Room in center habitacion
Listado top ventas room in center habitacion

Benidorm (Alicante)
Housing in state of origin with many possibilities for its distribution, characteristics and meters; located in an excellent location, on a main avenue in the center of Benidorm, around all services and shops and with easy access to either of the two main beaches.Located on the corner of the building, its terrace and balcony together overlook two different streets; inside there are three bedrooms with fitted wardrobes, a bathroom, a large pantry in the hall, the kitchen but with window to the living room and the spacious living room with access to the terrace.
116.000 €
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Mallorca (Islas Baleares)
HABITACIÓN AMPLIA WIFI 1Gb,647 414 599. USO INDIVIDUAL, ACOGEDORA,CÁLIDA CON BASTANTE ESPACIO Y LUMINOSA,MUY CERCA DEL CENTRO DE PALMA DE MALLORCA.CONTACTAR PARA MAS INFORMACIÓN O CONCERTAR VISITA.1 WHATSAPP POR FAVOR. ÚLTIMO PISO FAMILIAR,ESPACIOSO,ASCENSOR,EXCELENTES VISTAS,TERRAZA EXTERIOR,LUZ NATURAL,CAMA A ESCOGER 2 PLAZAS,ARMARIOS EMPOTRADOS HASTA TECHO, MOBILIARIO BÁSICO: CÓMODA, MESILLA NOCHE BOMBA CALOR.MESITA AUXILIAR PLEGABLE.BAÑO COMPLETO CON AMPLIA BAÑERA.COCINA IKEA BIEN EQUIPADA, HORNO, MICROONDAS, TOSTADOR, SANDWHICHERA,FREIDORA DE AIRE,... ESPACIO LAVANDERÍA PROPIO: LAVADORA 7 KG,2 TENDEDEROS. ENTRE GENERAL RIERA Y CONSERVATORIO A 5 MINUTOS DE PZA ESPAÑA. BUENA FRECUENCIA PASO BUSES 16,19,29,33 CADA 5 MINUTOS. BARRIO DE S'CORXADOR TIENDAS LATINAS,HINDÚES,GIMNASIOS,MERCADONAS, SUPERMERCADOS EROSKI Y APROP, CARNICERÍAS, FRUTERÍAS, PESCADERÍAS, TIENDAS CHINAS...MUY CERCA DEL PRECIOSO Y EXTENSO PARQUE DE SA RIERA PARA PASEAR,HACER DEPORTE,... IMPORTANTE:LIMPIEZA,CIVISMO. SE BUSCA FORMALIDAD Y SERIEDAD VIDA ORDENADA. AMBIENTE FAMILIAR, TRANQUILO,SIN RUIDOS,RESPETO CON LA INTIMIDAD E INDEPENDENCIA QUE SE DESEE DURANTE LA ESTADÍA. PRECIOS:HABITACIÓN 500€/MES;150 €/SEMANA, 60€/DÍA. INCLUYO: -CONSUMO DE AGUA,COMUNIDAD, USO DE TRASTERO INDEPENDIENTE.INTERNET WIFI DE FIBRA ÓPTICA DE VODAFONE ONE CON ALTA VELOCIDAD 1GB SUBIDA,500-1000 MB SUBIDA,LLAMADAS TELÉFONO LOCALES INCLUIDAS. -A ABONAR,SI SE DESEA:-ALQUILER RECEPTOR/DECODIFICADOR TV POR CABLE VODAFONE ONE , +100CANALES, 59,95€/MES (MOVISTAR+:19,95€) TADEO 647 414 599; ;SMS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOOD MORNING: 1 room at penthouse on S'corxador´s neighborhood it's a central district of Palma de Mallorca city,with bus lines 16,19,29,33th on high frequency until 5 minutes by center of city,Plaza España Sq. Large room with bed for 2 persons,one closet fitted to the roof,one trunk... In nowadays one reformed kitchen with Ikea furniture.It has: oven, microwave, renter´s freezer-fridge,wireless Internet Wifi 50MB,and local city telephone calls,all it is included.In opposite Riera's sport Park.Smoking is not avoid in the room. Cost:500 €/one month;160€/one week;60€/night.Foreigner couples by vacational time ones nights or one litle weeks,only.Tadeo +00 34 647 414 599; ; Whatsapp. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GUTEN MORGEN: Zimmer in Penthouse S'corxador zentralen Bezirk der Stadt Palma de Mallorca,Buslinien 16,19,29,33 und 5 Minuten vom Plaza de España,centre.Zimmer groß,schrank mit dem das Dach, Kofferraum oder 2neue.Neu renovarte küche mit Ikea,Backofen, Mikrowelle und voll hausehaltswaren.Internet Wifi homewares 50MB inklusive Ortsgespräche renoviert. Gegenüber dem Sportpark Riera.Nichtraucher.Durch paar urlaub,einige Nächte oder ein paar wochen. Preis: 500€ pro monat;160€ pro woche;60€ pro nächt. Tadeo +00 34 647 414 599; ;Whatsapp . --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BONJOUR: 1 chambre à ultime floor sur le quartier de S'Corxador c'est un quartier proche du centre de la ville de Palma de Majorque,avec des lignes de bus 16,19,29,33 ème, sur haute fréquence jusqu'au 5 minutes peu en salle Place du Spagne,centre.Large chambrè,placard armoire montés sur le toit,le tronc, avec un lit pour 2 people. In aujourd'hui une nouvelle cuisine rénovée avec Ikea.It a:four, micro-ondes,congélateur-réfrigérateur du locataires,Internet sans fil Wifi 1 GB, et les appels téléphoniques locaux ville,tout ce qu'il est opposé included. Face es situè le Park de le Riera pour le sport. Smoking éviter dans le room. Cost:500 €/1mois; 150€/1semaine; 60€/1night. Only étrangers couples par Vacational ceux de temps nuits ou un litle weeks.Tadeo 00 34 647 414 599; ;Whatsapp . ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BUONGIORNO: 1 camera al piano piso del edifici in zona d'Scorxador si tratta di un quartiere nei pressi del centro città di Palma di Maiorca, con linee di bus 16,19,29,33 per alta frequenza 5 minuti di Plaza di España,centro.Es large,ripostiglio montato sul tetto,1 bagagliaio,con letto per 2 people.In oggi una nuova cucina riformato con Ikea.It ha:forno, microonde,congelatore-frigorifero per inqulini,wireless Internet Wifi 1 GB, e la città chiamate telefoniche locali, tutto è included.Cerco del Park di la Riera.Non smoking evitare camera. Cost:500€/mes,160€/settimana, 60€/1night.Only coppie straniere di affitto di quelle temporali notti o poc simanas.Tadeo +00 34 647 414 599; ;Whatsapp. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 HABITAÇÃO WIFI 1 GB,647 414 599-WHATSAPPP.HABITACIÒ DE USÃO INDIVIDUAL,ACOLLIDORA,AMPLA E LUMINOSA,PERTO CENTRO DE PALMA DE MALLORCA. SERIEDADE,SOMENTE AVISAM POR FAVOR REALMENTE INTERESSATS PARA MARCAR VISITA. COBERTURA FAMILIAR,ESPAIÓS,ELEVADOR,EXCELENTES VISTAS,TERRASSA EXTERIOR,BASTANDO LUZ NATURAL,CAMA DE 2 PRAÇAS,ARMARIS DE PAREDE ATÉ TETO,MOBILIARI BÁSICO: COMODA, MESINHA, INDIVIDUO HEATER, TAULETA AUXILIAR PLEGABLE.BANY COMPLETO,CUINA DE IKEA BEM EQUIPADA,ESPAÇO LAVANDERIA PRÓPRIO: LLAVADORA ATÉ 7KG,E 2 ESTENEDORS EXTERIORES. SITUADO ENTRE PLAZA MADRI E C/SALVADOR DALÍ,A 5 MINUTOS PZA ESPANHA BUS,LINHAS BUS 16,19,29,33 BOA FREQUÊNCIA PASSO DE CADA 5 MINUTOS.BAIRRO DE S'CORXADOR: ENDES,GIMNASOS, MERCADONA,EROSKI, APROP, CARNISSERIES, FRUTERÍAS, PEIXATERIES, TENDES CHINESAS ... ENCONTRA-SE CERCANO PARQUE DE SÃO RIERA PARA PASSEJAR,FAZER DESPORTO,etc. IMPORTANTE:LIMPEZA,RESPONSABILIDADE E FORMALITAT; VIDA ORDENADA.AMBIENTE FAMILIAR,CALMO,SEM RUÍDOS,COM TODA O RESPEITO,A INTIMITAT E INDEPENDÊNCIA QUE SE DESEJO DURANTE A SUA ESTADIA. PREÇOS:HABITAÇÃO 500€/MÊS;80€/SEMANA,25€/DIA.INCLUO: -CONSUMO De ÁGUA, COMUNIDADE-USO DE TRASTER INDEPENDENTE.INTERNET WIFI FIBRA ÒPTICA VODAFONE ONE ALTA VELOCIDADE 50MB BAIXADA,5MB SUBIDA,E TELEFONES LOCAIS. -A ABONAR,SE DESEJA-SE:-LLOGUER RECEPTOR/DECODIFICADOR FIBRA ÒPTICA TV POR CABO D'VODAFONE,+100CANAIS,20€/MÊS. TADEO 647 414 599; ; whatsapp . --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 HABITACIÓ WIFI 50MB,647 414 599- WHATSAPPP,PER A ÚS INDIVIDUAL,ACOLLIDORA,ÀMPLIA I LLUMINOSA,MOLT ÇERCA DEL CENTRE DE PALMA DE MALLORCA.SERIETAT PER FAVOR,SOLAMENT CRIDEN REALMENT INTERESSATS PER A CONCERTAR A VISITA.PRIMER PER WHATSAPP. ÚLTIMA PISO FAMILIAR,ESPACIÓS AMB ASCENSOR,EXCEL·LENTS VISTES AMB UNA TERRASSA EXTERIOR,BASTANT LLUM NATURAL,LLIT AMB 2 PLACES,ARMARIS DE PARET FINS AL SOSTRE,MOBILIARI BÀSIC:COMODA,MESILLA,CALEFACTOR INDIVIDUAL,TAULETA AUXILIAR PLEGABLE.BANY COMPLET,CUINA DE IKEA BEN EQUIPADA,ESPAI LAVANDERÌA PROPI:LLAVADOR FINS A 7KG,I 2 ESTENEDORS EXTERIORS. SITUAT ENTRE GENERAL RIERA I CONSERVATORI A 5 MINUTS CAMINANT D'PZA ESPANYA BUS,LÍNIES 16,19,29,33.BONA FREQÜÈNCIA AMB STOP CADA 5 MINUTS.BARRI D'SCORXADOR: TENDES D'DISTRICT, GIMNASOS, MERCADONA,EROSKI, APROP, CARNISSERIES, FRUTERÍAS, PEIXATERIES, TENDES XINESES ... DAVANT ES TROBA EL PARC DE SA RIERA PER A PASSEJAR,FER ESPORT,Etc. IMPORTANT:NETEJA,RESPONSABILITAT I FORMALITAT;VIDA ORDENADA.AMBIENT FAMILIAR,TRANQUIL,SENSE SOROLLS,AMB TOTA EL RESPECTE,LA INTIMITAT I INDEPENDÈNCIA QUE ES DESITGE DURANT LA SEUA ESTADA. PREUS:HABITACIÓ 500€/MES; 160 €/SETMANA; 60 €/DIA.INCLOS: -CONSUM D'AIGUA,COMUNITAT-USE DE TRASTER INDEPENDENT.INTERNET WIFI VODAFONE ONE D'ALTA VELOCITAT 1 GB PUJADA,I CRIDADES TELÈFON LOCALS. -A ABONAR,SI ES DESITJA:LLOGUER RECEPTOR/DECODIFICADOR FIBRA ÒPTICA TV PER CABLE D'VODAFONE ONE,+100 CANALS,19,95€/MES.
