Pack switch dock set
Listado top ventas pack switch dock set

España (Todas las ciudades)
Ya te puedes hacer con el Dock Set de Nintendo, que incluye base para Nintendo Switch, fuente de alimentación y un cable HDMI.De la TV al ordenador portátilLa base para Nintendo Switch te permitirá pasar de forma fácil y rápida del modo televisor al modo portátil y continuar la partida sin interrupciones, a la vez que la cargas.Conexión vía HDMIEl Dock Set para Nintendo Switch incluye un cable HDMI, así como otros puertos USB donde conectar otros accesorios y mejorar tu experiencia.
45 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Conecta tu consola a tu televisor con el Switch Dock Set para Nintendo Switch. Gracias a este pack dispondrás de todo lo necesario para conectar la consola Switch y pasar tu juego a la pantalla de tu televisor. Nintendo Switch te ofrece una consola doméstica que va siempre contigo. En casa, Nintendo Switch descansa sobre una base que conecta la consola con el televisor para que juegues con todos tus amigos y familiares. Con sólo retirar la consola Nintendo Switch de su base, pasará automáticamente a modo portátil y el juego que disfrutabas te acompañará a donde quiera que vayas en su pantalla multitáctil capacitiva de 6.2 pulgadas.
50 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Ya te puedes hacer con el Dock Set de Nintendo, que incluye base para Nintendo Switch y fuente de alimentación.De la TV al ordenador portátilLa base para Nintendo Switch te permitirá pasar de forma fácil y rápida del modo televisor al modo portátil y continuar la partida sin interrupciones, a la vez que la cargas.Conexión vía HDMIEl Dock Set para Nintendo Switch
45 €
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Barcelona (Barcelona)
Set de Chapas Breath Of The Wild (Z Emblem) - La Leyenda de Zelda Set de Chapas Breath Of The Wild (Z Emblem) - La Leyenda de Zelda Pack de 5 chapas del videojuego de acción-aventura de 2017 de la serie The Legend of Zelda, desarrollado por la filial Nintendo EPD en colaboración con Monolith Soft y publicado por Nintendo para las consolas Wii U y Nintendo Switch. Cada paquete incluye 1 chapa grande de 38 mm y 4 pequeñas de 25 mm. CARACTERISTICAS MARCA: PYRAMID INTERNATIONAL.
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Barcelona (Barcelona)
Set de Chapas Insignia - La Leyenda de Zelda Set de Chapas Insignia - La Leyenda de Zelda Pack de 5 chapas del videojuego de acción-aventura de 2017 de la serie The Legend of Zelda, desarrollado por la filial Nintendo EPD en colaboración con Monolith Soft y publicado por Nintendo para las consolas Wii U y Nintendo Switch. Cada paquete incluye 1 chapa grande de 38 mm y 4 pequeñas de 25 mm. CARACTERISTICAS MARCA: PYRAMID INTERNATIONAL.
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Descripción del producto Pack de accesorios que incluye una base para Nintendo Switch, una fuente de alimentación y un cable HDMI. Contenido de la caja Consola Cable cargador Cable HDMI
8.495 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Producto licenciado para Switch™ y Switch™ OLED. • Estuche de Sistema Deluxe para consola: Guarda y protege los sistemas Switch™, separador acolchado con soporte vertical para consola, y con compartimiento superior para consola, e inferior para el adaptador AC, el cable HDMI® y con separador para el dock (o el mando Pro o el Grip para Joy-Con™). • 2x Fundas para Juegos: para guardar 4 juegos cada una. • 2x Fundas para microSD: para guardar 2 tarjetas microSD cada una y caben en las fundas para juegos. • NO COMPATIBLE con SWITCH™ Lite. *Consola, mandos, juegos y accesorios adicionales no incluidos.
2.595 €
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JOGO ORIGINAL EM INGLÊS: The first Mega Deck Set in the Digimon Card Game themed around the fan favorite Beelzemon!All cards are silver foil, and the deck is more powerful than the regular starter deck set, so even beginners can play with a strong deck right away! In addition, there is a lucky deck that contains special-edition cards a must have item also for collectors! ? This time there will be a special pre-release! - Register from 14.09.2022 to 07.10.2022 within TCG+!Special edition cards for tournament participants and a special card with the winner foil-stamp design! ? Special ADVANCED DECK SET event.This is a special event that is limited to purple color decks! Experience a unique and fun event like never before! ? ADVANCED DECK SET tutorial page available on the official website!So even players that never participated in tournaments before can join and enjoy the event! ? Pre-release pack containing all 12 cards from ST14, plus a special card with a BEELZEMON CUP foil stamp! ? For those who were unable to attend, the same prize card will be included in the April Store Tournament kit!*The prize card in the Tournament kit will not have the BEELZEMON CUP foil stamp on it. ·Pre-Constructed Deck ×1 ?(54 cards)?·Switch cards ×6?·Sleeves ×60?·Memory Gauge ×2?
33,59 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Te presentamos Raiden IV, el popular juego de arcade y consola de disparos, que ahora debuta en Nintendo Switch con música de fondo remezclada por una excelente alineación de artistas producidos por GAME CENTER MIKADO. Hazte con él en GAME. ¡Infunde miedo en tus enemigos con ataques devastadores y gana el aclamado título de As! Características: Admite 1-2 jugadores (sin conexión) Nueva música de fondo remezclada producida por GAME CENTER MIKADO Cambiar entre el set de música "Mikado Remix" y el set de música "Original" Un pack completo de modos de juego que incluyen modo arcade, modo overkill y más Admite juego de pantalla vertical para recrear la experiencia de arcade completa Tabla de clasificación global para rastrear los mejores ases del mundo Una nueva versión de Raiden IV x MIKADO para Nintendo Switch que incluye lo mejor de los clásicos de la serie, con música y modos de juego nuevos, entre otros.Disfruta del juego cargado de acción que cambió la historia de los juegos de disparos de las recreativas tal y como los conocemos.Ábrete paso a disparos en los nuevos modos Arcade y Exceso mientras escuchas las 16 pistas nostálgicas producidas por GAME CENTRE MIKADO. ¡Incluyen artistas famosos!
