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España (Todas las ciudades)
Ficha técnica left 4 dead 2 x360 genero: shooter titulo: left 4 dead 2 x360 caja original: si informacion adicional: imagen no contractual Descripción left 4 dead 2 x360 left 4 dead 2 x360 es un objeto de Segunda Mano que se ofrece en estado Buen estado.
19,95 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Ficha técnica left 4 dead x360 genero: shooter titulo: left 4 dead x360 caja original: si informacion adicional: imagen no contractual Descripción left 4 dead x360 left 4 dead x360 es un objeto de Segunda Mano que se ofrece en estado Buen estado.
8,94 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Ficha técnica left 4 dead 2 x360 genero: shooter caja original: Sí titulo: left 4 dead 2 x360 informacion adicional: imagen no contractual Descripción left 4 dead 2 x360 left 4 dead 2 x360 es un objeto de Segunda Mano que se ofrece en estado Buen estado.
19,95 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Ficha técnica left 4 dead caja original: Sí titulo: left 4 dead Descripción left 4 dead left 4 dead es un objeto de Segunda Mano que se ofrece en estado Buen estado.
19,95 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Ficha técnica left 4 dead 2 x360 genero: shooter caja original: Sí titulo: left 4 dead 2 x360 Descripción left 4 dead 2 x360 left 4 dead 2 x360 es un objeto de Segunda Mano que se ofrece en estado Buen estado.
19,95 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Ficha técnica left 4 dead 2 x360 genero: shooter caja original: Sí titulo: left 4 dead 2 x360 region: pal informacion adicional: imagen no contractual Descripción left 4 dead 2 x360 left 4 dead 2 x360 es un objeto de Segunda Mano que se ofrece en estado Buen estado.
19,95 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
¡Por lo general, se envía en 1-2 días! ¡Se adapta a todos los Apple AirPods Pro! La funda personalizada airpods Pro de Left Coast Original Hechas de silicona de primera calidad, nuestras fundas Airpods Pro son suaves y flexibles, pero lo suficientemente seguras para el uso diario. Nunca más te preocupes por perder tus Airpods, cada estuche viene con su propio clip que se adhiere fácilmente a tu llavero o bolso. 4 colores diferentes para elegir: menta, azul, negro y gris ------Ordenar-------- Dinos: 1. Lo que te gustaría grabar. 2. La fuente O gráfica (Podemos hacer una u otra, pero no ambas. Consulte las imágenes del elemento para ver las opciones) Si no se especifica ninguna fuente, usaremos la fuente 3 para los nombres y la fuente 9 para los monogramas. Una nota sobre monogramas (Fuentes #7-9). La inicial del apellido aparecerá en el centro del monograma. Así que el monograma de John Paul Smith es jSp. Especifique las iniciales del monograma en EXACTAMENTE EL ORDEN en que desea que se graben. Para Fuente 10, especifique la letra que desea utilizar para la inicial grande. Si no se especifica ninguno, usaremos la primera inicial del apellido o el nombre dado. Puedes introducir esta información en el cuadro Personalización o en la sección Añadir una nota al vendedor al realizar el pago. Si quieres grabar el logotipo de un equipo deportivo o de una empresa, envíanos un gráfico en blanco y negro a través de Etsy Convo/Messages. Después de pagar, simplemente adjunte su gráfico al convo y envíenoslo. ---------------------------- Tenga en cuenta que el blanco que se muestra en la foto es parte del proceso de grabado y no es permanente. No se utiliza tinta al grabar estos. Consulte las fotos de la lista de artículos y la foto "Seleccione su fuente" para ver ejemplos de variación en los grabados. Gracias por comprar Left Coast Original Visite nuestra tienda, Left Coast Original. Cuenta con otras piezas funcionales e impecablemente diseñadas de bambú, cuero y madera: https://www.etsy.com/es/shop/leftcoastoriginal ¡Incluye una nota manuscrita con tu regalo personalizado! https://www.etsy.com/listing/695947073/custom-handwritten-greeting-cards?ref=shop_home_active_1&frs=1 Left Coast Original es una marca registrada y todas nuestras piezas están redactadas y / o patentadas o pendientes de patente.
3.246 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
¡Por lo general, se envía en 1-2 días! ¡Envío gratis! Nombrado en honor al campo de golf más famoso de Florida, el Left Coast Copperhead Golf Scorecard & Yardage Book fue diseñado para inspirar con cuero afligido de grano completo hecho a mano. Diseñado para un lujo práctico, cada uno tiene dos bolsillos para sus tarjetas de puntuación de golf, una correa elástica para su libro de yardas y un portalápices de cuero. Nuestro cuero con cuenta la historia de sus victorias en el verde con el paso del tiempo. ¡El cuero angustiado tomará más y más carácter a medida que anotes con él! ------Ordenar-------- 1. Díganos qué nombre, monograma o cita le gustaría grabar en el cuero. 2. Díganos qué número de fuente desea (si no se especifica ninguna fuente, usaremos la fuente 9 para los monogramas y la fuente 3 para los nombres, las fechas y las comillas). Para Fuente 10, especifique la letra que desea utilizar para la inicial grande. Si no se especifica ninguno, usaremos la primera inicial del apellido o el nombre dado. 3. Especifique dónde desea que se coloque la personalización. Para los grabados interiores, la ubicación predeterminada es Dentro de la parte inferior (consulte Imágenes de la lista de artículos). La ubicación inside Top está disponible bajo petición, solo incluya la solicitud en el cuadro de personalización. Una nota sobre monogramas. La inicial del apellido aparecerá en el centro del monograma. Así que el monograma de John Paul Smith es jSp. Especifique las iniciales del monograma en EXACTAMENTE EL ORDEN en que desea que se marquen. Si quieres grabar el logotipo de un equipo deportivo o de una empresa, envíanos un gráfico en blanco y negro a través de Etsy Convo/Messages. Después de pagar, simplemente adjunte su gráfico al convo y envíenoslo. ---------------------------- Cuaderno Golf Scorecard no en la imagen. El portátil mide aproximadamente 4 pulgadas de ancho x 6 1/2 pulgadas de largo. Cada cuaderno incluye una tabla de distancias del club, una página de notas alineadas y páginas de tarjetas de puntuación para 19 rondas completas de golf. Cada tamaño de soporte es de aproximadamente 7 "x 4.25" (plegado). Los grabados interiores pueden tener 70 caracteres o menos, incluidos espacios y letras. ¡Gracias por comprar Left Coast Original! Visite nuestra tienda, Left Coast Original. Cuenta con otras piezas funcionales e impecablemente diseñadas de bambú, cuero y madera: https://www.etsy.com/es/shop/leftcoastoriginal ¡Incluye una nota manuscrita con tu regalo personalizado! https://www.etsy.com/listing/695947073/custom-handwritten-greeting-cards?ref=shop_home_active_1&frs=1 Left Coast Original es una marca registrada y todas nuestras piezas tienen derechos de autor y / o patente o patente pendiente.
