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Logic 3

Listado top ventas logic 3

  • ? Juego de rompecabezas de transporte de madera: los rompecabezas de madera están hechos de piezas de madera, bien terminados y sin bordes afilados. Juguetes educativos seguros para niños y niñas. Lindas formas de transporte bien seleccionadas, el color es atractivo para llamar la atención del niño.
  • ? Tamaño adecuado para niños: cada rompecabezas de madera mide 5.83 x 5.83 x 0.19 pulgadas. Piezas de rompecabezas lo suficientemente gruesas (0,31 pulgadas) para que sus hijos las escojan y coloquen fácilmente, lo que será perfecto para manos pequeñas de niños pequeños, fáciles de sostener. No se preocupe de que puedan tragar los trozos, ya que son lo suficientemente grandes para la boca de los niños pequeños.
  • ? Juguetes educativos divertidos: 5 rompecabezas de madera en 3D en total, tren de avión de coche de policía de cohete de crucero. Puede permitir que los niños sepan el transporte, la forma y el reconocimiento de colores mientras juegan. Los patrones de transporte divertidos y los colores brillantes están diseñados para mejorar la capacidad de los niños para aprender los colores, al tiempo que inspiran la exploración y la curiosidad de los niños por el mundo animal.
  • ? Grandes rompecabezas Montessori para niños pequeños: nuestro rompecabezas de madera es ideal para la coordinación visual y la creatividad y ayuda a mejorar las habilidades motoras finas, la concentración, el pensamiento lógico y la resolución de problemas de los niños. Se promueven todas las habilidades cognitivas de sus hijos. Los más pequeños aprenden a concentrarse y tener paciencia.
  • ? Regalos perfectos con bolsa de almacenamiento: viene con una bolsa de almacenamiento y una caja, la sierra de madera es el gran regalo para niños y niñas de 1 2 3 4 años. Regalo perfecto para cualquier ocasión como cumpleaños, día del niño, Navidad, etc. Este juguete educativo es ideal para actividades en interiores y exteriores con padres o amigos.
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  • Funda para disco duro de 2.5"
  • Interior forrado y con banda de seguridad
  • Fabricado en EVA
  • Dimensiones: 2.8 x 8.9 x 20.1 cm.
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  • 【Seguro y respetuoso con el medio ambiente】 El juego de clasificación de formas de cuatro colores está hecho de madera de alta calidad, es suave, sin rebabas, no tóxico e inodoro, el protector de esquina se coloca alrededor del juguete montessori para evitar que los niños se lastimen. mientras juega a los juegos de clasificación, superficie lisa y bordes redondos con bloques circulares que no dañarán la mano del niño.
  • 【Tamaño adecuado】 El juego de clasificación de rompecabezas de madera mide 24X19.7X4CM, el tablero de rompecabezas de madera es de doble cara y puede desarrollar las habilidades cognitivas de los niños en color y forma a través de 4 combinaciones diferentes de colores y formas.
  • 【Juguetes educativos preescolares 2 en 1】 Este juego de rompecabezas de cuatro colores y formas es un rompecabezas lógico deslizante de doble cara fantástico y divertido. Bloques de colores que coinciden con la página azul, amarillo, verde, rojo. Forme bloques que se ajusten al lado: cuadrado, redondo, triangular y estrella de cinco puntas. Al personalizar diferentes formas de bloques y combinaciones de colores, los niños pueden identificar diferentes rompecabezas geométricos.
  • 【Juego de clasificación y combinación】: El rompecabezas de lógica contiene 18 cartas con diferentes patrones, selecciona cartas al azar, establece relojes de arena y comienza el juego. Tienes que mover los bloques correspondientes por color o forma a la misma posición que la tarjeta. Para que el rompecabezas de colores se pueda hacer de la manera que quieras, el reloj de arena permite a los niños colaborar o competir con otros amigos, desarrollar la comunicación de los niños.
  • 【Desarrollar inteligencia y creatividad】 Diferentes tarjetas permiten que los niños aprendan más sobre los bloques de apilamiento y piensen en ello para completar el proceso, esto puede mejorar la observación, la creatividad, la memoria espacial y la capacidad de razonamiento de los niños, lo que beneficiará su educación temprana Este juguete Montessori no solo desafía su intelecto al estimular una creatividad asombrosa, mejorar la inteligencia de los niños.