39,95 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
ADHD DIGITAL PLANNER FOR GOODNOTES, NOTABILITY AND OTHER PDF ANNOTATION APPS. ???? MONOCHROME - ideal for low stimulation ???? This digital ADHD planner is NOT just another digital planner with 'ADHD' slapped on the title. It's a framework designed by an ADHD brain (mine!) especially for you and your neurodivergent brain. I thought I was terrible at planning until I realized that most planners aren’t designed for my brain. They’re designed for neurotypical brains. So I made this planner with one key goal in mind: MAKE A PLANNER THAT SOMEONE WITH ADHD CAN ACTUALLY STICK TO. Naturally, I did what every ADHDer does... dived down a massive rabbit hole of research! Then I got to work creating a planner based on the latest neuroscience and behavioral psychology. In every section of this adult ADHD planner, you can read the scientific reasoning, research and how our templates directly support and empower your creative, fast-brained ADHD mind. ???? COMPATIBILITY ???? Apps I recommend: - iOS: Goodnotes, Notability, Noteful - Android: Flexcil, Noteshelf - Best experience with stylus or Apple Pencil - If you are not sure, check your app has read-only and annotation functions - We recommend GoodNotes 5 as the best free option - Not compatible with OneNote or Kindle Fire (???????? Not techy? No probs! If you have never used a digital planner before, ME TOO! Until recently, when I made this digital planner, and now I'm hooked. It's literally the best thing everrr! I made a Setup Wizard to walk you through importing to your device, plus a Quick Start Guide inside the planner!) ————————————————————— UNIQUE TEMPLATES FOR YOUR ADHD BRAIN ⤵️ I came up with unique templates to UN-FREEZE our analysis paralysis and doom spirals, and move into healthier habits that create *real results* and help us achieve our biggest goals. ✔ This ADHD digital planner is different to the other planners you’ll find on the internet. It includes unique visual tools I invented based on research... like the Hyperfocus Lotus, Div/Con planning and Symmetry Stress-relief. These methods sound weird, but they actually work! —————————————————————— ???? WHAT IS THE SCIENTIFIC BASIS? ???? There is so much to explore when you begin researching ADHD science, but I have focused on the research that relates most pressingly to productivity and routine. The templates and the supporting information inside are based on the work of several significant contributors to ADHD research… Dr Russell Barkley, particularly his comments on the nature of attentional differentiation being linked to shifts in interest and motivation; Dr Edward Hallowell & Dr John Ratey, and particularly their work on negative self perception links to self-efficacy, and overabundance (not limitation) of attention; and Tamara Rosier and her work on divergent and convergent thinking habits in ADHD brains and 'light switch' emotional responses to tasks which influences our executive functioning ability. The planner includes 6 pages where I cover this research and link it to areas like ADHD & time perception, Divergent & Convergent thinking, ADHD & motivation, Why ADHD Minds Wander, ADHD & exercise and ADHD Hyperfocus. -—————————————————————— OTHER ITEMS YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED IN: ???? Printable ADHD planners: ???? Rainbow version of this digital planner: -—————————————————————— You will receive: - 180 page PDF digital planner file - Digital stickers (png format with installation guide) - 10 min walk through video - Bonus printable coloring cards - Installation guide - Quick start guide (built into planner) —————————————————————— INCLUDED IN THIS 180-PAGE PLANNER FILE ⌂ Quick start guide built in (to get you on your way without overwhelm) ⌂ Video tutorial ???? COVERS ???? ⌂ 14 beautiful cover options (pick your fave or rotate for novelty) ???? Calendars ???? ⌂ 2023 dated planners (Sun or Mon start) ⌂ Undated calendar ⌂ Lifetime access to all future annual editions of the planner ???? Organizing, prioritizing and productivity ???? ⌂ Daily planner (in multiple layouts, ADHD specific) ⌂ Weekly planner (undated) ⌂ Monthly overview + Jan-Dec calendars (undated) ⌂ ‘Do it with dopamine’ (multiple formats - reward-based templates for completing boring tasks) ⌂ Get sh*t done to do list with reward sections (weekdays & weekends) ⌂ Div/Con planning - to help you move from brainstorm ideation to logical action ⌂ Real-world priorities template (based on the Eisenhower Matrix) ???? Remember Stuff - tracking tools ???? ⌂ New friend names - tracker (so you never awkwardly forget someone’s name again) ⌂ D&Ms with friends - tracker ⌂ #ADHDtax (yes it’s a thing) - tracker ⌂ Hyper-focus list to store all the information you deep-dive into ⌂ Parcel arrival - tracker (so you don’t forget those 5 widgets you ordered ????) ⌂ 24 hr cart list (designed to reduce impulsive online shopping ????) ⌂ Podcasts I need to finish - tracker ⌂ Books I started - tracker ⌂ Assignment due date - tracker ⌂ Passwords - tracker ???? Projects Notebook Stack ???? ⌂ 5 blank notebooks for you to keep track of your creative ideas ???? Healthy Habit Setting ???? I get it. Habits and goals feel weird and hard. My planner includes guided tips and suggestions the whole way through - and this section is no exception… filled with practical breakdowns and actionable steps, based on the latest behavioural science. ✔️ ⌂ The self-care assessment wheel ⌂ Habit visualisation and habit tracking (including my unique journey mode!) ⌂ Habit evaluation step by step ⌂ Daily habit checkboxes on daily/weekly layouts ⌂ Limiting belief reframing ???? Self care ???? These trackers all link to the goals you’ve set in the previous section. ⌂ Mood tracker ⌂ Self-care routine ⌂ Sleep tracker ⌂ Screen time tracker ⌂ Fitness tracker ⌂ Blank tracker ⌂ Notes for/from therapy ⌂ ADHD coaching session notes ⌂ Medication & appointment trackers ???? Domestic domination ???? ⌂ Digital de-clutter guide ⌂ Home declutter guide ⌂ Meal planner (two variations) ⌂ Categorized Grocery list ⌂ Plant health tracker (???? > ????) ⌂ Pet feeding tracker ???????? ???? Unique Focus Tools ???? ** Unique visual tools I invented (based on the neuroscience) to specifically help ADHD brains: ⌂ The Hyper-focus Lotus (to playfully remind you to eat, take breaks, use the bathroom and drink water during periods of hyperfocus) ⌂ Productivity Power Petals ⌂ Phone call focus pages (so you can pay attention to your friend’s vent session instead of tuning out) ???? Unwind Un-mind ???? ⌂ Don’t Think, Just Do page for when you are in analysis paralysis. Self care first, then decide. ❤️ ⌂ Wind-down strategies & tracker ⌂ Fave playlists to help you unwind and relax, categorized ⌂ ‘Color to Calm’ pages (to pull your ADHD brain out of divergent ‘pinging thoughts’ mode and move into logical convergent thinking) ⌂ Symmetry Stress-relief pages ✨ BONUS 1: 140 Digital Sticker Pack ✨ BONUS 2: Printable ‘Color to Calm’ and 'Symmetry Stress-relief' handy carry cards (so you can take them with you when you don't have your iPad ????) Once you’ve turned down the volume on the static inside your mind, you can get busy and kick some big goals. Because, of all the ADHD traits, is there anything as tiring as the constant static in the brain? The whir and buzz of a million thoughts zinging around like popcorn... ???? Help your brain. Get your digital ADHD planner today and start planning your successful, balanced life. ————————————————————— DIGITAL PLANNER DESIGN FOR YOUR ADHD BRAIN ⤵️ For the past 10 years I've been a graphic designer, copywriter and UX/UI website designer. When I looked at the digital planners for iPads on Etsy, I found my ADHD brain excited at first, then overwhelmed. There were SO many links and buttons in the documents (across the top and down the sides) that I gave up after only a few days. So I approached designing a digital planner with hyperlinked pages like I design websites... The navigation must be intuitive and simple. So I've designed this whole planner around two central menus, with home and back buttons on each page. Functionally, you can get to any template in 2-3 taps. And that simplicity helps us ADHDers stick with it! ???????? ————————————————————— WHAT MAKES THIS PLANNER ADHD FRIENDLY? ⤵️ This digital planner has many typical features, like daily planning spreads, habit trackers, meal planning and checklists, but features significant differences. Our ADHD brains start off energetically, but quickly get so overwhelmed by the sheer number of options in regular planners that we’ll give up two days in. Our brains need something different, so I tested and refined these templates so you have the absolute best tools, and the highest chance of consistency. The bottom line? Every single page and template inside this planner has been carefully and intentionally created to scaffold, support and guide you to a place of more mental clarity, and less chaos and white noise. Even the central menu design is simplified compared to other digital planners - we need less clutter and distraction. Sound amazing? It is. Get the ultimate tool to help you succeed! ————————————————————— DIGITAL DOWNLOAD: This is a digital planner, designed to be used with annotation apps on iPads and other tablet devices - so you will receive a digital file. No item/s will be shipped to you. You will get installation instructions as well as a user guide inside the planner. You should be able to use the planner 'as is', but can also duplicate pages as you need them for your personal use. —————————————————————— You will receive: - 180 page PDF digital planner file - Digital stickers (png format with installation guide) - 10 min walk through video - Bonus printable coloring cards - Seamless online setup experience - Quick start guide (built into planner) —————————————————————— ADHD Growth Mindset Life Planner Copyright © 2022 by Grace from FutureADHD. This planner is for PERSONAL use only and DOES NOT come with commercial licence to re-sell, re-distribute, alter or share. Individuals, businesses, therapists, health practitioners or wellness coaches wishing to use this resource with their clients/patients will need written permission. Email hello [!at] I have put WEEKS of work into the research and design for this planner. Please respect creators. ????♀️ Follow on TikTok and Insta @future.adhd and come say hiiii!
