Edge sl black
Listado top ventas edge sl black

España (Todas las ciudades)
Aunque este es un modelo de media gama de Northwave, las Decade SL cuentan ya con increíbles tecnologías, sobre todo con el botín de mayor calidad de la marca. El botín TF3 ofrece una comodidad avanzada y mucha precisión, mientras que la construcción Flex Window aporta al empeine una mejor movilidad para un mayor confort en los apoyos. ¿Qué pueden hacer las botas de snowboard Northwave Decade SL Black? Las Decade SL son unas botas muy polivalentes que te permiten pasar por todos lados y coger velocidad con un buen control. Gracias a la eficacia del sistema de cierre SuperLace, reforzado por la tecnología Conda, que bloquea el talón en la parte trasera interna de la bota, te sentirás perfectamente sujeto y te apoyarás con mucha precisión. Las Decade SL tienen el flex que hace falta en el empeine para que no andes peleándote con ellas en cada giro y que no te sientas limitado en freestyle en el park. Ya lo sabes ¡son lo más para darlo todo en la estación! ¿Para quién están diseñadas las botas de snowboard Northwave Decade SL Black? Este modelo es para snowboarders que quieren agarre en cualquier terreno y que desean mucho confort de conducción, así como el suficiente flex para hacer freestyle. Las recomendamos a snowboarders con un nivel veterano o superior, pero también a los que tengan un nivel intermedio y que quieran eficiencia. ¿Cuáles son las principales características de las botas de snowboard Northwave Decade SL Black? Eficientes Cómodas Polivalentes Ver más Ver menos Lucas Experto en snowboard "Cada practicante tiene su estilo propio y su material debe corresponderle. Freestyle, freeride, split… me preocupo de que encuentres lo que estás buscando. Ponte en contacto conmigo a través del teléfono +33 (0) 4 73 26 98 47 "
26,27 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Los Salomon S Max 8 Piste Ski te acompañan durante todo tu progreso con facilidad y rendimiento. Son un modelo lúdico y accesible para todo el mundo. Características Ancho patín 73 Año Invierno 2021 Nivel Intermedio - Veterano Modalidad esquí Pista-competencia interface (placa) del esquí Evolución Estructura - Construcción Minicap Sandwich Núcleo La madera Rocker Espátula No Rocker Cola No Camber del esquí Clásico Forma Unidireccional (espátula solo delante) Peso del par en gramos - Interface Estructura - Construcción Edge Amplifier SL Tipo de giro Multigiro Número de referencia H21SALOSKI012 Temporada Invierno 2021 Camber clásico Género Hombre Radio 15 Description courte Los Salomon S Max 8 Piste Ski te acompañan durante todo tu progreso con facilidad y rendimiento. Son un modelo lúdico y accesible para todo el mundo.
25,11 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Los Salomon S Max 12 Piste Ski están construidos sobre el modelo de un esquí de carrera para ayudarte a hacer carving a fondo por las pistas. Un modelo potente reservado para un esquiador con una excelente técnica. Características Ancho patín 72 Año Invierno 2021 Nivel Veterano - Experto Modalidad esquí Pista Carving - Competición interface (placa) del esquí Evolución Estructura - Construcción Sandwich Núcleo La madera Rocker Espátula No Rocker Cola No Camber del esquí Clásico Forma Unidireccional (espátula solo delante) Peso del par en gramos - Interface Estructura - Construcción Edge Amplifier SL Tipo de giro Multigiro Número de referencia H21SALOSKI011 Temporada Invierno 2021 Camber clásico Género Hombre Radio 13 Description courte Los Salomon S Max 12 Piste Ski están construidos sobre el modelo de un esquí de carrera para ayudarte a hacer carving a fondo por las pistas. Un modelo potente reservado para un esquiador con una excelente técnica.
