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Muelles 5cm range

Listado top ventas muelles 5cm range

Nuestra marca francesa SensoRêve te ofrece el colchón ElekctraColchón Elekctra Hybrid: El arte de dormir bien todos los días Memoria Espuma y resortes embolsados individualmenteEl colchón Elekctra está diseñado con los altos estándares de calidad de fabricación de Sensoreve. Combina la tecnología de muelles ensacados de 5 zonas y la espuma viscoelástica de alta densidad para garantizarte noches cómodas y regeneradoras. Este colchón híbrido te proporcionará un gran confort, una combinación de tradiciones y colchones de nueva generación.CaracterísticasPuntos fuertes Grosor total 30cmTicking de primera calidad 400g/m² acolchado5cm de viscoelástica ventilada 50 kg/m3Muelles ensacados en 5 zonas de confortEficacia para dormir de forma independienteEspuma de poliuretano ventilada de alta densidad 35kg/m3 sobre 12cmMuelles reforzados en dos capas (Anti-flacidez) SANITIZED estándar sin sustancias nocivas para la saludParte superior: viscoelástica viscoelástica 5cm La la parte superior del colchón hecha de espuma ondulada de alta densidad D35kg/m3 ofrece una comodidad aireada pero vigorizante al mismo tiempo. Una ropa de cama envolvente que se adapta poco a poco a tu morfología gracias a nuestra memoria de forma de Alta Densidad 50kg/m3. El suave acogimiento y el soporte tonificante de este colchón serán los mejores aliados para unas noches placenteras. !! ¡¡Como en una nube!!Parte inferior: muelles ensacados individualmenteLa mitad inferior del colchón está compuesta por muelles ensacados en 5 zonas. Los resortes ensacados ofrecen independencia para dormir y soporte individualizado que se adaptará a su cuerpo y peso por zona. Esta tecnología se adapta perfectamente a todo tipo de cuerpo y ofrece zonas de confort reforzadas.SoporteEl colchón Elekctra Hybrid te proporciona un soporte tónico y duradero. Independencia para dormirEl colchón Elekctra Hybrid ofrece una efectiva independencia para dormir al absorber los movimientos realizados durante la noche.CarenadosEl colchón está equipado con carenados de refuerzo y muelles reforzados en dos capas.Ticking400g acolchado elástico /m2 acolchado sobre 2,5cm de 50kg/ m3 de viscoelástica y 2,5 cm de espuma ventilada de alta densidad de 35 kg/m3 para un volumen y un confort inigualables.Embalaje: colchón enrollado y comprimido por medidas de higiene y transporte. Esperar un máximo de 48 horas para que el colchón vuelva a su forma original.
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Descansar en el colchón de viscografeno London es como dormir la cama de un buen hotel londinense. A la magnífica adaptabilidad de la viscoelástica se unen las novedosas propiedades del viscografeno para proporcionarte el descanso más cómodo. Termo-regulador, aticargas-estáticas y antimicrobiano, cumple todos los requisitos para proporcionar el mejor descanso a lo largo de toda la noche. El núcleo de muelles ensacados proporciona la independencia de lechos completa que evita la dispersión del movimiento. Pero es su diseño elegante y fresco lo que lo hace merecedor de exhibirse en el museo Británico o tu dormitorio. // CARACTERÍSTICAS: Altura total +-30cm. Acolchado de viscografeno+supersoft de 3,5cm, con las mejores características de la viscoelástica y el grafeno. Núcleo de carcasa de muelles ensacados Pocket Spring con refuerzos de espuma perimetrales para mayor compactibilidad. Tejido Strech Heven de gran suavidad con acolchado tapa a tapa de calidad. Lateral Strech River, resistente y compacto. Capa inferior con tejido 4D de máxima transpirabilidad para facilitar la eliminación de condensaciones en la parte inferior mejorando aireación interna. Cerrado con ribete reforzado para mayor compactibilidad. Mayor aireación interior gracias su núcleo de muelles ensacados. Descanso libre de cargas estáticas gracias al viscografeno. El grafeno disipa el calor que retienen el resto de materiales, permitiendo un sueño sin acumulación extra de temperatura. Con 9 zonas de descanso óptimo para eliminar los puntos de presión y aportar un descanso completo y reconfortante. Sistema SANITIZED anti-hongos, anti-bacterias y anti-ácaros. El colchón se envía enrollado y envasado al vacío.
