Listado top ventas gameplay

España (Todas las ciudades)
Es la máquina de pinball más vendida de todos los tiempos. Una jugabilidad preciosa y una de las temáticas más reconocidas, es uno de los títulos que no pueden faltar en una colección de pinball. Esta copia totalmente funcional.
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Clase magistral de gameplay La calidad del mundialmente conocido gameplay ha sido mejorada meticulosamente para recrear la autenticidad del fantástico juego, incluyendo una velocidad de juego más realista. Regates estratégicos que le dan al usuario más control en la posesión, además de blindajes relacionados con la protección del balón, así como controlar toques sencillos y tiros realistas, movimientos imperceptibles para hacer caer a la defensa. Real Touch+ añade una nueva dimensión al control del balón, permitiendo toques con varias partes del cuerpo para controlarlo basado en la imprevisibilidad del movimiento del balón. Algunas piezas han sido revisadas con un nuevo sistema de faltas y penaltis, junto con la opción de elegir que un nuevo jugador saque. Presentación renovada Una nueva interfaz de usuario para todos los menús e imágenes reales de jugadores para la pantalla de estrategia y myClub, así como nueva presentación del in-game dando al juego un nuevo aspecto. Integración de pes league Compite en PES League en nuevos modos incluyendo myClub, Selección Aleatoria de Partido y cooperativo Online. Co-op online Un nuevo modo cooperativo dedicado al juego 2 vs 2 y 3 vs 3, con apoyo para invitados locales. Juega junto a amigos, lleva a tu equipo a lo más alto o simplemente disfruta con partidos de manera ocasional. Nuevos modos y características La Selección Aleatoria de Partidos favorita de los fans vuelve con nueva presentación y características. Siéntete como un manager en la Liga Máster con torneos de pre-temporada, un sistema de traspasos mejorado y nueva presentación de elementos, incluyendo entrevistas previas al partido y escenas en los vestuarios. Realidad visual mejorada Ilustraciones realistas recrean el auténtico fútbol, de una manera más profunda gracias a la Real Capture. Las ventajas incluyen iluminación real del estadio para partidos de día y de noche, el césped del campo y el túnel de jugadores se han recreado con más de 20.000 elementos intrincados recogidos de los originales, en el Camp Nou y el Signa Iduna Park. Se han capturado los movimientos de los jugadores en ambientes igualmente realistas, permitiendo una completa revisión del sistema de animación. Comenzando con movimientos básicos como el caminar, giros y posturas del cuerpo. Además, los modelos de los jugadores han sido completamente cambiados, prestando especial atención en la adaptación de las equipaciones. Recreación de los jugadores de los equipos partner, que tendrán todos los tatuajes
15 €
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JOGO ORIGINAL EM INGLÊS: Whether youre a pun newbie or wordplay master, Puns of Anarchy is a ridiculous punning free-for-all anyone can play. Just change a few letters on the dry erase cards to turn favorite bands, movies, and more into hilarious puns. Play the best pun in a category to win! Gameplay is rapid-fire, wildly creative, and will get even the shyest punners churning out applause-worthy wordplay. Puns of Anarchy has 4.7 stars on nearly 1,800 Amazon ratings and has sold more than 60,000 units in e-commerce in two years. Puns of Anarchy is quickly becoming a millennial favorite due to: Gameplay allows even beginners to easily create hilarious punsLearn to play in two minutesContent can be as clean or dirty as the puns players make
25,5 €
