Repair pro
Listado top ventas repair pro

Cuidado capilar Champús Hipertin Champú Pro Keratin Repair Linecure 1000 ml 300 ml Especialmente indicado para cabellos secos, encrespados y desvitalizados. Formulado a base de Hidrolizado de Proteínas Vegetales y de proteína de Trigo, ayuda a reparar y crear una capa protectora y selladora mejorando su peinabilidad y reduciendo el encrespamiento. El cabello queda hidratado y reparado desde del interior, a base de agentes acondicionadores. Marca: Contacte solo telefónicamente: 932 20 06 33
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Cuidado capilar Mascarillas capilares Macadamia Weightless Repair Masque Pro Vegan 222 ml Revitaliza el cabello seco y dañado proporcionando hidratación al instante. Esta mascarilla ligera nutre y ayuda a reparar y prevenir futuros daños. Suaviza las puntas abiertas, reduce el frizz y fortalece la elasticidad del cabello. Esta fórmula ultra ligera ofrece todos los beneficios de una mascarilla para el cabello, sin apelmazar. Ingredientes principales: Aceite de Macadamia, Aceite de Argán, Aceite de Coco, Aceite de Nuez, Humectante y Vitamina E. Beneficios: Repara, regenera y fortalece el cabello. Hidratación ultra ligera. Repara y protege el cabello de la rotura Modo de empleo: Después del champú, aplicar en el cabello y peinar. Dejar actuar 5-10 minutos. Enjuagar abundantemente. Usar 1-2 veces por semana. Marca: Contacte solo telefónicamente: 932 20 06 33
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Cuidado capilar Acondicionadores Macadamia Weightless Repair Leave in Conditioning Mist pro vegan 236 Este acondicionador hidratante rico en nutrientes, desen- reda, suaviza el encrespamiento y protege contra daños futuros. Acondiciona y ayuda a reparar puntas abiertas sin dar peso al cabello. Fortalece la elesticidad del cabello. Ingredientes principales: Aceite de Macadamia, Aceite de Argán, extracto de Quinoa y Colágeno Vegetal. Modo de empleo: Pulverizar en el cabello limpio secado con toalla. Peinar y darle forma como de costumbre. Marca: Contacte solo telefónicamente: 932 20 06 33
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Cuidado capilar Aceites hidratantes Macadamia Ultra Rich Repair Oil Treatment pro vegan 30 ml Nutre y repone el cabello seco y dañado mientras alisa el encrespamiento. Formulado con una mezcla de cinco aceites, para una hidratación prifunda. Repara las puntas abiertas y previene contra futuros daños. Es rico en antioxidandes que ayudan a proteger el cabello del calor, los rayos UV y el daño de los radicales libres. Ingredientes principales: Aceite de Macadamia, Aceite de Argán, Aceite de Mongongo, Aceite de Oliva y Aceite de Almendra Dulce. Beneficios: Fortalece y protege el cabello. Hidrata profundamente el cabello seco y dañado. Ayuda a eliminar las puntas abiertas y reduce el frizz. Modo de empleo: Aplicar unas gotas en la palma de la mano. Frotar con las manos y frotar en el cabello desde la mitad hasta las puntas. Aplicar en el cabello húmedo antes de secar. Marca: Contacte solo telefónicamente: 932 20 06 33
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Cuidado capilar Mascarillas capilares Macadamia Ultra Rich Repair Mascarilla Pro vegan 60 ml Ideal para cabello seco y dañado, aporta hidratación y brillo profundo. Esta mascarilla nutre intensamente el cabello seco y dañado para ayudar a prevenir roturas y proteger contra futuros daños. Proporciona al cabello los lípidos esenciales para una hidratación superior. La hidratación se reestabiliza, dejando el cabello sano y brillante. Ingredientes principales: Aceite de Macadamia, Aceite de Argán, Aceite de Mongongo y Manteca de Karité. Beneficios: Proporciona al cabello los lípidos necesarios para una hidratación profunda. Ayuda a reparar el daño, dejando el cabello suave y liso. Mejora la elasticidad del cabello para evitar roturas o daños. Modo de empleo: Después del champú, aplicar en el cabello y peinar. Dejar actuar 5-10 minutos. Enjuagar abundantemente. Usar 1-2 veces por semana. Marca: Contacte solo telefónicamente: 932 20 06 33
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Salud y belleza Cremas Frais Monde Pro Bio-Age Repair Anti Age Face Cream 30 Years 50ml 50 ml Marca: Contacte solo telefónicamente: 932 20 06 33
1.619 €
