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Puzzle 19

Listado top ventas puzzle 19

Cáceres (Cáceres)
Puzzle personalizada fotos ideal regalos cumpleaños 24 x 19 cm. 12 Piezas Puzzle personalizada fotos ideal regalos cumpleaños 24 x 19 cm. 12 Piezas Marca:   Mr Taza Puzzle personalizado fotos ideal regalos cumpleaños 24 x 19 cm. 12 Piezaspersonalizada fotos textos ideal regalos detalles cumpleaños Recuerdos. El estado es Nuevo. Enviado con Correos: cartas ordinarias.
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Cáceres (Cáceres)
Puzzle personalizada fotos ideal regalos cumpleaños 29 x 20 cm. 120 Piezas Puzzle personalizada fotos ideal regalos cumpleaños 29 x 20 cm. 120 Piezas Marca:   Mr Taza Puzzle personalizado fotos ideal regalos cumpleaños 24 x 19 cm. 12 Piezaspersonalizada fotos textos ideal regalos detalles cumpleaños Recuerdos. El estado es Nuevo. Enviado con Correos: cartas ordinarias.
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Madrid (Madrid)
Puzzle Cow build & Learn SIN DESPRECINTAR Puzzle Cow build & Learn SIN DESPRECINTAR Puzzle de madera para construir una vaca, de la marca inglesa The Green Board Game Co. A partir de 7 años. No necesita pegamento ni herramientas, muy fácil de montar. Nuevo, sin abrir. Peso aproximado: 150 gramos. Medidas aproximadas: 23 x 19 x 0,5 cms.
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Cádiz (Cádiz)
Puzzle 3d educa star wars montado carton Puzzle 3d educa star wars montado carton 19 cms altura
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Barcelona (Barcelona)
Puzzle rompecabezas Mulder holandés, holanda (paises bajos) madera antiguo, completo, Puzzle rompecabezas Mulder holandés, holanda (paises bajos) madera antiguo, completo, Caja en muy buen estado, el rompecabezas de 20 piezas, también está en buen estado. Medidas 15 x 19,5 cm. Aprox. El reverso de la caja tiene manchas amarillentas. De la marca Mulder. Jig-saw, made in holland, holanda.ver fotos forman parte de la descripción. 
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Barcelona (Barcelona)
Puzzle, rompecabezas Alemania del oeste occidental, de madera, completo, antiguo. Puzzle, rompecabezas Alemania del oeste occidental, de madera, completo, antiguo. Caja de plástico, imagino que le falta algo dentro porque los cubos bailan, están las 6 láminas para poder hacer el rompecabezas, imágenes de animales y niños con animales y en la granja. Made in westgermany, de Alemania de oeste, o occidental. Medidas de la caja 19 x 15 aprox. Medidas de un cubo 4 x 4 cm. Hay un cubo con defectos, ver fotos forman parte de la descripción. 
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Puzzle de madera con números del 0 al 19. Incluye símbolo igual, menos y más. Edad recomendada a partir de 24 meses.
7,94 €
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Exploding Kittens 1000 Piece Puzzle For Adults, Teens, and Kids - Part of a delightful collection of designs featuring your favorite characters from the Exploding Kittens Universe.Premium Blue Board Jigsaw Puzzle Pieces - With high quality pieces that snap together without torn edges and puzzle dust.Made With 100% Recycled Materials - Printed with vegetable or soy based ink. These puzzles make fun gifts for anyone who loves chess, games, and cat puzzles.Forget Your Queen, This Is The Cats Gambit - This is a depiction of cats engaging in a high-stakes, underground chess tournament. Its got balloons, lasers, fish martinis, and a lot of knocked over pawns.Full Dimensions 19.25 by 26.63 (48.9cm by 67.6cm) - The perfect coffee table puzzle for your family puzzle night. Includes a full color reference sheet with illustration by Matthew Inman.