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JOGO ORIGINAL EM INGLÊS: EXPANSION OF SET 03S Z-STACK KEYWORD!The Z-Stack keyword introduced in Set 03 expands! Stack Z-Cards for great gameplay effects! Stack cards and recreate transformation and parasite scenes from Dragon Ball history! Players will want to have the full 7 cards in their Z-Deck for optimal gameplay and deck-building fun! CHARACTERS FROM VARIOUS AGES THEMED AROUND WILD RESURGENCE!A lineup of warriors who have come back to life in the midst of battle!In addition to classic characters such as Perfect Cell and Golden Frieza, Super Uub joins the fray as a leader to recreate his fusion with Majin Buu! THREE SECRET RARES - INCLUDING CANON CHARACTERS!Set 04 contains three Secret Rare cards, including some with familiar charactersbeloved by all Dragon Ball fans! Players will have their wish granted in Set 04! A DBSCG FIRST - GOD RARE WITH A NEW STYLE ILLUSTRATION!One of Dragon Balls most famous scenes is here as a God Rare featuring a new illustration style that will excite all fans of the original! You wont want to miss it! Common x60 (normal/holo ver.)Uncommon x38 (normal/holo ver.)Rare x30 (normal/holo ver.)Super Rare x18Special Rare x14Secret Rare x3God Rare x1*292 types total
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España (Todas las ciudades)
???????? One proxy set includes one of each (a playset four of each): ✔︎ Gaea's Cradle ✔︎ Carpet of flowers ✔︎ Allosaurus Shepherd ✔︎ Heroic Intervention ✔︎ Survival of the fittest ✔︎ Sylvan Library ✔︎ Finale of Devastation ✔︎ The Great Henge ✔︎ Craterhoof Behemoth ✔︎ Nyxbloom Ancient ✔︎ Doubling Season (Bonus Card) ???? Elevate your MTG experience with our captivating MTG Proxy cards, unleashing the true potential of your deck. ???? Seamless Integration: - Crafted with real MTG card stock for a perfect match in size, thickness, and material. - Exquisite full art design seamlessly enhances your board state. - Revel in vibrant colors and glossy finishes that bring your cards to life. ???? Savings & Surprises: - Exclusive 33% discount on each playset of Proxy cards. - Unwrap the magic with bonus cards and tokens gifts in every order. - Lightning-fast and free shipping within the USA on orders over 35 $. ✅ The Ultimate Advantage: Our MTG Proxies redefine your gaming journey. Meticulously designed to capture the essence of genuine MTG cards, they offer an immersive and authentic experience. The best Full Art designs make your collection stand out while enhancing gameplay. These cards are not just tools; they're exquisite works of art, adding sophistication to your deck and protecting your MTG collection. ???? Empower Your Deck: Unlock new deck power with our spellbinding MTG Proxies. Perfect for MTG Commander enthusiasts and collectors, they provide unrivaled protection for your valuable cards and infuse style and finesse into your gameplay. Explore custom decks and alternate strategies with the magic of Proxies. ???????? Quality Beyond Compare: Our commitment to quality is as unwavering as a magician's spell. Meticulously handcrafted with premium materials, our Proxies meet the highest standards. Trust in our expertise and attention to detail, as we use the same exceptional playing card stock found in the renowned trading card game we all know, guaranteeing unparalleled durability and a satisfying snap with every play. ❤️ Unlock the full potential of your MTG journey with our extraordinary MTG Proxies. Order now and immerse yourself in the magic of the game!
3.500 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Los creadores de la aclamada saga de Left 4 Dead presentan Back 4 Blood, un emocionante juego de disparos en primera persona cooperativo. Te encuentras en medio de una guerra contra los Infectados. Estos humanos, huéspedes de un parásito letal, se han convertido en terroríficas criaturas dispuestas a devorar lo que queda de civilización. Con la humanidad a punto de extinguirse, tus amigos y tú deberéis enfrentaros al enemigo, exterminar a los Infectados y recuperar el control del mundo. Hzte con él en GAME Back 4 Blood incluye el modo campaña cooperativa para cuatro jugadores en la que los Cleaners deben luchar contra los Ridden y trabajar juntos para sobrevivir a misiones cada vez más desafiantes. Los jugadores pueden formar equipo online al que podrán conectarse y abandonar la partida sin que el gameplay se vea afectado ya que el modo cooperativo usa el sistema “Drop-in and Drop-out” para luchar juntos contra la amenaza de Ridden en constante evolución o jugar en solitario con tres compañeros de equipo de IA. El juego también cuenta con un multijugador competitivo en el que los participantes pueden jugar con o contra amigos PvP en línea que admite hasta ocho jugadores y los equipos se turnan para jugador como Cleaners y como el horrible Ridden.