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  • OBJETIVO: ganar el oponente colocando el primero la fila de 3 en cualquiera de las direcciones: vertical, horizontal, diagonal, o en alto
  • Reglas fáciles - estrategias interesantes. Aprende jugando
  • Medidas: 10 x 10 x 9 cm
  • Madera de Teca/Samena. Producido artesanalmente en Tailandia
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  • ? APRENDER Y PASARLO BIEN: Con la Heladería Top Bright, jugar a ser Heladero/a es mucho más que una simple aventura de una tarde. Incluye multitud de tarjetas de números y dinero que le permite a su hijo divertirse mientras adquiere conocimientos básicos de matemáticas. Puede sumar y restar números y comprobar sus respuestas construyendo coloridos conos de helado.
  • ? GRAN VARIEDAD DE HELADOS Y MÁS: Nuestro juego de helados incluye 45 sabores en diversos colores. La cocina de juguete también incluye conos de helado, tarjetas de matemáticas, una cuchara de helado y billetes. Todas las piezas están hechas con materiales duraderos de alta calidad.
  • ? DESARROLLO DE NUEVAS HABILIDADES: Este juego educativo de roles es una forma maravillosa para que su hijo o hija formen sus primeras habilidades matemáticas. También es excelente para enseñarles cómo funciona el dinero, ayudar a desarrollar su coordinación motriz, habilidades lógicas y aptitudes sociales.
  • ? EXPERIENCIA ÚNICA: ¡Deja que los más pequeños se diviertan abriendo su propio camión de helados! Pueden tomar pedidos, crear combinaciones de helados, pagar con dinero falso y servir deliciosos postres. Tus hijos podrán desarrollar su imaginación y creatividad mientras aprenden a interactuar con los demás.
  • ? COMPRA SEGURA: ¡Elige nuestro Juego de Heladería Top Bright y nosotros nos encargamos del resto! Ofrecemos soporte 24/7 para todos nuestros clientes para asegurarnos de que quedan satisfechos. No olvides que nuestro juego de helado es un regalo encantador para los más pequeños.
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  • Juego Educativo que promueve la orientación especial
  • La caja pertenece al juego, incluye una bandeja y un escenario. 3 niveles diferentes
  • El jugador tiene que hacer la construcciones usando la cartas; podemos añadir jugadores y hacer una competición
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  • 20 Tipos de Puzzle-El tablero de Montessori contiene 16 bloques decorado con imágenes de cuatro tipos de frutas: mazanas, plátanos, uvas y sandías y cada uno tiene un color llamativo; además tiene 10 tarjetas en las cuales se muestran 20 tipos de combinación de frutas. Los niños pueden mover los bloques para completar la tarea en las tarjetas.
  • Juego Magnético de Doble Lado-El Juguete Montessori de Madera Tablero tiene un tablero de Doble Lado: Un lado de bloques que se puede mover. Otro lado de pizarra en la que puede utilizar el rotulador a escribir, dibujar y poner las piezas magnéticas de números, figuras y signos para una enseñaza preescolar.
  • Desafío de un Minuto-El puzzle montessori tiene un reloj de arena. ¡Mueve los bloques en un minuto para completar la combinación de la tarjeta! Hagalo con sus hijos, es un desafío interesante y divertido no solo para sus pequeños sino para usted mismo. ¡A ver quién será más rápido!
  • Juguete Seguro de Madera-El Juguetes Montessori Tablero está hecho de madera sostenible con pinturas ecológicas no tóxicas ni irritante, sin mal olor. Cada bloque tiene un diseño circular para que no dañe a los niños. Tiene un tamaño adecuado: 30 x 23 x 3.5cm, fácil de llevar y almacenar. Sus mejores compañeros en casa para los pequeños.
  • Mejor Juego Educativo Preescolar-El Juego Educativo de Rompecabeza es un recomendable juego para sus pequeños. Les ayuda a desarrollar su capacidad de diferenciar las figuras, números, colores y fortalecer la habilidad de manos, ojos, atención, lógica y paciencia. Abre a los niños un mundo nuevo.
