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España (Todas las ciudades)
Six Month Instagram Marketing Bundle I Instagram Content Plan | Instagram captions | Instagram Marketing | Content Calendar I Instagram post templates | Instagram Grid Layout I Instagram Puzzle Layout I Business Marketing | Social Media Marketing | Instagram Canva templates ???? Watch the Demo video here: https://youtu.be/gSQVxvtNDzU Say goodbye to struggling with marketing your business on Instagram! ???? This Ultimate Instagram bundle combines my best selling Six Month Instagram Content Playbook with my Ultimate Instagram Grid Layout Guide. Here's what you get: ????20,500 pre-written captions to plug and play ???? 9 done-for-you Instagram Layout Grids ???? 44 Instagram editable Instagram post Canva templates ???? Six month Instagram content calendar done for you ???? The strategy behind each post including what, why and how to use your captions ???? Hashtags 101 Guide ???? 55 Call-to-action words and phrases to use in your copy ???? Content style guide ???? The four types of Instagram posts guide ???? The marketing terms you need to know ???? Intro to Instagram image posts, carousel posts, video posts, IGTV and Reels ???? How to use Canva templates guide That's literally hundreds of pages of Instagram marketing goodness! When you purchase, you will receive five files: ???? 1 x PDF Six Month Instagram Content Playbook (224 pages) ???? 1 x Word document containing 20,500 words of pre-written captions (201 pages) ???? 3 x PDF Ultimate Instagram Grid Layout including links to 44 Canva Instagram Post Canva templates (totalling 96 pages) Here's why you need this: ???? Reclaim the time you spend thinking up clever Instagram captions and post designs ???? Say goodbye to your scattergun approach to your Instagram feed ???? Keep consistent and always have something ready to share ???? Learn the strategy to grow your following, develop connections and convert your audience into paying customers LET'S FACE FACTS: It's easy to get stuck scrambling to think of what to post on Instagram. ???? Regardless of where you are on your Instagram journey, this bundle is for you. If this sounds like you: ???? The thought of writing makes you want to hide under a blanket ???? You don't have the time to write clever, strategic posts ???? You're too busy working IN your business that taking the time to market what you do has become an afterthought ???? You can't get your layout looking considered and curated ???? You don't generate enough sales from Instagram to justify your time ???? You can't keep up with all the changes on Instagram I get it, and I developed this just for you. Can you relate to any of the following Instagram personalities? ???? Scattered Sally You're a free spirit and post on the fly without a clear strategy. Your grid looks as scrambled as your mind and your audience is unclear on what you do or what you're trying to say. ???? Promoting Peggy You come to your socials with a plan: to promote, promote, promote. 'Cause if people don't know what you're selling they're not going to buy, right? Your grid feed is full of product listings and your audience feels exhausted and disconnected. ???? Fun-times Fiona Instagram is all about having fun, and what could be more fun that pics and vids of your comedic cats, right? Your grid is full of posts that don't relate to your business. Your audience gets you, but they have no idea what value you can offer them. ???? Hiding Helena Posting on Instagram feels heavy and burdensome. You show up on the 'Gram inconsistently and with hesitation. Your audience doesn't know who you are, what you do, and are left wondering where you are most of the time. Here's the solution: I have written over 20,500 words of Instagram post captions and designed 44 Instagram post templates for you to pick up, adapt and use as your own. Yep, indeed, that's a lot of work! ???? I've created the words, the strategy and structure to grow your audience and convert followers into customers. I specifically designed this so you can: ⚡️Save time, reduce stress, and stay focused ⚡️Harness the power of content to grow and scale your business ⚡️Be confident about what you are sharing on Instagram ⚡️Reach a broader audience and build valuable connections with prospective customers. I designed the Ultimate Instagram Bundle to help you: ???? Nurture your audience ???? Inform prospective customers ???? Have fun with your followers $ Generate sales As a professional Content Marketing Consultant, I work one on one with clients for $150 an hour. You can save thousands of dollars by picking up these templates and tweaking them slightly to suit your own needs. Imagine if you could achieve this by making a small investment in your business. Don't just take it from me – here's what others say: “I am amazed with the bundle and am working every day with it to prepare my Instagram for the next level! It is simply amazing! I was so confused about how to proceed with my account to have good content and more followers and this gave me the solution. Thank you so much! I can sum it up in one word: PERFECT!” “I bought this a couple of days ago and I’m already seeing a huge increase in engagement on my Instagram! I’m so impressed with Karly and her Six Month Instagram Bundle! I’ve been looking for a great Instagram course for a long time and I’m so glad I came across this. I used to struggle with what to post, how to write the captions, which hashtags to use. This has all the answers and is giving me so many ideas on what to post and what to say. I highly recommend it for all business owners.” “Karly really has made it easy for small businesses to promote themselves without the stress of creating content plus the graphics. Marketing can be so tedious and stressful. To think about what to post while actually doing your job is really hard. Karly has taken the stress of what to say out of the equation. I love this and I’m excited to see how it will help my start-up. Thanks!” FAQs "How much time is required?" The Six Month Instagram Bundle will save you a tonne of time. It will only take a few minutes to adapt each visual post and pre-written caption to meet your needs, then all you need to do is post, sit back and relax. ???? "How do I know if the grid layouts and post templates are relevant to my business?” The grid layouts, post templates and pre-written captions have been created based on a range of fictional businesses, ranging from products or service-based businesses, with physical or digital offerings. Regardless of your business, offering and audience, you can easily pick up the Canva post templates and edit them to suit your needs. Before each pre-written caption, I provide you with the strategy behind the caption as well as the structure to help you quickly and easily adapt the caption to your business, offering and audience. "Do I need specific tools to access the Ultimate Instagram Bundle?" Once you purchase, you will receive immediate access to five files including four PDF files and one Word file. The Instagram Ultimate Instagram Grid Layout PDF is included and contains links to the 44 Canva post templates. You don't need any specific tools or software to access or use the Guides, just the ability to open PDF and Word documents. To edit the visual post templates, you will need access to a free Canva account. You do not need access to a paid Canva account unless you would like to resize the templates. "Is the Six Month Instagram Bundle specific to any industry?" The Six Month Instagram Bundle can be used by any small business, regardless of if you are products or service-based, physical or digital. All Instagram Grid layouts, post templates and caption samples can be adapted to meet your offering, industry and audience. "What files will I get?" Once you purchase, you will receive an immediate email including links to five files including four PDF files and one Word file. Links to all Canva templates are included within the Ultimate Instagram Guide Layout Guide PDF document. ???? 1 x PDF Six Month Instagram Content Playbook (224 pages) ???? 1 x Word document containing 20,500 words of pre-written captions (201 pages) ???? 3 x PDF Ultimate Instagram Grid Layout including links to 44 Canva Instagram Post Canva templates (totalling 96 pages) “Does the Six Month Instagram Bundle include Instagram Stories prompts and images? The Six Month Content Playbook gives you a strategy that you can execute across your Instagram Posts, Stories, Reels and IGTV. The bulk of this Playbook is focussed on refining your Instagram posts. I focus on posts first as it is an easy win to start your confidence and momentum towards leveraging Instagram's other features. The Ultimate Instagram Grid Layout gives you Canva templates for your Instagram posts. You may choose to repurpose or share these for your Instagram Stories. If you would like to resize the images for your Stories you will need a paid Canva account. "Why do you include a Word document for the pre-written captions?" PDFs can be fiddly to copy and paste from. The Word document gives you easy access to adapt the pre-written caption samples. You can copy and paste them into Instagram or your social media scheduler. “Can I use this for my clients’ businesses or businesses other than my own?” All of the information within and the design of the Six Month Instagram Bundle is my original proprietary work and is copyrighted. It cannot be copied, shared, sold, resold, distributed or redistributed in any form, either printed or electronically. Where explicitly stated in the document, caption samples can be copied and used for the purpose of promoting the purchaser's business only. “Do you license your products for resale?” No, I don’t license any of my products for resale. All of the information within and the design of the Six Month Instagram Bundle is my original proprietary work and is copyrighted. It cannot be copied, shared, sold, resold, distributed or redistributed in any form, either printed or electronically. "I have a question not answered here." No worries, shoot me a DM or email me at karly [!at] karlyhocking.com and I will be happy to help. ????
