Original release was
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Barcelona (Barcelona)
JOY DIVISION - SUBSTANCE 1977 - 1980 - VINILO ORIGINAL NUEVOS MEDIOS 1988 JOY DIVISION - SUBSTANCE 1977 - 1980 - VINILO ORIGINAL NUEVOS MEDIOS 1988 Substance 1977-1980 es un álbum recopilatorio de la banda británica de post-punk Joy Division, publicado por Factory Records en 1988. Fue acompañado también de un recopilatorio de New Order titulado Substance. Alcanzó el puesto número 7 en las listas de ventas del Reino Unido1 y el puesto 146 en el Billboard 200. También alcanzó el puesto 15 en Nueva Zelanda y el 53 en Australia en agosto de 1988. Substance compila los cuatro sencillos lanzados por la banda que no aparecían en ningún álbum. Estos son: "Transmission", "Komakino", "Love Will Tear Us Apart" y "Atmosphere", todos con sus respectivos lados B. También recoge las canciones publicadas en los EP, el primer lanzamiento (An Ideal for Living) y dos temas publicados por Factory Records, en A Factory Sample y Earcom 2: Contradiction. El sencillo "Atmosphere" originalmente fue lanzado en Francia con el título "Licht und Blindheit" con "Dead Souls" como lado B. Después de la muerte de Ian Curtis, fue reeditado un sencillo póstumo de "She's Lost Control", el cual es una versión alternativa a la que anteriormente había sido publicada en el álbum de estudio Unknown Pleasures. El disco de vinilo omite el sencillo "Komakino". Lista de canciones: Todas las canciones compuestas por Joy Division. LP (Factory FACT 250) 1."Warsaw" – 2:25 Relanzado en An Ideal for Living 2."Leaders of Men" – 2:35 Relanzado en An Ideal for Living 3."Digital" – 2:50 Relanzado en A Factory Sample 4."Autosuggestion" – 6:08 Relanzado en Earcom 2: Contradiction 5."Transmission" – 3:36 Sencillo FAC 13 6."She's Lost Control" – 4:45 B-side del sencillo FACUS 2 "Atmosphere" 7."Incubation" – 2:52 Lado B instrumental del sencillo FAC 28 "Komakino" 8."Dead Souls" – 4:56 Lado B del single "Atmosphere" in France 9."Atmosphere" – 4:10 Sencillo FACUS 2 10."Love Will Tear Us Apart" – 3:25 sencillo FAC 23 Substance compiles the four singles released by the band that did not appear on albums - "Transmission", "Komakino", "Love Will Tear Us Apart ", and " Atmospher e" - as well as their B-sides. It also collects tracks released on extended play singles, the band's first release An Ideal for Living, and two samplers issued by Factory Records, A Factory Sample and Earcom 2: Contradiction. The single "Atmosphere" had been originally issued in France as "Licht und Blindheit" with "Dead Souls" on the B-side. Following the death of Ian Curtis, it was reissued as a posthumous B-side of the "She's Lost Control" single in an alternate version from the track that had previously appeared on Unknown Pleasures. The vinyl version omits the single "Komakino" and does not include the complete titles from the extended plays. Later CD pressings issued by London Records contain a previously unreleased mix of "She's Lost Control" that is slightly different from the original single release. More guitar is mixed within the song, the synthesizer melody is shortened and starts at a later point, and the ending of the song is extended by 15 seconds and doesn't fade out. Substance was digitally remastered in 2015 containing the alternate mix of "She's Lost Control" and two additional tracks: "As You Said" (the second b-side of Komakino) and the b-side mix of "Love Will Tear Us Apart".
