. And that’s the approach I took when designing this ADHD planner. My planner design has a unique build-as-you-go format especially designed for ADHD brains. It’s so good, it’s the only ADHD-specific planner of its kind recommended by therapists, psychologists and behavioral scientists (and yes, I have the testimonials and podcast interviews to back this up ???????? futureadhd.com/proof) My unique planner system has over 2,000 five star reviews, and people who’ve been using this planner for MONTHS AND MONTHS - for the first time in their life! ❤️ People like LJ (review left 22nd March) “Actually really helps you focus and accomplish big goals! Six months with printable version and it is WORKING! I love planners but my life really didn’t improve much with regular planners. This is giving me results!” ❤️ People like Callum (review left 19th March)  “I have had this printable for about two months now. I adore this. Super helpful for my ADHD - easy to choose which pages to print, printer-friendly black & white pages save ink, and the best part is that it actually WORKS for my ADHD brain. Do I use it every day? Hell no, I barely remember to eat regularly! But when I need it, it's extremely easy to pop a pre-printed page in my notebook and move on with my day instead of sifting through hundreds of unused planner pages glaring at me emptily. This is the planner I have used the most BY FAR, and it feels so easy and sustainable that I am so glad I bought it. It's flexible enough that I'm not worried about buying a planner every two weeks anymore.” ❤️ People like Maria in Costa Rica (review left 23rd January): “I just wanted to share how much I appreciate your work in creating your planner. I just bought it and I cried reading through it. I've never seen anything like it. I feel so seen and supported. It feels like I've been in crowds of strangers averting their eyes and suddenly someone made eye contact with me. You nailed it.” The planner template library includes unique visual tools I invented based on research and my own lived experience as a creator with ADHD... like the Hyperfocus Lotus, Impulse Buy Checklist, 10&10 savings method, Div/Con planning and Symmetry Stress-relief. These methods are unconventional, but they work beautifully for neurodivergent brains. ???? Want to see inside the planner? Come check out my IG @future.adhd where I share walkthrough videos, tips and hacks, and neurospicy truth bombs. ???? In every section of this adult ADHD planner, you can read the scientific reasoning, research and how my templates directly support and empower your creative, often wild, fast-brained ADHD mind. There are over 240 pages, with tons of options so you can customize to suit your brain, your lifestyle and your habits. -—————————————————————— OTHER ITEMS YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED IN: ???? Printable ADHD planners: https://etsy.me/3nEvf4R ???? Rainbow version of this digital planner: https://etsy.me/3JHQFIB -—————————————————————— ???? COMPATIBILITY ???? I have custom-built a website setup wizard for all my planners, including installation and walkthrough video tutorials for all my recommended apps across Apple, Android and Windows devices. Apps I recommend: - iOS: Goodnotes, Notability, Xodo - Android: Xodo, Flexcil, Noteshelf - Windows: Xodo - ReMarkable compatible version now available! (See my Monochrome digital planner here:) - Best experience with a stylus or Apple Pencil - Not compatible with OneNote or Kindle Fire (????‍???? Not techy? No probs! My custom Setup Wizard will walk you through importing to your device, plus there’s a Quick Start Guide inside the planner!) INCLUDED IN THIS ADHD PLANNER BUNDLE ⌂ 240+ page hyperlinked ADHD planner file ⌂ Quick start guide built in (to get you on your way without overwhelm) ⌂ Video tutorials ⌂ Setup Wizard & support articles ⌂ Customer support chat talking to actual genuine humans. And we have every device and app so we can help you. ???? CALENDARS ???? ⌂ 2023 dated planners (Sun or Mon start) ⌂ Undated calendar ⌂ LIFETIME UPDATES to access all future annual editions of the planner ???? SCIENCE TIPS - Understand your ADHD brain ???? The planner includes 7 ‘science explainer’ pages where I cover the latest research on ADHD and link it to areas like: ⌂ ADHD & time perception ⌂ Divergent & Convergent thinking ⌂ ADHD & Money ⌂ ADHD & Motivation ⌂ Why ADHD Minds Wander ⌂ ADHD & Exercise ⌂ ADHD Hyperfocus ???? GET SH*T DONE - Daily prioritizing and productivity pages ???? ⌂ Daily planner (in multiple layouts, ADHD specific) ⌂ Weekly planner (undated) ⌂ Monthly overview + Jan-Dec calendars (undated) ⌂ ‘Do it with dopamine’ (multiple formats - reward-based templates for completing boring tasks) ⌂ Get sh*t done to do list with reward sections (weekdays & weekends) ⌂ Div/Con planning - to help you move from brainstorm ideation to logical action ⌂ Real-world priorities template (based on the Eisenhower Matrix) ???? REMEMBER STUFF - tracking tools ???? ⌂ New friend names - tracker (so you never awkwardly forget someone’s name again) ⌂ D&Ms with friends - tracker ⌂ #ADHDtax (yes it’s a thing) - tracker ⌂ Hyper-focus list to store all the information you deep-dive into ⌂ Parcel arrival - tracker (so you don’t forget those 5 widgets you ordered ????) ⌂ Podcasts I need to finish - tracker ⌂ Books I started - tracker ⌂ Assignment due date - tracker ⌂ Passwords - tracker ???? PROJECTS - Notebook Stack ???? ⌂ 5 blank notebooks for you to keep track of your creative ideas & projects ???? FINANCE - Conscious Cash ???? This is the largest and most recent addition to the planner, and contains a mix of standard budgeting templates you’re used to, plus innovative and new budgeting templates specifically designed to help the ADHD brain when it comes to money management. You won’t find our unique ADHD budgeting templates (like the Div/Con savings goal, 10&10 rule or Impulse Buy checklist) anywhere else! ⌂ Household budget ⌂ Vacation budget ⌂ Income vs. Expenses ⌂ Subscription