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Alicante (Alicante)
HABITACION DISPONIBLE POR 345/xe2/x82/xac CON BALCON Y GASTOS INCLUIDOS! A PARTIR DEL 01/03/2025~~**ALQUILER HABITACI/xc3/x93N INDIVIDUAL EN PISO COMPARTIDO DE 4 DORMITORIOS RECI/xc3/x89N REFORMADO**~~En uno de los barrios m/xc3/xa1s cercanos al centro de Alicante, te ofrecemos la oportunidad de alquilar una habitaci/xc3/xb3n, con todos los gastos incluidos (agua, luz, basura, Internet y limpieza semanal de zonas comunes que son sal/xc3/xb3n, cocina, ba/xc3/xb1o y entrada-pasillo). Todas las habitaciones incluyen su propia televisi/xc3/xb3n, armario, mini-nevera y utensilios de cocina.~Tendr/xc3/xa1s todo tipo de comercios de barrio a escasos metros, as/xc3/xad como diversas marcas de alimentaci/xc3/xb3n conocidas por todos.~Varias zonas verdes en los alrededores donde poder disfrutar del tiempo con amigos y familia.~/xc2/xa1No te lo pienses y ven a visitarlo!~Ll/xc3/xa1manos, te estamos esperando!~~~****NO SE PERMITEN MASCOTAS****~~CONDICIONES ECON/xc3/x93MICAS Y REQUISITOS - ABSTENERSE SI NO SE CUMPLEN~~** 1 mes de alquiler adelantado, m/xc3/xa1s 1 mes de fianza**~**SIN MES DE AGENCIA**~~REQUISITOS (a presentar en el momento de reservar la vivienda)~* DNI o NIE.~* Trabajador por cuenta ajena: contrato laboral y 2 /xc3/xbaltimas n/xc3/xb3minas (los ingresos mensuales deben superar los 1000 /xe2/x82/xac).~* Trabajador aut/xc3/xb3nomo: Declaraci/xc3/xb3n de la renta a/xc3/xb1o 2023.~* Estancia m/xc3/xadnima de 3 meses.~~SINGLE BEDROOM AVAILABLE IN SHARED FLAT WITH 4 ROOMS:~~In one of the closest neighborhoods to the center of Alicante, we offer you the opportunity to rent a room, with all utility costs included (water, electricity, gas, garbage, Internet and weekly cleaning of common areas which are the living room, kitchen, bathroom and entrance-corridor). All rooms include their own TV, mini-fridge and kitchenware.~You will have all kinds of neighborhood shops a few meters away, as well as various food brands known to all.~Several green areas in the surroundings where you can enjoy time with friends and family.~Do not think about it and come to visit it!~Call us, we are waiting for you!~~****NO PETS ALLOWED****~~ECONOMIC CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS - REFRAIN IF THEY ARE NOT MET
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Valencia (Valencia)
"ELITE HOUSING IN MODERNIST LUXURY BUILDING IN THE CENTER OF VALENCIA" One of the most famous modernist buildings in Valencia, located on Gran Vía de Marqués de Turia, built in 1906 in the center of Valencia. Ortega House. Completely renovated in 1993 by the renowned sculptor Joaquín Real, the house was completely renovated in 2003. The first thing that catches your attention is the modernist architecture of the time in which this magnificent house is located. It consists of four bedrooms, three bathrooms, a kitchen with access to the patio, a living room with a hall. Two windows in the living room in wood and double glazed windows with optimal insulation, dating from the 1906 period. From the hall with lacquered cabinets and all the interior carpentry we go to the bathroom with a small shower, and in front of it to the kitchen. It is optimally sized, easy to renovate, and has its own lighted patio. In the night area everything falls on the patio or on the building itself, which gives a good quality of relaxation. First we find the master bedroom with several closets and a bathroom. On the right side we have two bedrooms, one double, the other single, both open to the patio, and on the left side is the third bathroom with a bathtub and travertine cladding, and the fourth bedroom in this case returns to the patio of lights. The high ceilings give the house an elegance and great possibilities. Electric shutters, heating by gas boiler and water radiators, air conditioning by air duct. The house has a burglar alarm. The parquet floors are in excellent condition, as is the entire house, which is very well preserved. There is a large garage in the same building, which makes the house even more valuable as it is difficult to find anything in the area.