5.307 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
¡Por lo general, se envía en 1-2 días! ¡Envío nacional gratis! ¡Sabemos que la inspiración puede golpear en cualquier forma! Nuestros diarios de cuero personalizados están diseñados para satisfacer las necesidades de cada artista en ciernes y aspirante a creativo. DETALLES DEL PRODUCTO Nuestras revistas recargables son en realidad 3 cuadernos en 1: ¡papel forrado, papel en blanco y papel Kraft! Guarde tarjetas y fotos usando las ranuras interiores para tarjetas y la bolsa con cremallera, y asegure su bolígrafo favorito con el soporte de metal para bolígrafos. El cuero afligido frotado a mano se patinará con el tiempo, contando la historia de los años de uso por venir. Su personalización está grabada con láser profundamente en el cuero que se siente muy bien y durará para siempre. Insertos de papel recargables. Dimensiones del producto: aprox. 4in x 5 1/2in CÓMO ORDENAR Lea atentamente nuestras instrucciones: grabaremos exactamente como se solicita en el cuadro de personalización. No podemos realizar cambios una vez que se procesa su pedido. Agregue su solicitud en el cuadro de personalización o en la sección Agregar una nota al vendedor al momento de pagar. Dinos: 1. Lo que te gustaría grabar. 2. Su elección de fuente (consulte nuestras fotos de listado para referencia). Si no se especifica ninguna fuente, usaremos la fuente 3 para los nombres y la fuente 9 para los monogramas. 3. Tamaño y colocación del grabado. El valor predeterminado es el tamaño más grande y la ubicación frontal. Un grabado de menor tamaño (letras más pequeñas) y las ubicaciones traseras o interiores que se muestran están disponibles bajo pedido. Nota: La opción de grabado interior es para la cubierta frontal interior o la cubierta trasera interior, o ambas. Solo díganos cuando revise dónde desea que se coloque el grabado. Si selecciona grabado interior y no especifica dónde, la ubicación predeterminada del grabado interior es dentro de la cubierta frontal. Las fuentes 7-9 muestran una inicial más grande del medio. Por favor, envíe las iniciales en el orden exacto en que desea que se graben. La inicial del medio será más grande. Para Fuente 10, especifique la letra que desea usar para la inicial grande. Si no se especifica ninguno, usaremos la primera inicial del apellido o el nombre dado. GRÁFICOS / LOGOTIPOS PERSONALIZADOS Si quieres grabar un equipo deportivo, un logotipo de empresa o cualquier imagen personalizada, envíanos un gráfico en blanco y negro de alta calidad (sin áreas grises ni sombreado) a través de Etsy Messages. Después de pagar, simplemente adjunte su gráfico al hilo de mensajes y envíenoslo. NAVIERO Por lo general, se envía en aproximadamente 1-2 días hábiles. Envío estándar gratuito en pedidos de EE. UU. Las actualizaciones de envío están disponibles al finalizar la compra. REEMBOLSOS Y CAMBIOS Todos los artículos en nuestra tienda se hacen por pedido y solo para usted. Las piezas personalizadas no son elegibles para reembolsos o devoluciones. Si hay un defecto de material con la pieza, con gusto le haremos uno nuevo. Si tiene alguna pregunta o inquietud sobre su pedido, envíenos un mensaje primero para que podamos ayudarlo a solucionar la situación. Respaldamos nuestro trabajo y nuestro objetivo es crear productos de la más alta calidad. Revise nuestra política de la tienda antes de realizar su pedido si tiene preguntas sobre pruebas, nuestro proceso de grabado, devoluciones no personalizadas, envíos internacionales y paquetes retrasados / perdidos. ---------------------------- Gracias por comprar Left Coast Original Visite nuestra tienda, Left Coast Original. Cuenta con otras piezas de bambú, cuero y madera funcionales e impecablemente diseñadas: https://www.etsy.com/shop/leftcoastoriginal ¡Incluye una nota manuscrita con tu regalo personalizado! https://www.etsy.com/listing/695947073/custom-handwritten-greeting-cards?ref=shop_home_active_1&frs=1 Left Coast Original es una marca registrada y todas nuestras piezas están protegidas por derechos de autor y / o patentadas o pendientes de patente.
4.456 €
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Barcelona (Barcelona)
SHADOW COMPANY LEFT FOR DEAD PC BIG BOX CAJA CARTON PRECINTADO SHADOW COMPANY LEFT FOR DEAD PC BIG BOX CAJA CARTON PRECINTADO Las fotos forman parte de la descripción, ver bien fotos. En caso de que necesite más información o fotografías adicionales, no duden contactar conmigo. El producto que se vende es el de la fotografia, si tiene alguna duda consultar antes de comprar. Envío certificado con número de seguimiento. Envios internacionales preguntar.
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Valencia (Valencia)
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Por lo general, los envíos en 1-2 días! ¡Envío gratis! Nombrado en honor al campo de golf más famoso de Florida, el Left Coast Copperhead Golf Scorecard &Yardage fue diseñado para inspirar con cuero a juego de grano completo hecho a mano, Diseñado para un lujo práctico, cada uno tiene dos
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Por lo general, los envíos en 1-2 días! ¡Envío gratis! Nombrado en honor al campo de golf más famoso de Florida, el Left Coast Copperhead Golf Scorecard &Yardage Book fue diseñado para inspirar con cuero a mano de grano completo angustiado. Diseñado para un lujo práctico, cada uno tiene dos
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Update - Covid #2 ******************************************************* Due to the recent customs rule changes regarding covid, all international shipments no longer have the added protected of a tough board. Items are still shipped in a padded mailer. If you wish to have your item shipped with
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Por lo general, los barcos en aproximadamente 1-2 días! ¡Envío gratis! ¡Sabemos que la inspiración puede atacar en cualquier forma! Nuestros diarios de cuero personalizados están diseñados para satisfacer las necesidades de cada artista en ciernes y aspirante a creativo. Nuestros diarios
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España (Todas las ciudades)
¡Por lo general, se envía en 1-2 días! ¡Envío gratis! El cabezal en forma de guitarra se monta en la pared de Left Coast Original. También sostiene bajos, ukeleles, banjos, mandolinas o casi cualquier instrumento con un cabezal. ¡Crea un espacio tan único como tu querida guitarra eléctrica o acústica con nuestros soportes de pared personalizados! Diseñado para sostener de forma segura guitarras, bajos, banjos, uke y más. Cada soporte contiene (2) tornillos de cabeza Phillips de 2 pulgadas para asegurar su montaje a la pared, y un (1) tornillo de cabeza Phillips de 5/8 pulgadas para unir de forma segura nuestro gancho personalizado al soporte de pared. Graba un nombre, monograma o tus letras favoritas para que tu montaje en pared sea único. Elija entre las siguientes formas: 1. Taylor 2. Guardabarros (con reposacabezas en ángulo - Ver fotos) 3. Gibson 4. Clásica El montaje en pared mide aproximadamente 4 pulgadas x 8 pulgadas x 3/4 de espesor * Nota * Nuestro soporte de pared Fender tiene un reposacabezas en ángulo para guitarras Bass o Fender. ------Ordenar-------- 1. Díganos qué nombre, monograma o cita le gustaría grabar en su soporte de pared. (50 caracteres máximo incluyendo letras y espacios) 2. Díganos qué número de fuente le gustaría. Consulta las imágenes de la lista de artículos. Una nota sobre monogramas. La inicial del apellido aparecerá en el centro del monograma. Así que el monograma de John Paul Smith es jSp. Especifique las iniciales del monograma en EXACTAMENTE EL ORDEN en que desea que se marquen. Si no se especifica ninguna fuente, usaremos la fuente 9 para los monogramas y la fuente 3 para los nombres, las fechas y las comillas). Para Fuente 10, especifique la letra que desea utilizar para la inicial grande. Si no se especifica ninguno, usaremos la primera inicial del apellido o el nombre dado. Si quieres grabar el logotipo de un equipo deportivo o de una empresa, envíanos un gráfico en blanco y negro a través de Etsy Convo/Messages. Después de pagar, simplemente adjunte su gráfico al convo y envíenoslo. Para las formas de estilo Fender, la pequeña colocación de grabado superior está disponible bajo petición. La ubicación predeterminada para el grabado es grabado grande inferior. Ambas opciones se muestran en las imágenes de la lista de artículos. ---------------------------- Hecho de bambú arquitectónico sostenible certificado FSC ¡Gracias por comprar Left Coast Original! Visite nuestra tienda, Left Coast Original. Cuenta con otras piezas funcionales e impecablemente diseñadas de bambú, cuero y madera: https://www.etsy.com/es/shop/leftcoastoriginal ¡Incluye una nota manuscrita con tu regalo personalizado! https://www.etsy.com/listing/695947073/custom-handwritten-greeting-cards?ref=shop_home_active_1&frs=1 Left Coast Original es una marca registrada y todas nuestras piezas tienen derechos de autor y / o patente o patente pendiente.