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  • ★ Rompecabezas hexagonal: al pulir y biselar, las esquinas son lisas, sin rebabas y no lastiman las manos. La superficie de la pintura consiste en una pintura inodoro a base de agua que es segura y ecológica. La calidad es muy buena, cada pieza está bien hecha, el color es perfecto.
  • ★ Educación y entretenimiento: estos rompecabezas desafían tu mente estimulando una creatividad increíble, mejorando la inteligencia de los niños, mejorando las habilidades para resolver problemas, pero también aliviando la presión, relajando el estado de ánimo y divirtiéndose. Aprender jugando mientras los niños pueden disfrutar aprendiendo.
  • ★ Divertido juego familiar: es muy divertido jugar con amigos familiares y ver quién puede hacerlo más rápido (o en absoluto) en una competencia. Puede jugar regularmente juegos de rompecabezas con toda su familia para aumentar el afecto entre los miembros de su familia.
  • ★ Regalo ideal: el rompecabezas hexagonal es el mejor regalo para bebés, niños, niñas y niños para cumpleaños, bautizos, Navidad, a muchos niños les encanta jugar al rompecabezas de madera. Super juego de pensamiento para niños y adultos.
  • ★ Tamaño: 18.5 * 16.5 * 1 cm. 7 bloques de color y 14 formas hacen un gran rompecabezas para el cerebro. Es adecuado para el tamaño y fácil de almacenar. Es una buena opción para juegos de viaje.
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  • Juguetes educativos de madera para la estimulación temprana e intelectual de bebés y niños, así como personas con capacidades diferentes.
  • material didáctico Montessori,construido a partir de la madera de caucho, Los colores brillantes y formas estimulan el desarrollo capacidad operativa y práctica
  • a partir de 2 años
  • 21 x 21 x 2,5 cm
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  • Un juego lleno de ingenio basado en el cuento clásico
  • Los tres cerditos es un juego de ingenio perfecto para niños pequeños, que consiste en 3 piezas grandes fáciles de manipular para fascinar a los niños
  • Sitúa los cerditos y el lobo en el tablero de juego como se indica en el desafío seleccionado
  • 3 cerditos y 1 lobo, 1 tablero, 3 casas, cuento ilustrado, cuaderno con 48 retos diferentes y soluciones
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Madrid (Madrid)
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77 fun puzzles for solo play, stimulating logical thinking and concentration. Perfect for playing on the go, ages 4 and up.Logic Case Puzzle Kits are colorful, challenging and varied. The object of the game is to decipher and solve various puzzles. Using the wooden stylus, the child can check for himself if he has found the right solution: is it possible to remove the card or not?This activity reinforces motivation and competence in solving problems independently. Is the riddle solved? The next challenge is already waiting for you!
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Juego para desarrollar la orientación espacial. 3 niveles: iniciación, intermedio y avanzado. Contiene: 14 piezas de madera, base (reversible), fondo decorado y 45 cartas desafío progresivas. Edad recomendada a partir de 3 años.
18,95 €
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This classic four in a row game is made of fsc® 100%-certified wood. its xxl format ensures lot of fun for children and adults. in this timeless, classic game, two players compete to position four counters in a row either horizontally, vertically or diagonally.strategic game for little and elderly children – train the logic in a really playful way!dimensions: 46 x 17 x 38 cm. made of wood.
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A contemporary wooden version of an all-time favourite game of logic, sudokino is a challenge for the whole family: children love the colours, grids and simplified puzzles, while adults can tackle the more challenging options. a safe, eco-friendly game made with non-toxic colours. 100% made in italy.sudoku content: 36 markers in 6 colours, 1 base with 36 spaces, 1 instruction leaflet with 60 game diagrams divided into 3 levels of difficulty + solutions.colorful sudokino, a logic game made by milaniwood. from the age of 6.
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Welcome to color'up world!to overcome this infernal tower, it will be necessary to make all the blocks fit in the structure without having anything beyond. easy ? not really... choose one of 74 challenges from 3 difficulty levels, use your deduction and your logic to succeed. a wooden game suitable for both children and adults!color'up, a logic game from the riviera games brand. from 5 years.
