Eye create ps3
Listado top ventas eye create ps3

España (Todas las ciudades)
EyePet Move Edition te acerca a tu mejor amigo mágico gracias al control de movimiento PlayStation Move. Características: · Cría a la mascota más increíble de la naturaleza hasta que crezca completamente. · Utiliza el mando de movimiento PlayStation Move para facilitar la cría y para jugar con tu mascota, dibuja juguetes en la pantalla (y en el papel) y observa cómo cobran vida. · Disfruta de nuevos juguetes exclusivos de EyePet Move Edition, aprende trucos y utiliza la cámara PlayStation Eye para capturar los momentos más memorables de tu mascota.
5 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Ficha técnica golden eye reloaded ps3 titulo: golden eye reloaded ps3 genero: shooter caja original: Sí Descripción golden eye reloaded ps3 golden eye reloaded ps3 es un objeto de Segunda Mano que se ofrece en estado Buen estado.
16,95 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Ficha técnica golden eye reloaded ps3 genero: shooter titulo: golden eye reloaded ps3 caja original: Sí informacion adicional: imagen no contractual Descripción golden eye reloaded ps3 golden eye reloaded ps3 es un objeto de Segunda Mano que se ofrece en estado Buen estado.
16,95 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Eye Pet y sus amigos para PS3. Incluye caja protectora y documentos originales. Funciona perfectamente.
14,94 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
En exclusiva para PS3, con la colaboración de Hasbro el especialista en juegos de cartas coleccionables, Eye of Judgment presenta un estilo nuevo de juego en el que la tecnología pionera de PlayStationEye da vida a monstruos y personajes de fantasía en una batalla en 3D. Con el sistema 9 Fields Battle Mat (tablero de batalla de 9 campos) y las Summoning cards (cartas de invocación), los jugadores conquistan el terreno de juego seleccionando una carta y colocándola delante de la cámara PlayStationEye. Cuando comience la batalla, podrás ver cómo los personajes cobran vida y combaten por la supremacía. Cada personaje tiene una serie de atributos que determinarán el resultado final de la batalla. Los jugadores colocan las cartas por turnos y luchan por obtener el control del área de juego. La capacidad de PS3 y de la cámara PlayStationEye de última generación para reconocer cartas han hecho posible Eye of Judgment. Cada carta posee un código único que lee la cámara, permitiendo al sistema PS3 crear personajes animados de alta definición y fusionarlos en pantalla a la perfección mediante la cámara. Se trata de una aplicación revolucionaria de última tecnología a un formato de juego de cartas muy popular y que cautivará a jugadores de todas las edades. El juego incluye un paquete de principiante con treinta cartas de personajes y hechizos, además de cuatro funciones. En el momento del lanzamiento habrá un total de más de cien cartas disponibles que se podrán comprar por separado en los comercios, con una gama de decks (bibliotecas) con temas diferentes disponibles en las grandes cadenas de toda Europa. Haz trueques y construye tu deck (biblioteca) para la batalla definitiva. Una nueva forma de juego: éste es el primer ejemplo de las posibilidades de uso de la cámara para PS3. Elige entre más de cien Summoning cards (cartas de invocación) con las que combatir, desde criaturas hasta hechizos, y juega con las cartas incluso estando lejos de tu PS3. Se planea que salgan a la venta varios discos de expansión de datos y (decks) bibliotecas que actualizarán y cambiarán las estrategias de juego. El juego incluye también otra 8deck (biblioteca con ocho booster -cartas de mejora-).
6 €
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Madrid (Madrid)
CAMARA EYE PS3 CAMARA EYE PS3 Vendo camara para PlayStation 3 en buenas condiciones entrego en mano en Madrid o envio a nivel Mundial
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Genji combina efectos visuales artísticos y atmosféricos con ambientes de intensos combates que te permiten luchar contra tus adversarios a través de bosques otoñales, grandes palacios, y campos de batalla teñidos en sangre, usando un sistema de lucha increíblemente amplio. Existen técnicas especiales, como el Mind´s Eye, que ralentizan el tiempo y te permiten anticipar el siguiente movimiento de tu enemigo y castigarle con devastadores golpes mortales.
6 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Si lo vuestro es jugar en familia y con amigos para pasar un rato ameno y divertido, Sony ofrece otra alternativa para PlayStation 3. Vuelven los minijuegos del mítico título de esta consola Start the Party! Lanzado en noviembre de 2011, la nueva entrega de este juego, Start the Party! Salva el Mundo, vuelve a ofrecer gran cantidad de minijuegos de realidad aumentada en los que se utiliza el mando PlayStation Move y la tecnología PlayStation Eye para que sean los jugadores quienes manejen con todo detalle de movimiento a los personajes (ellos mismos) y prosperen en la infinidad de juegos que ofrece este título.
7 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
La galardonada franquicia SKATE regresa para conquistar el asfalto. SKATE 3 te proporciona la experiencia cooperativa más emocionante del universo skate. Está en manos de los jugadores crear el mejor equipo y transformar la ciudad sobre cuatro ruedas. Prepárate para superar los retos más audaces, compite online contra las pandillas rivales y arrasa por las calles de Port Carverton, el paraíso de cualquier skater. En SKATE 3, los jugadores experimentarán la magia. "Skate.Create" posee todas la herramientas necesarias para personalizar los equipos y compartirlo todo online. Desde diseñar la plaza perfecta para patinar o una mega rampa con la herramienta "Skate.Park" a crear vídeos de sus proezas. También podrán diseñar un logo personalizado para su equipo con la herramienta "Skate.Graphics" Todo el que quiera podrá deslizarse por las calles con SKATE 3. Los principiantes aprenderán nuevos trucos y maniobras en la Skate.School, el lugar ideal para practicar y mejorar su habilidad con la tabla para luego hacer maravillas con tu equipo. En SKATE 3 los jugadores podrán vivir las todas las emociones del skate, tanto la competitividad como el compañerismo propio de este deporte. En SKATE 3 hay más trucos y mejoras que hacen de este juego el más divertido del mundo del skate.