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Salud y belleza Champús Hipertin Champú Pro Keratin Repair Linecure 1000 ml 300 ml Especialmente indicado para cabellos secos, encrespados y desvitalizados. Formulado a base de Hidrolizado de Proteínas Vegetales y de proteína de Trigo, ayuda a reparar y crear una capa protectora y selladora mejorando su peinabilidad y reduciendo el encrespamiento. El cabello queda hidratado y reparado desde del interior, a base de agentes acondicionadores. Marca: Contacte solo telefónicamente: 932 20 06 33
1.152 €
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Salud y belleza Champús Hipertin Champú Pro Keratin Repair Linecure 1000 ml 1000 ml Especialmente indicado para cabellos secos, encrespados y desvitalizados. Formulado a base de Hidrolizado de Proteínas Vegetales y de proteína de Trigo, ayuda a reparar y crear una capa protectora y selladora mejorando su peinabilidad y reduciendo el encrespamiento. El cabello queda hidratado y reparado desde del interior, a base de agentes acondicionadores. Marca: Contacte solo telefónicamente: 932 20 06 33
2.279 €
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Salud y belleza Mascarillas Macadamia Ultra Rich Repair Mascarilla Pro vegan 60 ml Ideal para cabello seco y dañado, aporta hidratación y brillo profundo. Esta mascarilla nutre intensamente el cabello seco y dañado para ayudar a prevenir roturas y proteger contra futuros daños. Proporciona al cabello los lípidos esenciales para una hidratación superior. La hidratación se reestabiliza, dejando el cabello sano y brillante. Ingredientes principales: Aceite de Macadamia, Aceite de Argán, Aceite de Mongongo y Manteca de Karité. Beneficios: Proporciona al cabello los lípidos necesarios para una hidratación profunda. Ayuda a reparar el daño, dejando el cabello suave y liso. Mejora la elasticidad del cabello para evitar roturas o daños. Modo de empleo: Después del champú, aplicar en el cabello y peinar. Dejar actuar 5-10 minutos. Enjuagar abundantemente. Usar 1-2 veces por semana. Marca: Contacte solo telefónicamente: 932 20 06 33
695 €
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Salud y belleza Acondicionadores Macadamia Weightless Repair Leave in Conditioning Mist pro vegan 236 Este acondicionador hidratante rico en nutrientes, desen- reda, suaviza el encrespamiento y protege contra daños futuros. Acondiciona y ayuda a reparar puntas abiertas sin dar peso al cabello. Fortalece la elesticidad del cabello. Ingredientes principales: Aceite de Macadamia, Aceite de Argán, extracto de Quinoa y Colágeno Vegetal. Modo de empleo: Pulverizar en el cabello limpio secado con toalla. Peinar y darle forma como de costumbre. Marca: Contacte solo telefónicamente: 932 20 06 33
1.387 €
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Salud y belleza Mascarillas Macadamia Weightless Repair Masque Pro Vegan 222 ml Revitaliza el cabello seco y dañado proporcionando hidratación al instante. Esta mascarilla ligera nutre y ayuda a reparar y prevenir futuros daños. Suaviza las puntas abiertas, reduce el frizz y fortalece la elasticidad del cabello. Esta fórmula ultra ligera ofrece todos los beneficios de una mascarilla para el cabello, sin apelmazar. Ingredientes principales: Aceite de Macadamia, Aceite de Argán, Aceite de Coco, Aceite de Nuez, Humectante y Vitamina E. Beneficios: Repara, regenera y fortalece el cabello. Hidratación ultra ligera. Repara y protege el cabello de la rotura Modo de empleo: Después del champú, aplicar en el cabello y peinar. Dejar actuar 5-10 minutos. Enjuagar abundantemente. Usar 1-2 veces por semana. Marca: Contacte solo telefónicamente: 932 20 06 33
1.687 €
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este estuche contiene: -advanced night repair 50 ml: nuestro suero #1 actua en todos los signos clave de envejecimiento incluida la firmeza.-advanced night repair eye supercharged complex 5ml: reduce significativamente la apariencia de líneas arrugas hinchazón debajo de los ojos y ojeras.-serum perfectionist pro 7ml: reafirma y eleva de manera excepcional. la nueva fuerza para combatir la gravedad. esta fórmula de alta velocidad proporciona una mejora para un rostro más natural y juvenil.-limpiadora perfectly clean 30ml: trata tu piel con esta espuma refrescante que limpia suavemente pero a fondo. limpia los poros. deja la piel sana fresca y luminosa.
