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Retro gaming mat

Listado top ventas retro gaming mat

  • Múltiples tamaños disponibles: que se adaptan perfectamente a su escritorio. La base de goma mantiene toda la superficie en su lugar evitando que la tela se amontone para mantener un movimiento suave del mouse en todo el escritorio. El grosor de 0,10 pulgadas (3 mm) con un tamaño tan expansivo proporciona la estabilidad que necesita tanto para el mouse como para el teclado.
  • Durable con alta calidad: el borde cosido evita el deshilachado y el desgomado. La base de caucho natural no libera productos químicos tóxicos y no sufrirás malos olores. Esta gran alfombrilla para ratón para juegos es duradera y segura para un uso prolongado.
  • Mejore la velocidad y precisión: la superficie ultra suave hecha de material trenzado de fibra superfina ayuda a que el mouse se deslice suavemente y mejore la precisión del mouse.
  • Resistente al agua y fácil de limpiar: no hay necesidad de preocuparse por tazas de bebidas en este tapete grande, ya que está hecho de material impermeable. Además, el material se limpia fácilmente con un paño húmedo.
  • Si tiene alguna pregunta, puede escribirnos en cualquier momento, le responderemos lo antes posible y lo ayudaremos a resolver el problema, ¡le deseo una feliz compra!
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  • Múltiples tamaños disponibles: que se adaptan perfectamente a su escritorio. La base de goma mantiene toda la superficie en su lugar evitando que la tela se amontone para mantener un movimiento suave del mouse en todo el escritorio. El grosor de 0,10 pulgadas (3 mm) con un tamaño tan expansivo proporciona la estabilidad que necesita tanto para el mouse como para el teclado.
  • Durable con alta calidad: el borde cosido evita el deshilachado y el desgomado. La base de caucho natural no libera productos químicos tóxicos y no sufrirás malos olores. Esta gran alfombrilla para ratón para juegos es duradera y segura para un uso prolongado.
  • Mejore la velocidad y precisión: la superficie ultra suave hecha de material trenzado de fibra superfina ayuda a que el mouse se deslice suavemente y mejore la precisión del mouse.
  • Resistente al agua y fácil de limpiar: no hay necesidad de preocuparse por tazas de bebidas en este tapete grande, ya que está hecho de material impermeable. Además, el material se limpia fácilmente con un paño húmedo.
  • Si tiene alguna pregunta, puede escribirnos en cualquier momento, le responderemos lo antes posible y lo ayudaremos a resolver el problema, ¡le deseo una feliz compra!
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  • Múltiples tamaños disponibles: que se adaptan perfectamente a su escritorio. La base de goma mantiene toda la superficie en su lugar evitando que la tela se amontone para mantener un movimiento suave del mouse en todo el escritorio. El grosor de 0,10 pulgadas (3 mm) con un tamaño tan expansivo proporciona la estabilidad que necesita tanto para el mouse como para el teclado.
  • Durable con alta calidad: el borde cosido evita el deshilachado y el desgomado. La base de caucho natural no libera productos químicos tóxicos y no sufrirás malos olores. Esta gran alfombrilla para ratón para juegos es duradera y segura para un uso prolongado.
  • Mejore la velocidad y precisión: la superficie ultra suave hecha de material trenzado de fibra superfina ayuda a que el mouse se deslice suavemente y mejore la precisión del mouse.
  • Resistente al agua y fácil de limpiar: no hay necesidad de preocuparse por tazas de bebidas en este tapete grande, ya que está hecho de material impermeable. Además, el material se limpia fácilmente con un paño húmedo.
  • Si tiene alguna pregunta, puede escribirnos en cualquier momento, le responderemos lo antes posible y lo ayudaremos a resolver el problema, ¡le deseo una feliz compra!
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  • Múltiples tamaños disponibles: que se adaptan perfectamente a su escritorio. La base de goma mantiene toda la superficie en su lugar evitando que la tela se amontone para mantener un movimiento suave del mouse en todo el escritorio. El grosor de 0,10 pulgadas (3 mm) con un tamaño tan expansivo proporciona la estabilidad que necesita tanto para el mouse como para el teclado.