tracker (because… ADHD tax) ⌂ Debt check-in ⌂ Debt dissolver ⌂ Impulse buy checklist (guides you to decision making when you’re feeling impulsive) ⌂ 24 hr cart list (designed to reduce impulsive online shopping ????) ⌂ Takeout tracker ⌂ Spending habit tracker ⌂ Bill tracker ⌂ Blank trackers ⌂ Savings wishlist ⌂ Future self savings jar ⌂ Div/Con savings goal ⌂ The 10 & 10 rule (my custom invention to create dopamine-fuelled savings goals ????) ⌂ Clutter cash ⌂ Gift budgeting ⌂ Money tips ⌂ Bank account details (no more out-of-sight, out-of-mind ????) ⌂ Money Honey date nights (accountability buddy system) ⌂ My money history ⌂ My money future ???? HEALTHY HABIT SETTING ???? I get it. Habits and goals feel weird and hard. My planner includes guided tips and suggestions the whole way through - and this section is no exception… filled with practical breakdowns and actionable steps, based on the latest behavioural science. ✔️ ⌂ The self-care assessment wheel ⌂ Habit visualisation and habit tracking (including my unique journey mode!) ⌂ Habit evaluation step by step ⌂ Daily habit checkboxes on daily/weekly layouts ⌂ Limiting belief reframing ???? SELF CARE ???? These trackers all link to the goals you’ve set in the previous section. ⌂ Mood tracker ⌂ Self-care routine ⌂ Sleep tracker ⌂ Screen time tracker ⌂ Fitness tracker ⌂ Blank tracker ⌂ Notes for/from therapy ⌂ ADHD coaching session notes ⌂ Medication & appointment trackers ???? HOME - Domestic domination ???? ⌂ Digital de-clutter guide ⌂ Home declutter guide ⌂ Meal planner (two variations) ⌂ Categorized Grocery list ⌂ Plant health tracker (???? > ????) ⌂ Pet feeding tracker ???????? ???? WORK - Unique Focus Tools ???? ** Unique visual tools I invented (based on the neuroscience) to specifically help ADHD brains: ⌂ The Hyper-focus Lotus (to playfully remind you to eat, take breaks, use the bathroom and drink water during periods of hyperfocus) ⌂ Productivity Power Petals ⌂ Phone call focus pages (so you can pay attention to your friend’s vent session instead of tuning out) ???? MENTAL HEALTH - Unwind Un-mind ???? ⌂ Don’t Think, Just Do page for when you are in analysis paralysis. Self care first, then decide. ❤️ ⌂ Wind-down strategies & tracker ⌂ Fave playlists to help you unwind and relax, categorized ⌂ ‘Color to Calm’ pages (to pull your ADHD brain out of divergent ‘pinging thoughts’ mode and move into logical convergent thinking) ⌂ Symmetry Stress-relief pages ???? COVERS ???? ⌂ 14 beautiful cover options (pick your fave or rotate for novelty) ???? BONUS ADD-ONS ???? ✨ BONUS 1: 140 Digital Sticker Pack ✨ BONUS 2: Printable ‘Color to Calm’ and 'Symmetry Stress-relief' handy carry cards (so you can take them with you when you don't have your iPad ????) ————————————————————— ???? WHAT IS THE SCIENTIFIC BASIS? ???? There is so much to explore when you begin researching ADHD science, but I have focused on the research that relates most pressingly to productivity and routine. The templates and the supporting information inside are based on the work of several significant contributors to ADHD research… Dr Russell Barkley, particularly his comments on the nature of attentional differentiation being linked to shifts in interest and motivation; Dr Edward Hallowell & Dr John Ratey, and particularly their work on negative self perception links to self-efficacy, and overabundance (not limitation) of attention; and Tamara Rosier and her work on divergent and convergent thinking habits in ADHD brains and 'light switch' emotional responses to tasks which influences our executive functioning ability. The planner includes 7 pages where I cover this research and link it to areas like ADHD & time perception, Divergent & Convergent thinking, ADHD & Money, ADHD & Motivation, Why ADHD Minds Wander, ADHD & Exercise and ADHD Hyperfocus. For a full deep dive on the science behind the planner, see: https://futureadhd.com/science —————————————————————— ???? YOU WILL RECEIVE ???? - 240 page PDF digital planner file - Digital stickers (png format with installation guide) - 10 min walk through video - Tutorial videos to support installation on all major apps - Bonus printable coloring cards - Installation guide - Quick start guide (built into planner) ————————————————————— ????????‍♀️ ABOUT THE CREATOR  ????????‍♀️ Hi, I’m Grace! I was diagnosed with ADHD in my 30s, and am an ADHD educator (B. Ed), speaker, writer & host of the Future ADHD podcast. I take a scientific approach to creating organizational tools that work with (not against) neurodivergent brains. I have integrated my training in breathwork and meditation to support the ADHD nervous system from a holistic perspective, and create a planner that promotes self care to support sustainable productivity. My team and I are continuing to collaborate with psychologists, therapists and behavioral scientists to create a range of strength-based ADHD resources that help you understand your brilliant, divergent brain. Dive in and enjoy! To ease & clarity, Grace x P.s Follow us on Instagram & TikTok @future.adhd and come say hiii! ————————————————————— DIGITAL DOWNLOAD: This is a digital planner, designed to be used with annotation apps on iPads and other tablet devices - so you will receive a digital file. No item/s will be shipped to you. You will get installation instructions as well as a user guide inside the planner. You should be able to use the planner 'as is', but can also duplicate pages as you need them for your personal use. ————————————————————— ADHD Growth Mindset Life Planner Copyright © 2023 by Grace from Future ADHD. This planner is for PERSONAL use only and DOES NOT come with commercial license to re-sell, re-distribute, alter or share. Individuals, businesses, therapists, health practitioners or wellness coaches wishing to use this resource with their clients/patients will need written permission. Email support [!at] futureadhd.com. I have put MONTHS of work into the research and design for this planner. Please respect creators.