197 €
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Specificationï¼modelï¼fiido t1electric bike systemï¼fiido systemelectric motorcycleï¼supportpower assist systemï¼3 gear power boostoperating temperatureï¼-10'' ~ 50''maximum speedï¼50km/hbatteryï¼high quality lion batteryframe materialï¼aluminium alloyinput voltageï¼100 ~ 240vsystem voltageï¼48vampsï¼20ahbattery warrantyï¼1 yearselectricity-assisted mileage (reference)ï¼150kmdisplayï¼led displaydrive typeï¼rear drivecomponent warrantyï¼1 yearframe materialï¼aluminium alloybrake typeï¼disc brakeschainsetï¼steel 52 toothgearsï¼shimano 7 speedchainï¼kmc z7pedals includedï¼yesgripsï¼rubberhandlebasï¼aluminium alloypedalsï¼alloymotorï¼brushless gear motorrear hubï¼750w motorrimsï¼alloywheel sizeï¼20tyre sizeï¼20ã4.0 inch fat tiretyresï¼cstframe warrantyï¼1 yearsnet weight (kg)ï¼36.2kggross weight (kg)ï¼45kgsaddle heightï¼92cm ~ 118cmsizeï¼180cm*69cm*118cmpackage sizeï¼153cm*31.5cm*87.5cm
1.633 €
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A aparência clássica do colchão de grafeno clássico contrasta com a nova tecnologia de seu núcleo. A sabedoria doces, para uma grande firmeza, e o preenchimento de Vijografen no topo, para o maior conforto, nos proporciona o reparo e o descanso relaxante de que precisamos. O viscografen é a mais recente tecnologia em espumas, com efeitos ionizantes, termorreguladores e cargas antiestáticas e o núcleo de molas irritadas fornecem a firmeza e a durabilidade dos colchões velhos, mas com total independência dos leitos, para uma pausa sem interrupções. Aproveite as mais recentes tecnologias de descanso com um design clássico e atemporal de linhas suaves e elegantes.Altura total +-30cm. VISCOGEL+SUPERSOFT 3,5cm que favorece a circulação sanguínea. Núcle de poliuretano HR Metcopor de microporos abertos com 4cm de viscoelástico, para uma recepção ainda mais confortável que se adapta à morfologia do seu corpo. Termoregual de tecido esportivo STRECH LIVE de alta gramática. Lado com alta respirabilidade flexível de tecido esportivo. Baixa preenchimento no tecido de ventilação máxima 3D. Fechado com borda reforçada para maior compactação. Melhorar o desempenho esportivo e a atividade diária. Aumentar energia e vitalidade. Reduz a dor nas articulações e as cargas musculares. Melhora a renovação muscular e a recuperação para o desempenho ideal. Revitaliza, regenera e protege a pele. Melhora a qualidade do seu descanso. Reduza a transpiração eliminando a transpiração noturna. Facilita o movimento para um sonho sem interrupções. Sensação térmica neutra. Sistema anti-hongos, anti-bactérias e anti-água higienizada. O colchão é enviado e embalado a vácuo.
155 €
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A primavera chega ao seu quarto com este colchão alegre e elegante, cheio de margaritas. As melhores qualidades são unidas neste colchão por fornecer o descanso mais agradável: a caixa de dock desejada fornece o suporte firme apropriado para o descanso, enquanto o preenchimento viscoelástico se adapta ao seu corpo, fornecendo o efeito mais relaxante da nuvem. Desfrute de total independência das camas graças à nova tecnologia das docas esperadas com a costura central, o que evita completamente a dispersão de movimentos durante a noite.Altura total +-30cm. VISCOGEL+SUPERSOFT 3,5cm que favorece a circulação sanguínea. Núcle de poliuretano HR Metcopor de microporos abertos com 4cm de viscoelástico, para uma recepção ainda mais confortável que se adapta à morfologia do seu corpo. Termoregual de tecido esportivo STRECH LIVE de alta gramática. Lado com alta respirabilidade flexível de tecido esportivo. Baixa preenchimento no tecido de ventilação máxima 3D. Fechado com borda reforçada para maior compactação. Melhorar o desempenho esportivo e a atividade diária. Aumentar energia e vitalidade. Reduz a dor nas articulações e as cargas musculares. Melhora a renovação muscular e a recuperação para o desempenho ideal. Revitaliza, regenera e protege a pele. Melhora a qualidade do seu descanso. Reduza a transpiração eliminando a transpiração noturna. Facilita o movimento para um sonho sem interrupções. Sensação térmica neutra. Sistema anti-hongos, anti-bactérias e anti-água higienizada. O colchão é enviado e embalado a vácuo.