  • Durable con alta calidad: el borde cosido evita el deshilachado y el desgomado. La base de caucho natural no libera productos químicos tóxicos y no sufrirás malos olores. Esta gran alfombrilla para ratón para juegos es duradera y segura para un uso prolongado.
  • Mejore la velocidad y precisión: la superficie ultra suave hecha de material trenzado de fibra superfina ayuda a que el mouse se deslice suavemente y mejore la precisión del mouse.
  • Resistente al agua y fácil de limpiar: no hay necesidad de preocuparse por tazas de bebidas en este tapete grande, ya que está hecho de material impermeable. Además, el material se limpia fácilmente con un paño húmedo.
  • Si tiene alguna pregunta, puede escribirnos en cualquier momento, le responderemos lo antes posible y lo ayudaremos a resolver el problema, ¡le deseo una feliz compra!
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  • Tamaño: 90 cm x 80 cm x 2.5 cm
  • 110 canciones, 9 escenas, 10 personajes
  • Cable RCA para la conexión de audio/vídeo (incluido)
  • Simplemente conéctese y empieza
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  • [Más Rendimiento al mejor precio] El Rii RK104 ofrece todo lo que un GAMER necesita. Teclado de 88 teclas de diseño compacto y ergonómico para juegos y trabajo productivo
  • [Retro iluminado Multicolor] Botón LED = luz de fondo encendida / apagada, FN + botón LED = cambiar modo de luz de fondo, FN + PgUP / PgDn = aumentar / disminuir el brillo. ¡Las luces son increíbles, hacen que escribir sea mucho más fácil por la noche!
  • [Antideslizante y con atajos multimedia】Las funciones multimedia se pueden controlar de manera fácil y cómoda. Las cuatro esquinas en la parte inferior del teclado están equipadas con tapetes antideslizantes que proporcionan un agarre estable y cómodo mientras juega o trabaja.
  • [Anti-Ghosting]El sistema Anti-Ghosting evita problemas con la combinación de teclas adyacentes. Teclas ergonómicas y líneas suaves, que brindan una sensación agradable que no le fatiga mientas lo utiliza.
  • 【Compatible con los principales SO】Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, PC, Portátil, IPad, Google Android TV Box, HTPC, IPTV, Smart TV, Mac, IOS y todas las versiones de Raspberry Pi
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  • ?[NUEVA VERSIÓN] Pandora's Box 9s+ viene con 2400 juegos arcade que despertarán la memoria de la infancia de los usuarios. (Póngase en contacto con nosotros para obtener la lista de juegos completa, y la forma de contactarnos se muestra en la segunda y última foto de presentación).Nota: la consola de juegos 2020 se ha actualizado a 2400 verison, contiene 2400 juegos, así que lamento que la imagen y el título no puedan actualizarse.
  • ?[LISTA DE FAVORITOS] Usando la función de lista de favoritos, puede agregar su juego favorito a la "lista de juegos favoritos" que se muestra en la página de inicio, para que pueda encontrarlos más rápido y ahorrar más tiempo para jugar sus juegos deseados. Además, la lista de juegos se ordena alfabéticamente, y tiene una lista de juegos detallada.
  • ?[BOTONES PERSONALIZADOS] Pandora 9s+ aplica la última interfaz de usuario (UI) como se muestra. Pandora 9s+ permite a los jugadores personalizar la configuración de los botones según las preferencias del jugador para una mejor experiencia del usuario.
  • ?[SOPORTE COMPLETAMENTE EL CONTROLADOR DE JUEGOS] Pandora's Box 6 tiene una interfaz USB que será totalmente compatible con gamepad. Además, la caja 9s+ de Pandora tendrá una velocidad de juego más rápida, un mejor rendimiento de refrigeración y ahorrará más energía.
  • ?[FAMILY ARCADE SYSTEM] Pandora's Box 9s+ usa un sistema de arcade familiar que fácilmente podría brindarte un mundo de arcade propio. Es compatible con dos jugadores que disfrutan de los juegos al mismo tiempo, lo que podría brindarles a los usuarios una verdadera experiencia arcade. El joystick arcade doble 8 vías es perfecto para todos los juegos.
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  • Experiencia de juego altamente sensible: utiliza un chip altamente sensible, lo que te brinda una experiencia de baile cómoda y excelente en juegos.
