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España (Todas las ciudades)
10 BRUSHES INCLUDED IN THIS SET SQUARE FINE: A finer version of the noise square brush. HARD SQUARE FINE: It works really well for caligraphy and fine details NOISE SQUARE FLOW: A precise sketching brush NOISE SQUARE: My favourite for sketching! CLEAN SQUARE: Can be used for sketching, lineart and shading! CLEAN SKETCH OPAQUE: It works really well for filling. STRANDS: Gives a cool effect for things such as har strands. SMOOTH SQUARE: Great for shading. SQUARE PASTEL: I find it really useful for rendering light areas! FRECKLES: Easy and fast way for giving freckles to a character. It can also be used for rendering different materials. STRANDS: Amazing for giving crayon-like texture or for hair rendering ——- Installation process ——- Download the file(s) to your computer or to your iPad directly. Send the files via iCloud/drive/dropbox/airdrop to the tablet. Importing procreate brushes is super easy, just open them through the files app and choose procreate when the "open with" option appears. Alternatively, you can also go to your brushes in procreate and hit the plus icon in the top right corner, and then again in the same corner there is an option called "import", just click that and then choose the files you just downloaded: "SquareSketch.Brushset" Now in Procreate you’ll see your new brush set at the top of your brush library. **The brushes only work on Procreate
1.000 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Blue, Green and Yellow Pysanka | Ukrainian Easter Egg | Batik Chicken Egg This pysanka was made using a white chicken egg. There is only one small hole in the bottom of the egg through which it was blown. Some of the symbols on this egg are: Cross ~ Signifies the four corners of the world, and also the resurrection of Christ. Pine Needles ~ Long life, youth and health. Blue ~ Good health, truth and fidelity; sky, air. This egg measures approximately 2.2 inches from top to bottom and 1.6 inches from side to side. The egg is coated with an archival varnish that adds UV protection, beauty and strength. It comes with an egg stand, symbol card, and in a gift box. Variation: Display and care instructions: - Please make sure to display your pysanka out of direct sunlight as this can lead to discoloration and fading. - If you would like to stabilize your pysanka in an egg stand, a removable mounting putty, such as sticky tack, can be used to keep the egg in place. - To clean your pysanka of dust, simply wipe with a dry lint free cloth or something similar. - If storing your pysanka away until the next season, be sure to wrap in bubble wrap or other cushioning and place in a hard container to avoid crushing. If you would like more info on Pysanky or to see more pictures of eggs please visit my website at Thanks for visiting my shop!
3.791 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Mesa Caoba Regency, siglo XIX – Inglaterra Magnifica mesa en estilo Regency. De extraordinaria calidad, con una fuerte estructura de madera de caoba cubana. El tablero redondo se sustenta en una columna de caoba octogonal que descansa sobre tres patas con antemas en forma de voluta. La superficie muestra las bellas vetas de la madera de caoba, con un precioso acabado. Cuenta también con pequeñas ruedas. En origen fue una mesa extensible. La Era de la Regencia: La Era de la Regencia (un período de tiempo también conocido como la Era de Georgia) tuvo lugar en el Reino Unido y comenzó al final del reinado del rey Jorge III, quien sufrió una larga enfermedad al final de su vida y fue declarado por el Parlamento incapacitado para gobernar debido a su estado de salud. Su hijo mayor, Jorge, Príncipe de Gales, fue nombrado Príncipe Regente, y gobernó en lugar de su padre hasta que fue nombrado Rey Jorge IV tras su muerte en 1820. Si bien la Regencia formal solo duró nueve años, la Era de la Regencia también incluye el gobierno del rey Jorge IV desde su coronación hasta su muerte en 1830. Diseño de muebles en la Era de la Regencia: Los diseñadores influyentes de la Era de la Regencia incluyen al arquitecto John Nash, quien se desempeñó como arquitecto de la corte del rey Jorge IV. Además, el arquitecto y diseñador Thomas Hope publicó su libro “Muebles y decoración para el hogar” en 1807, que fue el primero en utilizar el término “decoración de interiores”. Los extensos viajes de Hope (incluido el Grand Tour) influyeron mucho en su estética, que yuxtaponía lo antiguo con lo moderno. Abogó por el uso de materiales de primera calidad y sus diseños incluyeron un uso abundante de ornamentación para lograr un efecto lujoso. En general, todos