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Barcelona (Barcelona)
THE CURE - CONCERT (THE CURE LIVE) - ALBUM VINILO ORIGINAL PRIMERA EDICION POLYDOR 1984 THE CURE - CONCERT (THE CURE LIVE) - ALBUM VINILO ORIGINAL PRIMERA EDICION POLYDOR 1984 Concert es el primer álbum en vivo de la banda británica de rock, The Cure. La edición en cassette fue doble, ya que contenía el resto de caras B y se tituló Curiosity (Killing the Cat): Cure Anomalies 1977–1984. El disco es el resultado de las grabaciones de los conciertos que dio la banda en el actual Hammersmith Apollo de Londres y en Oxford en mayo de 1984. La portada fue diseñada por el mismo Robert Smith, bajo el seudónimo de Toberr, con un fotograma de vídeo de una emisión de televisión en directo el 25 de agosto de 1984 durante el concierto que The Cure ofrecieron en el Barrowland Ballroom situado en Glasgow, Escocia y que tenía la intención de que ilustrase un disco pirata de la banda. Algunos de los temas que los Cure tocaron en los conciertos de mayo de 1984 en Oxford y Londres durante la gira promocional del álbum "The Top", se inmortalizarían en el primer directo oficial de la banda de Robert Smith. Así, de lo poco que se podía salvar del mediocre y antes mencionado "The top", se incluyeron " Shake dog shake " y " Give me it ". También, una revisión más acorde con su estilo del hit discotequero " The walk ". Del oscuro y taciturno "Pornography" dejarían patente una intensidad épica con " One hundred years " y " The hanging garden ". Del tétrico y tormentoso "Faith" se incluiría la menos tenebrosa, esa fantástica " Primary ". Además, la inclusión de " Charlotte sometimes " permitió conocer más ampliamente una de las rarezas inéditas publicadas en formato single de The Cure. Del frío y experimental "Seventeen seconds" se recogería " A forest " en una psicodélica versión que se convertiría a posteriori en la joya del siniestro afterpunk. Finalmente, para cerrar este álbum " 10:15 Saturday night " y " Killing an arab ", los dos temas de su primer single con aquel primerizo powerpop característico. En definitiva, en "Concert - The Cure Live" se recogían las mayores virtudes del primer y más interesante período de una de las bandas más exitosas de la década de los 80. Listado de canciones: 1. «Shake Dog Shake» 4:14 2. «Primary» 3:29 3. «Charlotte Sometimes» 4:06 4. «The Hanging Garden» 4:05 5. «Give Me It» 2:49 6. «The Walk» 3:31 7. «One Hundred Years» 6:48 8. «A Forest» 6:46 9. «10:15 Saturday Night» 3:44 10. «Killing an Arab» 2:51 In 1984, the Cure released The Top, a generally psychedelic album on which Smith played all the instruments except the drums—played by Andy Anderson—and the saxophone—played by returnee Porl Thompson. The album was a Top 10 hit in the UK, and was their first studio album to break the Billboard 200 in the US, reaching number 180. Melody Maker praised the album as "psychedelia that can't be dated", while pondering, "I've yet to meet anyone who can tell me why the Cure are having hits now of all times." The Cure then embarked on their worldwide Top Tour with Thompson, Anderson and producer-turned-bassist Phil Thornalley on board. Released in late 1984, The Cure's first live album, Concert consisted of performances from this tour. Near the tour's end, Anderson was fired for destroying a hotel room and was replaced by Boris Williams. Thornalley also left because of the stress of touring. However, the bassist slot was not vacant long, for a Cure roadie named Gary Biddles had brokered a reunion between Smith and former bassist Simon Gallup, who had been playing in the band Fools Dance. Soon after reconciling, Smith asked Gallup to rejoin the band. Concert: The Cure Live is the first live album of English rock band The Cure. It was recorded in 1984 at the Hammersmith Odeon in London and in Oxford. Its cassette tape edition featured on the B-side a twin album of anomalies, titled Curiosity (Killing the Cat): Cure Anomalies 1977–1984.
