One man alone
Listado top ventas one man alone

Barcelona (Barcelona)
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Ficha técnica one punch man xboxone genero: lucha titulo: one punch man xboxone informacion adicional: imagen no contractual Descripción one punch man xboxone one punch man xboxone es un objeto de Segunda Mano que se ofrece en estado Buen estado.
11,94 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Ficha técnica one punch man ps4 titulo: one punch man ps4 caja original: Sí genero: lucha informacion adicional: imagen no contractual Descripción one punch man ps4 one punch man ps4 es un objeto de Segunda Mano que se ofrece en estado Buen estado.
15,94 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
GAME te trae One Punch Man: A Hero Nobody Knows para PlayStation 4 y Xbox One, un juego de lucha y acción ambientado en un universo en el que las amenazas están a la orden del día y los héroes son la única esperanza contra la aniquilación. Saitama, el protagonista principal, es un héroe capaz de eliminar incluso a los enemigos más poderosos de un solo puñetazo, una situación que le incomoda rato largo. ¡Peleas que te tendrán en vilo! Los que los jugadores podrán formar equipos poderosos compuestos por caras reconocibles. Entre los primeros personajes jugables que se han confirmado se encuentran Genos, Hellish Blizzard, Mumen Rider, Speed-o'-Sound Sonic y Saitama. ¡Tú eres el héroe! ¡Crea tu propio avatar de héroe y elige tu propio conjunto de habilidades y poderes! ¡Sumérgete en un juego de lucha dinámico con los famosos personajes de One Punch Man! ¡Haz de tu héroe preferido o conviértete tú en uno! ONE PUNCH MAN: A HERO NOBODY KNOWS es un juego de lucha y acción ambientado en un universo en el que las amenazas están a la orden del día y los héroes son la única esperanza contra la aniquilación. Saitama, el protagonista principal, es un héroe capaz de eliminar incluso a los enemigos más poderosos de un solo puñetazo, una situación que le incomoda rato largo. El juego contará con duelos 3 contra 3, en los que los jugadores podrán formar equipos poderosos compuestos por caras reconocibles. Entre los primeros personajes jugables que se han confirmado se encuentran Genos, Hellish Blizzard, Mumen Rider, Speed-o'-Sound Sonic y Saitama.
19,95 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Ficha técnica tt isle of man: ride on the edge xbox one genero: conduccion titulo: tt isle of man: ride on the edge xbox one caja original: si informacion adicional: imagen no contractual Descripción tt isle of man: ride on the edge xbox one tt isle of man: ride on the edge xbox one es un objeto de Segunda Mano que se ofrece en estado Buen estado.
16,95 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Ficha técnica tt isle of man: ride on the edge xbox one genero: conduccion caja original: Sí titulo: tt isle of man: ride on the edge xbox one informacion adicional: imagen no contractual Descripción tt isle of man: ride on the edge xbox one tt isle of man: ride on the edge xbox one es un objeto de Segunda Mano que se ofrece en estado Buen estado.