99,94 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Los creadores de la aclamada saga de Left 4 Dead presentan Back 4 Blood, un emocionante juego de disparos en primera persona cooperativo. Te encuentras en medio de una guerra contra los Infectados. Estos humanos, huéspedes de un parásito letal, se han convertido en terroríficas criaturas dispuestas a devorar lo que queda de civilización.Con la humanidad a punto de extinguirse, tus amigos y tú deberéis enfrentaros al enemigo, exterminar a los Infectados y recuperar el control del mundo. ¡Hazte con él en GAME! Back 4 Blood incluye el modo campaña cooperativa para cuatro jugadores en la que los Cleaners deben luchar contra los Ridden y trabajar juntos para sobrevivir a misiones cada vez más desafiantes. Los jugadores pueden formar equipo online al que podrán conectarse y abandonar la partida sin que el gameplay se vea afectado ya que el modo cooperativo usa el sistema “Drop-in and Drop-out” para luchar juntos contra la amenaza de Ridden en constante evolución o jugar en solitario con tres compañeros de equipo de IA. El juego también cuenta con un multijugador competitivo en el que los participantes pueden jugar con o contra amigos PvP en línea que admite hasta ocho jugadores y los equipos se turnan para jugador como Cleaners y como el horrible Ridden.
99,94 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
¡La serie legendaria TURRICAN está de vuelta! Desde sus inicios en Commodore 64 hasta la nueva generación de consolas, un viaje increíble que te hará disfrutar de una experiencia única. Hazte ya con él en GAME y forma parte de la historia. Turrican prende fuego al mundo con sus niveles en expansión, acción de alto octanaje y la inolvidable banda sonora de Chris Huelsbeck. Revive 4 obras maestras de la serie de una forma completamente nueva, con controles mejoras que hacen sentir el juego mejor que nunca, y personaliza tu experiencia con un montón de nuevas opciones para mejorar los gráficos. ¡El regreso de uno de los grandes héroes de los videojuegos! ¡Bienvenidos de vuelta...A TURRICAN! Características: Turrican Flashback incluye: Turrican, Turrican II, Mega Turrica y Super Turrican. Nuevos y modernos controles para una intensa jugabilidad. Guardado y posibilidad de rebobinar para ayudarte a afrontar el reto. Distintas opciones para personalizar la experiencia, juego en modo pixel perfect o pantalla ancha dinámica. Gameplay desafiante de parte del renombrado estudio Factor 5. Banda sonora del veterano de la industria, Chris Huelsbeck. Turrican es un videojuego arcade de plataformas creado originalmente por Manfred Trenz para el ordenador Commodore 64, que posteriormente contó con una versión para Amiga 500, que fue acompañada por la música del compositor alemán Chris Hülsbeck y que acompañaría a la saga hasta su última entrega a finales de los 90. El juego supuso una auténtica revolución en su día. Incluso en la actualidad es un punto de referencia en términos técnicos y de jugabilidad.
29,95 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
GAME te trae Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid para PlayStation 4, Xbox One y Nintendo Switch, con una visión actual sobre la franquicia de hace 25 años, enfrenta a Rangers y villanos actuales y clásicos como nunca antes en combates 3v3. La edición coleccionista incluye: DLC de la temporada 1 (skin 1, 3 personajes posteriores al lanzamiento) Skin exclusivo de Lord Drakkon Evo II Skin exclusivo de Kimberly Hart, Mighty Morphin Pink Ranger Los controles ofrecen simplicidad y fluidez, ofreciendo a los novatos diversión con el sistema de combate y animando a los más veteranos a indagar en las mecánicas de gameplay, las cuales incluyen un sistema de asistencias en tiempo real, defensa dinámica a través de bloqueo y guardia aérea, combos customizables, y la vuelta del modo único Megazord. 16 Rangers y Villanos de todas las generaciones incluyendo a Jason Lee Scott, Tommy Oliver, Gia Moran, Ranger Slayer, Magna Defender, Kat Manx, Mastodon Sentry, Goldar, Lord Drakkon, Ranger Azul Cenozoic, Udonna, Dragon Armor Trini, Trey of Triforia, Jen Scotts, Lord Zedd, a Lauren Shiba. Pelea en icónicas localizaciones a través del multiverso, incluyendo: la Sala de Entrenamiento de Zordon y el Centro de Mando de los Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, la Zona de Guerra de Harwood de Power Rangers Super Megaforce, el Bosque Místico de Power Rangers Mystic Force, la Sala del Trono de Lord Drakkon del comic de Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Corinth de Power Rangers R.P.M, el Planeta Tierra: Era Cenozoica y la Torra de la película de 2017, y la Base de la Patrulla Espacial de Power Rangers S.P.D. 4 Megazords (Ultras): Invoca monstruos y Megazords, como el Megazord Dino, Dragonzord, Mega Goldar o la Delta Squad Megazord para participar en épicas batallas. Reta a tus amigos en la Partida Directa y Lobby Online: La Partida Directa permite a amigos o dos jugadores enfrentarse contra el otro. El Lobby Online permite hasta a 8 jugadores unirse en partidas amistosas, mientras los participantes pueden pelear en hasta 4 tipos distintos de partida a la vez como espectadores o esperar su turno para la siguiente. Historia Original: Una reinvención de la destrucción de la Red de Metamorfosis: En el Modo Historia, los jugadores experimentarán una reinvención de la aclamada Destrucción de la Red de Metamorfosis, de la serie de comics de los Power Rangers de Boom! Studios, dirigida por el escritor/director Kyle Higgings (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Shattered Grids, Nightwing, Batman: Gates of Gotham). Este modo también presenta arte original del ilustrador ganador de un premio Eisner, Dan Mora (Go Go POWER RANGERS, Buffy Vampire Slayer, Klaus).