133 €
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O colchão Dream Cashmere é especialmente projetado por camada por camada para oferecer o melhor descanso enquanto dormimos. Com uma camada suave de viscoelástica no preenchimento para alcançar o mais agradável "efeito da nuvem" e seu tecido de qualidade estrech de qualidade e suavidade extras, temos a sensação de maior suavidade e conforto. Além disso, com seu mais recente núcleo de tecnologia de dock, damos o suporte certo para uma pausa mais agradável.Altura total +-30cm. VISCOGEL+SUPERSOFT 3,5cm que favorece a circulação sanguínea. Núcle de poliuretano HR Metcopor de microporos abertos com 4cm de viscoelástico, para uma recepção ainda mais confortável que se adapta à morfologia do seu corpo. Termoregual de tecido esportivo STRECH LIVE de alta gramática. Lado com alta respirabilidade flexível de tecido esportivo. Baixa preenchimento no tecido de ventilação máxima 3D. Fechado com borda reforçada para maior compactação. Melhorar o desempenho esportivo e a atividade diária. Aumentar energia e vitalidade. Reduz a dor nas articulações e as cargas musculares. Melhora a renovação muscular e a recuperação para o desempenho ideal. Revitaliza, regenera e protege a pele. Melhora a qualidade do seu descanso. Reduza a transpiração eliminando a transpiração noturna. Facilita o movimento para um sonho sem interrupções. Sensação térmica neutra. Sistema anti-hongos, anti-bactérias e anti-água higienizada. O colchão é enviado e embalado a vácuo.
137 €
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Este colchão imponente Duque combina as melhores qualidades e acabamentos com linhas limpas e um design elegante. Com um núcleo de nascentes irritadas por firmeza imbatível e independência completa das camas e o estofamento viscoelástico de melhor qualidade de ambos os lados, para uma deitar suave e um descanso agradável. Elegância e tecnologia mais recente para o melhor descanso.Altura total +-30cm. VISCOGEL+SUPERSOFT 3,5cm que favorece a circulação sanguínea. Núcle de poliuretano HR Metcopor de microporos abertos com 4cm de viscoelástico, para uma recepção ainda mais confortável que se adapta à morfologia do seu corpo. Termoregual de tecido esportivo STRECH LIVE de alta gramática. Lado com alta respirabilidade flexível de tecido esportivo. Baixa preenchimento no tecido de ventilação máxima 3D. Fechado com borda reforçada para maior compactação. Melhorar o desempenho esportivo e a atividade diária. Aumentar energia e vitalidade. Reduz a dor nas articulações e as cargas musculares. Melhora a renovação muscular e a recuperação para o desempenho ideal. Revitaliza, regenera e protege a pele. Melhora a qualidade do seu descanso. Reduza a transpiração eliminando a transpiração noturna. Facilita o movimento para um sonho sem interrupções. Sensação térmica neutra. Sistema anti-hongos, anti-bactérias e anti-água higienizada. O colchão é enviado e embalado a vácuo.