14,94 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Siente toda la adrenalina de conducir tu moto en una de las competiciones internacionales con más solera del motociclismo con TT Isle of Man para PlayStation 4 y Xbox One. El mayor circuito de carreras del mundo reproducido a escala 1:1, laserscan, fotogrametría, motos y pilotos oficiales... Una experiencia que reproduce fielmente la realidad de la pista. TT Isle of Man es el juego que todos los entusiastas de las motos llevan esperando desde hace 10 años. LA ISLA DE MAN PERFECTAMENTE REPRODUCIDA 61 km de carreteras y 264 curvas que ofrecen una ruta más larga y difícil que todos los circuitos de GP combinados. LOS PILOTOS OFICIALES CON SUS MOTOS SUPERPOTENCIADAS 24 pilotos, 38 motos y sidecares que recorrerán caminos rurales y de montaña a 320 km/h SENSACIÓN DE CONDUCCIÓN REAL CONFIRMADA POR PILOTOS DEL TT Además de comportamientos precisos de sus motocicletas. MODO DE CARRERA INSPIRADO EN EL TTRondas de entrenamiento y clasificación en 10 circuitos diferentes y un garaje para gestionar y configurar las motos MODO EN LÍNEA PARA UN TOTAL DE 8 CONTRINCANTES. LA CARRERA MÁS LARGA Y PELIGROSA DEL MUNDOMás de 100 años después, los amantes de las emociones fuertes siguen viajando a la isla de Man cada verano por la misma razón que los caballeros de 1907: el Tourist Trophy, más conocido como el TT Isla de Man.El espíritu de la competición y el progreso llevaron la competición del TT original a la isla, ya que las carreras en las carreteras y los caminos de Gran Bretaña eran imposibles, prohibidas por una ley del Parlamento y por la introducción en 1903 de un límite de velocidad de 32 km/h. El Secretario del Club del Automóvil de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda, sir Julian Orde, se embarcó en febrero de 1904 hacia la isla de Man porque tenía la astuta idea de que las autoridades manesas adoptarían una actitud más conciliadora hacia las carreras de automóviles en carreteras públicas.
9,94 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Sujeta o carga tu controller, sujeta o carga tu móvil. con este Cable Guy de Iron Man Evergreen con licencia oficial de Disney, podrás cargar tu dispositivo gracias al cable de carga de 2 metros que viene incluido (incorpora conector lightning, mini USB y USB). da igual que tu mando sea de playstation 4, playstation 5 de Xbox one o xbox series X o S, colócalo en el sitio que más te guste y deja a todos tus amigos e invitados impresionados. También podrás sujetar y/o cargar tu teléfono móvil con un toque distinto, es compatible con todos los modelos de smartphones. Puedes utilizarlo incluso como soporte para cualquier cosa que se te ocurra ponerle a tu personaje favorito. El producto cuenta con licencia oficial de Marvel - Disney. Disfruta con Iron Man Evergreen por unos días y dale un espacio privilegiado cerca de tu televisor. la familia cable guys cuenta con muchos más personajes, descúbrelos todos y hazte con ellos. Son tu compañero perfecto para dar un toque distinto a cualquier rincón de tu casa.
2.495 €
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Ceuta (Ceuta)
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Marvel's Avengers combina una historia original con modos de juego individuales y cooperativos en la experiencia de juego definitiva de los Avengers. Reúne equipos de hasta cuatro jugadores en línea, domina habilidades extraordinarias, personaliza a tu creciente plantel de héroes y defiende la Tierra de amenazas que van en aumento. Marvel's Avengers comienza en el A-Day, en el que Captain America, Iron Man, Hulk, Black Widow y Thor están celebrando la inauguración de un cuartel general de alta tecnología de los Avengers en San Francisco, incluida