Lampara secado uñas uv
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La Lámpara Secador UV LED 48W vatios es la elección favorita de los Expertos en la Belleza de las Uñas. Su durabilidad, Su tamaño, Su potencia la convierten en la mejor Lámpara para uñas. Perfecta para las Técnicas de Construcción de uñas Acrílicas, Gel, Acril-gel, Fibra de Vidrio, Típs, Moldes y Gel para uñas naturales. La Lámpara de Uñas UV LED para Curado de Esmaltes en Gel es un Secador de Uñas Ultra Rápido con Función de Temporizador: (10S / 30S / 60S) y / 99 Segundos de Baja Temperatura. El sensor automático inteligente es fácil de usar y no requiere ningún botón. Suficiente espacio para curar 5 uñas de las Manos o uñas de los pies a la vez. Modo de calor bajo 99 Segundos para uñas o manos sensibles con piel Sensible a Temperaturas Altas. El compartimento inferior extraíble facilita la limpieza de su parte interior. Fuente de luz dual Ultra Violeta + LED, funciona bien con todo tipo de esmalte de gel, Polvos Acrílicos, Fibra o Acril-gel. Manos o Pies Perfecta para Manicura y Pedicura. Pantalla digital LCD, no necesitas ver el tiempo. pero tiene Conteo ascendente y descendente de apagado y encendido automático.
9 €
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Marca: COSCELIA Ingrediente: Resina Período largo: alrededor de 15 días o más Efecto: Brillo, Holongraphics Lista de paquetes: Lámparas LED para uñas rosa X3 USB con 18 cuentas LED X 1 Pinzas curvas X 1 1 par de separadores de uñas X 1 10G pegamento para uñas X 1 Tenedor De Cutícula X 1 Empujador De Cutícula X 1 Cortador de uñas X 1 Lima de uñas X 1 Lima de uñas rosa X 1 # N/A Cinta de viaje mate de color dorado línea X 1 Línea de cinta de viaje mate de color plateado X 1 Aceite Cutícula Sabor Rosa X 1 Etiqueta engomada del clavo francés#4 X 1 Etiqueta engomada francesa del clavo#8 X 1 Etiqueta engomada francesa del clavo#15 X 1 Rhinestone rojo del clavo X 1 Cepillo de uñas de colores X 1 Capa Base X 1 Capa superior X 1 Esmalte en gel para uñas X 15 Uso profesional: Step 1. Clean Nails y luego recorta la superficie de las uñas como un proceso normal de arte de uñas. Step 2. Agite completamente el esmalte, puede equilibrar el color del esmalte. (Importante) Paso 3. Aplique la capa base primero, lo que puede hacer que el esmalte dure más tiempo, cure con una lámpara de gel UV o una lámpara LED para uñas. (Necesario) Paso 4. Aplique la primera capa de gel uv de color directamente, cure con lámpara UV durante 2 minutos o cure con lámpara LED durante 60 segundos. Paso 5. Aplique la segunda capa de gel de color y luego cure inmediatamente con lámpara UV durante 2 minutos o cure con lámpara LED durante 60 segundos. Step 6. Cubra sin limpiar la capa superior, curada con lámpara UV o lámpara LED. Retire nuestro paso de esmalte de uñas de gel UV: 1. Remoje las uñas en un recipiente lleno de una pequeña cantidad de acetona, o envuelva cada uña en un algodón empapado con acetona durante aproximadamente 5 a 10 minutos. 2. El producto comenzará a volverse blando y puede guardarlo suavemente o deslizarlo utilizando un pequeño palo de madera. Recordatorio cálido: 1. Evite todo contacto con la piel. Si se produce enrojecimiento u otros signos de reacción adversa, suspenda su uso inmediatamente. 2. Mantener bien sellado. Mantener fuera de la luz solar. Mantener fuera del alcance de los niños.