17,10 €
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Exploding Kittens 1000 Piece Puzzle For Adults, Teens, and Kids - Part of a delightful collection of designs featuring your favorite characters from the Exploding Kittens Universe.Premium Blue Board Jigsaw Puzzle Pieces - With high quality pieces that snap together without torn edges and puzzle dust.Made With 100% Recycled Materials - Printed with vegetable or soy based ink. These puzzles make fun gifts for anyone who loves chess, games, and cat puzzles.Full Dimensions 19.25 by 26.63 (48.9cm by 67.6cm) - The perfect coffee table puzzle for your family puzzle night. Includes a full color reference sheet with illustration by Matthew Inman.
17,10 €
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Exploding Kittens 1000 Piece Puzzle For Adults, Teens, and Kids - Part of a delightful collection of designs featuring your favorite characters from the Exploding Kittens Universe.Premium Blue Board Jigsaw Puzzle Pieces - With high-quality pieces that snap together without torn edges and puzzle dust.Made With 100% Recycled Materials - Printed with vegetable or soy-based ink. These puzzles make fun gifts for anyone who loves chess, games, and cat puzzles.A Neighborhood Of Cat Mayhem - Here come the cats, and there goes the neighborhood. The HOA isnt going to be happy about this, but at least you know there wont be a rodent problem.Full Dimensions 19.25 by 26.63 (48.9cm by 67.6cm) - The perfect coffee table puzzle for your family puzzle night. Includes a full-color reference sheet with an illustration by Matthew Inman.
17,10 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
TÍTULO: 19.6"x27.5" 1000 piece Prince Edward Island Jigsaw Puzzle Medio: Rompecabezas Tamaño: 19.6"x27.5" Piezas: 1000 Orientación: Paisaje Descripción: Después de que me preguntaron acerca de Rompecabezas para eones, he creado mi primer conjunto! ¡Para la Isla del Príncipe Eduardo, fui con la escena del río Trout de nuestros magníficos alfileres! El tamaño de la caja es de 14"x10"x2.5" y es un rompecabezas de 1000 piezas. El tamaño completado del rompecabezas es de 19,6"x27,5" e incluye un póster de gran tamaño en su interior. Estos son un artículo de tiempo limitado, ya que solo había pedido una cantidad limitada para comprobar la calidad. La calidad recibió increíbles críticas de mis probadores! NAVIERO Todos los pedidos se envían a través de mensajería a menos que se considere aceptable utilizar el correo postal. La mayoría de los pedidos se envían el mismo día durante el horario comercial normal de lunes a viernes. Cualquier pedido realizado los fines de semana se enviará el lunes. Si usted es local y desea recoger su artículo en el centro de Charlottetown, por favor ingrese el código de cupón LOVELOCALPEI para ahorrar en el envío. Gracias amablemente por comprar en mi página. Todos los anuncios: http://jmweb.etsy.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lmapicture Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jmweb7/ Gracias por considerar mi trabajo. © 2022 John Morris Foto. Todos los derechos reservados. Cada uno de em incluyendo no-reproducciones o reventa sin el permiso del artista.
2.021 €
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4 puzzle de 12, 16, 20 y 24 piezas en un solo producto para acompaÁÂÁÂÁÂÁ±ar al niÁÂÁÂÁÂÁ±o en el desarrollo gradual de sus habilidades con fichas grandes de aproximadamente 6 x 6 cm. Cada puzzle terminado mide 19 x 14 cm.