  • Diseño antideslizante y resistente al desgaste: seguro y fácil de usar, puedes dedicarte a tus juegos favoritos y no te preocupes por resbalones.
  • Admite conexión USB: conéctese a la PC a través del cable USB, ¡es fácil de obtener una sensación arcade incluso en casa!
  • Amplia compatibilidad: adecuado para la mayoría de las PC, es compatible con Windows 98/2000 / XP / 7 OS.
  • Hecho de material de PVC de alta calidad, respetuoso con el medio ambiente y duradero de usar.
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  • Clásicos videojuegos de 8 bits que incluyen Star Fighter, Snake, Crystal Blast y Apple Chess
  • Permite jugar juegos de la vieja escuela de 8 bits, pero se conecta al televisor moderno
  • RCA y cables de alimentación incluidos
  • 140 juegos integrados de 8 bits
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  • El MNBC2, fabricado con estructura muy resistente de acero y plástico ABS de alta calidad, tiene una impresionante iluminación LED roja que mantiene la línea de diseño en rojo y negro característica de Mars Gaming
  • La base refrigeradora MNBC2 está especialmente diseñada para portátiles gaming ultrapotentes con función stand de hasta 17,3”
  • Cuenta con una exclusiva tecnología de flujo de aire UA5 con 5 ventiladores ultrasilenciosos de 12 y 7 cm que te permitirán crear una refrigeración por zonas adaptada a tus necesidades
  • Gracias al intenso flujo de aire generado y a su base cubierta de rejilla de aluminio y sin marco, conseguirás un rendimiento extremo de tu equipo
  • Este refrigerador ofrece comodidad y ergonomía en su uso gracias a sus seis ángulos de inclinación seleccionables. Además, incorpora dos puertos USB 2.0 que amplían la capacidad de conexión del equipo al permitir conectar dispositivos adicionales
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Ficha técnica mars gaming mrbw retro gaming console marca: mars gaming accesorios: caja modelo: mrbw retro gaming console cargador: Sí descripcion: consola retro caja original: Sí mando: Sí cables: Sí Descripción mars gaming mrbw retro gaming console mars gaming mrbw retro gaming console es un objeto de Segunda Mano que se ofrece en estado Buen estado.
24,95 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Ficha técnica mars gaming mrbw retro gaming console marca: mars gaming cargador: Sí modelo: mrbw retro gaming console descripcion: consola retro mando: Sí cables: Sí caja original: Sí accesorios: caja Descripción mars gaming mrbw retro gaming console mars gaming mrbw retro gaming console es un objeto de Segunda Mano que se ofrece en estado Buen estado.
24,95 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Ficha técnica netway retrobit retro gaming marca: netway accesorios: mandos y caja modelo: retrobit retro gaming cargador: Sí descripcion: consola retrogaming caja original: Sí mando: Sí cables: Sí informacion adicional: no incluye juegos preinstalados Descripción netway retrobit retro gaming netway retrobit retro gaming es un objeto de Segunda Mano que se ofrece en estado Perfecto estado.