9.460 €
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Barcelona (Barcelona)
1/43 COCHE CAR AUTO KITT COCHE FANTÁSTICO K.I.T.T. KNIGHT RIDER BLACK 1/43 COCHE CAR AUTO KITT COCHE FANTÁSTICO K.I.T.T. KNIGHT RIDER BLACK MINIATURA DE COLECCIÓN EN SU EMBALAJE ORIGINAL ESCALA 1/43 VER FOTO PARA DETALLES See picture for more details ENVÍOS A ESPAÑA Y BALEARES POR 6€ SIN LÍMITE DE ARTÍCULOS, CANARIAS, CEUTA Y MELILLA PREGUNTAR, POR FAVOR. SENDING FEES TO SPAIN AND BALEARES ARE 6€ WITH NO ITEM LIMIT. CANARIAS, CEUTA AND MELILLA NEED TO ASK FOR PRICES. ENVÍOS A PORTUGAL POR 9,5€ SIN LÍMITE DE ARTÍCULOS A DOMICILIO. SENDING FEES TO PORTUGAL ARE 9,5€ WITH NO ITEM LIMIT WHEN SENT AT HOME. ENVÍOS A FRANCIA, BÉLGICA, LUXEMBURGO PARA RECOGER EN UN POINT RELAIS POR SÓLO 9,9€ SIN LÍMITE DE ARTÍCULOS. SENDING FEES TO FRANCE, BELGIUM, LUXEMBOURG TO RETRIEVE AT A POINT RELAIS IS 9,9€ WITH NO ITEM LIMIT. ENVÍOS A DOMICILIO A ALEMANIA, FRANCIA, BÉLGICA, LUXEMBURGO, AUSTRIA Y PAÍSES BAJOS POR 16€ SIN LÍMITE DE ARTÍCULOS. SENDING FEES TO GERMANY, FRANCE, BELGIUM, LUXEMBOURG, AUSTRIA AND NETHERLANDS FOR 16€ WITH NO ITEM LIMIT WHEN SENT AT HOME. NO OLVIDES PEDIR TU COMBINACIÓN DE ENVÍO ANTES DE PAGAR JUST SENDING. DON’T FORGET TO ASK FOR YOU SEND COMBINATION BEFORE PAYING NO SE ENTREGA EN PERSONA, SOLO ENVÍO  NO DELIVERY IN PERSON POR FAVOR LEA EL ANUNCIO, SI NO ESTÁ DE ACUERDO, NO PUJE NI COMPRE, SEGURO QUE HAY ALGUIEN QUE QUIERE ESE ARTÍCULO Y ACEPTA LAS CONDICIONES DE PAGO Y ENVÍO.PARA CUALQUIER CONSULTA, NO DUDE EN PONERSE EN CONTACTO CONMIGO, EN UN TERMINO DE 24/48 HORAS, SERÁ DE MI AGRADO, RESOLVERLE SUS DUDAS. PLEASE READ THE ADVERTISEMENT, IF IT’S NOT OF YOUR LIKING, THEN DON’T BID OR BUY, THERE’S SOMEONE ELSE THAT WANTS IT AND ACCEPTS TE PAYMENT AND SENDING CONDITIONS. IF THERE’S ANY PROBLEM, DON’T DOUBT CONTACTING ME, I WILL REPLY IN 24/48 HOURS MAX, I WOULD APPRECIATE TO HEAR YOUR CONCERNS.   Nos dedicamos a vender artículos nuevos, transformaciones y sobre todo, colecciones compradas a particulares, por ello, los blíster, cajas de cartón, urnas de metacrilato donde se guardan estos artículos pueden haber sufrido algún desperfecto por el paso del tiempo y su anterior almacenaje, pero el artículo alojado en su interior no tiene que estar dañado ni con ninguna falta de sus piezas. We work by selling first-hand products, transformations and, above all else, collections bought to particular, then, the blisters, cardboard boxes, methacrylate urns where they were stored may have suffered some damage with time and the past storage, but the product inside should not be harmed. Si estos artículos no dispusieran de caja o blíster, se enviarán muy bien protegidos para que no sufran daño ninguno, siendo advertido en la descripción concreta del artículo. If these products are missing a box or blister, they will be sent protected for them not to suffer any harm, we will warn before-hand about problems like these. Todos los envíos se harán con número de seguimiento, nada de correo ordinario. All mail shall be done with tracking number, no ordinary mail. Se acepta el pago por Paypal, transferencia, Bizum o ingreso bancario. Contrareembolso no aceptamos. We accept Paypal payment, transfer, Bizum or bank income. We don’t accept cod. POLÍTICA DE DEVOLUCIONES SE ACEPTAN DEVOLUCIONES DURANTE LOS 14 PRIMEROS DÍAS, DESPUÉS DE HABER SIDO RECIBIDO POR EL COMPRADOR. LA DEVOLUCIÓN CORRE A CARGO DEL COMPRADOR, SI DISPONGO DE OTRO ARTÍCULO IGUAL, CUANDO SEA RECIBIDO EL DEFECTUOSO, INMEDIATAMENTE SERÁ ENVIADO EL NUEVO, SINO, REEMBOLSARÉ EL IMPORTE INTEGRO DEL ARTÍCULO, A LA LLEGADA DEL DEFECTUOSO. RETURN POLICY RETURNS ARE ACCEPTED DURING THE FIRST 14 DAYS, AFTER BEING PURCHASED. RETURNS ARE DONE BY THE BUYER, IF I OWN ANOTHER COPY OF THAT PRODUCT, THE NEW ONE WILL BE SENT IMMEDIATELY, IF IT WASN’T POSSIBLE, I WILL REFUND THE FULL PRICE OF THE PRODUCT.
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España (Todas las ciudades)
???? ADHD PRINTABLE PLANNER - RAINBOW ???? If you’ve tried and ‘failed’ at planners, it’s not because you’re ‘bad’ at planning or organization. It’s because most traditional planners (you know, the kind with 365 daily page layouts staring accusingly at you) aren’t designed for your neurotype. If you’re like me, you’ll feel guilty when you miss a day (or month) with regular planners, and then just stop using the planner altogether and throw it in a pile with all the others. But your brain isn’t broken, it’s just NEVER been given a flexible system that works with its creativity, passion and inconsistency. Until now… We’re not organizational robots… we’re messy, organic humans, and we need a planner that evolves with us. And that’s the approach I took when designing this ADHD planner. My planner design has a unique build-as-you-go format especially designed for ADHD brains. It’s so good, it’s the only ADHD-specific planner of its kind recommended by therapists, psychologists and behavioral scientists (and yes, I have the testimonials and podcast interviews to back this up ???????? futureadhd.com/proof) My unique planner system has over 2,000 five star reviews, and people who’ve been using this planner for MONTHS AND MONTHS - for the first time in their life! ❤️ People like LJ (review left 22nd March) “Actually really helps you focus and accomplish big goals! Six months with printable version and it is WORKING! I love planners but my life really didn’t improve much with regular planners. This is giving me results!” ❤️ People like Callum (review left 19th March)  “I have had this printable for about two months now. I adore this. Super helpful for my ADHD - easy to choose which pages to print, printer-friendly black & white pages save ink, and the best part is that it actually WORKS for my ADHD brain. Do I use it every day? Hell no, I barely remember to eat regularly! But when I need it, it's extremely easy to pop a pre-printed page in my notebook and move on with my day instead of sifting through hundreds of unused planner pages glaring at me emptily. This is the planner I have used the most BY FAR, and it feels so easy and sustainable that I am so glad I bought it. It's flexible enough that I'm not worried about buying a planner every two weeks anymore.” ❤️ People like Maria in Costa Rica (review left 23rd January): “I just wanted to share how much I appreciate your work in creating your planner. I just bought it and I cried reading through it. I've never seen anything like it. I feel so seen and supported. It feels like I've been in crowds of strangers averting their eyes and suddenly someone made eye contact with me. You nailed it.” The planner template library includes unique visual tools I invented based on research and my own lived experience as a creator with ADHD... like the Hyperfocus Lotus, Impulse Buy Checklist, 10&10 savings method, Div/Con planning and Symmetry Stress-relief. These methods are unconventional, but they work beautifully for neurodivergent brains. ???? Want to see inside the planner? Come check out my IG @future.adhd where I share walkthrough videos, tips and hacks, and neurospicy truth bombs. ???? In every section of this adult ADHD planner, you can read the scientific reasoning, research and how my templates directly support and empower your creative, often wild, fast-brained ADHD mind. There are over 230 pages, with tons of options so you can customize to suit your brain, your lifestyle and your habits. -------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER VARIATIONS: ???? RAINBOW - Digital/iPad ADHD Planner → https://etsy.me/3JHQFIB ???? PINK/GOLD - Digital/iPad ADHD Planner → https://etsy.me/3b1E9a0 ???? PINK/GOLD - Printable ADHD Planner → https://etsy.me/3nEvf4R -------------------------------------------------------------- ???? FILES YOU WILL RECEIVE ???? You will receive a 230 page file in: ⌂ US Letter size ⌂ A4 / A5 size ⌂ Happy Planner size ⌂ Step-by-step Planner Layout Guide ⌂ Customer support chat talking to actual genuine humans. And we have every device and app so we can help you. **Print A4 ‘two to a page’ for A5 size. I DON’T recommend printing 2 to a page with US letter however, only A4. ???? CALENDARS ???? ⌂ 2023 dated planners (Sun or Mon start) ⌂ Undated calendar ⌂ LIFETIME UPDATES to access all future annual editions of the planner ???? SCIENCE TIPS - Understand your ADHD brain ???? The planner includes 7 ‘science explainer’ pages where I cover the latest research on ADHD and link it to areas like: ⌂ ADHD & time perception ⌂ Divergent & Convergent thinking ⌂ ADHD & Money ⌂ ADHD & Motivation ⌂ Why ADHD Minds Wander ⌂ ADHD & Exercise ⌂ ADHD Hyperfocus ???? GET SH*T DONE - Daily prioritizing and productivity pages ???? ⌂ Daily planner (in multiple layouts, ADHD specific) ⌂ Weekly planner (undated) ⌂ Monthly overview + Jan-Dec calendars (undated) ⌂ ‘Do it with dopamine’ (multiple formats - reward-based templates for completing boring tasks) ⌂ Get sh*t done to do list with reward sections (weekdays & weekends) ⌂ Div/Con planning - to help you move from brainstorm ideation to logical action ⌂ Real-world priorities template (based on the Eisenhower Matrix) ???? REMEMBER STUFF - tracking tools ???? ⌂ New friend names - tracker (so you never awkwardly forget someone’s name again) ⌂ D&Ms with friends - tracker ⌂ #ADHDtax (yes it’s a thing) - tracker ⌂ Hyper-focus list to store all the information you deep-dive into ⌂ Parcel arrival - tracker (so you don’t forget those 5 widgets you ordered ????) ⌂ Podcasts I need to finish - tracker ⌂ Books I started - tracker ⌂ Assignment due date - tracker ⌂ Passwords - tracker ???? PROJECTS - Notebook Stack ???? ⌂ 5 blank notebooks for you to keep track of your creative ideas & projects ???? FINANCE - Conscious Cash ???? This is the largest and most recent addition to the planner, and contains a mix of standard budgeting templates you’re used to, plus innovative and new budgeting templates specifically designed to help the ADHD brain when it comes to money management. You won’t find our unique ADHD budgeting templates (like the Div/Con savings goal, 10&10 rule or Impulse Buy checklist) anywhere else! ⌂ Household budget ⌂ Vacation budget ⌂ Income vs. Expenses ⌂ Subscription tracker (because… ADHD tax) ⌂ Debt check-in ⌂ Debt dissolver ⌂ Impulse buy checklist (guides you to decision making when you’re feeling impulsive) ⌂ 24 hr cart list (designed to reduce impulsive online shopping ????) ⌂ Takeout tracker ⌂ Spending habit tracker ⌂ Bill tracker ⌂ Blank trackers ⌂ Savings wishlist ⌂ Future self savings jar ⌂ Div/Con savings goal ⌂ The 10 & 10 rule (my custom invention to create dopamine-fuelled savings goals ????) ⌂ Clutter cash ⌂ Gift budgeting ⌂ Money tips ⌂ Bank account details (no more out-of-sight, out-of-mind ????) ⌂ Money Honey date nights (accountability buddy system) ⌂ My money history ⌂ My money future ???? HEALTHY HABIT SETTING ???? I get it. Habits and goals feel weird and hard. My planner includes guided tips and suggestions the whole way through - and this section is no exception… filled with practical breakdowns and actionable steps, based on the latest behavioural science. ✔️ ⌂ The self-care assessment wheel ⌂ Habit visualisation and habit tracking (including my unique journey mode!) ⌂ Habit evaluation step by step ⌂ Daily habit checkboxes on daily/weekly layouts ⌂ Limiting belief reframing ???? SELF CARE ???? These trackers all link to the goals you’ve set in the previous section. ⌂ Mood