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Madrid (Madrid)
NEIL YOUNG: NEIL YOUNG OFFICIAL RELEASE SERIES, DISCS 1 - 4. CONTIENE SUS 4 PRIMEROS CD´S NEIL YOUNG: NEIL YOUNG OFFICIAL RELEASE SERIES, DISCS 1 - 4. CONTIENE SUS 4 PRIMEROS CD´S Neil Young: Official Release Series, Discs 1 - 4. Neil Young Remasters. Increíble calidad de sonido en HDCD. Contiene "Neil Young", "Everybody knows this is nowhere", "Harvest" y "After the Gold Rush". Publicados entre 1968 y 1972. Originalmente publicado en 2009 2.009 Original REPRISE RECORDS 9362-494975. Estuche con 4 CD´s con estuches en jewel case - plástico Absolutamente nuevo. Es el artículo de las fotos
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Barcelona (Barcelona)
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Barcelona (Barcelona)
ABC - HOW TO BE A ZILLIONAIRE - VINILO ORIGINAL 1985 EDICION MERCURY POLYGRAM USA ABC - HOW TO BE A ZILLIONAIRE - VINILO ORIGINAL 1985 EDICION MERCURY POLYGRAM USA A finales de 1984, ABC, formados en ese momento solo por Fry y White, aumentados por varios músicos de sesión, publicaron (How to be a) Zillionaire,con otro marcado cambio de estilo, en este caso más orientado hacia los ritmos bailables y samples empleados a mediados de los 80. Tras la edición de este disco, el dúo se trasladó a Nueva York, donde se les añadieron David Yarritu y Eden (Fiona Russell-Powell) al grupo, sólo para los efectos visuales, sin tocar ningún instrumento ni cantar. A principios de 1985 se publicó el brillante y pegadizo single Be near me, que subió hasta el puesto 26 de las listas británicas. Debido al éxito del single, How to be a...millionaire! consiguió entrar en el Top 30 tanto en Reino Unido como en Estados Unidos. Be near me se publicó a finales de 1985 en Estados Unidos, convirtiéndose en el primer Top 10 del grupo en este país. A pesar de los éxitos regulares del grupo durante 1985, los siguientes singles, Vanity kills y Ocean blue, se estancaron en los charts. ABC fue una de las primeras bandas que utilizó la técnica del video scratching para algunos vídeos de How to be a... Zillionaire, como el de Be near me. Este hecho fue destacado en las noticias de la cadena musical MTV, aunque no hayan tenido excesiva repercusión popular por ello. Track listing: All songs written and composed by Martin Fry and Mark White. Side one 1. "Fear of the World" 3:50 2. "Be Near Me" 3:37 3. "Vanity Kills" 3:28 4. "Ocean Blue" 3:36 5. "15 Storey Halo" 5:36 Side two 1. "A to Z" 2:49 2. "(How to Be A) Millionaire" 3:34 3. "Tower of London" 3:36 4. "So Hip It Hurts" 4:17 5. "Between You and Me" 3:16 How to Be a...Zillionaire! is an album by the band ABC. It was released in the autumn of 1985. Four singles were released from this album, "(How to Be A) Millionaire " (UK: 49, US: 20), " Be Near Me " (UK singles chart: 26, US Billboard Hot 100: 9), " Vanity Kills " (UK: 74, US: 91), and the fourth was " Ocean Blue ", (UK: 54). The album peaked on the UK Albums Chart at 28 and on the Billboard 200 at 30. On the cover the album's title is in the foreground lit up like a spotlight against a tri-tone background on which various quotes of the album's lyrics can be seen. There is also a drop shadow behind the title. No dialogue at the start of the song " Vanity Kills ". Eden (see band line up in next section) does the harmony vocal on the song " Ocean Blue ". Guitars completely absent from Side Two/Tracks 6–10. No cursing from Eden in the song "A to Z". Four seconds of silence between "A to Z" and "(How to Be a) Millionaire". Eden performs the breakdown vocal and plays the instrumental solo in the song "(How to Be a) Millionaire".