45,84 €
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A Coruña (A Coruña)
Retron 5 Hyperkin retro Gaming Retron 5 Hyperkin retro Gaming Es la consola como se ve en las fotos sin cables ni mandosKonsole lassen sich Gameboy, GBC, GBA, NES, SNES, Famicom, Genesis und Mega Drive
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Galaxy at Night LED mouse mat, LED light turns on and off. High quality, attractive to the eye, and functional. Full protection for your desktop. Soft, LED light is around the edges, rubber backing which does not slip The surface is made from soft polyester, perfect for both competitive and casual gaming. The largest size can cover the whole of a desk, including underneath a keyboard, an experience of freedom only big mouse mats can offer. Perfect for longer swipes while maintaining excellent tracking control. * SIZES * 23.6" x 11.8" 27.6" x 13.8" 31.5" x 13.8" 35.4" x 15.7" Image by [sdecoret / Shutterstock]
3.000 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
With its large size and quality edge stitching, this gaming mouse pad turns your gaming setup into a professional gaming station ready for Dota, CSGO, and more. Don’t worry about jerky mouse movements ever again, as the under layer features a reliable non-slip surface that keeps the entire mat firmly rooted to your table. • 100% polyester • Rubber non-slip base • Sizes: 18″ × 16″ (45.8 cm × 40.7 cm) • Vibrant prints, long lasting • High-quality edge stitching that doesn’t peel • Non-slip surface • Rounded edges • Blank product sourced from Taiwan
2.795 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
This desk mat is perfect for that extra personal touch at work or in your home office. Made of 4mm thick neoprene material, it has an anti-slip backing and a hemmed edge for durability and stability. Pick it in three sizes 12” × 18”, 12” × 22” & 31" × 15.5" and glow up your workspace. -- 4 mm thick neoprene -- Anti-slip backing -- Full print -- Multi-functional use
2.007 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Level up your desk setup with a desk mat, mousepad or wrist rest! Pick from 15+ sizes or visit our store for more of the best ©DeskNeko gaming desk mats, ergonomic mouse pads and keyboard wrist rests! Browse our large collection of aesthetic designs or create your own custom print. Japanese Desk Mat Mousepad, Large Lofi Mouse Pad, Anime Manga Aesthetic, Gaming Deskmat XXL, Long matt extended XL, Work Office Decor We offer the biggest range of sizes and styles, from small laptop mouse pads to extra large and extended gaming play mats up to 60 x 120 cm. Most sizes come with optional RGB/LED lights and stitched edges for added durability. These mousepads are durable, ergonomic, and the perfect addition to any desk setup. This is the perfect gift and accessory for your gaming PC setup or office work space. How to place an order? ????. ???????????????? ???????????????? ????????????????????: Stitched Edges · Flat Edges · RGB/LED Edges · Ergonomic Mousepad (silicone) ????. ???????????????? ???????????????? ????????????????: If your size is not available in the selected style, please consider a different style or contact us to see if we can arrange a different size! ????. ???????????? ???????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????: (????????????????????????????????) If you'd like to add a text, change a color or make other changes add your 'personalization' in the dedicated field or contact us. ????. ???????????????? ???????? ????????????????????????: (????????????????????????????????) For a custom printed image or a custom design, please visit this listing instead: ????????????.????????????????.????????????/????????????????????????????/???????????????????????????????????????? ????. ???????????????????????? ???????????????? ????????????????????: Place your order as usual. Please double check your address and provide a phone number to ensure smooth delivery. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to send us a message! **When selecting a b'"'Styleb'"' or b'"'Sizeb'"' it will only show those available variants. Remember to DESELECT your chosen variant to see all available variants again. ???? ???????????????????? ????????????????????: · 40cm x 30cm / 16″ x 12″ Inches · 35cm x 25cm / 14″ x 10″ Inches · 30cm x 25cm / 12″ x 10″ Inches · Circle: 20cm / 8″ Inches diameter · Circle: 35cm / 12″ Inches diameter · Square: 35cm x 35 cm / 12″ x 12b'"' Inches ???? ???????????????????? ???????????????????? · 70cm x 35cm / 27.6″ x 13.8″ Inches · 60cm x 35cm / 24″ x 13.8″ Inches · 60cm x 30cm / 24″ x 12″ Inches · 45cm x 35cm / 18″ x 14″ Inches · Circle: 45cm / 16″ Inches diameter · Square: 45cm x 45 cm / 16″ x 16b'"' Inches ???? ???????????? ????????????????????: · 120cm x 60cm / 47.2″ x 23.6″ Inches · 100cm x 50cm / 39.4″ x 19.7″ Inches · 90cm x 40cm / 35.4″ x 15.7″ Inches · 80cm x 30cm / 31.5″ x 11.8″ Inches ???????