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España (Todas las ciudades)
The MidiVolts Desktop is a MIDI based 5 octave CV controller. The device contains 4 separate CV outputs with an associated Gate output. These CV outputs are called voices, and are named V0, V1, V2, V3. Each voice operates on the 1 volt per octave standard for eurorack and most hardware synthesizers. The device uses 6 different modes (MONO, DUO, UNISON, POLY3, POLY4, CC) to control each voice in different ways. See below for descriptions of each Mode. The device also contains a Midi to Clock output conversion and further customizations with SysEx midi messaging. DEMO Video here! https://youtu.be/-Hn9gUqU8NE HOW To Video here! https://youtu.be/z8AjfW6Cgfc **** MidiVolts Desktop Power Supply **** MidiVolts Desktop requires 9v center positive power supply - not included. (Please note that most guitar power supplies are center negative.) MONO: Monophonic Mode Voice 0 (V0) is Pitch CV for the key pressed. Voice 1 (V1) is Velocity of key pressed. Voice 2 (V2) is Aftertouch of key pressed. Voice 3 (V3) is CC1. Default: Mod Wheel. DUO: Duophonic Mode Voice 0 (V0) is Pitch CV for first key pressed. Voice 1 (V1) is Pitch CV for second key pressed. Voice 2 (V2) is Velocity of first key pressed. Voice 3 (V3) is Velocity of second key pressed. UNISON: Unison Mode The purpose of this mode is to aid in the tuning of all connected oscillators. Voice 0 (V0) is Pitch CV for the key pressed. Voice 1 (V1) is Pitch CV for the key pressed. Voice 2 (V2) is Pitch CV for the key pressed. Voice 3 (V3) is Pitch CV for the key pressed. POLY3: 3 Voice Polyphonic Mode Voice 0 (V0) is Pitch CV for the first key pressed. Voice 1 (V1) is Pitch CV for the second key pressed. Voice 2 (V2) is Pitch CV for the third key pressed. Voice 3 (V3) is CC1. Default: Mod Wheel. POLY4: 4 Voice Polyphonic Mode Voice 0 (V0) is Pitch CV for the first key pressed. Voice 1 (V1) is Pitch CV for the second key pressed. Voice 2 (V2) is Pitch CV for the third key pressed. Voice 3 (V3) is Pitch CV for the fourth key pressed. CC: Continuous Control Mode Voice 0 (V0) is Pitch CV for the key pressed. Voice 1 (V1) is CC1. Default: Mod Wheel. Voice 2 (V2) is CC2. Default: 74. Voice 3 (V3) is CC3. Default: 71. The following may be adjustable with Midi SysEx messages. Midi Channel: 1 - 16 CV Gain, CV Offset: These are adjustable per voice. Pitch Bend Up, Pitch Bend Down: Specify the number of semitones. CC1, CC2, CC3: May be assigned 0 - 127 as desired. LowestMidiNote: Ability to assign lowest note(0V) to specific Midi Note. Midi Clock Output: May be assigned to operate as Midi Clock or Logic OR Gate for polyphonic modes. Please visit github.com/spacebraincircuits/midivoltsdesktop for all operations and guides. RETURN POLICY: We do not accept returns or exchanges. If you have any issues with your order, please let us know, and we will be happy to help.
17.990 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
ROBBO Academy Future Skills is a ready-made solution that parents are looking for. This is an education operator who guides the child along his/her personal educational route, accompanied by a tutor and teachers. ROBBO Academy provides children with a systematic education and includes subjects that are not taught in a regular school taking into account children's interests and in accordance to market demand. ROBBO Academy franchise provides an easy entry into the growing market for child and teenager education. ROBBO company helps Headhunting and conducts prompt teachers training; has own curriculum with the possibility to choose an individual educational trajectory; has own educational app, a well-chosen CRM system and its services and ready-made educational robotic kits used by public schools in Finland and other countries ROBBO Academy has 3 education formats: online, offline, hybrid Include Multiformat extracurricular education by subscription, master-classes and camps. In the Academy children develop logic and prepare for the mathematical Olympiads thank to Mathematics for programmers and engineers course. In the Emotional Intelligence course students track and understand their own and others emotions and needs and learn how to manage emotions and respond correctly to other people's emotions. In the Financial