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España (Todas las ciudades)
El Stomachion es quizás el rompecabezas más antiguo del mundo, y es muy difícil de resolver. Se atribuye a Arquímedes de Grecia (287 a. C. - 212 a. C.). Las 14 piezas acrílicas cortadas con precisión, de 1/4" de espesor, harán un cuadrado y también muchas otras formas interesantes, con cada forma requiriendo todas las piezas. Viene con otras 19 formas que se pueden hacer más allá del cuadrado. La combinación de colores acrílicos variará con cada rompecabezas. El cuadrado mide 6" x 6" cuando se completa en el marco. El rompecabezas en el marco de madera y la cubierta mide aproximadamente 7 "x 7". Si desea personalizar su rompecabezas, elija la opción de grabado. Agregaremos el texto de su elección al marco o portada. Stomachion también se conoce como lóculo Arquímedio y Sintomachion y Ostomachion Se ha demostrado que cada una de las piezas tiene un área que es una fracción racional (un múltiplo de 1/48) del área total del paralelogramo diseccionado. Se cree que Arquímedes anticipó aspectos de la combinatoria. La combinatoria implica encontrar el número de formas en que se puede resolver un problema dado, sujeto a restricciones bien definidas. El matemático Bill Cutler determinó en 2003 que hay 536 formas únicas de ensamblar la forma cuadrada. Vea cuántos puede encontrar. Encontrar incluso uno más allá del empaquetado con el conjunto es un buen logro. Hay una historia increíble sobre los rollos de Arquímedes, el Palimpsesto, que fue cortado, escrito y finalmente recuperado a través de un viaje de más de dos mil años. El rompecabezas de Stomachion se encontró en estos pergaminos. Hay muchos sitios web excelentes que contienen fascinantes aspectos históricos y matemáticos del Stomachion. Simplemente haga una búsqueda en la web sobre el nombre. Aquí hay un enlace a un video que hicimos que mostrará más del rompecabezas: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGmd9DTub-Y
3.173 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Una gran opción para pasar un tiempo de calidad juntos: NUESTROS ROMPECABEZAS PERSONALIZADOS/ JIGSAW. Los días especiales son muy valiosos para todos nosotros y el punto más difícil en este proceso es elegir un regalo. En este punto, te ofrecemos un increíble regalo personalizado. ¡Rompecabezas personalizado! El rompecabezas no es un regalo ordinario. Tiene muchas características. Tiene una gran contribución a la inteligencia y al desarrollo motor. Es apto para todas las edades. Así que puedes crear tu propio rompecabezas. Si un ser querido está terminando la escuela, puede ser un regalo de graduación o un gran regalo de aniversario. Si estás buscando un regalo familiar, por ejemplo; regalo de cumpleaños, regalo de pareja, regalo del día del padre y la madre! ¡El rompecabezas personalizado será muy emocionante! Además, 500 o ¿A qué más estás esperando? ¡Ven y únete a la familia LOVELAND! ESQUEMA DE TAMAÑO 99 Piezas (9'' x 11'' - 21cm x 29.7cm) 240 piezas (11.6'' x 16.5'' - 29.7cm x 42cm) 500 Piezas (14'' x 20'' - 35cm x 50cm) 1000 Piezas (19'' x 27'' - 48cm x 68cm) ¿QUÉ hay en el PAQUETE? -Loveland envoltura de regalo roja! -Caja de rompecabezas original (con su imagen en la caja) -Colorido su salida de foto(-Tus piezas del rompecabezas -Loveland Gift para ti (llavero original de rompecabezas de cuero) ¿CÓMO ORDENAR? 1- Elige tu talla 2- Completa tu proceso de pago. 3- Por favor, envíe su foto a través de un mensaje ETSY o correo electrónico. Así de simple. Correo electrónico: lovelandgiftandmore [!at] gmail.com Por favor, asegúrese de que la calidad de su foto sea alta. Las mejoras necesarias son realizadas por nuestro equipo gráfico. ¡Somos asertivos en la calidad de nuestra pieza de rompecabezas! ¿POR QUÉ ROMPECABEZAS PERSONALIZADOS? -En cada etapa de la edad, contribuye positivamente a su desarrollo motor. -Desarrolla el coeficiente intelectual y es educativo e instructivo. -Aumenta tu capacidad cognitiva. Aumenta su concentración y mejora su capacidad de resolución de problemas. -Puzzle es muy útil tanto para tus hijos como para ti, así como para tu inteligencia visual y habilidades motoras. -Una gran experiencia de regalo para sus seres queridos para el Día de San Valentín. ¿Por qué estás esperando? Ven a conocer nuestra calidad y pasa un buen rato. ¿PREAPAREMOS FOTOS COLLAGE? ¡Sí! ¡Puedes crear tu propio rompecabezas! ¡Estamos preparando un collage de tus fotos para ti! ¡Es GRATIS! Si quieres collage, ¡deberías comprar un rompecabezas personalizado de 500 o 1000 piezas! En nuestra opinión, para una impresión ideal y de calidad; -4 fotos para 500 pcs -6 fotos para 1000 piezas. ¿PUEDO AÑADIR TEXTO AL ROMPECABEZAS? ¡Sí! Podemos añadir cualquier texto que desees. Además, ¡ofrecemos muchas opciones de fuentes! SOBRE EL PROCESO DE PRODUCCIÓN Nuestros rompecabezas son enteramente de nuestra propia producción. por eso somos rápidos... después de realizar un pedido, se fabrica y se envía dentro de 1-2 días hábiles. se le entregará dentro de 2-4 días hábiles. CANCELACIONES Y DEVOLUCIONES SI NO TE GUSTA, ¡REGRESA GRATIS! ENVÍO Y ENTREGA Europa: 1-3 días hábiles Estados Unidos - Canadá: 2-4 días Resto del mundo: 2-7 días ¿Por qué estás esperando? ¡Ven a conocer nuestra calidad y pasa un buen rato con LOVELAND CUSTOM PUZZLES!
