Listado top ventas encounter

Barcelona (Barcelona)
PLAY STATION 3 PS3 FEAR FIRST ENCOUNTER ASSAULT RECON MUY BUEN ESTADO PAL ESPAÑA PLAY STATION 3 PS3 FEAR FIRST ENCOUNTER ASSAULT RECON MUY BUEN ESTADO PAL ESPAÑA Estas comprando el siguiente artículo: FEAR FIRST ENCOUNTER ASSAULT RECON versión PAL ESPAÑA CAJA / BOX: 8/10 - MANUAL / MANUAL: 9/10 - DISCO / DISC: 9/10 Caja bastante bien conservada con algunas marcas de uso. Cierra bien y el CD queda bien sujeto. Manual con algunas marcas de uso y minimo desgaste. Muy pocas señales de uso en el disco. Cualquier código o PASS que pueda incluir el juego se le considerará caducado o usado y no podrá ser un motivo de devolución su no funcionamiento.
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Madrid (Madrid)
H.A.T.E Hostile All Terrain Encounter Amstrad Cinta H.A.T.E Hostile All Terrain Encounter Amstrad Cinta Juego de naves muy al estilo Zaxxon, de Sega. Muy entretenido y bien hecho. ¡Con cambio de vehículo y todo! El juego funciona en MI equipo, lo cual NO garantiza que lo haga en el tuyo. La caja presenta una pequeña raya en su superficie, tenue y que no ha llegado a romperla, pero ahí esta. Lo que ves es lo que hay.
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Valencia (Valencia)
HIGHWAY ENCOUNTER - Amstrad Cassete - Como nuevo - Vortex HIGHWAY ENCOUNTER - Amstrad Cassete - Como nuevo - Vortex Juego para AMSTRAD CPC-464
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Huelva (Huelva)
NECA Predator Jungle encounter Dutch NEW NECA Predator Jungle encounter Dutch NEW Figura nueva en blister original. Agotada. Se pedirá el pago en un máximo de 3 días de lo contrario se cancelará la venta y se votará negativo. Se aceptan pagos por transferencia bancaria o PayPal como amigo.
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Sevilla (Sevilla)
Space Quest I: The Sarien Encounter Space Quest I: The Sarien Encounter Space Quest 1 - Roger Wilco in the Sarien EncounterJuego PC.Nuevo, sin señales de uso.Disquetes 3 1/2.Caja grande de cartón (Big Box)Aventura Gráfica.Español.Colección Maxi Juegos.Año 1986.Sierra.Juegos PC.Combino envíos.Más de 1000 juegos en venta.
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España (Todas las ciudades)
`Cosmic Incursion` también hace que el Cosmos sea aún mayor, añadiendo un sexto jugador a la partida. Por último, y por si no fuera suficiente, `Cosmic Incursion` introduce una nueva variante de juego: el mazo de Recompensa, que ofrece nuevas y emocionantes cartas como Estímulos y Grietas Dimensionales a aquellos alienígenas que se alíen al bando defensor. Nota: Requiere juego básico `Cosmic Encounter` para poder jugar.