literacy course children are taught how to handle money, earn and save it. ROBBO Academy franchise contains: author's teaching techniques and curriculums - access to the electronic repository of author's methodological materials, including curriculums, methodological recommendations for classes and lesson plans based on age groups; brand book - a set of design solutions for a club, including a signboard, leaflets, banners section about your Club on the Web site - robboclub.ru; А set of club regulating documents; Plan for organization of Spring, Autumn, Winter ROBBO holiday camps; Scenarios for promotional events (ROBBO New Year, trial lesson in the ROBBO Club, Valentine's Day in Robotics on February 14, March 8, etc.; Business management guide; Guide to promote ROBBO Club, including channels, promotion tools, sample promotions, etc.; Recommendations for the room selection Access to the CRM Equipment set produced in Finland and has all necessary certificates Licensed free software Teachers training
28.851 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
This pack contains 3'000 beautiful Lavender themed digital note papers in various colors and textures. The notes can be used with any PDF annotation app across virtually any platform. The PDF's come as singular/individual files allowing flexibility for you to mix and match as much as you like. Pay once and use an unlimited number of times! INCLUDED IN YOUR DIGITAL NOTEBOOK BUNDLE ✪ 3000 High quality PDF's ✪ 50 Different note paper templates ✪ 15 beautiful colors ✪ 4 Different paper textures ✪ 21'500 Digital stickers INCLUDED DIGITAL FILES ✪ Digital Notepapers ✪ Instruction manual ✪ Individual Stickers ✪ Goodnotes sticker book The digital notes have been created to work on any PDF annotation app or software across multiple devices. However, I would personally recommend usage on an tablet with a stylus. Please note that this planner is not suitable for use on mobile phones nor for printing. Please note, this is a digital product and as such no physical product will be shipped. ????WHY DIGITAL PLANNERS? Digital planners provide a great way to get high-quality and customized planners to help you in structuring and organizing your life, both at home and professionally and it does so at a very inexpensive price. It also allows you to supercharge apps such as Goodnotes or Notability, leading to a much better experience. ????WHY CHOOSE MY BRAND? You may ask why you would choose to purchase your digital products from me and not one of the many other stores on Etsy that also offer digital planners. the answer is that I spend a lot of time researching and ensuring that the products I put out in my shop provide a perfect blend of aesthetics and logic. I also field test my products both personally and with a controlled focus group to ensure that my products stand the test of the general market. ???? WHERE DO I GET MY FILES? Firstly please note that the product you are buying is a digital file and not a physical product. Once you have paid for your digital file and the payment has cleared with Etsy, you can download them through the purchases section of your Etsy account (which can be found here: http://www.etsy.com/your/purchases). ????COPYRIGHT NOTICE The digital artwork showcased in my shop remains the intellectual property of Amethyst & Garnet Designs. My artwork is for personal use only. However, I am open to the idea of it being used for commercial purposes. Contact me directly to discuss it further. Copyright © 2020 by Amethyst & Garnet Designs. All rights reserved ????T’S & C’S The files that you purchase and download here are digital and as such, I do not accept any returns, cancellations or refunds. When you purchase these files you accept these terms and conditions. Also, our EU customers should please note that you waive your right to cancel this purchase under the EU Consumer Protection Law. You may not also alter nor share the digital files with anyone even if not for commercial purposes. However, if you do have any issues with your download or your file, please do reach out to me and I shall do everything to make it right. ????COLOR DISCLAIMER The color variations in screens and monitors means that sometimes your printed artwork may appear slightly different than what you saw on your screen.