750.000 €
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Se Vende Apartamento Amoblado en Barrio El Laguito en Cartagena de Indias, /xc3/x81rea: 56. Piso 2.~ Este inmueble cuenta con: Numero de Alcobas: 1 / Numero de Ba/xc3/xb1os: 1/ Sala, Comedor. / Cocina integral / americana / Zona de Labores.~ El edificio cuenta con salon social /piscina para ni/xc3/xb1o y para adulto.~ ~ Este edificio queda a pocas cuadras de la playa de Bocagrande, a solo 15 minutos del Centro Hist/xc3/xb3rico, cerca de: centros comerciales, parque, iglesias, colegios.~ ~ Valor de la administraci/xc3/xb3n mensual: $370.000~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ Furnished Apartment for Sale in Barrio El Laguito in Cartagena de Indias, Area: 56. Floor 2.~ This property has: Number of Bedrooms: 1 / Number of Bathrooms: 1 / Living room, Dining room. / Comprehensive / American kitchen / Work area.~ The building has a social room / swimming pool for children and adults.~ ~ This building is a few blocks from Bocagrande beach, just 15 minutes from the Historic Center, close to: shopping centers, parks, churches, schools.~ ~ Monthly administration value: $370,000
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/xf0/x9f/x8c/x85 Exclusiva Villa en La Herradura con Vistas Panor/xc3/xa1micas al Mar /xf0/x9f/x8f/xa1/xe2/x9c/xa8~~Descubre esta espectacular villa en La Herradura, un verdadero para/xc3/xadso con vistas impresionantes al mar y al encantador pueblo. Dise/xc3/xb1ada para disfrutar de cada rinc/xc3/xb3n, su orientaci/xc3/xb3n sureste garantiza luz natural y privacidad absoluta. ~/xc2/xa1 Las mejores vistas de La Herradura!~~/xf0/x9f/x92/x8e Caracter/xc3/xadsticas destacadas:~/xe2/x9c/x94/xef/xb8/x8f Casa principal: Amplio sal/xc3/xb3n con cocina abierta, dormitorio principal con ba/xc3/xb1o en suite (jacuzzi y ducha), segundo dormitorio y tercer dormitorio convertido en despacho.~/xe2/x9c/x94/xef/xb8/x8f Exteriores de ensue/xc3/xb1o: Gran terraza con piscina infinita de agua caliente, jacuzzi exterior y barra de bar, el lugar perfecto para reuniones y momentos inolvidables.~/xe2/x9c/x94/xef/xb8/x8f Espacios adicionales: Dos estudios independientes con ba/xc3/xb1o, ideales para invitados. Sala de juegos con bar para el mejor entretenimiento.~/xe2/x9c/x94/xef/xb8/x8f Detalles exclusivos: Suelos de m/xc3/xa1rmol, decoraci/xc3/xb3n r/xc3/xbastica y un dise/xc3/xb1o que aprovecha al m/xc3/xa1ximo las vistas panor/xc3/xa1micas.~/xe2/x9c/x94/xef/xb8/x8f Comodidad y accesibilidad: Garaje para dos coches, trastero, armarios empotrados y mucho m/xc3/xa1s.~~/xf0/x9f/x93/x8d Ubicaci/xc3/xb3n privilegiada~/xf0/x9f/x8f/x96 Playa a 5 min (500m)~/xf0/x9f/x8f/x99 Centro del pueblo a solo 3 min en coche (1 km)~/xe2/x9b/xb5 Marina y golf a menos de 25 km~~/xf0/x9f/x93/x8f Superficie: 325 m/xc2/xb2 construidos | Parcela de 940 m/xc2/xb2 | 5 dormitorios | 4 ba/xc3/xb1os~~Si buscas un hogar exclusivo en un entorno tranquilo y con todas las comodidades, /xc2/xa1esta villa es para ti! /xf0/x9f/x8c/x9f~~/xf0/x9f/x93/x9e Cont/xc3/xa1ctanos y agenda tu visita hoy mismo.~~El PVP no incluye impuestos, gastos de escritura y honorarios de agencia. Las superficies expresadas en /xc3/xa9sta p/xc3/xa1gina tienen car/xc3/xa1cter descriptivo y son aproximadas~~_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________~~~/xf0/x9f/x8c/x85 Exclusive Villa in La Herradura with Panoramic Sea Views /xf0/x9f/x8f/xa1/xe2/x9c/xa8~~Discover this spectacular villa in La Herradura, a true paradise with breathtaking sea views and a charming village setting. Designed to make the most of every space, its southeast orientation ensures natural light and absolute privacy.~The best views in La Herradura!~~/xf0/x9f/x92/x8e Key Features:~/xe2/x9c/x94/xef/xb8/x8f Main House: Spacious living room with an open kitchen, master bedroom with en-suite bathroom (jacuzzi and shower), a second bedroom, and a third bedroom converted into an office.~/xe2/x9c/x94/xef/xb8/x8f Dreamy Outdoor Spaces: Large terrace with a heated infinity pool, outdoor jacuzzi, and bar area/xe2/x80/x94perfect for gatherings and unforgettable moments.~/xe2/x9c/x94/xef/xb8/x8f Additional Spaces: Two independent studios with bathrooms, ideal for guests. A game room with a bar for top entertainment.~/xe2/x9c/x94/xef/xb8/x8f Exclusive Details: Marble floors, rustic d/xc3/xa9cor, and a design that maximizes the panoramic views.~/xe2/x9c/x94/xef/xb8/x8f Comfort [amp;] Accessibility: Garage for two cars, storage room, built-in wardrobes, and much more.~~/xf0/x9f/x93/x8d Prime Location~/xf0/x9f/x8f/x96 Beach: 5 min (500m)~/xf0/x9f/x8f/x99 Village center: Just 3 min by car (1 km)~/xe2/x9b/xb5 Marina and golf: Less than 25 km away~~/xf0/x9f/x93/x8f Surface Area: 325 m/xc2/xb2 built | 940 m/xc2/xb2 plot | 5 bedrooms | 4 bathrooms~~If you/'re looking for an exclusive home in a peaceful setting with all the comforts, this villa is for you! /xf0/x9f/x8c/x9f~~/xf0/x9f/x93/x9e Contact us and schedule your visit today.~~The sale price does not include taxes, notary fees, or agency fees. The surface areas expressed on this page are descriptive and approximate.~~~~~~~~~