121 €
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este estuche contiene:-advanced night repair 30 ml: nuestro suero #1 actua en todos los signos clave de envejecimiento incluida la firmeza.-advanced night repair eye supercharged complex 5ml: reduce significativamente la apariencia de líneas arrugas hinchazón debajo de los ojos y ojeras.-serum perfectionist pro 7ml: reafirma y eleva de manera excepcional. la nueva fuerza para combatir la gravedad. esta fórmula de alta velocidad proporciona una mejora para un rostro más natural y juvenil.
86 €
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Cuidado capilar Mascarillas capilares Elvive Mascarilla Total Repair 5 300 ml 300 ml El desgaste diario puede dañar la superficie del cabello y debilitar la fibra. El cabello se debilita, se ve lánguido y dañado, perdiendo brillo y sensación de sedosidad. Los laboratorios L'Oréal han desarrollado una fórmula enriquecida con cetena y pro queratina que ayuda a restaurartu cabello. 5 señales visibles de cabello repuesto sin apelmazar. 5 problemas, 1 solución: -El cabello débil, flácido y dañado se reabastece, se restaura la plenitud. • Refuerzo: enriquecida con pro-queratina, la fórmula de acondicionamiento refuerza cada fibra capilar dejándola fortalecida y resistiendo el desgaste diario. • Re-Surfacing: enriquecida con Ceramide, una réplica del cemento natural del cabello, la fórmula ayuda a devolver una sensación más suave a la fibra capilar, dejándola suave al tacto con un brillo saludable. Marca: Contacte solo telefónicamente: 932 20 06 33
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Salud y belleza Mascarillas Elvive Mascarilla Total Repair 5 300 ml 300 ml El desgaste diario puede dañar la superficie del cabello y debilitar la fibra. El cabello se debilita, se ve lánguido y dañado, perdiendo brillo y sensación de sedosidad. Los laboratorios L'Oréal han desarrollado una fórmula enriquecida con cetena y pro queratina que ayuda a restaurartu cabello. 5 señales visibles de cabello repuesto sin apelmazar. 5 problemas, 1 solución: -El cabello débil, flácido y dañado se reabastece, se restaura la plenitud. • Refuerzo: enriquecida con pro-queratina, la fórmula de acondicionamiento refuerza cada fibra capilar dejándola fortalecida y resistiendo el desgaste diario. • Re-Surfacing: enriquecida con Ceramide, una réplica del cemento natural del cabello, la fórmula ayuda a devolver una sensación más suave a la fibra capilar, dejándola suave al tacto con un brillo saludable. Marca: Contacte solo telefónicamente: 932 20 06 33
4 €
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Bálsamo RoC Pro-Cica Extra Repair repara y suaviza activamente la piel. Indicado para pieles sensibles, secas y frágiles.