1.118 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
This pack contains 3'000 beautiful Pastel themed digital note papers in various colors and textures. The notes can be used with any PDF annotation app across virtually any platform. The PDF's come as singular/individual files allowing flexibility for you to mix and match as much as you like. Pay once and use an unlimited number of times! INCLUDED IN YOUR DIGITAL NOTEBOOK BUNDLE ✪ 3000 High quality PDF's ✪ 50 Different note paper templates ✪ 15 beautiful colors ✪ 4 Different paper textures ✪ 21'500 Digital stickers INCLUDED DIGITAL FILES ✪ Digital Notepapers ✪ Instruction manual ✪ Individual Stickers ✪ Goodnotes sticker book The digital notes have been created to work on any PDF annotation app or software across multiple devices. However, I would personally recommend usage on an tablet with a stylus. Please note that this planner is not suitable for use on mobile phones nor for printing. Please note, this is a digital product and as such no physical product will be shipped. ????WHY DIGITAL PLANNERS? Digital planners provide a great way to get high-quality and customized planners to help you in structuring and organizing your life, both at home and professionally and it does so at a very inexpensive price. It also allows you to supercharge apps such as Goodnotes or Notability, leading to a much better experience. ????WHY CHOOSE MY BRAND? You may ask why you would choose to purchase your digital products from me and not one of the many other stores on Etsy that also offer digital planners. the answer is that I spend a lot of time researching and ensuring that the products I put out in my shop provide a perfect blend of aesthetics and logic. I also field test my products both personally and with a controlled focus group to ensure that my products stand the test of the general market. ???? WHERE DO I GET MY FILES? Firstly please note that the product you are buying is a digital file and not a physical product. Once you have paid for your digital file and the payment has cleared with Etsy, you can download them through the purchases section of your Etsy account (which can be found here: http://www.etsy.com/your/purchases). ????COPYRIGHT NOTICE The digital artwork showcased in my shop remains the intellectual property of Amethyst & Garnet Designs. My artwork is for personal use only. However, I am open to the idea of it being used for commercial purposes. Contact me directly to discuss it further. Copyright © 2020 by Amethyst & Garnet Designs. All rights reserved ????T’S & C’S The files that you purchase and download here are digital and as such, I do not accept any returns, cancellations or refunds. When you purchase these files you accept these terms and conditions. Also, our EU customers should please note that you waive your right to cancel this purchase under the EU Consumer Protection Law. You may not also alter nor share the digital files with anyone even if not for commercial purposes. However, if you do have any issues with your download or your file, please do reach out to me and I shall do everything to make it right. ????COLOR DISCLAIMER The color variations in screens and monitors means that sometimes your printed artwork may appear slightly different than what you saw on your screen.
1.118 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
This pack contains 3'000 beautiful Blush themed digital note papers in various colors and textures. The notes can be used with any PDF annotation app across virtually any platform. The PDF's come as singular/individual files allowing flexibility for you to mix and match as much as you like. Pay once and use an unlimited number of times! INCLUDED IN YOUR DIGITAL NOTEBOOK BUNDLE ✪ 3000 High quality PDF's ✪ 50 Different note paper templates ✪ 15 beautiful colors ✪ 4 Different paper textures ✪ 21'500 Digital stickers INCLUDED DIGITAL FILES ✪ Digital Notepapers ✪ Instruction manual ✪ Individual Stickers ✪ Goodnotes sticker book The digital notes have been created to work on any PDF annotation app or software across multiple devices. However, I would personally recommend usage on an tablet with a stylus. Please note that this planner is not suitable for use on mobile phones nor for printing. Please note, this is a digital product and as such no physical product will be shipped. ????WHY DIGITAL PLANNERS? Digital planners provide a great way to get high-quality and customized planners to help you in structuring and organizing your life, both at home and professionally and it does so at a very inexpensive price. It also allows you to supercharge apps such as Goodnotes or Notability, leading to a much better experience. ????WHY CHOOSE MY BRAND? You may ask why you would choose to purchase your digital products from me and not one of the many other stores on Etsy that also offer digital planners. the answer is that I spend a lot of time researching and ensuring that the products I put out in my shop provide a perfect blend of aesthetics and logic. I also field test my products both personally and with a controlled focus group to ensure that my products stand the test of the general market. ???? WHERE DO I GET MY FILES? Firstly please note that the product you are buying is a digital file and not a physical product. Once you have paid for your digital file and the payment has cleared with Etsy, you can download them through the purchases section of your Etsy account (which can be found here: http://www.etsy.com/your/purchases). ????COPYRIGHT NOTICE The digital artwork showcased in my shop remains the intellectual property of Amethyst & Garnet Designs. My artwork is for personal use only. However, I am open to the idea of it being used for commercial purposes. Contact me directly to discuss it further. Copyright © 2020 by Amethyst & Garnet Designs. All rights reserved ????T’S & C’S The files that you purchase and download here are digital and as such, I do not accept any returns, cancellations or refunds. When you purchase these files you accept these terms and conditions. Also, our EU customers should please note that you waive your right to cancel this purchase under the EU Consumer Protection Law. You may not also alter nor share the digital files with anyone even if not for commercial purposes. However, if you do have any issues with your download or your file, please do reach out to me and I shall do everything to make it right. ????COLOR DISCLAIMER The color variations in screens and monitors means that sometimes your printed artwork may appear slightly different than what you saw on your screen.
