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España (Todas las ciudades)
You will receive 6 individual files one with each color once purchased in a zipped folder. This image is a DIGITAL DOWNLOAD *** (NOT A PRINTED TRANSFER, NO ITEM WILL BE SHIPPED TO YOU) If you would like this printed as a sublimation transfer or would like it on a bleached tee. Please contact me. *** You will receive ONLY a PNG file with a transparent background, perfect for sublimation. I do NOT except exchanges/ returns on digital products. However, if you have an issue, please contact me. I will be happy to help*** Every effort has been made to represent the true colors of this file, but resolution and final colors may vary from screen to screen and printer to printer. The PNG file you receive will not be watermarked. You may use for personal or small business use up to 500 sales on physical finished products. All items must be watermarked to be display publicly (or you can add the design to a low-resolution mockup if you want instead) This just prevents people from stealing. The full designs cannot be resold digitally. Please note: All graphics remain property of their respective artist, you cannot resell these images, upload them to print on demand sites or share these images. Each person using these images must have their own receipt of purchase for use. ***Please make sure you have the required software and knowledge to use this graphic before making your purchase. Please note PNG files are PRINT files NOT cut files, PNG files do not work well with Cricut programs due to the size and resolution of them being so big. We do NOT offer refunds if you buy a PNG file and try to cut with it and have issues since that is not their intended use*** Happy Crafting! Sincerely, CCustoms
1.014 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
kintsugi, Japanese gold restoration bowl, gray wabi sabi bowl with relief decoration, contemporary ceramic restored in real gold. 金 継 ぎ Kintsugi in Japanese literally means “fixing with gold” and it represents the beauty of imperfections. Kintsugi is a restoration technique that started in Japan centuries ago. Kintsugi is the idea of embracing the flaws and imperfections of something that was once broken to get an even stronger and more precious piece of art. The cracks repaired with gold, represent the story of the pottery, an unrepeatable story which make every piece unique. Kintsugi is a great one-of-a-kind art piece that has great sentimental value, since it represents the strength and effort behind every single scar and the ability to recover from a trauma into a new form that is even stronger and more precious than before. Realkintsugi workshop restores the pottery with Genuine Kintsugi technique and 12 Carats white gold finishing. - Size of the pottery Diameter: 10,5 cm Height: 5,5 cm - What includes the order Free Express Shipping Handmade paper gift box Real 12K white gold finishing Authentic Kintsugi technique Silk fabric to protect the pottery Kintsugi card with Kintsugi description Custom postcard message (on request) - Kintsugi pottery care and info. Kintsugi items are for decorative purpose only. Please do not use to contain food or beverage. The Gold finishing is fragile so please pay attention to avoid to scratch it. If needed, clean Kintsugi using only a soft dry cloth. - Shipping and customs For a faster and safer delivery, please provide a telephone number to be contacted in case of problems during delivery. Some countries may apply import taxes and fee. CANADA: sales tax and Import fees may be applied UK: (after Brexit) charges VAT, Import fees may be applied USA: charges sales taxes at the checkout process EU MEMBERS: no fees applied usually ITALY: no fees applied AUSTRALIA: charges sales taxes at the checkout process and Import fees may be applied Please note that further taxes and fees may be applied. The receiver is responsible for Import taxes and fee. Import taxes and fees are calculated by the customs and changes state by state. Import fees and taxes are usually collected by the courier at the delivery. Please check Etsy help center and your country rules to avoid unexpected extra costs. - Notes and policies If you proceed with the purchase you confirm you read and agreed with the shop policies and with the description of the item, including the dimensions. All photos are subject to copyright. The must not be re-published without authorisation. For any question or doubts please contact me, I’ll be happy to answer as soon as possible.