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????: A: Round Shape: 23 x 25,5 cm / 9″ x 10″ Inches B: Ergonomic Shape: 23 x 25,5 cm / 9″ x 10″ Inches C: Rectangle Shape: 20 x 25,5 cm / 8″ x 10″ Inches ???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????? ????????????????: 44cm x 8cm / 17.3″ x 3″ Inch: Premium silicone padded wrist rest with a 1″ / 2,4 cm thick wrist support ???? ???????????????????????? ???????????????????? & ???????????????????????? (please contact us for the options) · Custom shapes such as a cat paw, flower, polygon or an animal shape: 30x30cm / 12″ x 12″ or 40x40cm / 16″ x 16″ · Custom sizes up to 40 x 40 cm / 16b'"' x 16b'"' on demand · Bigger custom sizes on request: ONLY flat or black stitched edges, in any size up to 183x122cm / 70″ x 48″ inch starting from $75. Keep in mind that the price will be significantly higher than standard sizes. Not available with LED/RGB lights. ⭐ ???????????? ????????????????????????????????: · Made from smooth anti-static micro woven neoprene fabric · Small and Large sizes are 0.12-0.14b'"' (2-3mm) thick · XXL sizes are 0.14-0.16b'"' (3-4mm) thick · Non-slip rubber backing · Scratch resistant and friction-reducing properties · With optional durable Stitched Edges · High-quality Dye-Sublimation edge-to-edge print ⭐ ???????????? ???????????????????????????????? · Extra durable nylon stitched edges · 5W FULL-RGB lighting tube around the edges · Over 12 colors and dynamic color modes! - Colors: Red, orange, green, light blue, dark blue, purple, pink and white - Dynamic modes: Full RGB, RGB fading-in-fading-out, waves, breathing, and more! · Illuminated controller button on the left side for convenient color switching · Including a black USB to mini USB power cable · Perfect sizes for gaming, with a large area for both your keyboard and mouse. ???? ???????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????: · The 5W LED lights and can be powered by any standard Laptop or PC USB-A outlet or trough a power outlet with the use of a USB charger · There is a convenient controller box on the left side of the desk mat with a button to control the lights (Please contact us if you prefer the controller on a different side) · To wash the mousepad, please unplug all electronics and wipe clean only. While the LED lighting tube itself is waterproof, the LED controller box is not waterproof. ???????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????: · Sizes are rounded up or down to the closest decimal. For example, 12 inches equals 30,42 centimeter but is listed as 30cm. Please allow for a small ~1cm/0.5inch sizing margin. Please double-check the size and details and measure your desk if needed. · Due to differences in Display/Monitor settings and lighting conditions, the printed colors may vary slightly from how it appears. · These mousepads are hand made and usually takes 3-5 days to print, custom orders may take longer depending on the request. · We ship worldwide with delivery times of 1-3 weeks, varying between destinations. · Please refer to our FAQ for the washing instruction and more frequently asked questions or send us a message.:) DeskNeko.Etsy.Com | www.DeskNeko.com | Custom Aesthetic Desk Mats and Mouse Pads ????????????????????????????????: Mousepad, Deskmat, Desk Mat, XL, XXL, Neoprene Rubber, Pro Grade Gaming, High Quality, Non-Slip, Non-Skid, Grip, Stitched Edges, Sewn Edges, LED/RGB lights, PC Gaming, Gift for gamers, for him/her/men/women, gift for teen girls/boys, artisan, best deskmats, deskpad, playmat, tabletop matt, play mat, desk blotter, ergonomic, rectangle, square, round, oval, custom, personal, Cozy Mousepad Lofi, Plants Desk Mat, Aesthetic Mouse Pad xxl, Ergonomic keyboard wrist rest, Cute extended gaming matt, Gift for him/her, Lofi Desk Mat xl, Aesthetic Mousepad Cozy, Large Mouse Pad xxl, Cute extended gaming deskmat/play matt, Green cottagecore dark academia cat
2.500 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
2023 Holiday Deadlines US Customers - Regular Shipping, Order by December 7th for delivery by 24th US Customers - Expedited Shipping, Order by December 10th for delivery by 24th UK Customers - 15.5x31b'"' Mats only - Order by December 6th for delivery by 24th UK Customers - All other items - Order by December 4th for delivery by 24th International Customers - Order by December 4th for delivery by 24th Once upon a time, there was a charming little vacation home nestled in the lush foothill of a painstakingly beautiful northern forest. The home was owned by a delightful family of five: a loving pair of parents along with their three vibrant children. Even amid their bustling life, the family made an annual pilgrimage to their little outpost. However, this visit was not just an ordinary family vacation... (Read the rest of this story at the bottom of the listing description.) Breathe fresh, whimsical