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Serum do not age

Listado top ventas serum do not age

  • ★ RESTORE THE NATURAL CERAMIDE LEVEL IN YOUR BODY: Restore your skin from within, reduces sun damage and regenerates that youthful look. Smooths rough and aging dry skin. Now you don't need an expensive visit to any clinic to get access to the same phytoceramides sold by DERMATOLOGISTS!
  • ★ SAFE, ORGANIC, NON GMO AND GLUTEN FREE - We use only the very BEST ingredients available on the market today - which means absolutely NO fillers, NO binders, and NO artificial ingredients in our formula. Manufactured in the USA at an approved FDA facility. Our phytoceramides are GMP approved.
  • ★ GET MAXIMUM RESULTS! Our skin restoring ceramides capsules contain 350mg Phytoceramides - That's up to 8x the amount of other brands! Includes optimal daily dosage of vitamins A, C, D & E. These vitamins have a synergistic effect in aiding proper absorption, uptake and utilisation of this supplement.
  • ★ ADVANCED CERAMIDES FORMULA - Skin supplements that works to reduce fine lines and wrinkles and improve the structural integrity of your skin in as little as a few weeks. A true dermal repair complex supplement!
  • ★ FREE EBOOK TO GUIDE YOU ON HOW TO CARE FOR YOUR SKIN - Included with your purchase is an eBook spcifically written soley for our customers titled "Caring for your Skin". This eBook tells you what plant derived phytoceramides are, as well as providing valuable tips for maintaining healthy skin.
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  • Diseñado con INGREDIENTES DE CALIDAD MÉDICA | Reduce la aparición de líneas finas, arrugas y estrías mediante la hidratación. Piel rejuvenecida con esta crema anti-edad. El uso regular retrasa el proceso de envejecimiento al infundir en la piel antioxidantes contra los radicales libres contenidos en el ácido ferúlico y la vitamina C. ¡VERÁS CÓMO NUESTRO SUPER AGEING ANTI-AGEING SERUM AYUDARÁ A SU PIEL a recuperar su firmeza y flexibilidad o te devolveremos tu dinero!
  • El ácido hialurónico es un maravilloso hidratante que facilita la cicatrización de la piel y alivia la piel seca. Este ingrediente único, presente de forma natural en el cuerpo, atrae las moléculas de agua, absorbe y retiene la humedad, rellena y nivela la tez, dejando la piel suave y tersa. Te encantará este suero con ácido hialurónico......
  • Ácido ferúlico | Los antioxidantes son nuestra arma más poderosa en la lucha contra el envejecimiento, y el ácido ferúlico es rico en ellos. Este poderoso ingrediente natural tiene propiedades antioxidantes que combaten el daño causado por los radicales libres que contribuyen al envejecimiento. Los estudios muestran que una combinación de ácido ferúlico y vitaminas C y E aumenta la eficacia de la vitamina C ocho veces.
  • Vitamina C | ¿Desea una piel más firme y de aspecto más joven? Hay un ingrediente para esto: ¡lo tenemos : suero de vitamina C! Este poderoso ingrediente tiene propiedades antioxidantes para combatir los radicales libres y promover la producción saludable de colágeno, combatiendo los signos persistentes del envejecimiento, incluyendo las líneas finas, las arrugas, la edad y las manchas solares, la pérdida de firmeza y elasticidad, para la piel joven.
  • GARANTÍA 100% SATISFECHA | Puedes contar con YEOUTH para ofrecerte las mejores cremas antiarrugas, humectantes faciales, cremas nocturnas, sueros de belleza, cremas para los ojos, lociones, tónicos y cremas para el cuello disponibles en Amazon y en la web hoy en día. Todos los productos YEOUTH están hechos en los Estados Unidos con ingredientes naturales, veganos y cruelty-free. Si no estás COMPLETAMENTE SATISFECHO, devuélvelo para obtener un reembolso completo. COMPRAR AHORA.
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  • Marca - Shea Moisture
  • Tipo de producto - Acondicionador
  • Producto pensado para cualquier persona, ya sea hombre o mujer,
  • Nos fijamos estándares de calidad extremadamente altos y un gran espíritu de iniciativa en la investigación y el desarrollo de materias primas y proveedores.
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  • VEGANA Y NO PROBADA EN ANIMALES. Una formula antiedad potente - Está demostrado que reduce la aparición de arrugas y líneas de expresión a la vez que ayuda a aumentar el colágeno, eliminar las manchas de sol y de edad, así como a impulsar una piel más firme y eliminar las imperfecciones, a mejorar el brillo y el tono de la piel para un aspecto más fresco, más revitalizado y joven.
  • LA DIFERENCIA en la piel tratada con el Suero Vitamina C Natural de Maritime Naturals es realmente llamativa. Además de sus poderosas propiedades antiedad, nuestros clientes nos han contado que este suero facial patentado les ha ayudado a minimizar los poros, eliminar el acné, prevenir brotes y reducir la aparición de cicatrices de acné, dejando tu piel radiante y con una apariencia más saludable, que llama la atención.
  • SI NO FUNCIONA, TE DEVOLVEMOS EL DINERO - Maritime Naturals es una compañía diferente que ofrece el mejor servicio al cliente. Si por algún motivo, decides que este sérum no es para ti, tienes 3 MESES después de haberlo comprado para mandar un simple correo electrónico y te devolveremos todo tu dinero, sin preguntas de ningún tipo (de hecho, ni siquiera tienes que devolver el frasco).
  • INGREDIENTES DE ALTA CALIDAD: Está hecha con ingredientes naturales y orgánicos de la más alta calidad, y nada más. Nuestro sérum concentrado de vitamina C no solo ha demostrado ser eficaz, también es sorprendentemente suave. La solución perfecta incluso para los tipos de piel más sensibles.
  • SUERO ORGÁNICO NATURAL Y CERTIFICADO ORGÁNICO - Hecho en Canadá, ¡nuestro sérum es seguro incluso para las pieles más sensibles! Está LIBRE de cualquier producto químico dañino y TODOS los emulgentes irritantes comunes: parabenos, sulfatos y colorantes. ¡Este suero mantiene las propiedades impresionantes de su avanzada mezcla de antioxidantes dentro de un bote tintado de oscuro, que los protege de la degradación cualitativa y garantiza que dure mucho tiempo!