la revelación de su propio helitransporte que funciona con una nueva fuente de energía experimental. La celebración se torna mortal cuando un accidente catastrófico da lugar a la destrucción masiva de la ciudad. Tras ser culpados de la tragedia, los Avengers se separan. Cinco años después, con la ilegalización de los superhéroes y el mundo en peligro, la única esperanza es reunir a los héroes más poderosos de la Tierra. Con actualizaciones habituales de contenido, Marvel's Avengers llevará a los jugadores en un viaje épico a través de varios años. El juego es el siguiente paso para los Avengers. Plataforma: Xbox One Región: ESP Desarrollador: Crystal Dynamics, Square Enix, Eidos Montreal PEGI: 16%2B Es posible que nuestros juegos de segunda mano no contengan material adicional como copias digitales, pases online o contenido promocional descargable (DLC). En el nombre del producto (SP) significa que son la version PAL/España y (UK) que son la version PAL/UK
1.195 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
RESERVA YA Y LLÉVATE UN SKIN DE LOS DEFENSORES DE DOCTOR LA OSCURIDAD CAE. ¡ÁLZATE! ERES HUNTER, UN LEGENDARIO CAZADOR DE DEMONIOS CON UN MISTERIOSO PASADO... Y SECRETOS QUE AÚN NO HAS DESCUBIERTO. Cuando la demoníaca Lilith y su temible horda se unen a los malvados ejércitos de Hydra, es hora de desatar el lado oscuro de Marvel. Como Hunter, tu misión es liderar un improbable equipo de experimentados Superhéroes y peligrosos guerreros sobrenaturales hacia la victoria. ¿Podrán leyendas como el Doctor Extraño, Iron Man y Blade dejar de lado sus diferencias ante una creciente amenaza apocalíptica? Si quieres salvar el mundo, tendrás que forjar alianzas y liderar al equipo en la batalla como los legendarios Midnight Suns. Con una serie de personajes y habilidades mejorables que te permitirán construir tu propia y única versión de Hunter, elegirás cómo enviar al ejército de Lilith de vuelta al inframundo. MARVEL'S MIDNIGHT SUNS ES UN JUEGO DE ROL TÁCTICO AMBIENTADO EN EL LADO OSCURO DE MARVEL. Como un nuevo y personalizable personaje original de Marvel, lidera un poderoso equipo de Superhéroes sobrenaturales que se enfrentan a crecientes amenazas impías. Experimenta un juego táctico de Marvel como ningún otro. Deberás luchar enérgicamente, trazar estrategias de forma inteligente y liderar una inesperada combinación de Superhéroes Marvel para salvar al mundo de la creciente oscuridad. LUCHA Y CREA ESTRATEGIAS COMO UN SUPERHÉROE CONTRA LOS RINCONES MÁS OSCUROS DEL UNIVERSO MARVEL. • EXPERIMENTA EL LADO MÁS OSCURO DE MARVEL. Álzate contra Lilith y su ejército del inframundo mientras experimentas una historia profundamente personal que te sitúa en el centro como Hunter, el primer héroe original personalizable del universo Marvel. Ante los aliados caídos y el destino del mundo en juego, ¡dependerá de ti alzarte contra la oscuridad! • LIDERA A LOS HÉROES DE TODO EL UNIVERSO MARVEL. Combate el fuego con el fuego del infierno y lidera un improbable equipo de experimentados superhéroes y peligrosos guerreros sobrenaturales de Los Vengadores, X-Men, Runaways y más. Resiste a la corrupción de Lilith y enfréntate a las versiones Caídas de algunos de los personajes más icónicos y poderosos de Marvel, ¡como Venom, Dientes de Sable e incluso Hulk! • LUCHA, PIENSA Y VIVE COMO UN SUPERHÉROE. De la mano del legendario estudio Firaxis Games llega un profundo RPG táctico en el que lucharás y trazarás estrategias como un superhéroe. Crea el escuadrón perfecto y personaliza sus habilidades, desencadenando destrezas y ataques para devastar el campo de batalla. Vive la vida de Superhéroe en la Abadía, tu propia base secreta mística, y fortalece los vínculos personales fuera del campo de batalla.