charm into your workspace or gaming zone with our Mystic Forest Retreat Desk Mat! The perfect blend of practicality and style, this customizable desk mat doubles as an extra large mousepad, making it an excellent addition to any desk setup. The mat features an enchanting forest design that enraptures you into a magical land of fantasy; a sublime blend of vibrant colors making it an instant eye-catcher. It's the ideal gift for college students or those heading back to school, adding a touch of enchantment to their study sessions. Our mats are made from 4mm thick neoprene material, promising durability that stands the test of time. With an anti-slip backing, this large desk pad or extended mousepad won't slide or move while in use. This giant desk mat is also available in a range of sizes and styles, with a choice of either hemmed edges or flat edges, allowing you to choose what suits your needs the best. If you're a gaming enthusiast, this gaming desk mat will level up your gamer desk setup, offering a smooth and supportive surface for seamless mouse movements. It could also serve as a kawaii desk mat or kawaii mousepad, thanks to its cute and captivating design. Caring for this mat is a breeze! Simply use warm water and dish soap to clean off any spots. For those stubborn spots, a soft-bristled brush always does the trick. Dimensions available: 10x16b'"' Flat Edge 12x18b'"' Flat or Hemmed Edge 12x22b'"' Hemmed Edge 14x24b'"' Flat Edge 15.5x31b'"' Hemmed Edge 16x35b'"' Hemmed Edge 18x36b'"' Flat Edge Discover the perfect blend of functionality, comfort, and design with the Mystic Forest Retreat Desk Mat - the ultimate gift for any student, gamer, or anyone looking for a cute desk mat or cute mouse pad. ### The story for this item: Once upon a time, there was a charming little vacation home nestled in the lush foothill of a painstakingly beautiful northern forest. The home was owned by a delightful family of five: a loving pair of parents along with their three vibrant children. Even amid their bustling life, the family made an annual pilgrimage to their little outpost. However, this visit was not just an ordinary family vacation, but instead, a magical, mystical, wonderfully peculiar night that took place once a year. It was a night when the tranquil forest turned into an enchanted land of pastel wonders. As the cherished date drew near, anticipation and excitement filled the family's home. The children won't stop chattering about it; their eyes gleaming with a bright mixture of joy and wonder. Although the parents did their best to keep the mystery intact, they too couldn't mask their stirred excitement. The unpredictability of the enchanting night was the ingredient that whipped them into a frenzy of anticipation. And so, with merriment in their hearts and love in their smiles, the family set off towards their whimsical date with the forest. They arrived at their vacation home just as dusk was starting to hug the world. They unpacked laughter, love, and light, filling the small house with warmth far more nurturing than the fireplace ever could. As clock hands danced towards midnight, the children and the parents sat by the window, their gazes passionately glued to the vista outside. Then, just like clockwork, the transformation began. As if orchestrated by unseen hands, a magical pastel blue fog rolled out from the base of the surrounding hills hitting the air with an aura of serenity. The once-still forest bustled into newfound life. Trees bristled with energy, releasing indescribable tunes that stood somewhere between rustling leaves and soft humming. Almost instantly, the forest seemed like an enchanted orchestra playing a symphony of joy and whimsy. Above, the full moon smirked in golden yellow, lending a soft, tender glow to the entire scene. The clouds, not to be left behind, joined the dance of pastels. They pirouette, waltz and twirled in the sky, interweaving a fanciful tapestry of purple, pink and blue. Every now and then, a star, too shy to miss the fun, blinked into existence, beautifying the sky just a bit more. The entire cosmos laid claim to the celebration, painting a picture so awe-inspiring that it left the family breathless and mesmerized. The children, their eyes wide, hearts full with a blend of joy and astonishment, turned to look at their parents. Their innocent faces as radiant as the magical night unfolding before them. The prophetic magic night was no mere fairytale, it was a promise, a reminder of the unbound love they were blessed to be a part of. As the first streak of dawn emerged from behind the hills, the pastel fog gradually dissipated, the stars dimmed and monotony began to claim the forest back. The enchanting night was over, but it lived on in hearts, a night forever etched into the memory of the family, eagerly looked forward to, and longingly remembered till the next year.