2.356 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
ADHD DIGITAL PLANNER FOR GOODNOTES, NOTABILITY AND OTHER PDF ANNOTATION APPS. ???? DARK MODE (the most requested color by far!) This digital ADHD planner is NOT just another digital planner with 'ADHD' slapped on the title. It's a framework designed by an ADHD brain (mine!) especially for you and your neurodivergent brain. I thought I was terrible at planning until I realized that most planners aren’t designed for my brain. They’re designed for neurotypical brains. So I made this planner with one key goal in mind: MAKE A PLANNER THAT SOMEONE WITH ADHD CAN ACTUALLY STICK TO. Naturally, I did what every ADHDer does... dived down a massive rabbit hole of research! Then I got to work creating a planner based on the latest neuroscience and behavioral psychology. In every section of this adult ADHD planner, you can read the scientific reasoning, research and how our templates directly support and empower your creative, fast-brained ADHD mind. ???? COMPATIBILITY ???? Apps I recommend: - iOS: Goodnotes, Notability, Noteful - Android: Flexcil, Noteshelf - Best experience with stylus or Apple Pencil - If you are not sure, check your app has read-only and annotation functions - We recommend GoodNotes 5 as the best free option - Not compatible with OneNote or Kindle Fire (???????? Not techy? No probs! If you have never used a digital planner before, ME TOO! Until recently, when I made this digital planner, and now I'm hooked. It's literally the best thing everrr! I made a Setup Wizard to walk you through importing to your device, plus a Quick Start Guide inside the planner!) ————————————————————— UNIQUE TEMPLATES FOR YOUR ADHD BRAIN ⤵️ I came up with unique templates to UN-FREEZE our analysis paralysis and doom spirals, and move into healthier habits that create *real results* and help us achieve our biggest goals. ✔ This ADHD digital planner is different to the other planners you’ll find on the internet. It's a shame-free, customizable layout that allows you add pages each day as needed, instead of staring at a bunch of pages you haven't used and feeling guilty. It includes unique visual tools I invented based on research... like the Hyperfocus Lotus, Div/Con planning and Symmetry Stress-relief. These methods sound weird, but they actually work! ???? WHAT IS THE SCIENTIFIC BASIS? ???? There is so much to explore when you begin researching ADHD science, but I have focused on the research that relates most pressingly to productivity and routine. The templates and the supporting information inside are based on the work of several significant contributors to ADHD research… Dr Russell Barkley, particularly his comments on the nature of attentional differentiation being linked to shifts in interest and motivation; Dr Edward Hallowell & Dr John Ratey, and particularly their work on negative self perception links to self-efficacy, and overabundance (not limitation) of attention; and Tamara Rosier and her work on divergent and convergent thinking habits in ADHD brains and 'light switch' emotional responses to tasks which influences our executive functioning ability. The planner includes 6 pages where I cover this research and link it to areas like ADHD & time perception, Divergent & Convergent thinking, ADHD & motivation, Why ADHD Minds Wander, ADHD & exercise and ADHD Hyperfocus. -—————————————————————— OTHER ITEMS YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED IN: ???? Printable ADHD planners: ???? Rainbow version of this digital planner: -—————————————————————— You will receive: - 180 page PDF digital planner file - Digital stickers (png format with installation guide) - 10 min walk through video - Bonus printable coloring cards - Installation guide - Quick start guide (built into planner) —————————————————————— INCLUDED IN THIS 180-PAGE PLANNER FILE ⌂ Quick start guide built in (to get you on your way without overwhelm) ⌂ Video tutorial ???? COVERS ???? ⌂ 14 beautiful cover options (pick your fave or rotate for novelty) ???? Calendars ???? ⌂ 2023 dated planners (Sun or Mon start) ⌂ Undated calendar ⌂ Lifetime access to all future annual editions of the planner ???? Organizing, prioritizing and productivity ???? ⌂ Daily planner (in multiple layouts, ADHD specific) ⌂ Weekly planner (undated) ⌂ Monthly overview + Jan-Dec calendars (undated) ⌂ ‘Do it with dopamine’ (multiple formats - reward-based templates for completing boring tasks) ⌂ Get sh*t done to do list with reward sections (weekdays & weekends) ⌂ Div/Con planning - to help you move from brainstorm ideation to logical action ⌂ Real-world priorities template (based on the Eisenhower Matrix) ???? Remember Stuff - tracking tools ???? ⌂ New friend names - tracker (so you never awkwardly forget someone’s name again) ⌂ D&Ms with friends - tracker ⌂ #ADHDtax (yes it’s a thing) - tracker ⌂ Hyper-focus list to store all the information you deep-dive into ⌂ Parcel arrival - tracker (so you don’t forget those 5 widgets you ordered ????) ⌂ 24 hr cart list (designed to reduce impulsive online shopping ????) ⌂ Podcasts I need to finish - tracker ⌂ Books I started - tracker ⌂ Assignment due date - tracker ⌂ Passwords - tracker ???? Projects Notebook Stack ???? ⌂ 5 blank notebooks for you to keep track of your creative ideas ???? Healthy Habit Setting ???? I get it. Habits and goals feel weird and hard. My planner includes guided tips and suggestions the whole way through - and this section is no exception… filled with practical breakdowns and actionable steps, based on the latest behavioural science. ✔️ ⌂ The self-care assessment wheel ⌂ Habit visualisation and habit tracking (including my unique journey mode!) ⌂ Habit evaluation step by step ⌂ Daily habit checkboxes on daily/weekly layouts ⌂ Limiting belief reframing ???? Self care ???? These trackers all link to the goals you’ve set in the previous section. ⌂ Mood tracker ⌂ Self-care routine ⌂ Sleep tracker ⌂ Screen time tracker ⌂ Fitness tracker ⌂ Blank tracker ⌂ Notes for/from therapy ⌂ ADHD coaching session notes ⌂ Medication & appointment trackers ???? Domestic domination ???? ⌂ Digital de-clutter guide ⌂ Home declutter guide ⌂ Meal planner (two variations) ⌂ Categorized Grocery list ⌂ Plant health tracker (???? > ????) ⌂ Pet feeding tracker ???????? ???? Unique Focus Tools ???? ** Unique visual tools I invented (based on the neuroscience) to specifically help ADHD brains: ⌂ The Hyper-focus Lotus (to playfully remind you to eat, take breaks, use the bathroom and drink water during periods of hyperfocus) ⌂ Productivity Power Petals ⌂ Phone call focus pages (so you can pay attention to your friend’s vent session instead of tuning out) ???? Unwind Un-mind ???? ⌂ Don’t Think, Just Do page for when you are in analysis paralysis. Self care first, then decide. ❤️ ⌂ Wind-down strategies & tracker ⌂ Fave playlists to help you unwind and relax, categorized ⌂ ‘Color to Calm’ pages (to pull your ADHD brain out of divergent ‘pinging thoughts’ mode and move into logical convergent thinking) ⌂ Symmetry Stress-relief pages ✨ BONUS 1: 140 Digital Sticker Pack ✨ BONUS 2: Printable ‘Color to Calm’ and 'Symmetry Stress-relief' handy carry cards (so you can take them with you when you don't have your iPad ????) Once you’ve turned down the volume on the static inside your mind, you can get busy and kick some big goals. Because, of all the ADHD traits, is there anything as tiring as the constant static in the brain? The whir and buzz of a million thoughts zinging around like popcorn... ???? Help your brain. Get your digital ADHD planner today and start planning your successful, balanced life. ————————————————————— DIGITAL PLANNER DESIGN FOR YOUR ADHD BRAIN ⤵️ For the past 10 years I've been a graphic designer, copywriter and UX/UI website designer. When I looked at the digital planners for iPads on Etsy, I found my ADHD brain excited at first, then overwhelmed. There were SO many links and buttons in the documents (across the top and down the sides) that I gave up after only a few days. So I approached designing a digital planner with hyperlinked pages like I design websites... The navigation must be intuitive and simple. So I've designed this whole planner around two central menus, with home and back buttons on each page. Functionally, you can get to any template in 2-3 taps. And that simplicity helps us ADHDers stick with it! ???????? ————————————————————— WHAT MAKES THIS PLANNER ADHD FRIENDLY? ⤵️ This digital planner has many typical features, like daily planning spreads, habit trackers, meal planning and checklists, but features significant differences. Our ADHD brains start off energetically, but quickly get so overwhelmed by the sheer number of options in regular planners that we’ll give up two days in. Our brains need something different, so I tested and refined these templates so you have the absolute best tools, and the highest chance of consistency. The bottom line? Every single page and template inside this planner has been carefully and intentionally created to scaffold, support and guide you to a place of more mental clarity, and less chaos and white noise. Even the central menu design is simplified compared to other digital planners - we need less clutter and distraction. Sound amazing? It is. Get the ultimate tool to help you succeed! ————————————————————— DIGITAL DOWNLOAD: This is a digital planner, designed to be used with annotation apps on iPads and other tablet devices - so you will receive a digital file. No item/s will be shipped to you. You will get installation instructions as well as a user guide inside the planner. You should be able to use the planner 'as is', but can also duplicate pages as you need them for your personal use. —————————————————————— You will receive: - 180 page PDF digital planner file - Digital stickers (png format with installation guide) - 10 min walk through video - Bonus printable coloring cards - Seamless online setup experience - Quick start guide (built into planner) —————————————————————— ADHD Growth Mindset Life Planner Copyright © 2022 by Grace from FutureADHD. This planner is for PERSONAL use only and DOES NOT come with commercial licence to re-sell, re-distribute, alter or share. Individuals, businesses, therapists, health practitioners or wellness coaches wishing to use this resource with their clients/patients will need written permission. Email hello [!at] I have put WEEKS of work into the research and design for this planner. Please respect creators. ????♀️ Follow on TikTok and Insta @future.adhd and come say hiiii!