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  • Kit de rutina diaria y cuidado antifatiga para hombres que incluye gel de ducha calmante, gel de ducha energizante y crema hidratante para acabar con los signos de la fatiga en la piel, adecuado para regalar
  • Gel de ducha Hydra Sensitive: piel más suave y resistente, Gel de ducha Hydra Energetic: recupera la energía de la piel al instante, Crema Hidratante Antifatiga 24H: rasgos cansados, ojeras, rugosidad, tez apagada y pérdida de tonicidad
  • Aplicación: Geles: uso diario bajo la ducha, aptos para cuerpo, rostro y cabello, Crema: uso diario de mañana y noche sobre la piel limpia del rostro, alivia ardor y rojeces tras el afeitado
  • Fórmula del gel calmante Hydra Sensitive enriquecida con savia de abedul natural, Fórmula del gel Hydra Energetic potenciada con 100 mg de Taurina
  • Contenido: 1 x Pack de ducha y cuidado antifatiga para hombre L'Oréal Men Expert, Incluye: 1 x Gel de ducha Hydra Sensitive (300 ml), 1 x Gel de ducha Hydra Energetic (300 ml), 1 x Crema hidratante Hydra Energetic (50 ml)
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  • Serum antienvejecimiento concentrado con ácido glicólico libre y liposomado
  • Serum hidratante regenerador
  • Ideal para todo tipo de piel como tratamiento de base
  • Tipo de piel: todas
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    • Con triple acción despigmentante, aclara y unifica el tono de la piel, Ayuda a reducir las manchas solares gracias al DP3-Unify complex
    • Previene la formación de nuevas manchas gracias a su protección UVA, Contiene alantoína, que promueve la regeneración de la piel
    • Textura Fusion Fluid que se funde con la piel, disimula imperfecciones y unifica el tono como una base de maquillaje
    • Para tratar las manchas debidas al sol de la zona de la frente, las mejillas y el labio superior y pieles que actualmente tienen manchas solares
    • Testado dermatológicamente, Resistente al agua
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    • ✅ EFECTO CUÁDRUPLE ALTAMENTE EFICIENTE / EXTREMADAMENTE CONCENTRADO Y ALTAMENTE DOSIFICADO / INTENSOS EFECTOS INMEDIATOS Y A LARGO PLAZO / La combinación de una alta dosificación de ácido hialurónico de bajo, medio y alto peso molecular refuerza la piel con un efecto cuádruple: 1°: relleno inmediato antiarrugas; 2º: mejora de la textura general de la piel; 3º: efectos antienvejecimiento a largo plazo; 4º: la N-acetil-D-glucosamina estimula la producción de ácido hialurónico del propio cuerpo.
    • ✅ CALIDAD ORGÁNICA HECHO EN ALEMANIA / CALIFICADO COMO "MUY BUENO" / Nuestros ingredientes han sido evaluados independientemente por el portal del consumidor cosmeticanalysis.com. El producto contiene exclusivamente materias primas inofensivas de alta calidad. Nuestros productos en Satin Naturel nunca contienen aditivos dañinos. Sin parabenos, sulfatos, microplásticos, etc. *El ganador en la comparación de 2020 del institut-produktbewertung.de, categoría: serum antiarrugas.
    • ✅ PARA UNA PIEL RADIANTEMENTE BELLA Y DE ASPECTO MÁS JOVEN / PRODUCTOS COSMÉTICOS VEGANOS, ORGÁNICOS Y SIN CRUELDAD HACIA LOS ANIMALES / Basado en aloe vera orgánico en vez de agua. Enriquecido con nutritivo extracto de alga espirulina orgánico y agua de rosas orgánicas para un cuidado fortalecedor adicional de la piel, la cara, el cuello y los ojos. Apto para todo tipo de pieles. Perfectamente adecuado como hidratante en combinación con una crema para el cuidado diurno y nocturno de la cara.
    • ✅ FORMULADO SIGUIENDO LAS INVESTIGACIONES CIENTÍFICAS ACTUALES / LA MÁS ALTA CALIDAD HECHO EN ALEMANIA / MÁS NUTRIENTES A TRAVÉS DE LA PROTECCIÓN CONTRA LA LUZ: Evaluamos todas las investigaciones científicas disponibles sobre el ácido hialurónico y utilizamos los resultados en la formulación de nuestro producto. Hecho en Alemania. Envasado en auténtico vidrio violeta con protección contra la luz. Nuevo: Fórmula mejorada con MÁS ÁCIDO HIALURÓNICO para obtener mejores resultados.
    • ✅ OBTÉN RESULTADOS o recupera tu dinero: impulsados por tu satisfacción, nos esforzamos por ofrecerte excelentes productos. Lo verás en nuestros ingredientes efectivos de primera calidad, altos estándares de calidad y en nuestra excelente atención al cliente. Si, aun así, no estás satisfecho, contáctanos antes de 30 días desde tu compra y te devolveremos tu dinero. Quiérete a ti y a nuestro planeta. ¡Elige Satin Naturel!
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    • ✅ LA DIFERENCIA DE NUESTRO PRODUCTO: en comparación con la mayoría de los sueros con ácido hialurónico y vitamina C que encuentra en estas páginas, nuestro producto innovador es COMPLETAMENTE REALIZADO CON INGREDIENTES DERIVADOS DE AGRICULTURA BIOLÓGICA - su fórmula altamente hidratante enriquecida con vitamina E, aceite de jojoba (Simmondsia chinensis) y áloe vera, penetra profundamente en las capas subcutáneas de su piel, proporcionando una hidratación instantánea gracias a sus extractos.
    • ✅ RESULTADOS INMEDIATOS - Pocas aplicaciones de Nuestro Serum refrescarán inmediatamente la piel dañada por el sol, envejecida, seca y que le da un aspecto de cansancio. Estimula la producción natural del colágeno, atenuando las líneas sutiles y cicatrices de Acné del rostro, reduciendo las arrugas, reavivando e hidratando a fondo todo su rostro, cuello y escote. Prepárese para hacer girar cabezas y sobresalir de entre la multitud gracias al mejor tónico hidratante anti-envejecimiento del 2020.
    • ✅ LOS MEJORES INGREDIENTES ORGÁNICOS y VEGANOS - Nuestro suero contiene una concentración elevada de ácido hialurónico puro y vegano, con la mejor forma bio-disponible de vitamina C - Florence Organics utiliza sólo los mejores ingredientes completamente HECHOS EN ITALIA de origen orgánica - Nuestro suero facial tiene una delicada fragancia de agrumes, libre de impurezas al 100%. Ayuda a reducir las líneas sutiles y las arrugas, restaurando el juvenil resplandor de la piel.
    • ✅ SUERO ANTIEDAD para la CARA, DÉCOLLETÉ Y CONTORNO DE OJOS PARA HOMBRE Y MUJER - mezcla patentada de Florence Organics llena de antioxidantes amantes de la piel que protegen su rostro de radicales libres dañinos y que nutren su piel, dejándola más luminosa y juvenil. Naturalmente libre de aditivos, parabenos, siliconas, alcohol, rellenos y fragancias artificiales. No ha sido probado en animales.
    • ✅ GARANTÍA DEL PRODUCTOR - Si no ama nuestro suero con ácido hialurónico en un plazo de 30 días después de la compra, Florence Organics le hará un reembolso completo gracias a nuestra política de satisfacción o de reembolso sin complicaciones. Compre hoy con toda tranquilidad y cuide su piel con la mejor cualidad de anti-envejecimiento de este elegante producto. El producto está formulado para reducir el riesgo de alergias y tiene la certificación de producto VEGANO y ECOBIOCOSMÉTICO con AIAB.