3.621 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Keywords: Fuji Desk Mat Purple Blue Mousepad, Japanese Fuji Mountain Sakura Cherry Blossom, Moon night landscape, XXL large led rgb gaming deskmat mouse pad xl Ergonomic Mouse pad. Decorate your workspace or gaming set up with one of our many mousepads and desk mat designs. Fully customizable designs: · Change the color · Add your own text, icons, doodles, or anything else · Replace the design with your own image or contact us for a custom design ● MOUSEPADS DETAILS (flat edges) ● SIZES: · Circle: 8 Inch / 20cm diameter · 8 x 10 Inch / 20cm x25 cm · 14 x 18 Inch / 35cm x 45cm · 31 x 12 Inch / 30cm x 80cm · ⅛” thick (3mm) · Anti-static top fabric · Anti-skid natural rubber base · High-Quality dye-sublimation print · Custom edge-to-edge high-resolution designs · Stain and water-retardent, easy to clean ● DESK MAT DETAILS (stitched edges) ● SIZES: 10 x 12 Inch / 25cm x 30cm 14 x 18 Inch / 35cm x 35cm 12 x 31 Inch / 30cm x 80cm 14 x 24 Inch / 35cm x 60cm 16 x 35 Inch / 40cm x 90cm · Color-matched stitched edges · Thick durable edge · Anti-static fabric · Anti-skid natural rubber · ⅛” thick (3mm) · High-Quality dye-sublimation print · Custom edge-to-edge vibrant designs · Stain and water-retardent, easy to clean ● 3D MOUSEPADS DETAILS (flat edges) ● SIZE: 9 x 10 Inch / 23cm x 25.4cm · With a silicone padded wrist rest · ⅛” thick (3mm) · Anti-static top fabric · Anti-skid natural rubber base · High-Quality dye-sublimation print · Custom edge-to-edge vibrant designs · Stain and water-retardent, easy to clean ● PADDED WRIST REST ● SIZE: 18 x 4 Inch / 45cm x 10cm · SIlicone padded wrist rest · 1/2b'"' thick / 1.3 CM thick · Anti-static top fabric · Anti-skid natural rubber base · High-Quality dye-sublimation print · Custom edge-to-edge vibrant designs · Stain and water-retardent, easy to clean ● RGB MOUSEPAD DETAILS (led edges) ● SIZES: · 10 x 12 Inch / 25cm x 30cm · 24 x 14 Inch / 60cm x 35 · 31 x 12 Inch / 80cm x 30cm · 35 x 16 Inch / 90cm x 40cm DETAILS: · LED light strip around the edges · 14 RGB color modes · Detachable USB power cable · Durable nylon stitched edges · Non-skid rubber backing · ⅛” thick (4mm) · Anti-static fabric · Anti-skid natural rubber Care instructions: If the LED mousepad gathers any dust or stains, unplug first, and wipe the dust or any dirt off gently with a clean, dry cloth. This LED mousepad is not waterproof due to the electronic elements. ✨ Visit Our Shop For More Exclusive Designs ✨ www.DeskNeko.com / www.etsy.com/shop/DeskNeko ⇨ Important Notes ⇨ ● Please double-check the size and details before placing an order ● Due to differences in computer display settings and lighting conditions, the colors may vary slightly. ● Design placement may vary between different-sized mousepads. In most cases, the design will be cropped, altered, or completely redesigned to perfectly fit the dimension of each size. **We never stretch or warp designs!** ● If there’s no image of your desired size in the listing, please reach out for a preview. ● This mousepad usually takes 3-5 days to produce and 1 to 3 weeks to ship worldwide. Delivery times may vary from country to country. ● Our mousepads are made-to-order and we do not accept cancellations or returns when production has started. If you made a mistake with your order, please contact us as soon as possible but we can not guarantee cancellations. ● Upon arrival, you may notice a slight smell of fresh ink and rubber. Please allow 12 to 24 hours for the odor to fade. If needed, hang the mousepad inside out in fresh air. ???? Care instructions ???? · Wipe clean and hand-wash only (not laundry machine proof) · Air-dry or wipe dry only (not tumbler dry proof) · Keep the printed side out of direct sunlight to preserve the colors · Do not bleach or iron · In case of spills, wipe clean and if needed rinse in cold to lukewarm water. For more unique mousepad designs and other products, please visit our store www.DeskNeko.etsy.com! We accept requests for custom designs. Personalize one of our existing designs, print your own design or photo on one of our mousepads, or share with us what you have in mind and we’ll make it for you! Otakutako/DeskNeko These extra-large mousepads are the perfect gift for gamers. The colors are matched to popular gaming chairs, keycaps, mice, and keyboards to upgrade the ultimate aesthetic for your workspace or gaming battle station. Are you looking for a desk mat or mouse pad to upgrade your game room or workspace? These personalized mousepads are the perfect gift for yourself, a colleague, friend, or family. Whether you’re looking for a cute extended gaming desk mat or a minimalistic office mousepad, you’re in the right place! These fully customizable mouse pads are the perfect desk accessory for your workplace, home office, or game room decor. We’re always bringing out new designs, ranging from minimal geometric designs to cute colors like pink and purple, anime fan art, and nature-inspired creations. We have something for every aesthetic!