25,11 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Los esquís de pista para mujer Salomon S Max W 10 está dirigido a las mejores esquiadoras que quieren divertirse en la pista. Un modelo explosivo con excelente manejo todo cuesta abajo. Características Ancho patín 72 Año Invierno 2021 Nivel Veterano - Experto Modalidad esquí Pista-competencia interface (placa) del esquí Evolución Estructura - Construcción Sandwich Núcleo La madera Rocker Espátula No Rocker Cola No Camber del esquí Clásico Forma Unidireccional (espátula solo delante) Peso del par en gramos - Interface Estructura - Construcción Edge Amplifier SL Full Dual Core Tipo de giro Multigiro Número de referencia H21SALOSKI013 Temporada Invierno 2021 Camber clásico Género Mujer Radio 14 Description courte Los esquís de pista para mujer Salomon S Max W 10 está dirigido a las mejores esquiadoras que quieren divertirse en la pista. Un modelo explosivo con excelente manejo todo cuesta abajo.
25,11 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Los esquís de pista para mujer Salomon S Max W 6 son ideales para realizar un esquí progresivo y tranquilo durante todo el día. Su construcción adaptativa y flexible te brindan seguridad desde el primer descenso. Características Ancho patín 73 Año Invierno 2021 Nivel Principiante - Intermedio Modalidad esquí Pista Recreo interface (placa) del esquí Recreo Estructura - Construcción Minicap Sandwich Núcleo La madera Rocker Espátula No Rocker Cola No Camber del esquí Clásico Forma Unidireccional (espátula solo delante) Peso del par en gramos - Interface Estructura - Construcción Edge Amplifier SL Tipo de giro Multigiro Número de referencia H21SALOSKI014 Temporada Invierno 2021 Camber clásico Género Mujer Radio 14 Description courte Los esquís de pista para mujer Salomon S Max W 6 son ideales para realizar un esquí progresivo y tranquilo durante todo el día. Su construcción adaptativa y flexible te brindan seguridad desde el primer descenso.
25,11 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Los esquís de pista para mujer Salomon S Max W 8 te acompañan en todo tu progresión gracias a su gran rendimiento y su lado lúdico. Un modelo ideal para la mayoría de los esquiadores. Características Ancho patín 73 Año Invierno 2021 Nivel Intermedio - Veterano Modalidad esquí Pista Recreo interface (placa) del esquí Recreo Estructura - Construcción Minicap Sandwich Núcleo La madera Rocker Espátula No Rocker Cola No Camber del esquí Clásico Forma Unidireccional (espátula solo delante) Peso del par en gramos - Interface Estructura - Construcción Edge Amplifier SL Tipo de giro Multigiro Número de referencia H21SALOSKI015 Temporada Invierno 2021 Camber clásico Género Mujer Radio 14 Description courte Los esquís de pista para mujer Salomon S Max W 8 te acompañan en todo tu progresión gracias a su gran rendimiento y su lado lúdico. Un modelo ideal para la mayoría de los esquiadores.
25,11 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Los S/Race MT son unos esquís de carreras de Salomon que ofrecen mucha potencia gracias a su núcleo de madera y su doble placa de titanio. Su estabilidad y reactividad permiten dibujar curvas rápidas y precisas. Características Ancho patín 73 Año Invierno 2021 Nivel Veterano - Experto Modalidad esquí Pista Carving - Competición interface (placa) del esquí Evolución Estructura - Construcción Minicap Sandwich Núcleo La madera Rocker Espátula No Rocker Cola No Camber del esquí Clásico Forma Unidireccional (espátula solo delante) Estructura - Construcción Edge Amplifier SL Tipo de giro Multigiro Número de referencia H22SALOSKI176815 Temporada Invierno 2021 Camber clásico Género Hombre Radio 15 Description courte Los S/Race MT son unos esquís de carreras de Salomon que ofrecen mucha potencia gracias a su núcleo de madera y su doble placa de titanio. Su estabilidad y reactividad permiten dibujar curvas rápidas y precisas.