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    Do Not Age Crema Desafiante de Tiempo in Dr. Brandt > Cuidado de la piel > Do Not Age - Cuidado Noche. Una crema facial nutritiva y revitalizante Se disuelve a la temperatura de la piel para hidratar profundamente la piel Formulada con complejo Juvenescence+ para mejorar la flacidez de la piel Contiene aceite de babasú hidratante para proporcionar una experiencia sensorial definitiva Perfumada con una mezcla energética de aceites esenciales para proporcionar un efecto de aromaterapia terapéutica Reduce dramáticamente el aspecto de la piel envejecida La piel se ve más firme, suave, lisa y más jovenMarca: Dr. Brandt
    158,89 €
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    Do Not Age Suero Perla Transformador in Dr. Brandt > Cuidado de la piel > Dr. Brandt - Do Not Age - Night Care. Un suero facial antiedad innovador Formulado con complejo Juvenessence+ encapsulado en tecnología avanzada DuoPearl Con perlas producidas en lipo e hydrofases para una máxima eficacia de ingrediente y preservación Optimiza la respiración celular y estimula el metabolismo de la piel Reduce visiblemente los signos de envejecimiento, mientras que restaura la vitalidad de la piel Revela un cutis más firme y más suave, más brillante y de aspecto más jovenMarca: Dr. Brandt
    172,89 €
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    Do Not Age Crema de Ojos Triple Péptido in Dr. Brandt > Cuidado de la piel > Dr. Brandt - Do Not Age - Eye Care. Una crema de ojos ultra-rica anti-envejecimiento Con complejo de péptido triple exclusivo para poderosos beneficios rejuvenecedores Ayuda a reducir la hinchazón, las ojeras se desvanecen y recarga los ojos cansados Visiblemente minimiza la apariencia de líneas y arrugas Restaura y repone la humedad, mientras que repara la piel dañada Revela un área de ojos más suave, más lisa, más vibrante y más jovenMarca: Dr. Brandt
    118,90 €
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    España (Todas las ciudades)
    ⚠️ Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, order processing and shipping times are currently slightly longer than usual. Please allow some extra time for your order to get shipped and delivered - thank you for your patience. ♥ CHARACTERS AVAILABLE: ~ Fenris ~ Zevran ~ Solas ● Keycharms are 6 cm sized, transparend both-sided printed ________________________________________________________ ● Shipping is now TRACKED! You'll receive the traching number and tracking information to the mail you used for your Etsy account:) _______________________________________________________ ● Please, if you receive your keycharm damaged, contact me to show how damaged it is: I'm sure we'll be able to fix the problem with a refund or a new shipping! ● I Always do my best to adjust the colors in my photos to match the original artworks, but please be aware that colors vary from monitor to monitor. ● Purchase does not include reproduction rights and my work cannot be copied or used without my written permission. You have no rights on the subject of the products you buy. ________________________________________________________ - I'm not responsible for your country's customs. - Be sure to add your correct address to your ETSY profile before purchase. I WON'T refund order that won't arrive because of wrong addresses. -The time between shipping and delivery may vary strongly based on country and size of the order. • • • • DISCLAIMER: If you have troubles with your order, for example it get lost in the mail or it arrives damaged I'm more than happy to help you with the shipping of another package, or a full refund. But for me to help you, you need to contact me within 60 days (2 months) after the purchase The longest shipping I provide takes 20 days, so in 2 months there is plenty of time for you to notice that your package isn't arrived, and contact me. If you contact me after 2 months, I'm no longer going to give you any refund.
    900 €
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    España (Todas las ciudades)
    The most thoughtful gift for the special people in your life. Perfect baby shower gift for the dog loving parents!! Our furry family members are gaining a new sibling or siblings! - Once order is placed, please send through image of your pet in the b'"'MESSAGE SELLERb'"' section (to attach click b'"'attach imageb'"' icon in chat) or via email to: happyaddition [at] hotmail.com (Please note the clearer the image the better the print quality) ???? Please review Size Chart/Brand (Located in Photos) before placing an order - GERBER Onesie RUN SMALL???? ????FREE SHIPPING: on order of $35 or more! ????DTG printed on Carter's Brand Bodysuit OR Gerber Brand Onesies (RUNS SMALL) shipped out within 1-2 business days (with the exception of large orders) from our home to yours! ????CUSTOM ORDER? contact us and we will be happy to help! ????????????Any and all accessory items that are displayed in our photos are for photo staging/styling purposes only and are NOT INCLUDED in the sale. This listing is for the ONESIE®, bodysuit, or Shirt item ONLY. ???????????? ????HOW TO ORDER PERSONALIZATION???? ► IF applicable - IF the item includes personalization, enter in the “add your personalization” field on the product page. ► When this field is not visible (old versions of Etsy app), please leave personalization request in the “notes to seller” on the checkout page. ► ADD TO CART ► Select from our shipping class options. ???????? PRODUCTION TIME???? & ???????? SHIPPING???? ► All threads are handmade-to-order, just for you! All items comes packaged in a clear protective bag. ► Bodysuits are shipped in 1-2 business days (excluding weekends and holidays). We always strive to ship the next business day! ► How fast you get your item(s) depends on what shipping option you choose during checkout! There are three shipping speeds to choose from during the checkout process. ► Cut off time for all orders: 2pm PST ► We use USPS to ship all orders. All bodysuits are ship from Los Angeles, California. Rates are calculated by Etsy at checkout based on the address in your Etsy account. Available shipping speeds are outlined below: ► USPS First Class Package Services - 2-8 business days ► USPS Priority Mail - 1-4 business days ► USPS Priority Mail Express - 1-3 business days ????CARTER'S JUST ONE YOU BODYSUIT SIZES S/S & L/S???? 100% COTTON NB (Newborn): Weight 6-9 Ibs. / Height 16-21.2 in. 3 Months: Weight 9-12.5 Ibs. / Height 21.5-24 in. 6 Months: Weight 12.5-17 Ibs. / Height 24-27 in. 9 Months: Weight 17-21 Ibs. / Height 27-28.5 in. 12 Months: Weight 21-25 Ibs. / Height 28.5-30 in. 18 Months: Weight 25-28 Ibs. / Height 30-32 in. 24 Months: Weight 28-30 Ibs. / Height 32-34 in. Carter's Bodysuits are made with double-needle ribbed binding on neck, shoulders, sleeves, and leg openings, and reinforced three-snap closure, for extra durability. ????GERBER ONESIES SIZES???? 100% COTTON NB (Newborn): Weight 5-8 Ibs. / Height 17-21 in. 0-3 Months: Weight 6-12 Ibs. / Height 21-24 in. 3-6 Months: Weight 12-16 Ibs. / Height 24-26 in. 6-9 Months: Weight 16-20 Ibs. / Height 26-28 in. 12 Months: Weight 20-24 Ibs. / Height 26-28 in. 18 Months: Weight 24-28 Ibs. / Height 30-32 in. 24 Months: Weight 28-32 Ibs. / Height 32-34 in. ???? PREMIUM GERBER TODDLER SHIRT SIZES???? 