4.783 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
ALL IN ONE DIGITAL NOTEBOOK Organize your notes and plan you life with our Landscape Digital Notebook - 50 Subjects and 12 Sections! Whether you use GoodNotes, Notability, or any other PDF annotation app, this notebook is specifically designed for use with your iPad or tablet. All sections, subjects, templates are fully hyperlinked for easy navigation and access. The provided paper templates and other essential templates make this digital notebook perfect for any needs and situations! The digital notebook landscape template is using a realistic paper texture and realistic landscape layout, making it the perfect way to take your notes with you wherever you go. With this notebook, you can easily keep track of your thoughts and ideas, without having to worry about losing them. Just open up your PDF annotation app and start taking notes! PERFECT FOR: - Bullet journal - Note-taking - Brain dump/ brainstorming - Life planner - Work notebook - Study notebook - Novel ideas - Music writing - Home management - And many many more! DIGITAL NOTEBOOK LANDSCAPE FEATURES: 1 x Cover Page 1 x Index Page 1 x Template Index 12 x Section Dividers 50 x Subjects 41 x Page Templates 106 x Pages PAPER TEMPLATES: • Blank • Blank 1x2 • Blank 2x2 • Blank Left Margin • Dotted • Dotted 1x2 • Dotted 2x2 • Dotted Left Margin • Lines • Lines 1x2 • Linex 2x2 • Lines Left Margin • Grid • Grid 1x2 • Grid 2x2 • Grid 2x1 • Grid Left Margin • Cornell Blank • Cornell Lines • Cornell Grid • Cornell Dotted • Todo 1x2 • Todo 2x2 • Todo 3x2 • Music Sheet OTHER ESSENTIAL TEMPLATES: • Yearly Spread • Yearly Grid • Yearly - Day Month Tracker • Monthly Day Tracker • Monthly Grid • Monthly Spread • Weekly Horizontal • Weekly Vertical • Routines • 30 Days Challenges • 100 Days Challenges • Vision Board • 100 Things • Multipurpose Table • Level 10 Life • 31 Things DOWNLOAD INCLUDES: 1 x PDF File (50 Subjects with 12 Section Dividers / 106 Pages) 1 x GoodNotes - Sticker Page (1 Page) 1 x Sticker Zip File (43 x Individual PNG Files) HOW TO DOWNLOAD AFTER PURCHASED - Etsy doesn't allow us to store big and high quality files, so we have to store it using 3rd party. - There will be file named: DownloadYourDigitalNotebookHere.pdf contains direct download links. - Best to download it using Safari, Chrome or Firefox. - If you have any difficulties or problem with downloading, please message me, we will be more than happy to help! HOW IT WORKS The planner has been created to work on any PDF annotation app or software across multiple devices. However, we would recommend use on an iPad with an apple pencil (or stylus) with GoodNotes, Notability, or Noteshelf app. -------------------------------------------------- PLEASE READ BEFORE PURCHASING - This is an instant download item. No physical product will be shipped. - This digital notebook is not suitable for mobile phone nor for printing. - Due to the nature of digital products, all sales are final, non-refundable and non exchangeable. - Please double check that the type of files included in this download is compatible with your software before making a purchase and that you have the necessary skills and knowledge required to use them. - Please note that this listing is for PERSONAL USE ONLY. -------------------------------------------------- COPYRIGHT NOTICE All design, content and writing remain the intellectual property of NozomuNoto, LLC. When you purchase an item, you are granted a limited revocable license to print/download files for your own personal, non-commercial, non-transferrable use only. By completing your order you agree not to resell, copy, duplicate, modify, publish, distribute, reproduce, transmit, create derivative works, or license any part of the files in any way to anyone, without prior written consent from NozomuNoto, LLC. Copyright 2022 © NozomuNoto, LLC. All rights reserved. -------------------------------------------------- Send me a message on Etsy chat anytime, I will respond within 24 hours. I am just a message away if you need anything else or have any suggestions. Your files will be available to download once payment is confirmed. I don't accept returns, exchanges, or cancellations. But please contact me if you have any problems with your order. Thank you for visiting our shop!