1.117 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
This pack contains 3'000 beautiful Jewel Tone themed digital note papers in various colors and textures. The notes can be used with any PDF annotation app across virtually any platform. The PDF's come as singular/individual files allowing flexibility for you to mix and match as much as you like. Pay once and use an unlimited number of times! INCLUDED IN YOUR DIGITAL NOTEBOOK BUNDLE ✪ 3000 High quality PDF's ✪ 50 Different note paper templates ✪ 15 beautiful colors ✪ 4 Different paper textures ✪ 21'500 Digital stickers INCLUDED DIGITAL FILES ✪ Digital Notepapers ✪ Instruction manual ✪ Individual Stickers ✪ Goodnotes sticker book The digital notes have been created to work on any PDF annotation app or software across multiple devices. However, I would personally recommend usage on an tablet with a stylus. Please note that this planner is not suitable for use on mobile phones nor for printing. Please note, this is a digital product and as such no physical product will be shipped. ????WHY DIGITAL PLANNERS? Digital planners provide a great way to get high-quality and customized planners to help you in structuring and organizing your life, both at home and professionally and it does so at a very inexpensive price. It also allows you to supercharge apps such as Goodnotes or Notability, leading to a much better experience. ????WHY CHOOSE MY BRAND? You may ask why you would choose to purchase your digital products from me and not one of the many other stores on Etsy that also offer digital planners. the answer is that I spend a lot of time researching and ensuring that the products I put out in my shop provide a perfect blend of aesthetics and logic. I also field test my products both personally and with a controlled focus group to ensure that my products stand the test of the general market. ???? WHERE DO I GET MY FILES? Firstly please note that the product you are buying is a digital file and not a physical product. Once you have paid for your digital file and the payment has cleared with Etsy, you can download them through the purchases section of your Etsy account (which can be found here: http://www.etsy.com/your/purchases). ????COPYRIGHT NOTICE The digital artwork showcased in my shop remains the intellectual property of Amethyst & Garnet Designs. My artwork is for personal use only. However, I am open to the idea of it being used for commercial purposes. Contact me directly to discuss it further. Copyright © 2020 by Amethyst & Garnet Designs. All rights reserved ????T’S & C’S The files that you purchase and download here are digital and as such, I do not accept any returns, cancellations or refunds. When you purchase these files you accept these terms and conditions. Also, our EU customers should please note that you waive your right to cancel this purchase under the EU Consumer Protection Law. You may not also alter nor share the digital files with anyone even if not for commercial purposes. However, if you do have any issues with your download or your file, please do reach out to me and I shall do everything to make it right. ????COLOR DISCLAIMER The color variations in screens and monitors means that sometimes your printed artwork may appear slightly different than what you saw on your screen.
1.117 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
This pack contains 3'000 beautiful Neutral themed digital note papers in various colors and textures. The notes can be used with any PDF annotation app across virtually any platform. The PDF's come as singular/individual files allowing flexibility for you to mix and match as much as you like. Pay once and use an unlimited number of times! INCLUDED IN YOUR DIGITAL NOTEBOOK BUNDLE ✪ 3000 High quality PDF's ✪ 50 Different note paper templates ✪ 15 beautiful colors ✪ 4 Different paper textures ✪ 21'500 Digital stickers INCLUDED DIGITAL FILES ✪ Digital Notepapers ✪ Instruction manual ✪ Individual Stickers ✪ Goodnotes sticker book The digital notes have been created to work on any PDF annotation app or software across multiple devices. However, I would personally recommend usage on an tablet with a stylus. Please note that this planner is not suitable for use on mobile phones nor for printing. Please note, this is a digital product and as such no physical product will be shipped. ????WHY DIGITAL PLANNERS? Digital planners provide a great way to get high-quality and customized planners to help you in structuring and organizing your life, both at home and professionally and it does so at a very inexpensive price. It also allows you to supercharge apps such as Goodnotes or Notability, leading to a much better experience. ????WHY CHOOSE MY BRAND? You may ask why you would choose to purchase your digital products from me and not one of the many other stores on Etsy that also offer digital planners. the answer is that I spend a lot of time researching and ensuring that the products I put out in my shop provide a perfect blend of aesthetics and logic. I also field test my products both personally and with a controlled focus group to ensure that my products stand the test of the general market. ???? WHERE DO I GET MY FILES? Firstly please note that the product you are buying is a digital file and not a physical product. Once you have paid for your digital file and the payment has cleared with Etsy, you can download them through the purchases section of your Etsy account (which can be found here: http://www.etsy.com/your/purchases). ????COPYRIGHT NOTICE The digital artwork showcased in my shop remains the intellectual property of Amethyst & Garnet Designs. My artwork is for personal use only. However, I am open to the idea of it being used for commercial purposes. Contact me directly to discuss it further. Copyright © 2020 by Amethyst & Garnet Designs. All rights reserved ????T’S & C’S The files that you purchase and download here are digital and as such, I do not accept any returns, cancellations or refunds. When you purchase these files you accept these terms and conditions. Also, our EU customers should please note that you waive your right to cancel this purchase under the EU Consumer Protection Law. You may not also alter nor share the digital files with anyone even if not for commercial purposes. However, if you do have any issues with your download or your file, please do reach out to me and I shall do everything to make it right. ????COLOR DISCLAIMER The color variations in screens and monitors means that sometimes your printed artwork may appear slightly different than what you saw on your screen.