10,21 €
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Marca: COSCELIA Ingrediente: Resina Período largo: alrededor de 15 días o más Efecto: Brillo, Holongraphics Lista de paquetes: Lámparas LED para uñas rosa X3 USB con 18 cuentas LED X 1 Pinzas curvas X 1 1 par de separadores de uñas X 1 10G pegamento para uñas X 1 Tenedor De Cutícula X 1 Empujador De Cutícula X 1 Cortador de uñas X 1 Lima de uñas X 1 Lima de uñas rosa X 1 Cinta de viaje mate de color dorado línea X 1 Línea de cinta de viaje mate de color plateado X 1 Aceite Cutícula Sabor Rosa X 1 Etiqueta engomada del clavo francés#4 X 1 Etiqueta engomada francesa del clavo#8 X 1 Etiqueta engomada francesa del clavo#15 X 1 Rhinestone rojo del clavo X 1 Cepillo de uñas de colores X 1 Capa Base X 1 Capa superior X 1 Esmalte en gel para uñas X 15 Uso profesional: Step 1. Clean Nails y luego recorta la superficie de las uñas como un proceso normal de arte de uñas. Step 2. Agite completamente el esmalte, puede equilibrar el color del esmalte. (Importante) Paso 3. Aplique la capa base primero, lo que puede hacer que el esmalte dure más tiempo, cure con una lámpara de gel UV o una lámpara LED para uñas. (Necesario) Paso 4. Aplique la primera capa de gel uv de color directamente, cure con lámpara UV durante 2 minutos o cure con lámpara LED durante 60 segundos. Paso 5. Aplique la segunda capa de gel de color y luego cure inmediatamente con lámpara UV durante 2 minutos o cure con lámpara LED durante 60 segundos. Step 6. Cubra sin limpiar la capa superior, curada con lámpara UV o lámpara LED. Retire nuestro paso de esmalte de uñas de gel UV: 1. Remoje las uñas en un recipiente lleno de una pequeña cantidad de acetona, o envuelva cada uña en un algodón empapado con acetona durante aproximadamente 5 a 10 minutos. 2. El producto comenzará a volverse blando y puede guardarlo suavemente o deslizarlo utilizando un pequeño palo de madera. Recordatorio cálido: 1. Evite todo contacto con la piel. Si se produce enrojecimiento u otros signos de reacción adversa, suspenda su uso inmediatamente. 2. Mantener bien sellado. Mantener fuera de la luz solar. Mantener fuera del alcance de los niños.
14,11 €
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Caracteristicas: Conjunto completo de arte de uñas que incluye herramientas de manicura y decoración de manicura. Paquete con barniz de uñas de gel UV y lámpara nail art. Adecuado para uso profesional o práctica en casa. La elección perfecta para tu arte de uñas. Las herramientas en el traje son todas útiles para manicuras o pedicuras. Con estos podrás decorar y reconstruir perfectamente tus uñas. Contenido del paquete: set de manicura: 1xWhite X3 USB LED Nail Lamps con 18 cuentas LED Capa base de 1 x7 ml Capa superior de 1x7 ml 12 x esmalte en gel para uñas Pinzas 1xCurved 1x2 pc NailSeparadores Cortador de 1xNail Separadores de uñas 1x1 par Empujador 1 xCutículo Archivo 1xNail Tenedor 1xCutículo Cepillo limpiador 1xNail Almohadillas removedor de esmalte de uñas 1x10pc en paquete de aluminio Pegamento de uñas 1x10G Aceite 1 xCutícula Lima de uñas 1xGrey Etiqueta engomada del clavo francés 1x#15 1x12 colores del arte del clavo Rhinestone 1x5*Línea de cinta de cinta dorada para uñas (aleatoria) Etiqueta engomada del clavo francés 1x#4 Lima de uñas 1xBlack Decoraciones de uñas de color 1xGolden Decoraciones de uñas 1xSilver Color Etiqueta engomada del clavo francés 1x#8 ¡ NOTA! puede elegir el conjunto completo o solo el gel de uñas. comprueba por ti mismo claramente antes de hacer un pedido. Cómo utilizar: Step 1. Clean Nails y luego recorte la superficie de la uña como un proceso normal de arte de uñas. Paso 2. Agite completamente el esmalte, puede equilibrar el color del esmalte. (Importante) Paso 3. Aplique la capa base primero, lo que puede hacer que el esmalte dure más tiempo, cure con lámpara UV o lámpara LED. (Necesario) Paso 4. Aplique la primera capa de gel de color directamente, cure con la lámpara UV durante 2 minutos o cure con la lámpara LED durante 60 segundos. Paso 5. Aplique la segunda capa de gel de color y luego cure inmediatamente con lámpara UV durante 2 minutos o cure con lámpara LED durante 60 segundos. Paso 6. Cubra sin limpiar la capa superior, curada con lámpara UV o lámpara LED. Para quitar: - 1. Remoje las uñas en un removedor de acrílico durante aproximadamente 5 minutos, - 2. Rasga suavemente todo el esmalte de uñas en cada uña.
