Has sido individual
Listado top ventas has sido individual

España (Todas las ciudades)
Ficha técnica has sido tu? ps4 caja original: si genero: party games titulo: has sido tu? ps4 informacion adicional: imagen no contractual Descripción has sido tu? ps4 has sido tu? ps4 es un objeto de Segunda Mano que se ofrece en estado Buen estado.
7,94 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Ficha técnica has sido tu? ps4 titulo: has sido tu? ps4 caja original: Sí genero: cartas informacion adicional: signos de uso no apreciable en las imágenes Descripción has sido tu? ps4 has sido tu? ps4 es un objeto de Segunda Mano que se ofrece en estado Buen estado.
7,94 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Perfecto estado, Excelente para jugar con amigos y familia por medio del móvil... NO ENVIO NO NEGOCIABLE
10 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
¿Todavía estás buscando un regalo amoroso para el nacimiento, para un baby shower o un bautizo? ¿O simplemente le gustaría hacerte feliz a ti y a tu bebé para el próximo nacimiento? ¡Entonces has venido al lugar correcto! Esta caja de regalo para bebés llena de amor consta de 4 partes lindas, que juntas son el regalo perfecto para que los futuros padres den a luz. La linda caja hace que cada corazón lata más rápido. El conjunto de ciervos está formado por: 1x sonajero de ciervo de ganchillo con mango de madera 1x cepillo suave 1x tarjeta de hito "Hello World" 1x tela de peluche hecha de 70% bambú y 30% algodón aprox. 110 cm x 120 cm 1x juguete de agarre hecho de madera con perlas de silicona (libre de BPA), cuerda de PP resistente al desgarro La personalización se crea en el anillo de madera del sonajero y en la parte posterior del cepillo para el cabello. El conjunto Fuchs consta de: 1x sonajero de ciervo de ganchillo con mango de madera 1x cepillo suave 1x tarjeta de hito "Hello World" 1x tela de peluche hecha de 70% bambú y 30% algodón aprox. 110 cm x 120 cm 1x cadena de chupete según DIN EN 12586 con perlas de silicona sin BPA La personalización se crea en el anillo de madera del sonajero y en la parte posterior del cepillo para el cabello. Si el nombre no es demasiado largo, también en el clip del chupete Ordene su propia caja para bebés ahora y entregue la caja llena de amor a sus seres queridos. Seguridad: ¡Nunca deje a sus hijos desatendidos con los productos! Los materiales utilizados cumplen con las normas de seguridad de la norma DIN EN 71 La longitud de la cadena del chupete es de aprox. 22 cm. (DIN EN 12586)
3.995 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Dos Assassins, un sólo destino. Cuando una batalla llega a su fin y has sido el ganador, todos tus enemigos han sido arrasados. ¿Cuál será mi próximo destino? Mi nombre es Ezio Auditore, y dejaré mi hogar en busca de secretos. En busca de respuestas. Ezio, siguiendo los pasos de su antecesor Altaïr, se sumergirá en el corazón del Imperio Otomano para combatir un ejército de Templarios que amenazan la región. Su lucha se convertirá en una carrera contrarreloj a través de la histórica Constantinopla. Hay que destacar que el modo multijugador ha sido mejorado y tendrá entre sus opciones más mapas, personajes y modos para que los jugadores tengan la oportunidad de demostrar sus 'ansias asesinas'.
9,94 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Dados rústicos hechos a mano ¿Alguna vez te has quedado atascado por ideas para la noche de citas? ¿O no has sido capaz de ponerte de acuerdo sobre qué hacer? Tira estos dados decisivos y quita el estrés de decidir. ¡Añade un poco de espontaneidad y diversión a tus citas! Rollo 1 troquel para una fecha corta, o rollo 2 para una fecha más larga. ¡Con 2 dados para tirar tienes 36 opciones de fecha diferentes! ¡Simplemente tira los dados y mira lo que te espera esta noche!