1.554 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
ADHD DIGITAL PLANNER FOR GOODNOTES, NOTABILITY AND OTHER PDF ANNOTATION APPS. ???? EUCALYPTUS GREEN ???? for Australia's endangered koalas. ???? This digital ADHD planner is NOT just another digital planner with 'ADHD' slapped on the title. It's a framework designed by an ADHD brain (mine!) especially for you and your neurodivergent brain. I thought I was terrible at planning until I realized that most planners aren’t designed for my brain. They’re designed for neurotypical brains. So I made this planner with one key goal in mind: MAKE A PLANNER THAT SOMEONE WITH ADHD CAN ACTUALLY STICK TO. Naturally, I did what every ADHDer does... dived down a massive rabbit hole of research! Then I got to work creating a planner based on the latest neuroscience and behavioral psychology. In every section of this adult ADHD planner, you can read the scientific reasoning, research and how our templates directly support and empower your creative, fast-brained ADHD mind. ???? COMPATIBILITY ???? Apps I recommend: - iOS: Goodnotes, Notability, Noteful - Android: Flexcil, Noteshelf - Best experience with stylus or Apple Pencil - If you are not sure, check your app has read-only and annotation functions - We recommend GoodNotes 5 as the best free option - Not compatible with OneNote or Kindle Fire (???????? Not techy? No probs! If you have never used a digital planner before, ME TOO! Until recently, when I made this digital planner, and now I'm hooked. It's literally the best thing everrr! I made a Setup Wizard to walk you through importing to your device, plus a Quick Start Guide inside the planner!) ————————————————————— UNIQUE TEMPLATES FOR YOUR ADHD BRAIN ⤵️ I came up with unique templates to UN-FREEZE our analysis paralysis and doom spirals, and move into healthier habits that create *real results* and help us achieve our biggest goals. ✔ This ADHD digital planner is different to the other planners you’ll find on the internet. It's a shame-free, customizable layout that allows you add pages each day as needed, instead of staring at a bunch of pages you haven't used and feeling guilty. It includes unique visual tools I invented based on research... like the Hyperfocus Lotus, Div/Con planning and Symmetry Stress-relief. These methods sound weird, but they actually work! ————————————————————— ???? WHAT IS THE SCIENTIFIC BASIS? ???? There is so much to explore when you begin researching ADHD science, but I have focused on the research that relates most pressingly to productivity and routine. The templates and the supporting information inside are based on the work of several significant contributors to ADHD research… Dr Russell Barkley, particularly his comments on the nature of attentional differentiation being linked to shifts in interest and motivation; Dr Edward Hallowell & Dr John Ratey, and particularly their work on negative self perception links to self-efficacy, and overabundance (not limitation) of attention; and Tamara Rosier and her work on divergent and convergent thinking habits in ADHD brains and 'light switch' emotional responses to tasks which influences our executive functioning ability. The planner includes 6 pages where I cover this research and link it to areas like ADHD & time perception, Divergent & Convergent thinking, ADHD & motivation, Why ADHD Minds Wander, ADHD & exercise and ADHD Hyperfocus. -—————————————————————— OTHER ITEMS YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED IN: ???? Printable ADHD planners: ???? Rainbow version of this digital planner: -—————————————————————— You will receive: - 180 page PDF digital planner file - Digital stickers (png format with installation guide) - 10 min walk through video - Bonus printable coloring cards - Installation guide - Quick start guide (built into planner) —————————————————————— INCLUDED IN THIS 180-PAGE PLANNER FILE ⌂ Quick start guide built in (to get you on your way without overwhelm) ⌂ Video tutorial ???? COVERS ???? ⌂ 14 beautiful cover options (pick your fave or rotate for novelty) ???? Calendars ???? ⌂ 2023 dated planners (Sun or Mon start) ⌂ Undated calendar ⌂ Lifetime access to all future annual editions of the planner ???? Organizing, prioritizing and productivity ???? ⌂ Daily planner (in multiple layouts, ADHD specific) ⌂ Weekly planner (undated) ⌂ Monthly overview + Jan-Dec calendars (undated) ⌂ ‘Do it with dopamine’ (multiple formats - reward-based templates for completing boring tasks) ⌂ Get sh*t done to do list with reward sections (weekdays & weekends) ⌂ Div/Con planning - to help you move from brainstorm ideation to logical action ⌂ Real-world priorities template (based on the Eisenhower Matrix) ???? Remember Stuff - tracking tools ???? ⌂ New friend names - tracker (so you never awkwardly forget someone’s name again) ⌂ D&Ms with friends - tracker ⌂ #ADHDtax (yes it’s a thing) - tracker ⌂ Hyper-focus list to store all the information you deep-dive into ⌂ Parcel arrival - tracker (so you don’t forget those 5 widgets you ordered ????) ⌂ 24 hr cart list (designed to reduce impulsive online shopping ????) ⌂ Podcasts I need to finish - tracker ⌂ Books I started - tracker ⌂ Assignment due date - tracker ⌂ Passwords - tracker ???? Projects Notebook Stack ???? ⌂ 5 blank notebooks for you to keep track of your creative ideas ???? Healthy Habit Setting ???? I get it. Habits and goals feel weird and hard. My planner includes guided tips and suggestions the whole way through - and this section is no exception… filled with practical breakdowns and actionable steps, based on the latest behavioural science. ✔️ ⌂ The self-care assessment wheel ⌂ Habit visualisation and habit tracking (including my unique journey mode!) ⌂ Habit evaluation step by step ⌂ Daily habit checkboxes on daily/weekly layouts ⌂ Limiting belief reframing ???? Self care ???? These trackers all link to the goals you’ve set in the previous section. ⌂ Mood tracker ⌂ Self-care routine ⌂ Sleep tracker ⌂ Screen time tracker ⌂ Fitness tracker ⌂ Blank tracker ⌂ Notes for/from therapy ⌂ ADHD coaching session notes ⌂ Medication & appointment trackers ???? Domestic domination ???? ⌂ Digital de-clutter guide ⌂ Home declutter guide ⌂ Meal planner (two variations) ⌂ Categorized Grocery list ⌂ Plant health tracker (???? > ????) ⌂ Pet feeding tracker ???????? ???? Unique Focus Tools ???? ** Unique visual tools I invented (based on the neuroscience) to specifically help ADHD brains: ⌂ The Hyper-focus Lotus (to playfully remind you to eat, take breaks, use the bathroom and drink water during periods of hyperfocus) ⌂ Productivity Power Petals ⌂ Phone call focus pages (so you can pay attention to your friend’s vent session instead of tuning out) ???? Unwind Un-mind ???? ⌂ Don’t Think, Just Do page for when you are in analysis paralysis. Self care first, then decide. ❤️ ⌂ Wind-down strategies & tracker ⌂ Fave playlists to help you unwind and relax, categorized ⌂ ‘Color to Calm’ pages (to pull your ADHD brain out of divergent ‘pinging thoughts’ mode and move into logical convergent thinking) ⌂ Symmetry Stress-relief pages ✨ BONUS 1: 140 Digital Sticker Pack ✨ BONUS 2: Printable ‘Color to Calm’ and 'Symmetry Stress-relief' handy carry cards (so you can take them with you when you don't have your iPad ????) Once you’ve turned down the volume on the static inside your mind, you can get busy and kick some big goals. Because, of all the ADHD traits, is there anything as tiring as the constant static in the brain? The whir and buzz of a million thoughts zinging around like popcorn... ???? Help your brain. Get your digital ADHD planner today and start planning your successful, balanced life. ————————————————————— DIGITAL PLANNER DESIGN FOR YOUR ADHD BRAIN ⤵️ For the past 10 years I've been a graphic designer, copywriter and UX/UI website designer. When I looked at the digital planners for iPads on Etsy, I found my ADHD brain excited at first, then overwhelmed. There were SO many links and buttons in the