100% COTTON 2T: Age: 1-2y | Weight: 28-32 Ibs. l Height: 32-34 in. 3T: Age: 2-3y | Weight: 32-35 Ibs. l Height: 34-38 in. 4T: Age: 3-4y | Weight: 35-39 lbs. l Height: 38-40 in. 5T: Age: 4-5y | Weight: 39-43 lbs. l Height: 40-44in. ???? TODDLERS JERSEY CONTRAST RAGLAN 3/4 SLEEVE SIZES???? JERSEY 30/1, 60% COTTON/40% POLY *Contrast Neck band and Raglan Sleeves *Curve Hem with overlock stitches 2T: Age: 1-2y | Weight: 31-33 Ibs. l Height: 33-36 in. 3T: Age: 2-3y | Weight: 33-36 Ibs. l Height: 36-39 in. 4T: Age: 3-4y | Weight: 36-40 lbs. l Height: 39-42 in. 5T: Age: 4-5y | Weight: 40-44 lbs. l Height: 42-45 in. ????DISCLAIMERS???? ???? RETURN POLICY ► If your order is not custom or personalized we gladly accept EXCHANGES. Please contact us within 3 days of your order arriving. Shipping and Handling is non-refundable. Customer is responsible for shipping. ????CHANGE OF ADDRESS ► It is very difficult to change your address after your order is placed, we will try are very best but we are not responsible for deliveries to wrong addresses associated with your Etsy account. ????PROVIDING ALL DETAILS ► All processing times are based on you providing all the details needing to complete your order. Orders will be delayed up to 10 days or until you provide all missing details. After 10 days we will cancel your order if we have not received a response from you. ????PRINTING PROCESS ►All of our bodysuits are printed with eco-friendly inks used are kid and pet safe. Please note, WHITE INK IN ANY DESIGN DOES NOT PRINT. Rather, any white elements in the design will use the white of the bodysuit. ????CARE INSTRUCTIONS ► DO wash the inside out in cold water. ► Please dry using low heat or air dry. ► DO NOT use bleach, fabric softener or harsh detergents. ► DO NOT iron over the design. ????HAVE QUESTIONS? ???? ????If you cannot find the answer to your question, please shoot us a message. We strive to reply immediately and will do everything we can to accommodate your requests:) ► We often need to reach out for more information. We write via ETSY messaging in order to keep good records, so please keep an eye on your ETSY inbox. Always reply back by logging in your Etsy account. We do NOT receive messages if you respond via E-mail. ► If you prefer to be contacted by phone, provide your phone number in the Notes to Seller section. Orders will be delayed up to a 4-/+ or until you provide all missing details. After 4-/+ days we will cancel your order if we have not received a response from you. The trademark ONESIES® is owned by Gerber Childrenswear. Terms b'"'ONESIES,b'"' b'"'ONESIE,b'"' b'"'1Z,b'"' b'"'ONZEEb'"' and anything similar are all used in accordance with Gerber Childrenswear's policies. These terms are in reference to the Gerber Childrenswear label and describe Genuine Gerber Childrenswear products used by Happy Addition. THESE IMAGES ARE PROTECTED BY U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT LAWS. REPRODUCTION OR USE OF THESE IMAGES, PHOTOS & DESIGNS WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION IS PROHIBITED. ©
    3.535 €
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    España (Todas las ciudades)
    Vintage Tan 1" Width Faux Leather Suspenders in your choice of silver or brass hardware. Adjustable and suitable up to 6'8 however please look at measurements if concerned about size. Trying to match shoes and suspenders? Check out our listing below. MATCHING SHOES AND SUSPENDER LISTING LINK https://www.etsy.com/es/LondonJaeApparel/listing/1097168447/custom-shoes-suspender-set?utm_source=Copy&utm_medium=ListingManager&utm_campaign=Share&utm_term=so.lmsm&share_time=1649435861911 1” WIDTH FAUX LEATHER ADJUSTABLE SUSPENDERS SMALL (approx 0-5 years old): minimum length 14”; maximum length 24 ¾” LARGE (approx 5-10 years old): minimum length 18”; maximum length 33” TEEN (approx 10-18 years old): minimum length 25 ½”; maximum length 45” ADULT (approx 18+ years old): minimum length 35”; maximum length 67” *Colors look different on computer monitors and cell phone screens. This has to do with pixels, resolution, and the human eye. Sun, shade, and light also change the colors of fabrics. This is unavoidable and does not constitute "false advertising." If exact colors are needed, we highly suggest ordering a fabric swatch to compare fabrics prior to purchase. _____________________________ PROCESSING AND SHIPPING TIMES Because we are a small family-owned business, our processing time is 2-5 business days, not including shipping. This means it can take up to a week to prepare, package and drop your order off at the United States Post Office. From there, all packages are shipped USPS First Class (estimated 2-5 days domestic) (estimated 7-14 days international) unless you pay to upgrade to a faster USPS priority shipping speed during checkout. Please calculate the processing AND shipping days to see if your package will arrive by your needed date. If you need an order quicker than this time frame you may add the listing "RUSH MY ORDER" to your cart before checking out. This moves your order to an express line in our processing for an extra $10. The link below will take you to it! https://etsy.me/2xHnb9T If you would like to see the status or estimated shipping date for your order after it is purchased, refer to your Etsy account. In your account information, you will find all the order information as well as tracking numbers once shipped. **IMPORTANT** USPS shipping times are estimates (exception is USPS priority 1-2 day). We are not responsible for lost, stolen or delayed mail. It is very rare that packages are lost or stolen however delay's do occasionally happen and are out of our control. POTENTIAL EXTRA FEES (INTERNATIONAL) Customers are responsible for paying the additional costs such as duties, taxes, and customs clearance fees. Import charges can vary widely but are most commonly based on the price and type of item, package weight and dimensions, origin country, and the taxes, duties, and fees of the destination country. ____________________________________________________________________________ HOW TO MEASURE Please note the ages listed above are approximate. They are listed so that you may obtain an accurate size while measuring. To measure for suspenders, place a string at the middle back of pants, up and across the shoulder, down the side of chest to where the clip will fasten on the front of the pants. Measurements do not include the clip but the all the suspenders are adjustable! Please message me if you have any questions on size. If you are not able to measure the kiddos, then I would suggest ordering by the size of their shirt and pants but not their age as height and weight can play a part in the size. Highly encouraged: babies younger than 6 months should be measured before ordering. ____________________________________________________________________________ VERIFY ADDRESS Please verify your correct shipping address BEFORE placing you order. We are not responsible for an incorrect address. Orders with incorrect addresses will need to be canceled and resubmitted as we are not able to fulfill the request to change the address after the order has been placed. This is to protect against fraud, buyer/seller shipping protection and is strongly encouraged by Etsy. ____________________________________________________________________________ OUT OF STOCK If a color or size says out of stock, don’t worry! Please check with us as we can update you when we will have more available for purchase. ____________________________________________________________________________ RETURNS If you have any problems with your order, please message me before leaving a negative review. Customer satisfaction and feedback is very important to us. ALL SALES ARE FINAL unless we have made a mistake by sending you the wrong size or color. Please make sure you measure before ordering and ask any other questions you may want to know. I will be more than happy to answer them! If you are concerned about a color, I encourage you to order a material swatches so you can view and compare colors in person. ____________________________________________________________________________ EXCHANGES Exchanges are considered on a case by case basis. Saying yes to every exchange means slowing down processing times on orders and is difficult and costly for a small business to handle. I do NOT offer exchanges on suede shoes. Thank you for your business!! ❤️Synthia