10 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
???? ADHD PRINTABLE PLANNER - RAINBOW ???? If you’ve tried and ‘failed’ at planners, it’s not because you’re ‘bad’ at planning or organization. It’s because most traditional planners (you know, the kind with 365 daily page layouts staring accusingly at you) aren’t designed for your neurotype. If you’re like me, you’ll feel guilty when you miss a day (or month) with regular planners, and then just stop using the planner altogether and throw it in a pile with all the others. But your brain isn’t broken, it’s just NEVER been given a flexible system that works with its creativity, passion and inconsistency. Until now… We’re not organizational robots… we’re messy, organic humans, and we need a planner that evolves with us. And that’s the approach I took when designing this ADHD planner. My planner design has a unique build-as-you-go format especially designed for ADHD brains. It’s so good, it’s the only ADHD-specific planner of its kind recommended by therapists, psychologists and behavioral scientists (and yes, I have the testimonials and podcast interviews to back this up ???????? futureadhd.com/proof) My unique planner system has over 2,000 five star reviews, and people who’ve been using this planner for MONTHS AND MONTHS - for the first time in their life! ❤️ People like LJ (review left 22nd March) “Actually really helps you focus and accomplish big goals! Six months with printable version and it is WORKING! I love planners but my life really didn’t improve much with regular planners. This is giving me results!” ❤️ People like Callum (review left 19th March) “I have had this printable for about two months now. I adore this. Super helpful for my ADHD - easy to choose which pages to print, printer-friendly black & white pages save ink, and the best part is that it actually WORKS for my ADHD brain. Do I use it every day? Hell no, I barely remember to eat regularly! But when I need it, it's extremely easy to pop a pre-printed page in my notebook and move on with my day instead of sifting through hundreds of unused planner pages glaring at me emptily. This is the planner I have used the most BY FAR, and it feels so easy and sustainable that I am so glad I bought it. It's flexible enough that I'm not worried about buying a planner every two weeks anymore.” ❤️ People like Maria in Costa Rica (review left 23rd January): “I just wanted to share how much I appreciate your work in creating your planner. I just bought it and I cried reading through it. I've never seen anything like it. I feel so seen and supported. It feels like I've been in crowds of strangers averting their eyes and suddenly someone made eye contact with me. You nailed it.” The planner template library includes unique visual tools I invented based on research and my own lived experience as a creator with ADHD... like the Hyperfocus Lotus, Impulse Buy Checklist, 10&10 savings method, Div/Con planning and Symmetry Stress-relief. These methods are unconventional, but they work beautifully for neurodivergent brains. ???? Want to see inside the planner? Come check out my IG @future.adhd where I share walkthrough videos, tips and hacks, and neurospicy truth bombs. ???? In every section of this adult ADHD planner, you can read the scientific reasoning, research and how my templates directly support and empower your creative, often wild, fast-brained ADHD mind. There are over 230 pages, with tons of options so you can customize to suit your brain, your lifestyle and your habits. -------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER VARIATIONS: ???? RAINBOW - Digital/iPad ADHD Planner → https://etsy.me/3JHQFIB ???? PINK/GOLD - Digital/iPad ADHD Planner → https://etsy.me/3b1E9a0 ???? PINK/GOLD - Printable ADHD Planner → https://etsy.me/3nEvf4R -------------------------------------------------------------- ???? FILES YOU WILL RECEIVE ???? You will receive a 230 page file in: ⌂ US Letter size ⌂ A4 / A5 size ⌂ Happy Planner size ⌂ Step-by-step Planner Layout Guide ⌂ Customer support chat talking to actual genuine humans. And we have every device and app so we can help you. **Print A4 ‘two to a page’ for A5 size. I DON’T recommend printing 2 to a page with US letter however, only A4. ???? CALENDARS ???? ⌂ 2023 dated planners (Sun or Mon start) ⌂ Undated calendar ⌂ LIFETIME UPDATES to access all future annual editions of the planner ???? SCIENCE TIPS - Understand your ADHD brain ???? The planner includes 7 ‘science explainer’ pages where I cover the latest research on ADHD and link it to areas like: ⌂ ADHD & time perception ⌂ Divergent & Convergent thinking ⌂ ADHD & Money ⌂ ADHD & Motivation ⌂ Why ADHD Minds Wander ⌂ ADHD & Exercise ⌂ ADHD Hyperfocus ???? GET SH*T DONE - Daily prioritizing and productivity pages ???? ⌂ Daily planner (in multiple layouts, ADHD specific) ⌂ Weekly planner (undated) ⌂ Monthly overview + Jan-Dec calendars (undated) ⌂ ‘Do it with dopamine’ (multiple formats - reward-based templates for completing boring tasks) ⌂ Get sh*t done to do list with reward sections (weekdays & weekends) ⌂ Div/Con planning - to help you move from brainstorm ideation to logical action ⌂ Real-world priorities template (based on the Eisenhower Matrix) ???? REMEMBER STUFF - tracking tools ???? ⌂ New friend names - tracker (so you never awkwardly forget someone’s name again) ⌂ D&Ms with friends - tracker ⌂ #ADHDtax (yes it’s a thing) - tracker ⌂ Hyper-focus list to store all the information you deep-dive into ⌂ Parcel arrival - tracker (so you don’t forget those 5 widgets you ordered ????) ⌂ Podcasts I need to finish - tracker ⌂ Books I started - tracker ⌂ Assignment due date - tracker ⌂ Passwords - tracker ???? PROJECTS - Notebook Stack ???? ⌂ 5 blank notebooks for you to keep track of your creative ideas & projects ???? FINANCE - Conscious Cash ???? This is the largest and most recent addition to the planner, and contains a mix of standard budgeting templates you’re used to, plus innovative and new budgeting templates specifically designed to help the ADHD brain when it comes to money management. You won’t find our unique ADHD budgeting templates (like the Div/Con savings goal, 10&10 rule or Impulse Buy checklist) anywhere else! ⌂ Household budget ⌂ Vacation budget ⌂ Income vs. Expenses ⌂ Subscription tracker (because… ADHD tax) ⌂ Debt check-in ⌂ Debt dissolver ⌂ Impulse buy checklist (guides you to decision making when you’re feeling impulsive) ⌂ 24 hr cart list (designed to reduce impulsive online shopping ????) ⌂ Takeout tracker ⌂ Spending habit tracker ⌂ Bill tracker ⌂ Blank trackers ⌂ Savings wishlist ⌂ Future self savings jar ⌂ Div/Con savings goal ⌂ The 10 & 10 rule (my custom invention to create dopamine-fuelled savings goals ????) ⌂ Clutter cash ⌂ Gift budgeting ⌂ Money tips ⌂ Bank account details (no more out-of-sight, out-of-mind ????) ⌂ Money Honey date nights (accountability buddy system) ⌂ My money history ⌂ My money future ???? HEALTHY HABIT SETTING ???? I get it. Habits and goals feel weird and hard. My planner includes guided tips and suggestions the whole way through - and this section is no exception… filled with practical breakdowns and actionable steps, based on the latest behavioural