746 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
This is the #1 digital planner tool that organizes your day based on your priorities, purpose, and goals to achieve the perfect balance between your personal, professional, and family time. We realized there are too many planners in the market, but this premium digital planner has many unique features are added that make it stand out from most other planners. Let’s get started and make this year a superb one! ????????????????’???? ????????????????????????????????? ✔ 2022 Full-Year Digital Planner ✔ 2023 Full-Year Digital Planner ✔ 2024 Full-Year Digital Planner ✔ Undated Digital Planner (Use for any year) ????????????????????/???????????????????????? ✔ 4 Tab colors (Rainbow, Pink, Boho/Beige, and Black) ✔ 4 Weekly Planner Layout options (Boxed, Horizontal, Vertical & Scheduled) ✔ 2 Daily Planner Layout options (Structured & Minimal) ✔ Choose Sunday or Monday Start Days ???????????????? ???????????????????? ✔ 10 Portrait Digital Notebooks ✔ 8000+ Stickers ✔ 100+ Planner Covers ???????????????????????????????? (8 ????????????????????????????????) ✔ Habit tracker ✔ Mood Tracker ✔ Sleep tracker ✔ Dream tracker ✔ Reading log ✔ Reading tracker ✔ Wheel of life ✔ Custom Planner ???????????????????????? ???????????? ???????????????????????????? (12 ????????????????????????????????) ✔ Water tracker ✔ Step tracker ✔ Workout log ✔ Fitness log ✔ Progress tracker ✔ Doctor visits ✔ Symptom tracker ✔ Pain tracker ✔ Vitamin Supplement ✔ Period tracker ✔ Medication tracker ✔ Custom planner ???????????????????????????? (12 ????????????????????????????????) ✔ Order tracker ✔ Wish list ✔ Subscription ✔ After pay tracker ✔ Monthly finance ✔ Expense Tracker ✔ Yearly finance ✔ Bank information ✔ Bill Tracker ✔ Debt Tracker ✔ Saving tracker ✔ Yearly financial overview ???????????????????????????????????????????????? (11 ????????????????????????????????) ✔ To-do lists ✔ Project planners ✔ Meeting minutes ✔ Goal planners ✔ Time trackers ✔ Daily routine ✔ Quarterly planners ✔ Promodoro tracker ✔ Study session ✔ Appointment tracker ✔ Vision Board ???????????????????? ???????????????????? (30 ????????????????????????????????????) Blank / Checklist / Lined / Wide Lined / Lined 2 Column / Lined 3 Column / Lined 4 Column / Lined Cornell (With Summary) / Lined Cornell (No Summary) / Lined Cornell Right Narrow (No Summary) / Lined Black Cornell (With Summary) / Lined Blank Cornell (No Summary) / Dotted / Wide Dotted / Grid / Wide Grid / Grid Blank Cornell (With Summary) / Grid Blank Cornell (No Summary) / Left Half Blank Right Half Lined / Left Half Blank Right Half Grid / Left Half Lined Right Half Blank / Left Half Grid Right Half Blank / Top Half Blank Buttom Half Lined / Top Half Blank Buttom Half Grid / Blank Cornell (With Summary) / Blank Cornell (No Summary) / Blank 2 Column / Weekly Grid (Horizontal) / Monthly Grid (Vertical) / Yearly Grid ???????????????????????????????????? (24 ????????????????????????????????) ✔ Month At Glance (Jan to Dec: 12 Months) ✔ Monthly Review (Jan to Dec: 12 Months) ????????????????????????????????????????: Works with iPad and Android Tablets. Supported Annotation Apps: GoodNotes, ZoomNotes, NotesWriter, Notability, Noteshelf, Xodo & More ???????????? ???????? ????????????????????????????????? Sign in to Etsy.com and go to Your account. Go to Purchases and reviews. Next to the order, select Download Files. This goes to the Downloads page for all the files attached to your order. Note: You can't download a digital purchase through the Etsy app at this time. Please sign in to Etsy on your mobile browser or computer to download a digital file. ???????????? ???????? ????????????? Download Your Digital Planners, Stickers, Cover & Notebooks through the link on PDF files. Unzip or Extract zip files in your device. Import to GoodNotes or any Annotation app If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me via Etsy. Thank you for shopping! ???????????????????? & ???????????????????????????????????????? This is a digital product, there is no physical item shipped to your address. Due to the nature of products, all sales are final and We don't accept returns, exchanges, or cancellations. This Digital Planner is copyrighted to Make Brands Creative. This purchase is strictly for non-commercial, personal use only. You may not resell, reproduce, or distribute in any shape or form. So, Please feel free to contact me with any questions prior to purchase.
949 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
A digital planner can be more than just a time saver. They allow you to be more organized and you will be able to go through your day more quickly. You might be surprised by how much more organized you are with a digital planner. This is the #1 digital planner tool that organizes your day based on your priorities, purpose, and goals to achieve the perfect balance between your personal, professional, and family time. We realized there are too many planners in the market, but this premium digital planner has many unique features are added that make it stand out from most other planners. Let’s get started and make this year a superb one! ????????????????’???? ????????????????????????????????? ✔ 2022 Full-Year Digital Planner ✔ 2023 Full-Year Digital Planner ✔ 2024 Full-Year Digital Planner ✔ Undated Digital Planner (Use for any year) ????????????????????/???????????????????????? ✔ 4 Tab colors (Rainbow, Pink, Boho/Beige, and Black) ✔ 4 Weekly Planner Layout options (Boxed, Horizontal, Vertical & Scheduled) ✔ 2 Daily Planner Layout options (Structured & Minimal) ✔ Choose Sunday or Monday Start Days ???????????????? ???????????????????? ✔ 10 Portrait Digital Notebooks ✔ 8000+ Stickers ✔ 100+ Planner Covers ???????????????????????????????? (8 ????????????????????????????????) ✔ Habit tracker ✔ Mood Tracker ✔ Sleep tracker ✔ Dream tracker ✔ Reading log ✔ Reading tracker ✔ Wheel of life ✔ Custom Planner ???????????????????????? ???????????? ???????????????????????????? (12 ????????????????????????????????) ✔ Water tracker ✔ Step tracker ✔ Workout log ✔ Fitness log ✔ Progress tracker ✔ Doctor visits ✔ Symptom tracker ✔ Pain tracker ✔ Vitamin Supplement ✔ Period tracker ✔ Medication tracker ✔ Custom planner ???????????????????????????? (12 ????????????????????????????????) ✔ Order tracker ✔ Wish list ✔ Subscription ✔ After pay tracker ✔ Monthly finance ✔ Expense Tracker ✔ Yearly finance ✔ Bank information ✔ Bill Tracker ✔ Debt Tracker ✔ Saving tracker ✔ Yearly financial overview ???????????????????????????????????????????????? (11 ????????????????????????????????) ✔ To-do lists ✔ Project planners ✔ Meeting minutes ✔ Goal planners ✔ Time trackers ✔ Daily routine ✔ Quarterly planners ✔ Promodoro tracker ✔ Study session ✔ Appointment tracker ✔ Vision Board ???????????????????? ???????????????????? (30 ????????????????????????????????????) Blank / Checklist / Lined / Wide Lined / Lined 2 Column / Lined 3 Column / Lined 4 Column / Lined Cornell (With Summary) / Lined Cornell (No Summary) / Lined Cornell Right Narrow (No Summary) / Lined Black Cornell (With Summary) / Lined Blank Cornell (No Summary) / Dotted / Wide Dotted / Grid / Wide Grid / Grid Blank Cornell (With Summary) / Grid Blank Cornell (No Summary) / Left Half Blank Right Half Lined / Left Half Blank Right Half Grid / Left Half Lined Right Half Blank / Left Half Grid Right Half Blank / Top Half Blank Buttom Half Lined / Top Half Blank Buttom Half Grid / Blank Cornell (With Summary) / Blank Cornell (No Summary) / Blank 2 Column / Weekly Grid (Horizontal) / Monthly Grid (Vertical) / Yearly Grid ???????????????????????????????????? (24 ????????????????????????????????) ✔ Month At Glance (Jan to Dec: 12 Months) ✔ Monthly Review (Jan to Dec: 12 Months) ????????????????????????????????????????: Works with iPad and Android Tablets. Supported Annotation Apps: GoodNotes, ZoomNotes, NotesWriter, Notability, Noteshelf, Xodo & More ???????????? ???????? ????????????????????????????????? Sign in to Etsy.com and go to Your account. Go to Purchases and reviews. Next to the order, select Download Files. This goes to the Downloads page for all the files attached to your order. Note: You can't download a digital purchase through the Etsy app at this time. Please sign in to Etsy on your mobile browser or computer to download a digital file. ???????????? ???????? ????????????? Download Your Digital Planners, Stickers, Cover & Notebooks through the link on PDF files. Unzip or Extract zip files in your device. Import to GoodNotes or any Annotation app If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me via Etsy. Thank you for shopping! ???????????????????? & ???????????????????????????????????????? This is a digital product, there is no physical item shipped to your address. Due to the nature of products, all sales are final and We don't accept returns, exchanges, or cancellations. This Digital Planner is copyrighted to Make Brands Creative. This purchase is strictly for non-commercial, personal use only. You may not resell, reproduce, or distribute in any shape or form. So, Please feel free to contact me with any questions prior to purchase.