tracker ⌂ Self-care routine ⌂ Sleep tracker ⌂ Screen time tracker ⌂ Fitness tracker ⌂ Blank tracker ⌂ Notes for/from therapy ⌂ ADHD coaching session notes ⌂ Medication & appointment trackers ???? HOME - Domestic domination ???? ⌂ Digital de-clutter guide ⌂ Home declutter guide ⌂ Meal planner (two variations) ⌂ Categorized Grocery list ⌂ Plant health tracker (???? > ????) ⌂ Pet feeding tracker ???????? ???? WORK - Unique Focus Tools ???? ** Unique visual tools I invented (based on the neuroscience) to specifically help ADHD brains: ⌂ The Hyper-focus Lotus (to playfully remind you to eat, take breaks, use the bathroom and drink water during periods of hyperfocus) ⌂ Productivity Power Petals ⌂ Phone call focus pages (so you can pay attention to your friend’s vent session instead of tuning out) ???? MENTAL HEALTH - Unwind Un-mind ???? ⌂ Don’t Think, Just Do page for when you are in analysis paralysis. Self care first, then decide. ❤️ ⌂ Wind-down strategies & tracker ⌂ Fave playlists to help you unwind and relax, categorized ⌂ ‘Color to Calm’ pages (to pull your ADHD brain out of divergent ‘pinging thoughts’ mode and move into logical convergent thinking) ⌂ Symmetry Stress-relief pages ???? COVERS ???? ⌂ 14 beautiful cover options (pick your fave or rotate for novelty) ???? BONUS ADD-ON ???? ✨ Wallet-sized carry cards: ‘Color to Calm’ and 'Symmetry Stress-relief' for when you don’t have your planner with you ————————————————————— ???? WHAT IS THE SCIENTIFIC BASIS? ???? There is so much to explore when you begin researching ADHD science, but I have focused on the research that relates most pressingly to productivity and routine. The templates and the supporting information inside are based on the work of several significant contributors to ADHD research… Dr Russell Barkley, particularly his comments on the nature of attentional differentiation being linked to shifts in interest and motivation; Dr Edward Hallowell & Dr John Ratey, and particularly their work on negative self perception links to self-efficacy, and overabundance (not limitation) of attention; and Tamara Rosier and her work on divergent and convergent thinking habits in ADHD brains and 'light switch' emotional responses to tasks which influences our executive functioning ability. The planner includes 7 pages where I cover this research and link it to areas like ADHD & time perception, Divergent & Convergent thinking, ADHD & Money, ADHD & Motivation, Why ADHD Minds Wander, ADHD & Exercise and ADHD Hyperfocus. For a full deep dive on the science behind the planner, see: https://futureadhd.com/science —————————————————————— ???? YOU WILL RECEIVE ???? You will receive: ⌂ US Letter ⌂ A4 / A5 ⌂ Happy Planner ⌂ Step-by-step Planner Layout Guide ⌂ Customer support chat talking to actual genuine humans. And we have every device and app so we can help you. **Print A4 ‘two to a page’ for A5 size. I DON’T recommend printing 2 to a page with US letter however, only A4. ------------------------------------------------------------- DIGITAL DOWNLOAD: This is a printable planner so you will receive a PDF file bundle. No item/s will be shipped to you. You get to print out what you need, as you need it for your personal use. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ????????‍♀️ ABOUT THE CREATOR  ????????‍♀️ Hi, I’m Grace! I was diagnosed with ADHD in my 30s, and am an ADHD educator (B. Ed), speaker, writer & host of the Future ADHD podcast. I take a scientific approach to creating organizational tools that work with (not against) neurodivergent brains. I have integrated my training in breathwork and meditation to support the ADHD nervous system from a holistic perspective, and create a planner that promotes self care to support sustainable productivity. My team and I are continuing to collaborate with psychologists, therapists and behavioral scientists to create a range of strength-based ADHD resources that help you understand your brilliant, divergent brain. Dive in and enjoy! To ease & clarity, Grace x P.s Follow us on Instagram & TikTok @future.adhd and come say hiii! ----------------------------------------------------------------- ADHD Growth Mindset Life Planner Copyright © 2023 by Grace from Future ADHD. This planner is for PERSONAL use only and DOES NOT come with commercial license to re-sell, re-distribute, alter or share. Individuals, businesses, therapists, health practitioners or wellness coaches wishing to use this resource with their clients/patients will need written permission. Email support [!at] futureadhd.com. I have put MONTHS of work into the research and design for this planner. Please respect creators.
2.194 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
???? DARK MODE ADHD DIGITAL PLANNER: FOR APPLE, ANDROID AND WINDOWS ANNOTATION APPS (GOODNOTES, NOTABILITY, XODO etc) ???? If you’ve tried and ‘failed’ at planners, it’s not because you’re ‘bad’ at planning or organization. It’s because most traditional planners (you know, the kind with 365 daily page layouts staring accusingly at you) aren’t designed for your neurotype. If you’re like me, you’ll feel guilty when you miss a day (or month) with regular planners, and then just stop using the planner altogether and throw it in a pile with all the others. But your brain isn’t broken, it’s just NEVER been given a flexible system that works with its creativity, passion and inconsistency. Until now… We’re not organizational robots… we’re messy, organic humans, and we need a planner that evolves with us. And that’s the approach I took when designing this ADHD planner. My planner design has a unique build-as-you-go format especially designed for ADHD brains. It’s so good, it’s the only ADHD-specific planner of its kind recommended by therapists, psychologists and behavioral scientists (and yes, I have the testimonials and podcast interviews to back this up ???????? futureadhd.com/proof) My unique planner system has over 2,000 five star reviews, and people who’ve been using this planner for MONTHS AND MONTHS - for the first time in their life! ❤️ People like LJ (review left 22nd March) “Actually really helps you focus and accomplish big goals! Six months with printable version and it is WORKING! I love planners but my life really didn’t improve much with regular planners. This is giving me results!” ❤️ People like Callum (review left 19th March)  “I have had this printable for about two months now. I adore this. Super helpful for my ADHD - easy to choose which pages to print, printer-friendly black & white pages save ink, and the best part is that it actually WORKS for my ADHD brain. Do I use it every day? Hell no, I barely remember to eat regularly! But when I need it, it's extremely easy to pop a pre-printed page in my notebook and move on with my day instead of sifting through hundreds of unused planner pages glaring at me emptily. This is the planner I have used the most BY FAR, and it feels so easy and sustainable that I am so glad I bought it. It's flexible enough that I'm not worried about buying a planner every two weeks anymore.” ❤️ People like Maria in Costa Rica (review left 23rd January): “I just wanted to share how much I appreciate your work in creating your planner. I just bought it and I cried reading through it. I've never seen anything like it. I feel so seen and supported. It feels like I've been in crowds of strangers averting their eyes and suddenly someone made eye contact with me. You nailed it.” The planner template library includes unique visual tools I invented based on research and my own lived experience as a creator with ADHD... like the Hyperfocus Lotus, Impulse Buy Checklist, 10&10 savings method, Div/Con planning and Symmetry Stress-relief. These methods are unconventional, but they work beautifully for neurodivergent brains. ???? Want to see inside the planner? Come check out my IG @future.adhd where I share walkthrough videos, tips and hacks, and neurospicy truth bombs. ???? In every section of this adult ADHD planner, you can read the scientific reasoning, research and how my templates directly support and empower your creative, often wild, fast-brained ADHD mind. There are over 240 pages, with tons of options so you can customize to suit your brain, your lifestyle and your habits. -—————————————————————— OTHER ITEMS YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED IN: ???? Printable ADHD planners: https://etsy.me/3nEvf4R ???? Rainbow version of this digital planner: https://etsy.me/3JHQFIB -—————————————————————— ???? COMPATIBILITY ???? I have custom-built a website setup wizard for all my planners, including installation and walkthrough video tutorials for all my recommended apps across Apple, Android and Windows devices. Apps I recommend: - iOS: Goodnotes, Notability, Xodo - Android: Xodo, Flexcil, Noteshelf - Windows: Xodo - ReMarkable compatible version now available! (See my Monochrome digital planner here:) - Best experience with a stylus or Apple Pencil - Not compatible with OneNote or Kindle Fire (????‍???? Not techy? No probs! My custom Setup Wizard will walk you through importing to your device, plus there’s a Quick Start Guide inside the planner!) INCLUDED IN THIS ADHD PLANNER BUNDLE ⌂ 240+ page hyperlinked ADHD planner file ⌂ Quick start guide built in (to get you on your way without overwhelm) ⌂ Video tutorials ⌂ Setup Wizard & support articles ⌂ Customer support chat talking to actual genuine humans. And we have every device and app so we can help you. ???? CALENDARS ???? ⌂ 2023 dated planners (Sun or Mon start) ⌂ Undated calendar ⌂ LIFETIME UPDATES to access all future annual editions of the planner ???? SCIENCE TIPS - Understand your ADHD brain ???? The planner includes 7 ‘science explainer’ pages where I cover the latest research on ADHD and link it to areas like: ⌂ ADHD & time perception ⌂ Divergent & Convergent thinking ⌂ ADHD & Money ⌂ ADHD & Motivation ⌂ Why ADHD Minds Wander ⌂ ADHD & Exercise ⌂ ADHD Hyperfocus ???? GET SH*T DONE - Daily prioritizing and productivity pages ???? ⌂ Daily planner (in multiple layouts, ADHD specific) ⌂ Weekly planner (undated) ⌂ Monthly overview + Jan-Dec calendars (undated) ⌂ ‘Do it with dopamine’ (multiple formats - reward-based templates for completing boring tasks) ⌂ Get sh*t done to do list with reward sections (weekdays & weekends) ⌂ Div/Con planning - to help you move from brainstorm ideation to logical action ⌂ Real-world priorities template (based on the Eisenhower Matrix) ???? REMEMBER STUFF - tracking tools ???? ⌂ New friend names - tracker (so you never awkwardly forget someone’s name again) ⌂ D&Ms with friends - tracker ⌂ #ADHDtax (yes it’s a thing) - tracker ⌂ Hyper-focus list to store all the information you deep-dive into ⌂ Parcel arrival - tracker (so you don’t forget those 5 widgets you ordered ????) ⌂ Podcasts I need to finish - tracker ⌂ Books I started - tracker ⌂ Assignment due date - tracker ⌂ Passwords - tracker ???? PROJECTS - Notebook Stack ???? ⌂ 5 blank notebooks for you to keep track of your creative ideas & projects ???? FINANCE - Conscious Cash ???? This is the largest and most recent addition to the planner, and contains a mix of standard budgeting templates you’re used to, plus innovative and new budgeting templates specifically designed to help the ADHD brain when it comes to money management. You won’t find our unique ADHD budgeting templates (like the Div/Con savings goal, 10&10 rule or Impulse Buy checklist) anywhere else! ⌂ Household budget ⌂ Vacation budget ⌂ Income vs. Expenses ⌂ Subscription tracker (because… ADHD tax) ⌂ Debt check-in ⌂ Debt dissolver ⌂ Impulse buy checklist (guides you to decision making when you’re feeling impulsive) ⌂ 24 hr cart list (designed to reduce impulsive online shopping ????) ⌂ Takeout tracker ⌂ Spending habit tracker ⌂ Bill tracker ⌂ Blank trackers ⌂ Savings wishlist ⌂ Future self savings jar ⌂ Div/Con savings goal ⌂ The 10 & 10 rule (my custom invention to create dopamine-fuelled savings goals ????) ⌂ Clutter cash ⌂ Gift budgeting ⌂ Money tips ⌂ Bank account details (no more out-of-sight, out-of-mind ????) ⌂ Money Honey date nights (accountability buddy system) ⌂ My money history ⌂ My money future ???? HEALTHY HABIT SETTING ???? I get it. Habits and goals feel weird and hard. My planner includes guided tips and suggestions the whole way through - and this section is no exception… filled with practical breakdowns and actionable steps, based on the latest behavioural science. ✔️ ⌂ The self-care assessment wheel ⌂ Habit visualisation and habit tracking (including my unique journey mode!) ⌂ Habit evaluation step by step ⌂ Daily habit checkboxes on daily/weekly layouts ⌂ Limiting belief reframing ???? SELF CARE ???? These trackers all link to the goals you’ve set in the previous section. ⌂ Mood tracker ⌂ Self-care routine ⌂ Sleep tracker ⌂ Screen time tracker ⌂ Fitness tracker ⌂ Blank tracker ⌂ Notes for/from therapy ⌂ ADHD coaching session notes ⌂ Medication & appointment trackers ???? HOME - Domestic domination ???? ⌂ Digital de-clutter guide ⌂ Home declutter guide ⌂ Meal planner (two variations) ⌂ Categorized Grocery list ⌂ Plant health tracker (???? > ????) ⌂ Pet feeding tracker ???????? ???? WORK - Unique Focus Tools ???? ** Unique visual tools I invented (based on the neuroscience) to specifically help ADHD brains: ⌂ The Hyper-focus Lotus (to playfully remind you to eat, take breaks, use the bathroom and drink water during periods of hyperfocus) ⌂ Productivity Power Petals ⌂ Phone call focus pages (so you can pay attention to your friend’s vent session instead of tuning out) ???? MENTAL HEALTH - Unwind Un-mind ???? ⌂ Don’t Think, Just Do page for when you are in analysis paralysis. Self care first, then decide. ❤️ ⌂ Wind-down strategies & tracker ⌂ Fave playlists to help you unwind and relax, categorized ⌂ ‘Color to Calm’ pages (to pull your ADHD brain out of divergent ‘pinging thoughts’ mode and move into logical convergent thinking) ⌂ Symmetry Stress-relief pages ???? COVERS ???? ⌂ 14 beautiful cover options (pick your fave or rotate for novelty) ???? BONUS ADD-ONS ???? ✨ BONUS 1: 140 Digital Sticker Pack ✨ BONUS 2: Printable ‘Color to Calm’ and 'Symmetry Stress-relief' handy carry cards (so you can take them with you when you don't have your iPad ????) ————————————————————— ???? WHAT IS THE SCIENTIFIC BASIS? ???? There is so much to explore when you begin researching ADHD science, but I have focused on the research that relates most pressingly to productivity and routine. The templates and the supporting information inside are based on the work of several significant contributors to ADHD research… Dr Russell Barkley, particularly his comments on the nature of attentional differentiation being linked to shifts in interest and motivation; Dr Edward Hallowell & Dr John Ratey, and particularly their work on negative self perception links to self-efficacy, and overabundance (not limitation) of attention; and Tamara Rosier and her work on divergent and convergent thinking habits in ADHD brains and 'light switch' emotional responses to tasks which influences our executive functioning ability. The planner includes 7 pages where I cover this research and link it to areas like ADHD & time perception, Divergent & Convergent thinking, ADHD & Money, ADHD & Motivation, Why ADHD Minds Wander, ADHD & Exercise and ADHD Hyperfocus. For a full deep dive on the science behind the planner, see: https://futureadhd.com/science —————————————————————— ???? YOU WILL RECEIVE ???? - 240 page PDF digital planner file - Digital stickers (png format with installation guide) - 10 min walk through video - Tutorial videos to support installation on all major apps - Bonus printable coloring cards - Installation guide - Quick start guide (built into planner) ————————————————————— ????????‍♀️ ABOUT THE CREATOR  ????????‍♀️ Hi, I’m Grace! I was diagnosed with ADHD in my 30s, and am an ADHD educator (B. Ed), speaker, writer & host of the Future ADHD podcast. I take a scientific approach to creating organizational tools that work with (not against) neurodivergent brains. I have integrated my training in breathwork and meditation to support the ADHD nervous system from a holistic perspective, and create a planner that promotes self care to support sustainable productivity. My team and I are continuing to collaborate with psychologists, therapists and behavioral scientists to create a range of strength-based ADHD resources that help you understand your brilliant, divergent brain. Dive in and enjoy! To ease & clarity, Grace x P.s Follow us on Instagram & TikTok @future.adhd and come say hiii! ————————————————————— DIGITAL DOWNLOAD: This is a digital planner, designed to be used with annotation apps on iPads and other tablet devices - so you will receive a digital file. No item/s will be shipped to you. You will get installation instructions as well as a user guide inside the planner. You should be able to use the planner 'as is', but can also duplicate pages as you need them for your personal use. ————————————————————— ADHD Growth Mindset Life Planner Copyright © 2023 by Grace from Future ADHD. This planner is for PERSONAL use only and DOES NOT come with commercial license to re-sell, re-distribute, alter or share. Individuals, businesses, therapists, health practitioners or wellness coaches wishing to use this resource with their clients/patients will need written permission. Email support [!at] futureadhd.com. I have put MONTHS of work into the research and design for this planner. Please respect creators.
2.187 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
???? ADHD PRINTABLE PLANNER - SUNSET ???? If you’ve tried and ‘failed’ at planners, it’s not because you’re ‘bad’ at planning or organization. It’s because most traditional planners (you know, the kind with 365 daily page layouts staring accusingly at you) aren’t designed for your neurotype. If you’re like me, you’ll feel guilty when you miss a day (or month) with regular planners, and then just stop using the planner altogether and throw it in a pile with all the others. But your brain isn’t broken, it’s just NEVER been given a flexible system that works with its creativity, passion and inconsistency. Until now… We’re not organizational robots… we’re messy, organic humans, and we need a planner that evolves with us. And that’s the approach I took when designing this ADHD planner. My planner design has a unique build-as-you-go format especially designed for ADHD brains. It’s so good, it’s the only ADHD-specific planner of its kind recommended by therapists, psychologists and behavioral scientists (and yes, I have the testimonials and podcast interviews to back this up ???????? futureadhd.com/proof) My unique planner system has over 2,000 five star reviews, and people who’ve been using this planner for MONTHS AND MONTHS - for the first time in their life! ❤️ People like LJ (review left 22nd March) “Actually really helps you focus and accomplish big goals! Six months with printable version and it is WORKING! I love planners but my life really didn’t improve much with regular planners. This is giving me results!” ❤️ People like Callum (review left 19th March)  “I have had this printable for about two months now. I adore this. Super helpful for my ADHD - easy to choose which pages to print, printer-friendly black & white pages save ink, and the best part is that it actually WORKS for my ADHD brain. Do I use it every day? Hell no, I barely remember to eat regularly! But when I need it, it's extremely easy to pop a pre-printed page in my notebook and move on with my day instead of sifting through hundreds of unused planner pages glaring at me emptily. This is the planner I have used the most BY FAR, and it feels so easy and sustainable that I am so glad I bought it. It's flexible enough that I'm not worried about buying a planner every two weeks anymore.” ❤️ People like Maria in Costa Rica (review left 23rd January): “I just wanted to share how much I appreciate your work in creating your planner. I just bought it and I cried reading through it. I've never seen anything like it. I feel so seen and supported. It feels like I've been in crowds of strangers averting their eyes and suddenly someone made eye contact with me. You nailed it.” The planner template library includes unique visual tools I invented based on research and my own lived experience as a creator with ADHD... like the Hyperfocus Lotus, Impulse Buy Checklist, 10&10 savings method, Div/Con planning and Symmetry Stress-relief. These methods are unconventional, but they work beautifully for neurodivergent brains. ???? Want to see inside the planner? Come check out my IG @future.adhd where I share walkthrough videos, tips and hacks, and neurospicy truth bombs. ???? In every section of this adult ADHD planner, you can read the scientific reasoning, research and how my templates directly support and empower your creative, often wild, fast-brained ADHD mind. There are over 230 pages, with tons of options so you can customize to suit your brain, your lifestyle and your habits. -------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER VARIATIONS: ???? RAINBOW - Printable ADHD Planner → https://etsy.me/3IbnQnf ???? RAINBOW - Digital/iPad ADHD Planner → https://etsy.me/3JHQFIB ???? PINK/GOLD - Digital/iPad ADHD Planner → https://etsy.me/3b1E9a0 -------------------------------------------------------------- ???? FILES YOU WILL RECEIVE ???? You will receive a 230 page file in: ⌂ US Letter size ⌂ A4 / A5 size ⌂ Happy Planner size ⌂ Step-by-step Planner Layout Guide ⌂ Customer support chat talking to actual genuine humans. And we have every device and app so we can help you. **Print A4 ‘two to a page’ for A5 size. I DON’T recommend printing 2 to a page with US letter however, only A4. ???? CALENDARS ???? ⌂ 2023 dated planners (Sun or Mon start) ⌂ Undated calendar ⌂ LIFETIME UPDATES to access all future annual editions of the planner ???? SCIENCE TIPS - Understand your ADHD brain ???? The planner includes 7 ‘science explainer’ pages where I cover the latest research on ADHD and link it to areas like: ⌂ ADHD & time perception ⌂ Divergent & Convergent thinking ⌂ ADHD & Money ⌂ ADHD & Motivation ⌂ Why ADHD Minds Wander ⌂ ADHD & Exercise ⌂ ADHD Hyperfocus ???? GET SH*T DONE - Daily prioritizing and productivity pages ???? ⌂ Daily planner (in multiple layouts, ADHD specific) ⌂ Weekly planner (undated) ⌂ Monthly overview + Jan-Dec calendars (undated) ⌂ ‘Do it with dopamine’ (multiple formats - reward-based templates for completing boring tasks) ⌂ Get sh*t done to do list with reward sections (weekdays & weekends) ⌂ Div/Con planning - to help you move from brainstorm ideation to logical action ⌂ Real-world priorities template (based on the Eisenhower Matrix) ???? REMEMBER STUFF - tracking tools ???? ⌂ New friend names - tracker (so you never awkwardly forget someone’s name again) ⌂ D&Ms