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                  • Los asientos de coche con frente hacia atrás ofrecen la mejor protección en caso de colisión frontal, el tipo de accidente más frecuente en las carreteras.
                  • Gira 360º en todas las posiciones de reclinado
                  • Nuestro sistema patentado pivotante isofix dirige la fuerza primero hacia abajo (1), en el asiento del vehículo y, a continuación, hacia adelante (2), más suavemente, reduce en gran medida el riesgo de lesiones en la cabeza y el cuello para su hijo.
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                  España (Todas las ciudades)
                  Ficha técnica great battles of rome ps2 genero: estrategia titulo: great battles of rome ps2 caja original: Sí informacion adicional: imagen no contractual Descripción great battles of rome ps2 great battles of rome ps2 es un objeto de Segunda Mano que se ofrece en estado Buen estado.
                  6,94 €
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                  Ficha técnica great battles of rome psp region: pal genero: estrategia titulo: great battles of rome psp caja original: No informacion adicional: signos de uso no apreciable en las imágenes Descripción great battles of rome psp great battles of rome psp es un objeto de Segunda Mano que se ofrece en estado Buen estado.
                  13,85 €
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                  España (Todas las ciudades)
                  Alejandro. Hannibal. César. Estos grandes hombres y docenas como ellos dieron forma al destino de un continente. Los reyes poderosos, los generales inteligentes y los posibles dioses dejaron su huella en el antiguo Mediterráneo. Alrededor de este mar, las naciones unidas probaron su temple y virtud entre sí en el combate feroz, su legado cultural y político ahora inseparable de lo que entendemos como civilización occidental. Pero nada estaba garantizado. ¿Puedes cambiar el curso de la historia en Imperator: Roma? Imperator: Rome es el nuevo título de gran estrategia de Paradox Development Studio. Emplazado en los tumultuosos siglos que van desde los imperios de los sucesores de Alejandro en el este hasta la fundación del Imperio Romano, Imperator: Roma lo invita a revivir el esplendor y los desafíos de la construcción del imperio en la era clásica. Administra a tu población, mantente atento a la traición y mantén la fe en tus dioses. Imperator: Rome incluye: Gestión de personajes: Un mundo vivo de personajes con diferentes habilidades y rasgos que cambiarán con el tiempo. Dirigirán tu nación, gobernarán tus provincias y comandarán tus ejércitos y flotas. También presentamos nuestro nuevo arte con carácter más humano. Poblaciones diversas: Ciudadanos, hombres libres, miembros de tribus y esclavos: cada población tiene su propia cultura y religión. Ya sea que llenen sus ejércitos, llenen sus arcas o llenen sus colonias, vigilen su felicidad, su éxito depende de su satisfacción. Tácticas de batalla: Elige tu enfoque antes de la batalla para contrarrestar las estratagemas de tus enemigos. Tradiciones militares: Cada cultura tiene una forma única de librar la guerra. Romanos y celtas tienen diferentes opciones disponibles para ellos. Desbloquea bonos únicos, habilidades y unidades. Diferentes tipos de gobierno: Administre el senado en una República, mantenga a su corte unido en una monarquía, responda a los clanes en un sistema tribal Bárbaros y rebeliones: Los bárbaros migrantes pueden despedir o asentar su mejor tierra, mientras que los gobernadores o generales desleales pueden volverse contra usted, ¡llevándose a sus ejércitos con ellos! Comercio: Los bienes proporcionan bonificaciones a su provincia de origen. ¿Aprovechará las reservas para la fuerza local o intercambiará el exceso de bienes para distribuir la riqueza? Mejora Provincial: Invierte en edificios, caminos y defensas para hacer que tu reino sea más fuerte y rico.
                  39,99 €
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                  España (Todas las ciudades)
                  Players use strategic-level cards for multiple purposes: moving generals, levying new troops, reinforcing existing armies, gaining political control of the provinces involved in the war, and generating historical events. When two armies meet on the battlefield, a second set of cards, called Battle Cards, are used to determine the winner. Ultimately both players seek victory by dominating both fronts: military and political.