2.187 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
'Personalised 13th Birthday Album or Memories Book' A unique, handmade gift which you can customise with your own text on the front cover. Our 24-page 'Personalised 13th Birthday Memory Book or Album' is an individual handmade gift for commemorating this very special birthday occasion. An additional 12 pages are available as an optional extra see: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/626011481/additional-12-pages-for-our-memory-books?ref=shop_home_active_1. You can use the album as a photograph album or as a guest, record, visitor, keepsake or memory book or scrapbook. The pages can be written or drawn on or cards/photographs/momentos can be stuck inside (with double-sided tape). Pre-filled with photos and momentos, they make great personal family gifts. Pages take up to 7 x 5 inch photos (one per page). Great for landscape, portrait or square-shaped photos. **MADE TO ORDER OPTIONS** Please select: FRONT COVER COLOUR Choose from 6 colour options (see colour swatch image for reference): **Dark Grey, Soft Pink, Dark Blue, Dark Mauve, Mint, Tawny Red** Please note: - The '1' of '13' will always appear in white on all cover colour options. - The '3' of the figure '13' will appear in pink on all cover colour options (see 'Mint' cover image above for reference) EXCEPT 'Soft Pink' and 'Tawny Red' when it will appear in blue (see 'Tawny Red' cover image above for reference). BINDING OPTIONS Choose from black or white binding. **TEXT PERSONALISATION OPTIONS** In the 'NOTES TO SELLER' please include your chosen text (see below for guidance). Please use A), B) and C), as below, so that we know exactly what text you would like where. Thank you:) - TEXT FOR UNDER 13TH: A) Supply your own text for the 1st line of text under 13th (e.g. name) - maximum 30 characters including word spaces). B) Supply your own text for the 2nd line of text under 13th (e.g. 'HAPPY 13TH BIRTHDAY'- maximum 35 characters including word spaces). C) Supply your own text for the 3rd line of text under 13th (e.g. '27TH JULY 2016' - maximum 30 characters including word spaces). Please note the 2nd line of text needs to be longer than the 1st and 3rd lines. MEMORY BOOK / ALBUM DESCRIPTION SIZE: Height 21cm x 21cm wide x 1.2cm deep (approx) MATERIALS: Inside: 24 blank (non-ruled) pages of high quality, acid free, white card (250gsm) Front and back covers: High quality (300gsm), acid free, white textured card Protective front and back covers: 800 micron frosted (semi-opaque) polypropylene. Our finished album comes in a clear cellophane bag and is suitably packed for dispatch. UK ONLY Delivery Upgrade IMPORTANT - PLEASE NOTE: This option is UK ONLY and is NOT available for SATURDAY delivery. **Items will need to be SIGNED FOR on delivery** If you need faster delivery this will upgrade your post option from 'Standard Royal Mail' to 'Royal Mail Special (Next Day) Delivery'. Items must be ordered before 11am to allow for next day delivery. So, if you would like to upgrade your delivery to 'UK Royal Mail Special Delivery' you should add this listing to your basket immediately prior to or immediately after you have placed your product order: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/612187438/uk-royal-mail-upgrade-to-special?ref=shop_home_active_1
3.624 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
'Personalised Retirement or Leaving Memories Album' A unique, handmade gift which you can customise with your own text on the front cover. Our 24-page 'Personalised Retirement or Leaving Memories Album' is an individual handmade gift forfor all ages and for commemorating the date of retirement or leaving a job or company. Great also for business/corporate events/promotions and anniversaries! An additional 12 pages are available as an optional extra see: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/626011481/additional-12-pages-for-our-memory-books?ref=shop_home_active_1. You can use the book as a photograph album or as a guest, keepsake or memory book or scrapbook. The pages can be written or drawn on or cards/photographs/momentos can be stuck inside (with double-sided tape). Pre-filled with photos and momentos, they make great personal family gifts. Pages take up to 7 x 5 inch photos (one per page). Great for landscape, portrait or square-shaped photos. _____________________________________________________________________________ **MADE TO ORDER OPTIONS** Please select: COLOUR OPTIONS: Choose from 6 colour options for the front cover illustration (see cover image examples and colour swatch image for colour reference): Choose either: **Dark Grey, Dark Mauve, Soft Pink, Mint, Dark Blue or Tawny Red** Please note: - The first two and last two numbers will always appear in white on all cover colour options. - The third and fourth numbers will appear in pink on all cover colour options (see cover images above for reference) EXCEPT 'Soft Pink' and 'Tawny Red' when it will appear in blue. _____________________________________________________________________________ **TEXT PERSONALISATION OPTIONS** In the 'NOTES TO SELLER' please include your chosen text (see below for guidance). Please use A), B), C), D) as below, so that we know exactly what text you would like where. Thank you:) DATE FIGURES: A) Supply the date figures (e.g. '22.07.18') - maximum 6 characters TEXT FOR UNDER DATE: B) Supply your own text for the 1st line