24,95 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Enhance your gaming experience with these upgraded Scythe Encounter tokens. This unique set of upgraded tokens enhance your table-top edition of Scythe and are printed in high-detail resin polymer ready to put right on the game board! These tokens are not an official Stonemaier Games product
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Juego Original en Inglés: SetIncludes 112 new playable cards:44 Commons30 Uncommons26 Rares10 Super Rares2 Secret Rares19 Alternative Arts + 2 English ExclusiveEach English Booster Pack contains 12 cards:7 Commons3 Uncommons1 RareAny of either: 1 more rare, 1 Super Rare, 1 Secret Rare or 1 Alternative Art
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Hazte con The C64 Limited Edition The VIC 20 en GAMEy vuelve a disfrutar de los juegos de la mítica máquina de Commodore. Con más de 20 juegos, juega a Arcadia, Encounter, Martians o Mega Vault, vuelve a recordar cuando eras niño con esta la máquina de Commodore a tamaño real. Regresa el VIC 20, esta vez de gran tamaño y con un teclado de trabajo para el fan dedicado del ordenador retro. Cuenta con tres modos alternables: VIC 20, C64 y Carrusel de Juegos. Conéctela a cualquier TV moderna por HDMI para obtener imágenes nítidas de alta definición 720p a 60 Hz o 50 Hz. Una palanca de mando actualizada que ahora cuenta con microinterruptores se suma al hardware para que los juegos incluidos sean aún más divertidos que nunca. CARACTERÍSTICAS Conéctalo a un televisor o monitor 720p por HDMI y disfruta de una experiencia de alta definición alucinante. Elige entre diversas opciones de pantalla, incluido filtro CRT. Guarda el progreso en cualquier momento. Agrega tus propios juegos/programas, actualiza el firmware y conecta tus propios dispositivos por USB. Utilízalo como un ordenador original VIC20 o C64, o juega a cualquiera de los 64 juegos incluidos en el carrusel de Juegos. Contiene 64 juegos preinstalados. CONTENIDO El ordenador THEVIC20 de tamaño completo El joystick con microinterruptor (1,5 m de cable) Cable HDMI (1,2 m) Cable de alimentación USB (1,2 m) con adaptador AC Lista de juegos: Abductor, Andes Attack, Arcadia, Bewitched, Blitzkrieg, Brainstorm, Catcha Snatcha, Connect 4, Encounter, Frantic, Frog Chase, Gridrunner, Harvester, Headbanger’s Heaven, Hell Gate, Laser Zone, Martians, Matrix, Mega Vault, Metagalactic Llamas Battle at the Edge of Time, Psychedelia, Snake, Starquest, Subspace Striker, Tank Battle, Traxx, Wacky Waiters, Zor. Hazte con The C64 Limited Edition THE VIC20 en GAME, un artículo para los fans de lo retro, con muchas horas de juego y a tamaño real.
119,94 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
A lo largo de la partida, los jugadores desarrollarán estrategias para superar a sus oponentes y controlar los distritos más importantes de Mecatol Rex. Si quieren tener éxito tendrán que hacer uso de astutas negociaciones y de una cuidada planificación táctica mientras forman inestables alianzas, reúnen ejércitos y desenmascaran traidores. Mientras un imperio se rompe, otro se alza para ocupar su lugar. ¿Te harás con el dominio o te doblegarás ante el poder de los demás? Tanto si eliges la ruta de la negociación como si sigues el camino de la guerra sin cuartel, el destino de Mecatol Rex, y quizá de toda la galaxia, está en tus manos. Las mecánicas de juego de Rex se basan en el sistema original que fue publicado por primera vez en 1982 por Avalon Hill Game Company en el clásico juego de tablero Dune, diseñado por Bill Eberle, Jack Kittredge y Peter Olotka (conocido por Cosmic Encounter).