4.166 €
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This box contains 200 pestas dominoes in the colors red, blue, green and yellow for hours of building circuits and cascades of dominoes!pestas dominoes are made of fsc certified birch wood, colored with natural oils and waxes, manufactured in austria under fair working conditions. content:- 50 red pestas dominoes, including 4 in long version- 50 blue pestas dominoes, including 4 in long version- 50 green pestas dominoes, including 4 in long version- 50 yellow pestas dominoes, including 4 long version- a small book that shows all the possibilities of the pestas.standard version 8 x 32 x 48 mm - long version 8 x 32 x 96 mm.
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Chalking oclock: you decide what time it is.oh dear! oh dear! im going to be late. but, how can you be late if you dont know what time it is? with chalking oclock you can choose the time you want so you never arrive late, or you can bring forward something youre waiting for.chalking oclock is a chalk board alarm clock for you to play with and write the time that others give you. the traditional clock with hands comes with a digital clock so you can write the same time digitally.their pieces are made of solid beech wood by wodibow.
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Playshapes is a unique and fun modular sx of 74 geometric wooden shapes which can be endlessly arranged or stacked to produce hundreds of 3d creations, such as animals, people, faces, vehicles, buildings and much more. beautifully crafted from environmentally friendly, durable rubberwood, the shapes come in a printed, unbleached cotton drawstring bag. shapes are coloured on one side and natural on the other – you choose how much colour you incorporate into your creations. illustrations are enclosed which may sx you on the right path.
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Fabbrix marine animals - set 32 pieces: 30 wooden bricks, 2 exclusive double-sided bricks, stickers and construction guide.discover the fabbrix: solid wood construction bricks, biodegradable and from fsc certified forests, 100% compatible with traditional building bricks. add stickers, present in each box, to give life to your creations!made from untreated wood from sustainably managed forests (fsc certified), fabbrix offers all the fun and educational benefits of construction games (stimulates creativity, concentration, perseverance, patience, etc.), pleasure to use natural materials in addition.fabbrix, an ideal building game for construction fans and creative people from 4 years old.
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Fabbrix vehicles - set 22 pieces: 20 wooden bricks, 2 exclusive double-sided bricks, stickers and construction guide.discover the fabbrix: solid wood construction bricks, biodegradable and from fsc certified forests, 100% compatible with traditional building bricks. add stickers, present in each box, to give life to your creations!made from untreated wood from sustainably managed forests (fsc certified), fabbrix offers all the fun and educational benefits of construction games (stimulates creativity, concentration, perseverance, patience, etc.), pleasure to use natural materials in addition.fabbrix, an ideal building game for construction fans and creative people from 4 years old.