5.995 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
· W O O D E N · N A M E · P U Z Z L E · Personalized, eco-friendly baby gift idea for Birthday, Christmas, and any other day of the year. As a Mother, I know that “love” is the most important component in the development of Your child under 3 years old. Mom, love, and time together are all they need. But also, I know how difficult it is to invent a new game every time, to make it interesting. Based on this, we have developed an educational toy with which You can express your feelings (that’s why we made an option to engrave Your custom message for Your Little One. Explore the world we live in (by different additional elements we have made). What can be better than spending fun time together, learning the baby's name, and of course develop motor skills. Thanks to the playful form, the child can easily learn his name. And of course, from the lips of mother name sounds the most beautiful and sweet. · P O S S I B I L I T I E S · O F · N A M E · P U Z Z L E S · Learning while playing is the best way to start teaching your kid. The name puzzle is a simple and nice toy that helps your child to develop motor skills, color & shape recognition. Learning how to spell his name is a great way to make kids feel special and loved as well. · A B O U T · O U R · P U Z Z L E S · ☆ Made with birch plywood and water-based ink, our puzzles are absolutely eco-friendly and safe for kids. ☆ We have found an ideal size, now there are light, lasting, and easily usable. Their length varies from 8 to 24 inches, depending on the number of letters. The puzzle width is 3,35 inches. It was made for the best matching for your requests. ☆ The technique of playing with a name puzzle is inspired by the Montessori technique. Our puzzle can give your child possibilities to learn without your involvement. But still - use every time to form friendships with your kids. · C U S T O M I Z A T I O N · ☆ You have 10 different color schemes. Choose whatever you like. Or make your own scheme using the colors we offer you. ☆ You have different shapes to choose from. Add them at the beginning of the name or at the end. An additional element can be selected in the presented infographics, so totally the puzzle looks more harmonic. Or if you want to make your own scheme - choose every figure you like. ☆You can add to your puzzle back engraving which you want. ☆You can add pegs. It helps children under 2 years to enjoy playing. ☆Choose gift wrap to make your puzzle be a real gift. ☆Additionally, we offer you a puzzle stand, so your toy will be a beautiful element of nursery decor. · H A V E · A N Y · Q U E S T I O N S ? · • If you got a damaged product - contact us. We are ready to return your full price for bad quality. • Remember, that we don’t own delivery services and can’t control this process. So, if you have trouble with the time of shipping - check if your product was sent correctly. If all were sent in time - the problem is from the part of the delivery service. • If your dog ate the shape of the puzzle or you lost it - we are ready to send you a new set of letters for a good price. · T E R M S · A N D · C O N D I T I O N S · F O R · S A F E · U S E · 1. All kids have imagination. And we made all we can to give you a safe toy. But be careful and try not to leave your child alone with puzzles. Instead - play with your kid. Collect memories 2. Ensure that the child does not take small parts for him. 3. IF IN YOUR PUZZLE YOU HAVE LETTER ”I” OR NUMBER “1” - BE ATTENTIVE. THIS SHAPES CAN BE DANGEROUS FOR KIDS 0-3. DON’T LEAVE YOUR CHILD ALONE. OR WE CAN MAKE SHAPES BE FIXED TO THE PUZZLE. · W I T H · T H I S · T O Y · O U R · C L I E N T S · A L S O · O R D E R · The link to the pastel girl collection§ion_id=33282778 The link to the shop · S P E C I A L · O F F E R · With a personalized puzzle it will be cheaper to buy something else. We offered a coupon for a 60% discount instead of the standard 50%. Just enter PUZZLEPLUS - and enjoy your shopping. Learn letters and words quickly and very easily when learning as a game. We present to your attention the developing Wooden Alphabet - sorter. Sorter puzzles are sure to please your child, as it is fun and interesting to spend time with.§ion_id=30981719 New Learning Time Clock. We made our toy clocks have a little bit more than simple clocks. Of course, we added hours and minutes. But also we added colorful sections, peace of puzzles.§ion_id=31133813 Busy Name Puzzle which includes not only letters but other developing and interesting elements on the board - entertain Your kid and definitely, it will become one of the favorite toys.