8,97 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Vivian Experto en accesorios "Ciertas personas buscan funcionalidad, otras estilo o eficiencia. Sea como sea, juntos encontraremos lo que buscas teniendo en cuenta la seguridad en la montaña. Habla conmigo llamando al teléfono +33 (0) 4 73 26 98 47 " COMPANION es un casco muy polivalente tanto en pista como freeride. La DOBLE CONSTRUCCIÓN EN MOLDE y las numerosas características de rendimiento lo convierten en el casco ideal para todas las situaciones en una amplia gama de condiciones. El sistema de ajuste de tamaño de precisión toma solo segundos gracias al RTS FIT SYSTEM, que tiene una rueda de ajuste de fácil acceso. El sistema MarkAIR CHANNEL proporciona suficiente circulación de aire y una temperatura óptima de la cabeza para evitar que las gafas se empañen. Especificaciones Peso: S 420 g / M 440 g / L 470 g Talla: S 51-55 cm / M 55-59 cm / L 59-63 cm (only unisex) Women: S 51-55 cm / M 55-59 cm Construcción: In-Mold Construction Certificación: CE-EN-1077-2007-Class-B Protección: 270° Edge Protection Características: Helmet Bag Ver más Ver menos Características Características Companion Women Black Año Invierno 2022 Características 2 posiciones de entrada de aire 2 posibles posiciones (parcial o total) de las entradas de aire, para una ventilación totalmente controlada. Cuando el sistema está abierto al máximo, el diseño especial de las salidas de aire impide una excesiva refrigeración de la cabeza. "> Fidlock Og Snap La revolución para los cierres de cascos, extremadamente conveniente para operar. El FIDLOCK OG SNAP es el primer cierre de seguridad magnético con un mecanismo deslizante para abrir y cerrar con una mano. Esto ayuda a garantizar una sujeción extremadamente segura en caso de caída, pero puede ser operado muy rápidamente incluso con el uso de un guante de esquí y está diseñado para protegerse contra pellizcos en la piel. "> RTS Fit System Gira para ajustar el tamaño: no hay una forma más sencilla. La construcción de tres puntos en la parte posterior de la cabeza se adapta a su forma de cabeza personal en segundos gracias al dial de ajuste. Esto se traduce no solo en comodidad máxima, sino también en un ajuste perfecto pero agradable. Durante un accidente, desea un casco que se sienta bien y no se deslice, dando a su cabeza una protección verdadera. "> Removable earpads-audio ready Estas almohadillas desmontables fueron diseñadas pensando en la ergonomía y ofrecen un ajuste cómodo y un excelente aislamiento térmico. Si en algún momento desea poder escuchar su entorno sin filtrar, entonces el sistema REGULACIÓN DE AUDIO NATURAL le permite quitar las inserciones sin más preámbulos. Todas las almohadillas para los oídos (excluyendo KOJO) son, por supuesto, también AUDIO READY, compatible con todos los reproductores de música y teléfonos inteligentes actuales. Ambas almohadillas se quitan rápido y fácilmente y se pueden lavar en agua tibia "> Edge Protection Todos los cascos MARKER IN-MOLD y HYBRID SHELL tienen una placa de policarbonato adicional en su borde inferior para mayor protección en caso de impacto lateral. Esto también protege el casco contra abolladuras durante el transporte o el uso diario. Los diferentes modelos vienen con 180 °, 270 ° o 360 ° de protección "> MarkAIR Channel System Visión clara y una cabeza fría. El complejo sistema MarkAIR CHANNEL SYSTEM, utilizado en todos los cascos MARKER, es el sistema de regulación de temperatura más avanzado disponible. Consiste en una red calculada con precisión de aberturas de ventilación y canales de aire para combinar la ventilación de la cubierta exterior con los canales interiores del núcleo de espuma EPS. Esto permite que el SISTEMA DE CANAL MarkAIR literalmente "saque" el aire caliente y húmedo de las gafas, "absorbiéndolo" a lo largo de los canales de aire y fuera del casco para reducir significativamente el empañamiento de las gafas. Al mismo tiempo, hay un flujo de aire constante y agradable para enfriar todo el sistema y regularlo automáticamente. Esto asegura una cabeza fría cualquiera que sea la situación, sin necesidad de ajustes manuales. "> Volume Fleece (Only Women) Desarrollado especialmente para el modelo de mujer. Aumenta el confort y evita que la cabeza se enfríe. Se quita rápidamente y se puede lavar a mano en agua tibia. "> Características Regulador de talla Lavable Ventilación regulable Número de referencia H18MARKACC074 Género Mujer Ver menos