35,95 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Gift under 30, Taurus Necklace, Raw Emerald Crystal Charm Necklace, Celestial Gold Zodiac Tag Layering Necklace, May Birthday Gift …………………………………. This necklace features a genuine, raw birthstone nugget & a beautiful Zodiac charm of your choice hanging from a dainty 14k Gold or Sterling Silver chain. Customize the necklace with your birthstone and sign OR the astrological sign and birthstone of someone very special to you. Also available with only the zodiac charm and no birthstone. This necklace arrives boxed & ready to gift, complete with a matching packaging card! **Matching Bracelet Available HERE: …………………………………. H O W ∙ T O ∙ O R D E R 1st DROP DOWN menu • Select which Zodiac Charm you would like on your necklace and the Raw Stone (optional) 2nd DROP DOWN menu • Select the Length and Finish you would like. Available in 16", 18" and 20" …………………………………. R A W ∙ G E M ∙ O P T I O N S CAPRICORN | Garnet (Dec 22- Jan 19) AQUARIUS | Amethyst (Jan 20- Feb 18) PISCES | Aquamarine (Feb 19 - Mar 20) ARIES | Herkimer Diamond (Mar 21 - Apr 19) TAURUS | Raw Emerald (Apr 20 - May 20) GEMINI | Moonstone (May 21 - Jun 20) CANCER | Ruby (Jun 21 -Jul 22) LEO | Peridot (Jul 23 - Aug) VIRGO | Sapphire (Aug 23 - Sep 22) LIBRA | Rose Quartz (Sep 23 - Oct 22) SCORPIO | Citrine (Oct 23 - Nov 21) SAGITTARIUS | Turquoise (Nov 22- Dec 21) Please note: Because we use natural stones, the stones may vary slightly in shape, shade and size. They may also contain natural inclusions. …………………………………. M A T E R I A L S Available in GOLD or SILVER finish • Chain is 14k gold- filled or sterling silver. • Charms are gold or silver plated brass • Stone top is electroplated gold or sterling silver over copper …………………………………. C U R R E N T ∙ P R O D U C T I O N ∙ T I M E S All items are made to order, so please check the top of our policies page for the most up to date production and delivery times. …………………………………. E X P E D I T E D ∙ S H I P P I N G At checkout, you have the option to choose faster shipping in the drop down menu. Ship times do NOT include production times [please see above]. However if you select expedited shipping, we will try to get your order completed faster. …………………………………. G I F T S Each item is individually wrapped in a branded jewelry gift box. We do not include price receipts in the package. We are happy to ship directly to the recipient. …………………………………. O U R ∙ P R O M I S E ∙ T O ∙ Y O U We feel truly grateful for each and every order you intrust to us. We handcraft every piece with great care and love. Within 30 days of your purchase, if you notice any manufacturing defect in your piece, we will gladly repair your jewelry at no extra cost. We also understand that accidents happen, so if your Delezhen Jewelry ever needs some extra TLC, we'd be happy to repair it for you. (Reasonable charges, if any, will be determined by the nature of the repair.) …………………………………. ** PLEASE NOTE ** All information about the metaphysical properties of the crystals is for reference only. Using or wearing, stones or crystals, does not mean that you can treat, cure or prevent any disease. Please consult your Health Care Professional for information on health care issues and do not stop any medications or courses of treatment, without first consulting your Health Care Professional. …………………………………. C O N N E C T ∙ W I T H ∙ U S Follow us on Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram to get updates on Sales, Promotions & Giveaways! Instagram: @delezhen © Delezhen Inc 2010-2020. All Rights Reserved. Images and Designs are protected under section 1306 of Chapter 13, US Copyright laws. Delezhen is a Registered trademark of Delezhen inc.
3.494 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Hidden Halo Yellow Gold Oval Ring, 2 CT Oval Moissanite Ring, Forever One Moissanite Ring, Lab Diamond Oval Ring, Dainty Ring, Classic Oval **This beautiful set is made with the highest quality simulated, lab white sapphire, generic moissanite or Forever One moissanite center stone on a 100% guaranteed and STAMPED 14k, 18k solid gold or platinum setting. We can also upgrade it to LAB CREATED/LAB GROWN diamond. Please contact us for pricing on lab created diamond. ** Most of my items are available in all three colors. For more information on metal options feel free to contact me. Rose: White: ================================================= Item Description and specifications: Brand: Zhedora Approximate total carat weight: 2.0 Center stone size: 2.0 Center Stone Cut: Oval Cut 9x7mm Metal type and purity: solid 14k/ 18k Yellow Gold Setting: Hidden Halo Solitaire Center stone options: Simulated, Lab White Sapphire, Generic Moissanite, C&C Forever One Moissanite or lab created/lab grown diamond. For pricing on the lab created/grown please contact us. Information on center stones: ** Simulated Diamond: D Color AAAAA Quality, VVS1 ** Lab White Sapphire: AAAAA Quality, Colorless, Eye Clean ** Generic Moissanite: DEF Color, VVS1, Colorless, Eye Clean ** Charles & Colvard Forever One Moissanite: DEF Color (with