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Fuengirola (Málaga)
Whole building for sale (325m2), located on a corner in the center of Fuengirola, near the main facilities [amp;] amenities, restaurants and bars. Ideal to reform and begin for example a Bed [amp;] Breakfast, small hotel or convert it into separate apartments. You will have a huge garage for more or less 4 cars (87m2), on the first floor you find a kitchen, 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom and living room (98m2), the second floor is more or less identical, with (98m2) 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, kitchen, living room and some balconeys. The upper floor counts with 1 bedroom, own kitchen and large terrace. There are 3 independent electricity numerators [amp;] 1 water numerator, no existing debts, bank possessions or other irregularities. We are eager to plan a viewing and hear your story.
400.000 €
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Benidorm (Alicante)
Spacious apartment with 3 bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen, living room and dining room.They have given the terrace to the living room and have made an independent dining room thus leaving a large window where it is ventilated and illuminates the entire apartment. The gallery has also been added to the kitchen and furnished as part of the rest of the kitchen.All the rooms are of good size, the property is of origin and well cared for.As for the location, it is in a residential area but 10 minutes from the city center, surrounded by schools, medical centers, leisure areas such as parks and children's areas, supermarkets etc...
120.000 €
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Hermoso, confortable Duplex en Adeje. Urb. Los Sabandeños para entrar a vivir, en una zona muy tranquila. Consta de dos plantas: En la Baja con cómoda Terraza en la entrada para disfrutar de una exquisita barbacoa, en el interior de la planta baja amplio salón comedor, aseo, cocina independiente, cuarto de lavandería, escalera que da acceso a la planta Alta que consta de Baño completo y tres dormitorios con armarios empotrados, el principal con terraza incorporada. Estratégicamente ubicado cerca de todos los servicios: Tiendas, supermercados, restaurantes, farmacias y centro de salud. Comunidad: 55 euros. Que Esperas! ven a conocerlo y te quedaras fascinado de las comodidades que te ofrece... Beautiful, comfortable Duplex in Adeje. Urb. Los Sabandeños to move into, in a very quiet area. It consists of two floors: On the ground floor with a comfortable terrace at the entrance to enjoy an exquisite barbecue, inside the ground floor a large living room, toilet, independent kitchen, laundry room, staircase that gives access to the upper floor that It consists of a full bathroom and three bedrooms with built-in wardrobes, the main one with a built-in terrace. Strategically located close to all services: Shops, supermarkets, restaurants, pharmacies and a health center. Community: 55 euros. What are you waiting for! Come and meet it and you will be fascinated by the comforts it offers you... #ref:DÚP_8738
193.000 €
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Orihuela (Alicante)
Descriptions in Swedish & English Svenska:Välkommen till denna härliga lägenhet på bottenvåningen med utsikt över trädgården och havet, bara 100 meter från stranden.Fastigheten har ett rymligt vardagsrum med ett separat kök med tillgång till uteplatsen, två sovrum och ett badrum. Den säljs delvis möblerad med luftkonditionering i vardagsrummet.Bostaden ligger i en gated community med stora grönområden och simbassänger. Direkt tillgång till stranden och strandpromenaden. Bara 100 meter från stormarknad, köpcentrum, restauranger, strandpromenad, stränder och mer.För mer information vänligen kontakta oss på Best Estate. English:Welcome to this lovely ground-floor apartment with garden and sea views just 100m from the beach.The property has a spacious living room with an independent kitchen with access to the patio, two bedrooms and one bathroom. It is sold partially furnished with A/C in the living room.Residential with large green areas and swimming pools. Direct access to the beach and the promenade. Just 100 meters from the supermarket, shopping center, restaurants, promenade, beaches and more.For more information please contact us at Best Estate.