19,95 €
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![Level 7 [omega protocol] Level 7 [omega protocol]](
España (Todas las ciudades)
In [Omega Protocol], one player takes on the role of the Overseer while two to five other players take on the role of the elite Special Ops team. The Overseer's role in the game is to control all of the alien denizens and challenges the players fate throughout the game. The players are trying to achieve specific scenario-based objectives by exploring a map that's laid out at the start and fighting off the hordes of aliens that the Overseer sends their way. Gameplay is based around adrenaline, which is the currency that the soldier players use to perform actions. They generate adrenaline to do things such as move, attack, and perform special actions like activating an objective space. That generation also has a negative effect for them, as that adrenaline transfers to the Overseer player, who then uses it to spawn aliens, create new threats, and hurt the soldiers' chance of success during the scenario. The more actions the Special Ops players take, the more resources the Overseer player has to work with.
72,94 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Axis & Allies D-Day features detailed game components including a new blockhouse piece and an oversized game board. Other elements of this new Axis & Allies variant include a card deck with three card types -- Orders, Tactics, and Fortune -- adding depth and complexity to gameplay. Order cards determine play sequence and break turns into distinct phases; Tactics cards offer players varied strategic opportunities; and Fortune cards add an element of unpredictability. Axis & Allies D-Day begins as Operation Overlord, the invasion of German-held Normandy -- 130,000 soldiers of the United Kingdom, Canada, and the United States poise to assault Fortress Europe. You and your fellow world powers control their fates. One player controls Germany, whose Axis forces have turned the beaches of Normandy into a near-impenetrable stronghold. Set to breach those defenses are the Allies: the United Kingdom, Canada, and the United States. Axis & Allies D-Day, designed for two or three players, can be played in two hours. The game is the third Axis & Allies variant, following the successful Axis & Allies Europe and Axis & Allies Pacific.
40,45 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
In this unique dice-auction game, you try to get your hands on promising pirate incestments, such as peg-leg shops, figurehead studios, voodoo doll workshops or the infamous pub „Grog Hole“. However, the auctions are not just about placing the highest bid. Passing at just the right moment can be also very rewarding, because only the you will find the time to snatch the desired goods and trade with the landing merchant ships. With its innovative use of dice and its engaging gameplay, Grog Island is a tactical treat for anyone looking for an unusual gaming experience.