    1.586 €
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    España (Todas las ciudades)
    Great meanings hidden in a minimal design are hidden in the birthstone necklace made of 14k solid gold. This design will make you feel the elegance of simplicity. And you can combine it with all your accessories. 14K solid gold heart birthstone necklaces, which are suitable for daily use, are also suitable for special occasions. With our 14k solid gold heart and stone necklaces, you do not need to be dehydrated as they never turn yellow or deform. A warm and elegant gift that warms the heart of your loved ones.. Lifetime 14k solid gold birthstone necklaces that you can leave to your grandchildren with a long-lasting guarantee will be a thoughtful and beautiful gift. You can customize the letter options, color and size options and chain sizes that make the product great. 14-karat solid gold heart necklaces that do not have an allergic effect do not pose a problem for your health. In the heat of summer, a romantic rain walk in the pool or the sea, 14-karat solid gold birthstone and heart necklaces will never be deformed. The indispensable choice of those who want to go out of the ordinary and be different and bright, gold takes on the most dynamic and stylish form for you. JEWELRY GIFT PERSONALIZED GIFTS A magical gift that will turn every moment into a special one. It will be a hit gift on all special occasions. The intersection of looks, style and luxury. Great gift for a special person: It is a gift, perfect as a simple romantic gesture. Suitable for Mothers Day, Christmas Day, Mother's Day, holiday, prom, party, anniversary, prom, graduation, birthday or any special occasion. CHAIN LENGTH 14 inches (35 cm) Age 5 years or Under 16 inches (40 cm) Age 618 years 18 inches (45 cm) Most popular size for women 20 inches (50 cm) 22 inches (55 cm) 24 inches (60 cm) 14K Birthstone Heart Necklace, Valentine’s Day, Heart Necklace, Birthstone Necklace, Gift For Lover, Mom Necklace, Necklace For Woman, Mothers Day Gift, Mom Gift, Mothers Day, First Mothers Day, Gift For Her, Mothers Day Gifts, Mothers Day
    5.790 €
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    España (Todas las ciudades)
    ???? 14K Solid Gold Name Necklace - Personalized Gifts - Name Necklace - Personalised Gifts 14K Solid Gold Name Necklace is a special design. We can customize our Name Necklaces as you wish. It can be purchased as a Personalized Gift. We can manufacture using Letters, Numbers or Symbols. Name Necklace symbolizes power. Apart from adults, you can order name necklaces for newborn babies or as a school gift. You can choose a name necklace as a hallowen gift. You can prank your friends with special customizations. We can customize a special date or a special word. Our name necklaces, prepared as 14K Gold, have a gentle and elegant appearance. It never tarnishes or fades. Available for all of skin types. It can come into contact with water. You can use it at sea. Name Necklace is one of the most loved designs by our customers. The gold name necklace is a durable solid necklace. First quality materials are used while producing our name necklaces. Our chains are produced by hand with a special system. It has a solid form. You can place special orders by sending a message to our store. It is a pleasure for us to create designs that you like. ???? If you order our name necklaces, we will send you an extra Gold Name necklace with your initials as a gift. You will love our gift initials necklace. ???? Gold Name Necklace is the most beautiful gift in the world. The easiest way to make a woman happy may be to order her a name necklace or letter necklace. ???? A great personalized gifts for your loved ones and yourself 14K SOLID GOLD JEWELRY - Personalized Gifts - Name Necklace - Solid Gold Name Necklace - Our necklaces are suitable for all skin tones. It does not cause allergies. You can use your necklaces in the sea and in the shower. Water does not harm our necklaces. Perfume will never harm our necklaces. - Our name necklaces will never turn yellow and fade. It can be used in the sea and in the shower. Contact with water. It never causes allergies. It is produced with first quality hand workmanship. - If you choose 14K Gold from the list, you will order a Plated Necklace. If you choose 14K Solid Gold, you will have ordered a real Solid Gold necklace. - You can use it for many years under normal use conditions and with proper care. - Gold Necklace that you can use in the sea and in the shower. Our Name Necklaces do not turn yellow and do not fade. 14K Gold is produced. It is a great gift for any woman. - 14K Gold Name Necklace is a type of jewelry that never goes out of style. - Gold Name Necklace can also be worn by people with sensitive skin. - Suitable for use in the sea and in the shower. Our gold necklaces will never turn yellow and fade. JEWELRY GIFT - PERSONALIZED GIFTS Great gift for special person: It is a gift, perfect as a simple romantic gesture. Perfect gift for your lover, wife, girlfriend, daughter, granddaughter or friends. Suitable for Valentine's Day, Christmas Day, Mother's Day, holiday, prom, party, anniversary, prom, graduation, birthday or any special occasion. It is the best option for personalized gifts. Everyone loves personalized gifts. PERSONALIZATION ________________ See the font sample in the last image Leave a note with the NAME/Word you want on the necklace in the "Note to Seller" section, please specify lower or uppercase letters. The necklace will say exactly the same as your note. The font number you see in the image is 1. O T H E R ∙ I N F O R M A T I O N • The length option is the TOTAL chain length (including the charm). If you order an 18" chain, the piece will come as CHAIN + CHARM = 18". All pieces will come with a 1" extension chain so you can FINE TUNE the fit. • All items are nicely packaged ready to gift in elegant jewelry boxes. • If you can't find the information you need or need some advice for your design? Feel free to contact us. We are fast to reply:) CHAIN LENGTH 14 inches (35 cm) - Age 5 years or Under 16 inches (40 cm) - Age 6-18 years 18 inches (45 cm) - Most popular size for women 20 inches (50 cm) 22 inches (55 cm) 24 inches (60 cm) Wanna get to know me? I have been dealing with the art of jewelery production since 2013. My Father, who is a jeweler, is my master. Apart from that, I received training from many world-famous designers. I take custom orders on Etsy. Very soon I will exhibit my own original designs here. I have 2 workshops in total in Turkey/Istanbul and New Jersey/Newark region. I produce my custom products in my workshop located in New Jersey/Newark. It's a great feeling to be in New Jersey and sell my products from here to the whole world! BEST GIFT:This name necklace can be a special gift for your lover,boyfriend or girlfriend,best friend or family.Each jewelry will be packaged in a beautuful gift box,suitable for Birthday,Graduation,Anniversary,Christmas,Thanksgiving Day,Party Wedding and Valentine's Day. PACKAGING: All jewelry will be nicely packaged ready to gift in elegant jewelry boxes. ► HOW TO ORDER 1- Please select your preferred chain length from the menu. 2- Please select your preferred colour of the chain from the menu. 3- Please write your preferred word/name to the personalisation box. 4- If you want a 14K Gold and Rhodium plated necklace over Silver, you should choose the 53.40 USD option. 5- If you want a Solid Gold necklace, you should choose the 144 USD option.