§ion_id=24836979 A good chair for a kid to get to know the world better and be able to reach any object in the house. This stool is tested for durability, it will fit beautifully into your decor in a children's room. The best-personalized gift you can ever imagine§ion_id=27133368 Our bows are made from high-strength wooden plywood. When we created it, we didn’t think that this would be a game not only for children but also for adults. It is very interesting and fun. And the name on the bow emphasizes the individuality of each archer)§ion_id=29448540 Have you ever thought about toys which are not only for fun but also for education? Montessori Toys on which we can engrave the name of a child, and make it more personal§ion_id=24039563 The Numbers Puzzle Such educational activities always appreciate by children and help you to diversify the time of learning§ion_id=31284902· C H A R I T Y · D O N A T I O N · Part of the profit from sales in the period from 12/13/2021 to 12/20/2021 will go to donations for orphans in Ukraine The Busy Puzzle team will personally go to the children's shelter to give them a little warmth and love! Each of you is involved in this case! · W O O D E N · N A M E · P U Z Z L E · Personalized, eco-friendly baby gift idea for Birthday, Christmas, and any other day of the year. As a Mother, I know that “love” is the most important component in the development of Your child under 3 years old. Mom, love, and time together are all they need. But also, I know how difficult it is to invent a new game every time, to make it interesting. Based on this, we have developed an educational toy with which You can express your feelings (that’s why we made an option to engrave Your custom message for Your Little One. Explore the world we live in (by different additional elements we have made). What can be better than spending fun time together, learning the baby's name, and of course develop motor skills. Thanks to the playful form, the child can easily learn his name. And of course, from the lips of mother name sounds the most beautiful and sweet. · P O S S I B I L I T I E S · O F · N A M E · P U Z Z L E S · Learning while playing is the best way to start teaching your kid. The name puzzle is a simple and nice toy that helps your child to develop motor skills, color & shape recognition. Learning how to spell his name is a great way to make kids feel special and loved as well. · A B O U T · O U R · P U Z Z L E S · ☆ Made with birch plywood and water-based ink, our puzzles are absolutely eco-friendly and safe for kids. ☆ We have found an ideal size, now there are light, lasting, and easily usable. Their length varies from 8 to 24 inches, depending on the number of letters. The puzzle width is 3,35 inches. It was made for the best matching for your requests. ☆ The technique of playing with a name puzzle is inspired by the Montessori technique. Our puzzle can give your child possibilities to learn without your involvement. But still - use every time to form friendships with your kids. · C U S T O M I Z A T I O N · ☆ You have 10 different color schemes. Choose whatever you like. Or make your own scheme using the colors we offer you. ☆ You have different shapes to choose from. Add them at the beginning of the name or at the end. An additional element can be selected in the presented infographics, so totally the puzzle looks more harmonic. Or if you want to make your own scheme - choose every figure you like. ☆You can add to your puzzle back engraving which you want. ☆You can add pegs. It helps children under 2 years to enjoy playing. ☆Choose gift wrap to make your puzzle be a real gift. ☆Additionally, we offer you a puzzle stand, so your toy will be a beautiful element of nursery decor. · H A V E · A N Y · Q U E S T I O N S ? · • If you got a damaged product - contact us. We are ready to return your full price for bad quality. • Remember, that we don’t own delivery services and can’t control this process. So, if you have trouble with the time of shipping - check if your product was sent correctly. If all were sent in time - the problem is from the part of the delivery service. • If your dog ate the shape of the puzzle or you lost it - we are ready to send you a new set of letters for a good price. · T E R M S · A N D · C O N D I T I O N S · F O R · S A F E · U S E · 1. All kids have imagination. And we made all we can to give you a safe toy. But be careful and try not to leave your child alone with puzzles. Instead - play with your kid. Collect memories 2. Ensure that the child does not take small parts for him. 3. IF IN YOUR PUZZLE YOU HAVE LETTER ”I” OR NUMBER “1” - BE ATTENTIVE. THIS SHAPES CAN BE DANGEROUS FOR KIDS 0-3. DON’T LEAVE YOUR CHILD ALONE. OR WE CAN MAKE SHAPES BE FIXED TO THE PUZZLE. · W I T H · T H I S · T O Y · O U R · C L I E N T S · A L S O · O R D E R · The link to the pastel girl collection§ion_id=33282778 The link to the shop · S P E C I A L · O F F E R · With a personalized puzzle it will be cheaper to buy something else. We offered a coupon for a 60% discount instead of the standard 50%. Just enter PUZZLEPLUS - and enjoy your shopping. Learn letters and words quickly and very easily when learning as a game. We present to your attention the developing Wooden Alphabet - sorter. Sorter puzzles are sure to please your child, as it is fun and interesting to spend time with.