949 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
A digital planner can be more than just a time saver. They allow you to be more organized and you will be able to go through your day more quickly. You might be surprised by how much more organized you are with a digital planner. This is the #1 digital planner tool that organizes your day based on your priorities, purpose, and goals to achieve the perfect balance between your personal, professional, and family time. We realized there are too many planners in the market, but this premium digital planner has many unique features are added that make it stand out from most other planners. Let’s get started and make this year a superb one! ????????????????’???? ????????????????????????????????? ✔ 2023 Full-Year Digital Planner ✔ 2024 Full-Year Digital Planner ✔ Undated Digital Planner (Use for any year) ????????????????????/???????????????????????? ✔ 4 Tab colors (Rainbow, Pink, Boho/Beige, and Black) ✔ 4 Weekly Planner Layout options (Boxed, Horizontal, Vertical & Scheduled) ✔ 2 Daily Planner Layout options (Structured & Minimal) ✔ Choose Sunday or Monday Start Days ???????????????? ???????????????????? ✔ 10 Portrait Digital Notebooks ✔ 8000+ Stickers ✔ 100+ Planner Covers ???????????????????????????????? (8 ????????????????????????????????) ✔ Habit tracker ✔ Mood Tracker ✔ Sleep tracker ✔ Dream tracker ✔ Reading log ✔ Reading tracker ✔ Wheel of life ✔ Custom Planner ???????????????????????? ???????????? ???????????????????????????? (12 ????????????????????????????????) ✔ Water tracker ✔ Step tracker ✔ Workout log ✔ Fitness log ✔ Progress tracker ✔ Doctor visits ✔ Symptom tracker ✔ Pain tracker ✔ Vitamin Supplement ✔ Period tracker ✔ Medication tracker ✔ Custom planner ???????????????????????????? (12 ????????????????????????????????) ✔ Order tracker ✔ Wish list ✔ Subscription ✔ After pay tracker ✔ Monthly finance ✔ Expense Tracker ✔ Yearly finance ✔ Bank information ✔ Bill Tracker ✔ Debt Tracker ✔ Saving tracker ✔ Yearly financial overview ???????????????????????????????????????????????? (11 ????????????????????????????????) ✔ To-do lists ✔ Project planners ✔ Meeting minutes ✔ Goal planners ✔ Time trackers ✔ Daily routine ✔ Quarterly planners ✔ Promodoro tracker ✔ Study session ✔ Appointment tracker ✔ Vision Board ???????????????????? ???????????????????? (30 ????????????????????????????????????) Blank / Checklist / Lined / Wide Lined / Lined 2 Column / Lined 3 Column / Lined 4 Column / Lined Cornell (With Summary) / Lined Cornell (No Summary) / Lined Cornell Right Narrow (No Summary) / Lined Black Cornell (With Summary) / Lined Blank Cornell (No Summary) / Dotted / Wide Dotted / Grid / Wide Grid / Grid Blank Cornell (With Summary) / Grid Blank Cornell (No Summary) / Left Half Blank Right Half Lined / Left Half Blank Right Half Grid / Left Half Lined Right Half Blank / Left Half Grid Right Half Blank / Top Half Blank Buttom Half Lined / Top Half Blank Buttom Half Grid / Blank Cornell (With Summary) / Blank Cornell (No Summary) / Blank 2 Column / Weekly Grid (Horizontal) / Monthly Grid (Vertical) / Yearly Grid ???????????????????????????????????? (24 ????????????????????????????????) ✔ Month At Glance (Jan to Dec: 12 Months) ✔ Monthly Review (Jan to Dec: 12 Months) ????????????????????????????????????????: Works with iPad and Android Tablets. Supported Annotation Apps: GoodNotes, ZoomNotes, NotesWriter, Notability, Noteshelf, & Xodo ???????????? ???????? ????????????????????????????????? Sign in to Etsy.com and go to Your account. Go to Purchases and reviews. Next to the order, select Download Files. This goes to the Downloads page for all the files attached to your order. Note: You can't download a digital purchase through the Etsy app at this time. Please sign in to Etsy on your mobile browser or computer to download a digital file. ???????????? ???????? ????????????? Download Your Digital Planners, Stickers, Cover & Notebooks through the link on PDF files. Unzip or Extract zip files in your device. Import to GoodNotes or any Annotation app If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me via Etsy. Thank you for shopping! ???????????????????? & ???????????????????????????????????????? This is a digital product, there is no physical item shipped to your address. Due to the nature of products, all sales are final and We don't accept returns, exchanges, or cancellations. This Digital Planner is copyrighted to Make Brands Creative. This purchase is strictly for non-commercial, personal use only. You may not resell, reproduce, or distribute in any shape or form. So, Please feel free to contact me with any questions prior to purchase.
939 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Switching to digital planning for 2023 and looking to organise your entire life in one planner? This is the #1 digital planner that organizes your day based on your priorities, purpose, and goals to achieve the perfect balance between your personal, professional, and family time. Check out the best digital planners and the features you need to plan everything in style. This Digital Planner is a great option if you’re looking to go paperless this year, and a fun way to stay organized. Let’s get started and make this year a superb one! ????????????????’???? ????????????????????????????????? ➡ 2023 Digital Planner ➡ 2024 Digital Planner ➡ Undated Digital Planner (Use for any year) ????????????????????/???????????????????????? ➡ 4 Weekly Planner Layout options (To Do List, Horizontal, Vertical & Scheduled) ➡ 2 Daily Planner Layout options (Structured & Minimal) ➡ Choose Sunday or Monday Start Day ➡ 4 Tab colors option(Rainbow, Pink, Boho, and Black) ???????????????? ???????????????????? ➡ 10 Portrait Digital Notebooks ➡ 8000+ Stickers ➡ 100+ Planner Covers ???????????????????????????????? (???? ????????????????????????????????) ➡ Habit tracker ➡ Mood Tracker ➡ Sleep tracker ➡ Dream tracker ➡ Reading log ➡ Reading tracker ➡ Wheel of life ➡ Custom Planner ???????????????????????? ???????????? ???????????????????????????? (???????? ????????????????????????????????) ➡ Water tracker ➡ Step tracker ➡ Workout log ➡ Fitness log ➡ Progress tracker ➡ Doctor visits ➡ Symptom tracker ➡ Pain tracker ➡ Vitamin Supplement ➡ Period tracker ➡ Medication tracker ➡ Custom planner ???????????????????????????? (12 ????????????????????????????????) ➡ Order tracker ➡ Wish list ➡ Subscription ➡ After pay tracker ➡ Monthly finance ➡ Expense Tracker ➡ Yearly finance ➡ Bank information ➡ Bill Tracker ➡ Debt Tracker ➡ Saving tracker ➡ Yearly financial overview ???????????????????????????????????????????????? (???????? ????????????????????????????????) ➡ To-do lists ➡ Project planners ➡ Meeting minutes ➡ Goal planners ➡ Time trackers ➡ Daily routine ➡ Quarterly planners ➡ Promodoro tracker ➡ Study session ➡ Appointment tracker ➡ Vision Board ???????????????????? ???????????????????? (30 ????????????????????????????????????) Blank / Checklist / Lined / Wide Lined / Lined 2 Column / Lined 3 Column / Lined 4 Column / Lined Cornell (With Summary) / Lined Cornell (No Summary) / Lined Cornell Right Narrow (No Summary) / Lined Black Cornell (With Summary) / Lined Blank Cornell (No Summary) / Dotted / Wide Dotted / Grid / Wide Grid / Grid Blank Cornell (With Summary) / Grid Blank Cornell (No Summary) / Left Half Blank Right Half Lined / Left Half Blank Right Half Grid / Left Half Lined Right Half Blank / Left Half Grid Right Half Blank / Top Half Blank Buttom Half Lined / Top Half Blank Buttom Half Grid / Blank Cornell (With Summary) / Blank Cornell (No Summary) / Blank 2 Column / Weekly Grid (Horizontal) / Monthly Grid (Vertical) / Yearly Grid ???????????????????????????????????? (???????? ????????????????????????????????) ➡ Month At Glance (Jan to Dec: 12 Months) ➡ Monthly Review (Jan to Dec: 12 Months) ????????????????????????????????????????: Works with iPad and Android Tablets. Supported Annotation Apps: GoodNotes, ZoomNotes, NotesWriter, Notability, Noteshelf, and Xodo ???????????? ???????? ????????????????????????????????? Sign in to Etsy.com and go to Your account. Go to Purchases and reviews. Next to the order, select Download Files. This goes to the Downloads page for all the files attached to your order. Note: You can't download a digital purchase through the Etsy app at this time. Please sign in to Etsy on your mobile browser or computer to download a digital file. ???????????? ???????? ????????????? Download Your Digital Planners, Stickers, Cover & Notebooks through the link on PDF files. Provided Video Tutorial If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me via Etsy. Thank you for shopping! ???????????????????? & ???????????????????????????????????????? This is a digital product, there is no physical item shipped to your address. Due to the nature of products, all sales are final and We don't accept returns, exchanges, or cancellations. This Digital Planner is copyrighted to Trendy Creative Design. This purchase is strictly for non-commercial, personal use only. You may not resell, reproduce, or distribute in any shape or form. So, Please feel free to contact me with any questions prior to purchase.