2.024 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
"Dragomino" es la versión infantil del archiconocido juego "Kingdomino". Ahora, has sido nombrado entrenador de dragones y vas a encargarte de ser su guardián en una isla misteriosa. Como no serás el único entrenador que ha sido enviado allí, deberás conseguir el mayor número de huevos y bebés dragones para conseguir la victoria.
20,25 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Los Frogriders son unos encantadores elfos que viven en los profundos bosques del norte. Cada primavera, en honor a sus ancestros, celebran un torneo para dilucidar quién es el mejor táctico entre ellos. Ahora tú también has sido convocado al torneo y te deberás poner al mando de las cuatro mejores escuadras de jinetes en una batalla simulada. Aquel que consiga capturar a los jinetes más valiosos y utilice mejor sus habilidades especiales, se alzará con la victoria en este legendario torneo.
2.102 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Human: Fall Flat para PlayStation 4, Xbox One y Nintendo Switches un estrafalario juego abierto de exploración y rompecabezas basado en la física y ambientado en flotantes paisajes oníricos. Tu objetivo es escapar de los surrealistas sueños resolviendo rompecabezas con la sola ayuda de tu ingenio y de la física. En Human: Fall Flat te pones en la piel de Bob, un tembloroso héroe humano que sigue soñando con lugares alucinantes llenos de acertijos que todavía no ha logrado resolver. Pon a prueba tu creatividad: ¡todas las soluciones valen! Tú y hasta siete amigos podréis interactuar en línea con máquinas de minería enormes y manipular corrientes térmicas de aire ascendente para atravesar cuevas gigantes. O puede que el tenue resplandor de la hoguera te parezca demasiado reconfortante como para dejarlo atrás. Características: El tembloroso arte del parkour: Bob puede caminar (casi recto), tirar, empujar, transportar, romper e interactuar con los objetos del juego, en virtud de un sistema de física avanzado. El primer y más divertido reto será dominar sus movimientos a través de los innovadores controles para enseguida hacer frente a un gran abanico de retos. Modo cooperativo local: Juega con un amigo o familiar, trabaja en equipo para lograr cualquier tarea o pasaos una hora lanzándoos mutuamente de las formas más descabelladas. Locura multijugador en línea: Déjate caer por salas públicas o créalas. Invita a tus amigos y disfruta viendo cómo tiemblan y caen 8 torpes Bob. Verás que con un par de manos más podréis dar con nuevas soluciones y posibilidades o simplemente contribuir a la locura. ¡No hay nada como ver a 8 Bobs catapultándose! Personalización: El armario de Bob está lleno de trajes ridículos; desde el de un albañil hasta el de un perro; de turista, astronauta, ninja... Puedes elegir la cabeza, torso o piernas e incluso cambiarla el color. ¡Crea un Bob a tu gusto! Paisajes surrealistas: Explora niveles abiertos que obedecen a las reglas de la física. Interactúa con prácticamente todos los objetos del juego y ve adonde quieras: tienes total libertad. Una comunidad vibrante: Streamers y YouTubers acuden a Human: Fall Flat por su juego único e hilarante. ¡Los fanáticos han visto estos videos más de 600 millones de veces! Más de 600 millones de visitas en videos en YouTube Más de 200 videos con más de 1 millón de visitas El video más visto: 23 millones de visitas HFF has sido presentado por los principales creadores de contenido de YouTube: elrubiusOMG (37.2M suscriptores) – video de HFF con 9 millones de visitas Vegetta777 (29.1M suscriptores) – más de 10 videos de HFF, la mayoría