20.900 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Do you earn your income from craftsmanship, which requires manual dexterity, experience, and effort? Although the value of artisans is not known much in today's conditions, you will need a crafter portrait logo to deliver your craft products to the target audience faster. You will leave your competitors behind with the crafter portrait logo we will make specially for you. Thus, that both your business and your craft products will be recognized by more people. WHY CHOOSE US? Giftman is the leader in creating cartoon portrait Join thousands of others and get your perfect drawing in a few easy steps from our Illustration Experts. ★ We only do hand-drawn portraits, with no App or software. ★ We are an artist's company with the best artists, you can find to draw these fantastic portraits. ★ Our reviews represent your guarantee ★ We only work with certified artists who have had to pass a severe and accurate selection process to guarantee a high-quality standard. HOW TO ORDER INFORMATION ★After the payment process, you will be asked to fill a form and to send us some pics. Then our certified artists will do the magic:) ★This purchase if and ONLY for the digital product, NO physical product, NO print is included ★The final design will be emailed to you upon completion Crafter cartoon portrait logos reflect the identities of individuals and companies. It must be designed on a professional scale, by the person and the company. Because the crafter portrait logos to be used are used in all marketing activities of individuals and companies, and thus, there is absolutely no room for error and should be perfect. If your portrait logo is perfect, your company's identity will be reflected in crafter portrait logo designs, and you will remain in the minds of your customers with the design. Today, the importance of marketing activities is increasing day by day. You can highlight your industry experience by using your crafter portrait logo in your promotional and marketing activities. You can express yourself with the pattern, color, and content of your crafter cartoon portrait logo. With the crafter portrait logo, you can reflect your corporate identity to the environment. You can differentiate yourself from your competitors with a crafter portrait logo that reflects you. With a custom crafter portrait logo suitable for your work area, you will have the chance to introduce and prove yourself more easily to the audience in the target market. You can convey a service that you can describe with hundreds of words to the target audience with a single crafter portrait logo that reflects you. We provide crafter portrait logo design service to you with our expert team and professional applications. From the moment you contact us, you can learn all the details about the subject. PLEASE NOTE: Your photos are the only reference material we have to work from. Please help us to create the best possible drawing for you by providing clear, high-quality photos. The better the photo the better result. If you can’t find the relevant payment option, contact us to get a personalized quote for your drawing. We reply to every message within 24hr with a relevant quote. Mention the total number of persons, pets, vehicles, or other main characters you would like us to draw. All characters can be drawn from separate photos or group photos.
5.569 €
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Mieres-Asturias (Asturias)
LUCES EN LAS MINAS: LÁMPARAS DE SEGURIDAD. LUCES EN LAS MINAS: LÁMPARAS DE SEGURIDAD. Me vais a permitir que os presente mi último libro que me han entregado esta semana y que lleva por título: “Luces en las minas de Asturias: Lámparas de seguridad”. Si conocéis o tenéis en vuestra biblioteca uno de mis anteriores trabajos, va en la misma línea de contenido e investigación, pero sobre las lámparas de seguridad que se utilizaron en las minas asturianas. Tiene 256 páginas en tamaño DIN A-4. Similar a los que tenéis, con el mismo tipo de papel, maquetación, ilustración… Pero no debo de ser yo quien hable de mi obra. LUCES EN LAS MINAS DE ASTURIAS “ LÁMPARAS DE SEGURIDAD ” Con la publicación de “ Lámparas de seguridad ”, Alberto Vilela culmina la trilogía “ Luces en las minas de Asturias ”, iniciada hace cinco años con el volumen que da título al conjunto y continuada con “ Candiles de sapo ”. “ Lámparas de seguridad ”, con su estudio de la lamparería utilizada en las cuencas hulleras asturianas en parte de los siglos XIX y XX, resuelve una carencia existente en la literatura minera española al respecto y significa una importante aportación, en múltiples aspectos, a la historia de la minería regional y su entorno sociocultural. Como es propio, el núcleo del libro está compuesto por la descripción técnica de las diversas lámparas utilizadas en la minería asturiana, las empresas dedicadas a su fabricación (con especial atención a la firma gijonesa Adaro, máxima representante de ellas), las diferentes sociedades comercializadoras y el proceso de introducción y uso de las mismas en las explotaciones carboníferas de Asturias. En apoyo de sus criterios el autor utiliza una abundante documentación bibliográfica, en muchos casos inédita, y una espléndida aportación fotográfica de las lámparas consideradas en el texto, fruto sin duda de su pasión coleccionista que le ha permitido poseer uno de los más importantes fondos de lamparería de España. La obra se engalana, en mi opinión, con las aportaciones técnicas y visión crítica de varios profesionales cualificados, profesores casi todos ellos de la Escuela de Minas de