26,27 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Vintage print of a Italia hot air balloon with lady & man DottyDictionary Antiquarian Book Prints weave together forgotten Victorian and Edwardian illustrations with unexpected embellishments and the original illustrations of UK artist Kelly Stevens-McLaughlan, to create artworks that are often mischievous, usually whimsical, and always bang on trend. In Kelly’s designs hares are given wings, owls mysteriously grow antlers, and her world of magical creatures is filled with clouds of brightly coloured butterflies. Available in a number of different formats: 1. ORIGINAL 8x10 INCH ANTIQUARIAN BOOK PRINTS (approx 20.5x25.5cm) --------------------------------------- Hand-crafted original artwork printed onto real British antiquarian book pages from the 1800’s. The pages are between 150 and 180 years old. Each one is hand-designed and printed onto the original page so no one else will have the same piece. Some have “foxing” age marks, others include corporation seals in the corner. Yours may even have handwritten notes made by a 19th century reader. Images are positioned onto the pages so that they can be trimmed to sit perfectly in an 8 x 10inch (20x25.5cm) frame. 2. Mounted/Matted Antiquarian Book Print: 14x11 inch ivory mount/mat – approx 35.5x28cm --------------------------------------- Made to order using genuine antiquarian book pages that are carefully mounted into an ivory coloured, high quality, precision cut bevelled edge 14x11 inch mount/mat, with a backing board. Ready for framing into a standard 14x11inch (35.5x28cm) frame. 3. Framed and Mounted --------------------------------------- We offer a couple of choices here, and these make stunning gifts. Using a genuine antiquarian book page set in a 14x11 inch mount/mat, (approx 35.5x28cm) and then fixed into your choice of frame with a glass front. We offer a choice of three on trend frames; caramel pine, or a lightly distressed black or white wood frame with a subtle gold pinstripe. Alternately we can mount and frame a 14x11inch giclee print in a beautiful 16x20 inch (40.5x51cm) black or white wooden frame. All of our frames are solid wood and come with all fixings, and so are ready to hang on the wall. 4. Reproduction Art Prints – Various Sizes --------------------------------------- If you are looking for a slightly larger print, then this is perfect for you. This is a giclee print of a larger version of the image printed onto heavy weight art paper with an over-print of text from an antique book page. The image is centered with a white border ready for framing, and because its a giclee print its beautiful quality and will last for years. A museum quality print. 14x11 inch - approx 35.5x28cm 18x24inch - approx 46x61cm 5. Wrapped Canvas Print - 14x11 inch or 18x24 inch (approx 35.5x28cm or 46x61cm) --------------------------------------- Ready to hang, they feature our illustrations with an over-print of text from an antique book page. This is professionally printed onto heavy weight 100% cotton canvas, and stretched by hand and gallery wrapped. A nice chunky statement art piece! -------------------------- HOW TO ORDER -------------------------- Simply select the size and type of print from the menu in the top right of the page. Your print will not be printed onto the exact page as shown above. -------------------------- SHIPPING -------------------------- For estimated shipping times please see our main shop page.. US and Canada customers have the option to upgrade shipping to Federal Express International Priority with a 2/3 day service. You can select this option on check out from inside your shopping cart. A fully tracked courier upgrade is also available for other countries for an additional cost. Check the shipping upgrade option on the right hand side of your shopping cart for details. This is applicable to: UK, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Republic of Ireland, Spain, Sweden. --------------------------------- VISIT MY SHOPS --------------------------------- LoopyLolly - art prints that are a little bit loopy: https://www.etsy.com/es/shop/LoopyLolly FabFunky - a fabulous collection of Dictionary Prints with my original images: https://www.etsy.com/es/shop/FabFunky Looking for a personalised pet print? Try: https://www.etsy.com/es/shop/FabFunkyPersonalised Bring summer into your home all year round with lovely coastal home art prints here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/NauticalNell FabFunkyPillows - artwork on pillows/cushions as well as outrageous lampshades. A full range of nautical pillows/cushions here too! https://www.etsy.com/shop/FabFunkyPillows The Pickled Puffin has my watercolour style art prints https://www.etsy.com/shop/ThePickledPuffin Suzi Gordon Designs is another one of my shops. This one has a huge range of city prints as well as my limited edition artworks https://www.etsy.com/shop/SuziGordonDesigns And I also love pen and ink style drawings, so they are in another separate shop as well https://www.etsy.com/shop/FabFunkyInk And for fabulous decorative cushions we also have https://www.etsy.com/shop/FifiBadgerDesigns