con más 2.5 millones de visitas Jacksepticeye (23.4M suscriptores) – más de 8 videos de HFF cada uno con más de 1 millón de visitas. La “Anniversary Edition” incluye los 14 niveles lanzados hasta la fecha en el cartucho/disco Desde su lanzamiento, se han lanzado cinco niveles nuevos con aún más en el horizonte. Dark: Bob sueña con un área nocturno, ambientado bajo el resplandor inquietante de una luna llena y completa con clásicos tropos y simbolismos de terror. Con todo tipo de acertijos complicados y artilugios tortuosos, Dark hará que los jugadores jueguen con imanes, electricidad y, por supuesto, ¡la física tambaleante de Bob! Steam: Este nuevo nivel se establece en un entorno industrial impulsado por vapor, donde los nuevos rompecabezas y mecanismos giran en torno a hacer que las abundantes cantidades de vapor de agua trabajen para ti. ¡Comienza una revolución industrial, manipula barriles, tuberías, hornos y más para llegar a la salida! Ice: ¡Los humanos no son las únicas cosas que caen del cielo! A ellos se unen hermosos copos de nieve ondulantes que han recubierto generosamente un nuevo nivel en un complejo alpino. La nieve y el hielo crean desafíos divertidos y congelados. Thermal: El sueño de un buscador de oro se hace realidad en las montañas heladas de «Termal», el nuevo nivel de Human: Fall Flat. Tú y hasta siete amigos podréis interactuar en línea con máquinas de minería enormes y manipular corrientes térmicas de aire ascendente para atravesar cuevas gigantes. O puede que el tenue resplandor de la hoguera te parezca demasiado reconfortante como para dejarlo atrás. Factory: ¿Estás listo para pasar un buen rato en el nuevo nivel de Human: Fall Flat, Factory? Está repleto de mecanismos metálicos e interruptores para crear piezas de maquinaria ¡Y el ganador es! Ganador de más de 10 premios de la industria, Human: Fall Flat continúa deleitando a los fanáticos por su encantador juego cooperativo disfrutado por un increíble número de jugadores.
24,95 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
¡ Enhorabuena! Has sido elegido alcalde de esta maravillosa pequeña ciudad. Tienes grandes planes para tu mandato: ¡desarrollar tu ciudad y hacer que prospere para ganar así la competición contra los otros alcaldes del país! Fama y fortuna (y la reelección) te esperan. Pero sé precavido: si haces progresar tu ciudad sin respetar a sus ciudadanos, éstos acabarán pronto con tu liderazgo… Componentes:108 cartas que incluyen: 104 cartas de edificio y 4 cartas de ayuda1 Libro de reglas. Referencia SDGDESTWN01...
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España (Todas las ciudades)
FEUDUM: PACK DELUXE ¡ Maldición! Has sido exiliado y te han requisado todos tus bienes excepto unos pocos chelines y algo de chatarra. Inasequible al desaliento, viajas a una tierra extraña para reinventarte a ti mismo y recuperar tu honor. Bajo la atenta mirada de su majestad, la Reina Anne, debes forjarte tu propio camino de fama y gloria. ¿ Cultivarás la tierra, lucharás como un caballero o maquinarás para hacerte con tus propios feudos? Feudum (en latín, feudo) es un juego de economía medieval de gest...
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Un año en Hogwarts. Has sido aceptado en la escuela de mayor prestigio para magos y magas dirigida por el gran mago de todos los tiempos, Albus Dumbledore Revive todas las aventuras de Harry Potter y sus amigos para ganar el juego con las 30 misiones diferentes. El juego incluye 3 modos de juego según el nivel de conocimientos: aprendiz de brujo, brujo cualificado y el regreso de Voldemort. Edad recomendada a partir de 7 años.