Mieres (a la sazón único centro de estudios de minería en Asturias), al señalar las consideraciones sobre iluminación de cualificados usufructuarios con una visión técnica significada y, a la par, realzar la vertiente asturiana del texto. Al igual que en sus obras anteriores, Vilela enriquece el texto con abundantes muestras de etnografía minera, en varios capítulos dedicados a la interrelación hombre, sociedad minera y lámpara en Asturias, con introducción de un rico anecdotario y efemérides conectadas con el tema. De idéntico modo mostrará su profunda admiración y el respeto que le merecen los lampisteros asturianos, en un trabajo poco considerado en general y de gran perfección y responsabilidad en sus manifestaciones. No olvida, tampoco, las transformaciones realizadas en las lámparas por los lampisteros, y en las lampisterías a las que dedica un capítulo, en un análisis de su ubicación, distribución, maquinaria y aparellaje. Por último el libro se cierra con un apartado dedicado a los gases de mina y sus efectos. Digno de mención es el esmerado trabajo tipográfico que complementa y resalta los numerosos valores de esta obra, digna de ocupar una relevante posición entre las dedicadas a la minería astur. . Los gastos de envío serán: 2 euros España, 10 euros para Europa 15 euros para el resto de países. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Let me show you my last book. It was delivered to me this week and it is titled "Luces en las minas de Asturias: Lámparas de seguridad". You know or you've got on your book collection at least one of my previous works. This one is about the same range of content and researching, but in this case about safety lamps that were used in the mines of Asturias. It contains 256 pages, DIN a-4 size. Its like you've already got, same kind of paper, layout, design, illustration... I think that I'm not the person who speak about my book. I take the liberty of sending a commentary of a friend of mine, miner engineer who lives in Catalunya: Today I've received the book "Luces en las minas de Asturias: Lámparas de seguridad". It's magnificent in every way: edition, writing, photography,documentary sources... For book collector it is indispensable for anyone who is an enthusiast about the history of mining industry in Asturias. Congratulations and thank you for quoting me. Spipping cost: Spain 2 euros. Europa 10 euros. Others 15 euros. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Je vous présente mon dernier livre qui vient juste de m'être livré et qui s'intitule Luces en las minas de Asturias: Lampes de sûreté. Si vous connaissez déjà ou possédez dans votre bibliothèque l'un de mes précédents ouvrages, celui-ci est dans la même ligne éditoriale et de recherche. Il porte sur les lampes de sûreté utilisées dans les mines des Asturies. Le livre comporte 256 pages au format A4. Il est semblable aux précédents: type de papier, mise en page, illustrations. Mais ce ne doit pas être moi qui parle de mon travail. Je me permets donc de vous faire part du commentaire que m'a transmis un ami, ingenieur des mines, qui réside en Catalogne: "J'ai reçu aujourd'hui le livre Luces en las minas de Asturias: Lampes de sûreté. Splendide à tous points de vue: édition, rédaction, photographies, sources documentaires ! Un must pour le bibliophile, un essentiel pour tout amateur d'histoire minière des Asturies. Félicitations. Merci de me citer." Frais d'envoi: 2 euro2 pour l'Espagne, 10 euros pour l'Europe et 15 euros pour les autres pays.
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España (Todas las ciudades)
We are glad to welcome you in our wall art store All our sizing is displayed per entire set, when all panels are combined, without spacing included. Ready to be hung on the wall. The process of creating a painting consists of 5 stages: 1. Preparation of printing equipment. We are using Epson GS6000 printer. Color calibration monitored by Epson professionals once every 3 weeks. The color of the image may be slightly different from what you see on your monitor, as each monitor or mobile device has different color settings 2. Preparing an image for printing. Creation of a layout for printing, in which color, size and software settings are also performed. After the printer has printed the desired image on a glossy canvas, we move on to an equally important stage - making a wooden frame 3. Made of pine wood frame, which has a thickness of 3.5 cm. We use pine wood, as it is flexible but at the same time very durable 4. Stretching the canvas onto a wooden frame We approach this stage very carefully, since the tension force must be calculated very accurately. The canvas should be stretched like a "drum" so that the picture does not sag, but also does not burst due to strong stretching. Thanks to the many years of experience of our masters, you can be sure that your picture will hang on your wall for a long time and delight you with its appearance 5. The final stage is packaging. We use 5 layers of packaging, so you don't have to worry that your order will be damaged during delivery. If something happens with your order during transportation, write to me and we will quickly resolve this issue Simple instructions on how to place an order: 1. Select the number of panels, then choose the size you need 2. Make Payment 3. When we ship the order, I will write you a tracking number Shipping: • Canvas are shipped usually within 1-3 days from date of completed payment. • Shipping USPS Priority Air Mail: Delivery times may vary between 7-21 days. • Delivery delays are due to holidays or due to unstable situation in the world.