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Madrid (Madrid)
ALAN SILVESTRI - PREDATOR Banda Sonora Original Edición Limitada 900 copias 2LP Color Precintado ALAN SILVESTRI - PREDATOR Banda Sonora Original Edición Limitada 900 copias 2LP Color Precintado ALAN SILVESTRI PREDATOR Banda Sonora Original Edición Limitada 900 copias Blood Red & 'Predator Dreads' Blue Splatter 2LP Set Nuevo y Precintado ALAN SILVESTRI PREDATOR Original Soundtrack Limited Edition 1000 copies Blood Red & 'Predator Dreads' Blue Splatter 2LP Set New and Sealed DESCRIPCIÓN: US 2018 Real Gone Music RGM-0601 La partitura magistral de Alan Silvestri para la película de 1987 Predator ha sido una de las bandas sonoras de películas de acción más buscadas de todos los tiempos. Aunque ridiculizada como poco original cuando salió, Predator solo ha crecido en reputación como una de las grandes películas de acción / ciencia ficción, que marcó el pleno florecimiento de Arnold Schwarzenegger como genuina estrella de cine. La banda sonora de Alan Silvestri (Regreso al futuro parte II y III, Forrest Gump, contacto; The Avengers; Avengers: Infinity War, entre muchos otros) también se ha convertido en un favorito de culto. La música de Silvestri es tan brutal e impactante como la película misma, empleando una orquesta completa, hábiles toques electrónicos y una contundente percusión. El lanzamiento de vinilo de Real Gone Music presenta una portada personalizada para esta edición de Rafal Wechterowicz que representa al depredador en toda su sangrienta gloria. • Edición limitada - 1000 copias (2LP). • Blood Red & 'Predator Dreads' Blue Splatter Vinyl. • Doble carpeta. • Cubierta ilustrada personalizada. • Nuevo y Precintado de fábrica. DESCRIPTION: US 2018 Real Gone Music RGM-0601 Alan Silvestri’s masterful score to the 1987 film Predator has been one of the most sought-after action film soundtracks of all time. Though derided as derivative when it came out, Predator has only grown in reputation as one of the great action/sci-fi films, and marked the full flowering of Arnold Schwarzenegger as a genuine movie star. The soundtrack by Alan Silvestri (Back to the Future Part II & III, Forrest Gump, Contact; The Avengers; Avengers: Infinity War, among many others) has also become a cult favourite. Silvestri’s score is every bit as brutal and hard-hitting as the film itself, employing a full orchestra, deft electronic touches, and bruising percussion. Real Gone Music’s vinyl release features custom front cover art by Rafal Wechterowicz depicting the predator in all its gory glory. • Limited Edition - 1000 Copies (2LP). • Blood Red & 'Predator Dreads' Blue Splatter Vinyl. • Gatefold jacket (also includes production stills). • Custom illustrated cover. • New and Factory sealed. Track Listing: SIDE A FOX FANFARE (Arranged By – Elliot Goldenthal / Composed By – Alfred Newman) MAIN TITLE SOMETHING ELSE; CUT ‘EM DOWN; PAYBACK TIME THE TRUCK JUNGLE TREK SIDE B GIRL’S ESCAPE BLAINE’S DEATH WHAT HAPPENED? HE’S MY FRIEND WE’RE GONNA DIE BUILDING THE TRAP THE WAITING SIDE C 1. THE TRASHMEN/ THE AGENCY 2. MAIN TITLE 3. THE HELICOPTER ARRIVES 4. RUN TO THE SHED AND CHASE 5. MATRIX CAPTURED/JENNY TIED UP 6. INTO THE PLANE SIDE D PREDATOR INJURED HAND TO HAND COMBAT PREDATOR’S DEATH THE AFTERMATH; THE PICK-UP AND END CREDITS ESTADO - CONDITION: Vinilo / Vinyl: M Cubierta / Cover: SS (Precintado /Factory Sealed)
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Zamora (Zamora)
28 SWINGING HITS.DOBLE.1975.ORIGINAL. 28 SWINGING HITS.DOBLE.1975.ORIGINAL. Original Hits-Original Versions (1975) 2LP Side A A1. Pop Tops - Mamy Blue - 3:45 A2. Shocking Blue - Inkpot - 2:37 A3. Oscar Harris & The Twinkle Stars - Try A Little Love - 3:15 A4. Aquaviva - Poetas Andaluces - 3:42 A5. Big Secret - Samson And Delilah - 2:54 A6. Mike Kennedy - Black Is Black - 2:51 A7. Majority One - Because I Love - 2:20 Side B B1. Revolution System - Popcorn - 2:33 B2. Stone & Eric Charden - L´avventura - 2:45 B3. Paul Da Vinci - If You Get Hurt - 3:32 B4. Paco Paco - Taka Takata - 2:30 B5. Oscar Harris & The Twinkle Stars - Soldiers Prayer - 4:15 B6. Duo Acropolis - Zorba´s Dance - 3:50 B7. Jane Birkin & Serge Gainsbourg - Je T´aime Moi Non Plus - 4:15 Side C C1. Mocedades - Eres Tu - 2:40 C2. Shocking Blue - Never Marry A Railroad Man - 3:02 C3. Johnny Nash - Cupid - 2:47 C4. Paul Da Vinci - Your Baby Ain´t Your Baby Anymore - 3:20 C5. The Merrymen - Big Bamboo - 3:15 C6. Donna Hightower - This World Is A Mess - 2:48 C7. Samantha Jones - My Way - 4:06 Side D D1. Shocking Blue - Venus - 3:00 D2. Flowerpot Men - Let´s Go To San Francisco - 3:30 D3. Apolli 100 - Besame Mucho - 3:35 D4. Kincade - Dreams Are Ten A Penny - 2:37 D5. Righteous Brothers - Unchained Melody - 3:28 D6. David McWilliams - Days Of Pearly Spencer - 2:25 D7. Dalida - Gigi L´Amoroso - 6:59 Release: 1975 En una cara tiene una marca no afecta al sonido.