182 €
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Desfrute do descanso mais agradável com este colchão de inspiração vintage com Glimmer. As propriedades termorregulatórias e ionizantes do viscografen tornam este colchão de aparência clássica um dos mais avançados do mercado. O visor também possui efeitos anti -estima e antibacterianos, para uma quebra completa e higiênica. Também com seu núcleo de molas irritadas, você desfrutará do apoio de que seu corpo precisa e uma completa independência de camas. Um colchão de tecnologia mais recente com acabamentos de qualidade e uma aparência vintage.Altura total +-30cm. VISCOGEL+SUPERSOFT 3,5cm que favorece a circulação sanguínea. Núcle de poliuretano HR Metcopor de microporos abertos com 4cm de viscoelástico, para uma recepção ainda mais confortável que se adapta à morfologia do seu corpo. Termoregual de tecido esportivo STRECH LIVE de alta gramática. Lado com alta respirabilidade flexível de tecido esportivo. Baixa preenchimento no tecido de ventilação máxima 3D. Fechado com borda reforçada para maior compactação. Melhorar o desempenho esportivo e a atividade diária. Aumentar energia e vitalidade. Reduz a dor nas articulações e as cargas musculares. Melhora a renovação muscular e a recuperação para o desempenho ideal. Revitaliza, regenera e protege a pele. Melhora a qualidade do seu descanso. Reduza a transpiração eliminando a transpiração noturna. Facilita o movimento para um sonho sem interrupções. Sensação térmica neutra. Sistema anti-hongos, anti-bactérias e anti-água higienizada. O colchão é enviado e embalado a vácuo.
136 €
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Com este fantástico colchão de alta qualidade, você pode aproveitar o melhor sonho ao longo do ano. Com o visor no topo para o verão e viscoelástico para as noites de inverno. O VivecoGrafen é um termo -reto e material ionizante, que fornece descanso relaxado e fresco do que os viscoelásticos tradicionais. Também repele microrganismos e corpos estranhos para um descanso higiênico. É também ionizando, baixando eletricidade estática quando descansamos. Além disso, com o rosto viscoelástico, você pode continuar desfrutando do efeito de nuvem mais aconchegante durante o inverno, apenas girando o colchão. Esta versão de Springs irritadas também fornece total independência de camas e 9 áreas de descanso para o sono mais reparador.Altura total +-30cm. VISCOGEL+SUPERSOFT 3,5cm que favorece a circulação sanguínea. Núcle de poliuretano HR Metcopor de microporos abertos com 4cm de viscoelástico, para uma recepção ainda mais confortável que se adapta à morfologia do seu corpo. Termoregual de tecido esportivo STRECH LIVE de alta gramática. Lado com alta respirabilidade flexível de tecido esportivo. Baixa preenchimento no tecido de ventilação máxima 3D. Fechado com borda reforçada para maior compactação. Melhorar o desempenho esportivo e a atividade diária. Aumentar energia e vitalidade. Reduz a dor nas articulações e as cargas musculares. Melhora a renovação muscular e a recuperação para o desempenho ideal. Revitaliza, regenera e protege a pele. Melhora a qualidade do seu descanso. Reduza a transpiração eliminando a transpiração noturna. Facilita o movimento para um sonho sem interrupções. Sensação térmica neutra. Sistema anti-hongos, anti-bactérias e anti-água higienizada. O colchão é enviado e embalado a vácuo.
159 €
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Con un diseño de 3 puertas, este armario ofrecerá un gran espacio de almacenaje y mantendrá tu ropa, calzado y accesorios bien organizados.
519,98 €
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Clean up steam engine parts to extend service life.With the window nozzle, surfaces made of glass can be cleaned easily and streak-free with the steam cleaner. This not only extends the range of applications for karcher steam cleaners, but also ensures that windows and mirrors are completely clean.Highly effective in a wide range of applications such as removing stubborn and ingrained dirt from ovens, barbecues, workshop surfaces, tiles, metalwork plus all delicate surfaces, including soft fabric and furniture and more.It used the large round brush, and you can clean large surfaces faster.High quality-These replacement parts are made of the highest quality materials, durable and environmentally friendly, and will definitely exceed your expectations.Solid and durable, long service life,Easy to install and reliable to use.Specifications:Item Name: BrushFitment: for Karcher Steam Cleaner SC1 SC2 SC3 SC4 SC5 SC7 CTK10 CTK20Size: (Approx.)Scraper Round Brush: 5cm x 5cm x 4cm/2inch x 2inch x 1.6inchMirror Brush Head: 25.5cm x 13cm x 4.3cm/10.2inch x 5.2inch x 1.18inchColour:BlackMaterial:Nylon, ABSPackage Contents:1 x Mirror Brush Head1 x Scraper Round BrushOnly the above package content, other products are not included.Note: Light shooting and different displays may cause the color of the item in the picture a little different from the real thing. The measurement allowed error is +/- 1-3cm. It is not the original spare part, but compatible with it.