149,94 €
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Tarragona (Tarragona)
Space Quest / Juego PC en 6 Disquetes HD 3,5´´ / Español / Kixx 1993 Space Quest / Juego PC en 6 Disquetes HD 3,5´´ / Español / Kixx 1993 - Título: Space Quest 1 - Roger Wilco in the Sarien Encounter - Plataforma: Disquete HD para PC y Compatibles - Desarrollador / Distribuidor: Sierra / Kixx - Erbe - Año: 1993 - Edición: Caja de cartón (Kixx XL) - Idioma: Texto en español - Incluye: Caja de cartón 6 disquetes HD de 3 y 1/2 Fascículo Maxi Juegos Erbe Nº 16 - Ediciones Altaya 1994 (Instrucciones más Guía del juego) - Estado: Bueno - Gastos de envío: En " formas de pago y envío " están las tablas de precios detalladas - Se combinan envíos
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España (Todas las ciudades)
La Consola Retro SNK Neo Geo Mini incluye 40 títulos legendários del sistema NEOGEO, que debutó en 1990. Cuenta con una pantalla de 3.5 pulgadas lo que te permitirá disfrutar incluso sin necesidad de conectarla a un monitor o televisión HD. Basada en el diseño de la recreativa original, con un controlador estilo Joystick y dos altavoces estéreo. ¡Se adapta perfectamente a la forma de la mano! El Tamaño de la NEOGEO mini se adapta perfectamente a la forma de tu mano (108 mm x 135 mm x 62mm) y su peso de 390 g, sumado a una fuente de alimentación compatible con USB, la convierten en la compañera ideal con la que disfrutar de tus juegos en cualquier lugar, ya que podrás conectarla a baterías portátiles sin ningún problema. ¡Guarda el progreso de tus juegos en cualquier momento! Puede guardar o cargar el progreso de tus juegos en cualquier momento presionando los botones INICIAR y SELECCIONAR al mismo tiempo durante el juego a través de la pantalla Configuración. Nunca antes había sido tan sencillo continuar una partida de King of Fighters. ¡Múltiples puertos para una conectividad deluxe! Conecta su salida HDMI** a un monitor o TV y disfruta como nunca. ¡La consola también incluye dos puertos para controladores externos y un conector para auriculares! ¡Puedes jugar en cooperativo o luchar con tus amigos! **cable HDMI no incluido Lista de juegos 3 Count Bout Art of Fighting Blazing Star Blue’s Journey Crossed Swords Fatal Fury Special Foot Ball Frenzy Garou: Mark of the Wolves Ghost Pilots King of the Monsters King of the Monsters 2 Kizuna Encounter: Super Tag Battle Last Resort Magician Lord Metal Slug Metal Slug 2 Metal Slug 3 Metal Slug 4 Metal Slug 5 Metal Slug X Mutation Nation Ninja Master’s: Haou Ninpou Chou Puzzled Real Bout: Fatal Fury Robo Army Samurai Shodown II Samurai Shodown IV: Amakusa’s Revenge Samurai Shodown V Special Sengoku 3 Shock Troopers Shock Troopers: 2nd Squad Super Sidekicks The King of Fighters ’95 The King of Fighters ’97 The King of Fighters ’98 The King of Fighters 2000 The King of Fighters 2002 The Last Blade 2 Top Player’s Golf World Heroes Perfect
89,94 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
CON EL DISEÑO DE LA MÁQUINA ARCADE CON UNA PANTALLA DE 3.5?El diseño de la NEOGEO mini se basa en la nostálgica recreativa arcade, y cuenta con un controlador estilo joystick, altavoces estéreo y una pantalla de 3.5?, lo que significa que los juegos se pueden disfrutar sin necesidad de conectarlos a un televisor o monitor. CABE PERFECTAMENTE EN LA PALMA DE TU MANOEl tamaño de la NEOGEO mini cabe perfectamente en la palma de tu mano y su peso es de tan solo 390 gramos. La fuente de alimentación es compatible con el cable USB, lo que significa que puede conectarse a baterías de smartphones y disfrutar de tus juegos sobre la marcha. GUARDA EL PROGRESO DE TUS JUEGOS EN CUALQUIER MOMENTOPues guardar o cargar el progreso de tus juegos en cualquier momento presionando los botones INICIAR y SELECCIONAR al mismo tiempo durante el juego a través de la pantalla Configuración. MÚLTIPLES CONECTORESIntegra un conector HDMI para que puedas jugar juegos a través de la conexión a pantallas de TV o monitores, así como dos terminales de conexión para controladores externos y un terminar para auriculares. ¡Puedes jugar en modo cooperativo o batallar con tus amigos! Juegos incluidos:3 Count BoutArt of FightingBlazing StarBlue?s JourneyCrossed SwordsFatal Fury SpecialFoot Ball FrenzyGarou: Mark of the WolvesGhost PilotsKing of the MonstersKing of the Monsters 2Kizuna Encounter: Super Tag BattleLast ResortMagician LordMetal SlugMetal Slug 2Metal Slug 3Metal Slug 4Metal Slug 5Metal Slug XMutation NationNinja Master?s: Haou Ninpou ChouPuzzledReal Bout: Fatal FuryRobo ArmySamurai Shodown IISamurai Shodown IV: Amakusa?s RevengeSamurai Shodown V SpecialSengoku 3Shock TroopersShock Troopers: 2nd SquadSuper SidekicksThe King of Fighters ?95The King of Fighters ?97The King of Fighters ?98The King of Fighters 2000The King of Fighters 2002The Last Blade 2Top Player?s GolfWorld Heroes Perfect Consola de segunda mano en buenas condiciones, se envía con todo el cableado necesario para su funcionamiento y re-embalada si no dispone de caja original.