32,36 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Endless Space 2: Supremacy introduces the Hissho Major Faction to the game, as well as a new massive galactic platform available to all Factions: the Behemoth Ship. *HISSHO FACTION* The Hissho are a military and expansion-oriented faction whose main gameplay feature is Keii. This new resource can only be replenished through combats is used to power special abilities. It also drives their empire Obedience which replaces happiness. Crushingly strong in offence, the Hissho will only fall if you cannot sustain your war economy and let your Honor wither away. *FOUR NEW HEROES* As a faction well versed in the art of combat, the heroes are focused on warfare and space battle. They are best suited for admiral positions thanks to strong damage and fleet upkeep bonuses but if push comes to shove, they make decent governors… as long as your goal is to make your system a manpower and spaceship factory. *NEW FLEET* Powerful and versatile, Hissho fleets can easily switch between straightforward and devious loadouts thanks to numerous polyvalent slot modules capable of hosting both support and defense or attack modules. *ILLO MINOR FACTION* The Illo are reasoning machines whose credo is Survival of the Fittest. Their goal is to reach this Sanctified Equilibrium as quickly as possible by eliminating those species unlikely to survive in the long term. *BEHEMOTHS* Those gigantic ships are remnants from the mysterious Endless era. While extremely deadly and versatile in their original state, their ultimate purpose is to evolve and become specialized. *DESTROY ENTIRE SYSTEMS WITH THE OBLITERATOR SPECIALIZATION* *ANNIHILATE ENEMY FLEETS WITH THE BATTLESHIP SPECIALIZATION* *PROTECT YOUR SYSTEMS WITH THE CITADEL SPECIALIZATION* Requisitos Recomendados OS: Windows (64bits only) 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 Processor: i3 5th generation (or newer) / i5 3rd generation (or newer) / FX4170 (or newer) Memory: 8 GB RAM Graphics: AMD Radeon 8000 series or newer / NVidia GTX 660 or newer DirectX: Version 11 Storage: 8 GB available space Sound Card: DX11 compatible Additional Notes: Recommended Resolution: 1920 x 1080 Requisitos Mínimos OS: Windows (64bits only) 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 Processor: i3 4th generation / i5 2nd generation / A6 series Memory: 4 GB RAM Graphics: AMD Radeon 5800 series / NVidia 550Ti DirectX: Version 11 Storage: 8 GB available space Sound Card: DX11 compatible Additional Notes: Intel HD integrated graphics not supported. Minimum Resolution: 1280 x 720 Instrucciones de activación Para activar este juego, se necesita una cuenta tercera 'Steam'. Para más detalles sobre como activar, siga el link: Legal Notice / EULA © 2017 Amplitude Studios. All rights reserved. Endless Space, Endless Space 2, GAMES2GETHER, Amplitude Studios and Amplitude Studios logo are registered trademarks of Amplitude Studios in the U.S. and other countries. SEGA and the SEGA logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of SEGA Holdings Co., Ltd. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. SEGA is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
12,98 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
¡Gracias a Rayman 3D, podrás redescubrir las increíbles aventuras de Rayman en un universo más profundo y mejorado! Progresa en un mundo 3D lleno de sorpresas y criaturas mágica, y derrota a despiadados enemigos a través de peligrosos lugares: ¡únete a Rayman en un juego de plataformas aún mejor! Características: Adaptación del gran Rayman: Rayman 3D es la adaptación del Rayman 2 de Dreamcast que fue el major juego de la trilogía. Mejoras en el gameplay: Esta versión ha gozado de un trato especial, ofreciendo gráficos mejorados, 3D y la ventaja del control circular de la consola. La versión 3D hace el juego más accessible y trae consigo mejoras en la curva de aprendizaje, las cámaras y los gráficos. Una gran variedad de entornos: Avanza en 45 lugares alrededor de 13 regiones del mundo de Rayman. Descubre el universo complete en 3D durante más de 15 horas de diversión. Movimientos característicos de Rayman: Correr, trepar, saltar, nadir, volar, ¡incluso hasta llegar a hacer esquí acuático para escapar de la amenaza! Rayman no ha perdido ninguna de las habilidades que le hicieron famoso como volar usando su pelo como helicóptero. Redescrubre toda la riqueza de los amigos y enemigos de Rayman: Vuelven los antiguos altercados entre Rayman y sus enemigos: enfréntate al Almirante Razorbeard, Henchman y otras criaturas que se lo pondrán todavía más difícil a Rayman! Menos mal que Rayman puede contar con el apoyo de sus amigos: Globox, Ly, o Polokus que están listos para ayudarle en cualquier momento.