§ion_id=30981719 New Learning Time Clock. We made our toy clocks have a little bit more than simple clocks. Of course, we added hours and minutes. But also we added colorful sections, peace of puzzles.§ion_id=31133813 Busy Name Puzzle which includes not only letters but other developing and interesting elements on the board - entertain Your kid and definitely, it will become one of the favorite toys.§ion_id=24836979 A good chair for a kid to get to know the world better and be able to reach any object in the house. This stool is tested for durability, it will fit beautifully into your decor in a children's room. The best-personalized gift you can ever imagine§ion_id=27133368 Our bows are made from high-strength wooden plywood. When we created it, we didn’t think that this would be a game not only for children but also for adults. It is very interesting and fun. And the name on the bow emphasizes the individuality of each archer)§ion_id=29448540 Have you ever thought about toys which are not only for fun but also for education? Montessori Toys on which we can engrave the name of a child, and make it more personal§ion_id=24039563 The Numbers Puzzle Such educational activities always appreciate by children and help you to diversify the time of learning§ion_id=31284902
458 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
· Math Name Puzzle · The fact is, any puzzle can provide benefits, and it’s best to start small children with simple puzzles so they can learn what to do, without becoming frustrated. As they master easy puzzles, they can begin trying more difficult ones, with more pieces and complex designs. Toddlerhood is a time for curiosity, exploration and learning—all tenants of the Montessori method, a child-centered approach to education. If you’ve found Montessori to be a good fit for your little one and your family, then focusing on toys that support this philosophy can be the perfect way to encourage your little one’s learning through play. · Possibilities Of The Math Name Puzzle · Kids of all ages can gain benefits from playing with puzzles. These brain-building activities help develop cognitive and fine-motor skills, foster cooperative play and spur problem-solving prowess. Not only are puzzles a perfect way to spend some quality time together, but kids feel proud of themselves for completing one. Better yet, they’re an interactive way to teach colors, letters, numbers, shapes, animals and beyond. When your child tries to put together a puzzle, they are only going to succeed when they find the proper place for each, individual piece. The actual act of manipulating each piece, testing and turning it to see if it fits, is how children learn essential problem solving and critical thinking skills. · About Our Puzzles · - Made with birch plywood and water-based ink, our puzzles are absolutely eco-friendly and safe for kids. - We have found an ideal size, now there are light, lasting, and easily usable. - The technique of playing with a name puzzle is inspired by the Montessori technique. Our puzzle can give your child possibilities to learn without your involvement. But still - use every time to form friendships with your kids. · Customization · - You can add pegs to letters and shapes. - You have 10 different color schemes. Choose every you like. Or make your own scheme from the colors we offer to you. - You can add to your puzzle the back engraving to make it even more personal. - Choose gift wrap to make your puzzle be a real gift. - Additionally, we offer you a puzzle stand, so your toy will be a beautiful element of nursery decor. · Dimensions · 16.5x16.9 inches (42.2X43.3 cm) Approximate weight 675 gram. · Have Any Questions? · • If you got a damaged product - contact us. We are ready to return your full price for bad quality. • Remember, that we don’t own delivery services and can’t control this process. So, if you have trouble with the time of shipping - check if your product was sent correctly. If all were sent in time - the problem is from the part of the delivery service. • If your dog ate the shape of the puzzle or you lost it - we are ready to send you a new set of letters for a good price. · Terms And Conditions For Safe Use · 1. All kids have imagination. And we made all we can to give you a safe toy. But be careful and try not to leave your child alone with puzzles. Instead - play with your kid. Collect memories 2. Ensure that the child does not take small parts for him. 3. IF IN YOUR PUZZLE YOU HAVE LETTER ”I” OR NUMBER “1” - BE ATTENTIVE. THIS SHAPES CAN BE DANGEROUS FOR KIDS 0-3. DON’T LEAVE YOUR CHILD ALONE. OR WE CAN MAKE SHAPES BE FIXED TO THE PUZZLE.