2.000 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Handmade with love and care, this needle felted desk mat is made with 100% premium natural & eco-friendly materials. This felted mat works well as desk mat and mouse pad. It will bring your work and gaming experience to the next level. Another thoughtful gift idea for your family, friends and co-workers. ???? Custom size? Message me to get a quote. ** R E L A T E D P R O D U C T S ** ☕ Felt Coasters Set: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1408761339 ????️ Felt Mouse Pad: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1394507870 ✔️ 100% Natural Materials ✔️ Premium Quality Wool, Fiber, PU Leather Tag ✔️ Anti-slip Rubber Dots ✔️ Thickness: 2-3 mm ✔️ No Scratching Feelings / No Balling Up ✔️ Works Well as Mouse Pad ✔️ Elevated Typing / Gaming Experience Standard sizes (sizes in the listing) will be ready to ship and custom sized mat will be shipped in 3-4 business days. Send me a message if you need any personal advice on your project. ????
1.264 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Handmade with love and care, this felted desk mat is made with 100% premium natural & eco-friendly materials. This felted mat works well as desk mat and mouse pad. It will bring your work and gaming experience to the next level. Another thoughtful gift idea for your family, friends and co-workers. ???? Custom size or logo? Message me to get a quote. ** R E L A T E D P R O D U C T S ** ☕ Felt Coasters Set: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1408761339 ????️ Felt Mouse Pad: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1394507870 ✔️ 100% Natural Materials ✔️ Premium Quality Felt Fiber, PU Leather Tag ✔️ Anti-slip Rubber Dots ✔️ Thickness: 2-3 mm ✔️ No Scratching Feelings / No Balling Up ✔️ Works Well as Mouse Pad ✔️ Elevated Typing & Gaming Experience Standard sizes (sizes in the listing) will be ready to ship and custom sized mat will be shipped in 3-4 business days. Send me a message if you need any personal advice on your project. ????
2.132 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Handmade with love and care, this needle felted desk mat is made with 100% premium natural & eco-friendly materials. This felted mat works well as desk mat and mouse pad. It will bring your work and gaming experience to the next level. Another thoughtful gift idea for your family, friends and co-workers. ???? Custom size? Message me to get a quote. ✔️ 100% Natural Materials ✔️ Premium Quality Wool & Leather ✔️ Works Well as Mouse Pad ✔️ Elevated Typing/Gaming Experience ✔️ Custom Text or Logo: Laser Engraving Often bought with a wrist rest - https://www.etsy.com/listing/1214235598 Send me a message if you need any personal advice on your project. ????
2.785 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Handmade with love and care, this needle felted desk mat is made with 100% premium natural & eco-friendly materials. This felted mat works well as desk mat and mouse pad. It will bring your work and gaming experience to the next level. Another thoughtful gift idea for your family, friends and co-workers. ???? Custom size? Message me to get a quote. ✔️ 100% Natural Materials ✔️ Premium Quality Wool & Leather ✔️ Works Well as Mouse Pad ✔️ Elevated Typing/Gaming Experience Send me a message if you need any personal advice on your project. ????
2.644 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Ficha técnica orb gaming retro tv games descripcion: retro tv games mando: no modelo: retro tv games cables: no marca: orb gaming caja original: no accesorios: no tiene cargador: Sí Descripción orb gaming retro tv games orb gaming retro tv games es un objeto de Segunda Mano que se ofrece en estado Usado.
15,85 €
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