science. ✔️ ⌂ The self-care assessment wheel ⌂ Habit visualisation and habit tracking (including my unique journey mode!) ⌂ Habit evaluation step by step ⌂ Daily habit checkboxes on daily/weekly layouts ⌂ Limiting belief reframing ???? SELF CARE ???? These trackers all link to the goals you’ve set in the previous section. ⌂ Mood tracker ⌂ Self-care routine ⌂ Sleep tracker ⌂ Screen time tracker ⌂ Fitness tracker ⌂ Blank tracker ⌂ Notes for/from therapy ⌂ ADHD coaching session notes ⌂ Medication & appointment trackers ???? HOME - Domestic domination ???? ⌂ Digital de-clutter guide ⌂ Home declutter guide ⌂ Meal planner (two variations) ⌂ Categorized Grocery list ⌂ Plant health tracker (???? > ????) ⌂ Pet feeding tracker ???????? ???? WORK - Unique Focus Tools ???? ** Unique visual tools I invented (based on the neuroscience) to specifically help ADHD brains: ⌂ The Hyper-focus Lotus (to playfully remind you to eat, take breaks, use the bathroom and drink water during periods of hyperfocus) ⌂ Productivity Power Petals ⌂ Phone call focus pages (so you can pay attention to your friend’s vent session instead of tuning out) ???? MENTAL HEALTH - Unwind Un-mind ???? ⌂ Don’t Think, Just Do page for when you are in analysis paralysis. Self care first, then decide. ❤️ ⌂ Wind-down strategies & tracker ⌂ Fave playlists to help you unwind and relax, categorized ⌂ ‘Color to Calm’ pages (to pull your ADHD brain out of divergent ‘pinging thoughts’ mode and move into logical convergent thinking) ⌂ Symmetry Stress-relief pages ???? COVERS ???? ⌂ 14 beautiful cover options (pick your fave or rotate for novelty) ???? BONUS ADD-ON ???? ✨ Wallet-sized carry cards: ‘Color to Calm’ and 'Symmetry Stress-relief' for when you don’t have your planner with you ————————————————————— ???? WHAT IS THE SCIENTIFIC BASIS? ???? There is so much to explore when you begin researching ADHD science, but I have focused on the research that relates most pressingly to productivity and routine. The templates and the supporting information inside are based on the work of several significant contributors to ADHD research… Dr Russell Barkley, particularly his comments on the nature of attentional differentiation being linked to shifts in interest and motivation; Dr Edward Hallowell & Dr John Ratey, and particularly their work on negative self perception links to self-efficacy, and overabundance (not limitation) of attention; and Tamara Rosier and her work on divergent and convergent thinking habits in ADHD brains and 'light switch' emotional responses to tasks which influences our executive functioning ability. The planner includes 7 pages where I cover this research and link it to areas like ADHD & time perception, Divergent & Convergent thinking, ADHD & Money, ADHD & Motivation, Why ADHD Minds Wander, ADHD & Exercise and ADHD Hyperfocus. For a full deep dive on the science behind the planner, see: https://futureadhd.com/science —————————————————————— ???? YOU WILL RECEIVE ???? You will receive: ⌂ US Letter ⌂ A4 / A5 ⌂ Happy Planner ⌂ Step-by-step Planner Layout Guide ⌂ Customer support chat talking to actual genuine humans. And we have every device and app so we can help you. **Print A4 ‘two to a page’ for A5 size. I DON’T recommend printing 2 to a page with US letter however, only A4. ------------------------------------------------------------- DIGITAL DOWNLOAD: This is a printable planner so you will receive a PDF file bundle. No item/s will be shipped to you. You get to print out what you need, as you need it for your personal use. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ????????♀️ ABOUT THE CREATOR ????????♀️ Hi, I’m Grace! I was diagnosed with ADHD in my 30s, and am an ADHD educator (B. Ed), speaker, writer & host of the Future ADHD podcast. I take a scientific approach to creating organizational tools that work with (not against) neurodivergent brains. I have integrated my training in breathwork and meditation to support the ADHD nervous system from a holistic perspective, and create a planner that promotes self care to support sustainable productivity. My team and I are continuing to collaborate with psychologists, therapists and behavioral scientists to create a range of strength-based ADHD resources that help you understand your brilliant, divergent brain. Dive in and enjoy! To ease & clarity, Grace x P.s Follow us on Instagram & TikTok @future.adhd and come say hiii! ----------------------------------------------------------------- ADHD Growth Mindset Life Planner Copyright © 2023 by Grace from Future ADHD. This planner is for PERSONAL use only and DOES NOT come with commercial license to re-sell, re-distribute, alter or share. Individuals, businesses, therapists, health practitioners or wellness coaches wishing to use this resource with their clients/patients will need written permission. Email support [!at] futureadhd.com. I have put MONTHS of work into the research and design for this planner. Please respect creators.
2.194 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
???? DARK MODE ADHD DIGITAL PLANNER: FOR APPLE, ANDROID AND WINDOWS ANNOTATION APPS (GOODNOTES, NOTABILITY, XODO etc) ???? If you’ve tried and ‘failed’ at planners, it’s not because you’re ‘bad’ at planning or organization. It’s because most traditional planners (you know, the kind with 365 daily page layouts staring accusingly at you) aren’t designed for your neurotype. If you’re like me, you’ll feel guilty when you miss a day (or month) with regular planners, and then just stop using the planner altogether and throw it in a pile with all the others. But your brain isn’t broken, it’s just NEVER been given a flexible system that works with its creativity, passion and inconsistency. Until now… We’re not organizational robots… we’re messy, organic humans, and we need a planner that evolves with us. And that’s the approach I took when designing this ADHD planner. My planner design has a unique build-as-you-go format especially designed for ADHD brains. It’s so good, it’s the only ADHD-specific planner of its kind recommended by therapists, psychologists and behavioral scientists (and yes, I have the testimonials and podcast interviews to back this up ???????? futureadhd.com/proof) My unique planner system has over 2,000 five star reviews, and people who’ve been using this planner for MONTHS AND MONTHS - for the first time in their life! ❤️ People like LJ (review left 22nd March) “Actually really helps you focus and accomplish big goals! Six months with printable version and it is WORKING! I love planners but my life really didn’t improve much with regular planners. This is giving me results!” ❤️ People like Callum (review left 19th March) “I have had this printable for about two months now. I adore this. Super helpful for my ADHD - easy to choose which pages to print, printer-friendly black & white pages save ink, and the best part is that it actually WORKS for my ADHD brain. Do I use it every day? Hell no, I barely remember to eat regularly! But when I need it, it's extremely easy to pop a pre-printed page in my notebook and move on with my day instead of sifting through hundreds of unused planner pages glaring at me emptily. This is the planner I have used the most BY