49,99 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Are you a student looking for a cute digital planner? Do you like CATS!? This hyperlinked Cat Blossom Study Planner is tailored for students who have classes, assignments/projects, homework, and want to track their study and grades. The pages can be used as continuous running pages, all you need to do is add a new page for the next day/month that you use it. You can use this planner in combination with other Cat Blossom planners/notebooks in my shop (links below). Import the file to your app as many times as you need, especially when starting new classes or a new year! ~~~~~~~ This Study digital planner has 6 hyperlinked tabs that take you to the first page of that section. These tabs include: 1. Class Notes: The hyperlink (which is available and works on all pages, including new pages) takes you to the main page where there are 4 subject boxes you can write in. These subject boxes are then hyperlinked to the 4 different sections. 2. Projects: This is for your assignments, essays, projects, reports etc.! You can fill in the due date, details about the assignment, list your resources and readings required to do the assignment, fill in a to-do list, add extra notes or comments, and there is a section especially for task breakdown. This will help to organise the planning of your assignment better. 3. Homework: The homework section allows you to view all your pending homework and check it off. You can write in what subject/class it is, what the homework is, when it's due and if it has been completed. 4. Study: This section is especially handy for tests and exams. You can fill in the subject and exam/test date, the to-do list for what you're studying, the date it needs to be done by, your level of understanding on the topic, and check off when each task has been completed. 5. Grades: This allows you to track your grades, which can be beneficial when you are trying to see patterns, trends or improvement in your academics. You can write in the subject/class, the type of assessment, the grade you got, and if it has been fully completed or submitted. ~~~~~~~ Format: - PDF Digital Study Planner - JPG Book Covers - PNG Stickers Hyperlinked? - Yes - Do not delete the original template pages from the PDF document, as this will stop the hyperlinks from working Once purchased, you will receive: ~ 1x PDF of the Digital Planner ~ 1x zip folder of 33 Individual PNG Cat & Blossom Theme Stickers ~ 1x zip folder of 59 Individual PNG Themed Planner Stickers ~ 1x zip folder of 4 JPG Book Covers ~ 1x PDF of picture instructions for Goodnotes (for all digital items in my shop) ~~~~~~~ This is a digital product so no physical item will be sent to you. You can download your purchase through your account on Etsy, or follow the link that is emailed to you confirming your purchase. For personal use only, no reselling or redistributing allowed. All rights reserved and Copyrighted © Tofu Bao Shop (designs by shop owner, Brooke) **Due to the nature of this product being digital, refunds are unable to be processed. If you have any questions before purchasing, please do not hesitate to message me through Etsy** ~~~~~~~ OTHER digital items with this design? YES!! ~ 12 TAB DIGITAL PLANNER ~ [25 templates to copy and paste after tabs] https://www.etsy.com/au/listing/1340997028/cute-digital-planner-kawaii-digital?click_key=8f8e9cbc12f431f1373c375da3fbda6138462646%3A1340997028&click_sum=4b6153b3&ref=shop_home_active_6&clickFromShopCard=1&pro=1 ~ DIGITAL NOTEBOOK ~ [add a new page as you go] https://www.etsy.com/au/listing/1320511012/cute-digital-notebook-kawaii-goodnotes?click_key=02d8bf3dc7e4d46166fa29fc2d002629706f25b8%3A1320511012&click_sum=bd56130f&ref=shop_home_active_4&clickFromShopCard=1&pro=1 ~ SIMPLE DIGITAL PLANNER ~ [4 subject notebook for class notes at the start, plus 5 other tabs where you add a new page as you go] https://www.etsy.com/au/listing/1319832128/cute-digital-planner-kawaii-digital?click_key=43ec180c5fe125a10cfcefd7e7270bda01fd1696%3A1319832128&click_sum=ece0259c&ref=shop_home_active_1&clickFromShopCard=1&pro=1 ~ BUNDLES ~ [SAVE and buy in bundles!] https://www.etsy.com/au/shop/TofuBaoShop?ref=simple-shop-header-name&listing_id=1327571493§ion_id=40142397 ~~~~~~~ ~ About the Shop Owner ~ Sometimes, it's all about the aesthetic. For years I struggled with sticking to a plan or schedule, or organizing my study notes because I was bored looking at blank lined paper. I even scrapped old 'boring' books and rewrote an entire 8 weeks of work in a new fresh notebook to keep the notes consistent - and I did this more than once (um, ocd much?) With the emergence of digital planners and notebooks, I had this great idea to help me stay motivated and visually stimulated to keep up with various areas in my life. I wanted to create planners and notebooks with designs that I would actually be motivated to use, designs that would have a certain KAWAII aesthetic. That's why I created this shop, I designed each listing individually and spent a lot of time drawing on the iPad lol, but here are my designs and I hope you like them and find them helpful to your life as well.