documents (across the top and down the sides) that I gave up after only a few days. So I approached designing a digital planner with hyperlinked pages like I design websites... The navigation must be intuitive and simple. So I've designed this whole planner around two central menus, with home and back buttons on each page. Functionally, you can get to any template in 2-3 taps. And that simplicity helps us ADHDers stick with it! ???????? ————————————————————— WHAT MAKES THIS PLANNER ADHD FRIENDLY? ⤵️ This digital planner has many typical features, like daily planning spreads, habit trackers, meal planning and checklists, but features significant differences. Our ADHD brains start off energetically, but quickly get so overwhelmed by the sheer number of options in regular planners that we’ll give up two days in. Our brains need something different, so I tested and refined these templates so you have the absolute best tools, and the highest chance of consistency. The bottom line? Every single page and template inside this planner has been carefully and intentionally created to scaffold, support and guide you to a place of more mental clarity, and less chaos and white noise. Even the central menu design is simplified compared to other digital planners - we need less clutter and distraction. Sound amazing? It is. Get the ultimate tool to help you succeed! ————————————————————— DIGITAL DOWNLOAD: This is a digital planner, designed to be used with annotation apps on iPads and other tablet devices - so you will receive a digital file. No item/s will be shipped to you. You will get installation instructions as well as a user guide inside the planner. You should be able to use the planner 'as is', but can also duplicate pages as you need them for your personal use. —————————————————————— You will receive: - 180 page PDF digital planner file - Digital stickers (png format with installation guide) - 10 min walk through video - Bonus printable coloring cards - Seamless online setup experience - Quick start guide (built into planner) —————————————————————— ADHD Growth Mindset Life Planner Copyright © 2022 by Grace from FutureADHD. This planner is for PERSONAL use only and DOES NOT come with commercial licence to re-sell, re-distribute, alter or share. Individuals, businesses, therapists, health practitioners or wellness coaches wishing to use this resource with their clients/patients will need written permission. Email hello [!at] I have put WEEKS of work into the research and design for this planner. Please respect creators. ????♀️ Follow on TikTok and Insta @future.adhd and come say hiiii!
1.554 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
ADHD DIGITAL PLANNER FOR GOODNOTES, NOTABILITY AND OTHER PDF ANNOTATION APPS. ???? DARK MODE (the most requested color by far!) This digital ADHD planner is NOT just another digital planner with 'ADHD' slapped on the title. It's a framework designed by an ADHD brain (mine!) especially for you and your neurodivergent brain. I thought I was terrible at planning until I realized that most planners aren’t designed for my brain. They’re designed for neurotypical brains. So I made this planner with one key goal in mind: MAKE A PLANNER THAT SOMEONE WITH ADHD CAN ACTUALLY STICK TO. Naturally, I did what every ADHDer does... dived down a massive rabbit hole of research! Then I got to work creating a planner based on the latest neuroscience and behavioral psychology. In every section of this adult ADHD planner, you can read the scientific reasoning, research and how our templates directly support and empower your creative, fast-brained ADHD mind. ???? COMPATIBILITY ???? Apps I recommend: - iOS: Goodnotes, Notability, Noteful - Android: Flexcil, Noteshelf - Windows: Xodo - Best experience with stylus or Apple Pencil - If you are not sure, check your app has read-only and annotation functions - We recommend GoodNotes 5 as the best free option - Not compatible with OneNote or Kindle Fire (???????? Not techy? No probs! If you have never used a digital planner before, ME TOO! Until recently, when I made this digital planner, and now I'm hooked. It's literally the best thing everrr! I made a Setup Wizard to walk you through importing to your device, plus a Quick Start Guide inside the planner!) ————————————————————— UNIQUE TEMPLATES FOR YOUR ADHD BRAIN ⤵️ I came up with unique templates to UN-FREEZE our analysis paralysis and doom spirals, and move into healthier habits that create *real results* and help us achieve our biggest goals. ✔ This ADHD digital planner is different to the other planners you’ll find on the internet. It's a shame-free, customizable layout that allows you add pages each day as needed, instead of staring at a bunch of pages you haven't used and feeling guilty. It includes unique visual tools I invented based on research... like the Hyperfocus Lotus, Div/Con planning and Symmetry Stress-relief. These methods sound weird, but they actually work! ???? WHAT IS THE SCIENTIFIC BASIS? ???? There is so much to explore when you begin researching ADHD science, but I have focused on the research that relates most pressingly to productivity and routine. The templates and the supporting information inside are based on the work of several significant contributors to ADHD research… Dr Russell Barkley, particularly his comments on the nature of attentional differentiation being linked to shifts in interest and motivation; Dr Edward Hallowell & Dr John Ratey, and particularly their work on negative self perception links to self-efficacy, and overabundance (not limitation) of attention; and Tamara Rosier and her work on divergent and convergent thinking habits in ADHD brains and 'light switch' emotional responses to tasks which influences our executive functioning ability. The planner includes 6 pages where I cover this research and link it to areas like ADHD & time perception, Divergent & Convergent thinking, ADHD & motivation, Why ADHD Minds Wander, ADHD & exercise and ADHD Hyperfocus. -—————————————————————— OTHER ITEMS YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED IN: ???? Printable ADHD planners: ???? Rainbow version of this digital planner: -—————————————————————— You will receive: - 180 page PDF digital planner file - Digital stickers (png format with installation guide) - 10 min walk through video - Bonus printable coloring cards - Installation guide - Quick start guide (built into planner) —————————————————————— INCLUDED IN THIS 180-PAGE PLANNER FILE ⌂ Quick start guide built in (to get you on your way without overwhelm) ⌂ Video tutorial ???? COVERS ???? ⌂ 14 beautiful cover options (pick your fave or rotate for novelty) ???? Calendars ???? ⌂ 2023 dated planners (Sun or Mon start) ⌂ Undated calendar ⌂ Lifetime access to all future annual editions of the planner ???? Organizing, prioritizing and productivity ???? ⌂ Daily planner (in multiple layouts, ADHD specific) ⌂ Weekly planner (undated) ⌂ Monthly overview + Jan-Dec calendars (undated) ⌂ ‘Do it with dopamine’ (multiple formats - reward-based templates for completing boring tasks) ⌂ Get sh*t done to do list with reward sections (weekdays & weekends) ⌂ Div/Con planning - to help you move from brainstorm ideation to logical action ⌂ Real-world priorities template (based on the Eisenhower Matrix) ???? Remember Stuff - tracking tools ???? ⌂ New friend names - tracker (so you never awkwardly forget someone’s name again) ⌂ D&Ms with friends - tracker ⌂ #ADHDtax (yes it’s a thing) - tracker ⌂ Hyper-focus list to store all the information you deep-dive into ⌂ Parcel arrival - tracker (so you don’t forget those 5 widgets you ordered ????) ⌂ 24 hr cart list (designed to reduce impulsive online shopping ????) ⌂ Podcasts I need to finish - tracker ⌂ Books I started - tracker ⌂ Assignment due date - tracker ⌂ Passwords - tracker ???? Projects Notebook Stack ???? ⌂ 5 blank notebooks for you to keep track of your creative ideas ???? Healthy Habit Setting ???? I get it. Habits and goals feel