a lifetime warranty card) ** Lab Created/Grown: Available upon request. Please send us a DM for pricing. •••• PLEASE NOTE ALL STONES ABOVE ARE AN ALTERNATIVE TO DIAMOND. What is the difference between Forever One and generic Moissanite? Moissanite was introduced to the jewelry market in 1998 after Charles and Colvard received patents to create and market lab-grown silicon carbide gemstones, becoming the first firm to do so. They currently make their highest quality loose gems under the trademark Forever One. When you purchase these stones from us, you will receive a lifetime warranty card from Charles and Colvard. Generic moissanites are, as the name implies, brand less and are not protected by a registered trademark and are therefore more affordable. This does not mean that their quality is inferior or they will not last as long as Forever One stones. I guarantee that both stones are of the highest quality at the most competitive price you can find in the market. ==================================================== ***IMPORTANT*** This engagement ring can be made with different cololress gems which you can choose from drop down menu. For pricing on the lab created/grown please contact us. We do work with a variety of other colored stones such as morganite, aquamarine, topaz, white sapphire, etc. If you require customization of this ring with any other stone types, please contact us directly. ===================================================== Production time: The process of making this order is 3-4 as stated in the shipping and handling section of my store. The reason it takes that amount of time is because I start making them from scratch once the order is received. I prefer to give my retail customers a more “fresh from the oven” jewelry to make them more personal rather than ship something in stock. If you are pressed for time and or require expedited manufacturing and delivery, I do SOMETIMES have that service available. Please contact us directly and our wonderful customer representative can provide you with more information. ****Moissanite orders may take up to 3-4 weeks to make**** ====================================================== Ring Sizes: (for orders that have 1-3 shipping day) You can pick your ring size from the drop down menu. All of our molds are made to size 6.5 so if you require any other size we have to resize the ring for you. This will add an additional 4-6 business days to our processing time if the shipping handling time of your order is 1-2 days. FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT SHIPPING, RESIZING, PERSONALIZATION, CARING TIPS AND RETURNS AND EXCHANGES PLEASE REFER TO THE FAQ SECTION OF THE STORE AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE. ====================================================== CUSTOM ORDERS: We created our shop based on our ability to manufacture beautiful high quality pieces at affordable cost. If you cannot find the piece your heart truly desires in my shop, I promise and guarantee that I can make it for you. Just send me a picture or an illustration and we can start a conversation about your dream piece. ====================================================== Warranty: All of our stones are incredibly tough and durable. We offer 90 days’ warranty on all of our items. Send us a direct message if you need a repair or if you have issues with your ring within the 90 days’ time frame. If you need a repair any time after, please contact us directly. For how to care for your wedding ring please refer to FAQ below. ====================================================== Inside Scoop: Facebook: Instagram:
36.976 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
14k Solid Rose Gold Solitaire Engagement Ring, 6 Pront Wedding Rind in Rose Gold, 1.5ct Round Brilliant Cut Center Stone, Moissanite Ring **This beautiful ring is made with the highest quality simulated, lab created white sapphire or moissanite center stone set on a 100% guaranteed and STAMPED 14k or 18k solid gold setting. Item Description and specifications: This ring can also be found in white gold below: ==================================================== Item Description and specifications: Brand: Zhedora Approximate total carat weight: 1.5 carat Center stone size: 1.5 carats Center Stone Cut: Round Metal type and purity: solid 14k/ 18k rose gold Setting: 6-prong basket style setting Center stone options: Simulated, Lab White Sapphire, Generic Moissanite, C&C Forever One Moissanite. Information on center stones: ** Simulated Diamond: D Color AAAAA Quality, VVS1 ** Lab White Sapphire: AAAAA Quality, Colorless, Eye Clean ** Generic Moissanite: DEF Color, VVS1, Colorless, Eye Clean ** Charles & Colvard Forever One Moissanite: DEF Color (with a lifetime warranty card) •••• PLEASE NOTE ALL STONES ABOVE ARE AN ALTERNATIVE TO DIAMOND. What is the difference between Forever One and generic Moissanite? Moissanite was introduced to the jewelry market in 1998 after Charles and Colvard received patents to create and market lab-grown silicon carbide gemstones, becoming the first firm to do