1.197 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
This daily, dated digital planner has everything you need to set your goals and create a plan to achieve them! From setting actionable goals to managing priorities day-to-day, this planner will support you every step of the way. CHOOSE YOUR VERSION! This planner now includes 10 VERSIONS to choose from, find your perfect planner layout: > Do you prefer to use a calendar with weeks starting on Sunday or Monday? Both options are included for each version, just take your pick! > Choose between Portrait and Landscape page orientation > (landscape planner) Choose between 2 different weekly page layout options, vertical columns or boxed > (landscape planner) Choose between 2 different daily page layout options, blank sidebar or mindfulness-focused sidebar You'll have instant access to all versions, our download guide will help you find your perfect version! Prefer to watch instead of read? This video will give you a full overview of the 2023 planner: https://youtu.be/yHa8QbC2e20 THIS PLANNER IS PACKED WITH FEATURES! • Dated Pages: Monthly, Weekly and Daily dated planning pages with hyperlinks for easy navigation (both sunday start and monday start week options included). Dated calendar pages run from January through December 2023. Landscape planner now has multiple versions to includes two different weekly and daily page options, choose the version that fits the way you want to plan! • Monthly Bonus Pages: In addition to the standard monthly planning spread, each month has 5 linked bonus pages: reflection, planning, habit tracking, financial budgeting and a blank page • Weekly Bonus Pages: In addition to the standard weekly planning spread, each week has 5 linked bonus pages: weekly focus/planning, a planner view (can be used for meal planning/assignment tracking), wellness tracking, to do list and a blank page • Annual Trackers: Record key dates, create a wish list (bucket list) for your business, track your personal health and finances, track your follower/subscriber counts and check off your business milestones as you achieve them each month! These tracking pages are linked in the top menu for easy access throughout the year • Goal Setting: A complete "Goal Clarity Roadmap" section includes templates designed to guide you through the process of reflecting, clarifying your vision, optimizing your time and creating actionable goals. • Goal Planning: This section includes space to plan and track 12 goals throughout your year. Each goal links to a goal plan template, a gantt chart template and a progress view template. • Custom Sections: 12 customizable notes sections hyperlinked to the table of contents and accessible through tabs on every page of the planner for easy navigation. You can easily build out your sections with the included template pages to capture project plans, important notes, a reading log, etc. The possibilities are endless! • Bonus Template Pages: Library of 40+ bonus planning page templates that can be duplicated as many times as needed (see below for list of all templates) • Sticker Set: 500+ stickers organized in a sticker book for use in Goodnotes (individual png images also included for non-goodnotes users) • Layout Widget Stickers: You have endless customization options for your monthly, weekly and daily dated planning pages with the included set of layout "widget" stickers that are designed to fit seamlessly in the open margins/footers of the dated monthly, weekly and daily pages. • Decorative Covers: Switch up your planner thumbnail by changing the cover of your planner to match your personal aesthetic. This bonus includes 6 decorative planner cover options. ** This is a digital planner intended to be used on an iPad or tablet device in a PDF markup app that supports hyperlinks (such as GoodNotes or Notability)** ______________________________________ NEW TO DIGITAL PLANNING? I have step-by-step video series that will walk you through all the basics of choosing an app for your tablet, uploading your files and using your new planner! You can follow along here: https://laurelstudio.co/pages/gettingstarted I'm also always available to help with questions and troubleshooting, just send me a message! ______________________________________ PLANNER DETAILS: • Dated planner pages from January through December 2023 (2023 year at a glance, 12 dated monthly pages, 52 dated weekly pages, 365 daily dated pages). All dated pages are hyperlinked for easy navigation: year at glance page links to each