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Barcelona (Barcelona)
Morton Gould - WindJammer (Banda Sonora Original de la Pelicula) - Columbia CL 1158 - Raro Morton Gould - WindJammer (Banda Sonora Original de la Pelicula) - Columbia CL 1158 - Raro Morton Gould - WindJammer (Banda Sonora Original de la Pelicula) - Columbia CL 1158 - Raro y Único Edicion USA / Usa Release Orquesta Cinemiracle Symphony dirigida por Jack Shaindlin Musica compuesta por Morton Gould 1. Overture (03:31) 2. Windjammer (The Ship) (03:08) 3. Life on the ocean waves (01:15) 4. The sea is green (02:54) 5. Madeira (02:08) 6. Music of Porto Santo (01:47) 7. Everybody loves saturday night (01:37) 8. Catalan Melody (Song of the birds) (02:45) 9. Night watch (02:13) 10. Kari waits for me (02:12) 11. Marianne (01:19) 12. Everybody loves saturday night (02:40) 13. Sugar Cane (01:25) 14. Don't hurry worry me (02:11) 15. The happy wanderer (02:22) 16. The crew (Hornpipe) (01:13) 17. Village of New York (02:03) 18. New York - and reprise Main Theme (02:32) Impresionante caratula doble abierta en carton con foto panoramica del barco protagonista de la pelicula el S/S Christian Radich Una joya del pasado, con una curiosa colaboracion musical, la de Pau Casals (Pablo Casals) el famoso cellista catalan, la pieza 8 es una version para esta pelicula del conocidisimo Cant dels Ocells de Pau Casals (Song of the Birds). Que hace algo asi en un disco como este? buena pregunta! Filmado en Cinemiracle y dirigida por Louis de Rochemont
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Barcelona (Barcelona)
The Byrds – Two Tea For Two CD original 1991 Great Dane Records The Byrds – Two Tea For Two CD original 1991 Great Dane Records THE BYRDS Two Tea For Two CD, original del año 1991 en el label "Great Dane Records" Recorded at the Boston Tea Party February 22, 1969. 1 You Ain't Going Nowhere Written-By – Dylan*2:59 2 He Was A Friend Of Mine Arranged By – McGuinn* Written-By [Uncredited] – Traditional 3:24 3 Old Blue Trad. Arranged By – McGuinn*Written-By – Traditional 3:30 4 Long Black Veil Arranged By – McGuinn* Written-By [Uncredited] – Danny Dill, Marijohn Wilkin 3:24 5 Goin' Back Written-By – Goffin / King* 3:47 6 Get Out Of My Life, Woman Written-By – Allen Toussaint 3:20 7 The Ballad Of Easy Rider Written-By – McGuinn* 2:46 8 Jesus Is Just Alright Written-By – A. Reynolds* 3:41 9 Tulsa Country Written-By – P. Polland* 3:25 10 Mr. Spaceman Written-By – McGuinn* 3:21 11 Sing Me Back Home Written-By – Haggard* 3:13 12 This Wheel's On Fire Written-By – Dylan*, Danko* 4:41 13 Lay Lady Lay Written-By – Dylan* 3:17 14 Time Between Written-By – Hillman* 2:15 15 Take A City Bride Written-By – McGuinn* 2:16 16 It's All Over Now Baby Blue Written-By – Dylan* 4:02 17 Come Back Baby Número de Catálogo: GDR CD 9112 Estado: Excelente
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Madrid (Madrid)