2.533 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Rabbit with a cloud of colourful butterflies bursting from her parasol DottyDictionary Antiquarian Book Prints weave together forgotten Victorian and Edwardian illustrations with unexpected embellishments and the original illustrations of UK artist Kelly Stevens-McLaughlan, to create artworks that are often mischievous, usually whimsical, and always bang on trend. In Kelly’s designs hares are given wings, owls mysteriously grow antlers, and her world of magical creatures is filled with clouds of brightly coloured butterflies. Available in a number of different formats: 1. ORIGINAL 8x10 INCH ANTIQUARIAN BOOK PRINTS (approx 20.5x25.5cm) --------------------------------------- Hand-crafted original artwork printed onto real British antiquarian book pages from the 1800’s. The pages are between 150 and 180 years old. Each one is hand-designed and printed onto the original page so no one else will have the same piece. Some have “foxing” age marks, others include corporation seals in the corner. Yours may even have handwritten notes made by a 19th century reader. Images are positioned onto the pages so that they can be trimmed to sit perfectly in an 8 x 10inch (20x25.5cm) frame. 2. Mounted/Matted Antiquarian Book Print: 14x11 inch ivory mount/mat – approx 35.5x28cm --------------------------------------- Made to order using genuine antiquarian book pages that are carefully mounted into an ivory coloured, high quality, precision cut bevelled edge 14x11 inch mount/mat, with a backing board. Ready for framing into a standard 14x11inch (35.5x28cm) frame. 3. Framed and Mounted --------------------------------------- We offer a couple of choices here, and these make stunning gifts. Using a genuine antiquarian book page set in a 14x11 inch mount/mat, (approx 35.5x28cm) and then fixed into your choice of frame with a glass front. We offer a choice of three on trend frames; caramel pine, or a lightly distressed black or white wood frame with a subtle gold pinstripe. Alternately we can mount and frame a 14x11inch giclee print in a beautiful 16x20 inch (40.5x51cm) black or white wooden frame. All of our frames are solid wood and come with all fixings, and so are ready to hang on the wall. 4. Reproduction Art Prints – Various Sizes --------------------------------------- If you are looking for a slightly larger print, then this is perfect for you. This is a giclee print of a larger version of the image printed onto heavy weight art paper with an over-print of text from an antique book page. The image is centered with a white border ready for framing, and because its a giclee print its beautiful quality and will last for years. A museum quality print. 14x11 inch - approx 35.5x28cm 18x24inch - approx 46x61cm 5. Wrapped Canvas Print - 14x11 inch or 18x24 inch (approx 35.5x28cm or 46x61cm) --------------------------------------- Ready to hang, they feature our illustrations with an over-print of text from an antique book page. This is professionally printed onto heavy weight 100% cotton canvas, and stretched by hand and gallery wrapped. A nice chunky statement art piece! -------------------------- HOW TO ORDER -------------------------- Simply select the size and type of print from the menu in the top right of the page. Your print will not be printed onto the exact page as shown above. -------------------------- SHIPPING -------------------------- For estimated shipping times please see our main shop page.. US and Canada customers have the option to upgrade shipping to Federal Express International Priority with a 2/3 day service. You can select this option on check out from inside your shopping cart. A fully tracked courier upgrade is also available for other countries for an additional cost. Check the shipping upgrade option on the right hand side of your shopping cart for details. This is applicable to: UK, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Republic of Ireland, Spain, Sweden. --------------------------------- VISIT MY SHOPS --------------------------------- LoopyLolly - art prints that are a little bit loopy: https://www.etsy.com/es/shop/LoopyLolly FabFunky - a fabulous collection of Dictionary Prints with my original images: https://www.etsy.com/es/shop/FabFunky