89 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Descripción en inglés: As dire omens fill the skies, demons roam the countryside, and plagues ravage civilization, the Harbinger wanders throughout the realm of Talisman, prophesying the imminent end of the world. If you encounter him, he may help you stave off the end of the world and let you peer into the future — or you may be attacked by demon horsemen and stalked by cursed followers. Fabricante: GAMES WORKSHOP Nº de jugadores: 2-6 Duración: 90 Edad mínima: 13+ Idioma: inglés. Referencia BGGAW89007...
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Save $$ with our code 15OFF for a 15% discount when buying more than one listing! ✨ From planners to notebooks and stickers, find elegant and minimalistic designs to organise and plan your life the way you deserve - from your studies to your work and personal life! All products are available in both English and Spanish - but sold separately. THIS ITEM IS A DIGITAL DOWNLOAD. NO PHYSICAL ITEM WILL BE SENT. ⤖ ITEM This is a digital mindfulness journal meticulously designed to help improve and take care of yourself, be more present in your life and learn to appreciate the beauty of your days. Instantly download and use it whenever and wherever you like! Tested with Goodnotes and Notability, but you can also use most third party apps that support PDF files and the use of a stylus, such as Noteshelf, Xodo and PDF Viewer. When it comes to other apps, however, we cannot guarantee complete functionality as the products have not been tested with them. Due to the digital nature of this product, it will be non-refundable. The package includes: 1x DIGITAL MINDFULNESS JOURNAL PDF FILE, with the following available content: · 598 hyperlinked pages for smooth and easy use. · Undated monthly and daily pages so you can use the journal throughout the years. · Monthly focus and reflexion pages to set your focus for the month and reflect on it at the end. · 5 tips and exercises on how to live more mindfully. · 44 extra pages on improving yourself, keeping track of your progress and practicing gratitude. · 10 prompted questions per month on a variety of topics, such as: daily life, self-care, mindset, self-discovery, gratitude and mental health. · 5 different journaling notepaper types. · 4 covers to choose from in different colors - beige, grey, green and blue. PAGES INCLUDED IN THE PDF: · 4 Cover Pages · Welcome Page · Index Page - hyperlinked · 12 Monthly Covers - hyperlinked to monthly focus, monthly reflection and daily pages · 366 Daily Pages - hyperlinked to other daily pages · 12 Monthly Focus Pages - hyperlinked to monthly reflection and daily pages · 12 Monthly Reflection Pages - hyperlinked to monthly focus and daily pages · 5 Mindfulness Tips - digital detox, journaling, meditation, gratitude and breathing · Yearly Focus - set your focus and priorities for the year · Vision Board · Current Me vs. Future Me · Wheel of Life · Habit Tracker - with daily, weekly and monthly trackers for the 12 months of the year · If/Then · Yearly Mood Chart · Sleep Log - track your sleeping hours for the 12 months of the year · A Letter to Myself · Gratitude Journal - with ten available gratitude pages · 120 Prompts - 10 different prompts per month · 5 Notepaper Types for Journaling - lined, grid, column, dotted and blank 4x MY MINDFULNESS JOURNAL COVERS for you to choose from in the following available colors: · Beige · Grey · Green · Blue 1x THANK YOU & HOW TO USE PDF. If you have any doubts regarding how the product works or encounter any issues with it, please do not hesitate to contact us. ⤖ LICENSE: 1. All products purchased from our shop are free to use and modify in an unlimited number of personal projects. 2. You may not use or modify our products for commercial or monetised usage. It is prohibited to resell or redistribute any of our products, as part of a project or on their own, even if they have been modified or copied. This ban includes free distribution of our products, and direct links to download locations. 3. If you wish to use our products in a different kind of project that does not fall in either of the previous categories, please contact us for clarification and/or permission to use.