JETHRO TULL: ORIGINAL ALBUM SERIES - 5 CDs BOX SET - VOLUME TWO *IMPECABLE COMO NUEVO* JETHRO TULL: ORIGINAL ALBUM SERIES - 5 CDs BOX SET - VOLUME TWO *IMPECABLE COMO NUEVO* Estuche con 5 Cds Jethro Tull – Original Album Series Volume 2 (5 CDs) Track Listing/Description CD 1 – Under Wraps 1. Lap Of Luxury (2005 Remastered Version) 2. Under Wraps #1 (2005 Remastered Version) 3. European Legacy (2005 Remastered Version) 4. Later That Same Evening (2005 Remastered Version) 5. Saboteur (2005 Remastered Version) 6. Radio Free Moscow (2005 Remastered Version) 7. Nobody's Car (2005 Remastered Version) 8. Heat (2005 Remastered Version) 9. Under Wraps #2 (2005 Remastered Version) 10. Paparazzi (2005 Remastered Version) 11. Apogee (2005 Remastered Version) CD 2 – Crest Of A Wave 1. Steel Monkey 2. Farm On The Freeway 3. Jump Start 4. She Said She Was A Dancer 5. Budapest 6. Mountain Men 7. Raising Steam CD 3 – Rock Island 1. Kissing Willie 2. The Rattlesnake Trail 3. Ears Of Tin 4. Undressed To Kill 5. Rock Island 6. Heavy Water 7. Another Christmas Song 8. 'The Whaler's Dues' 9. Big Riff And Mando 10. Strange Avenues CD 4 – Catfish Rising 1. This Is Not Love 2. Occasional Demons 3. Roll Yer Own 4. Rocks On The Road 5. Sparrow On The Schoolyard Wall 6. Thinking Round Corners 7. Still Loving You Tonight 8. Doctor To My Disease 9. Like A Tall Thin Girl 10. White Innocence 11. Sleeping With The Dog 12. Gold Tipped Boots, Black Jacket And Tie 13. When Jesus Came To Play CD 5 – Roots To Branches 1. Roots To Branches 2. Rare And Precious Chain 3. Out Of The Noise 4. This Free Will 5. Valley 6. Dangerous Veils 7. Beside Myself 8. Wounded Old And Treacherous 9. At Last Forever 10. Stuck In The August Rain 11. Another Harry's Bar IMPECABLE COMO NUEVO Gastos de envio Certificado para este articulo: 5 Euros compres la cantidad de CDs que compres POR FAVOR, si algo no le convence NO COMPRE
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Madrid (Madrid)
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Barcelona (Barcelona)
RIVER CITY PEOPLE - THIS IS THE WORLD - VINILO ORIGINAL 1991 PRIMEA EDICION EMI RIVER CITY PEOPLE - THIS IS THE WORLD - VINILO ORIGINAL 1991 PRIMEA EDICION EMI River City People fue un grupo de folk-rock de vida y éxito efímeros. Con sus dos estupendos albumes, sonaron bastante en las emisoras del Reino Unido y otros países (España, entre ellos), y llegaron a actuar en varias ciudades europeas. Pero lo que condenó a la banda de Liverpool fue, probablemente, que llegaron tarde a la fiesta. La segunda mitad de los 80 fue un momento dulce para el pop-rock inglés e irlandés, que consolidó a grupos como U2, Simple Minds, Dire Straits o Simply Red. Pero los RCP se subieron al carro en 1989, cuando el movimiento languidecía, y a pocos meses de la explosión, al otro lado del Atlántico, del fenómeno grunge. La banda aguantó como pudo el desinterés por el folk-rock, y aunque llegó a lanzar en 1991 un segundo gran LP, acabó deshaciéndose pocos meses después. El primer disco es una maravilla y este THIS IS THE WORLD esta muy bien. Tracklist: 01. River City People - Standing In The Need Of Love [3:30] 02. River City People - Special Way [3:14] 03. River City People - Act Like A Child [3:46] 04. River City People - Hurt You [3:57] 05. River City People - Driver [3:24] 06. River City People - Move A Mountain [4:41] 07. River City People - Mile High Cafe [4:31] 08. River City People - True Stories From The Revolution [3:42] 09. River City People - The Sea [3:40] 10. River City People - High Tide [3:28] 11. River City People - This Is The World [4:57] River City People were a folk rock quartet formed in Liverpool, England in 1986, by vocalist Siobhan Maher, guitarist Tim Speed, his drummer brother Paul Speed, and bassist Dave Snell. Siobhan, Tim and Dave had both been with Liverpool Band "Peep Show" until summer 1987 - at one point both bands