of text under date figures (e.g. name) - maximum characters 30 including word spaces. C) Supply your own text for the 2nd line of text under date figures - maximum 35 characters including word spaces. D) Supply your own text for the 3rd line of text under date figures - maximum 30 characters including word spaces. _____________________________________________________________________________ PERSONALISED RETIREMENT/LEAVING MEMORIES ALBUM DESCRIPTION SIZE: Height 21cm x 21cm wide x 1.2cm deep (approx) MATERIALS: Inside: 24 blank (non-ruled) pages of high quality, acid free, white card (250gsm) Front and back covers: High quality (300gsm), acid free, white textured card Protective front and back covers: 800 micron frosted (semi-opaque) polypropylene. Binding Choose Black or White wire binding Our finished album comes in a clear cellophane bag and is suitably packed for dispatch. UK ONLY Delivery Upgrade IMPORTANT - PLEASE NOTE: This option is UK ONLY and is NOT available for SATURDAY delivery. **Items will need to be SIGNED FOR on delivery** If you need faster delivery this will upgrade your post option from 'Standard Royal Mail' to 'Royal Mail Special (Next Day) Delivery'. Items must be ordered before 11am to allow for next day delivery. So, if you would like to upgrade your delivery to 'UK Royal Mail Special Delivery' you should add this listing to your basket immediately prior to or immediately after you have placed your product order: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/612187438/uk-royal-mail-upgrade-to-special?ref=shop_home_active_1
3.624 €
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A Coruña (A Coruña)
Micro Machines Chevrolet Corvette '97 (1997) Glow in the Dark (Brilla en la Oscuridad) ©Hasbro Micro Machines Chevrolet Corvette '97 (1997) Glow in the Dark (Brilla en la Oscuridad) ©Hasbro DESCRIPCIÓN - Micro Machines Chevrolet Corvette '97 (1997) Glow in the Dark (Brilla en la Oscuridad) ©Hasbro. - Su estado es normal con señales. No se aprecian daños ni roturas reseñables. Todo está debidamente documentado en las imágenes adjuntas. Se recomienda fijarse en las fotografías que acompañan a la descripción del producto para una mejor valoración del mismo. - Tengo gran cantidad de artículos a la venta. Busque entre mis lotes y ahorre en gastos de envío. CONDICIONES: 1. GASTOS DE ENVÍO: - Todos los envíos los realizamos mediante de Correos España o SEUR a través de sus respectivos convenios con TodoColección. - Realizamos también envíos por  correo ordinario  siempre y cuando así se nos indique. Mediante este tipo de envío no nos responsabilizamos de posibles extravíos por parte de Correos España.   La responsabilidad siempre corre a cargo del comprador. - No realizamos envíos contrareembolso. - Nuestras tarifas de envío son las fijadas en los convenios entre TodoColección y Correos o SEUR, o las propias de Correos España, la opción que salga más económica. - No cobramos gastos de gestión ni manipulación. - Los gastos de envío detallados a continuación son únicamente para envíos nacionales (ESPAÑA)*. Así, los gastos de envío para este artículo son de  0,80   €**  por correo ordinario,  3,33   €***  por correo certificado entrega a domicilio,  de  4,68 €***  mediante SEUR o  de  5,13   € ***  a través de Correos Express. *  Las tarifas anteriormente expuestas son para el año 2021. **  Los gastos de envío por correo ordinario anteriormente indicados son para Península, Baleares, Canarias, Ceuta y Melilla. ***  Los gastos de envío mediante correo certificado, Correos Express o SEUR variarán para Baleares, Canarias y, Ceuta y Melilla. Por favor, consulte tarifas antes de comprar. - Realizamos envíos internacionales. Por favor, consulte tarifas antes de realizar la compra. - Si compra varios artículos los gastos de envío podrían variar según peso/volumen del paquete. - Los envíos se realizarán dentro de los dos siguientes días a que la transferencia se haga efectiva aunque solemos enviarlos el mismo día. - También, realizamos entregas en mano en La Coruña zona Cuatro Caminos - Corte Inglés. 2. FORMAS DE PAGO: - El pago se realizará mediante transferencia bancaria o ingreso en una cuenta de CaixaBank que se le proporcionará una vez se haya realizado el pedido. - Aceptamos pago de PayPal preferiblemente como amigo o familiar pero si desea hacer el pago de PayPal como Bienes y Servicios el comprador tendrá que hacerse cargo de la comisión de PayPal (3,4 %  de l importe más  0,35 €). - También se admite pago a través de Bizum. - Si en un plazo máximo de 7 días no he obtenido respuesta por parte del comprador se procederá a la anulación de la venta y a la correspondiente valoración negativa. 3. ATENCIÓN DE PEDIDOS Y CONSULTAS: - Se atenderá, en la medida que me sea posible, tanto a los pedidos como a las consultas de manera inmediata. En todo caso, los pedidos y consultas realizadas a partir de las 21:00 h se atenderán al día siguiente. Se actuará de igual manera con los pedidos y consultas realizadas en días festivos. 4. OTROS: - Puede consultarnos cualquier duda que tenga antes de realizar la compra por lo que se valorará negativamente a los usuarios que adquieran pedidos y no se hagan cargo de sus costes. - Si es usuario nuevo y no sabe cómo realizar el pedido o tiene cualquier otra pregunta referente al método de pago, estado del artículo...etc. puede consultar cualquier duda que se le plantee a través del botón "Preguntar al vendedor" que encontará en la parte superior del anuncio. - Por lo general  NO  se admiten ofertas. Si aún así quiere realizarla asegúrese de que sea razonable.  -  NO  se realizan rebajas en el precio de un artículo una vez realizado el pedido. Tampoco se negocia el precio de otros artículos a través del mensajero de otro pedido previo. - Por último,  NO  se reservan artículos ni se realizan ventas fuera de los cauces marcados por TodoColección. AVISO:  Casi todos los productos que vendo son de segunda mano por lo que suelen tener defectos debido al paso del tiempo y a su uso. Si hay algo reseñable en el estado del producto lo hago constar tanto en la descripción del anuncio como en la sección de estado. De todas formas se recomienda fijarse bien en las fotos para una mejor valoración del mismo.