Looking for a personalised pet print? Try: https://www.etsy.com/es/shop/FabFunkyPersonalised Bring summer into your home all year round with lovely coastal home art prints here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/NauticalNell FabFunkyPillows - artwork on pillows/cushions as well as outrageous lampshades. A full range of nautical pillows/cushions here too! https://www.etsy.com/shop/FabFunkyPillows The Pickled Puffin has my watercolour style art prints https://www.etsy.com/shop/ThePickledPuffin Suzi Gordon Designs is another one of my shops. This one has a huge range of city prints as well as my limited edition artworks https://www.etsy.com/shop/SuziGordonDesigns And I also love pen and ink style drawings, so they are in another separate shop as well https://www.etsy.com/shop/FabFunkyInk And for fabulous decorative cushions we also have https://www.etsy.com/shop/FifiBadgerDesigns
2.533 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
This TRex Man is part of a series of Victorian Dinosaurs. You'll find them in the Interesting People section of our shop. DottyDictionary Antiquarian Book Prints weave together forgotten Victorian and Edwardian illustrations with unexpected embellishments and the original illustrations of UK artist Kelly Stevens-McLaughlan, to create artworks that are often mischievous, usually whimsical, and always bang on trend. In Kelly’s designs hares are given wings, owls mysteriously grow antlers, and her world of magical creatures is filled with clouds of brightly coloured butterflies. Available in a number of different formats: 1. ORIGINAL 8x10 INCH ANTIQUARIAN BOOK PRINTS (approx 20.5x25.5cm) --------------------------------------- Hand-crafted original artwork printed onto real British antiquarian book pages from the 1800’s. The pages are between 150 and 180 years old. Each one is hand-designed and printed onto the original page so no one else will have the same piece. Some have “foxing” age marks, others include corporation seals in the corner. Yours may even have handwritten notes made by a 19th century reader. Images are positioned onto the pages so that they can be trimmed to sit perfectly in an 8 x 10inch (20x25.5cm) frame. 2. Mounted/Matted Antiquarian Book Print: 14x11 inch ivory mount/mat – approx 35.5x28cm --------------------------------------- Made to order using genuine antiquarian book pages that are carefully mounted into an ivory coloured, high quality, precision cut bevelled edge 14x11 inch mount/mat, with a backing board. Ready for framing into a standard 14x11inch (35.5x28cm) frame. 3. Framed and Mounted --------------------------------------- We offer a couple of choices here, and these make stunning gifts. Using a genuine antiquarian book page set in a 14x11 inch mount/mat, (approx 35.5x28cm) and then fixed into your choice of frame with a glass front. We offer a choice of three on trend frames; caramel pine, or a lightly distressed black or white wood frame with a subtle gold pinstripe. Alternately we can mount and frame a 14x11inch giclee print in a beautiful 16x20 inch (40.5x51cm) black or white wooden frame. All of our frames are solid wood and come with all fixings, and so are ready to hang on the wall. 4. Reproduction Art Prints – Various Sizes --------------------------------------- If you are looking for a slightly larger print, then this is perfect for you. This is a giclee print of a larger version of the image printed onto heavy weight art paper with an over-print of text from an antique book page. The image is centered with a white border ready for framing, and because its a giclee print its beautiful quality and will last for years. A museum quality print. 14x11 inch - approx 35.5x28cm 18x24inch - approx 46x61cm 5. Wrapped Canvas Print - 14x11 inch or 18x24 inch (approx 35.5x28cm or 46x61cm) --------------------------------------- Ready to hang, they feature our illustrations with an over-print of text from an antique book page. This is professionally printed onto heavy weight 100% cotton canvas, and stretched by hand and gallery wrapped. A nice chunky statement art piece! -------------------------- HOW TO ORDER -------------------------- Simply select the size and type of print from the menu in the top right of the page. Your print will not be printed onto the exact page as shown above. -------------------------- SHIPPING -------------------------- For estimated shipping times please see our main shop page.. US and Canada customers have the option to upgrade shipping to Federal Express International Priority with a 2/3 day service. You can select this option on check out from inside