10,81 €
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Caracteristicas: 1. Poly Gel es una fórmula todo en uno para la consistencia de trabajo perfecta. 2. Sin monómero, sin mezcla, sin relaciones, la fórmula te permite trabajar tan rápido como quieras. La dispensación de tubos 3. le permite usar justo lo que necesita sin perder producto. 4. No es un acrílico, no es un gel duro, Coseclia Poly GHL Nail Enhancement combina lo mejor de ambos en un revolucionario sistema telefónico que no es¡mejor! Específico: Nombre de la marca: COSCELIA Materiales: resina curable UV Volumen: 8ML/0.25oz Peso neto: 25g Certificación: MSDS, Herramientas de curado: lámpara UV, lámpara led, lámpara UV/led Contenido del paquete: Lámpara de secador de uñas LED blanca 1 X 36W 3 X gel de polietileno (15ml) 1 X cepillo de uñas de doble extremo 1 X 50Pcs/Bag Transparente Quick Building Mold Tips 1 X 30Ml Limpiador Plus 1 X lima de uñas gruesa 1 X capa superior 1 X capa base Uso: 1. Clean Nails y luego recorte la superficie de la uña como proceso de manicura normal. 2. Ponga la bandeja de papel en el clavo. 3. Aplique la capa base primero, lo que puede hacer que el esmalte dure más tiempo, cure con lámpara UV o lámpara LED 4. Aplicar gel de construcción UV, curar con lámpara UV o LED. 5. Tomar la bandeja de clavos, amortiguar la forma del clavo 6. Aplique la capa base y luego cure con lámpara UV o lámpara LED durante 30-60 segundos 7. Aplique cualquier gel de color que desee,
2,67 €
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Marca: COSCELIA Gran capacidad: 8ml Lámpara de uñas UV/LED remojo El paquete incluye: Conjunto 01/02/03/04: Esmaltes de uñas de gel de 20 x 8ml Set 05: 1 x 36W UV/LED secador de uñas Esmaltes de uñas de gel de 20 x 8ml Capa superior de 1 x 8ml Capa base de 1 x 8ml 5 x limas de uñas 1 x tenedor de cutícula Empujador de cutícula 1x Cortador de uñas 1x 1 x cepillo de limpieza de uñas Aceite revitalizador de cutículas 1x 2x separadores de dedos Línea de cinta de rayado de uñas dorada 3x Línea de cinta de rayado de uñas de plata 2x Toallitas de limpieza de uñas 5x Toallitas removedoras de esmalte de uñas 10x Etiqueta engomada del clavo 2x Pegamento para uñas 1x (10g) Pinzas curvas 1x Rhinestones de 1x 12 colores Etiqueta engomada falsa francesa de las extremidades del clavo de 3x Caracteristicas: Conjunto completo de arte de uñas que incluye herramientas de manicura y decoración de manicura. Paquete con barniz de uñas de gel UV y lámpara nail art. Adecuado para uso profesional o práctica en casa. La elección perfecta para tu arte de uñas. Las herramientas en el traje son todas útiles para manicuras o pedicuras. Con estos podrás decorar y reconstruir perfectamente tus uñas.
23,38 €
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Save a lot of time: uv led nail light, you can use this nail light to increase the drying speed of your nails. cures most nail polishes in just 30-60 seconds, leaving them mirror-smooth. magic therapy: for nails, such as uv gel, nail gel, nail carving gel, rhinestone, cnd shellac, led nail gel. nail uv glue dries in as little as 30 seconds, rhinestone jewelry takes 60 seconds.large screen and 3 timer settings: multi-function adjustable: nail lamp curing time with large screen display and 3 timer settings 30s/60s/90s low heat mode with automatic sensor for nail or nail treatment all requirements. the auto-sensing uv led nail light ensures a safe and comfortable eye damage, no black hands: this led nail lamp produces daylight, no uv white light, and is eye safe. say goodbye to outdated single uv lamps without the hassle of darkening your hands and harming your eyes. large space design: you can put the nail lamp on your hand when working. the bottom fits easily to the foot. large lcd screen and usb plug.portable: this is a small nail lamp, not a mini nail lamp, it is small, ergonomic and light in weight. this is the perfect nail lamp for school, office, home and travel. this nail lamp is the perfect gift for friends and family.