month, monthly pages link out to both weekly spreads and daily pages, weekly spreads link out to daily pages. Daily pages link back to weeks. Tabs along right side of every page also link to monthly pages. • "Widget" sticker designs allows you to quickly adjust the layout and content of your dated pages to fit your needs - add schedule blocks, priorities, habit trackers and more to your dated pages. These stickers are included in the GoodNotes sticker book and saved as pre-cropped PNGs. They are sized to fit perfectly over the flexible margin/footer areas on your daily, weekly and monthly pages. For more details on how this sticker set works, watch the walk-through video linked above! • 500+ stickers in a tabbed sticker book (great for organizing and building your sticker collection). This sticker book is compatible with the GoodNotes 5 app only. For other app users, I've also included all of the sticker images saved as pre-cropped PNG images. They are organized into folders for ease of use. I recommend saving the entire collection to your device or a cloud drive that you can easily access from your PDF markup app. • Annual tracking pages to track key details throughout your year include: • Important Dates: record important events and milestones in a year-at-a-glance format. This can easily be copied over to future years • Wish List: list out some of your aspirations for the year and check them off as you make them happen! • Health Tracker: Track the most important details of your personal health throughout the year • Finance Tracker: Set financial goals for yourself and track your spending/saving in a single view month-to-month • Top menu icons, numbered sections and monthly tabs are hyperlinked to allow for quick navigation on every page of the planner • 40+ bonus page templates included - all pages can easily be duplicated as many times as needed • Weekly Block View (2 design options) • Weekly Schedule View (2 design options) • Undated Monthly spread • Yearly Overview (2 design options) • Quarterly Overview • Key Dates • Goal Planner • Vision Goal Planner • Wish List (Bucket List) • Meal Planner (2 design options) • Project Planner • Password Organizer • Habit Tracker (2 design options) • Mood Tracker • Workout Tracker • Time Tracker • Nutrition Log • Reading List • 6 Section To-Do List • Blank 12 Block View • Blank Column View • Two Column List Page • Bill Payment Tracker • Debt Payment Tracker • Expense Tracker • Monthly Budget • Blank Pages (Grid, Dotted, Lined, Blank) • Note Pages (Grid, Dotted, Lined, Blank) • Meeting Note Pages (Grid, Dotted, Lined, Blank) ____________________________________ FILES INCLUDED: • 2023 Planner Download Guide PDF, this file includes links to all 10 versions of the planner so you can easily choose your perfect planner version! The download guide also includes links to download your sticker set and bonus covers - GoodNotes sticker book file (for use in GoodNotes only) - Zip file of all individual sticker PNG files (for use on desktop or in any other PDF annotation app) - Decorative cover set PDF file ______________________________________ IMPORTING YOUR FILES: GOODNOTES USERS - The planner is included as a standard PDF file and the sticker book is included as a GoodNotes.zip file. You do NOT need to unzip the sticker book file, simply import the "goodnotes.zip" file directly into GoodNotes. If you are using the planner in GoodNotes, you will have no need for the "Sticker PNG File".zip folder, so you can disregard this file. For step-by-step instructions view the how-to videos on this page: https://laurelstudio.co/pages/gettingstarted ALL OTHER PDF ANNOTATION APP USERS (e.g. Notability, Noteshelf, etc) - The Planner PDF file can be imported into any annotation app that supports internal document hyperlinks. To use the stickers, unzip the "Sticker PNG File".zip folder on a desktop computer or in an app like izip. Save the PNG sticker images directly to your device or in a cloud file sharing drive you can access from your markup app (e.g. google drive, dropbox, icloud) This planner is intended for personal use only and cannot be reproduced for commercial purposes. Due to the nature of this digital product, it cannot be returned. However, if you run into any issues using it, please reach out to me - it's always my top priority to make sure you are happy with your purchase and that the planner is working well for you:) ______________________________________ QUESTIONS? Please do not hesitate to shoot me a message, I'm always happy to help!