your shopping cart. A fully tracked courier upgrade is also available for other countries for an additional cost. Check the shipping upgrade option on the right hand side of your shopping cart for details. This is applicable to: UK, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Republic of Ireland, Spain, Sweden. --------------------------------- VISIT MY SHOPS --------------------------------- LoopyLolly - art prints that are a little bit loopy: https://www.etsy.com/es/shop/LoopyLolly FabFunky - a fabulous collection of Dictionary Prints with my original images: https://www.etsy.com/es/shop/FabFunky Looking for a personalised pet print? Try: https://www.etsy.com/es/shop/FabFunkyPersonalised Bring summer into your home all year round with lovely coastal home art prints here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/NauticalNell FabFunkyPillows - artwork on pillows/cushions as well as outrageous lampshades. A full range of nautical pillows/cushions here too! https://www.etsy.com/shop/FabFunkyPillows The Pickled Puffin has my watercolour style art prints https://www.etsy.com/shop/ThePickledPuffin Suzi Gordon Designs is another one of my shops. This one has a huge range of city prints as well as my limited edition artworks https://www.etsy.com/shop/SuziGordonDesigns And I also love pen and ink style drawings, so they are in another separate shop as well https://www.etsy.com/shop/FabFunkyInk And for fabulous decorative cushions we also have https://www.etsy.com/shop/FifiBadgerDesigns
2.659 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Rabbit with a cloud of colourful butterflies bursting from her parasol DottyDictionary Antiquarian Book Prints weave together forgotten Victorian and Edwardian illustrations with unexpected embellishments and the original illustrations of UK artist Kelly Stevens-McLaughlan, to create artworks that are often mischievous, usually whimsical, and always bang on trend. In Kelly’s designs hares are given wings, owls mysteriously grow antlers, and her world of magical creatures is filled with clouds of brightly coloured butterflies. Available in a number of different formats: 1. ORIGINAL 8x10 INCH ANTIQUARIAN BOOK PRINTS (approx 20.5x25.5cm) --------------------------------------- Hand-crafted original artwork printed onto real British antiquarian book pages from the 1800’s. The pages are between 150 and 180 years old. Each one is hand-designed and printed onto the original page so no one else will have the same piece. Some have “foxing” age marks, others include corporation seals in the corner. Yours may even have handwritten notes made by a 19th century reader. Images are positioned onto the pages so that they can be trimmed to sit perfectly in an 8 x 10inch (20x25.5cm) frame. 2. Mounted/Matted Antiquarian Book Print: 14x11 inch ivory mount/mat – approx 35.5x28cm --------------------------------------- Made to order using genuine antiquarian book pages that are carefully mounted into an ivory coloured, high quality, precision cut bevelled edge 14x11 inch mount/mat, with a backing board. Ready for framing into a standard 14x11inch (35.5x28cm) frame. 3. Framed and Mounted --------------------------------------- We offer a couple of choices here, and these make stunning gifts. Using a genuine antiquarian book page set in a 14x11 inch mount/mat, (approx 35.5x28cm) and then fixed into your choice of frame with a glass front. We offer a choice of three on trend frames; caramel pine, or a lightly distressed black or white wood frame with a subtle gold pinstripe. Alternately we can mount and frame a 14x11inch giclee print in a beautiful 16x20 inch (40.5x51cm) black or white wooden frame. All of our frames are solid wood and come with all fixings, and so are ready to hang on the wall. 4. Reproduction Art Prints – Various Sizes --------------------------------------- If you are looking for a slightly larger print, then this is perfect for you. This is a giclee print of a larger version of the image printed onto heavy weight art paper with an over-print of text from an antique book page. The image is centered with a white border ready for framing, and because its a giclee print its beautiful quality and will last for years. A museum quality print. 