FAR, and it feels so easy and sustainable that I am so glad I bought it. It's flexible enough that I'm not worried about buying a planner every two weeks anymore.” ❤️ People like Maria in Costa Rica (review left 23rd January): “I just wanted to share how much I appreciate your work in creating your planner. I just bought it and I cried reading through it. I've never seen anything like it. I feel so seen and supported. It feels like I've been in crowds of strangers averting their eyes and suddenly someone made eye contact with me. You nailed it.” The planner template library includes unique visual tools I invented based on research and my own lived experience as a creator with ADHD... like the Hyperfocus Lotus, Impulse Buy Checklist, 10&10 savings method, Div/Con planning and Symmetry Stress-relief. These methods are unconventional, but they work beautifully for neurodivergent brains. ???? Want to see inside the planner? Come check out my IG @future.adhd where I share walkthrough videos, tips and hacks, and neurospicy truth bombs. ???? In every section of this adult ADHD planner, you can read the scientific reasoning, research and how my templates directly support and empower your creative, often wild, fast-brained ADHD mind. There are over 240 pages, with tons of options so you can customize to suit your brain, your lifestyle and your habits. -—————————————————————— OTHER ITEMS YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED IN: ???? Printable ADHD planners: https://etsy.me/3nEvf4R ???? Rainbow version of this digital planner: https://etsy.me/3JHQFIB -—————————————————————— ???? COMPATIBILITY ???? I have custom-built a website setup wizard for all my planners, including installation and walkthrough video tutorials for all my recommended apps across Apple, Android and Windows devices. Apps I recommend: - iOS: Goodnotes, Notability, Xodo - Android: Xodo, Flexcil, Noteshelf - Windows: Xodo - ReMarkable compatible version now available! (See my Monochrome digital planner here:) - Best experience with a stylus or Apple Pencil - Not compatible with OneNote or Kindle Fire (???????? Not techy? No probs! My custom Setup Wizard will walk you through importing to your device, plus there’s a Quick Start Guide inside the planner!) INCLUDED IN THIS ADHD PLANNER BUNDLE ⌂ 240+ page hyperlinked ADHD planner file ⌂ Quick start guide built in (to get you on your way without overwhelm) ⌂ Video tutorials ⌂ Setup Wizard & support articles ⌂ Customer support chat talking to actual genuine humans. And we have every device and app so we can help you. ???? CALENDARS ???? ⌂ 2023 dated planners (Sun or Mon start) ⌂ Undated calendar ⌂ LIFETIME UPDATES to access all future annual editions of the planner ???? SCIENCE TIPS - Understand your ADHD brain ???? The planner includes 7 ‘science explainer’ pages where I cover the latest research on ADHD and link it to areas like: ⌂ ADHD & time perception ⌂ Divergent & Convergent thinking ⌂ ADHD & Money ⌂ ADHD & Motivation ⌂ Why ADHD Minds Wander ⌂ ADHD & Exercise ⌂ ADHD Hyperfocus ???? GET SH*T DONE - Daily prioritizing and productivity pages ???? ⌂ Daily planner (in multiple layouts, ADHD specific) ⌂ Weekly planner (undated) ⌂ Monthly overview + Jan-Dec calendars (undated) ⌂ ‘Do it with dopamine’ (multiple formats - reward-based templates for completing boring tasks) ⌂ Get sh*t done to do list with reward sections (weekdays & weekends) ⌂ Div/Con planning - to help you move from brainstorm ideation to logical action ⌂ Real-world priorities template (based on the Eisenhower Matrix) ???? REMEMBER STUFF - tracking tools ???? ⌂ New friend names - tracker (so you never awkwardly forget someone’s name again) ⌂ D&Ms with friends - tracker ⌂ #ADHDtax (yes it’s a thing) - tracker ⌂ Hyper-focus list to store all the information you deep-dive into ⌂ Parcel arrival - tracker (so you don’t forget those 5 widgets you ordered ????) ⌂ Podcasts I need to finish - tracker ⌂ Books I started - tracker ⌂ Assignment due date - tracker ⌂ Passwords - tracker ???? PROJECTS - Notebook Stack ???? ⌂ 5 blank notebooks for you to keep track of your creative ideas & projects ???? FINANCE - Conscious Cash ???? This is the largest and most recent addition to the planner, and contains a mix of standard budgeting templates you’re used to, plus innovative and new budgeting templates specifically designed to help the ADHD brain when it comes to money management. You won’t find our unique ADHD budgeting templates (like the Div/Con savings goal, 10&10 rule or Impulse Buy checklist) anywhere else! ⌂ Household budget ⌂ Vacation budget ⌂ Income vs. Expenses ⌂ Subscription tracker (because… ADHD tax) ⌂ Debt check-in ⌂ Debt dissolver ⌂ Impulse buy checklist (guides you to decision making when you’re feeling impulsive) ⌂ 24 hr cart list (designed to reduce impulsive online shopping ????) ⌂ Takeout tracker ⌂ Spending habit tracker ⌂ Bill tracker ⌂ Blank trackers ⌂ Savings wishlist ⌂ Future self savings jar ⌂ Div/Con savings goal ⌂ The 10 & 10 rule (my custom invention to create dopamine-fuelled savings goals ????) ⌂ Clutter cash ⌂ Gift budgeting ⌂ Money tips ⌂ Bank account details (no more out-of-sight, out-of-mind ????) ⌂ Money Honey date nights (accountability buddy system) ⌂ My money history ⌂ My money future ???? HEALTHY HABIT SETTING ???? I get it. Habits and goals feel weird and hard. My planner includes guided tips and suggestions the whole way through - and this section is no exception… filled with practical breakdowns and actionable steps, based on the latest behavioural science. ✔️ ⌂ The self-care assessment wheel ⌂ Habit visualisation and habit tracking (including my unique journey mode!) ⌂ Habit evaluation step by step ⌂ Daily habit checkboxes on daily/weekly layouts ⌂ Limiting belief reframing ???? SELF CARE ???? These trackers all link to the goals you’ve set in the previous section. ⌂ Mood tracker ⌂ Self-care routine ⌂ Sleep tracker ⌂ Screen time tracker ⌂ Fitness tracker ⌂ Blank tracker ⌂ Notes for/from therapy ⌂ ADHD coaching session notes ⌂ Medication & appointment trackers ???? HOME - Domestic domination ???? ⌂ Digital de-clutter guide ⌂ Home declutter guide ⌂ Meal planner (two variations) ⌂ Categorized Grocery list ⌂ Plant health tracker (???? > ????) ⌂ Pet feeding tracker ???????? ???? WORK - Unique Focus Tools ???? ** Unique visual tools I invented (based on the neuroscience) to specifically help ADHD brains: ⌂ The Hyper-focus Lotus (to playfully remind you to eat, take breaks, use the bathroom and drink water during periods of hyperfocus) ⌂ Productivity Power Petals ⌂ Phone call focus pages (so you can pay attention to your friend’s vent session instead of tuning out) ???? MENTAL HEALTH - Unwind Un-mind ???? ⌂ Don’t Think, Just Do page for when you are in analysis paralysis. Self care first, then decide. ❤️ ⌂ Wind-down strategies & tracker ⌂ Fave playlists to help you unwind and relax, categorized ⌂ ‘Color to Calm’ pages (to pull your ADHD brain out of divergent ‘pinging thoughts’ mode and move into logical convergent thinking) ⌂ Symmetry Stress-relief pages ???? COVERS ???? ⌂ 14 beautiful cover options (pick your fave or rotate for novelty) ???? BONUS ADD-ONS ???? ✨ BONUS 1: 140 Digital Sticker Pack ✨ BONUS 2: Printable ‘Color to Calm’ and 'Symmetry Stress-relief' handy carry cards (so you can take them with you when you don't have your iPad ????) ————————————————————— ???? WHAT IS THE SCIENTIFIC BASIS? ???? There is so much to explore when you begin researching ADHD science, but I have focused on the research that relates most pressingly to productivity and routine. The templates and the supporting information inside are based on the work of several significant contributors to ADHD research… Dr Russell Barkley, particularly his comments on the nature of attentional differentiation being linked to shifts in interest and motivation; Dr Edward Hallowell & Dr John Ratey, and particularly their work on negative self perception links to self-efficacy, and overabundance (not limitation) of attention; and Tamara Rosier and her work on divergent and convergent thinking habits in ADHD brains and 'light switch' emotional responses to tasks which influences our executive functioning ability. The planner includes 7 pages where I cover this research and link it to areas like ADHD & time perception, Divergent & Convergent thinking, ADHD & Money, ADHD & Motivation, Why ADHD Minds Wander, ADHD & Exercise and ADHD Hyperfocus. For a full deep dive on the science behind the planner, see: https://futureadhd.com/science —————————————————————— ???? YOU WILL RECEIVE ???? - 240 page PDF digital planner file - Digital stickers (png format with installation guide) - 10 min walk through video - Tutorial videos to support installation on all major apps - Bonus printable coloring cards - Installation guide - Quick start guide (built into planner) ————————————————————— ????????♀️ ABOUT THE CREATOR ????????♀️ Hi, I’m Grace! I was diagnosed with ADHD in my 30s, and am an ADHD educator (B. Ed), speaker, writer & host of the Future ADHD podcast. I take a scientific approach to creating organizational tools that work with (not against) neurodivergent brains. I have integrated my training in breathwork and meditation to support the ADHD nervous system from a holistic perspective, and create a planner that promotes self care to support sustainable productivity. My team and I are continuing to collaborate with psychologists, therapists and behavioral scientists to create a range of strength-based ADHD resources that help you understand your brilliant, divergent brain. Dive in and enjoy! To ease & clarity, Grace x P.s Follow us on Instagram & TikTok @future.adhd and come say hiii! ————————————————————— DIGITAL DOWNLOAD: This is a digital planner, designed to be used with annotation apps on iPads and other tablet devices - so you will receive a digital file. No item/s will be shipped to you. You will get installation instructions as well as a user guide inside the planner. You should be able to use the planner 'as is', but can also duplicate pages as you need them for your personal use. ————————————————————— ADHD Growth Mindset Life Planner Copyright © 2023 by Grace from Future ADHD. This planner is for PERSONAL use only and DOES NOT come with commercial license to re-sell, re-distribute, alter or share. Individuals, businesses, therapists, health practitioners or wellness coaches wishing to use this resource with their clients/patients will need written permission. Email support [!at] futureadhd.com. I have put MONTHS of work into the research and design for this planner. Please respect creators.
2.187 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
???? ADHD PRINTABLE PLANNER - SUNSET ???? If you’ve tried and ‘failed’ at planners, it’s not because you’re ‘bad’ at planning or organization. It’s because most traditional planners (you know, the kind with 365 daily page layouts staring accusingly at you) aren’t designed for your neurotype. If you’re like me, you’ll feel guilty when you miss a day (or month) with regular planners, and then just stop using the planner altogether and throw it in a pile with all the others. But your brain isn’t broken, it’s just NEVER been given a flexible system that works with its creativity, passion and inconsistency. Until now… We’re not organizational robots… we’re messy, organic humans, and we need a planner that evolves with us. And that’s the approach I took when designing this ADHD planner. My planner design has a unique build-as-you-go format especially designed for ADHD brains. It’s so good, it’s the only ADHD-specific planner of its kind recommended by therapists, psychologists and behavioral scientists (and yes, I have the testimonials and podcast interviews to back this up ???????? futureadhd.com/proof) My unique planner system has over 2,000 five star reviews, and people who’ve been using this planner for MONTHS AND MONTHS - for the first time in their life! ❤️ People like LJ (review left 22nd March) “Actually really helps you focus and accomplish big goals! Six months with printable version and it is WORKING! I love planners but my life really didn’t improve much with regular planners. This is giving me results!” ❤️ People like Callum (review left 19th March) “I have had this printable for about two months now. I adore this. Super helpful for my ADHD - easy to choose which pages to print, printer-friendly black & white pages save ink, and the best part is that it actually WORKS for my ADHD brain. Do I use it every day? Hell no, I barely remember to eat regularly! But when I need it, it's extremely easy to pop a pre-printed page in my notebook and move on with my day instead of sifting through hundreds of unused planner pages glaring at me emptily. This is the planner I have used the most BY FAR, and it feels so easy and sustainable that I am so glad I bought it. It's flexible enough that I'm not worried about buying a planner every two weeks anymore.” ❤️ People like Maria in Costa Rica (review left 23rd January): “I just wanted to share how much I appreciate your work in creating your planner. I just bought it and I cried reading through it. I've never seen anything like it. I feel so seen and supported. It feels like I've been in crowds of strangers averting their eyes and suddenly someone made eye contact with me. You nailed it.” The planner template library includes unique visual tools I invented based on research and my own lived experience as a creator with ADHD... like the Hyperfocus Lotus, Impulse Buy Checklist, 10&10 savings method, Div/Con planning and Symmetry Stress-relief. These methods are unconventional, but they work beautifully for neurodivergent brains. ???? Want to see inside the planner? Come check out my IG @future.adhd where I share walkthrough videos, tips and hacks, and neurospicy truth bombs. ???? In every section of this adult ADHD planner, you can read the scientific reasoning, research and how my templates directly support and empower your creative, often wild, fast-brained ADHD mind. There are over 230 pages, with tons of options so you can customize to suit your brain, your lifestyle and your habits. -------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER VARIATIONS: ???? RAINBOW - Printable ADHD Planner → https://etsy.me/3IbnQnf ???? RAINBOW - Digital/iPad ADHD Planner → https://etsy.me/3JHQFIB ???? PINK/GOLD - Digital/iPad ADHD Planner → https://etsy.me/3b1E9a0 -------------------------------------------------------------- ???? FILES YOU WILL RECEIVE ???? You will receive a 230 page file in: ⌂ US Letter size ⌂ A4 / A5 size ⌂ Happy Planner size ⌂ Step-by-step Planner Layout Guide ⌂ Customer support chat talking to actual genuine humans. And we have every device and app so we can help you. **Print A4 ‘two to a page’ for A5 size. I DON’T recommend printing 2 to a page with US letter however, only A4. ???? CALENDARS ???? ⌂ 2023 dated planners (Sun or Mon start) ⌂ Undated calendar ⌂ LIFETIME UPDATES to access all future annual editions of the planner ???? SCIENCE TIPS - Understand your ADHD brain ???? The planner includes 7 ‘science explainer’ pages where I cover the latest research on ADHD and link it to areas like: ⌂ ADHD & time perception ⌂ Divergent & Convergent thinking ⌂ ADHD & Money ⌂ ADHD & Motivation ⌂ Why ADHD Minds Wander ⌂ ADHD & Exercise ⌂ ADHD Hyperfocus ???? GET SH*T DONE - Daily prioritizing and productivity pages ???? ⌂ Daily planner (in multiple layouts, ADHD specific) ⌂ Weekly planner (undated) ⌂ Monthly overview + Jan-Dec calendars (undated) ⌂ ‘Do it with dopamine’ (multiple formats - reward-based templates for completing boring tasks) ⌂ Get sh*t done to do list with reward sections (weekdays & weekends) ⌂ Div/Con planning - to help you move from brainstorm ideation to logical action ⌂ Real-world priorities template (based on the Eisenhower Matrix) ???? REMEMBER STUFF - tracking tools ???? ⌂ New friend names - tracker (so you never awkwardly forget someone’s name again) ⌂ D&Ms with friends - tracker ⌂ #ADHDtax (yes it’s a thing) - tracker ⌂ Hyper-focus list to store all the information you deep-dive into ⌂ Parcel arrival - tracker (so you don’t forget those 5 widgets you ordered ????) ⌂ Podcasts I need to finish - tracker ⌂ Books I started - tracker ⌂ Assignment due date - tracker ⌂ Passwords - tracker ???? PROJECTS - Notebook Stack ???? ⌂ 5 blank notebooks for you to keep track of your creative ideas & projects ???? FINANCE - Conscious Cash ???? This is the largest and most recent addition to the planner, and contains a mix of standard budgeting templates you’re used to, plus innovative and new budgeting templates specifically designed to help the ADHD brain when it comes to money management. You won’t find our unique ADHD budgeting templates (like the Div/Con savings goal, 10&10 rule or Impulse Buy checklist) anywhere else! ⌂ Household budget ⌂ Vacation budget ⌂ Income vs. Expenses ⌂ Subscription tracker (because… ADHD tax) ⌂ Debt check-in ⌂ Debt dissolver ⌂ Impulse buy checklist (guides you to decision making when you’re feeling impulsive) ⌂ 24 hr cart list (designed to reduce impulsive online shopping ????) ⌂ Takeout tracker ⌂ Spending habit tracker ⌂ Bill tracker ⌂ Blank trackers ⌂ Savings wishlist ⌂ Future self savings jar ⌂ Div/Con savings goal ⌂ The 10 & 10 rule (my custom invention to create dopamine-fuelled savings goals ????) ⌂ Clutter cash ⌂ Gift budgeting ⌂ Money tips ⌂ Bank account details (no more out-of-sight, out-of-mind ????) ⌂ Money Honey date nights (accountability buddy system) ⌂ My money history ⌂ My money future ???? HEALTHY HABIT SETTING ???? I get it. Habits and goals feel weird and hard. My planner includes guided tips and suggestions the whole way through - and this section is no exception… filled with practical breakdowns and actionable steps, based on the latest behavioural science. ✔️ ⌂ The self-care assessment wheel ⌂ Habit visualisation and habit tracking (including my unique journey mode!) ⌂ Habit evaluation step by step ⌂ Daily habit checkboxes on daily/weekly layouts ⌂ Limiting belief reframing ???? SELF CARE ???? These trackers all link to the goals you’ve set in the previous section. ⌂ Mood tracker ⌂ Self-care routine ⌂ Sleep tracker ⌂ Screen time tracker ⌂ Fitness tracker ⌂ Blank tracker ⌂ Notes for/from therapy ⌂ ADHD coaching session notes ⌂ Medication & appointment trackers ???? HOME - Domestic domination ???? ⌂ Digital de-clutter guide ⌂ Home declutter guide ⌂ Meal planner (two variations) ⌂ Categorized Grocery list ⌂ Plant health tracker (???? > ????) ⌂ Pet feeding tracker ???????? ???? WORK - Unique Focus Tools ???? ** Unique visual tools I invented (based on the neuroscience) to specifically help ADHD brains: ⌂ The Hyper-focus Lotus (to playfully remind you to eat, take breaks, use the bathroom and drink water during periods of hyperfocus) ⌂ Productivity Power Petals ⌂ Phone call focus pages (so you can pay attention to your friend’s vent session instead of tuning out) ???? MENTAL HEALTH - Unwind Un-mind ???? ⌂ Don’t Think, Just Do page for when you are in analysis paralysis. Self care first, then decide. ❤️ ⌂ Wind-down strategies & tracker ⌂ Fave playlists to help you unwind and relax, categorized ⌂ ‘Color to Calm’ pages (to pull your ADHD brain out of divergent ‘pinging thoughts’ mode and move into logical convergent thinking) ⌂ Symmetry Stress-relief pages ???? COVERS ???? ⌂ 14 beautiful cover options (pick your fave or rotate for novelty) ???? BONUS ADD-ON ???? ✨ Wallet-sized carry cards: ‘Color to Calm’ and 'Symmetry Stress-relief' for when you don’t have your planner with you ————————————————————— ???? WHAT IS THE SCIENTIFIC BASIS? ???? There is so much to explore when you begin researching ADHD science, but I have focused on the research that relates most pressingly to productivity and routine. The templates and the supporting information inside are based on the work of several significant contributors to ADHD research… Dr Russell Barkley, particularly his comments on the nature of attentional differentiation being linked to shifts in interest and motivation; Dr Edward Hallowell & Dr John Ratey, and particularly their work on negative self perception links to self-efficacy, and overabundance (not limitation) of attention; and Tamara Rosier and her work on divergent and convergent thinking habits in ADHD brains and 'light switch' emotional responses to tasks which influences our executive functioning ability. The planner includes 7 pages where I cover this research and link it to areas like ADHD & time perception, Divergent & Convergent thinking, ADHD & Money, ADHD & Motivation, Why ADHD Minds Wander, ADHD & Exercise and ADHD Hyperfocus. For a full deep dive on the science behind the planner, see: https://futureadhd.com/science —————————————————————— ???? YOU WILL RECEIVE ???? You will receive: ⌂ US Letter ⌂ A4 / A5 ⌂ Happy Planner ⌂ Step-by-step Planner Layout Guide ⌂ Customer support chat talking to actual genuine humans. And we have every device and app so we can help you. **Print A4 ‘two to a page’ for A5 size. I DON’T recommend printing 2 to a page with US letter however, only A4. ------------------------------------------------------------- DIGITAL DOWNLOAD: This is a printable planner so you will receive a PDF file bundle. No item/s will be shipped to you. You get to print out what you need, as you need it for your personal use. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ????????♀️ ABOUT THE CREATOR ????????