11.838 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
This is a digital design for sublimation. You will not receive any physical product. You are purchasing a download to create your sublimation item with. These designs are made to be large so you can size them up or down in accordance to the item you are going to sublimate. Please measure the item you are going to sublimate before printing the design. Every substrate will vary in height and width. While I try my best to be accurate with my template, I cannot guarantee that my template size will fit the item you are sublimating. These designs belong to me as I retain the rights to them. These designs cannot be resold as digitals, shared with other people in digital format including Facebook Dump Groups. If you have any questions regarding this, please reach out. You MAY create physical products ONLY. This design is not to be copyrighted and sold as your own. Please keep in mind that colors will vary from the printer and computer you are using. Colors will also vary depending on the inks and the material that you are using. Refunds will not be given for these situations. *Please note* If you are opening these downloads in Silhouette, the image will be smaller than if you are to open them in Canva or Photoshop. You MUST resize the image to the size you are going to sublimate. If you have any questions, please connect with me. Please message me with any issues you may have. I love to see pictures of your finished products. Please share them with me. Your feedback is very important to me. Once you have sold 100 items, I ask that you simply repurchase the design. If you have any questions, please reach out. If you have any issues, please reach out to me before leaving any feedback so I can help you with the issue. I strive for 100% customer satisfaction. Thank you so much. Thank you so much for your purchase and I appreciate your business. Rebecca
419 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Purchase our Entire Store Here >>>>> https://www.etsy.com/es/listing/1270738359 GET ALL DOODLE LETTERS MEGA BUNDLE HERE >>>> https://www.etsy.com/listing/1215230135/100-mega-bundle-get-all-past-and-future 3x Doodle Sets PNG FILES WITH TRANSPARENT BACKGROUND - Letters A to Z - Numbers 0-9 - Bonus Characters This NOT an installable font, it is a PNG bundle pack. Check out our other letters, COMMERCIAL USE PHYSICAL PRODUCTS: You may make designs using this clip art set and sell on any physical products in unlimited quantities in small crafting businesses but NOT for print on demand or wholesale websites DIGITAL COMMERCIAL USE ALLOWED - DO NOT CREATE ALPHA SETS OR RESELL OUR DESIGNS IN ANY WAY INDIVIDUALLY YOU MUST ADD AT LEAST 50% MORE TO THE IMAGES *IMPORTANT* - All files are stores in google drive or dropbox, you will receive a PDF with a link to download your files. If you do not want to use either of these then please do not purchase as there are too many files to send via email or attach to a single etsy listing. - This NOT an installable font, it is a PNG bundle pack. - You may NOT make and sell alphabet sets or individual letters of this design. You may NOT resell these files as-is, anywhere. - If you are caught doing so this will result in legal action. - Please make sure you have the required software and knowledge to use this graphic before making your purchase. Refunds are not available on digital downloads. - Every effort has been made to represent the true colors of this image. Resolution may vary from screen to screen and printer to printer. ©Subfulli alphapack digital alphabet monogram font sublimation design printable alphabet doodle font doodle alphabet doodle letters sublimation blanks alpha pack doodle sublimation download alphabet hand drawn Hand Drawn Letters
1.736 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
In 2011, Michael Rapaport, actor, New-Yorker and Tribe Called Quest (/ Hip Hop) fan since day 1 released the documentary Beats, Rhymes & Life: The Travels Of A Tribe Called Quest (based upon the band's 4 LP, which saw the 1st productions by J. DIlla, and on which Q-Tip's cousin Consequence appeared a lot to a very much appealed audience). The documentary followed the band through hard times after an introduction which must have put a lot of smiles. A few weeks ago I was asked to work on a print for the documentary. The print should have the ATCQ colors and trademark shapes, funky letterings and the Sundance Film Festival logo. I liked it a lot, and decided it would go to complete my other works on the band's everlasting legacy. Edit 2019: I twisted the colors to give the print a fresh look, hope you'll like it. You now have the choice between 2 color-schemes, please leave a note when making your purchase. Giclée print on thick 180g non-glossy archival paper. Every print is watermarked on bottom left corner. Prints 18 x 24" // A2s and above are signed and dated. Prints dimensions (Please read carefully): American continent: _ 12 x 16 inches (250g paper) _ 18 x 24 inches (180g paper) _ 20 x 30 inches (180g paper) _ 24 x 36 inches (180g paper) Europe: _ A3 format (29,7 x 42 cm): Please pick up option "A3 11.7 x 16.5 inches". _ A2 format (42 x 59.4 cm): Please pick up option "A2 16.5 x 23.4 inches". _ 50 x 70cm: Please pick up option "50x70cm 19.7x27.56 Inches". _ 60 x 80cm: Please pick up option "60x80cm 23.62 x 31.5 Inches". Combined shipping is automatic at checkout. Any question be sure to let me know.
3.011 €
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