so. They currently make their highest quality loose gems under the trademark Forever One. When you purchase these stones from us, you will receive a certificate of authenticity that includes a lifetime warranty on your stone from Charles and Colvard. Generic moissanites are, as the name implies, brand less and are not protected by a registered trademark and are therefore more affordable. This does not mean that their quality is inferior or they will not last as long as Forever One stones. I guarantee that both stones are of the highest quality at the most competitive price you can find in the market. ==================================================== ***IMPORTANT*** This engagement ring can be made with different cololress gems which you can choose from drop down menu.The accent stones and the band will have simulated diamond regardless of your center stone choice. If you are interested in changing the side accent stones to natural diamond or moissanite please send us a direct message. We do work with a variety of other colored stones such as morganite, aquamarine, topaz, white sapphire, etc. If you require customization of this ring with any other stone types, please contact us directly. ****Moissanite orders can take up to 4 weeks to make**** ===================================================== Production time: The process of making this order is 5-6 days as stated in the shipping and handling section of my store. The reason it takes that amount of time is because I start making them from scratch once the order is received. I prefer to give my retail customers a more “fresh from the oven” jewelry to make them more personal rather than ship something in stock. If you are pressed for time and or require expedited manufacturing and delivery, I do SOMETIMES have that service available. Please contact us directly and our wonderful customer representative can provide you with more information. ====================================================== Ring Sizes: (for orders that have 1-3 shipping day) You can pick your ring size from the drop down menu. All of our molds are made to size 6.5 so if you require any other size we have to resize the ring for you. This will add an additional 4-6 business days to our processing time if the shipping handling time of your order is 1-2 days. FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT SHIPPING, RESIZING, PERSONALIZATION, CARING TIPS AND RETURNS AND EXCHANGES PLEASE REFER TO THE FAQ SECTION OF THE STORE AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE. ====================================================== CUSTOM ORDERS: We created our shop based on our ability to manufacture beautiful high quality pieces at affordable cost. If you cannot find the piece your heart truly desires in my shop, I promise and guarantee that I can make it for you. Just send me a picture or an illustration and we can start a conversation about your dream piece. ====================================================== Warranty: All of our stones are incredibly tough and durable. We offer 90 days’ warranty on all of our items. Send us a direct message if you need a repair or if you have issues with your ring within the 90 days’ time frame. If you need a repair any time after, please contact us directly. For how to care for your wedding ring please refer to FAQ below. ====================================================== Inside Scoop: Facebook: Instagram:
37.252 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
This elegant leather Crossbody Wallet offers unbeatable functionality - it can store all your cards, bills, documents, passports, and even a phone (up to an iPhone 13 Pro Max) in a protective case and still keep the minimal look. The wallet easily converts into a crossbody clutch (with the help of a removable adjustable leather strap) or a wrist clutch (thanks to a detachable wrist strap). We'd love to personalize the wallet for you with your blind/gold embossed initials. Dimensions: 8.25'' Length x 4.75'' Height x 1.5'' Depth Strap length: 43" Features: - Secure flap with two snap buttons - Removable leather wrist band - Removable adjustable leather shoulder strap: 43" - One zippered compartment (good for a passport or two) - One large zippered compartment for a phone (up to an iPhone 13 Pro Max) - One back slip-in pocket with a magnetic lock - Zippered coin pouch - 9 card slots - 4 slip-in bills/documents compartments WE ONLY MAKE A FEW PIECES AT A TIME! If the color you like is out of stock, follow us on Instagram @era81_official or subscribe to our email list to be the first one to receive a notification once we relist it: *****PERSONALIZATION***** Add a personal touch to your leather purse! Monogrammed products make wonderful memorable gifts for your friends, family and business partners. Be creative and let the gift speak for you! We'd love to personalize the purse with your blind (no color) or gold embossed initials. Please leave the personalization details in the notes to your order and make sure to list the initials the way you want them to appear on the product. *****QUALITY