weird and hard. My planner includes guided tips and suggestions the whole way through - and this section is no exception… filled with practical breakdowns and actionable steps, based on the latest behavioural science. ✔️ ⌂ The self-care assessment wheel ⌂ Habit visualisation and habit tracking (including my unique journey mode!) ⌂ Habit evaluation step by step ⌂ Daily habit checkboxes on daily/weekly layouts ⌂ Limiting belief reframing ???? Self care ???? These trackers all link to the goals you’ve set in the previous section. ⌂ Mood tracker ⌂ Self-care routine ⌂ Sleep tracker ⌂ Screen time tracker ⌂ Fitness tracker ⌂ Blank tracker ⌂ Notes for/from therapy ⌂ ADHD coaching session notes ⌂ Medication & appointment trackers ???? Domestic domination ???? ⌂ Digital de-clutter guide ⌂ Home declutter guide ⌂ Meal planner (two variations) ⌂ Categorized Grocery list ⌂ Plant health tracker (???? > ????) ⌂ Pet feeding tracker ???????? ???? Unique Focus Tools ???? ** Unique visual tools I invented (based on the neuroscience) to specifically help ADHD brains: ⌂ The Hyper-focus Lotus (to playfully remind you to eat, take breaks, use the bathroom and drink water during periods of hyperfocus) ⌂ Productivity Power Petals ⌂ Phone call focus pages (so you can pay attention to your friend’s vent session instead of tuning out) ???? Unwind Un-mind ???? ⌂ Don’t Think, Just Do page for when you are in analysis paralysis. Self care first, then decide. ❤️ ⌂ Wind-down strategies & tracker ⌂ Fave playlists to help you unwind and relax, categorized ⌂ ‘Color to Calm’ pages (to pull your ADHD brain out of divergent ‘pinging thoughts’ mode and move into logical convergent thinking) ⌂ Symmetry Stress-relief pages ✨ BONUS 1: 140 Digital Sticker Pack ✨ BONUS 2: Printable ‘Color to Calm’ and 'Symmetry Stress-relief' handy carry cards (so you can take them with you when you don't have your iPad ????) Once you’ve turned down the volume on the static inside your mind, you can get busy and kick some big goals. Because, of all the ADHD traits, is there anything as tiring as the constant static in the brain? The whir and buzz of a million thoughts zinging around like popcorn... ???? Help your brain. Get your digital ADHD planner today and start planning your successful, balanced life. ————————————————————— DIGITAL PLANNER DESIGN FOR YOUR ADHD BRAIN ⤵️ For the past 10 years I've been a graphic designer, copywriter and UX/UI website designer. When I looked at the digital planners for iPads on Etsy, I found my ADHD brain excited at first, then overwhelmed. There were SO many links and buttons in the documents (across the top and down the sides) that I gave up after only a few days. So I approached designing a digital planner with hyperlinked pages like I design websites... The navigation must be intuitive and simple. So I've designed this whole planner around two central menus, with home and back buttons on each page. Functionally, you can get to any template in 2-3 taps. And that simplicity helps us ADHDers stick with it! ???????? ————————————————————— WHAT MAKES THIS PLANNER ADHD FRIENDLY? ⤵️ This digital planner has many typical features, like daily planning spreads, habit trackers, meal planning and checklists, but features significant differences. Our ADHD brains start off energetically, but quickly get so overwhelmed by the sheer number of options in regular planners that we’ll give up two days in. Our brains need something different, so I tested and refined these templates so you have the absolute best tools, and the highest chance of consistency. The bottom line? Every single page and template inside this planner has been carefully and intentionally created to scaffold, support and guide you to a place of more mental clarity, and less chaos and white noise. Even the central menu design is simplified compared to other digital planners - we need less clutter and distraction. Sound amazing? It is. Get the ultimate tool to help you succeed! ————————————————————— DIGITAL DOWNLOAD: This is a digital planner, designed to be used with annotation apps on iPads and other tablet devices - so you will receive a digital file. No item/s will be shipped to you. You will get installation instructions as well as a user guide inside the planner. You should be able to use the planner 'as is', but can also duplicate pages as you need them for your personal use. —————————————————————— You will receive: - 180 page PDF digital planner file - Digital stickers (png format with installation guide) - 10 min walk through video - Bonus printable coloring cards - Seamless online setup experience - Quick start guide (built into planner) —————————————————————— ADHD Growth Mindset Life Planner Copyright © 2022 by Grace from FutureADHD. This planner is for PERSONAL use only and DOES NOT come with commercial licence to re-sell, re-distribute, alter or share. Individuals, businesses, therapists, health practitioners or wellness coaches wishing to use this resource with their clients/patients will need written permission. Email hello [!at] I have put WEEKS of work into the research and design for this planner. Please respect creators. ????♀️ Follow on TikTok and Insta @future.adhd and come say hiiii!
1.558 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
ADHD DIGITAL PLANNER FOR GOODNOTES, NOTABILITY AND OTHER PDF ANNOTATION APPS. ???? DARK MODE (the most requested color by far!) This digital ADHD planner is NOT just another digital planner with 'ADHD' slapped on the title. It's a framework designed by an ADHD brain (mine!) especially for you and your neurodivergent brain. It’s guilt-free and it feels like a warm hug. Want to see inside the planner? ???? Come check out my IG @future.adhd where I share walkthrough videos, tips and hacks, and neurospicy truth bombs. ???? I thought I was terrible at planning until I realized that most planners aren’t designed for my brain. They’re designed for neurotypical brains. So I made this planner with one key goal in mind: MAKE A PLANNER THAT SOMEONE WITH ADHD CAN ACTUALLY STICK TO. Naturally, I did what every ADHDer does... dived down a massive rabbit hole of research! Then I got to work creating a planner based on the latest neuroscience and behavioral psychology. In every section of this adult ADHD planner, you can read the scientific reasoning, research and how our templates directly support and empower your creative, fast-brained ADHD mind. ???? COMPATIBILITY ???? Apps I recommend: - iOS: Goodnotes, Notability, Noteful - Android: Flexcil, Noteshelf - Windows: Xodo - Best experience with stylus or Apple Pencil - If you are not sure, check your app has read-only and annotation functions - We recommend GoodNotes 5 as the best free option - Not compatible with OneNote or Kindle Fire (???????? Not techy? No probs! If you have never used a digital planner before, ME TOO! Until recently, when I made this digital planner, and now I'm hooked. It's literally the best thing everrr! I made a Setup Wizard to walk you through importing to your device, plus a Quick Start Guide inside the planner!) ————————————————————— UNIQUE TEMPLATES FOR YOUR ADHD BRAIN ⤵️ I came up with unique templates to UN-FREEZE our analysis paralysis and doom spirals, and move into healthier habits that create *real results* and help us achieve our biggest goals. ✔ This ADHD digital planner is different to the other planners you’ll find on the internet. It's a shame-free, customizable layout that allows you add pages each day as needed, instead of staring at a bunch of pages you haven't used and feeling guilty. It includes unique visual tools I invented based on research... like the Hyperfocus Lotus, Div/Con planning and Symmetry Stress-relief. These methods sound weird, but they actually work! ???? WHAT IS THE SCIENTIFIC BASIS? ???? There is so much to explore when you begin researching ADHD science, but I have focused on the research that relates most pressingly to productivity and routine. The templates and the supporting information