19,95 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Hazte en GAME con los auriculares Trust GXT 323W. Mente fría y calculadora Valora bien la situación, escucha lo que te tienen que decir tus compañeros de equipo y apuesta por la victoria. Con los GXT 323W Carus de Trust para PlayStation 5 escucharás lo que es importante y todas tus órdenes serán escuchadas. Hazte con ellos en GAME Las cómodas almohadillas de gran tamaño están fabricadas en materiales de malla que te ayudarán a mantener una mente fría, incluso durante las sesiones de gaming más intensas. Sonido atronador Los Carus de Trust incluyen unidades de altavoz grandes de 50 mm para que puedas oír todo lo que ocurre durante el juego. Un sonido de alta calidad con unos bajos atronadores: los Carus te dan mucha ventaja durante el gameplay. Y gracias al micrófono flexible, tus compañeros de equipo podrán oírte con la misma claridad con la que tú les oyes a ellos. El juego es tuyo Con los Carus, tienes un control total sobre lo que escuchas, lo que escuchan tus compañeros de equipo, y la manera en la que deseas jugar. Hazte con el control del volumen gracias a los controles supraaurales y silencia el micrófono simplemente pulsando un botón. Es. Tu. Juego. ¡ Hazte con estos increibles auriculares en GAME y no te quedes sin ellos !
39,95 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
An old laboratory with a long hidden secret... The bad guys want what’s inside, and they’ll stop at nothing to get the answers. Can you uncover the truth and smuggle it out safely before they arrive? A fun escape room for all ages. Challenging, but a full hint system is built into the game. The Telescape gameplay system includes a 360º rendition of the room for you to explore, an automatic inventory system and interactive puzzles. A fully immersive sumptuous feast for your senses! Type: Mental Style: Traditional Time: Around 90 minutes Players: 2 – 6 Location: Your place, with friends from anywhere via the built-in video chat This game works well as a team-building activity. If you want to play with a bigger group, simply buy multiple copies of the game. 7-12 players: 2 copies. 13-18 players: 3 copies. 19-24 players: 4 copies. 25-30 players: 5 copies....and so on. You can play using the conferencing software of your choice. The game has built-in video chat, but you can turn it off and swipe the bar to the right to hide it. That way you can make use of breakout rooms, simply giving each team a room and a game link. You can enter any game you have the link for, and see how your teams are working together during the game. --- We are a family-run escape room business based in the Algarve, Portugal. When lockdown hit we decided to investigate how we could put our physical rooms online so that they could still be played, even with everyone stuck at home. Two years later, our standalone digital escape rooms are flying off the internet's shelves! Once purchased you’ll receive a second email (within 24 hours) with the link to the game. Your time will be shown at the end of the game, if you finish within 5 hours, and the link will expire 72 hours after starting. This game is best played on a laptop, pc, Mac, or workstation and requires any modern browser to run.
1.219 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
These Ability Cards can be used to add some extra fun to any Foulplay murder mystery game! ???? Your friends and family will love these ability cards as they laugh at the fun antics and get surprised by the fun and unexpected gameplay. Please note this product is for a digital file you can download and print ????️. No physical product will be mailed to you. Two formats are included, 8.5 in x 11in for in-person play to be printed and cut out, and separate files for easy use on online and virtual venues such as zoom or discord, in pdf format. In black and white for easy printing! Download your Foulplay ability cards and print out if in-person or send to your players if playing online. We include instructions on how to use and how to incorporate into your murder mystery party, whether you are playing online or in-person! This digital file contains 18 Foulplay Ability Cards: Truth Card Loose Lips Vault Of Mystery Blabbermouth Hush Money Scapegoat Happenstance Light Fingers Greasy Palms Untouchable Immunity Card Backfire Turning The Tables Sworn to Silence All Will Be Revealed Tailed What Was The Question? Charmer ????Murder Mystery Party Games to use these ability cards at: ???? More party decor and murder mystery add-ons for a killer party:
298 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