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Upgraded dual light source & fast curing nailusing advanced led double light source bulb technology to cure all kinds of nail gels without distinguishing nail polish gels type. a whopping 120 watts of power offers 80% faster curing speeds than lower wattage uv nail lamp. enjoy ideal professional salon nail art easily and freely at home with our gel nail light.4 timers & infrared sensorsunrich nail lamp provides 10s / 30s / 60s / 99s flexible drying options and the time will be displayed on the large lcd screen. your manicure & pedicure will be more fun and energy efficient with smart sensor. hands/feet in, lamp on. hands/feet out,lamp off. heat dissipation hole avoid overheat.very smart, portable, fast, quiet for using.portable handle & well madenail lamp has classic color of black and white, a handle, easy to take anywhere. detachable base is more convenient for toenail gel curing and cleaning. large lcd display shows curing time more clear. the design of the curved lines increases the internal space and easily cure hands or feet. lines and lights make it like a small space capsule. the moment when becomes beautiful is like visiting a mysterious outer space
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Upgraded dual light source & fast curing nailusing advanced led double light source bulb technology to cure all kinds of nail gels without distinguishing nail polish gels type. a whopping 80 watts of power offers 80% faster curing speeds than lower wattage uv nail lamp. enjoy ideal professional salon nail art easily and freely at home with our gel nail light.4 timers & infrared sensorsunrich nail lamp provides 10s / 30s / 60s / 99s flexible drying options and the time will be displayed on the large lcd screen. your manicure & pedicure will be more fun and energy efficient with smart sensor. hands/feet in, lamp on. hands/feet out,lamp off. heat dissipation hole avoid overheat.very smart, portable, fast, quiet for using.portable handle & well madenail lamp has classic color of black and white, a handle, easy to take anywhere. detachable base is more convenient for toenail gel curing and cleaning. large lcd display shows curing time more clear. the design of the curved lines increases the internal space and easily cure hands or feet. lines and lights make it like a small space capsule. the moment when becomes beautiful is like visiting a mysterious outer space
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158w advanced nail lamp:roohua upgraded version of high power uv nail lamp with 45 led beads. dries faster and saves half the time compared to traditional nail lamps. the long-lasting led lamp beads have a 50,000-hour lifespan and do not require bulbreplacement. the uv nail instrument is equipped with 180 degree multi-angle lamp beads, which can dry the whole hand at once.temperature protection mechanism and uv nail lamp:gel uv led nail lamp has an over temperature monitoring function. when the temperature is too high, it will automatically reduce the output power without damaging the internal components of the nail uvlamp.gel uv led nail lamp works well for all kinds of gel nail polish, but not for normal nail polish.infrared auto-sensing & 4 timers:led uv nail lamp is equipped with infrared auto-sensing function. no additional operation is needed when plugged in, it turns on when the hand/foot is put in and turns off when the hand/foot is put out. 4 timer settings. 10s/30s/60s/99s, you can choose according to your needs.lcd display and detachable tray:stylish appearance, and large lcd screen, perfect for home and salon use.the led uv nail lamp measures 22x21x10.5cm, you can do 5 fingers and toes at a time, and it has a detachable bottom for easy toe nail and cleaning.