964 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
This is the #1 digital planner tool that organizes your day based on your priorities, purpose, and goals to achieve the perfect balance between your personal, professional, and family time. We realized there are too many planners in the market, but this premium digital planner has many unique features are added that make it stand out from most other planners. Let’s get started and make this year a superb one! ????????????????’???? ????????????????????????????????? ✔ 2023 Full-Year Digital Planner ✔ 2024 Full-Year Digital Planner ✔ Undated Digital Planner (Use for any year) ????????????????????/???????????????????????? ✔ 4 Tab colors (Rainbow, Pink, Boho/Beige, and Black) ✔ 4 Weekly Planner Layout options (Boxed, Horizontal, Vertical & Scheduled) ✔ 2 Daily Planner Layout options (Structured & Minimal) ✔ Choose Sunday or Monday Start Days ???????????????? ???????????????????? ✔ 10 Portrait Digital Notebooks ✔ 8000+ Stickers ✔ 100+ Planner Covers ???????????????????????????????? (8 ????????????????????????????????) ✔ Habit tracker ✔ Mood Tracker ✔ Sleep tracker ✔ Dream tracker ✔ Reading log ✔ Reading tracker ✔ Wheel of life ✔ Custom Planner ???????????????????????? ???????????? ???????????????????????????? (12 ????????????????????????????????) ✔ Water tracker ✔ Step tracker ✔ Workout log ✔ Fitness log ✔ Progress tracker ✔ Doctor visits ✔ Symptom tracker ✔ Pain tracker ✔ Vitamin Supplement ✔ Period tracker ✔ Medication tracker ✔ Custom planner ???????????????????????????? (12 ????????????????????????????????) ✔ Order tracker ✔ Wish list ✔ Subscription ✔ After pay tracker ✔ Monthly finance ✔ Expense Tracker ✔ Yearly finance ✔ Bank information ✔ Bill Tracker ✔ Debt Tracker ✔ Saving tracker ✔ Yearly financial overview ???????????????????????????????????????????????? (11 ????????????????????????????????) ✔ To-do lists ✔ Project planners ✔ Meeting minutes ✔ Goal planners ✔ Time trackers ✔ Daily routine ✔ Quarterly planners ✔ Promodoro tracker ✔ Study session ✔ Appointment tracker ✔ Vision Board ???????????????????? ???????????????????? (30 ????????????????????????????????????) Blank / Checklist / Lined / Wide Lined / Lined 2 Column / Lined 3 Column / Lined 4 Column / Lined Cornell (With Summary) / Lined Cornell (No Summary) / Lined Cornell Right Narrow (No Summary) / Lined Black Cornell (With Summary) / Lined Blank Cornell (No Summary) / Dotted / Wide Dotted / Grid / Wide Grid / Grid Blank Cornell (With Summary) / Grid Blank Cornell (No Summary) / Left Half Blank Right Half Lined / Left Half Blank Right Half Grid / Left Half Lined Right Half Blank / Left Half Grid Right Half Blank / Top Half Blank Buttom Half Lined / Top Half Blank Buttom Half Grid / Blank Cornell (With Summary) / Blank Cornell (No Summary) / Blank 2 Column / Weekly Grid (Horizontal) / Monthly Grid (Vertical) / Yearly Grid ???????????????????????????????????? (24 ????????????????????????????????) ✔ Month At Glance (Jan to Dec: 12 Months) ✔ Monthly Review (Jan to Dec: 12 Months) ????????????????????????????????????????: Works with iPad and Android Tablets. Supported Annotation Apps: GoodNotes, ZoomNotes, NotesWriter, Notability, Noteshelf, and Xodo ???????????? ???????? ????????????????????????????????? Sign in to Etsy.com and go to Your account. Go to Purchases and reviews. Next to the order, select Download Files. This goes to the Downloads page for all the files attached to your order. Note: You can't download a digital purchase through the Etsy app at this time. Please sign in to Etsy on your mobile browser or computer to download a digital file. ???????????? ???????? ????????????? Download Your Digital Planners, Stickers, Cover & Notebooks through the link on PDF files. Unzip or Extract zip files in your device. Import to GoodNotes or any Annotation app If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me via Etsy. Thank you for shopping! ???????????????????? & ???????????????????????????????????????? This is a digital product, there is no physical item shipped to your address. Due to the nature of products, all sales are final and We don't accept returns, exchanges, or cancellations. This Digital Planner is copyrighted to Make Brands Creative. This purchase is strictly for non-commercial, personal use only. You may not resell, reproduce, or distribute in any shape or form. So, Please feel free to contact me with any questions prior to purchase.