with friends - tracker ⌂ #ADHDtax (yes it’s a thing) - tracker ⌂ Hyper-focus list to store all the information you deep-dive into ⌂ Parcel arrival - tracker (so you don’t forget those 5 widgets you ordered ????) ⌂ Podcasts I need to finish - tracker ⌂ Books I started - tracker ⌂ Assignment due date - tracker ⌂ Passwords - tracker ???? PROJECTS - Notebook Stack ???? ⌂ 5 blank notebooks for you to keep track of your creative ideas & projects ???? FINANCE - Conscious Cash ???? This is the largest and most recent addition to the planner, and contains a mix of standard budgeting templates you’re used to, plus innovative and new budgeting templates specifically designed to help the ADHD brain when it comes to money management. You won’t find our unique ADHD budgeting templates (like the Div/Con savings goal, 10&10 rule or Impulse Buy checklist) anywhere else! ⌂ Household budget ⌂ Vacation budget ⌂ Income vs. Expenses ⌂ Subscription tracker (because… ADHD tax) ⌂ Debt check-in ⌂ Debt dissolver ⌂ Impulse buy checklist (guides you to decision making when you’re feeling impulsive) ⌂ 24 hr cart list (designed to reduce impulsive online shopping ????) ⌂ Takeout tracker ⌂ Spending habit tracker ⌂ Bill tracker ⌂ Blank trackers ⌂ Savings wishlist ⌂ Future self savings jar ⌂ Div/Con savings goal ⌂ The 10 & 10 rule (my custom invention to create dopamine-fuelled savings goals ????) ⌂ Clutter cash ⌂ Gift budgeting ⌂ Money tips ⌂ Bank account details (no more out-of-sight, out-of-mind ????) ⌂ Money Honey date nights (accountability buddy system) ⌂ My money history ⌂ My money future ???? HEALTHY HABIT SETTING ???? I get it. Habits and goals feel weird and hard. My planner includes guided tips and suggestions the whole way through - and this section is no exception… filled with practical breakdowns and actionable steps, based on the latest behavioural science. ✔️ ⌂ The self-care assessment wheel ⌂ Habit visualisation and habit tracking (including my unique journey mode!) ⌂ Habit evaluation step by step ⌂ Daily habit checkboxes on daily/weekly layouts ⌂ Limiting belief reframing ???? SELF CARE ???? These trackers all link to the goals you’ve set in the previous section. ⌂ Mood tracker ⌂ Self-care routine ⌂ Sleep tracker ⌂ Screen time tracker ⌂ Fitness tracker ⌂ Blank tracker ⌂ Notes for/from therapy ⌂ ADHD coaching session notes ⌂ Medication & appointment trackers ???? HOME - Domestic domination ???? ⌂ Digital de-clutter guide ⌂ Home declutter guide ⌂ Meal planner (two variations) ⌂ Categorized Grocery list ⌂ Plant health tracker (???? > ????) ⌂ Pet feeding tracker ???????? ???? WORK - Unique Focus Tools ???? ** Unique visual tools I invented (based on the neuroscience) to specifically help ADHD brains: ⌂ The Hyper-focus Lotus (to playfully remind you to eat, take breaks, use the bathroom and drink water during periods of hyperfocus) ⌂ Productivity Power Petals ⌂ Phone call focus pages (so you can pay attention to your friend’s vent session instead of tuning out) ???? MENTAL HEALTH - Unwind Un-mind ???? ⌂ Don’t Think, Just Do page for when you are in analysis paralysis. Self care first, then decide. ❤️ ⌂ Wind-down strategies & tracker ⌂ Fave playlists to help you unwind and relax, categorized ⌂ ‘Color to Calm’ pages (to pull your ADHD brain out of divergent ‘pinging thoughts’ mode and move into logical convergent thinking) ⌂ Symmetry Stress-relief pages ???? COVERS ???? ⌂ 14 beautiful cover options (pick your fave or rotate for novelty) ???? BONUS ADD-ON ???? ✨ Wallet-sized carry cards: ‘Color to Calm’ and 'Symmetry Stress-relief' for when you don’t have your planner with you ————————————————————— ???? WHAT IS THE SCIENTIFIC BASIS? ???? There is so much to explore when you begin researching ADHD science, but I have focused on the research that relates most pressingly to productivity and routine. The templates and the supporting information inside are based on the work of several significant contributors to ADHD research… Dr Russell Barkley, particularly his comments on the nature of attentional differentiation being linked to shifts in interest and motivation; Dr Edward Hallowell & Dr John Ratey, and particularly their work on negative self perception links to self-efficacy, and overabundance (not limitation) of attention; and Tamara Rosier and her work on divergent and convergent thinking habits in ADHD brains and 'light switch' emotional responses to tasks which influences our executive functioning ability. The planner includes 7 pages where I cover this research and link it to areas like ADHD & time perception, Divergent & Convergent thinking, ADHD & Money, ADHD & Motivation, Why ADHD Minds Wander, ADHD & Exercise and ADHD Hyperfocus. For a full deep dive on the science behind the planner, see: https://futureadhd.com/science —————————————————————— ???? YOU WILL RECEIVE ???? You will receive: ⌂ US Letter ⌂ A4 / A5 ⌂ Happy Planner ⌂ Step-by-step Planner Layout Guide ⌂ Customer support chat talking to actual genuine humans. And we have every device and app so we can help you. **Print A4 ‘two to a page’ for A5 size. I DON’T recommend printing 2 to a page with US letter however, only A4. ------------------------------------------------------------- DIGITAL DOWNLOAD: This is a printable planner so you will receive a PDF file bundle. No item/s will be shipped to you. You get to print out what you need, as you need it for your personal use. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ????????‍♀️ ABOUT THE CREATOR  ????????‍♀️ Hi, I’m Grace! I was diagnosed with ADHD in my 30s, and am an ADHD educator (B. Ed), speaker, writer & host of the Future ADHD podcast. I take a scientific approach to creating organizational tools that work with (not against) neurodivergent brains. I have integrated my training in breathwork and meditation to support the ADHD nervous system from a holistic perspective, and create a planner that promotes self care to support sustainable productivity. My team and I are continuing to collaborate with psychologists, therapists and behavioral scientists to create a range of strength-based ADHD resources that help you understand your brilliant, divergent brain. Dive in and enjoy! To ease & clarity, Grace x P.s Follow us on Instagram & TikTok @future.adhd and come say hiii! ----------------------------------------------------------------- ADHD Growth Mindset Life Planner Copyright © 2023 by Grace from Future ADHD. This planner is for PERSONAL use only and DOES NOT come with commercial license to re-sell, re-distribute, alter or share. Individuals, businesses, therapists, health practitioners or wellness coaches wishing to use this resource with their clients/patients will need written permission. Email support [!at] futureadhd.com. I have put MONTHS of work into the research and design for this planner. Please respect creators.
2.187 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
*** IF YOU WANT THIS JOURNAL EXACTLY THE WAY IT'S SHOWN IN THE FIRST PHOTOS, PLEASE PUT THE PAPER OPTION - COFFEE STAINED. JOURNAL MEASURES:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1) L = А5 = approx. 7" x 9" (17 cm x 23 cm) - The perfect size to store photos, write stories, add stickers and anything else that you want. Indeed, a lot of space for your imagination. 2) M = A6 = approx. 5" x 7" (12 cm x 17 cm) - The average optimal size to keep small pictures, write stories, add stickers and anything else that you want. 3) S = A7 = approx. 3,5" x 5" (9 cm x 12 cm) - Small size to make notes, write stories. The ideal size, if you want to always have a small notebook with you. PAPER:::::::::::: The color of the paper you can choose: lined white paper / unlined white paper / unlined coffee stained paper / unlined mix + coffee stained paper / unlined mix without coffee stained paper. 252 pages of writing surface (counted front to back). ABSOLUTELY FOR FREE YOU CAN GET::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ♥ Personalization = FULL NAME or INITIALS or YEAR (2019) on the front side of the cover. ♥ ♥ Gift wrap! All the journals are ready to be gift! ♥ ♥ ♥ Is it a gift? We can add a handcrafted gift tag to the reciever. PLEASE, if you want to get any of the free option, make sure that you don't forget to leave a note about your order. For example (Initials: "M.N." Gift tag: "Lindsay, for your start of Lucky's adventures. Best of luck, will miss you so much!") WHAT DOES THE EVERY OPTION OF THE PAPER MEAN?::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1) Lined white paper - probably no need to explain:) Just the normal white lined paper. 2) Unlined white paper - the same option as the first one.. the only difference is that there no any lines. 3) Unlined coffee stained paper - have a nice soft scent and look antique. Finally the journal looks a little vintage. If you choose this option, you will get 99% coffee stained paper + 1% colored paper. 4) Unlined mix + coffee stained paper - if you choose this option, you will get 50% coffee stained paper + 50% mix of the colored paper. (Mix of the colored paper may contain such colors as soft mint, soft pink, lavender, peach etc.) We use only soft colors on which it is pleasant to write. 5) Unlined mix without coffee stained paper - that means, that the journal will contain only colored paper. (The journal may contain such colors as soft mint, soft pink, lavender, peach etc.) We use only soft colors on which it is pleasant to write. 6) Soft lavender - means that the journal will contain lavender color only. 7) Soft yellow - means that the journal will contain soft yellow color only. 8) Soft pink - means that the journal will contain soft pink color only. 9) Soft peach - means that the journal will contain soft peach color only. 10) Soft mint - means that the journal will contain soft mint color only. Review from the main page about this journal: ★★★★★ "I bought this for my friends 30th birthday because she loves maps and journaling. The journal was extremely well made, feminine, gorgeous and the gold embroider initials was the perfect touch. It's perfect size to take with you if you're traveling, the outside map part with the key was beautiful and the inside pages had a perfect vintage look and feel. When my friend opened it she cried and when she smelt the pages she said it reminded her of an old book you'd find in a library. Anastasia was AMAZING to work with and after discussing what I wanted she got my order out immediately and sent me a message it was on its way. I knew the shipping would being longer than usual since I'm in New York and she is in Prague, but it was well worth the wait. Highly recommend this journal !!! Thank You !!!" ★★★★★ "I got these as a gift for my sisters since we have an upcoming trip through Europe. They are perfect! Exactly what I was looking for. They are the perfect size and very unique. And the paper used is wonderful! It even smells like coffee. I highly recommend." ★★★★★ "Thank you so much!! the journal arrived in perfect conditions and exceeded my expectations. Also, i love how the personalized nature of the wrapping and notes included, shows how much Anastasia cares for each of her clients!" Thanks for looking! ♡ P.s. My mother has also a shop there on Etsy, where she sells beautiful scarfs, sarongs and accessories for hair. Sometimes I help her to set up the store. You can check her shop by following the next link www.etsy.com/shop/SarafanBoutique © verbenamorena All Rights Reserved 2021.