677 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
· N A M E · P U Z Z L E · W I T H · A N I M A L S · PERSONALIZED, ECO-FRIENDLY AND SAFE GIFT FOR CHILDREN, IDEA FOR ANY HAPPY MOMENT IN YOUR LIFE Our puzzle is based on all that you need. It will let you spend time with your child, will help him to develop his motor skills. Besides, we added an option to engrave Your unique message for your child. You both will enjoy it! Baby is exploring the world with this game! He learns about what wood looks like and smells like, you can also show him colors. Of course, the baby will easily remember his name because children adore games, it is the best way to teach them. Furthermore, there are animals, so you can tell your baby about them, where do they live, what do they eat, etc. It is so important for the baby to learn the world around him, to know what the dog or cat is saying. And it will be more joyful if you will do it together! It is the best way to show him how much you love him because for children it is important to be and play with their mom. · F A C I L I T I E S · O F · P U Z Z L E S · - baby's own name - different animals - colors - materials - shapes and details All these things your child can learn from just one Puzzle game! Show your baby how much you love him, present him with a special lovely puzzle. · A B O U T · O U R · P U Z Z L E S · It is made from wood and water-ink, so it is completely eco-friendly and safe for children and the environment. It is easy to use and the perfect details’ size lets your baby take it comfy. We chose optimal width and this size got the highest mark from you. It perfectly fits your baby (we highly recommend it for 1+ babies). Our puzzle was inspired by the Montessori technique. The simple technique of making a puzzle will let you do your own stuff while your baby is playing. But don't forget that you can spend time together and have fun. · D I M E N S I O N S · 4 animals: 14.1x6.2 inches (36.5x16.5 cm) 8 animals: 16.5x10.6 inches (42.7x27.2 cm) · C U S T O M I Z A T I O N · Only in this puzzle, you can choose between 5 options (please, choose all the animals from the photo in the listing) - name puzzle - name puzzle with 1 animal - name puzzle with 2 animals - name with 4 animals - name with 8 animals · You can choose one of the animal sets presented in the infographics. Also create your own puzzle by choosing the color of the name and variations of the animals. · Choose the base of the puzzle. White base can be added at additional cost. · You can add a unique engravement if you want. · Gift Wrap is also important so we added options for you to choose from so you can order a real gift, not just a puzzle. · And finally, we offer a puzzle stand so you can admire it every day. · H A V E · A N Y · Q U E S T I O N S ? · • If you got a damaged product - contact us. We are ready to return your full price for bad quality. • Remember, that we don’t own delivery services and can’t control this process. So, if you have trouble with the time of shipping - check if your product was sent correctly. If all were sent in time - the problem is from the part of the delivery service. • If your dog ate the shape of the puzzle or you lost it - we are ready to send you a new set of letters for a good price. · T E R M S · A N D · C O N D I T I O N S · F O R · S A F E · U S E · 1. All kids have imagination. And we made all we can to give you a safe toy. But be careful and try not to leave your child alone with puzzles. Instead - play with your kid. Collect memories 2. Ensure that the child does not take small parts for him. 3. IF IN YOUR PUZZLE YOU HAVE LETTER ”I” - BE ATTENTIVE. THIS SHAPES CAN BE DANGEROUS FOR KIDS 0-3. DON’T LEAVE YOUR CHILD ALONE. OR WE CAN MAKE SHAPES BE FIXED TO THE PUZZLE.