1.117 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
This pack contains 3'000 beautiful farmhouse themed digital note papers in various colors and textures. The notes can be used with any PDF annotation app across virtually any platform. The PDF's come as singular/individual files allowing flexibility for you to mix and match as much as you like. Pay once and use an unlimited number of times! INCLUDED IN YOUR DIGITAL NOTEBOOK BUNDLE ✪ 3000 High quality PDF's ✪ 50 Different note paper templates ✪ 15 beautiful colors ✪ 4 Different paper textures ✪ 21'500 Digital stickers INCLUDED DIGITAL FILES ✪ Digital Notepapers ✪ Instruction manual ✪ Individual Stickers ✪ Goodnotes sticker book The digital notes have been created to work on any PDF annotation app or software across multiple devices. However, I would personally recommend usage on an tablet with a stylus. Please note that this planner is not suitable for use on mobile phones nor for printing. Please note, this is a digital product and as such no physical product will be shipped. ????WHY DIGITAL PLANNERS? Digital planners provide a great way to get high-quality and customized planners to help you in structuring and organizing your life, both at home and professionally and it does so at a very inexpensive price. It also allows you to supercharge apps such as Goodnotes or Notability, leading to a much better experience. ????WHY CHOOSE MY BRAND? You may ask why you would choose to purchase your digital products from me and not one of the many other stores on Etsy that also offer digital planners. the answer is that I spend a lot of time researching and ensuring that the products I put out in my shop provide a perfect blend of aesthetics and logic. I also field test my products both personally and with a controlled focus group to ensure that my products stand the test of the general market. ???? WHERE DO I GET MY FILES? Firstly please note that the product you are buying is a digital file and not a physical product. Once you have paid for your digital file and the payment has cleared with Etsy, you can download them through the purchases section of your Etsy account (which can be found here: http://www.etsy.com/your/purchases). ????COPYRIGHT NOTICE The digital artwork showcased in my shop remains the intellectual property of Amethyst & Garnet Designs. My artwork is for personal use only. However, I am open to the idea of it being used for commercial purposes. Contact me directly to discuss it further. Copyright © 2020 by Amethyst & Garnet Designs. All rights reserved ????T’S & C’S The files that you purchase and download here are digital and as such, I do not accept any returns, cancellations or refunds. When you purchase these files you accept these terms and conditions. Also, our EU customers should please note that you waive your right to cancel this purchase under the EU Consumer Protection Law. You may not also alter nor share the digital files with anyone even if not for commercial purposes. However, if you do have any issues with your download or your file, please do reach out to me and I shall do everything to make it right. ????COLOR DISCLAIMER The color variations in screens and monitors means that sometimes your printed artwork may appear slightly different than what you saw on your screen.
1.117 €
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This classic four in a row game in pocket size ensures lot of fun for children and adults. in this timeless, classic game, two players compete to position four counters in a row either horizontally, vertically or diagonally.strategic game for little and elderly children – train the logic in a really playful way!dimensions: 15,5 x 8,5 x 10,3 cm. made of wood.
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