2.600 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
*** IF YOU WANT THIS JOURNAL EXACTLY THE WAY IT'S SHOWN IN THE FIRST PHOTOS, PLEASE PUT THE PAPER OPTION - COFFEE STAINED. JOURNAL MEASURES:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1) L = А5 = approx. 7" x 9" (17 cm x 23 cm) - The perfect size to store photos, write stories, add stickers and anything else that you want. Indeed, a lot of space for your imagination. 2) M = A6 = approx. 5" x 7" (12 cm x 17 cm) - The average optimal size to keep small pictures, write stories, add stickers and anything else that you want. 3) S = A7 = approx. 3,5" x 5" (9 cm x 12 cm) - Small size to make notes, write stories. The ideal size, if you want to always have a small notebook with you. PAPER:::::::::::: The color of the paper you can choose: lined white paper / unlined white paper / unlined coffee stained paper / unlined mix + coffee stained paper / unlined mix without coffee stained paper. 252 pages of writing surface (counted front to back). ABSOLUTELY FOR FREE YOU CAN GET::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ♥ Personalization = FULL NAME or INITIALS or YEAR (2019) on the front side of the cover. ♥ ♥ Gift wrap! All the journals are ready to be gift! ♥ ♥ ♥ Is it a gift? We can add a handcrafted gift tag to the reciever. PLEASE, if you want to get any of the free option, make sure that you don't forget to leave a note about your order. For example (Initials: "M.N." Gift tag: "Lindsay, for your start of Lucky's adventures. Best of luck, will miss you so much!") WHAT DOES THE EVERY OPTION OF THE PAPER MEAN?::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1) Lined white paper - probably no need to explain:) Just the normal white lined paper. 2) Unlined white paper - the same option as the first one.. the only difference is that there no any lines. 3) Unlined coffee stained paper - have a nice soft scent and look antique. Finally the journal looks a little vintage. If you choose this option, you will get 99% coffee stained paper + 1% colored paper. 4) Unlined mix + coffee stained paper - if you choose this option, you will get 50% coffee stained paper + 50% mix of the colored paper. (Mix of the colored paper may contain such colors as soft mint, soft pink, lavender, peach etc.) We use only soft colors on which it is pleasant to write. 5) Unlined mix without coffee stained paper - that means, that the journal will contain only colored paper. (The journal may contain such colors as soft mint, soft pink, lavender, peach etc.) We use only soft colors on which it is pleasant to write. 6) Soft lavender - means that the journal will contain lavender color only. 7) Soft yellow - means that the journal will contain soft yellow color only. 8) Soft pink - means that the journal will contain soft pink color only. 9) Soft peach - means that the journal will contain soft peach color only. 10) Soft mint - means that the journal will contain soft mint color only. Review from the main page about this journal: ★★★★★ "I bought this for my friends 30th birthday because she loves maps and journaling. The journal was extremely well made, feminine, gorgeous and the gold embroider initials was the perfect touch. It's perfect size to take with you if you're traveling, the outside map part with the key was beautiful and the inside pages had a perfect vintage look and feel. When my friend opened it she cried and when she smelt the pages she said it reminded her of an old book you'd find in a library. Anastasia was AMAZING to work with and after discussing what I wanted she got my order out immediately and sent me a message it was on its way. I knew the shipping would being longer than usual since I'm in New York and she is in Prague, but it was well worth the wait. Highly recommend this journal !!! Thank You !!!" ★★★★★ "I got these as a gift for my sisters since we have an upcoming trip through Europe. They are perfect! Exactly what I was looking for. They are the perfect size and very unique. And the paper used is wonderful! It even smells like coffee. I highly recommend." ★★★★★ "Thank you so much!! the journal arrived in perfect conditions and exceeded my expectations. Also, i love how the personalized nature of the wrapping and notes included, shows how much Anastasia cares for each of her clients!" Thanks for looking! ♡ P.s. My mother has also a shop there on Etsy, where she sells beautiful scarfs, sarongs and accessories for hair. Sometimes I help her to set up the store. You can check her shop by following the next link www.etsy.com/shop/SarafanBoutique © verbenamorena All Rights Reserved 2022.
2.600 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
*** IF YOU WANT THIS JOURNAL EXACTLY THE WAY IT'S SHOWN IN THE FIRST PHOTOS, PLEASE PUT THE PAPER OPTION - COFFEE STAINED. JOURNAL MEASURES:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1) L = А5 = approx. 7" x 9" (17 cm x 23 cm) - The perfect size to store photos, write stories, add stickers and anything else that you want. Indeed, a lot of space for your imagination. 2) M = A6 = approx. 5" x 7" (12 cm x 17 cm) - The average optimal size to keep small pictures, write stories, add stickers and anything else that you want. 3) S = A7 = approx. 3,5" x 5" (9 cm x 12 cm) - Small size to make notes, write stories. The ideal size, if you want to always have a small notebook with you. PAPER:::::::::::: The color of the paper you can choose: lined white paper / unlined white paper / unlined coffee stained paper / unlined mix + coffee stained paper / unlined mix without coffee stained paper. 252 pages of writing surface (counted front to back). ABSOLUTELY FOR FREE YOU CAN GET::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ♥ Personalization = FULL NAME or INITIALS or YEAR (2019) on the front side of the cover. ♥ ♥ Gift wrap! All the journals are ready to be gift! ♥ ♥ ♥ Is it a gift? We can add a handcrafted gift tag to the reciever. PLEASE, if you want to get any of the free option, make sure that you don't forget to leave a note about your order. For example (Initials: "M.N." Gift tag: "Lindsay, for your start of Lucky's adventures. Best of luck, will miss you so much!") WHAT DOES THE EVERY OPTION OF THE PAPER MEAN?::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1) Lined white paper - probably no need to explain:) Just the normal white lined paper. 2) Unlined white paper - the same option as the first one.. the only difference is that there no any lines. 3) Unlined coffee stained paper - have a nice soft scent and look antique. Finally the journal looks a little vintage. If you choose this option, you will get 99% coffee stained paper + 1% colored paper. 4) Unlined mix + coffee stained paper - if you choose this option, you will get 50% coffee stained paper + 50% mix of the colored paper. (Mix of the colored paper may contain such colors as soft mint, soft pink, lavender, peach etc.) We use only soft colors on which it is pleasant to write. 5) Unlined mix without coffee stained paper - that means, that the journal will contain only colored paper. (The journal may contain such colors as soft mint, soft pink, lavender, peach etc.) We use only soft colors on which it is pleasant to write. 6) Soft lavender - means that the journal will contain lavender color only. 7) Soft yellow - means that the journal will contain soft yellow color only. 8) Soft pink - means that the journal will contain soft pink color only. 9) Soft peach - means that the journal will contain soft peach color only. 10) Soft mint - means that the journal will contain soft mint color only. Review from the main page about this journal: ★★★★★ "I bought this for my friends 30th birthday because she loves maps and journaling. The journal was extremely well made, feminine, gorgeous and the gold embroider initials was the perfect touch. It's perfect size to take with you if you're traveling, the outside map part with the key was beautiful and the inside pages had a perfect vintage look and feel. When my friend opened it she cried and when she smelt the pages she said it reminded her of an old book you'd find in a library. Anastasia was AMAZING to work with and after discussing what I wanted she got my order out immediately and sent me a message it was on its way. I knew the shipping would being longer than usual since I'm in New York and she is in Prague, but it was well worth the wait. Highly recommend this journal !!! Thank You !!!" ★★★★★ "I got these as a gift for my sisters since we have an upcoming trip through Europe. They are perfect! Exactly what I was looking for. They are the perfect size and very unique. And the paper used is wonderful! It even smells like coffee. I highly recommend." ★★★★★ "Thank you so much!! the journal arrived in perfect conditions and exceeded my expectations. Also, i love how the personalized nature of the wrapping and notes included, shows how much Anastasia cares for each of her clients!" Thanks for looking! ♡ P.s. My mother has also a shop there on Etsy, where she sells beautiful scarfs, sarongs and accessories for hair. Sometimes I help her to set up the store. You can check her shop by following the next link www.etsy.com/shop/SarafanBoutique © verbenamorena All Rights Reserved 2023.
3.960 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
*** IF YOU WANT THIS JOURNAL EXACTLY THE WAY IT'S SHOWN IN THE FIRST PHOTOS, PLEASE PUT THE PAPER OPTION - COFFEE STAINED.JOURNAL MEASURES:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1) L = А5 = approx. 7b'"' x 9b'"' (17 cm x 23 cm) - The perfect size to store photos, write stories, add stickers and anything else that you want. Indeed, a lot of space for your imagination.2) M = A6 = approx. 5b'"' x 7b'"' (12 cm x 17 cm) - The average optimal size to keep small pictures, write stories, add stickers and anything else that you want.3) S = A7 = approx. 3,5b'"' x 5b'"' (9 cm x 12 cm) - Small size to make notes, write stories. The ideal size, if you want to always have a small notebook with you.PAPER::::::::::::The color of the paper you can choose: lined white paper / unlined white paper / unlined coffee stained paper / unlined mix + coffee stained paper / unlined mix without coffee stained paper.252 pages of writing surface (counted front to back).ABSOLUTELY FOR FREE YOU CAN GET:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::♥ Personalization = FULL NAME or INITIALS or YEAR (2019) on the front side of the cover. ♥ ♥ Gift wrap! All the journals are ready to be gift!♥ ♥ ♥ Is it a gift? We can add a handcrafted gift tag to the reciever.PLEASE, if you want to get any of the free option, make sure that you don't forget to leave a note about your order. For example (Initials: b'"'M.N.b'"' Gift tag: b'"'Lindsay, for your start of Lucky's adventures. Best of luck, will miss you so much!b'"')WHAT DOES THE EVERY OPTION OF THE PAPER MEAN?:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::1) Lined white paper - probably no need to explain:) Just the normal white lined paper. 2) Unlined white paper - the same option as the first one.. the only difference is that there no any lines.3) Unlined coffee stained paper - have a nice soft scent and look antique. Finally the journal looks a little vintage. If you choose this option, you will get 99% coffee stained paper + 1% colored paper.4) Unlined mix + coffee stained paper - if you choose this option, you will get 50% coffee stained paper + 50% mix of the colored paper. (Mix of the colored paper may contain such colors as soft mint, soft pink, lavender, peach etc.) We use only soft colors on which it is pleasant to write. 5) Unlined mix without coffee stained paper - that means, that the journal will contain only colored paper. (The journal may contain such colors as soft mint, soft pink, lavender, peach etc.) We use only soft colors on which it is pleasant to write. 6) Soft lavender - means that the journal will contain lavender color only. 7) Soft yellow - means that the journal will contain soft yellow color only. 8) Soft pink - means that the journal will contain soft pink color only.9) Soft peach - means that the journal will contain soft peach color only. 10) Soft mint - means that the journal will contain soft mint color only. Review from the main page about this journal:★★★★★ b'"'I bought this for my friends 30th birthday because she loves maps and journaling. The journal was extremely well made, feminine, gorgeous and the gold embroider initials was the perfect touch. It's perfect size to take with you if you're traveling, the outside map part with the key was beautiful and the inside pages had a perfect vintage look and feel. When my friend opened it she cried and when she smelt the pages she said it reminded her of an old book you'd find in a library. Anastasia was AMAZING to work with and after discussing what I wanted she got my order out immediately and sent me a message it was on its way. I knew the shipping would being longer than usual since I'm in New York and she is in Prague, but it was well worth the wait. Highly recommend this journal !!!Thank You !!!b'"' ★★★★★ b'"'I got these as a gift for my sisters since we have an upcoming trip through Europe. They are perfect! Exactly what I was looking for. They are the perfect size and very unique. And the paper used is wonderful! It even smells like coffee. I highly recommend.b'"'★★★★★b'"'Thank you so much!! the journal arrived in perfect conditions and exceeded my expectations. Also, i love how the personalized nature of the wrapping and notes included, shows how much Anastasia cares for each of her clients!b'"'Thanks for looking! ♡P.s. My mother has also a shop there on Etsy, where she sells beautiful scarfs, sarongs and accessories for hair. Sometimes I help her to set up the store. You can check her shop by following the next link www.etsy.com/shop/SarafanBoutique© verbenamorena All Rights Reserved 2023.