1.350 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Bunny Floral Clipart, SET 10 High Quality JPGs Commercial Use Design Bundle These files do NOT have transparent backgrounds, but you may alter them as needed. 4096 x 4096 white background. This set of clip art features adorable hedgehogs surrounded by beautiful flowers. Perfect for adding a touch of cuteness to any project, these illustrations can be used for a variety of purposes, such as scrapbooking, card making, or even decorating your digital devices. With this hedgehog and flower clip art, you'll have everything you need to create beautiful and playful designs that are sure to bring a smile to anyone's face. ---Commercial Use Included!--- For DIGITAL commercial use, you may use our clipart as long as it is altered in some way or incorporated into a larger design with other image or text elements. The following commercial use is allowed: - Digital scrapbooking layouts - Educational materials such as worksheets, flashcards, or e-books - Invitations, party decor, and event signage (including Corjl and Templett use) - Logos and branding materials - Packaging design and product labels - Print on demand items (clothing, mugs, tumblers, etc.) - Wall art and greeting cards - Website and social media graphics Get creative with our handmade images by using them to make mouse mats, mugs, t-shirts, cushions, cards, scrapbooks, and mixed-media projects! Simply download and start creating! After making a purchase, you can access your downloads by visiting your profile on Etsy > Purchases and reviews. You need to log in through the website, not the application. If you encounter any problems or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are happy to provide the necessary assistance to resolve any issues. Thank you for browsing our store. We hope our artworks meet your expectations and that you find what you're looking for in our range of products! We're constantly adding new items to our shop, so if you have any suggestions for new products, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.
450 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Traditional Blue Ikat Seamless Pattern - Digital Download, Paper Textures, Tiling Pattern, Scrapbook Paper, Fabric, Commercial Use File Description: 12"x12" (3600x3600 pixels) / 300 DPI / JPEG format After purchasing you will receive a email from Etsy with the download link. If you encounter any issues with the process feel free to contact me. *No physical items will be shipped. This is a digital file download. *Printed colors might differ from those on your monitor Terms of Use: You may use these patterns in personal and commercial projects. You may not sell, share, redistribute these patterns in their original formats or claim copyright. Claiming these patterns as your own or altering the work in any way is prohibited. *ONTO is not responsible for any manufacturing or printing errors that may occur when using these pattern files. Test printing is greatly recommended before production. For fabric printing swatch tests of the design before production is highly recommended. All patterns are checked for quality before listing, however, enlarging the design may impact print quality. No refunds or reimbursements will be provided. Thank you for supporting ONTO Design Studio. If you have any questions please let me know! All work is created by ONTO Design Studio. https://www.etsy.com/shop/ONTODesignStudio Seamless, Pattern, Patterns, Digital, Paper, Textures, Tiling, Scrapbook, Crafts, Fabric
191 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Lemons Seamless Pattern - Digital Download, Paper Textures, Tiling Pattern, Scrapbook Paper, Fabric, Commercial Use File Description: 12"x12" (3600x3600 pixels) / 300 DPI / JPEG format After purchasing you will receive a email from Etsy with the download link. If you encounter any issues with the process feel free to contact me. *No physical items will be shipped. This is a digital file download. *Printed colors might differ from those on your monitor Terms of Use: You may use these patterns in personal and commercial projects. You may not sell, share, redistribute these patterns in their original formats or claim copyright. Claiming these patterns as your own or altering the work in any way is prohibited. *ONTO is not responsible for any manufacturing or printing errors that may occur when using these pattern files. Test printing is greatly recommended before production. For fabric printing swatch tests of the design before production is highly recommended. All patterns are checked for quality before listing, however, enlarging the design may impact print quality. No refunds or reimbursements will be provided. Thank you for supporting ONTO Design Studio. If you have any questions please let me know! All work is created by ONTO Design Studio. https://www.etsy.com/shop/ONTODesignStudio Seamless, Pattern, Patterns, Digital, Paper, Textures, Tiling, Scrapbook, Crafts, Fabric
191 €
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Juego Original en Inglés: Mortum: Medieval Detective is a game of deduction and adventures that takes place in a grim world shaped in the image of medieval Europe, with its legends, superstitions and fears coming to life. Take on the roles of secret organization agents and investigate mysterious and thrilling events. You will solve mysteries and encounter fascinating characters in the course of three exciting scenarios, all part of a single storyline. Each case requires up to three hours to play. You are free to explore the world of Mortum in any way you like, depending on which agents you chose. Put objects under surveillance or send agents to secretly search or interact with them in many other ways. Gather information by interrogating suspects or talking to them. Choose your own way to advance through the game, either using the kick in the door approach or by being stealthy and discrete, trying to avoid unwanted attention. During each turn, a player chooses one of the cards available this turn. These cards can represent a Clue, a Location, Witness Interrogation, etc. Using the cards and Special Action, which were received during investigation, a player discovers what actually happened. Only you and the choices you make decide how the events will unfold in the end. Tread carefully, and welcome to Mortum!
