Game zero
Listado top ventas game zero

España (Todas las ciudades)
¿Estás preparado para volver a las gélidas aguas del planeta 4546B? Hazte en GAME con la expansión de uno de los juegos de supervivencia y mundo abierto más influyentes de los últimos años, Subnautica. Below Zero, su expansión, es un nuevo capítulo en el universo de Subnautica. Te encuentras en una región ártica del planeta 4546B. Como una científica puesta en un estación de investigación en la superficie del planeta, tu tarea es estudiar artefactos alienígenas... La estación espacial Vesper orbita justo sobre ti, enviando suministros, instrucciones, y recibiendo muestras que tú lanzas desde la superficie. Cuando el desastre golpea a la estación de investigación, deberás improvisar sobre la marcha para sobrevivir: construye hábitats, busca recursos, caza y construye equipamiento. Explora nuevos biomas Nada bajo el arco azul iluminado de los puentes retorcidos. Navega por témpanos de hielo traicioneros en la superficie del frío océano. Escala picos nevados y aventúrate en cuevas heladas. Maniobra entre respiraderos termales humeantes. Below Zero presenta entornos completamente nuevos para que sobrevivas, estudies y explores. Descubre nuevas formas de vida en las profundidades heladas del planeta 4546B. Nada a través del gigante pez titán hueco, escapa del agresivo tiburón bruto y visita a los adorables pingüinos. Algunos residentes del océano helado te ayudarán, y algunos podrían tratar de hacerte daño. Un océano de misterios ¿Quiénes fueron los alienígenas que vinieron aquí antes? ¿Por qué estaban en este planeta? ¿Puedes confiar en tus camaradas? Below Zero extiende la historia del universo de Subnautica, sumergiéndose profundamente en el misterio del primer juego.
29,95 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Cada uno 30€ kingdom Hearts chain of memories, pokemon mundo misterioso equipo de rescate rojo y rockman zero o megamam z 3. Los tres en muy buen estado, con protectores, con cosas tipicas de los juegos de cartón. Completos, con manuales y demas papeles. Etiquetas: nintendo game boy advamce sp, game boy color, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo 3ds, ps5, iphone, coche, anime, manga.
30 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Una aventura que nos lleva al origen de los sucesos de la saga Resident Evil, antes que el célebre primer juego. Rebecca Chambers, miembro de STARS, y Billy Coen, un presidiario que la ayudará, tendrán que empezar a desentrañar los misterios de Umbrella, el T-Virus, y algunos personajes que ya hemos visto en anteriores juegos de la saga.
25 €
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Jogo original em inglês: retail version in mindbug, you summon hybrid creatures and send them to battle against your opponent but when you summon a creature, the opponent may use one of their mindbugs to take control of it. outwit your opponent in a fascinating tactical duel in which having the best cards and playing them at the wrong time can be deadly for yourself. cards in mindbug represent weird creatures that all come with unique and powerful abilities such as a compost dragon, a snail hydra, or a kangasaurus rex. each player starts the game with ten creature cards (five in hand and five in a draw pile) and tries to use them to reduce the opponent's life total to zero. in addition, every player receives two mindbug cards that can be used to mind control an opposing creature when it is played. this innovative mindbug mechanism is the core of the game and leads to a unique decision-making process that makes mindbug feel utterly different from any other card game. playing a card doesn't require any resources in mindbug. as a result, the game has no ramp-up phase (such as gathering resources) and doesn't require weak cards. since there is also no deck-building, you can start playing right away from a single deck. there is also no unfair advantage as players draw cards from the same deck and always get the chance to mind control the strongest opposing cards. in the end, it all comes down to your own decisions, making the game extremely fair and competitive at the same time. - 48 creature cards - 4 mindbugs - 2 life spinners - stable cardboard box with inlay (able to hold sleeved cards)
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Madrid (Madrid)
Chez Geek (english edition) Chez Geek (english edition) In this light, humorous, and fast-paced card game that parodies geek culture and co-habitation, players are roommates just trying to get through life with as little work as possible. At setup each player is dealt a Job card which lists their free time, income, a special ability that they possess and their Slack goal. Players are also dealt five Life cards. The space directly in front of a player is their Room, where cards will be played during the course of the game. Slack can be represented using any available chit or counter, but every player begins with a Slack total of zero. Players take turns as follows: -Draw Life cards until they have six in hand. (NOTE: Some Jobs vary this to five or seven cards.) -Make "variable" rolls. Some Job cards have variable free time or income; their values for this turn are decided in this phase (rolling a 1-3 gives them the first amount; rolling a 4-6 gives them the second). If there are any "uninvited" people in a player's room, he or she may also roll to "get rid of" them (by rolling a 4, 5 or 6) and either send each such person to another room or discard them (if they cannot be played to any other room). -If any of the player's in-hand Life cards are green Person cards, they may roll to "call" the person to their room. A successful roll (3-6) gets them invited in; otherwise, they are discarded. Some people are "uninvited" (causing bad things to happen), and may be placed without a roll in any player's room. (See above for "getting rid of" these people.) Pet cards, such as Cats (which don't require a roll to enter a room) and Dogs (which may or may not need to be "called") can also be played in this round. -For each unit of free time the player's Job card gives them, they may perform one action (play a red Activity card) or go shopping (play any number of blue Thing cards). Some of these cards may have a cost; the total cost for all cards played in a round cannot exceed the income given to them by their Job card. (NOTE: Free Time and Income may be modified by certain Whenever cards played on the player by themselves or other players.) -At the end of a turn, if a player has more than five cards in hand, the player must discard cards until they have five or fewer. If desired, players can discard all the way down to one card. (NOTE: It is also legal for a player to play ALL the cards in their hand and have NO cards at the end of a turn.) -Additionally, some Life cards are orange "Whenever" cards which can be played at any time. -Activity cards and Thing cards typically list a Slack value which is added to the player's Slack total, though some have random Slack totals and some have Slack totals which vary during the game. TV Activity cards and some Whenever cards can be used to cancel cards as they are being played, and some cause previously-played cards to be discarded. Some cards add or subtract Slack from every player's total, while others cause a player to change their Job card (and hence Slack goal). Many cards alter the effects of other cards. The first player whose Slack total equals or exceeds their Slack goal is the winner.
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Jogo original em inglês: craft your hero. cast the runes. claim your destiny! call to adventure: epic origins is the next edition of the award-winning call to adventure game series. the hero-building card game reaches new heights with classic fantasy races, classes, and challenges. heritage cards introduce classic fantasy races like elf and dwarf. now you can choose one of 12 iconic class cards. double-sided adversary cards add depth to solo and co-op play. stands on its own, but is also 100% compatible with the original call to adventure. introduces a multi-session campaign mode with unlockable content. makes the perfect session zero for your next rpg campaign
42,40 €
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JOGO ORIGINAL EM INGLÊS: From Richard Garfield, creator of Magic the Gathering, and Justin Gary, creator of the Ascension: Deckbuilding Game, comes SolForge Fusion, the next evolution in trading card games. Experience the first ever Hybrid Card Game with over 15,000 cards in the base set alone! In SolForge Fusion, all decks are algorithmically generated so no two decks are alike, then you take two decks and shuffle them together to battle! You and your opponent compete in strategic lane-based combat. When you play a card it levels up, allowing you to access new powers and abilities to defeat your opponent and damage their creatures. The first player to bring their opponent down to zero health wins!
31,20 €
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