3.120 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Large Sheets of corrugated crafting cardboard 33 cm x 23 cm = 13" x 9" These sheets are made of a special crafting corrugated cardboard, not simple (packaging) cardboard. And in contrast to corrugated paper (only one layer of paper) it has two layers of paper laminated together: the corrugated paper on the surface and a plain paper at the back. This makes it possible to create exact constant shapes. It is best quality, made in Germany. If you need diffferent sizes, quantities or mixed colors, please contact me. Great for many crafting projects like paper jewelry, scrapbooking, making cards... The measure in the foto is in Corrugated cardboard in golden and silver you find here: https://www.etsy.com/es/listing/450037510 Waved corrugated cardboard you find here: https://www.etsy.com/es/listing/450712590 Extra fine corrugated cardboard you find here: https://www.etsy.com/listing/450103714 Reaction of Buyers: +++ "So thankful to find such great corrugated cardboard. Arrived in great shape." +++ "Very happy with my order of blue corrugated card sheets. I was only expecting them to be A4 size so was pleasantly surprised to find them even larger. We use these to hand make our own little jewellery parcels and found it very difficult and expensive to source these locally. I bought in bulk, but when I run out - I promise to be back!" +++ "Lovely product will get busy making some jewellery " +++ "This arrived well packed and shipped. Seller kept me informed on tracking as itwas in German. I will buy from here again.thanks! "
115 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Large Sheets of corrugated crafting cardboard 33 cm x 23 cm = 13" x 9" These sheets are made of a special crafting corrugated cardboard, not simple (packaging) cardboard. And in contrast to corrugated paper (only one layer of paper) it has two layers of paper laminated together: the corrugated paper on the surface and a plain paper at the back. This makes it possible to create exact constant shapes. It is best quality, made in Germany. If you need diffferent sizes, quantities or mixed colors, please contact me. Great for many crafting projects like paper jewelry, scrapbooking, making cards... The measure in the foto is in Corrugated cardboard in golden and silver you find here: https://www.etsy.com/listing/450037510 Waved corrugated cardboard you find here: https://www.etsy.com/listing/450712590 Extra fine corrugated cardboard you find here: https://www.etsy.com/listing/450103714 Reaction of Buyers: +++ "So thankful to find such great corrugated cardboard. Arrived in great shape." +++ "Very happy with my order of blue corrugated card sheets. I was only expecting them to be A4 size so was pleasantly surprised to find them even larger. We use these to hand make our own little jewellery parcels and found it very difficult and expensive to source these locally. I bought in bulk, but when I run out - I promise to be back!" +++ "Lovely product will get busy making some jewellery " +++ "This arrived well packed and shipped. Seller kept me informed on tracking as itwas in German. I will buy from here again.thanks! "
115 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Large Sheets of corrugated crafting cardboard 33 cm x 23 cm = 13b'"' x 9b'"' These sheets are made of a special crafting corrugated cardboard, not simple (packaging) cardboard. And in contrast to corrugated paper (only one layer of paper) it has two layers of paper laminated together: the corrugated paper on the surface and a plain paper at the back. This makes it possible to create exact constant shapes. It is best quality, made in Germany. If you need diffferent sizes, quantities or mixed colors, please contact me. Great for many crafting projects like paper jewelry, scrapbooking, making cards... The measure in the foto is in Corrugated cardboard in golden and silver you find here: https://www.etsy.com/listing/450037510 Waved corrugated cardboard you find here: https://www.etsy.com/listing/450712590 Extra fine corrugated cardboard you find here: https://www.etsy.com/listing/450103714 Reaction of Buyers: +++ b'"'So thankful to find such great corrugated cardboard. Arrived in great shape.b'"' +++ b'"'Very happy with my order of blue corrugated card sheets. I was only expecting them to be A4 size so was pleasantly surprised to find them even larger. We use these to hand make our own little jewellery parcels and found it very difficult and expensive to source these locally. I bought in bulk, but when I run out - I promise to be back!b'"' +++ b'"'Lovely product will get busy making some jewellery b'"' +++ b'"'This arrived well packed and shipped. Seller kept me informed on tracking as itwas in German. I will buy from here again.thanks! b'"'
115 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
I am a Designer and an Artist. I purchased the iPad Pro 2nd Gen. together with the Apple Pencil quiet after the official release in Germany. It was the very first Apple product I have ever bought. From the very beginning I had a terrible experience with that. To make the story shorter than it is.
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Get your hands on a signed copy of my book, "Sacred Decay: The Art of Lauren Marx"! They'll be released in batches. This shop is the only place to get yourself, or someone else, a signed copy on the internet The book is a hardcover book, 9.75 inches by 12.25 inches by.75 inches. 136 pages of artworks! Produced, designed, and published by Dark Horse Comics. Unsigned copies can be found by looking up the book title online! Books are prints will be shipped separately for those of you who order both! Photos of the book: Alison Holman @btpalison on IG Check out my full shop policies below before purchasing and if you end up having questions about your order! Most basic questions can be answered there, but do not hesitate to contact me! **FOR US ORDERS: Shipping is set at $10 US for all print orders *ONLY*(this is even if they are combined into one package). If your order includes a few different types of merch, I will be shipping your orders in a few packages. You'll receive separate tracking numbers for each package once they ship. **FOR INTERNATIONAL ORDERS: Shipping will be set at $27 USD for all print orders. They will be shipped separately from shirts, postcards, etc. So if you order a few different items, your order will arrive in one, or more, packages. Don't worry! You'll receive all the customs forms information when they ship. The other merch items will have their own customs shipping fees attached. Thank you so much for your purchase! Every sale helps to support my ability to create more lovely art for you! 99% of my income comes from this shop alone, so thank you! Please be sure to READ ALL. Many common issues are addressed here. Contact me ONLY through my ETSY shop with questions and/or concerns. It is the only way I can address them. By reading this policy, you are agreeing to the terms within. GENERAL INFORMATION: Refunds are only provided after purchased items have been successfully returned to the Shop - please note that shipping costs are never refunded unless it is the fault of the shipper. Replacements are not provided without proof of damaged and/or lost items. Average shipping windows: - 1-4 weeks within the continental United States. - 2 weeks - 5 months for international orders depending on the country. (Other factors may impact these shipping windows (these are mentioned further in this message). ** I cannot be personally responsible for shipping once the order has been handed to USPS. Tracking numbers are provided on all orders shipped EXCEPT those orders shipped with postage stamps (usually small packages such as stickers). Tracking is on the order confirmation email and should be noted by the purchaser. It is the purchaser's responsibility to track packages. Not the Shop. USPS = United States Postal Service Shop = LaurenMarxArt CONTENTS OF THE POLICY BELOW: SECTION 1: REFUND/CANCELLATIONS/EXCHANGES SECTION 2: SHIPPING SECTION 3: NEGATIVE CUSTOMER INTERACTION SECTION 4: COMMON QUESTIONS SECTION 1: REFUND/CANCELLATIONS/EXCHANGES: Refund Policy: Refunds on purchased items (shipping costs are not refunded) are provided if All products have been successfully returned to the Shop. Proof of damage during shipping is provided to the Shop. USPS has declared in writing that the shipment has been “LOST” (must provide proof to the Shop) ***International Orders Only: Refunds are only available if the order has not arrived after 5 months. Long shipping delays are not unusual for international orders. **No refunds will be honored without at least one of the above **Shipping is not refunded unless it is the Shop's error. Once a purchase has been refunded, the buyer will then have the option to repurchase the items. This is for inventory reasons and cannot be avoided. Replacement, cancellation, or exchange policies: As of January 1, 2021: Replacement policy: Due to many shop items being Limited Editions (one-of-a-kind items), there will be no replacements for orders. This includes any orders still in transit. Cancellation policy: Cancellations will be provided IF purchaser contacts the shop with suitable reason(s) for cancellation. Exchange policy: Exchanges are never accepted by the shop for any items under any circumstance. SECTION 2: SHIPPING: Shipping concerns: Purchasers must contact USPS with concerns of a suspected delayed, lost, missing etc. shipment. The shop has no resources to answer these concerns - only the purchaser. Sellers are not responsible for shipping issues due to USPS. This is outlined clearly in Etsy’s seller policies and protections. This shop only ships via USPS. No alternative shipping methods are used. Average shipping timelines: 1-4 weeks within the United States 2 weeks - 5 months outside of the United States Shipping Rates: $10 PER PRINT ONLY PACKAGE* for orders within the US. $25 PER PRINT ONLY PACKAGE* for International orders. This should cover insurance and packing materials for most orders. *Prints are packed and shipped separately from all other items. Merchandise that cannot be shipped with prints (for example: shirts, postcards, pins) will be shipped separately and will have their own shipping rates attached at checkout. Shipping delivery windows: Delivery times are ESTIMATED and are based on Etsy’s own estimations. This does not reflect when a package might arrive. Many factors need to be considered when determining an expected delivery date such as holidays, weather, politics, etc. There is NO guaranteed date of arrival. Please keep this in mind if making a purchase and expecting delivery for a special occasion. International Shipping cont.: Once a package has left the USA, a package can no longer be tracked by USPS. An international purchaser is provided with a customs form. The purchaser (not the Shop) is responsible for any customs fees or any other fee related to the shipping. The customs number can be used by the purchaser to contact their customs office to inquire about the status of the delivery. This shop does NOT refund any international shipping costs if: Package(s) not picked up by the purchaser. If the purchaser refuses to pay customs Package(s) are returned for any reason. If purchaser provided incorrect shipping address information ONLY will shipping costs be refunded IF the Shop addressed incorrectly. Please note: International orders can take anywhere from 2 weeks to 5 months to arrive. International purchaser’s need to wait for 5 months from the date package(s) shipped before presenting a case for refund due to missing or lost packages. Delivery dates are never guaranteed by my Shop. Delayed items: In these times of social