48 €
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JOGO ORIGINAL EM INGLÊS: Explore a new underwater society in Pearlbrook, the first expansion for Everdell!Pearlbrook introduces a new side board, the river board, where you'll send your frog ambassador to gather a new resource: pearls. You'll also encounter new aquatic critters and constructions! Collect enough pearls and you can construct fabulous wonders and adornments, to make your city the pride of Everdell!Requires Everdell base game to play. Game Contents: 1 Game Board2 Board Overlays4 City WondersNew Main Deck CardsNew River CardsNew Special Mini CardsNew wooden Meeples25 plastic Pearl piecesRulebook* Game Contents subject to change
52 €
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JOGO ORIGINAL EM INGLÊS: Far beyond the comfortable borders of the Everdell Valley, deep in the mysterious and uncharted lands, adventure is waiting to be discovered. Spirecrest adds several exciting and challenging new mechanics and features to the Everdell base game, including: Weather cards that impose challenging limitations to overcome.Discovery cards let players encounter intrepid new critters and locations on their journey, providing unique new strategies and abilities.Big Critters are unique workers with interesting and helpful abilities, who also serve as trusty mounts.
52 €
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Juego Original en Inglés: You trainhop aboard the Silver Ferryman, chasin a dream or runnin from the past. What you find is a welcomin hand - white glove, stretched skin and a fiddle player in the distance, playin a tune thats awfully inviting. Makes you never wanna leave.In Vagrantsong, a cooperative and story-driven boss battler, you will take on the role of a Vagrant trapped on a supernatural ghost train. Face off against ghosts lingering on the train (called Haints), adjust your playstyle with Skills and Junk acquired along the way, and uncover the secrets of the Silver Ferryman in this spooky and challenging adventure.In each of the 20+ Scenarios in Vagrantsongs campaign, players will take turns spending their 3 Coins to take actions, such as: moving around the train board, investigating the unknown, and rummaging for items that might help them get out of a tight spot. Additionally, players can spend their Coins on more exclusive actions to remind a Haint of their lost Humanity, all in the hopes of freeing the spirit from the ghost trains bone-chilling grip, and winning the Scenario in the process. But be careful! Each Haint has their own bag of tricks and gameplay mechanics. They will stop at nothing to make sure that the players lose all of their Humanity and stay aboard forever.After each Scenario, players will have a moment to rest, allowing them the opportunity to change out their Skill and Junk cards, heal their Vagrant, and prepare for their next encounter aboard the Silver Ferryman.