GUARANTEE***** We take pride in the quality of our products. If you believe your product has or develops any defects in the craftsmanship, please contact us with the photos of the defect, and we will repair the defect at no extra cost, provided the return shipping to our studio is paid by the customer. Please note that the guarantee only covers our craftsmanship; any damage caused by improper use or care, accidents or normal wear and tear is not included. ***** SHIPPING & RETURNS ***** We accept returns without asking questions, just contact us within 3 days of the product delivery. Please note that customized products are not eligible for returns. *****OUR MATERIALS***** We use premium full grain vegetable tanned leather to make our Crossbody Wallets, which is the leather that is tanned using non-toxic organic barks and leaves over a period of 30 to 40 days (unlike fast-made low-cost chrome tanned leathers that are harmful to health and environment). We source our leather from a reputable tannery that focuses on sustainable leather production. Vegetable tanned leather has natural color and earthy sweet smell, and develops a gorgeous patina with time preserving the story of its owner and making each piece truly unique. This means no two Crossbody Wallets made by us will be exactly the same! Vegetable tanned leather, with the right feeding & care, also has the ability to heal scratches (unlike chrome tanned leathers, which, once scratched, cannot be repaired without re-tanning). This ability makes veg tanned leather products much more durable than any chemically tanned leather goods, and keeps them presentable and rich looking for years. ***** ABOUT US ***** We nourish simplicity and elegance in our designs. Mix stunning textures, subtle geometry of shapes, warm loving craftsmanship infused with patience and attention to detail – and that is how our bags are born. Each product is gift wrapped with love and care and shipped promptly around the world. We are available at any time (apart from sleeping!) to answer your questions and help you make the right choice. Explore more wallets & clutches: Explore all the designs in our store:
11.033 €
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Cosmética Sérums Mádara Serum SOS Hydra 30 ml El mejor producto de cosmética natural en Suiza: ganador del ANNABELLE Prix de Beauté 2017 dentro de la categoría 'Cosméticos prestigiosos y populares'. ¿Su piel se siente estresada, seca o apretada? Esto podría ser un signo de deshidratación, un nivel de humedad reducido en la piel. SOS HYDRA REPAIR INTENSIVE SERUM es un suero de fuerza profesional, creado para restaurar las capas más profundas de humedad y equilibrar su piel estresada y deshidratada. Científicamente comprobado que aumenta los reservorios de agua dérmica y protege la piel contra el daño de los radicales libres. La mezcla humectante de peonía, linaza y ácido hialurónico del norte se absorbe rápidamente para obtener resultados duraderos. Perfecto para todo tipo de piel, para todos los grupos de edad; especialmente beneficioso para aquellos con piel deshidratada y estresada que se siente apretada y áspera, con líneas finas, arrugas y falta de brillo. Una buena solución para la superficie de la piel grasa y las capas más profundas deshidratadas de la piel. Aplicar sobre la piel limpia y seguir con una crema hidratante. CONSEJO PRO: use con SOS HYDRA RECHARGE CREAM para lograr los mejores resultados. DERMATOLOGICAMENTE PROBADO en 35 pacientes con signos significativos de deshidratación de la piel. Marca: Contacte solo telefónicamente: 932 20 06 33
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Salud y belleza Sérums Mádara Serum SOS Hydra 30 ml 30 ml El mejor producto de cosmética natural en Suiza: ganador del ANNABELLE Prix de Beauté 2017 dentro de la categoría 'Cosméticos prestigiosos y populares'. ¿Su piel se siente estresada, seca o apretada? Esto podría ser un signo de deshidratación, un nivel de humedad reducido en la piel. SOS HYDRA REPAIR INTENSIVE SERUM es un suero de fuerza profesional, creado para restaurar las capas más profundas de humedad y equilibrar su piel estresada y deshidratada. Científicamente comprobado que aumenta los reservorios de agua dérmica y protege la piel contra el daño de los radicales libres. La mezcla humectante de peonía, linaza y ácido hialurónico del norte se absorbe rápidamente para obtener resultados duraderos. Perfecto para todo tipo de piel, para todos los grupos de edad; especialmente beneficioso para aquellos con piel deshidratada y estresada que se siente apretada y áspera, con líneas finas, arrugas y falta de brillo. Una buena solución para la superficie de la piel grasa y las capas más profundas deshidratadas de la piel. Aplicar sobre la piel limpia y seguir con una crema hidratante. CONSEJO PRO: use con SOS HYDRA RECHARGE CREAM para lograr los mejores resultados. DERMATOLOGICAMENTE PROBADO en 35 pacientes con signos significativos de deshidratación de la piel. Marca: Contacte solo telefónicamente: 932 20 06 33
2.817 €
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