co-existed. The group appeared on Channel 4's The Chart Show and soon afterward signed with EMI, releasing their debut single "(What's Wrong With) Dreaming?" in mid 1989. Their album Say Something Good followed a few months later, recorded in Los Angeles and produced by legendary producer Don Gehman. In the summer of 1990, the band scored their biggest hit with a cover of The Mamas & the Papas' "California Dreamin'". This was a double A-side with "Carry the Blame". " This is the World " followed in late 1991, but the group disbanded shortly after. Maher then teamed with ex-Bangle Debbi Peterson in the duo Kindred Spirit, releasing a self-titled 1995 album on Capitol Records. She released a solo album in 2002 called Immigrant Flower.
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Barcelona (Barcelona)
BAUHAUS - THE SINGLES 1981 - 1983 - VINILO ORIGINAL PRIMERA EDICION BEGGARS BANQUET UK 1983 BAUHAUS - THE SINGLES 1981 - 1983 - VINILO ORIGINAL PRIMERA EDICION BEGGARS BANQUET UK 1983 Bauhaus fue una banda de rock británica (formada en Northampton en 1978) que fue popular en los 80. La banda tomó su nombre de la escuela de diseño alemana Bauhaus creada durante la segunda década del siglo XX, aunque en un principio se llamaron Bauhaus 1919, perdiendo la última parte antes del primer año. A pesar de que había bandas precursoras del estilo gótico, muchos consideran a Bauhaus la primera banda gótica. Bauhaus combinaban un gran número de influencias punk y glam rock. Su sonido influyó, inspiró y llamó la atención sobre un conjunto de grupos post-punk generando el estilo intenso y triste que acabó siendo el rock gótico. Su disco sencillo debut, "Bela Lugosi's Dead", se publicó en agosto de 1979. Es una canción de 9 minutos de duración y grabada en directo en el estudio de una sola toma, que no entró en las listas de éxitos británicas, pero se siguió vendiendo durante muchos años. Sin duda su trabajo más famoso, es un trabajo minimalista, una mezcla libre de The Doors, los Pink Floyd del inicio y algunas bandas de Krautrock experimental como Can y Neu!. La canción fue la banda sonora de la película "The Hunger" de Tony Scott del año 1983. En 1980 grabaron su primer L.P. "In The Flat Field", un álbum claustrofóbico y denso, que seguía los derroteros marcados por su single de debut y que los situó entre los abanderados del movimiento gótico/siniestro junto a bandas como Siouxsie & The Banshees, The Cure o Joy Division. Con su segundo L.P. "Mask" editado en 1981 y una sucesión de singles de éxitos, la banda logró consolidarse en el mercado europeo y subir alto en las listas con una versión del tema " Ziggy Stardust " de David Bowie. The Singles 1981–1983 is a greatest hits mini-album by English post-punk band Bauhaus. It was released in 1983 by record label Beggars Banquet. All songs written and composed by Bauhaus (Daniel Ash, Kevin Haskins, David J and Peter Murphy), except "Ziggy Stardust", written by David Bowie. Tracks: The Passion Of Lovers 3:54 Kick In The Eye 3:31 Spirit 3:37 Ziggy Stardust 3:12 Lagartija Nick 3:05 She's In Parties 3:54
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![Jethro tull: under wraps [esp 1984] lp Jethro tull: under wraps [esp 1984] lp](/static/img/caticons/musica.png)
Girona (Girona)