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Fabbrix forest animals - set 31 pieces: 29 wooden bricks, 2 exclusive double-sided bricks, stickers and construction guide.discover the fabbrix: solid wood construction bricks, biodegradable and from fsc certified forests, 100% compatible with traditional building bricks. add stickers, present in each box, to give life to your creations!made from untreated wood from sustainably managed forests (fsc certified), fabbrix offers all the fun and educational benefits of construction games (stimulates creativity, concentration, perseverance, patience, etc.), pleasure to use natural materials in addition.fabbrix, an ideal building game for construction fans and creative people from 4 years old.
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Both fun and innovative, this construction game allows you to create original structures using natural solid wood planks and non-toxic silicone cones. easy to handle, this educational toy will allow children to make many constructions: vertical, horizontal, twisted, combined indeed, piks is a limitless fantasy game! thanks to piks, they will be able to develop their attention and their concentration while having fun.there are several possibilities for playing with piks! indeed, your children will be able to make figures to make other players guess or even build the tallest tower without dropping a piece! it is possible to play alone or with others.piks stimulates the imagination by performing figures, but also improve fine motor skills and dexterity by building an original tower!this small kit includes 24 pieces: 18 × silicone cones (non-toxic) 6 × beech planks (solid wood) 1 instruction booklx (including examples of creative cards)
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Create your own colourful and unusual buildings using imagination and skill.with these 100 building blocks you can create different scenes. in a practical box for easy storage. building bricks, a wooden building game made by goki. item number 58669.
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Alicante (Alicante)
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España (Todas las ciudades)
A great choice to spend a quality time together: OUR CUSTOM/JIGSAW PUZZLES. Special days are very valuable for all of us and the most difficult point in this process is choosing a gift. At this point, we offer you an amazing personalized gift. Custom puzzle! The puzzle is not an ordinary gift. It has many features. It has a great contribution to intelligence and motor development. It is suitable for all ages. So you can create your own puzzle. If a loved one is finishing school, it can be a graduation gift or a great anniversary gift. If you are looking for a family gift, for example; birthday gift,couple gift,father and mother's day gift! The personalized puzzle will be very exciting! Moreover, 500 or Custom Puzzle 1000 Pieces here! Come and join the LOVELAND family! -SIZE SCHEME 99 Pieces (9'' x 11'' - 21cm x 29.7cm) 240 Pieces (11.6'' x 16.5'' - 29.7cm x 42cm) 500 Pieces (14'' x 20'' - 35cm x 50cm) 1000 Pieces (19'' x 27'' - 48cm x 68cm) -WHAT’s in the PACKAGE? -Loveland red gift wrap! -Original Puzzle Box (with your picture on the box) -Colorful Your Photo Output(-Your Puzzle Pieces -Loveland Gift for you (original leather puzzle key chain) -HOW to ORDER ? 1- Choose your size 2- Complete your payment process. 3- Please send your photo via ETSY message or e-mail. It's that simple. E-mail: lovelandgiftandmore [!at] gmail.com Please make sure your photo quality is high. Necessary improvements are made by our graphic team. We are assertive in our puzzle piece quality! -WHY CUSTOM PUZZLES? -At every age stage, it contributes positively to your motor development. -It develops IQ and is Educational and instructive. -Increase your cognitive ability. It increases your concentration and improves your problem solving ability. -Puzzle is very helpful for both your children and you, as well as for your visual intelligence and motor skills. -A great gift experience for your loved ones for Valentines Day. Why are you waiting? Come meet our quality and have a good time. -DO WE PREAPARE COLLAGE PHOTOS? Yes! You can create your own puzzle! We are preparing a collage of your photos for you! It's FREE! If you want collage, you should buy 500 or 1000 pieces custom puzzle! In our opinion, for ideal and quality printing; -4 photos for 500 pcs -6 photos for 1000 pcs. -CAN I ADD TEXT TO PUZZLE? Yes you can add your text and create your own custom puzzle! We can add any text you want. Moreover, we offer many font options! -ABOUT THE PRODUCTION PROCESS Our puzzles are entirely our own production. that's why we are fast... after placing an order, it is manufactured and shipped within 1-2 business days. It will be delivered to you within 2-4 business days. -CANCELLATION AND RETURNS IF YOU DON'T LIKE,RETURNS FREE! -SHIPPING AND DELIVERY Europe: 1-3 business days U.S.A - Canada: 2-4 days Rest of the world: 2-7 days Why are you waiting? Come meet our quality and spend have a good time with LOVELAND CUSTOM PUZZLES!