unrest, items may be delayed for a variety of reasons that are not in anyone’s control. Please consider these factors before contacting the Shop with complaints and/or issues. Delays can be due to USPS being understaffed, Holidays, elections, domestic terrorist attacks, an unusually high volume of packages, issues with the tracking/scanning/sorting machines, etc., etc. - the list goes on. The official “shipped” date is the date indicated on the shipping label/ customs form. Items can be held at USPS hubs for an indeterminate amount of time. This is not the fault of this Shop nor is it the Shop’s responsibility. Please ONLY contact USPS for these concerns. Under no circumstances will this Shop refund orders that are currently tracking as “in transit”. If circumstances require that a package(s) needs to be intercepted and rerouted to the Shop’s PO Box, the purchaser’s order will be refunded once the package(s) are received. Shipping will not be refunded. Damaged Items: Sometimes item(s) can be damaged while in transit - it happens. Refunds will be provided for the damaged items ONLY. Proof will need to be provided of the damage - pictures work best. Without the proof, no refund will be provided for any of the items. Please note refunds will be for ONLY the damaged items, not necessarily the entire order. Shipping costs will NOT be refunded. Proof of damage must be provided, or no refund will be issued. Lost Items: USPS can provide a document stating that the package(s) are LOST. (Tracking status must not be “in transit”). Purchaser’s must contact USPS to have this confirmed. The purchaser can have USPS flag the package(s) so that if the package(s) is updated, or if USPS notifies the purchaser that the item is indeed lost, a refund will be considered. Please note that the order might not qualify for a “full refund”. Each case will be considered independently. Incorrect Items: Sometimes incorrect item(s) can accidentally be shipped. Due to the size of my shop, and number of orders, it can happen. If it does occur, the buyer needs to provide images of the order including the incorrect item(s). Once sent to me, and the incorrect item(s) claim is verified, the buyer and the shop can discuss options to correct the error. Customized Orders: This Shop does not customize orders. This Shop cannot include special notes, special messages, or repackage randomly assorted packs in order to include specific items (5-10 packs of randomly assorted postcards for example). Holiday/Birthday/Event shipping requests: There is NO guarantee of a specific shipping date and/or a specific delivery date in order for a purchase to arrive on/or around special events. Purchaser’s need to keep this in mind when placing an order to allow enough time for delivery. Holidays are usually higher volume shipping events which means more time needs to be allowed for delivery. Purchaser’s need to order well in advance. Ship out turnaround times: Shipping usually occurs one to two weeks from the time the order has been confirmed. This Shop reserves the right to extend this time depending on conditions beyond the control of this Shop. SECTION 3: NEGATIVE CUSTOMER INTERACTION: Purchasers exhibiting unseemly behavior: Another copy of this policy will be provided to the purchaser for review. This Shop will limit contact with any unreasonable purchaser. This Shop is owned and operated by a compassionate human being. Please be kind. SECTION 4: COMMON QUESTIONS: 1. Why are some of my items arriving at different times? When items ship in more than one package, they will inevitably ship at different rates of speed. Prints ship in tubes which are handled differently at the USPS than the flat/carton style packages. Each package is provided with individual tracking numbers to the purchaser. Etsy’s updates saying that all packages have arrived at the same time are incorrect. This feature is inaccurate for multiple shipping situations. 2. Why is shipping not being refunded for my order? As seller, and per Etsy’s seller policies, Etsy shops are not responsible for shipping unless the shop made an error with the address. If the item(s) are being delivered to the provided address from the buyer, and a tracking number was included, the seller must state a case with USPS. The Shop is not responsible for any issues or delays by the United States Postal Service. 3. My item(s) arrived damaged. What can I do now? Please provide the Shop with images of the damage. Once provided, the Shop will begin the process of providing a refund if warranted. If photographic proof is not provided, a refund will not be provided. If the buyer refuses to accept the package and has it returned through USPS, the discussion of a refund will begin once the items have been returned to the Shop. This is not a guarantee of a refund, nor a full refund, and replacements will not be provided. 4. I am not happy with these policies put in place by the Shop and have now decided to make demands outside of these policies. What can I do? If the buyer ignores, does not read, or wants to fight against any of the Shop’s clearly provided policies, take the case to Etsy. If any cases and/or reports are made against the shop due to the customer deciding that they do not agree with these policies, the case/report will be challenged. 5. I am experiencing delays/My order is late/Tracking has not been updated in a while. Why might that be? Many issues can cause shipping delays outside of the Shop. Since March of 2020, tracking nor delivery times have been reliable due to many factors (that at this time are still affecting shipping): COVID-19, the forced removal of a good portion of the USPS’s staff due to the election and pandemic, the domestic terrorist attacks in Nashville and Washington DC (threats of more future attacks are circulating - just to name a few! USPS is a gov’t entity and has reasonably slowed down shipping to inspect packages), record shopping season starting November 2020 that is still affecting shipping, and weather. All of these issues have nothing to do with the Shop. Please direct all questions about the shipping of your order to the United States Postal Service. If an order is late, but still marked as “in transit” during all this chaos, please be patient. If USPS refuses, the Shop can/will have the package intercepted and returned. Once the packages are returned, a refund (sans shipping) will be provided. 6. My order shipping label says it shipped on a [blank] date, but USPS didn’t update it until much later. Why? Sometimes items get stuck at the hub where the package was received. This is out of this Shop’s control. The date on the shipping label is the date the package shipped since USPS will not accept new packages/drop offs later than the date provided on the label. This is the proof that the date provided on the label is indeed correct. These items can be held at a package center for an indeterminate amount of time, which could be caused by numerous issues, and is not at the fault of the shop. 7. How long will it take for the seller to process my order and ship it out to me? 2-3 weeks. Due to the unrest currently, I am lengthening packing times in hopes of finding more secure shipping days/weeks. This may be because your order will be shipped out earlier than that if I feel it is reliable enough to do so. This is not a guarantee. Each print purchased helps me to support myself as an artist and to continue to make more artwork in the future. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Thank you!
5.949 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
A 50g skein of organic 100% wool yarn (DK) spun from wool from our flock of Lleyn sheep farmed to organic standards for over 25 years. The wool is gently plant-dyed in small batches. This wool is gentle to the environment and to you. DK thickness approx length 100m (108 yards) per 50g and 13wpi. I measure the length of the wool quite conservatively without stretching the wool unduly. Lleyns are a British breed of sheep, originally from Angelsey in Wales and reputed, in the very distant past, to have Merino ancestors in the mix. It is a medium soft woollen spun yarn with a good amount of bounce which takes dye and washes well and is lovely to knit or crochet with. It is suitable for making items to wear for all ages: scarves, hats, gloves, jumpers, cardigans, baby bootees, cot blankets, Fairisle knitting, to make dolls, and toy animals, to make phone socks, egg cosies or other items. I dye the wool in small bathes using organic plants from my garden, a small selection of plant extracts and cochineal (not a plant), and some plants from elsewhere, without the use of potentially harmful metal mordants. This creates a palette of soft gentle colours. The natural process allows for subtle variations of colour, making each batch and the item you create with it unique. You will see from the drop down menu how many I have of each colour. If some are recently sold and I have not yet updated the quantity and you order an item that is not in stock I will contact you to let you know and offer a close alternative (some colours are very similar) or refund straight away. Plants I used: Madder, Cochineal, Damson and Rhubarb in different combinations for: Rosy Glow, Rich Rosy, Rosy, Dusk, Dusky, Dusky Rose, Rosy, Dusky Pink, Rosy Dusk, Cerise, and Lilac Madder alone or in combination with other plants for: Orange Terra, Rosy Peach, Pink, Pale Peach, Peach Rose, Peach, Pale Apricot, Pale Amber Alchemilla Mollis for: Dark Honeycombe, Honeycombe, Olive Tansy for: Tansy, Pale Tansy Dock for: Spice and Butterscotch Walnut for: Walnut, Pale Walnut, Dark Walnut, Very Pale Walnut, Nutty Weld for: Pale Primrose and Pale Moss Buddleia for: Buttercup, Sunshine Yellow, Primrose, Grass, Pistachio, Pale Grass Nettle for: Nettle Honey, Pale Nettle Honey St Johns Worth for: Lattte, Dark Latte Dandelion for: Vanilla Extract bought in based on Cutch for: Cinnamon, Cerise Turmeric for: Turmeric, Pale Apricot Indigo for: Grass, Pistachio, Pale Grass I re-skein each skein, removing any knots and tangles in the process, to make it as easy as possible to wind the yarn into a ball. The wool washes well. As with all wool gentle washing is recommended, at luke-warm or cool temperatures, either by hand or on a gentle wool setting in the machine, with washing products recommended for wool. Watch the spin speed which has to be very, very gentle for wool. I hand-dye small batches but if you would like a larger batch of a colour I can dye to order, provided the plants are in stock or/and in season. It usually takes up to a week to dye and dry a batch, but for some colours the process is more lengthy. As batches are not identical the colours can vary somewhat from a previous batch. I have done my best to show colours as accurately as possible, but it is difficult to accurately reflect colours on digital appliances. If you would like more details on a colour do ask me. I can also take a photo of the skeins you will be sent for approval before posting. My woolbands are made with recycled paper, outer packaging is recyclable (& made from sugarcane) and for inner packaging I re-use clean packaging or if non available paper, or non-plastic cellophane. I try to keep my prices as reasonable as possible but the cost of the carding and spinning at the mill and also the postage have risen a lot recently so sadly I have also had to raise my prices this year.
706 €
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MONDIGITAL SLU propietario de www.clasf.es declara que en calidad de Afiliado de Amazon, obtiene ingresos por las compras adscritas que cumplen los requisitos aplicables y por ello aparecen enlaces dentro del site que llevan al usuario hacia fichas de producto de Amazon.es