    19.173 €
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    España (Todas las ciudades)
    ???? 14K Solid Gold Name Necklace - Personalized Gifts - Name Necklace - Personalised Gifts 14K Solid Gold Name Necklace is a special design. We can customize our Name Necklaces as you wish. It can be purchased as a Personalized Gift. We can manufacture using Letters, Numbers or Symbols. Name Necklace symbolizes power. Apart from adults, you can order name necklaces for newborn babies or as a school gift. We send an initials necklace as a gift to your ordered name necklaces. Please let us know your Customization and the initial necklace you want. My example; Elizabeth - Initial: E - Font: 19 We make initial letter necklaces that we send as gifts next to your name necklaces because we want to make you happy. You can choose a name necklace as a hallowen gift. You can prank your friends with special customizations. We can customize a special date or a special word. Our name necklaces, prepared as 14K Gold, have a gentle and elegant appearance. It never tarnishes or fades. Available for all of skin types. It can come into contact with water. You can use it at sea. Name Necklace is one of the most loved designs by our customers. The gold name necklace is a durable solid necklace. First quality materials are used while producing our name necklaces. Our chains are produced by hand with a special system. It has a solid form. You can place special orders by sending a message to our store. It is a pleasure for us to create designs that you like. ???? If you order our name necklaces, we will send you an extra Gold Name necklace with your initials as a gift. You will love our gift initials necklace. ???? Gold Name Necklace is the most beautiful gift in the world. The easiest way to make a woman happy may be to order her a name necklace or letter necklace. ???? A great personalized gifts for your loved ones and yourself 14K SOLID GOLD JEWELRY - Personalized Gifts - Name Necklace - Solid Gold Name Necklace - Our necklaces are suitable for all skin tones. It does not cause allergies. You can use your necklaces in the sea and in the shower. Water does not harm our necklaces. Perfume will never harm our necklaces. - Our name necklaces will never turn yellow and fade. It can be used in the sea and in the shower. Contact with water. It never causes allergies. It is produced with first quality hand workmanship. - If you choose 14K Gold from the list, you will order a Plated Necklace. If you choose 14K Solid Gold, you will have ordered a real Solid Gold necklace. - You can use it for many years under normal use conditions and with proper care. - Gold Necklace that you can use in the sea and in the shower. Our Name Necklaces do not turn yellow and do not fade. 14K Gold is produced. It is a great gift for any woman. - 14K Gold Name Necklace is a type of jewelry that never goes out of style. - Gold Name Necklace can also be worn by people with sensitive skin. - Suitable for use in the sea and in the shower. Our gold necklaces will never turn yellow and fade. JEWELRY GIFT - PERSONALIZED GIFTS Great gift for special person: It is a gift, perfect as a simple romantic gesture. Perfect gift for your lover, wife, girlfriend, daughter, granddaughter or friends. Suitable for Valentine's Day, Christmas Day, Mother's Day, holiday, prom, party, anniversary, prom, graduation, birthday or any special occasion. It is the best option for personalized gifts. Everyone loves personalized gifts. PERSONALIZATION ________________ See the font sample in the last image Leave a note with the NAME/Word you want on the necklace in the "Note to Seller" section, please specify lower or uppercase letters. The necklace will say exactly the same as your note. The font number you see in the image is 1. O T H E R ∙ I N F O R M A T I O N • The length option is the TOTAL chain length (including the charm). If you order an 18" chain, the piece will come as CHAIN + CHARM = 18". All pieces will come with a 1" extension chain so you can FINE TUNE the fit. • All items are nicely packaged ready to gift in elegant jewelry boxes. • If you can't find the information you need or need some advice for your design? Feel free to contact us. We are fast to reply:) CHAIN LENGTH 14 inches (35 cm) - Age 5 years or Under 16 inches (40 cm) - Age 6-18 years 18 inches (45 cm) - Most popular size for women 20 inches (50 cm) 22 inches (55 cm) 24 inches (60 cm) Wanna get to know me? I have been dealing with the art of jewelery production since 2013. My Father, who is a jeweler, is my master. Apart from that, I received training from many world-famous designers. I take custom orders on Etsy. Very soon I will exhibit my own original designs here. I have 2 workshops in total in Turkey/Istanbul and New Jersey/Newark region. I produce my custom products in my workshop located in New Jersey/Newark. It's a great feeling to be in New Jersey and sell my products from here to the whole world! BEST GIFT:This name necklace can be a special gift for your lover,boyfriend or girlfriend,best friend or family.Each jewelry will be packaged in a beautuful gift box,suitable for Birthday,Graduation,Anniversary,Christmas,Thanksgiving Day,Party Wedding and Valentine's Day. PACKAGING: All jewelry will be nicely packaged ready to gift in elegant jewelry boxes. ► HOW TO ORDER 1- Please select your preferred chain length from the menu. 2- Please select your preferred colour of the chain from the menu. 3- Please write your preferred word/name to the personalisation box. 4- If you want a 14K Gold and Rhodium plated necklace over Silver, you should choose the 53.40 USD option. 5- If you want a Solid Gold necklace, you should choose the 144 USD option.
    19.093 €
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    España (Todas las ciudades)
    ???? 14K Solid Gold Name Necklace - Personalized Gifts - Name Necklace - Personalised Gifts - Christmas Gift 14K Solid Gold Name Necklace is a special design. We can customize our Name Necklaces as you wish. It can be purchased as a Personalized Gift. We can manufacture using Letters, Numbers or Symbols. Name Necklace symbolizes power. Apart from adults, you can order name necklaces for newborn babies or as a school gift. How would you like to welcome the excitement of the Christmas with this perfect Gold Name Necklace? This perfect, non-fading necklace with a Solid Gold option suitable for all combinations on the neck of both you and your loved ones will be an invaluable personalized memory for Christmas Gift. Our name necklaces, prepared as 14K Gold, have a gentle and elegant appearance. It never tarnishes or fades. Available for all of skin types. It can come into contact with water. You can use it at sea. Name Necklace is one of the most loved designs by our customers. The gold name necklace is a durable solid necklace. First quality materials are used while producing our name necklaces. Our chains are produced by hand with a special system. It has a solid form. You can place special orders by sending a message to our store. It is a pleasure for us to create designs that you like. ???? If you order our name necklaces, we will send you an extra Gold Name necklace with your initials as a gift. You will love our gift initials necklace. ???? Gold Name Necklace is the most beautiful gift in the world. The easiest way to make a woman happy may be to order her a name necklace or letter necklace. ???? A great personalized gifts for your loved ones and yourself 14K SOLID GOLD JEWELRY - Personalized Gifts - Name Necklace - Solid Gold Name Necklace - Our necklaces are suitable for all skin tones. It does not cause allergies. You can use your necklaces in the sea and in the shower. Water does not harm our necklaces. Perfume will never harm our necklaces. - Our name necklaces will never turn yellow and fade. It can be used in the sea and in the shower. Contact with water. It never causes allergies. It is produced with first quality hand workmanship. - If you choose 14K Gold from the list, you will order a Plated Necklace. If you choose 14K Solid Gold, you will have ordered a real Solid Gold necklace. - You can use it for many years under normal use conditions and with proper care. - Gold Necklace that you can use in the sea and in the shower. Our Name Necklaces do not turn yellow and do not fade. 14K Gold is produced. It is a great gift for any woman. - 14K Gold Name Necklace is a type of jewelry that never goes out of style. - Gold