♀️ Hi, I’m Grace! I was diagnosed with ADHD in my 30s, and am an ADHD educator (B. Ed), speaker, writer & host of the Future ADHD podcast. I take a scientific approach to creating organizational tools that work with (not against) neurodivergent brains. I have integrated my training in breathwork and meditation to support the ADHD nervous system from a holistic perspective, and create a planner that promotes self care to support sustainable productivity. My team and I are continuing to collaborate with psychologists, therapists and behavioral scientists to create a range of strength-based ADHD resources that help you understand your brilliant, divergent brain. Dive in and enjoy! To ease & clarity, Grace x P.s Follow us on Instagram & TikTok @future.adhd and come say hiii! ----------------------------------------------------------------- ADHD Growth Mindset Life Planner Copyright © 2023 by Grace from Future ADHD. This planner is for PERSONAL use only and DOES NOT come with commercial license to re-sell, re-distribute, alter or share. Individuals, businesses, therapists, health practitioners or wellness coaches wishing to use this resource with their clients/patients will need written permission. Email support [!at] futureadhd.com. I have put MONTHS of work into the research and design for this planner. Please respect creators.
2.187 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
MacBook Pro / Air 13" 15" 16" leather laptop sleeve, leather laptop case, Personalized laptop sleeve, Envelope sleeve, Monogrammed gift her Looking for a case to protect your expensive laptop? With a leather case it will be secured from dust and scratches. Easy access with a magnetic closure button, just slide in your laptop with a high grade lining inside. We will make sure that the bag arrives as per the deadline given by you, even if its less than a week. ITEM DETAILS Dimensions of 13” sleeve- 13.25” x 9.5” from exterior -For 13 inch MacBook Pro / Air Year - 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and other brand laptops of same or closer dimensions. Dimensions of 15" sleeve- 15.5" x 11" x 1" from exterior - 15" sleeve is for - 16" MacBook Pro/Air 2020, 2021 as well as 15" MacBook Pro Year 2016 and other brand laptops of same or closer dimensions. KEY FEATURES- - Envelope sleeve - Magnet closure - High grade lining - Message us if you need additional handles or straps. PERSONALIZATION Name, image, picture, initials, or even a logo can be engraved on any part of the bag LIFETIME GUARANTEE We are a family run business therefore we use only such, which we believe are not misleading the customer into believing something which its actually not. The nature of the animals used for leather is such that they live in extreme conditions which makes them adaptive to different climates and hence make hides luxurious as compared to others. With time you will notice change in leather as the it ages and beautifies itself. It becomes more tough and full of strength. If in case of leather cracks and hardware issues feel free to contact us and thats our lifetime warranty. STAND UP FOR CRAFSTWOMEN To protect the women artisans is the reason why we started “Leather Farm Design” - In a growing technology world people are forgetting handmade art, for Our artisans that is the only thing they have been taught as it has been passed on to them by their elders. We create handcrafted goods that become a part of your everyday essentials. We are a woman run family business with a small team of craftswomen whose dedications, masterful craftsmanship brings timeless beauty to each product, we still learn from them everyday at each step. A large portion of these are women who only depend on these skills to earn livelihood for their families. Each product you buy from us goes into providing education, medicines, living facilities and basic needs to these women and their children. With each product we will provide with a thank you note to show gratitude for helping us grow. We can assure you that all our products are made from full grain vegetable tanned leather with a warranty of a lifetime. We always want to offer customers according to their needs and spread as much knowledge and gain the same from them. Each leather skin or hide is handpicked by our skilled artisans to avoid scars or loosening in order to create a high quality, durable product which beautifies as it matures. Each product is carefully inspected before dispatching to offer a memorable experience. Therefore, STAND UP FOR CRAFTSWOMEN and help us grow our society.. CANT FIND WHAT YOURE LOOKING FOR ? Feel free to contact us anytime and we will get back to you as soon as we can. Sometimes we need to reach out for more information. We generally contact via ETSY messaging in order to keep a track of things, so please keep an eye on your ETSY inbox
5.729 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
THE HANDWRITING FONT BUNDLE Introducing the Chic Handwriting Font Bundle, a $94 value for only $18! The Handwriting Font Bundle is the new chic, stylish bundle for all of your handwritten font needs! This bundle includes seven top sellers that are modern, trendy, and contemporary. The best part? Each font has so many alternates + ligatures that customization is a total breeze - you can truly make your project look handwritten effortlessly! Bonus: Souls Wyld, a signature style script, comes with two sans fonts that pair perfectly with any of the fonts included in this bundle! This Handwriting Font Bundle includes: - Souls Wyld Trio (1 script, 2 sans fonts) - Saffron Night Script Font - Eireann Signature Script Font - Brauhaus Script Font - Barcelona Nights Signature Script Font - Catalunya Script Font - and Unbridled Script Font LICENSING Personal and Commercial Use are allowed for: ∙ unlimited projects & unlimited sales ∙ use on your own website ∙ you do not have to provide credit You may not: ∙ create alphabet products for sale or create an embroidery font for sale ∙ install the font on a server or embed in a.pdf for use by your customers, like in Templett or Corjl [additional licensing is required for this] ∙ sell, distribute, offer for free, trace, or alter the font ∙ claim as your own creation
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The.otf and.ttf are standard, installable font files which you can use in any program that accesses the fonts installed on your computer. You only need to install ONE of these files;.otf is recommended. You can use these handwritten fonts in any program that accesses your computer’s installed fonts! This includes programs like Word, Pages, Excel, Numbers, Publisher, Powerpoint, Photoshop, Illustrator, Cricut Design Space, Silhouette Studio, Procreate, & more. You may even upload to your own personal Canva account. Please note that some fonts may not be suitable for your project or equipment, as it relates to vinyl cutting - specifically very thin fonts, or a brush font that is heavily textured. Many of my handwritten fonts include special OpenType features, like swashes, alternate characters, and ligatures. It is best to use software like Adobe CC programs (Photoshop, Illustrator) that ensure you can easily access those features. In the event that the program you use doesn’t readily support OpenType features, you can use FontBook or Character Map to copy/paste the exact characters you need! Although this does take a bit more time, it still gives you the