69,59 €
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Juego Original en Inglés: Gifted with a powerful healing factor and armed with adamantium claws that can cut through anything, the hero known as Wolverine is a force to be reckoned with. Though trained as a killer by Weapon X, Wolverine has dedicated his life to helping others as one of the X-Men, and now he tears his way into players games of Marvel Champions: The Card Game! Wolverine is a combat-focused hero that can pay for attacks with his hit points and unleash a relentless assault upon the villains forces. With this Hero Pack, players will find Wolverine, his sixteen signature cards, and a full assortment of Aggression cards inviting them to tear through their enemies. This pack also includes a bonus modular encounter set featuring the dangerous Lady Deathstrike!For players eager to challenge Magneto and his Brotherhood of Mutants, they can get started with the Wolverine Hero Pack! This expansion comes with a 40-card pre-built deck, giving players the chance to start playing right out of the box.
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Jogo original em inglês: raised in the seedy underworld of new orleans as part of the thieves guild, remy lebeau left behind a life of crime to join the x-men. using his mutant power to charge objects with explosive energy, remy fights evil as the hero gambitand now hes flipping his way into your games of marvel champions: the card game! by building up charge counters, gambit can power up his attacks with explosive results, and as a thief extraordinaire, he can thwart even while in alter-ego form! with this hero pack, you will find gambit, his fifteen signature cards, and a full assortment of justice cards inviting you to thwart the villains schemes with style! this pack also includes a bonus modular encounter set featuring exodus, the herald of magneto! for players eager to challenge magneto and his brotherhood of mutants, they can get started with the gambit hero pack! this expansion comes with a 40-card pre-built deck, giving players the chance to start playing right out of the box.
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Jogo original em inglês: cursed with an uncontrollable ability that causes her to absorb the powers and memories of anyone she touches, anna marie ran away from home as a teenager. professor x offered her a place at his school where she could learn to control her power. now she fights for justice as a member of the x-men, rogue, and she is stealing her way into your games of marvel champions: the card game! by attaching her unique touched upgrade to other characters, rogue can gain a wide range of abilities, including borrowing the powers from her fellow heroes. with this hero pack, you will find rogue, her sixteen signature cards, and a full assortment of protection cards inviting you to shield your allies from harm. this pack also includes a bonus modular encounter set featuring the cybernetically-enhanced reavers! for players eager to challenge magneto and his brotherhood of mutants, they can get started with the rogue hero pack! this expansion comes with a 40-card pre-built deck, giving players the chance to start playing right out of the box.
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Scotland 150th Anniversary Football Shirt - Adult - FREE DELIVERY Note: Please be careful while ironing, always iron on a low setting as the fabric is delicate. Please be careful when washing, do not wash at a high heat and try avoid fabric softener. ???? Due to manual measurement, the size may have 1-2cm error. ???? Depending on the computer monitor used, the color may vary from the actual color. Customer satisfaction is our number one priority! If you are satisfied with the order, I hope you will leave us a five-star praise and evaluation. If any problem occurs, please contact us and we will solve it immediately. *Please double check the size chart in the last picture. Don't choose directly based on your own habits. Returns✅ I accept returns and cancellations if you have a good reason, otherwise no returns. We always recommend hand washing this item to ensure it stays in good condition. special reminder: receiver's address: Please check that the address is correct before checkout. We are not responsible for packages shipped to the wrong address. It is the buyer's responsibility to ensure that all shipping information is correct before completing their purchase. We will not issue a refund if the package is b'"'Returned to Senderb'"' for the following reasons: 1. The address you provided is wrong or the data is missing. 2. Once the package is delivered, it will not be claimed. Shipment failed and was returned. Please be sure to fill in the correct delivery address on the order so that the courier can manage the delivery Great as a birthday gift or fun present. - These are Asian sizes, usually smaller than US sizes. Choose one or two sizes up. Please check the detailed size above to choose the correct size before placing an order. Please don't choose according to your own habits. Returns for size issues are not accepted. [Purchase Notes] Due to differences in monitors, shooting lights, ambient light, etc., the pictures may be slightly different from the real thing, please refer to the real thing. ❀ Dear customer. Thank you very much for your interest. If you are very satisfied with our products, I hope you move your fingers and give us good reviews. If you encounter product problems or logistics problems, please contact us and we will help you solve them. Thank you for your support to our store. Please rest assured that we will provide you with the best quality and service. Hope you can like our products. wish you a happy life!
4.144 €
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