Name Necklace can also be worn by people with sensitive skin. - Suitable for use in the sea and in the shower. Our gold necklaces will never turn yellow and fade. JEWELRY GIFT - PERSONALIZED GIFTS Great gift for special person: It is a gift, perfect as a simple romantic gesture. Perfect gift for your lover, wife, girlfriend, daughter, granddaughter or friends. Suitable for Valentine's Day, Christmas Day, Mother's Day, holiday, prom, party, anniversary, prom, graduation, birthday or any special occasion. It is the best option for personalized gifts. Everyone loves personalized gifts. PERSONALIZATION ________________ See the font sample in the last image Leave a note with the NAME/Word you want on the necklace in the "Note to Seller" section, please specify lower or uppercase letters. The necklace will say exactly the same as your note. The font number you see in the image is 1. O T H E R ∙ I N F O R M A T I O N • The length option is the TOTAL chain length (including the charm). If you order an 18" chain, the piece will come as CHAIN + CHARM = 18". All pieces will come with a 1" extension chain so you can FINE TUNE the fit. • All items are nicely packaged ready to gift in elegant jewelry boxes. • If you can't find the information you need or need some advice for your design? Feel free to contact us. We are fast to reply:) CHAIN LENGTH 14 inches (35 cm) - Age 5 years or Under 16 inches (40 cm) - Age 6-18 years 18 inches (45 cm) - Most popular size for women 20 inches (50 cm) 22 inches (55 cm) 24 inches (60 cm) Wanna get to know me? I have been dealing with the art of jewelery production since 2013. My Father, who is a jeweler, is my master. Apart from that, I received training from many world-famous designers. I take custom orders on Etsy. Very soon I will exhibit my own original designs here. I have 2 workshops in total in Turkey/Istanbul and New Jersey/Newark region. I produce my custom products in my workshop located in New Jersey/Newark. It's a great feeling to be in New Jersey and sell my products from here to the whole world! BEST GIFT:This name necklace can be a special gift for your lover,boyfriend or girlfriend,best friend or family.Each jewelry will be packaged in a beautuful gift box,suitable for Birthday,Graduation,Anniversary,Christmas,Thanksgiving Day,Party Wedding and Valentine's Day. PACKAGING: All jewelry will be nicely packaged ready to gift in elegant jewelry boxes. ► HOW TO ORDER 1- Please select your preferred chain length from the menu. 2- Please select your preferred colour of the chain from the menu. 3- Please write your preferred word/name to the personalisation box. 4- If you want a 14K Gold and Rhodium plated necklace over Silver, you should choose the 53.40 USD option. 5- If you want a Solid Gold necklace, you should choose the 168 USD option.
    19.013 €
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    España (Todas las ciudades)
    Find out more about my shop at: https://etsy.me/3M2bjEd If you choose 14K Gold from the list, you will order a Plated Necklace. If you choose 14K Solid Gold, you will have ordered a real Solid Gold necklace. We cannot send letter necklaces with our Solid Gold products. You can use it for many years under normal use conditions and with proper care. Gold Necklace that you can use in the sea and in the shower. Our Name Necklaces do not turn yellow and do not fade. 14K Gold is produced. It is a great gift for any woman. 14K Gold Name Necklace is a type of jewelry that never goes out of style. Gold Name Necklace can also be worn by people with sensitive skin. Suitable for use in the sea and in the shower. Our gold necklaces will never turn yellow and fade. CHAIN LENGTH 14 inches (35 cm) - Age 5 years or Under 16 inches (40 cm) - Age 6-18 years 18 inches (45 cm) - Most popular size for women 20 inches (50 cm) 22 inches (55 cm) 24 inches (60 cm) ► HOW TO ORDER Please select your preferred chain length from the menu. Please select your preferred colour of the chain from the menu. M O R E F R O M U S Mionza Jewels’ pieces are handcrafted by 30 years of experienced craftsmen and made to order. I only work with high-quality, enduring materials, precious metals, set with genuine gemstones and ethically sourced diamonds. I have a signature service to make sure the package arrived safely, so please send your contact number to me through message. The phone number is need just for the security of shipment, the number is never used for any other purpose. ★ Each order will be beautifully packaged for gift giving in a jewelry box with surprised gifts Please, hit "favorite" on the right so it remains in your favorites list and/ or add to your wish list(s). Thank you for taking the time to look at my store. Please feel free to contact me if you have any query regarding processing, shipping & arrival time, I will be happy to help you. Reviews are always appreciated Find out more about my shop at: https://etsy.me/3M2bjEd ~ Return & Refund Policy - Please contact me first if you need to return an item a) I offer 30 days return policy if you are not satisfied with the item. Please, pack your unworn and undamaged jewelry back into packaging and ship it the way you got it! b) I reserve the right to refuse returned items we deem as not in sellable condition, damaged, altered, or used. c) Payment will be refunded within 3-5 business days after receiving the product,shipping fee will be deducted from original payment. d)Always welcome for custom orders, also you can send us your own design or a rough diagram.There is no refund or exchange in custom orders.
    5.782 €
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    España (Todas las ciudades)
    Arthur Rimbaud pendant ABOUT THE PRODUCT: ● 35 x 30 mm / 1.37 x 1.18 inches cameo pendant. ● The price is for ONE pendant: you can choose it to be in bronze tone or silver tone, selecting the one you prefer under the colour variation box. ● If you prefer it without necklace chain, you can choose this option under the "chain" variation box. ● Being handcrafted, each piece is unique and may be slightly different. Actual colors may vary a little due to the light and to monitor and/or your computer video card. ● Looking for more literature jewelry? Take a look: https://www.etsy.com/shop/TheBijouxParlour?search_query=literature ● Jean Nicolas Arthur Rimbaud (20 October 1854 – 10 November 1891) was a French poet. Born in Charleville, Ardennes, he produced his works while still in his late teens—Victor Hugo described him at the time as "an infant Shakespeare"—and gave up creative writing altogether before the age of 20. As part of the decadent movement, Rimbaud influenced modern literature, music, and arts, and prefigured surrealism. Rimbaud was known to have been a libertine and restless soul, travelling extensively on three continents before his death from cancer just after his 37th birthday. →→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→ PROCESS TIME: ● This item is made to order. At the moment my process time for these cameos can be up to 7 business days, depending on the amount of orders I have to work on. These cameos are handmade by me using a multi-step process which needs at least 3 days before the piece is actually ready to be shipped. Of course I will always do my best to complete and ship out orders as fast as I can, and in case I have one of these cameos left ready to be shipped I will proceed and ship it out within 1 business day. ● If you need one of my creations by a certain date I recommend you to purchase it as soon as you can: this because, especially in case of international orders, shipping is highly unpredictable, and since I have no part in the postal handling and delivery phase, I cannot 100% guarantee you that you'll receive your parcel by the date you need it. If your order requires special attention please don't hesitate to contact me, and I will do my best to accommodate your request. →→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→ SHIPPING, POLICIES, etc: ● Before placing an order, please make sure that you took your time to read the entire listing and understood everything. Do not hesitate to contact me for any questions! ● Make also sure that you have read the shop policies: you will found everything you need to know about all the aspects of purchasing my creations → https://www.etsy.com/shop/TheBijouxParlour#policies ● Your order will be shipped with the method chosen by you at checkout. ● I offer two shipping methods, both available to be chosen during checkout: 1) the standard delivery method is PRIORITY AIRMAIL; this method provides a code which is scanned once the parcel is shipped and then when it is delivered, but does NOT offer a full international tracking. 