44,22 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Rabbit in a garden surrounded by tall flowers Print of original artwork by DottyDictionary/FabFunky DottyDictionary Antiquarian Book Prints weave together forgotten Victorian and Edwardian illustrations with unexpected embellishments and the original illustrations of UK artist Kelly Stevens-McLaughlan, to create artworks that are often mischievous, usually whimsical, and always bang on trend. In Kelly’s designs hares are given wings, owls mysteriously grow antlers, and her world of magical creatures is filled with clouds of brightly coloured butterflies. Available in a number of different formats: 1. ORIGINAL 8x10 INCH ANTIQUARIAN BOOK PRINTS (approx 20.5x25.5cm) --------------------------------------- Hand-crafted original artwork printed onto real British antiquarian book pages from the 1800’s. The pages are between 150 and 180 years old. Each one is hand-designed and printed onto the original page so no one else will have the same piece. Some have “foxing” age marks, others include corporation seals in the corner. Yours may even have handwritten notes made by a 19th century reader. Images are positioned onto the pages so that they can be trimmed to sit perfectly in an 8 x 10inch (20x25.5cm) frame. 2. Mounted/Matted Antiquarian Book Print: 14x11 inch ivory mount/mat – approx 35.5x28cm --------------------------------------- Made to order using genuine antiquarian book pages that are carefully mounted into an ivory coloured, high quality, precision cut bevelled edge 14x11 inch mount/mat, with a backing board. Ready for framing into a standard 14x11inch (35.5x28cm) frame. 3. Framed and Mounted --------------------------------------- We offer a couple of choices here, and these make stunning gifts. Using a genuine antiquarian book page set in a 14x11 inch mount/mat, (approx 35.5x28cm) and then fixed into your choice of frame with a glass front. We offer a choice of three on trend frames; caramel pine, or a lightly distressed black or white wood frame with a subtle gold pinstripe. Alternately we can mount and frame a 14x11inch giclee print in a beautiful 16x20 inch (40.5x51cm) black or white wooden frame. All of our frames are solid wood and come with all fixings, and so are ready to hang on the wall. 4. Reproduction Art Prints – Various Sizes --------------------------------------- If you are looking for a slightly larger print, then this is perfect for you. This is a giclee print of a larger version of the image printed onto heavy weight art paper with an over-print of text from an antique book page. The image is centered with a white border ready for framing, and because its a giclee print its beautiful quality and will last for years. A museum quality print. 14x11 inch - approx 35.5x28cm 18x24inch - approx 46x61cm 5. Wrapped Canvas Print - 14x11 inch or 18x24 inch (approx 35.5x28cm or 46x61cm) --------------------------------------- Ready to hang, they feature our illustrations with an over-print of text from an antique book page. This is professionally printed onto heavy weight 100% cotton canvas, and stretched by hand and gallery wrapped. A nice chunky statement art piece! -------------------------- HOW TO ORDER -------------------------- Simply select the size and type of print from the menu in the top right of the page. Your print will not be printed onto the exact page as shown above. -------------------------- SHIPPING -------------------------- For estimated shipping times please see our main shop page.. US and Canada customers have the option to upgrade shipping to Federal Express International Priority with a 2/3 day service. You can select this option on check out from inside your shopping cart. A fully tracked courier upgrade is also available for other countries for an additional cost. Check the shipping upgrade option on the right hand side of your shopping cart for details. This is applicable to: UK, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Republic of Ireland, Spain, Sweden. --------------------------------- VISIT MY SHOPS --------------------------------- LoopyLolly - art prints that are a little bit loopy: https://www.etsy.com/es/shop/LoopyLolly FabFunky - a fabulous collection of Dictionary Prints with my original images: https://www.etsy.com/es/shop/FabFunky Looking for a personalised pet print? Try: https://www.etsy.com/es/shop/FabFunkyPersonalised Bring summer into your home all year round with lovely coastal home art prints here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/NauticalNell FabFunkyPillows - artwork on pillows/cushions as well as outrageous lampshades. A full range of nautical pillows/cushions here too! https://www.etsy.com/shop/FabFunkyPillows The Pickled Puffin has my watercolour style art prints https://www.etsy.com/shop/ThePickledPuffin Suzi Gordon Designs is another one of my shops. This one has a huge range of city prints as well as my limited edition artworks https://www.etsy.com/shop/SuziGordonDesigns And I also love pen and ink style drawings, so they are in another separate shop as well https://www.etsy.com/shop/FabFunkyInk And for fabulous decorative cushions we also have https://www.etsy.com/shop/FifiBadgerDesigns