inside are based on the work of several significant contributors to ADHD research… Dr Russell Barkley, particularly his comments on the nature of attentional differentiation being linked to shifts in interest and motivation; Dr Edward Hallowell & Dr John Ratey, and particularly their work on negative self perception links to self-efficacy, and overabundance (not limitation) of attention; and Tamara Rosier and her work on divergent and convergent thinking habits in ADHD brains and 'light switch' emotional responses to tasks which influences our executive functioning ability. The planner includes 6 pages where I cover this research and link it to areas like ADHD & time perception, Divergent & Convergent thinking, ADHD & motivation, Why ADHD Minds Wander, ADHD & exercise and ADHD Hyperfocus. -—————————————————————— OTHER ITEMS YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED IN: ???? Printable ADHD planners: ???? Rainbow version of this digital planner: -—————————————————————— You will receive: - 180 page PDF digital planner file - Digital stickers (png format with installation guide) - 10 min walk through video - Bonus printable coloring cards - Installation guide - Quick start guide (built into planner) —————————————————————— INCLUDED IN THIS 180-PAGE PLANNER FILE ⌂ Quick start guide built in (to get you on your way without overwhelm) ⌂ Video tutorial ???? COVERS ???? ⌂ 14 beautiful cover options (pick your fave or rotate for novelty) ???? Calendars ???? ⌂ 2023 dated planners (Sun or Mon start) ⌂ Undated calendar ⌂ Lifetime access to all future annual editions of the planner ???? Organizing, prioritizing and productivity ???? ⌂ Daily planner (in multiple layouts, ADHD specific) ⌂ Weekly planner (undated) ⌂ Monthly overview + Jan-Dec calendars (undated) ⌂ ‘Do it with dopamine’ (multiple formats - reward-based templates for completing boring tasks) ⌂ Get sh*t done to do list with reward sections (weekdays & weekends) ⌂ Div/Con planning - to help you move from brainstorm ideation to logical action ⌂ Real-world priorities template (based on the Eisenhower Matrix) ???? Remember Stuff - tracking tools ???? ⌂ New friend names - tracker (so you never awkwardly forget someone’s name again) ⌂ D&Ms with friends - tracker ⌂ #ADHDtax (yes it’s a thing) - tracker ⌂ Hyper-focus list to store all the information you deep-dive into ⌂ Parcel arrival - tracker (so you don’t forget those 5 widgets you ordered ????) ⌂ 24 hr cart list (designed to reduce impulsive online shopping ????) ⌂ Podcasts I need to finish - tracker ⌂ Books I started - tracker ⌂ Assignment due date - tracker ⌂ Passwords - tracker ???? Projects Notebook Stack ???? ⌂ 5 blank notebooks for you to keep track of your creative ideas ???? Healthy Habit Setting ???? I get it. Habits and goals feel weird and hard. My planner includes guided tips and suggestions the whole way through - and this section is no exception… filled with practical breakdowns and actionable steps, based on the latest behavioural science. ✔️ ⌂ The self-care assessment wheel ⌂ Habit visualisation and habit tracking (including my unique journey mode!) ⌂ Habit evaluation step by step ⌂ Daily habit checkboxes on daily/weekly layouts ⌂ Limiting belief reframing ???? Self care ???? These trackers all link to the goals you’ve set in the previous section. ⌂ Mood tracker ⌂ Self-care routine ⌂ Sleep tracker ⌂ Screen time tracker ⌂ Fitness tracker ⌂ Blank tracker ⌂ Notes for/from therapy ⌂ ADHD coaching session notes ⌂ Medication & appointment trackers ???? Domestic domination ???? ⌂ Digital de-clutter guide ⌂ Home declutter guide ⌂ Meal planner (two variations) ⌂ Categorized Grocery list ⌂ Plant health tracker (???? > ????) ⌂ Pet feeding tracker ???????? ???? Unique Focus Tools ???? ** Unique visual tools I invented (based on the neuroscience) to specifically help ADHD brains: ⌂ The Hyper-focus Lotus (to playfully remind you to eat, take breaks, use the bathroom and drink water during periods of hyperfocus) ⌂ Productivity Power Petals ⌂ Phone call focus pages (so you can pay attention to your friend’s vent session instead of tuning out) ???? Unwind Un-mind ???? ⌂ Don’t Think, Just Do page for when you are in analysis paralysis. Self care first, then decide. ❤️ ⌂ Wind-down strategies & tracker ⌂ Fave playlists to help you unwind and relax, categorized ⌂ ‘Color to Calm’ pages (to pull your ADHD brain out of divergent ‘pinging thoughts’ mode and move into logical convergent thinking) ⌂ Symmetry Stress-relief pages ✨ BONUS 1: 140 Digital Sticker Pack ✨ BONUS 2: Printable ‘Color to Calm’ and 'Symmetry Stress-relief' handy carry cards (so you can take them with you when you don't have your iPad ????) Once you’ve turned down the volume on the static inside your mind, you can get busy and kick some big goals. Because, of all the ADHD traits, is there anything as tiring as the constant static in the brain? The whir and buzz of a million thoughts zinging around like popcorn... ???? Help your brain. Get your digital ADHD planner today and start planning your successful, balanced life. ————————————————————— DIGITAL PLANNER DESIGN FOR YOUR ADHD BRAIN ⤵️ For the past 10 years I've been a graphic designer, copywriter and UX/UI website designer. When I looked at the digital planners for iPads on Etsy, I found my ADHD brain excited at first, then overwhelmed. There were SO many links and buttons in the documents (across the top and down the sides) that I gave up after only a few days. So I approached designing a digital planner with hyperlinked pages like I design websites... The navigation must be intuitive and simple. So I've designed this whole planner around two central menus, with home and back buttons on each page. Functionally, you can get to any template in 2-3 taps. And that simplicity helps us ADHDers stick with it! ???????? ————————————————————— WHAT MAKES THIS PLANNER ADHD FRIENDLY? ⤵️ This digital planner has many typical features, like daily planning spreads, habit trackers, meal planning and checklists, but features significant differences. Our ADHD brains start off energetically, but quickly get so overwhelmed by the sheer number of options in regular planners that we’ll give up two days in. Our brains need something different, so I tested and refined these templates so you have the absolute best tools, and the highest chance of consistency. The bottom line? Every single page and template inside this planner has been carefully and intentionally created to scaffold, support and guide you to a place of more mental clarity, and less chaos and white noise. Even the central menu design is simplified compared to other digital planners - we need less clutter and distraction. Sound amazing? It is. Get the ultimate tool to help you succeed! ————————————————————— DIGITAL DOWNLOAD: This is a digital planner, designed to be used with annotation apps on iPads and other tablet devices - so you will receive a digital file. No item/s will be shipped to you. You will get installation instructions as well as a user guide inside the planner. You should be able to use the planner 'as is', but can also duplicate pages as you need them for your personal use. —————————————————————— You will receive: - 180 page PDF digital planner file - Digital stickers (png format with installation guide) - 10 min walk through video - Bonus printable coloring cards - Seamless online setup experience - Quick start guide (built into planner) —————————————————————— ADHD Growth Mindset Life Planner Copyright © 2022 by Grace from FutureADHD. This planner is for PERSONAL use only and DOES NOT come with commercial licence to re-sell, re-distribute, alter or share. Individuals, businesses, therapists, health practitioners or wellness coaches wishing to use this resource with their clients/patients will need written permission. Email hello [!at] I have put WEEKS of work into the research and design for this planner. Please respect creators. ????♀️ Follow on TikTok and Insta @future.adhd and come say hiiii!