2.471 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
A unique, 100% personalized handmade book with the interpretation of your personal horoscope based on your birth data is, without doubt, a one of a kind gift which you will certainly catch yourself reading more than once. It presents a very detailed analysis on more than 40 pages which uncovers the multifaceted nature of your personality features and organizes them into a whole. The book's hardcover bears the name of the intended receiver of the personalized horoscope. You can also add a personal message that will be printed on the first page inside the book. The cover design depends on your birth horoscope sign, so it can be one of 12 zodiac signs. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What you get ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Over 40 pages of a detailed interpretation of your personal horoscope • A neatly designed hardcover book with dimensions 20x23 cm (7,8x9 inches) • Your name is printed on the cover and on the back cover • Handmade for each individual • The horoscope reading is produced and shipped to you within 5 working days. Take a look at this example to see what a full reading can tell you: http://issuu.com/astrocaffe/docs/my_astro_book_reading_-_example ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What I need to make the book ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When you order, please send me the following information: • FULL NAME • GENDER • DATE of birth (e.g. November 11, 1980) • TIME of birth (e.g. 9:33am) • PLACE of birth (e.g. Ljubljana, Slovenia) If I don't receive full data I will not be able to calculate your horoscope completely accurately. Please also check if your Etsy address is correct or provide me with an address to which I should send the book. You can put this information in the "message to seller" on the checkout, or you can send it via Etsy conversation (press the "Contact" button in the sidebar). You can also send me an email to info[at]myastrobook.com Your data is always completely confidential. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Customization ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Every book I make is personalized. There is your name printed on the cover and the whole content is written just for you. You can choose from different cover designs: https://www.etsy.com/shop/MyAstroBook. If you want to make a special cover graphic you need to send me a picture big enough (at least 1200x1200px). And it will cost you additional 20€ - this is what I pay designer to create custom cover. You can search for images at different photo stock sites like https://www.shutterstock.com or https://depositphotos.com Many of my customers choose the cover image from https://aboveandwithin.com. But please try to get an image that is not cut at the edges so my designer can fit it in our template. When ordering you can add a personal message that will be printed on the first page inside the book. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Express Delivery ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I can ship the book by express delivery but the delivery cost and time depends on destination country. I need to calculate price and delivery time for each address. You can contact me about it before you place the order. European Union - Shipped by GLS Express. - Delivery time is 3-7 working days. - Shipping cost is 15 - 35 €. Everywhere else (excluding USA) - Shipped by FedEx Priority mail. - Delivery time is 2-3 business days. - Shipping cost is 25 €. USA - Free shipping by UPS expedited mail and it is usually delivered in a few days, so I don't use express shipping. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100% personalized horoscope reading Your guide to a better life ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The reading of your personal horoscope My Astro Book is a professional and authorial work containing an extensive description of each position in your personal (birth) horoscope. It presents a very detailed analysis which uncovers the multifaceted nature of your personality features and organizes them into a whole. Knowing your personal horoscope allows you to discover and develop your potentials, talents and abilities upon which you should build your life. It also subtly warns you of your imperfections, allowing you to work on them and start living a full life. This knowledge comes in handy in various areas of life and it helps you with making the right choices. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alenka Marsenić – Marsa Author of the MyAstroBook personal horoscope ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For over 30 years, Marsa has studied and explored astrology and its influence on the individual's life and personality. With her unique approach to interpreting astrology and her recognisable style she has more than successfully brought the subject closer to the general public. Her language is fluent and easy to understand and her reading always catches the reader by surprise, as she manages to reveal features of your personality you may not even be aware of yourself. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100% personalized hardcover book A gift for your whole life ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Each MyAstroBook personal horoscope is a unique product that is handmade for each individual customer. The book contains more than 40 pages (10.000 words and up) of a detailed interpretation of your personal horoscope neatly bound in a conveniently-sized hardcover with your name printed on it. A book whose cover bears your name and whose content reveals the mysteries of your personality is truly a one of a kind gift that will bring you many a happy moment in life. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I first need to produce the horoscope interpretation, which takes at least one day, and then the handmade production of the actual book begins. The book will thus be shipped within 5 days after I have received your order. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- View an example of MyAstroBook personal horoscope reading: http://issuu.com/astrocaffe/docs/my_astro_book_reading_-_example ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you need more informations you can contact me via Etsy conversation or send me an email to info[at]myastrobook.com
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