JETHRO TULL: UNDER WRAPS [ESP 1984] LP JETHRO TULL: UNDER WRAPS [ESP 1984] LP (Chrysalis) 1984 made in Spain cat. num. CDL 1461 #rock #progressive rock #folk rock A1 Lap Of Luxury A2 Under Wraps #1 A3 European Legacy A4 Later, That Same Evening A5 Saboteur A6 Radio Free Moscow B1 Nobody's Car B2 Heat B3 Under Wraps #2 B4 Paparazzi B5 Apogee Ian Anderson 's Walk into Light (1983) was an uncharacteristic venture into the world of drum machines and synthesizers, and was partly a collaboration with keyboardist Peter-John Vettese. The next year the two cut the similar-sounding Under Wraps using the Jethro Tull banner. Most of the work, including drum programming, was done by Anderson in his home studio before guitar and (scant) bass guitar were added. The group members were excited about their latest sounds, which brought a cold edginess to the usual intricate music (the acoustic "Under Wraps No. 2" being one exception). Lyrically, Anderson was letting go of his Olde English façade; here he showed his fascination with Cold War-era espionage. While the British audiences didn't mind the changes, U.S. buyers pretty much hated the album. Compared to the U.S. number 19 position of 1982's The Broadsword and the Beast, Under Wraps never got past number 76. (Crest of a Knave, three years later, shot up to number 33.) The original release had 11 tracks, with "Astronomy," "Tundra," "Automotive Engineering," and "General Crossing" appearing as B-sides and bonus tracks around the world. Now the standard release carries all 15 tracks.
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Girona (Girona)
Grand Funk – Phoenix -LP- Grand Funk – Phoenix -LP- More images Grand Funk * – Phoenix Label: Capitol Records – 1 C 038-81 269, EMI Electrola GmbH – 1 C 038-81 269 Format: Vinyl, LP, Album, Reissue, Stereo, Black Title on front Country: Germany Released: 1980 Genre: Rock Style: Rock & Roll, Hard Rock Tracklist A1 Flight Of The Phoenix 3:36 A2 Trying To Get Away 3:10 A3 Someone 5:03 A4 She Got To Move Me 4:47 A5 Rain Keeps Fallin' 3:26 B1 I Just Gotta Know 3:48 B2 So You Won't Have To Die 3:17 B3 Freedom Is For Children 6:00 B4 Gotta Find Me A Better Day 4:04 B5 Rock 'N Roll Soul 3:29 Companies, etc. Recorded At – The Sound Shop Mixed At – Quadraphonic Sound Studios Mastered At – Sterling Sound Credits Bass – Mel Schacher Composed By – Mark Farner Design Concept – Pacific Eye & Ear Engineer – Gene Eichelberger Fiddle – Doug Kershaw Illustration – Joe Garnett Organ, Clavinet, Harpsichord, Piano – Craig Frost Photography – Lorrie Sullivan Producer – Grand Funk * Vocals, Drums, Congas, Percussion – Don Brewer Vocals, Guitar, Harmonica, Organ – Mark Farner Notes Same as Phoenix but with "PHOENIX" title in black on front cover. Same as Phoenix but with different labels. White sticker information on back sleeve: Original release date September 1972. Original label: Capitol Original number: 1C 062-81 269 On labels: Ⓟ1972 (1-5) Ⓟ1980 Capitol Rec. Inc. Grand Funk on front sleeve and inside gatefold. Grand Funk Railroad on sleeve spine & labels. The duration of the tracks are from the labels. The duration indicated on the inside of the gatefold are slightly different. Inside gatefold: Ⓒ1972 by Cram Renfraff Co. (BMI) EMI Electrola GmbH Köln. Printed in Germany by 4P Nikolaus GmbH, Köln. Barcode and Other Identifiers Rights Society (boxed): GEMA Matrix / Runout (Stamped on Seite 1): 81269-A2 Matrix / Runout (Stamped on Seite 2): 81269-B2 Label Code: LC 0148
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