                  55,25 €
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                  España (Todas las ciudades)
                  14 3/4" Cesar & Cleopatra Roman Egyptian Chess Set. Beautiful handmade inlaid mother of pearl wooden Chess Board with storage. Will be shipped via international express shipping Julius Caesar and Cleopatra meet while Egypt is in the midst of a civil war. Indeed, in 53 BC, Cleopatra had fled to Syria to escape from her brother, Ptolemy XIII, who reigns over Egypt. Julius Caesar (then consul of Rome) saw this war as an opportunity to seize the eastern lands of Egypt. The need for both was reciprocal. Cleopatra needs the power of Caesar's armies to take over the leadership of Egypt and replace her brother, while Caesar needs the great wealth and the fertile land of Egypt. Indeed, Cleopatra is considered to be the richest person of the 1st century BC. Thanks to this, Caesar could therefore finance his return to the political scene in Rome and definitively eliminates his remaining competitors of the first Roman civil war (a war opposing Caesar to the consul Pompey who wanted to become the only decision maker in Rome). Cleopatra—“Work with What You Have.” Work with what you have; have it be enough and project it with the power within that allows all who vision you to know that what you project is the value that you seek others to bestow upon you. Yes?” I truly am impressed with the power and the presence this woman emanates and admit that I could use some lessons in what she has been speaking about. She is kind enough to only comment that she thinks I need some charcoal. Caesar—“To Love is Eternal.” “I think, simply, my presence is enough. Does it not speak volumes that to love is more than life itself, for it is eternal. When you love, everything comes into the perspective, but be careful, for those who do not understand you and cannot feel that love can become jealous and search for ways to harden others’ hearts against you. Instead, step into who you are, be the best someone that you are and can be and live it. Be it. Leave nothing but that truth as your reality. And if someone kills you in the end, celebrate, for Joy will ascend you In the production of our handmade wooden chess board we use premium quality wood. The design, the mosaics are handmade and varnished. The chess pieces are made of polyester and hand painted. Each chess piece has a felt to avoid the scratching. Handmade Checkers are made of Boxwood (Buxus Sempervirens). Slow growth of Boxwood renders the wood very hard, heavy, and with fine grain produced by growth rings, making it ideal for chess pieces and checkers. Boxwood does not contain bacteria. ????Dimensions The chess board with storage top size is 14 3/4” x 14 3/4” (37.5 cm x 37.5 cm) The bottom is 15" x 15" (38.1 cm x 38.1 cm) The height is 2 3/4" (7 cm) Each square is 1 7/16" (37 mm) King’s Height is 3.15” (8 cm) Cesar’s Weight is 1.1 oz (31.2 grams). It’s same weight as the weighted wooden 3.15” (8 cm) chess pieces Pharaoh's Weight is 1.3 oz (36.85 grams). All the production procedures are made in our factory. Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information,
                  12.334 €
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                  España (Todas las ciudades)
                  This is a single genuine English Magpie skull collected from the wild. It is air dried and if you wish, ready for further preparation or treatment, whitening, coloring, etc. I will include a few magpie feathers with each order as a little gift. Please note my photo is a stock picture. The price is per skull. Skulls may vary slightly in colour and condition. These skulls are collected from the wild and may have small imperfections such as cracks, small holes etc. Each skull is about 5cm or 2ins long. Note: This item will often arrive with the bottom beak detached. This is not a fault, but is a result of the cleaning process. I leave it to the recipient to decide if they wish to re-attach it with a spot of clear glue. Magpie Superstitions Around the World: In China, instead of being a sign of misfortune, European magpie is considered to be a lucky sign. The name is literally "happiness magpie." In China a singing Magpie foretells happiness and good luck. An old English folk tale states that when Jesus was crucified on the cross, all of the world's birds wept and sang to comfort him in his agony. The only exception was the magpie, and for this, it is forever cursed. In many parts of Europe, the Magpie is honored due to the fact it warns people of the approach of wolves and armed men. In German folklore the magpie is seen as a thief. In ancient Greece, the Magpie was associated with Dionysos and intoxication. In both Italian and French folklore, magpies' penchant for picking up shiny items is thought to be particularly directed towards precious ones. In Korea, the Magpie delivers good news and invites good people into your life. He is also seen as the village spirit. Therefore in Korea, the Magpie is seen as the symbol of good luck and happiness. In the Middle Ages and during the witch-hunts in Europe, the bird was considered to be connected with witchcraft - just like crows, ravens and black cats. In Mongolia, the Magpie is considered a clever bird with control over the weather. In Native America, the Magpie is considered as a friend and helper. In Native American folklore, wearing a magpie feather is a sign of fearlessness in some tribes as the magpie is bold and has little fear. In Norway, a magpie is considered cunning and thievish, sometimes wicked, but a playful and loud bird is also bringer of good weather. In Ancient Rome, the Magpie is sacred and linked to the god Bacchus. In Scandinavia, the Norse snow shoe goddess Skadi was associated with Magpies. In Scotland, a Magpie near the window of the house foretells death. In Scottish folklore, (in a story possibly related to the above) magpies were long reviled for allegedly carrying a drop of Satan's blood under their tongues. In South Dakota, there is a myth that all the animals had a race to determine if the two legged animals had the right to eat the four legged ones or if it was the reverse. The Bison was winning, but the Magpie was sitting between his horns. As he got close to the finish line she burst forward and won. The Magpie straddles both the inspiration and chaos archetypes. In many parts of the United Kingdom spotting a single magpie is considered bad fortune and saluting it is a way of showing the bird respect in the hope that the magpie won't pass on some of the misfortune that follows it. The Magpie is featured in some creation myths and one myth is that it allows its tail to be used as a bridge for people needing to cross a river into this world. More Magpie Superstitions: If a flock of magpies suddenly abandon a nesting area, hard times are ahead. A chattering magpie denotes the arrival of a stranger. Reversing the Magpie Myth of Bad Luck: As you can see, the solitary Magpie is very often seen as bad luck, something to be feared. Perhaps this should be reversed and the solitary Magpie will then become a lucky symbol, a symbol to be revered. When you see this solitary Magpie make a wish. When the wish materializes you will understand the true magic of the Magpie and you will understand that someone created this fearful superstition to prevent us from truly understanding and utilizing the magic of the Magpie.