2.440 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Pineapple created from a collage of tropical leaves. A totally unique twist on the pineapple print that creates a funky and on trend design for a modern beach house look. Print of an original illustration by NauticalNell / FabFunky Created by English artist Kelly Stevens-McLaughlan, NauticalNell art prints invoke thoughts of warm summer breezes and balmy evenings year round, even on the coldest winter days. All of our prints are giclee fine art prints printed to the highest standard. They are made to order in the UK. This means that they are professionally printed onto heavyweight, textured fine art paper, with archival inks. The paper that we use is 100% cotton fibre acid free paper. Giclee prints are beautiful quality and if looked after will last a lifetime. OPTIONS: - SEE ADDITIONAL PICTURES FOR EXAMPLES Giclee Art Prints - print only --------------------------------- 5x7inch / 12.7x17.8cm 8x10inch / 20.5x25.5cm 14×11inch / 35.5x28cm 18x24inch / 46.5x61cm 24x36inch / 61x91.5cm All giclee prints come with a small white border for mounting Framed Giclee Art Prints - In black or white frame --------------------------------- 16x20inch print in 16x20inch print in frame (40.5x51cm) Giclee prints framed into a beautiful solid wood, glass fronted frame, in either black or white. Ready to hang and come with all fixings on the reverse. A stunning way to show off your print and of course these make excellent gifts. Wrapped Canvas prints - Three sizes --------------------------------- 14 x 11inch / 35.5x28cm 18 × 24inch / 45.7 x 61cm 28 x 40 inch / 71 x 101.6cm Printed onto heavy weight 100% cotton canvas, and stretched by hand and gallery wrapped. Our stretcher bars are made from finest quality, kiln-dried pine wood. Canvas prints are ready to hang and come with all fixings as well as a certificate of authenticity to show that this is a genuine FabFunky item direct from our studios, which is personally signed by the artist. SHIPPING --------------------------------- For estimated shipping times please see our 'Shipping & Policies' on our main shop page. US and Canada customers have the option to upgrade shipping to Fedex with a 2/3 day service for an additional cost. Select this option on check out from inside your shopping cart. A fully tracked courier upgrade is also available for some other countries for an additional cost. Check the shipping upgrade option on the right hand side of your shopping cart for details. Visit our shops --------------------------------- LoopyLolly - art prints that are a little bit loopy: https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/LoopyLolly FabFunky - a fabulous collection of Dictionary Prints with my original images: https://www.etsy.com/es/shop/FabFunky Looking for a personalised pet print? Try: https://www.etsy.com/es/shop/FabFunkyPersonalised FabFunkyPillows - artwork on pillows/cushions as well as outrageous lampshades. A full range of nautical pillows/cushions here too! https://www.etsy.com/es/shop/FabFunkyPillows DottyDictionary offers vintage images on dictionary pages, including a massive selection of stunning hot air balloon prints https://www.etsy.com/shop/DottyDictionary The Pickled Puffin has my watercolour style art prints https://www.etsy.com/shop/ThePickledPuffin Suzi Gordon Designs is another one of my shops. This one has a huge range of city prints as well as my limited edition artworks https://www.etsy.com/shop/SuziGordonDesigns And I also love pen and ink style drawings, so they are in another separate shop as well https://www.etsy.com/shop/FabFunkyInk And for fabulous decorative cushions we also have https://www.etsy.com/shop/FifiBadgerDesigns © Kelly Stevens-McLaughlan / FabFunky Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