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A Coruña (A Coruña)
Micro Machines Chevrolet Corvette '54 (1954) Glow in the Dark (Brilla en la Oscuridad) ©Hasbro Micro Machines Chevrolet Corvette '54 (1954) Glow in the Dark (Brilla en la Oscuridad) ©Hasbro DESCRIPCIÓN - Micro Machines Chevrolet Corvette '54 (1954) Glow in the Dark (Brilla en la Oscuridad) ©Hasbro. - Su estado es normal con señales. No se aprecian daños ni roturas reseñable. Todo está debidamente documentado en las imágenes adjuntas. Se recomienda fijarse en las fotografías que acompañan a la descripción del producto para una mejor valoración del mismo. - Tengo gran cantidad de artículos a la venta. Busque entre mis lotes y ahorre en gastos de envío. CONDICIONES: 1. GASTOS DE ENVÍO: - Todos los envíos los realizamos mediante de Correos España o SEUR a través de sus respectivos convenios con TodoColección. - Realizamos también envíos por  correo ordinario  siempre y cuando así se nos indique. Mediante este tipo de envío no nos responsabilizamos de posibles extravíos por parte de Correos España.   La responsabilidad siempre corre a cargo del comprador. - No realizamos envíos contrareembolso. - Nuestras tarifas de envío son las fijadas en los convenios entre TodoColección y Correos o SEUR, o las propias de Correos España, la opción que salga más económica. - No cobramos gastos de gestión ni manipulación. - Los gastos de envío detallados a continuación son únicamente para envíos nacionales (ESPAÑA)*. Así, los gastos de envío para este artículo son de  0,80   €**  por correo ordinario,  3,33   €***  por correo certificado entrega a domicilio,  de  4,68 €***  mediante SEUR o  de  5,13   € ***  a través de Correos Express. *  Las tarifas anteriormente expuestas son para el año 2021. **  Los gastos de envío por correo ordinario anteriormente indicados son para Península, Baleares, Canarias, Ceuta y Melilla. ***  Los gastos de envío mediante correo certificado, Correos Express o SEUR variarán para Baleares, Canarias y, Ceuta y Melilla. Por favor, consulte tarifas antes de comprar. - Realizamos envíos internacionales. Por favor, consulte tarifas antes de realizar la compra. - Si compra varios artículos los gastos de envío podrían variar según peso/volumen del paquete. - Los envíos se realizarán dentro de los dos siguientes días a que la transferencia se haga efectiva aunque solemos enviarlos el mismo día. - También, realizamos entregas en mano en La Coruña zona Cuatro Caminos - Corte Inglés. 2. FORMAS DE PAGO: - El pago se realizará mediante transferencia bancaria o ingreso en una cuenta de CaixaBank que se le proporcionará una vez se haya realizado el pedido. - Aceptamos pago de PayPal preferiblemente como amigo o familiar pero si desea hacer el pago de PayPal como Bienes y Servicios el comprador tendrá que hacerse cargo de la comisión de PayPal (3,4 %  de l importe más  0,35 €). - También se admite pago a través de Bizum. - Si en un plazo máximo de 7 días no he obtenido respuesta por parte del comprador se procederá a la anulación de la venta y a la correspondiente valoración negativa. 3. ATENCIÓN DE PEDIDOS Y CONSULTAS: - Se atenderá, en la medida que me sea posible, tanto a los pedidos como a las consultas de manera inmediata. En todo caso, los pedidos y consultas realizadas a partir de las 21:00 h se atenderán al día siguiente. Se actuará de igual manera con los pedidos y consultas realizadas en días festivos. 4. OTROS: - Puede consultarnos cualquier duda que tenga antes de realizar la compra por lo que se valorará negativamente a los usuarios que adquieran pedidos y no se hagan cargo de sus costes. - Si es usuario nuevo y no sabe cómo realizar el pedido o tiene cualquier otra pregunta referente al método de pago, estado del artículo...etc. puede consultar cualquier duda que se le plantee a través del botón "Preguntar al vendedor" que encontará en la parte superior del anuncio. - Por lo general  NO  se admiten ofertas. Si aún así quiere realizarla asegúrese de que sea razonable.  -  NO  se realizan rebajas en el precio de un artículo una vez realizado el pedido. Tampoco se negocia el precio de otros artículos a través del mensajero de otro pedido previo. - Por último,  NO  se reservan artículos ni se realizan ventas fuera de los cauces marcados por TodoColección. AVISO:  Casi todos los productos que vendo son de segunda mano por lo que suelen tener defectos debido al paso del tiempo y a su uso. Si hay algo reseñable en el estado del producto lo hago constar tanto en la descripción del anuncio como en la sección de estado. De todas formas se recomienda fijarse bien en las fotos para una mejor valoración del mismo.