939 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
★ Boho Digital Planner: Jan 2023-Dec 24 Digital Planner (24 Months) ★ This Ultimate Premium digital planner is designed to help you make the best of your whole year based on your priorities, purpose, and goals to achieve the perfect balance between your personal, professional, and family time. We realized there are too many digital planners in the market. Still, this Ultimate premium digital planner has many unique features are added that make it stand out from most other planners. Let’s get started and make this year a superb one! FEATURES- ???? 2023 Full-Year Digital Planner ???? 2024 Full-Year Digital Planner ???? Boho Tab Color ???? 4 Weekly Planner Layout options (Boxed, Horizontal, Vertical & Scheduled) ???? 2 Daily Planner Layout options (Structured & Minimal) ???? Choose Sunday or Monday Start Days LIFESTYLE ???? Packing List ???? Grocery List ???? Trip Planner ???? Trip Itinerary ???? Meal Ideas ???? Meal Planners ???? Password Tracker ???? Outfit Planner ???? Cleaning Log ???? Movie Log ???? Birthday ???? Recipe Log ???? Kitchen Inventory ???? Contacts WELLNESS ???? Habit Tracker ???? Sleep Tracker ???? Mood Tracker ???? Dream Tracker ???? Dream Analysis ???? Reading Log ???? Reading Tracker ???? Wheel Of Life ???? Custom Planner HEALTH & FITNESS ???? Water Tracker ???? Step Tracker ???? Workout Log ???? Fitness Log ???? Progress Tracker ???? Doctor Visits ???? Symptom Tracker ???? Pain Tracker ???? Vitamin Supplement ???? Period Tracker ???? Medication Tracker ???? Custom Planner FINANCE ???? Order Tracker ???? Expense Tracker ???? Saving Tracker ???? Wish List ???? Subscription ???? After Pay Tracker ???? Monthly Finance ???? Yearly Finance ???? Bank Information ???? Bill Tracker ???? Debt Tracker ???? Yearly Financial Overview ???? Checkbook Register ???? No Spend Challenge ???? No Spend Recap PRODUCTIVITY ???? To-do lists ???? Project planners ???? Meeting minutes ???? Goal planners ???? Time trackers ???? Daily routine ???? Quarterly planners ???? Promodoro tracker ???? Study session ???? Appointment tracker ???? Vision Board 30 NOTES PAPER TEMPLATES Blank / Checklist / Lined / Wide Lined / Lined 2 Column / Lined 3 Column / Lined 4 Column / Lined Cornell (With Summary) / Lined Cornell (No Summary) / Lined Cornell Right Narrow (No Summary) / Lined Black Cornell (With Summary) / Lined Blank Cornell (No Summary) / Dotted / Wide Dotted / Grid / Wide Grid / Grid Blank Cornell (With Summary) / Grid Blank Cornell (No Summary) / Left Half Blank Right Half Lined / Left Half Blank Right Half Grid / Left Half Lined Right Half Blank / Left Half Grid Right Half Blank / Top Half Blank Buttom Half Lined / Top Half Blank Buttom Half Grid / Blank Cornell (With Summary) / Blank Cornell (No Summary) / Blank 2 Column / Weekly Grid (Horizontal) / Monthly Grid (Vertical) / Yearly Grid DASHBOARD ???? Month At Glance (Jan to Dec: 12 Months) ???? Monthly Review (Jan to Dec: 12 Months) ???????????????? ???????????????????? ???? 10 Portrait Digital Notebooks ???? 950+ Goodnotes Stickers ???? 30 Planner Covers ???? 950+Precropped png stickers COMPATIBLE Works with iPad and Android Tablets. Supported Annotation Apps: GoodNotes, Notability, and Xodo HOW TO DOWNLOAD IT? Files are not emailed to you. For your convenience, they are available for download directly on Etsy. On the menu, go to You > Purchases and Reviews > Click the button "Download Files". NOTE: Etsy doesn't allow downloads from the Etsy App. Please use a web browser (Safari, Firefox or Chrome) and login to Etsy.com to view purchases. HOW TO USE IT? Download Your Digital Planners, Stickers, Covers & Notebooks through the link on PDF files—Unzip or Extract zip files in your device. Import to GoodNotes or any Annotation app If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me via Etsy. Thank you for choosing us! ???????????????????? & ???????????????????????????????????????? This item may not be redistributed or resold. You cannot share or sell templates, designs, or elements included in any shape or form. You may not resell, reproduce, distribute, or profit in any way from the design. You may not resell the template or design in whole or part in digital or physical format. © 2023 MysmoothLife All rights reserved.
634 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
★ Pink Digital Planner: Jan 2023-Dec 24 Digital Planner (24 Months) ★ This Ultimate Premium digital planner is designed to help you make the best of your whole year based on your priorities, purpose, and goals to achieve the perfect balance between your personal, professional, and family time. We realized there are too many digital planners in the market. Still, this Ultimate premium digital planner has many unique features are added that make it stand out from most other planners. Let’s get started and make this year a superb one! FEATURES- ???? 2023 Full-Year Digital Planner ???? 2024 Full-Year Digital Planner ???? Pink Tab Color ???? 4 Weekly Planner Layout options (Boxed, Horizontal, Vertical & Scheduled) ???? 2 Daily Planner Layout options (Structured & Minimal) ???? Choose Sunday or Monday Start Days LIFESTYLE ???? Packing List ???? Grocery List ???? Trip Planner ???? Trip Itinerary ???? Meal Ideas ???? Meal Planners ???? Password Tracker ???? Outfit Planner ???? Cleaning Log ???? Movie Log ???? Birthday ???? Recipe Log ???? Kitchen Inventory ???? Contacts WELLNESS ???? Habit Tracker ???? Sleep Tracker ???? Mood Tracker ???? Dream Tracker ???? Dream Analysis ???? Reading Log ???? Reading Tracker ???? Wheel Of Life ???? Custom Planner HEALTH & FITNESS ???? Water Tracker ???? Step Tracker ???? Workout Log ???? Fitness Log ???? Progress Tracker ???? Doctor Visits ???? Symptom Tracker ???? Pain Tracker ???? Vitamin Supplement ???? Period Tracker ???? Medication Tracker ???? Custom Planner FINANCE ???? Order Tracker ???? Expense Tracker ???? Saving Tracker ???? Wish List ???? Subscription ???? After Pay Tracker ???? Monthly Finance ???? Yearly Finance ???? Bank Information ???? Bill Tracker ???? Debt Tracker ???? Yearly Financial Overview ???? Checkbook Register ???? No Spend Challenge ???? No Spend Recap PRODUCTIVITY ???? To-do lists ???? Project planners ???? Meeting minutes ???? Goal planners ???? Time trackers ???? Daily routine ???? Quarterly planners ???? Promodoro tracker ???? Study session ???? Appointment tracker ???? Vision Board 30 NOTES PAPER TEMPLATES Blank / Checklist / Lined / Wide Lined / Lined 2 Column / Lined 3 Column / Lined 4 Column / Lined Cornell (With Summary) / Lined Cornell (No Summary) / Lined Cornell Right Narrow (No Summary) / Lined Black Cornell (With Summary) / Lined Blank Cornell (No Summary) / Dotted / Wide Dotted / Grid / Wide Grid / Grid Blank Cornell (With Summary) / Grid Blank Cornell (No Summary) / Left Half Blank Right Half Lined / Left Half Blank Right Half Grid / Left Half Lined Right Half Blank / Left Half Grid Right Half Blank / Top Half Blank Buttom Half Lined / Top Half Blank Buttom Half Grid / Blank Cornell (With Summary) / Blank Cornell (No Summary) / Blank 2 Column / Weekly Grid (Horizontal) / Monthly Grid (Vertical) / Yearly Grid DASHBOARD ???? Month At Glance (Jan to Dec: 12 Months) ???? Monthly Review (Jan to Dec: 12 Months) ???????????????? ???????????????????? ???? 10 Portrait Digital Notebooks ???? 950+ Goodnotes Stickers ???? 30 Planner Covers ???? 950+Precropped png stickers COMPATIBLE Works with iPad and Android Tablets. Supported Annotation Apps: GoodNotes, Notability, and Xodo HOW TO DOWNLOAD IT? Files are not emailed to you. For your convenience, they are available for download directly on Etsy. On the menu, go to You > Purchases and Reviews > Click the button "Download Files". NOTE: Etsy doesn't allow downloads from the Etsy App. Please use a web browser (Safari, Firefox or Chrome) and login to Etsy.com to view purchases. HOW TO USE IT? Download Your Digital Planners, Stickers, Covers & Notebooks through the link on PDF files—Unzip or Extract zip files in your device. Import to GoodNotes or any Annotation app If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me via Etsy. Thank you for choosing us! ???????????????????? & ???????????????????????????????????????? This item may not be redistributed or resold. You cannot share or sell templates, designs, or elements included in any shape or form. You may not resell, reproduce, distribute, or profit in any way from the design. You may not resell the template or design in whole or part in digital or physical format. © 2023 MysmoothLife All rights reserved.