I'M ABLE JUST TO PERSONALIZED THE BUCKET AND THE SHOVEL. Personalized Silicone Summer Kids Beach Set, Custom Silicone Beach Toy, Custom Silicone Beach Bucket Looking for a Modern Beach Toy Set? This silicone beach toy set is excellent for children to use at the beach, pool and bath! Durable, endlessly reusable and 100% free of nasties like BPA, they are a modern alternative to traditional plastic toys. Travel Friendly - Packing this bucket, scoop and 4 sea creature molds is a breeze. Made from soft and flexible silicone, you can stuff everything in the bucket and into your suitcase or toss them in the back of the car without having to worry about it cracking or taking up too much space. Each set also comes with a handy cotton travel beach bag for extra convenience. This set contains all the essentials for keeping your children engaged for hours. Just sit back and relax as your children use the silicone molds to make fun shapes in the sand, build castles and dig moats. Easy to clean, you can use them in the bath, with your toddler’s sensory bin collection, and as an Easter basket to unlock year-round fun. This silicone beach set has a premium soft feel and matte finish that looks stylish and is easy for little hands to hold. What the set includes: 1 x bucket 1 x shovel 4 x sand moulds Details: * Made from durable, soft and flexible BPA Free 100% Food Grade Silicone Material *Non-toxic and no odor * Flexible and highly durable * Easy to clean water and stain resistant *All items fit easily into the bucket, making it easy to carry Reasons to choose silicone beach toy set - Creative Gameplay - Hands-On Ability - High Temperature Resistance the contact temperature can reach 250•c does not melt or deform - Anti- Corrosion
3.993 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
El deporte rey cobra vida En EA sports FIFA 20 para la consola, impulsado por Frostbite, los dos lados del deporte rey cobran vida - el prestigio de la escena profesional y una experiencia nueva y auténtica de fútbol callejero en EA Sports volta. Características: Inteligencia futbolística desbloquea una plataforma sin precedentes para un gameplay realista. FIFA ultimate team brinda más formas de crear el equipo de tus sueños. EA Sports Volta traslada la acción a la calle, con un formato reducido pero auténtico.
6 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Dive into the expansive realm of online gamblin with La Ranita - a unique and engaging game that leaps beyond traditional card and table games. Unleash your adventurous spirit as you navigate the frog across your screen, reaping real rewards along the way. Explore a fresh, fun and highly rewarding journey that breaks the mold of conventional gaming. La Ranita, with its simple yet addictive gameplay, has attracted a cult following, offering unparalleled entertainment and profit opportunities. Embrace the unexpected and discover why this extraordinary game is capturing hearts in the online gaming world. Visit
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Juego Original en Inglés: Marvel: Remix is based on the critically--acclaimed game Fantasy Realms, also by Bruce Glassco, which was nominated for the 2021 Kennerspiel des Jahres!Through Marvel: Remixs intuitive gameplay, youll build a team of iconic heroes and allies, arm them with powerful equipment and maneuvers, and visit familiar locations, all while taking on infamous villains!Players are dealt a hand of seven cards representing characters, items, or places from throughout the Marvel Universe. Each turn, youll draw from the Hero deck, the Villain deck, or the cards discarded by your opponents, before discarding a card yourself. Cards have a base value, and a bonus that changes based on the other cards in your hand. Whoever has the hand worth the most points at the end of the game is the winner!Collect iconic heroes, villains, and more!Discover epic combinations!Create the most powerful hand of cards!Get ready for an epic Super Hero Battle!Contents:61 Remix Cards18 Villain Cards1 Score Pad1 Rulebook
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Juego Original en Inglés: The House on the Hill still sits abandoned, and fearless group of explorers has been drawn to the house to discover its dark secrets. Immerse yourself in the narrative gameplay as you take on the role of one of those explorers. The Betrayal at House on the Hill 3rd Edition cooperative board game includes 50 chilling haunts and dozens of danger-filled rooms that will terrify even the strongest among you. At first you'll work together, but bewareone explorer will betray the others and then the haunt begins. This edition of the popular haunted house traitor game features content and gaming elements that help new players jump right in. So gather friends for a game night of monsters, miniatures, and modular board pieces in this immersive, story-driven hidden traitor game for 3-6 players, ages 12 and up.Avalon Hill and all related trademarks and logos are trademarks of Hasbro, Inc.
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Juego Original en Inglés: In the HeroQuest dungeon crawl board game, heroes work together to complete epic quests, find treasures and defeat the forces of evil. This semi-cooperative board game has one player taking on the role of Zargon, the Game Master, while 4 mythical heroes--Barbarian, Dwarf, Elf, and Wizard--team up in their quest for adventure in a maze of monsters and eerie dark dungeons. Players can immerse themselves in the fantasy with the stunning artwork, and 65+ detailed miniatures. The game comes with 14 quests, and has limitless replayability because players can also build their own quests and create their own stories. Gather friends together for an exciting night of tabletop gameplay in an epic battle of good and evil. The game is for 2-5 players, ages 14 and up. Includes gameboard, 31 monster miniatures, 4 hero miniatures, 15 furniture pieces, 10 skull pieces, 4 plastic rat pieces, 21 dungeon doors, 93 game cards, 4 turn-order cards, cardboard tiles, Quest Book, 4 character cards, Game Master's screen, pad of character sheets, 6 white combat dice, 2 red dice, and rulebook.