los muebles y los diseños arquitectónicos durante la Era de la Regencia estuvieron fuertemente influenciados por las expediciones y los descubrimientos arqueológicos de la época. La caoba, que estaba fácilmente disponible en Europa en ese momento, siguió siendo la principal madera elegida para la fabricación de muebles. Es una madera dura, lo que la hace ideal para muebles duraderos y de alta calidad, y su rico color marrón rojizo y su veta recta la hacen hermosa a la vista. A diferencia de los diseños de períodos anteriores, como el estilo rococó, que se basaba en gran medida en formas exageradas y tallas de madera intrincadas, los fabricantes de muebles de la Era de la Regencia mantuvieron sus diseños generales simples. La simetría, las líneas limpias y los ángulos rectos se pusieron de moda. Los fabricantes de muebles de la época todavía demostraron sus habilidades artesanales y de carpintería con la inclusión de detalles exclusivos como delicadas patas de sable, volutas de influencia griega, bases en forma de X y patas clásicas. Las tallas de madera seguían siendo características del diseño de muebles durante la época de la Regencia, pero se volvieron mucho más sutiles que las de estilos anteriores. Mientras que los fabricantes de muebles del pasado hacían de los ostentosos detalles tallados el centro de atención de su trabajo, las tallas de madera se utilizaban más bien como un acento de las formas refinadas del estilo Regency. Dimensiones: 76 x 100 x 100 cm En los gastos de envío se incluye el embalaje profesional hecho a medida; y el envío personalizado, con número de seguimiento y garantía. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Magnificent table in Regency style. Of extraordinary quality, with a strong structure of Cuban mahogany wood. The round tabletop is supported by an octagonal mahogany column resting on three legs with volute-shaped anthems. The surface shows the beautiful grain of the mahogany wood, with a beautiful finish. It also has small wheels. Originally it was an extendable table. The Regency Age: The Regency Era (a time period also known as the Georgian Era) took place in the United Kingdom and began at the end of the reign of King George III, who suffered a long illness at the end of his life and was declared by the Parliament unable to govern due to his state of health. His eldest son, George, Prince of Wales, was made Prince Regent, and he ruled in his father's stead until he was made King George IV upon his death in 1820. While the formal Regency only lasted nine years, the Regency Era it also includes the rule of King George IV from his coronation until his death in 1830. Furniture Design in the Regency Era: Influential designers of the Regency Era include the architect John Nash, who served as court architect to King George IV. In addition, the architect and designer Thomas Hope published his book "Furniture and Decoration for the Home" in 1807, which was the first to use the term "interior decoration." Hope's extensive travels (including the Grand Tour) greatly influenced his aesthetic, which juxtaposed the ancient with the modern. He advocated the use of top quality materials and his designs included abundant use of ornamentation for luxurious effect. In general, all furniture and architectural designs during the Regency Era were heavily influenced by expeditions and archaeological discoveries of the time. Mahogany, which was readily available in Europe at the time, remained the primary wood of choice for furniture. It is a hardwood, making it ideal for high-quality, durable furniture, and its rich reddish-brown color and straight grain make it beautiful to look at. Unlike the designs of earlier periods, such as the Rococo style, which relied heavily on exaggerated shapes and intricate wood carvings, Regency Era furniture makers kept their overall designs simple. Symmetry, clean lines and right angles became fashionable. Furniture makers of the time still demonstrated their craftsmanship and carpentry skills by including signature details such as delicate saber legs, Greek-influenced scrollwork, X-shaped bases, and classic legs. Woodcarvings were still features of furniture design during the Regency era, but they became much more subtle than those of earlier styles. While furniture makers of the past made ostentatious carved details the focus of their work, wood carvings were used more as an accent to the refined forms of the Regency style. Dimensions: 76 x 100 x 100 cm Professional custom-made packaging is included in the shipping costs; and personalized shipping, with tracking number and guarantee.
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