                  1.873 €
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                  España (Todas las ciudades)
                  45 + English Magpie Feathers with their beautiful iridiscent black/blue/green colours, cleaned, dried and ready for use in any number of craft projects. These are wing and tail feathers with a few smaller ones included as extras. They vary in length from 6cm to 20cm. There may be a little end fraying to some tail feathers. This is quite normal with any species of wild bird. Magpie Superstitions Around the World: In China, instead of being a sign of misfortune, European magpie is considered to be a lucky sign. The name is literally "happiness magpie." In China a singing Magpie foretells happiness and good luck. An old English folk tale states that when Jesus was crucified on the cross, all of the world's birds wept and sang to comfort him in his agony. The only exception was the magpie, and for this, it is forever cursed. In many parts of Europe, the Magpie is honored due to the fact it warns people of the approach of wolves and armed men. In German folklore the magpie is seen as a thief. In ancient Greece, the Magpie was associated with Dionysos and intoxication. In both Italian and French folklore, magpies' penchant for picking up shiny items is thought to be particularly directed towards precious ones. In Korea, the Magpie delivers good news and invites good people into your life. He is also seen as the village spirit. Therefore in Korea, the Magpie is seen as the symbol of good luck and happiness. In the Middle Ages and during the witch-hunts in Europe, the bird was considered to be connected with witchcraft - just like crows, ravens and black cats. In Mongolia, the Magpie is considered a clever bird with control over the weather. In Native America, the Magpie is considered as a friend and helper. In Native American folklore, wearing a magpie feather is a sign of fearlessness in some tribes as the magpie is bold and has little fear. In Norway, a magpie is considered cunning and thievish, sometimes wicked, but a playful and loud bird is also bringer of good weather. In Ancient Rome, the Magpie is sacred and linked to the god Bacchus. In Scandinavia, the Norse snow shoe goddess Skadi was associated with Magpies. In Scotland, a Magpie near the window of the house foretells death. In Scottish folklore, (in a story possibly related to the above) magpies were long reviled for allegedly carrying a drop of Satan's blood under their tongues. In South Dakota, there is a myth that all the animals had a race to determine if the two legged animals had the right to eat the four legged ones or if it was the reverse. The Bison was winning, but the Magpie was sitting between his horns. As he got close to the finish line she burst forward and won. The Magpie straddles both the inspiration and chaos archetypes. In many parts of the United Kingdom spotting a single magpie is considered bad fortune and saluting it is a way of showing the bird respect in the hope that the magpie won't pass on some of the misfortune that follows it. The Magpie is featured in some creation myths and one myth is that it allows its tail to be used as a bridge for people needing to cross a river into this world. More Magpie Superstitions: If a flock of magpies suddenly abandon a nesting area, hard times are ahead. A chattering magpie denotes the arrival of a stranger. Reversing the Magpie Myth of Bad Luck: As you can see, the solitary Magpie is very often seen as bad luck, something to be feared. Perhaps this should be reversed and the solitary Magpie will then become a lucky symbol, a symbol to be revered. When you see this solitary Magpie make a wish. When the wish materializes you will understand the true magic of the Magpie and you will understand that someone created this fearful superstition to prevent us from truly understanding and utilizing the magic of the Magpie. We have been dealing in rural and countryside related items for nearly 40 years, and have acquired a reputation for quality and reliability with thousand’s of satisfied customers worldwide. We specialise in books and other items and curios relating to Natural History, Countryside, Wildlife, Field Sports, Farming, Dogs, and other similar topics. ALL ITEMS FOR SALE ARE SOURCED LEGALLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH NATURAL ENGLAND LICENCES AND WITHIN THE WILDLIFE AND COUNTRYSIDE ACT. THEY HAVE NOT BEEN OBTAINED SPECIFICALLY FOR THE PURPOSE OF RESALE BUT ARE THE BY PRODUCTS OF GAME KEEPING AND GAME DEALING.
                  2.525 €
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