14x11 inch - approx 35.5x28cm 18x24inch - approx 46x61cm 5. Wrapped Canvas Print - 14x11 inch or 18x24 inch (approx 35.5x28cm or 46x61cm) --------------------------------------- Ready to hang, they feature our illustrations with an over-print of text from an antique book page. This is professionally printed onto heavy weight 100% cotton canvas, and stretched by hand and gallery wrapped. A nice chunky statement art piece! -------------------------- HOW TO ORDER -------------------------- Simply select the size and type of print from the menu in the top right of the page. Your print will not be printed onto the exact page as shown above. -------------------------- SHIPPING -------------------------- For estimated shipping times please see our main shop page.. US and Canada customers have the option to upgrade shipping to Federal Express International Priority with a 2/3 day service. You can select this option on check out from inside your shopping cart. A fully tracked courier upgrade is also available for other countries for an additional cost. Check the shipping upgrade option on the right hand side of your shopping cart for details. This is applicable to: UK, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Republic of Ireland, Spain, Sweden. --------------------------------- VISIT MY SHOPS --------------------------------- LoopyLolly - art prints that are a little bit loopy: https://www.etsy.com/shop/LoopyLolly FabFunky - a fabulous collection of Dictionary Prints with my original images: https://www.etsy.com/shop/FabFunky Looking for a personalised pet print? Try: https://www.etsy.com/shop/FabFunkyPersonalised Bring summer into your home all year round with lovely coastal home art prints here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/NauticalNell FabFunkyPillows - artwork on pillows/cushions as well as outrageous lampshades. A full range of nautical pillows/cushions here too! https://www.etsy.com/shop/FabFunkyPillows The Pickled Puffin has my watercolour style art prints https://www.etsy.com/shop/ThePickledPuffin Suzi Gordon Designs is another one of my shops. This one has a huge range of city prints as well as my limited edition artworks https://www.etsy.com/shop/SuziGordonDesigns And I also love pen and ink style drawings, so they are in another separate shop as well https://www.etsy.com/shop/FabFunkyInk And for fabulous decorative cushions we also have https://www.etsy.com/shop/FifiBadgerDesigns
2.588 €
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Albacete (Albacete)
Cannondale Supersix evo carbon disc Force Etap AXS road bike from 2020. Cannondale manufacturer reference: C11450M10 Bike Specifications Frame All-New, BallisTec Carbon, integrated cable routing w / Switchplate, 142x12 Speed Release thru-axle, SAVE, PF30a, flat mount disc, integrated seat binder Fork All-New, BallisTec Carbon, SAVE, 1-1 / 8 "to 1-1 / 4" steerer, integrated crown race, 12x100mm Speed Release thru-axle, flat mount disc, internal routing, 55mm offset (47-54cm) 45mm offset (56-62cm) HollowGram 35 rims, Carbon Clincher Disc, 19mm inner, 35mm deep, tubeless ready Hubs (F) Cannondale HollowGram Sealed Bearing, straight pull, 12x100 / (R) Cannondale HollowGram Sealed Bearing, straight pull, 12x142 Formula Grand Forza spokes Vittoria Rubino Pro Bright Black Tires, 700 x 25c Pedals Not Included Crankset SRAM Force eTap AXS, 48/35 SRAM PF30 bottom bracket Chain SRAM Force EtaP AXS 12-speed SRAM XG-1270, 10-28, 12-speed cassettes SRAM Force eTap AXS front derailleur, braze-on SRAM Force eTap AXS rear derailleur SRAM Force eTap AXS HRD Pushbuttons, 2x12 Handlebar HollowGram SystemBar SAVE, Carbon, 8 deg. pitch adjust Cannondale Grip Bar Tape w / Gel Grips, 3.5mm Power All-New Hollowgram KNOT, alloy w / cable cover, -6 ° Address SuperSix, 1-1 / 4 "lower bearing, 25mm top cap Brakes SRAM Force EtaP AXS, 160 / 160mm Centerlock rotors Saddle Prologo Dimension STN NDR, steel rails Seatpost All-New HollowGram 27 SL KNØT, carbon, 2 bolt clamp, 330mm Extra (s) Cannondale Wheel Sensor
4.500 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Las botas de esquí Head Advant Edge 85 Anthracite Black Red son un excelente modelo para afinar tu técnica esta estación. Son cómodas por su flex intermedio. Características Año 2020 Nivel Intermedio - veterano Tipo de uso Recreo Flex 85 Botín interior termoformable Sí Volumen interior 102 mm Ancho pie Pie ancho Norma suela Alpino Número de referencia H20HEADCHA003 Temporada Invierno 2020 Género Hombre
18,04 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Las botas de esquí Head Edge Lyt 100 Black Red te dejan aprovechar toda la estación con una comodidad excelente. Gustarán a un gran número de esquiadores. Características Año H21 Nivel Intermedio - veterano Tipo de uso Rendimiento - Recreo Flex 100 Botín interior termoformable Sí Volumen interior 102 mm Ancho pie Pie ancho Norma suela Alpino Número de referencia H20HEADCHA004 Temporada Invierno 2021 Género Hombre
18,04 €
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