48 €
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Juego Original en Inglés: Third story Arc for the 2021 Vs.System® 2PCG® product line!The Symbiotes are here with Venom, Carnage, and more leading the way!Approximately 3 new Main Characters and 9 new Supporting Characters per Issue!Customize your new team or enhance your existing decks!Epic competitive gameplay to pit your team of Allies against your opponents!Each Issue comes with 55 playable cards across existing or new team factions!Store exclusive Organized Play Kits available now to help grow your community Lethal Protector introduces an all-new team of skillful and powerful symbiotic aliens. They can protect your deck against a frantic frenzy of card battles and defeat your opponents with their symbiotic talents. As the host, you can now bond with them and wield their ultimate powers! 55 Playable Cards1 Rulesheet
17 €
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Juego Original en Inglés: Third story Arc for the 2021 Vs.System® 2PCG® product line!The Symbiotes are here with Venom, Carnage, and more leading the way!Approximately 3 new Main Characters and 9 new Supporting Characters per Issue!Customize your new team or enhance your existing decks!Epic competitive gameplay to pit your team of Allies against your opponents!Each Issue comes with 55 playable cards across existing or new team factions!Store exclusive Organized Play Kits available now to help grow your community As the symbiotic story arc continues, Carnage rules! In this second installment of Vs.System®2PCG®, Carnage will bring an unthinkable level of brutality and chaos to the world of Vs System. Carnage is sure to make your deck stronger with his terrifying talents but at what cost? 55 Playable Cards1 Rulesheet
17 €
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Juego Original en Inglés: Third story Arc for the 2021 Vs.System® 2PCG® product line!The Symbiotes are here with Venom, Carnage, and more leading the way!Approximately 3 new Main Characters and 9 new Supporting Characters per Issue!Customize your new team or enhance your existing decks!Epic competitive gameplay to pit your team of Allies against your opponents!Each Issue comes with 55 playable cards across existing or new team factions!Store exclusive Organized Play Kits available now to help grow your community As a fitting conclusion to the Symbiotes story arc, this issue introduces your favorite spiderthemed heroes from across the Spider-Verse. Add this tangled web of heroes to your deck and discover their explosive spidey-powers! 55 Playable Cards1 Rulesheet
17 €
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Deck Protector® sleeves for Pokémon feature vibrant, full-color artwork of Galarian Rapidash and are made with our proprietary ChromaFusion Technology™ to prevent peeling. Archival-safe polypropylene materials ensure you can sleeve your cards with confidence. Sized for standard size trading cards measuring 2.5 in. x 3.5 in. -Officially licensed Pokémon Trading Card Game Sleeves, featuring Galarian Rapidash -65 standard size Deck Protector® sleeves in each pack -Made with archival-safe, non-PVC polypropylene materials -ChromaFusion Technology™ prevents peeling -Protect your cards during gameplay or storage
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JOGO ORIGINAL EM INGLÊS: Playmats for Pokémon feature vibrant, full-color artwork of Articuno, Alolan Vulpix, Vanilluxe, Delibird, and Snom. Made with a soft fabric top to reduce damage to cards during play and a non-slip rubber backing to keep the playmat from shifting during use, playmats enhance the gameplay experience. With dimensions of approximately 24 in. x 13.5 in., a playmat also makes an excellent oversize mousepad for home or office.Officially licensed Pokémon Trading Card Game Playmat featuring Articuno, Alolan Vulpix, Vanilluxe, Delibird, and SnomApproximately 24 in. x 13.5 in. and lays flatSoft fabric top helps protect cards during gameplayNon-slip rubber backing keeps the playmat from shifting during useMakes an excellent oversize mousepad for your home or office
20,39 €
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JOGO ORIGINAL EM INGLÊS: The BattleTech Salvage Box: UrbanMech is a plastic miniature for use in the classic BattleTech tabletop and Alpha Strike games. The box also provides one dry-erase card, which are intended to directly support Alpha Strike gameplay, and one new Pilot Card.
13 €
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