1.887 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Orange teapot with flowers tumbling into blue cup Great for a kitchen or dining room. Print of an original artwork by FabFunky / Dotty Dictionary DottyDictionary Antiquarian Book Prints weave together forgotten Victorian and Edwardian illustrations with unexpected embellishments and the original illustrations of UK artist Kelly Stevens-McLaughlan, to create artworks that are often mischievous, usually whimsical, and always bang on trend. In Kelly’s designs hares are given wings, owls mysteriously grow antlers, and her world of magical creatures is filled with clouds of brightly coloured butterflies. Available in a number of different formats: 1. ORIGINAL 8x10 INCH ANTIQUARIAN BOOK PRINTS (approx 20.5x25.5cm) --------------------------------------- Hand-crafted original artwork printed onto real British antiquarian book pages from the 1800’s. The pages are between 150 and 180 years old. Each one is hand-designed and printed onto the original page so no one else will have the same piece. Some have “foxing” age marks, others include corporation seals in the corner. Yours may even have handwritten notes made by a 19th century reader. Images are positioned onto the pages so that they can be trimmed to sit perfectly in an 8 x 10inch (20x25.5cm) frame. 2. Mounted/Matted Antiquarian Book Print: 14x11 inch ivory mount/mat – approx 35.5x28cm --------------------------------------- Made to order using genuine antiquarian book pages that are carefully mounted into an ivory coloured, high quality, precision cut bevelled edge 14x11 inch mount/mat, with a backing board. Ready for framing into a standard 14x11inch (35.5x28cm) frame. 3. Framed and Mounted --------------------------------------- We offer a couple of choices here, and these make stunning gifts. Using a genuine antiquarian book page set in a 14x11 inch mount/mat, (approx 35.5x28cm) and then fixed into your choice of frame with a glass front. We offer a choice of three on trend frames; caramel pine, or a lightly distressed black or white wood frame with a subtle gold pinstripe. Alternately we can mount and frame a 14x11inch giclee print in a beautiful 16x20 inch (40.5x51cm) black or white wooden frame. All of our frames are solid wood and come with all fixings, and so are ready to hang on the wall. 4. Reproduction Art Prints – Various Sizes --------------------------------------- If you are looking for a slightly larger print, then this is perfect for you. This is a giclee print of a larger version of the image printed onto heavy weight art paper with an over-print of text from an antique book page. The image is centered with a white border ready for framing, and because its a giclee print its beautiful quality and will last for years. A museum quality print. 14x11 inch - approx 35.5x28cm 18x24inch - approx 46x61cm 5. Wrapped Canvas Print - 14x11 inch or 18x24 inch (approx 35.5x28cm or 46x61cm) --------------------------------------- Ready to hang, they feature our illustrations with an over-print of text from an antique book page. This is professionally printed onto heavy weight 100% cotton canvas, and stretched by hand and gallery wrapped. A nice chunky statement art piece! -------------------------- HOW TO ORDER -------------------------- Simply select the size and type of print from the menu in the top right of the page. Your print will not be printed onto the exact page as shown above. -------------------------- SHIPPING -------------------------- For estimated shipping times please see our main shop page.. US and Canada customers have the option to upgrade shipping to Federal Express International Priority with a 2/3 day service. You can select this option on check out from inside your shopping cart. A fully tracked courier upgrade is also available for other countries for an additional cost. Check the shipping upgrade option on the right hand side of your shopping cart for details. This is applicable to: UK, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Republic of Ireland, Spain, Sweden. --------------------------------- VISIT MY SHOPS --------------------------------- LoopyLolly - art prints that are a little bit loopy: https://www.etsy.com/es/shop/LoopyLolly FabFunky - a fabulous collection of Dictionary Prints with my original images: https://www.etsy.com/es/shop/FabFunky Looking for a personalised pet print? Try: https://www.etsy.com/es/shop/FabFunkyPersonalised Bring summer into your home all year round with lovely coastal home art prints here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/NauticalNell FabFunkyPillows - artwork on pillows/cushions as well as outrageous lampshades. A full range of nautical pillows/cushions here too! https://www.etsy.com/shop/FabFunkyPillows The Pickled Puffin has my watercolour style art prints https://www.etsy.com/shop/ThePickledPuffin Suzi Gordon Designs is another one of my shops. This one has a huge range of city prints as well as my limited edition artworks https://www.etsy.com/shop/SuziGordonDesigns And I also love pen and ink style drawings, so they are in another separate shop as well https://www.etsy.com/shop/FabFunkyInk And for fabulous decorative cushions we also have https://www.etsy.com/shop/FifiBadgerDesigns