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España (Todas las ciudades)
This All-In-One Preset Bundle gives you access to ALL current and future presets in our shop! That's right, you won't need to purchase another preset pack or bundle from us once you purchase this bundle. Are you looking to: ✔️ Take your photos to the next level? ✔️ Save time editing? ✔️ Create consistent and cohesive edits? ✔️ Level up your Instagram game? ✔️ Edit like a pro? If you answered yes to any of these, then Wayfarer Presets are for you! ☆ Here’s what you’ll receive with your purchase ☆ – Instant, Lifetime Access to 1,000+ PRESETS: – 1,000+ Unique MOBILE Presets (DNG) – 1,000+ Unique DESKTOP Presets (XMP) – 1,000+ Unique DESKTOP Presets (LrTemp) – A Step-by-Step Installation Guide – Guaranteed Customer Support These presets make editing on-the-go quick and easy! ☆ Compatibility ☆ ✔️Compatible with All Photo Formats including RAW & JPEG ✔️Compatible with the FREE Lightroom Mobile App ✔️Compatible with Desktop Lightroom Classic v7.3 (2018) and newer NOTE: Please remember that all presets work differently on every image. Due to the nature that every photo is different (shot in different light, etc) you may need to make minor adjustments to the edit after the preset is applied. But don't worry - Lightroom tips and tricks are included in your instructions guide! Please also note that you will need to upload and save each mobile preset one by one. ☆ DOWNLOAD THE FREE LIGHTROOM APP ☆ – iPhone: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/adobe-lightroom-photo- editor/id878783582 – Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.adobe.lrmobile&hl=en_US ☆ REFUNDS AND EXCHANGES ☆ Due to the nature of the product - Digital Download - all sales are final. Please read all product information carefully before making a purchase. I am always available to answer any questions you may have regarding the listing prior to purchase. However, if there is any case of dissatisfaction, I am more than happy to help! ♡ Share Your Edits! ♡ I love seeing your beautiful edits. Please include them in your review! © The Wanderful Wayfarer LLC, All Rights Reserved Terms of Use: By purchasing this item, you are automatically agreeing to the terms of use. Included but not limited to: Prohibition of sharing the files, or selling them in any form. Derivative works are also prohibited. Keywords: Lightroom presets, desktop presets, mobile presets, travel presets, aesthetic presets, best presets, moody presets, dreamy presets, summer presets, spring presets, DNG, XMP, instagram presets, cozy holiday preset, dreamy presets, dark skin presets, interior presets, outdoor presets, indoor presets, portrait presets, selfie presets, photo filters, photography presets, photographer presets, luxury presets, warm presets, preset bundle, fall presets, warm presets, rustic presets, dark academia presets, film presets, earthy presets, warm tones, wedding presets, photo presets, newborn presets, boho presets, nature presets, cinematic presets, vibrant presets, black and white presets, golden hour preset, summer beach, creamy presets, bright preset, light preset, blogger preset, influencer preset, lifestyle presets, white preset, clean preset, neutral preset, no filter preset, no edit edit, beige preset, minimal preset, natural preset, family presets, pet presets, dog presets
2.551 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
This All-In-One Preset Bundle gives you access to ALL current and future presets in our shop! That's right, you won't need to purchase another preset pack or bundle from us once you purchase this bundle. Are you looking to: ✔️ Take your photos to the next level? ✔️ Save time editing? ✔️ Create consistent and cohesive edits? ✔️ Level up your Instagram game? ✔️ Edit like a pro? If you answered yes to any of these, then Wayfarer Presets are for you! ☆ Here’s what you’ll receive with your purchase ☆ – Instant, Lifetime Access to 1,000+ PRESETS: – 1,000+ Unique MOBILE Presets (DNG) – 1,000+ Unique DESKTOP Presets (XMP) – 1,000+ Unique DESKTOP Presets (LrTemp) – A Step-by-Step Installation Guide – Guaranteed Customer Support These presets make editing on-the-go quick and easy! ☆ Compatibility ☆ ✔️Compatible with All Photo Formats including RAW & JPEG ✔️Compatible with the FREE Lightroom Mobile App ✔️Compatible with Desktop Lightroom Classic v7.3 (2018) and newer NOTE: Please remember that all presets work differently on every image. Due to the nature that every photo is different (shot in different light, etc) you may need to make minor adjustments to the edit after the preset is applied. But don't worry - Lightroom tips and tricks are included in your instructions guide! Please also note that, for mobile files, you will need to upload and save each mobile preset one by one as the Lightroom mobile app does not have the capability to automatically save presets at this time. However, you will have lifetime access to this preset bundle and can install the presets at your leisure. ☆ DOWNLOAD THE FREE LIGHTROOM APP ☆ – iPhone: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/adobe-lightroom-photo- editor/id878783582 – Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.adobe.lrmobile&hl=en_US ☆ REFUNDS AND EXCHANGES ☆ Due to the nature of the product - Digital Download - all sales are final. Please read all product information carefully before making a purchase. I am always available to answer any questions you may have regarding the listing prior to purchase. However, if there is any case of dissatisfaction, I am more than happy to help! ♡ Share Your Edits! ♡ I love seeing your beautiful edits. Please include them in your review! © The Wanderful Wayfarer LLC, All Rights Reserved Terms of Use: By purchasing this item, you are automatically agreeing to the terms of use. Included but not limited to: Prohibition of sharing the files, or selling them in any form. Derivative works are also prohibited. Keywords: Lightroom presets, desktop presets, mobile presets, travel presets, aesthetic presets, best presets, moody presets, dreamy presets, summer presets, spring presets, DNG, XMP, instagram presets, cozy holiday preset, dreamy presets, dark skin presets, interior presets, outdoor presets, indoor presets, portrait presets, selfie presets, photo filters, photography presets, photographer presets, luxury presets, warm presets, preset bundle, fall presets, warm presets, rustic presets, dark academia presets, film presets, earthy presets, warm tones, wedding presets, photo presets, newborn presets, boho presets, nature presets, cinematic presets, vibrant presets, black and white presets, golden hour preset, summer beach, creamy presets, bright preset, light preset, blogger preset, influencer preset, lifestyle presets, white preset, clean preset, neutral preset, no filter preset, no edit edit, beige preset, minimal preset, natural preset, family presets, pet presets, dog presets
2.601 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
This All-In-One Preset Bundle gives you access to ALL current and future presets in our shop! That's right, you won't need to purchase another preset pack or bundle from us once you purchase this bundle. Are you looking to: ✔️ Take your photos to the next level? ✔️ Save time editing? ✔️ Create consistent and cohesive edits? ✔️ Level up your Instagram game? ✔️ Edit like a pro? If you answered yes to any of these, then Wayfarer Presets are for you! ☆ Here’s what you’ll receive with your purchase ☆ – Instant, Lifetime Access to 1,200+ PRESETS: – 1,200+ Unique MOBILE Presets (DNG) – 1,200+ Unique DESKTOP Presets (XMP) – 1,200+ Unique DESKTOP Presets (LrTemp) – A Step-by-Step Installation Guide – Guaranteed Customer Support These presets make editing on-the-go quick and easy! ☆ Compatibility ☆ ✔️Compatible with All Photo Formats including RAW & JPEG ✔️Compatible with the FREE Lightroom Mobile App ✔️Compatible with Desktop Lightroom Classic v7.3 (2018) and newer NOTE: Please remember that all presets work differently on every image. Due to the nature that every photo is different (shot in different light, etc) you may need to make minor adjustments to the edit after the preset is applied. But don't worry - Lightroom tips and tricks are included in your instructions guide! Please also note that, for mobile files, you will need to upload and save each mobile preset one by one as the Lightroom mobile app does not have the capability to automatically save presets at this time. However, you will have lifetime access to this preset bundle and can install the presets at your leisure. ☆ DOWNLOAD THE FREE LIGHTROOM APP ☆ – iPhone: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/adobe-lightroom-photo- editor/id878783582 – Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.adobe.lrmobile&hl=en_US ☆ REFUNDS AND EXCHANGES ☆ Due to the nature of the product - Digital Download - all sales are final. Please read all product information carefully before making a purchase. I am always available to answer any questions you may have regarding the listing prior to purchase. However, if there is any case of dissatisfaction, I am more than happy to help! ♡ Share Your Edits! ♡ I love seeing your beautiful edits. Please include them in your review! © The Wanderful Wayfarer LLC, All Rights Reserved Terms of Use: By purchasing this item, you are automatically agreeing to the terms of use. Included but not limited to: Prohibition of sharing the files, or selling them in any form. Derivative works are also prohibited. Keywords: Lightroom presets, desktop presets, mobile presets, travel presets, aesthetic presets, best presets, moody presets, dreamy presets, summer presets, spring presets, DNG, XMP, instagram presets, cozy holiday preset, dreamy presets, dark skin presets, interior presets, outdoor presets, indoor presets, portrait presets, selfie presets, photo filters, photography presets, photographer presets, luxury presets, warm presets, preset bundle, fall presets, warm presets, rustic presets, dark academia presets, film presets, earthy presets, warm tones, wedding presets, photo presets, newborn presets, boho presets, nature presets, cinematic presets, vibrant presets, black and white presets, golden hour preset, summer beach, creamy presets, bright preset, light preset, blogger preset, influencer preset, lifestyle presets, white preset, clean preset, neutral preset, no filter preset, no edit edit, beige preset, minimal preset, natural preset, family presets, pet presets, dog presets