634 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Box of Montessori Mobile, Gobbi Mobile, Montessori Bell and Ring, Tactile Mobile, Octahedron Mobile, Ribbon Mobile, Rainbow Mobile You can choose your puzzle ball in a separable or non-separable fixed style. MOBILE HOLDERS Wall Mounted The product is completely made of hornbeam wood. The lenght of mobile holder is 40 cm 15,7". You have to drill the wall and insert the screw that comes out of the set. Crib Mounted The product is completely made of hornbeam wood. It consists of 3 interlocking parts. You don't need to use any glue as the pieces fit tightly. However, if you are going to hang mobiles over 200 grams, it would be better to stick them with glue. To attach it to the cradle, the connector is turned clockwise until it tightens. The total height after attaching the mobile holder to the bassinet is 68 cm & 26.7 inches. Please click the link below for more detailed pictures. https://www.etsy.com/es/listing/1189268286/baby-mobile-holder-crib-mount-mobile?ref=listings_manager_grid Baby Gym The product is completely made of linden wood. Installation is completed with two wooden screws. The height of the baby gym is 80 cm & 31.5 inches, and the width is 85 cm & 33.5 inches. Please click the link below for more detailed pictures. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1203087173/wooden-montessori-baby-gym-mobile-holder?ref=listings_manager_grid DIMENSIONS OF MOBILES Octahedron Mobile Wooden stick is 30 cm & 11.8" Each octahedron is 6.5 cm & 2.55" The red and blue octahedron is 21 cm & 8.26" below the wooden stick. The yellow one is 18 cm & 7.08" Munari Mobile 3 wooden sticks - 30/25/15 cm & 11.8"/9.85"/5.9" The plastic ball is 6 cm & 2.36" Total length from right to left is approximately 50 cm & 20". Total approximate height from top to bottom is 45 cm & 18" Gobbi Mobile Wooden stick is 30 cm & 11.8" Each ball is 6 cm & 2.36" Dancer Mobile 3 wooden sticks - 30/15/15 cm & 11.8"/5.9"/5.9" One dancer is 20-25 cm & 8"-10" lenght and 10-15 cm & 4"-6" width Total length from right to left is approximately 50 cm & 20". Total approximate height from top to bottom is 45 cm & 16" Rainbow mobile Total lenght from right to left approximately 25 cm& 10". Total approximate height from top to bottom is 45 cm & 18" The diameter of puzzle ball is approximately is 12 cm & 4,7". The Munari is the first of the Montessori Mobiles and it can be used when the baby is a few weeks old.Newborns can only see black, white and shades of gray and they love high contrast images since they can more easily distinguish them.That is why Munari mobile consists of contrasting colors, geometric shapes and a sphere that reflects light. The Octahedron mobile is the second mobile in the Montessori visual mobile series and it can be used when the baby is a 5-8 weeks old.One month after birth, the baby begins to distinguish high-contrast primary colors. Red is the best visible color for baby. That's why mobile consists of red, yellow and blue color. The Gobbi mobile is the third in the Montessori visual mobile series. It is used when the baby 7-10 weeks old.The Gobbi mobile consists of 5 balls with a diameter of 6 cm. There are different shades of a color in 5 balls and the baby starts to distinguish color transitions when he/she is 2 months old. Balls are then hung at a 45 degree angle, with the darkest color hung the lowest and the lightest color in the highest position. The baby first sees the dark ball that is closest to him/her. As his/her vision improves, he/she begins to see and distinguish other balls. The Montessori Dancers Mobile is the 4th mobile in the Visual Mobile Series. It is traditionally offered to a baby around 10-12 weeks of age after the Gobbi Mobile, to help the baby continue developing his/her concentration, dynamic visual focus and depth perception.But the most important thing is to follow your child's own interests and path.Dancer mobile consists of 4 dancing human figures. Since halographic paper is used, light is reflected as the mobile moves, thanks to the wind created by the baby's hand movements. Rainbow mobile is the 5th mobile. Montessori ball is designed for children to develop their cognitive and motor skills. Thanks to the shape of the ball, the baby can easily grasp it. It can transfer from one hand to the other. Develops baby's hand and ankle movements. It also helps develop hand-eye coordination.Approximately 13 cm (5,1 inches) in diameter. One of the indispensable elements of Montessori is the bell and ring mobile. Bell and ring is a tactile mobile and tactile mobiles come after Montessori visual mobiles. What we want to tell with Tactile is that the baby touches, pushes, pulls and thus establishes a cause and effect relationship. In addition, the baby's muscles, grasping skills and motor skills will develop. You can present the mobile to your baby at 3-4 months of age. The baby won't notice the first time you hang it up. It is very important that the bell is silver in color to make it easier for the baby to recognize the bell. Chances are your baby's hand will accidentally hit the bell and it will make a sound! In this way, your baby will try to touch, hold and pull the bell. Thanks to the elastic ends, your baby can pull the bell and ring towards himself. In addition, the ring is a natural wood product. The aim here is to make the baby feel as natural real textures as possible. In addition, the baby will pull this ring towards herself and use it as a teether. The Butterfly mobile is a Montessori-inspired mobile consisting of four different colours of butterflies. This beautiful mobile can be introduced around 10 weeks and can be used as long as the child shows interest. Each butterfly has a length of 15 cm. The hoop they are attached to has a diameter of 18 cm. Butterflies have different attachment heights. The purpose here is to give the baby depth perception.Thanks to the wind created by the baby's hand movements, the mobile moves. In this way, the baby's movement and balance information develops.This supports the Montessori value of teaching cause and effect through natural materials and observation, rather than battery-powered, noise-making devices. Ribbon mobile is one of the other tactile mobiles. There are 40 cm long ribbons of 8 different colors on an 18 cm hoop. Colorful ribbons allow the baby to recognize colors and help develop the sense of sight. At the same time, your baby's aesthetic sense develops. When you hang it up so your baby can see it, your baby will try to catch the ribbons with their hands and kick it around! In this sense, it will be a mobile that excites your baby a lot! With the wind and tiny touches, the shaking of the mobile will also enable your baby to establish a cause-effect relationship. One of the Montessori tactile mobiles is the wooden musical mobile. Wooden musical mobile is a tactile mobile and tactile mobiles come after Montessori visual mobiles. What we want to tell with tactile is that the baby touches, pushes, pulls and thus establishes a cause and effect relationship. In addition, the baby's muscles, grasping skills and motor skills will develop. Four wooden bells and one wooden round ball are attached to the wooden ring. The wooden ball can be easily moved by the baby. As your baby shakes the ring attached to the wooden ball, the ball will hit the wooden bells and make a fantastic sound! Your baby will love this sound and will try to shake the wooden ball more. In this way, your baby will begin to establish the cause and effect relationship. The mobiles should be hung at an eye distance of 20-30 cm, where the baby cannot touch but can see clearly. The mobiles are already assembled. All you have to do is tie the product's threads to the place you want. It is recommended to use under adult supervision.
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