217.000 €
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Esta majestuosa casa en venta en el coraz/xc3/xb3n del encantador pueblo de Buger te ofrece una oportunidad /xc3/xbanica para experimentar la aut/xc3/xa9ntica esencia de Mallorca. Con su car/xc3/xa1cter mallorqu/xc3/xadn especial, esta casa se/xc3/xb1orial reformada es una joya arquitect/xc3/xb3nica que te transportar/xc3/xa1 a la historia local.~~La propiedad cuenta con 4 amplias habitaciones dobles, cada una con su propio ba/xc3/xb1o en suite, proporcionando privacidad y comodidad a sus residentes. Los techos altos y los detalles aut/xc3/xa9nticos en toda la casa resaltan su esplendor original y le dan un aire de elegancia atemporal. Dispone de una amplia cocina con espacio para poder comer en ella, sala de estar con chimenea y aire acondicionado y zona de almacenaje tipo buhardilla. ~~Con una superficie /xc3/xbatil de 250 metros cuadrados, esta casa ofrece un sinf/xc3/xadn de posibilidades. Su disposici/xc3/xb3n y tama/xc3/xb1o la hacen ideal para reconvertirla en un exclusivo hotel de interior, aprovechando su ubicaci/xc3/xb3n c/xc3/xa9ntrica en Buger, un destino cada vez m/xc3/xa1s popular en Mallorca. Alternativamente, puedes disfrutarla como una lujosa vivienda familiar, donde podr/xc3/xa1s sumergirte en la cultura y el ambiente /xc3/xbanicos de la isla.~~La ubicaci/xc3/xb3n en el centro del pueblo te permite acceder f/xc3/xa1cilmente a tiendas, restaurantes y servicios locales, lo que agrega comodidad a tu estilo de vida. Adem/xc3/xa1s, Buger ofrece un ambiente tranquilo y relajado, perfecto para aquellos que buscan escapar del bullicio de la vida urbana sin renunciar a la comodidad y la autenticidad.~~Esta casa en venta en Buger es una verdadera joya que te invita a descubrir la belleza de la vida en Mallorca. Con su historia, car/xc3/xa1cter y versatilidad, es una inversi/xc3/xb3n excepcional que te permite dar vida a tus sue/xc3/xb1os. ~/xc2/xa1No pierdas la oportunidad de convertir este rinc/xc3/xb3n de Mallorca en tu pr/xc3/xb3ximo hogar!~~*~*~*~~This majestic house for sale in the heart of the charming town of Buger offers you a unique opportunity to experience the authentic essence of Mallorca. With its special Majorcan character, this renovated manor house is an architectural gem that will transport you to local history. ~~The property has 4 spacious double bedrooms, each with its own en-suite bathroom, providing privacy and comfort to its residents. High ceilings and authentic details throughout the home highlight its original splendor and give it an air of timeless elegance. It has a large kitchen with space to eat in, a living room with fireplace and air conditioning and an attic-type storage area. With a useful area of 250 square meters, this house offers endless possibilities. Its layout and size make it ideal for conversion into an exclusive interior hotel, taking advantage of its central location in Buger, an increasingly popular destination in Mallorca. Alternatively, you can enjoy it as a luxurious family home, where you can immerse yourself in the island/'s unique culture and atmosphere. The town center location allows you easy access to local shops, restaurants and amenities, adding convenience to your style. of life. In addition, Buger offers a calm and relaxed atmosphere, perfect for those looking to escape the hustle and bustle of urban life without giving up comfort and authenticity. ~~This house for sale in Buger is a true gem that invites you to discover the beauty of the life in Mallorca. With its history, character and versatility, it is an exceptional investment that allows you to bring your dreams to life. Don/'t miss the opportunity to turn this corner of Mallorca into your next home!