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[168w high power 42pcs durable light beads]featured with 42pcs light beads and 168w maximum rated power, led gel nail lamp is more powerful than most of other competitors available.our uv led nail lamp protects your skin from getting sun burnt and does no harm to your eyes. with 42pcs uv/led lamp beads full cover, twice faster than other 80w or 96w gel nail, preventing the circuit from overheat therefore achieve a prolonged life span of the led nail dryer.[lcd touch screen and easy use on one touch]the lining is embedded with both uv and led light beads, which make this gel uv led nail lamp perfect for curing not only regular polish but also capable of curing most of the gel nail polish kit with uv light regardless the brand or type. the motion sensor delivers a fully automated, touch-free curing experience without press any key.[smart sensor and quick dry]equipped with a infra-red motion sensor, our professional gel uv led nail lamp automatically turns on and off when you put in/ take out your hands without press any button. a built-in lcd display on the cover shows curing time and comparison with standard uv led nail lamp for gel polish, our uv-led dual-light lamp considerably shortens the curing time therefore lowers the possibility of dripping/dipping when applying thick layers of polish gel.size: 19.5cm*21.5cm*10cm
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[168w high power 42pcs durable light beads]featured with 42pcs light beads and 168w maximum rated power, led gel nail lamp is more powerful than most of other competitors available.our uv led nail lamp protects your skin from getting sun burnt and does no harm to your eyes. with 42pcs uv/led lamp beads full cover, twice faster than other 80w or 96w gel nail, preventing the circuit from overheat therefore achieve a prolonged life span of the led nail dryer.[lcd touch screen and easy use on one touch]the lining is embedded with both uv and led light beads, which make this gel uv led nail lamp perfect for curing not only regular polish but also capable of curing most of the gel nail polish kit with uv light regardless the brand or type. the motion sensor delivers a fully automated, touch-free curing experience without press any key.[smart sensor and quick dry]equipped with a infra-red motion sensor, our professional gel uv led nail lamp automatically turns on and off when you put in/ take out your hands without press any button. a built-in lcd display on the cover shows curing time and comparison with standard uv led nail lamp for gel polish, our uv-led dual-light lamp considerably shortens the curing time therefore lowers the possibility of dripping/dipping when applying thick layers of polish gel.size: 24cm*24cm*9cm
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[168w high power 36pcs durable light beads]featured with 36pcs light beads and 168w maximum rated power, led gel nail lamp is more powerful than most of other competitors available.our uv led nail lamp protects your skin from getting sun burnt and does no harm to your eyes. preventing the circuit from overheat therefore achieve a prolonged life span of the led nail dryer.the lining is embedded with both uv and led light beads, which make this gel uv led nail lamp perfect for curing not only regular polish but also capable of curing most of the gel nail polish kit with uv light regardless the brand or type. the motion sensor delivers a fully automated, touch-free curing experience without press any key.[smart sensor and quick dry]equipped with a infra-red motion sensor, our professional gel uv led nail lamp automatically turns on and off when you put in/ take out your hands without press any button. a built-in lcd display on the cover shows curing time and comparison with standard uv led nail lamp for gel polish, our uv-led dual-light lamp considerably shortens the curing time therefore lowers the possibility of dripping/dipping when applying thick layers of polish gel.size: 23cm*18cm*9cm
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[120w high power 30pcs durable light beads]featured with 30pcs light beads and 120w maximum rated power, led gel nail lamp is more powerful than most of other competitors available.our uv led nail lamp protects your skin from getting sun burnt and does no harm to your eyes. preventing the circuit from overheat therefore achieve a prolonged life span of the led nail dryer.the lining is embedded with both uv and led light beads, which make this gel uv led nail lamp perfect for curing not only regular polish but also capable of curing most of the gel nail polish kit with uv light regardless the brand or type. the motion sensor delivers a fully automated, touch-free curing experience without press any key.[smart sensor and quick dry]equipped with a infra-red motion sensor, our professional gel uv led nail lamp automatically turns on and off when you put in/ take out your hands without press any button. a built-in lcd display on the cover shows curing time and comparison with standard uv led nail lamp for gel polish, our uv-led dual-light lamp considerably shortens the curing time therefore lowers the possibility of dripping/dipping when applying thick layers of polish gel.size: 23cm*18cm*9cm
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Suitable for all gel nail polishes and resins the uv led light can be used for almost all nail gels, such as uv therapy gels, extend gel, led nail polish gel, hard builder gel, sculpture gel, gemstone glue, etc. all top coat and base coat fr gel polish, including uv nail glue, builder gel, nail sculpture gel, gemstone glue and led nail drying, saving time uv nail polish lamp contains 39 durable led light beads. there are 18 lamp beads on top and 21 lamp beads on the side. can dry the whole hand or foot at once, including the thumb, and hardening on the sides is also not a problem.intelligent technology for a more comfortable nail design experience our light curing device is equipped with an auto sensor for switching it on and off (no switch). hand in, light on hand out, light out. it will turn on automatically for 10s, 30s, 60s, 99s according to your needs. the device would work for a correspondingly long time if you used the time memory function without pressing a button.easy to dismantle design and easy to clean the led nail dryers can be removed downwards from the cover, leaving enough space for nails and toenails. if nail polish accidentally gets on the surface, it's easy to clean.uv led lamp nail dryer for gel gelthe curved housing design protects the eyes, the nail dryer uv lamp is also a perfect gift for family and friends. grant a 1 year warranty. if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
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