3.393 €
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· W O O D E N · N A M E · P U Z Z L E · Personalized, eco-friendly baby gift idea for Birthday, Christmas, and any other day of the year. As a Mother, I know that “love” is the most important component in the development of Your child under 3 years old. Mom, love, and time together are all they need. But also, I know how difficult it is to invent a new game every time, to make it interesting. Based on this, we have developed an educational toy with which You can express your feelings (that’s why we made an option to engrave Your custom message for Your Little One. Explore the world we live in (by different additional elements we have made). What can be better than spending fun time together, learning the baby's name, and of course develop motor skills. Thanks to the playful form, the child can easily learn his name. And of course, from the lips of mother name sounds the most beautiful and sweet. · P O S S I B I L I T I E S · O F · N A M E · P U Z Z L E S · Learning while playing is the best way to start teaching your kid. The name puzzle is a simple and nice toy that helps your child to develop motor skills, color & shape recognition. Learning how to spell his name is a great way to make kids feel special and loved as well. · A B O U T · O U R · P U Z Z L E S · ☆ Made with birch plywood and water-based ink, our puzzles are absolutely eco-friendly and safe for kids. ☆ We have found an ideal size, now there are light, lasting, and easily usable. Their length varies from 8 to 24 inches, depending on the number of letters. The puzzle width is 3,35 inches. It was made for the best matching for your requests. ☆ The technique of playing with a name puzzle is inspired by the Montessori technique. Our puzzle can give your child possibilities to learn without your involvement. But still - use every time to form friendships with your kids. · C U S T O M I Z A T I O N · ☆ You have 10 different color schemes. Choose whatever you like. Or make your own scheme using the colors we offer you. ☆ You have different shapes to choose from. Add them at the beginning of the name or at the end. An additional element can be selected in the presented infographics, so totally the puzzle looks more harmonic. Or if you want to make your own scheme - choose every figure you like. ☆You can add to your puzzle back engraving which you want. ☆You can add pegs. It helps children under 2 years to enjoy playing. ☆Choose gift wrap to make your puzzle be a real gift. ☆Additionally, we offer you a puzzle stand, so your toy will be a beautiful element of nursery decor. · H A V E · A N Y · Q U E S T I O N S ? · • If you got a damaged product - contact us. We are ready to return your full price for bad quality. • Remember, that we don’t own delivery services and can’t control this process. So, if you have trouble with the time of shipping - check if your product was sent correctly. If all were sent in time - the problem is from the part of the delivery service. • If your dog ate the shape of the puzzle or you lost it - we are ready to send you a new set of letters for a good price. · T E R M S · A N D · C O N D I T I O N S · F O R · S A F E · U S E · 1. All kids have imagination. And we made all we can to give you a safe toy. But be careful and try not to leave your child alone with puzzles. Instead - play with your kid. Collect memories 2. Ensure that the child does not take small parts for him. 3. IF IN YOUR PUZZLE YOU HAVE LETTER ”I” OR NUMBER “1” - BE ATTENTIVE. THIS SHAPES CAN BE DANGEROUS FOR KIDS 0-3. DON’T LEAVE YOUR CHILD ALONE. OR WE CAN MAKE SHAPES BE FIXED TO THE PUZZLE. · W I T H · T H I S · T O Y · O U R · C L I E N T S · A L S O · O R D E R · The link to the pastel girl collection§ion_id=33282778 The link to the shop · S P E C I A L · O F F E R · With a personalized puzzle it will be cheaper to buy something else. We offered a coupon for a 60% discount instead of the standard 50%. Just enter PUZZLEPLUS - and enjoy your shopping. Learn letters and words quickly and very easily when learning as a game. We present to your attention the developing Wooden Alphabet - sorter. Sorter puzzles are sure to please your child, as it is fun and interesting to spend time with.§ion_id=30981719 New Learning Time Clock. We made our toy clocks have a little bit more than simple clocks. Of course, we added hours and minutes. But also we added colorful sections, peace of puzzles.§ion_id=31133813 Busy Name Puzzle which includes not only letters but other developing and interesting elements on the board - entertain Your kid and definitely, it will become one of the favorite toys.§ion_id=24836979 A good chair for a kid to get to know the world better and be able to reach any object in the house. This stool is tested for durability, it will fit beautifully into your decor in a children's room. The best-personalized gift you can ever imagine§ion_id=27133368 Our bows are made from high-strength wooden plywood. When we created it, we didn’t think that this would be a game not only for children but also for adults. It is very interesting and fun. And the name on the bow emphasizes the individuality of each archer)§ion_id=29448540 Have you ever thought about toys which are not only for fun but also for education? Montessori Toys on which we can engrave the name of a child, and make it more personal§ion_id=24039563 The Numbers Puzzle Such educational activities always appreciate by children and help you to diversify the time of learning§ion_id=31284902
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