2.440 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Skull with vines and flowers twisting around DottyDictionary Antiquarian Book Prints weave together forgotten Victorian and Edwardian illustrations with unexpected embellishments and the original illustrations of UK artist Kelly Stevens-McLaughlan, to create artworks that are often mischievous, usually whimsical, and always bang on trend. In Kelly’s designs hares are given wings, owls mysteriously grow antlers, and her world of magical creatures is filled with clouds of brightly coloured butterflies. Available in a number of different formats: 1. ORIGINAL 8x10 INCH ANTIQUARIAN BOOK PRINTS (approx 20.5x25.5cm) --------------------------------------- Hand-crafted original artwork printed onto real British antiquarian book pages from the 1800’s. The pages are between 150 and 180 years old. Each one is hand-designed and printed onto the original page so no one else will have the same piece. Some have “foxing” age marks, others include corporation seals in the corner. Yours may even have handwritten notes made by a 19th century reader. Images are positioned onto the pages so that they can be trimmed to sit perfectly in an 8 x 10inch (20x25.5cm) frame. 2. Mounted/Matted Antiquarian Book Print: 14x11 inch ivory mount/mat – approx 35.5x28cm --------------------------------------- Made to order using genuine antiquarian book pages that are carefully mounted into an ivory coloured, high quality, precision cut bevelled edge 14x11 inch mount/mat, with a backing board. Ready for framing into a standard 14x11inch (35.5x28cm) frame. 3. Framed and Mounted --------------------------------------- We offer a couple of choices here, and these make stunning gifts. Using a genuine antiquarian book page set in a 14x11 inch mount/mat, (approx 35.5x28cm) and then fixed into your choice of frame with a glass front. We offer a choice of three on trend frames; caramel pine, or a lightly distressed black or white wood frame with a subtle gold pinstripe. Alternately we can mount and frame a 14x11inch giclee print in a beautiful 16x20 inch (40.5x51cm) black or white wooden frame. All of our frames are solid wood and come with all fixings, and so are ready to hang on the wall. 4. Reproduction Art Prints – Various Sizes --------------------------------------- If you are looking for a slightly larger print, then this is perfect for you. This is a giclee print of a larger version of the image printed onto heavy weight art paper with an over-print of text from an antique book page. The image is centered with a white border ready for framing, and because its a giclee print its beautiful quality and will last for years. A museum quality print. 14x11 inch - approx 35.5x28cm 18x24inch - approx 46x61cm 5. Wrapped Canvas Print - 14x11 inch or 18x24 inch (approx 35.5x28cm or 46x61cm) --------------------------------------- Ready to hang, they feature our illustrations with an over-print of text from an antique book page. This is professionally printed onto heavy weight 100% cotton canvas, and stretched by hand and gallery wrapped. A nice chunky statement art piece! -------------------------- HOW TO ORDER -------------------------- Simply select the size and type of print from the menu in the top right of the page. Your print will not be printed onto the exact page as shown above. -------------------------- SHIPPING -------------------------- For estimated shipping times please see our main shop page.. US and Canada customers have the option to upgrade shipping to Federal Express International Priority with a 2/3 day service. You can select this option on check out from inside your shopping cart. A fully tracked courier upgrade is also available for other countries for an additional cost. Check the shipping upgrade option on the right hand side of your shopping cart for details. This is applicable to: UK, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Republic of Ireland, Spain, Sweden. --------------------------------- VISIT MY SHOPS --------------------------------- LoopyLolly - art prints that are a little bit loopy: https://www.etsy.com/es/shop/LoopyLolly FabFunky - a fabulous collection of Dictionary Prints with my original images: https://www.etsy.com/es/shop/FabFunky Looking for a personalised pet print? Try: https://www.etsy.com/es/shop/FabFunkyPersonalised Bring summer into your home all year round with lovely coastal home art prints here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/NauticalNell FabFunkyPillows - artwork on pillows/cushions as well as outrageous lampshades. A full range of nautical pillows/cushions here too! https://www.etsy.com/shop/FabFunkyPillows The Pickled Puffin has my watercolour style art prints https://www.etsy.com/shop/ThePickledPuffin Suzi Gordon Designs is another one of my shops. This one has a huge range of city prints as well as my limited edition artworks https://www.etsy.com/shop/SuziGordonDesigns And I also love pen and ink style drawings, so they are in another separate shop as well https://www.etsy.com/shop/FabFunkyInk And for fabulous decorative cushions we also have https://www.etsy.com/shop/FifiBadgerDesigns
2.565 €
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