1.540 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
???? RAINBOW ADHD DIGITAL PLANNER: FOR GOODNOTES, NOTABILITY AND OTHER PDF ANNOTATION APPS ???? This digital ADHD planner is NOT just another digital planner with 'ADHD' slapped on the title. It's a framework designed by an ADHD brain (mine!) especially for you and your neurodivergent brain. It’s guilt-free and it feels like a warm hug. Want to see inside the planner? ???? Come check out my IG @future.adhd where I share walkthrough videos, tips and hacks, and neurospicy truth bombs. ???? I thought I was terrible at planning until I realized that most planners aren’t designed for my brain. They’re designed for neurotypical brains. So I made this planner with one key goal in mind: MAKE A PLANNER THAT SOMEONE WITH ADHD CAN ACTUALLY STICK TO. Naturally, I did what every ADHDer does... dived down a massive rabbit hole of research! Then I got to work creating a planner based on the latest neuroscience and behavioral psychology. In every section of this adult ADHD planner, you can read the scientific reasoning, research and how our templates directly support and empower your creative, fast-brained ADHD mind. ???? COMPATIBILITY ???? Apps I recommend: - iOS: Goodnotes, Notability, Noteful - Android: Flexcil, Noteshelf, Supernote - Windows: Xodo - Best experience with stylus or Apple Pencil - If you are not sure, check your app has read-only and annotation functions - We recommend GoodNotes 5 as the best free option - Not compatible with OneNote or Kindle Fire (???????? Not techy? No probs! If you have never used a digital planner before, ME TOO! Until recently, when I made this digital planner, and now I'm hooked. It's literally the best thing everrr! I made a Setup Wizard to walk you through importing to your device, plus a Quick Start Guide inside the planner!) -------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER VARIATIONS: ???? RAINBOW - Printable ADHD Planner → ???? PINK/GOLD - Digital/iPad ADHD Planner → ???? PINK/GOLD - Printable ADHD Planner → -------------------------------------------------------------- UNIQUE TEMPLATES FOR YOUR ADHD BRAIN ⤵️ I came up with unique templates to UN-FREEZE our analysis paralysis and doom spirals, and move into healthier habits that create *real results* and help us achieve our biggest goals. ✔ This ADHD digital planner is different to the other planners you’ll find on the internet. It's a shame-free, customizable layout that allows you add pages each day as needed, instead of staring at a bunch of pages you haven't used and feeling guilty. It includes unique visual tools I invented based on research... like the Hyperfocus Lotus, Div/Con planning and Symmetry Stress-relief. These methods sound weird, but they actually work! ————————————————————— ???? WHAT IS THE SCIENTIFIC BASIS? ???? There is so much to explore when you begin researching ADHD science, but I have focused on the research that relates most pressingly to productivity and routine. The templates and the supporting information inside are based on the work of several significant contributors to ADHD research… Dr Russell Barkley, particularly his comments on the nature of attentional differentiation being linked to shifts in interest and motivation; Dr Edward Hallowell & Dr John Ratey, and particularly their work on negative self perception links to self-efficacy, and overabundance (not limitation) of attention; and Tamara Rosier and her work on divergent and convergent thinking habits in ADHD brains and 'light switch' emotional responses to tasks which influences our executive functioning ability. The planner includes 6 pages where I cover this research and link it to areas like ADHD & time perception, Divergent & Convergent thinking, ADHD & motivation, Why ADHD Minds Wander, ADHD & exercise and ADHD Hyperfocus. —————————————————————— You will receive: - 180 page PDF digital planner file - Digital stickers (png format with installation guide) - 10 min walk through video - Bonus printable coloring cards - Installation guide - Quick start guide (built into planner) —————————————————————— INCLUDED IN THIS 180-PAGE PLANNER FILE ⌂ Quick start guide built in (to get you on your way without overwhelm) ⌂ Video tutorial ???? COVERS ???? ⌂ 14 beautiful cover options (pick your fave or rotate for novelty) ???? Calendars ???? ⌂ 2023 dated planners (Sun or Mon start) ⌂ Undated calendar ⌂ Lifetime access to all future annual editions of the planner ???? Organizing, prioritizing and productivity ???? ⌂ Daily planner (in multiple layouts, ADHD specific) ⌂ Weekly planner (undated) ⌂ Monthly overview + Jan-Dec calendars (undated) ⌂ ‘Do it with dopamine’ (multiple formats - reward-based templates for completing boring tasks) ⌂ Get sh*t done to do list with reward sections (weekdays & weekends) ⌂ Div/Con planning - to help you move from brainstorm ideation to logical action ⌂ Real-world priorities template (based on the Eisenhower Matrix) ???? Remember Stuff - tracking tools ???? ⌂ New friend names - tracker (so you never awkwardly forget someone’s name again) ⌂ D&Ms with friends - tracker ⌂ #ADHDtax (yes it’s a thing) - tracker ⌂ Hyper-focus list to store all the information you deep-dive into ⌂ Parcel arrival - tracker (so you don’t forget those 5 widgets you ordered ????) ⌂ 24 hr cart list (designed to reduce impulsive online shopping ????) ⌂ Podcasts I need to finish - tracker ⌂ Books I started - tracker ⌂ Assignment due date - tracker ⌂ Passwords - tracker ???? Projects Notebook Stack ???? ⌂ 5 blank notebooks for you to keep track of your creative ideas ???? Healthy Habit Setting ???? I get it. Habits and goals feel weird and hard. My planner includes guided tips and suggestions the whole way through - and this section is no exception… filled with practical breakdowns and actionable steps, based on the latest behavioural science. ✔️ ⌂ The self-care assessment wheel ⌂ Habit visualisation and habit tracking (including my unique journey mode!) ⌂ Habit evaluation step by step ⌂ Daily habit checkboxes on daily/weekly layouts ⌂ Limiting belief reframing ???? Self care ???? These trackers all link to the goals you’ve set in the previous section. ⌂ Mood tracker ⌂ Self-care routine ⌂ Sleep tracker ⌂ Screen time tracker ⌂ Fitness tracker ⌂ Blank tracker ⌂ Notes for/from therapy ⌂ ADHD coaching session notes ⌂ Medication & appointment trackers ???? Domestic domination ???? ⌂ Digital de-clutter guide ⌂ Home declutter guide ⌂ Meal planner (two variations) ⌂ Categorized Grocery list ⌂ Plant health tracker (???? > ????) ⌂ Pet feeding tracker ???????? ???? Unique Focus Tools ???? ** Unique visual tools I invented (based on the neuroscience) to specifically help ADHD brains: ⌂ The Hyper-focus Lotus (to playfully remind you to eat, take breaks, use the bathroom and drink water during periods of hyperfocus) ⌂ Productivity Power Petals ⌂ Phone call focus pages (so you can pay attention to your friend’s vent session instead of tuning out) ???? Unwind Un-mind ???? ⌂ Don’t Think, Just Do page for when you are in analysis paralysis. Self care first, then decide. ❤️ ⌂ Wind-down strategies & tracker ⌂ Fave playlists to help you unwind and relax, categorized ⌂ ‘Color to Calm’ pages (to pull your ADHD brain out of divergent ‘pinging thoughts’ mode and move into logical convergent thinking) ⌂ Symmetry Stress-relief pages ✨ BONUS 1: 140 Digital Sticker Pack ✨ BONUS 2: Printable ‘Color to Calm’ and 'Symmetry Stress-relief' handy carry cards (so you can take them with you when you don't have your iPad ????) Once you’ve turned down the volume on the static inside your mind, you can get busy and kick some big goals. Because, of all the ADHD traits, is there anything as tiring as the constant static in the brain? The whir and buzz of a million thoughts zinging around like popcorn... ???? Help your brain. Get your digital ADHD planner today and start planning your successful, balanced life. ————————————————————— DIGITAL PLANNER DESIGN FOR YOUR ADHD BRAIN ⤵️ For the past 10 years I've been a graphic designer, copywriter and UX/UI website designer. When I looked at the digital planners for iPads on Etsy, I found my ADHD brain excited at first, then overwhelmed. There were SO many links and buttons in the documents (across the top and down the sides) that I gave up after only a few days. So I approached designing a digital planner with hyperlinked pages like I design websites... The navigation must be intuitive and simple. So I've designed this whole planner around two central menus, with home and back buttons on each page. Functionally, you can get to any template in 2-3 taps. And that simplicity helps us ADHDers stick with it! ???????? ————————————————————— WHAT MAKES THIS PLANNER ADHD FRIENDLY? ⤵️ This digital planner has many typical features, like daily planning spreads, habit trackers, meal planning and checklists, but features significant differences. Our ADHD brains start off energetically, but quickly get so overwhelmed by the sheer number of options in regular planners that we’ll give up two days in. Our brains need something different, so I tested and refined these templates so you have the absolute best tools, and the highest chance of consistency. The bottom line? Every single page and template inside this planner has been carefully and intentionally created to scaffold, support and guide you to a place of more mental clarity, and less chaos and white noise. Even the central menu design is simplified compared to other digital planners - we need less clutter and distraction. Sound amazing? It is. Get the ultimate tool to help you succeed! ————————————————————— DIGITAL DOWNLOAD: This is a digital planner, designed to be used with annotation apps on iPads and other tablet devices - so you will receive a digital file. No item/s will be shipped to you. You will get installation instructions as well as a user guide inside the planner. You should be able to use the planner 'as is', but can also duplicate pages as you need them for your personal use. —————————————————————— You will receive: - 180 page PDF digital planner file - Digital stickers (png format with installation guide) - 10 min walk through video - Bonus printable coloring cards - Seamless online setup experience - Quick start guide (built into planner) —————————————————————— ADHD Growth Mindset Life Planner Copyright © 2022 by Grace from FutureADHD. This planner is for PERSONAL use only and DOES NOT come with commercial licence to re-sell, re-distribute, alter or share. Individuals, businesses, therapists, health practitioners or wellness coaches wishing to use this resource with their clients/patients will need written permission. Email hello [!at] I have put WEEKS of work into the research and design for this planner. Please respect creators. ????♀️ Follow on TikTok and Insta @future.adhd and come say hiiii!
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