2.584 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
**More OneNote Planners** https://www.etsy.com/au/shop/forLittleLion?ref=seller-platform-mcnav§ion_id=28948967 ★ Ultimate 2022 2023 OneNote Digital Planner ★ ✔︎ Hyperlinked daily, weekly and monthly pages for quick and easy navigation ✔︎ 2 YEARS DATED • 2022 Full Year Planner • 2023 Full Year Planner ✔︎ Includes 4 different planners • 2 weekly layouts • Monday & Sunday start ✔︎ Easy to use work & life templates ✔︎ Designed for both handwriting and typing ✔︎ 800+ stickers preinstalled in OneNote sticker book ✔︎ for any devices that are compatible with OneNote ✔︎ Instant syncing across your different devices ✔︎ Standard Microsoft OneNote Notebook - You can add/delete new sections/pages or incorporate it into other OneNote Notebooks. ✔︎ HIGHLY CUSTOMIZABLE - All pages can be easily relocated, duplicated and/or removed **CONTENT** • 2022 Calendar • 2023 Calendar • Quarter at A Glance • Yearly Key Dates • Yearly Overview • Yearly Goals ------------------------------------------------- • Monthly Calendar (linked to daily, weekly plan) • Monthly Overview • Monthly Review • Weekly Plan (linked to daily, monthly calendar) • Daily Plan (linked to weekly plan, monthly calendar) ------------------------------------------------- //FINANCES// • Yearly Finances • Monthly Finances • Bank Info • Bill Tracker • Savings Tracker • Debt Payoff Tracker ------------------------------------------------- //PRODUCTIVITY// • Goals Organizer • Goal Planner • Project Organizer • 2 x Project Planner • Brain Dump • Categorized To Do Lists • Notepaper (Lined, dotted, grid, Cornell) ------------------------------------------------- //NUTRITION// • Weekly Meal Planner & Grocery List • Weekly Food Jounal • Recipe • Kitchen Inventory ------------------------------------------------- //WELLNESS// • Mood Tracker • Habit Tracker • Circle habit tracker • Hydration Tracker • Sleep Tracker • Vitamins & Supplements Log • Medication Log ------------------------------------------------- //FITNESS// • Fitness Plan • Progress Tracker • Exercise Tracker • Steps Tracker • Workout Log • My Fitness Journey ------------------------------------------------- //OTHER// • Daily Gratitude • Weekly Reflection • Routine Planner • Meeting Notes • 30 Day Challenge • Book List & Reading Log • TV/Movie Tracker • Cleaning Planner • Delivery Tracker • Wishlist • Universal Tracker • Vision Board • Passwords • Contacts **WHAT IS INCLUDED** • Ultimate OneNote Digital Planner (Monday & Sunday Start) • OneNote sticker book (800+ stickers) • Video Guide to help you set up ★ IMPORTANT TO KNOW ★ • This OneNote Planner does NOT work in dark mode. If you're after a dark mode one, please check out the below link. https://www.etsy.com/au/listing/1228139269 • All templates of this OneNote Digital Planner are images. • This planner can instantly sync notes between your devices that have the planner downloaded. However, it WON'T auto-sync notes across different pages in the planner, e.g. notes you put into the monthly calendar won't automatically show up in the weekly planner. ★ FOR MICROSOFT BUSINESS ACCOUNT USERS ★ The OneNote digital planner cannot be directly shared with a Microsoft business account. If you intend to use it with a business account, please first check with the IT department of your company whether there are strict restrictions on file sharing via OneDrive (YOU CAN MESSAGE ME FOR A SAMPLE FOR TESTING ON YOUR END). Please note you'll need to follow one of the methods below to transfer the planner to your business account. Method 1 Follow the video to upload the planner directly to your business/school account * This may NOT work for some business accounts. Method 2 1) Follow the video to upload the planner to your personal account 2) Have both your personal and business account signed in in your OneNote app 3) Open the planner from your personal account 4) Create a new notebook under your business account 5) Copy each section from the planner over to the new notebook (please copy one section at a time and make sure it’s successfully copied and synced before moving to the next one) Method 3 1) Follow the video to upload the planner to your personal account 2) Have both your personal and business account signed in in your OneNote 3) Always access the planner from your personal account, meanwhile you’re still able to access files from your business account. By purchasing this listing, you agree to use the above methods. Please feel free to send me a message if you have any questions. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TERMS AND CONDITIONS: © 2022 ForLittleLion. All rights reserved. All designs are for *PERSONAL USE ONLY*. You may NOT share, sell, alter or replicate these files. By purchasing this listing, you agree to my shop policies. Due to the digital nature of my products, no refunds or exchanges can be issued. But if you're not happy with the product, please do contact me. I'll work out a solution for you.
1.820 €
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