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Orihuela (Alicante)
Descriptions in Swedish & English Svenska:Lyxvilla i modern stil belägen i Campoamor, bara 300 m från stranden.Fastigheten har en byggyta på 200m2, på en tomt om 500m2 och består av fyra sovrum, tre badrum, vardagsrum, kök, terrass och en takterrass (46m2) med havsutsikt.I den vackra trädgården hittar du den uppvärmda saltvattenpoolen.Golvvärme i badrummen, centraliserad luftkonditionering installerad, parkering på tomten. Material av högsta kvalitet. Uppvärmd saltvattenpool. Från bostaden har man nära till all möjlig service såsom mataffär, apotek och restauranger. Endast fem minuter med bil tar dig till Zenia Boulevard som är ett av Costa Blancas största köpcentrum. 40 minuter från Alicantes flygplats och 10 minuter från några av de bästa golfbanorna Orihuela Costa har att erbjuda.Kontakta oss på Best Estate för mer information. English:Modern style luxury villa located in Campoamor, only 300 m from the beach. The property has a built area of 200m2, on a plot of 500m2 and consists of four bedrooms, three bathrooms, living room, kitchen, terrace and a roof terrace (46m2) with sea views. In the lovely garden you find the heated salwater pool.Underfloor heating in the bathrooms, centralized air conditioning installed, parking on the plot. Top quality materials. Heated saltwater pool. It is close to all services, schools, just 10 minutes by car from the largest shopping center in Alicante, Zenia Boulevard, 40 minutes from Alicante airport and a few minutes from some of the best golf courses.Contact us at Best Estate for more information.
798.000 €
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Orihuela (Alicante)
Descriptions in Swedish & English Svenska:Renoverad lägenhet i medelhavsstil med två sovrum och två badrum i Villamartin.Bostaden har en öppen planlösning matsal/vardagsrum med öppen spis. Här har man även en stor terrass med utsikt över golfbanan.Utomhusparkering och förråd infår i priset.Villamartín är ett prestigefyllt område utrustat med alla tjänster och bekvämligheter mellan golf och hav. I närheten ligger La Zenia Boulevar, som är det största köpcentret i provinsen Alicante. I närheten finns också Villamartín golfbana, 5 minuter från stranden, Real Club de Golf Campoamor och golfbanan Las Ramblas, omgiven av skolor, köpcentra, restauranger, apotek, busshållplatser som gynnar vistelsen hela året. Den ansluter lätt till den nationella motorvägen N-332 och medelhavsmotorvägen AP-7.Kontakta oss på Best Estate för mer information om denna härliga lägenhet. English:Refurbished, mediterranean two bedroom & two bathroom apartment in Villamartin. The property features a large dining/living area with chimney. The property also benefits from a large terrace with views to the golf course, outdoor parking and storage room.Villamartín is a prestigious area equipped with all the services and amenities between golf and the sea. Nearby is La Zenia Boulevar, which is the largest shopping center in the province of Alicante. Also nearby is the Villamartín Golf Course, 5 minutes from the beach, the Real Club de Golf Campoamor and the Las Ramblas Golf Course, surrounded by schools, shopping centers, restaurants, pharmacies, bus stops that favor the stay throughout the year. It easily connects with the national highway N-332 and the Mediterranean highway AP-7.Contact us at Best Estate for more information about this lovely apartment.
255.000 €
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Hermoso Apartamento en Villas Canarias. Urbanización Torvisca, situada en la zona mas prestigiosa de Costa Adeje.. Planta Alta,frente a la calle de acceso. Cuenta con un amplio Salón Comedor, cocina, con una confortable habitación. un Baño, una linda terraza que permite contemplar la hermosa vista al Mar. la urbanización dispone de una piscina de uso comunitario. Bajo su precio... Oportunidad!!! Spectacular Apartment In Torvisca Beautiful apartment in Villas Canarias. Torvisca urbanization, located in the most prestigious area of Costa Adeje.. Upper floor, facing the access road. It has a large living room, kitchen, with a comfortable room. a bathroom, a nice terrace that allows you to contemplate the beautiful view of the sea. the complex has a swimming pool for community use. Low price... Opportunity !!! #ref:APA_7022
145.000 €
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Benidorm (Alicante)
Apartment in Benidorm downtown area very well located around all services and near the beach. A very small and familiar building. The state of the house is quite optimal to be able to live. It consists of three bedrooms, a bathroom, the very large independent kitchen with an interior patio and the outside living room to a square.With only some arrangements and a little customization you can leave a beautiful home.
95.000 €
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