4.591 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
A great choice to spend a quality time together: OUR CUSTOM/JIGSAW PUZZLES. Special days are very valuable for all of us and the most difficult point in this process is choosing a gift. At this point, we offer you an amazing personalized gift. Custom puzzle! The puzzle is not an ordinary gift. It has many features. It has a great contribution to intelligence and motor development. It is suitable for all ages. So you can create your own puzzle. If a loved one is finishing school, it can be a graduation gift or a great anniversary gift. If you are looking for a family gift, for example; birthday gift,couple gift,father and mother's day gift! The personalized puzzle will be very exciting! Moreover, 500 or What else are you waiting for? Come and join the LOVELAND family! SIZE SCHEME 99 Pieces (9'' x 11'' - 21cm x 29.7cm) 240 Pieces (11.6'' x 16.5'' - 29.7cm x 42cm) 500 Pieces (14'' x 20'' - 35cm x 50cm) 1000 Pieces (19'' x 27'' - 48cm x 68cm) WHAT’s in the PACKAGE? -Loveland red gift wrap! -Original Puzzle Box (with your picture on the box) -Colorful Your Photo Output(-Your Puzzle Pieces -Loveland Gift for you (original leather puzzle key chain) HOW to ORDER ? 1- Choose your size 2- Complete your payment process. 3- Please send your photo via ETSY message or e-mail. It's that simple. E-mail: lovelandgiftandmore [!at] gmail.com Please make sure your photo quality is high. Necessary improvements are made by our graphic team. We are assertive in our puzzle piece quality! WHY CUSTOM PUZZLES? -At every age stage, it contributes positively to your motor development. -It develops IQ and is Educational and instructive. -Increase your cognitive ability. It increases your concentration and improves your problem solving ability. -Puzzle is very helpful for both your children and you, as well as for your visual intelligence and motor skills. -A great gift experience for your loved ones for Valentines Day. Why are you waiting? Come meet our quality and have a good time. DO WE PREAPARE COLLAGE PHOTOS? Yes! You can create your own puzzle! We are preparing a collage of your photos for you! It's FREE! If you want collage, you should buy 500 or 1000 pieces custom puzzle! In our opinion, for ideal and quality printing; -4 photos for 500 pcs -6 photos for 1000 pcs. CAN I ADD TEXT TO PUZZLE? Yes! We can add any text you want. Moreover, we offer many font options! ABOUT THE PRODUCTION PROCESS Our puzzles are entirely our own production. that's why we are fast... after placing an order, it is manufactured and shipped within 1-2 business days. it will be delivered to you within 2-4 business days. CANCELLATION AND RETURNS IF YOU DON'T LIKE,RETURNS FREE! SHIPPING AND DELIVERY Europe: 1-3 business days U.S.A - Canada: 2-4 days Rest of the world: 2-7 days Why are you waiting? Come meet our quality and spend have a good time with LOVELAND CUSTOM PUZZLES!
4.591 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Put your digital Phamiliashop Inc. painting on a puzzle and gift someone something unique and beautiful! These are available in 11x14 inches. The included images will be sublimated on chipboard material, then finished in satin. This puzzle board comes contained in a stylish metal tin. The 252, 500 or 1000 precisely interlocking pieces make an excellent gift for any soon-to-be puzzled enthusiasts. Contact me at (617) 942-1272 for any questions and information! I hope to work with you soon!.: 252, 500 or 1000 precise interlocking pieces/n.: Satin finish image sublimated on chipboard/n.: Comes in a metal tin   29.25" × 19.75" (1000 pcs) 20.5" × 15" (500 pcs) 14" × 11" (252 pcs) Width, in 20.50 29.25 14.00 Height, in 15.00 19.75 11.00
3.824 €
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