opportunity to make full use of the font + its features! All programs are not created equally!! Please ensure that you know your design program’s capabilities prior to purchase and whether or not OpenType features will be easily supported. A HANDWRITTEN FONT ADDS CHARACTER This bundle is curated for designers that work with a modern, chic aesthetic and need an arsenal of signature-style fonts to select from. Consider using the Handwriting Font Bundle for logos + branding projects, high end luxury products, product packaging, projects in the fashion industry, greeting cards, social media posts, contemporary wedding invitations, & more! Font file types provided are.otf,.ttf, and webfont (.eot,.woff, and.woff2) files. Each hand lettered font comes with uppercase and lowercase characters, plenty of alternate characters, ligatures, numbers, punctuation, and Western European language support. EXPAND YOUR HAND DRAWN FONT COLLECTION If you're a graphic designer or hobbyist hoping to make a bold, eye catching statement, handwritten fonts are a fantastic fit. Handwriting fonts can take on many different aesthetics. Some fonts have a very natural flow, while others are a bit more edgy and messy, like a signature style scrawl. No matter the style, a handwriting font always makes it feel like the designer has included a very personal touch. Using a handwriting font is a quick & easy way to jazz up a design without needing to put pen to paper! PS, I have an awesome collection of over 150 fonts valued at over $1700 as of May 2021 - you can use these fonts in your regular design programs, or you can also use with your Cricut and Silhouette machines. All fonts contained in this Handwriting Font Bundle are included in my larger font bundle, and it's full of fonts in other styles, too! In addition to the signature style fonts, this bundle includes rustic fonts, farmhouse fonts, beautiful cursive fonts, calligraphy fonts, and more! You can find my font bundle here: https://www.etsy.com/listing/632828095/
1.720 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
The biggest Holiday of the year, the Christmas, is yet to come and we know that you gonna take a bunch of pictures...Discover The Christmas Tones Lightroom presets. We've created the preset pack for Christmas and winter and you can choose from 10 different warm shades, the bundle including 10 presets. The presets will warm your Christmas and winter pictures and will give them that cozy look. Take your Christmas photography to the next level and reduce your workflow to one click with our professional mobile and desktop Lightroom presets. PAY FOR 10 AND GET 20 PRESETS! With each purchase you will get for free, as a gift, 10 additional pro level, individually crafted Lightroom presets. As well, check out bellow the offer for multiple purchases. Add to card now your favorite presets and take your photography to the next level! | BUY 2 GET 1 FOR FREE USE: 1FREE | BUY 4 GET 2 FOR FREE USE: 2FREE | BUY 6 GET 3 FOR FREE USE: 3FREE | BUY 8 GET 4 FOR FREE USE: 4FREE Please note that the offer applies for preset packs only, not for Collections. Get the entire Christmas Collection here: https://www.etsy.com/es/listing/1322357478/ or check out, in the links below, carefully crafted Christmas presets you might like: https://www.etsy.com/es/listing/1322323256/ https://www.etsy.com/es/listing/1329709245/ https://www.etsy.com/listing/1322327512/ https://www.etsy.com/listing/1336308269/ WHAT DO YOU GET? - 10 Warm Christmas Lightroom Desktop and Mobile presets - Free Gift - 10 pro level, individually crafted presets - One-click automated Lightroom filters
- Detailed installation instructions included (Video & PDF) - Instant Download
- 24/7 Customer Support ENHANCE YOUR PHOTOGRAPHY: - Professional look with one click - Make your IG feed stand out from the crowd
- Quick and easy to use with Lightroom mobile and Desktop Save time and edit like a pro on the go. Just upload the image into your Lightroom app, add preset and your photo is ready to be posted. The presets are 100% customisable. After you apply the preset, you can still tweak the photo. You can increase the exposure, decrease the highlights or add some whites to make sure you get the best result. Take your Instagram to the next level. Instagram is a highly visual platform and editing your photos in a particular way, using presets, you are able to take your feed to the next level, giving it a professional look. COMPATIBILITY: - Compatible with All Photo formats
and cameras (Sony, Canon, Nikon, Fuji, iPhone, Samsung etc.) - Compatible with Lightroom Mobile App (Both IOS and Android)
- Compatible with Desktop Lightroom
- Compatible with All Lightroom Versions
The mobile presets (DNG) can be used with your Adobe Lightroom CC Mobile App and work great with photos shot with iPhone or Android devices.
Lightroom mobile is free and can even be used without an Adobe subscription.
The XMP files can easily be installed to your desktop and work great with JPEG or RAW files.
The presets are compatible with a variety of images. In most cases all you have to do is apply the preset, but please, be aware that all presets may look differently on every image due to lighting conditions, colors etc. Try to find the best preset for your image and if you have to, tweak it a bit by adjusting the sliders.
HOW TO ORDER? - Tap “add to cart” or “buy it now”
- Receive receipt and email from Etsy with link to download file
- Download the Lightroom presets instantly.
HOW TO DOWNLOAD AND INSTALL? To access your digital files:
1. Go to Your Account
2. Purchases and reviews and look for the order.
3. To the right of the order, click Download Files.
4. You will be able to download the DNG File.
Unzip the Folders. 5. You will then be able to upload each DNG file as an image to your Lightroom Mobile app.
6. Click on the three dots in the top right of your Lightroom app
7. Select the option 'Create Preset', this will allow you to save the preset to the preset editing option of the app for use on other images.
WHAT ARE LIGHTROOM PRESETS? Presets are a kind of a “filter" that can be used in the Adobe Lightroom Classic desktop program or in the free Lightroom Photo Editor App. They allow you to edit photos in seconds and the results are just stunning. WHAT IS DIFFERENT? The workflow of creating Lightroom Presets is quite easy, but actually understanding how the colours of an image work is the hard part. That's why there are hundreds of thousands of Lightroom Presets available on the market while most of them are ridiculous and unusable. They are too intense, too flat, only work on only a few selected photos. MY PRESETS: Some colors look appealing to the human eye, others don't. We have tested our presets individually on thousands of photos and we have carefully chosen the best of them for you. We are two photographers specialised in Wedding/Portrait and Landscape photography so make sure to favourite our store because we are going to release regularly new presets which have made our workflow so much easier in the last couple of years. FAQ: If you still have some unanswered question please visit the FAQ section or contact me.
427 €
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