2) REGISTERED MAIL; this method offers international tracking and signature upon delivery, and in the event of absence it can be collected from the post office indicated on the collection slip (or a re-delivery can be arranged if you postal system offers this option). ● Please note that the entire world is going through a challenging situation. I am able to regularly ship my creations but please expect some delays, as currently there are less flights to carry mail internationally, and postal systems all over the world are now adopting extra cautionary measures while handling and delivery mail. All this factors are affecting the standard delivery times. ● VAT/duties/import taxes/etc. for countries outside the EU are customers responsibility: if applicable these are estimated and then collected, on behalf of your government, by Etsy at checkout or by the postal service once your order arrives in your country. Please note that it is not possible to declare a lower value on custom papers to avoid import costs. ● Please message me right away before leaving feedback if you are in any way unsatisfied with your purchase, it is my absolute goal to be sure all my customers are happy with their items. I'm a human being and I'm also super easy to work with:) →→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→ EXTRA TIPS: ● Here's a few tips to take care of metal jewels: - do not shower (or not get jewelry wet generally) or sleep while wearing it - do not wear it when you’re perspiring (so avoid to wear it while doing sports) - polish it regularly with a small cloth to keep it shiny - store it away from the sun, open air and other jewelry (a small sealed bag in a closed box would be perfect) →→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→ THANK YOU DISCOUNT: ● And as a thank you for reading all the listing, enjoy a -5% discount! Just write THANKYOU5 in the "Apply shop coupon code" section at checkout:) →→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→ FOLLOW THE BIJOUX PARLOUR: ● You will find special discounts and freebies/giveaways available for followers only! - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thebijouxparlour/ - Instagram: @thebijouxparlour ~ https://www.instagram.com/thebijouxparlour/ - Tumblr: http://thebijouxparlour.tumblr.com/
    2.500 €
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    España (Todas las ciudades)
    14K Solid Gold Initial Necklace, Personalized Jewelry, Initial Necklace, Gifts for Her, ????The powerful and expressive style of the 14K solid gold large letter necklace enables you to express yourself in a special way. With our modern designs, you may discover a fresh take on a timeless piece. Wear personalized jewelry that features your large letter, a nicklarge letter, or perhaps a meaningful phrase. The trend will never go out of style, so embrace it. Add your own special inscription to this large letterplated necklace. It is meant to keep your feelings near and is a timeless piece you'll never want to take off. Create gorgeous, exquisite, and sophisticated large letter Jewelry for yourself right now. Our personalized large letter necklaces won't fade or turn yellow over time. It is suitable for use in both the sea and the shower. Our solid gold large letter necklaces are crafted using premium materials and skills. ????'Less is more,' The latest fashion is minimalism. The greatest "less" design that shines "more" loudly is our minimalist necklace. Your innate beauty will be highlighted by a delicate large letter necklace, which won't overpower your own sense of style. You may wear your sweethearts, your loved ones, or just your life philosophy near to your heart everywhere you go by personalizing your 14K solid gold large letter necklace. From the font to the pendants, our bespoke jewelry is completely individualized to your preferences. ????We use handcrafted jewelry and the highest attention while making our solid gold large letter necklaces. You can be certain that the recipient will adore it and that it will fit their personal taste. suitable for all skin types. potential touch with ????These large letter necklaces brilliantly reflect light and make an eye-catching statement! lively, energetic, and distinctive. Our large letter-plate necklace is as unique as you are! It makes a magnificent present or a special treat for you. Anything special and intimate to you can be inscribed on this delicate large letter necklace. It may be worn every day and is meant to last a lifetime. There is never a need to remove it, even while working out, having a shower, or getting ready for bed. ????CARGO INFORMATION???? ????I provide shipping with cargo company ups express cargo. Express service of UPS company, which offers the fastest and highest quality experience in America. ????The same day, it is packaged and dispatched following the quality check phase. Delivery for all US orders takes 2 to 5 business days. ???? ON ALL INTERNATIONAL ORDERS, EXPRESS SHIPPING. The same day, it is packaged and dispatched following the quality check phase. All orders shipped internationally are delivered in 3 to 4 business days. ????UPS is used to ship and insure each order. Once your shipment has arrived, ETSY will send you an email with a tracking number and a direct tracking link. ????Orders can be tailored however you like. presented in unique gift boxes. With the "Gift Message" option, you may give gifts that are more valued and meaningful. ???? Our necklaces are suitable for all skin tones. It does not cause allergies. You can use your necklaces in the sea and in the shower. Water does not harm our necklaces. Perfume will never harm our necklaces. Our name necklaces will never turn yellow and fade. It can be used in the sea and in the shower. Contact with water. It never causes allergies. It is produced with first quality hand workmanship. ???? If you choose 14K Gold from the list, you will order a Plated Necklace. If you choose 14K Solid Gold, you will have ordered a real Solid Gold necklace. ???? You can use it for many years under normal use conditions and with proper care. ???? Gold Necklace that you can use in the sea and in the shower. Our Name Necklaces do not turn yellow and do not fade. 14K Gold is produced. It is a great gift for any woman. ???? 14K Gold Name Necklace is a type of jewelry that never goes out of style. ???? Gold Name Necklace can also be worn by people with sensitive skin. ???? Suitable for use in the sea and in the shower. Our gold necklaces will never turn yellow and fade. ???? C H A I N L E N G T H???? ????14 inches (36 cm) - Age 5 years or Under ????15 inches (38 cm) - Choker ????16 inches (41 cm) - Age 6-18 years ????18 inches (46 cm) - Most popular size for women ????Handmade item ???? ????Materials: Gold, Rose gold, White gold ????Closure: Spring ring ????Chain style: Cable ????Adjustable length ????Style: Minimalist ????Can be personalized???? ????PERSONALIZATION???? ________________ See the font sample in the last image Leave a note with the NAME/Word you want on the necklace in the "Note to Seller" section, please specify lower or uppercase letters. The necklace will say exactly the same as your note. The font number you see in the image is 1. ????O T H E R ∙ I N F O R M A T I O N???? • The length option is the TOTAL chain length (including the charm). If you order an 18" chain, the piece will come as CHAIN + CHARM = 18". All pieces will come with a 1" extension chain so you can FINE TUNE the fit. • All items are nicely packaged ready to gift in elegant jewelry boxes. • If you can't find the information you need or need some advice for your design? Feel free to contact us. We are fast to reply:) ????Wanna get to know me? I have been dealing with the art of jewelery production since 2013. My Father, who is a jeweler, is my master. Apart from that, I received training from many world-famous designers. I take custom orders on Etsy. Very soon I will exhibit my own original designs here. I have 2 workshops in total in Turkey/Istanbul and New Jersey/Newark region. I produce my custom products in my workshop located in New Jersey/Newark. It's a great feeling to be in New Jersey and sell my products from here to the whole world! ????BEST GIFT:This name necklace can be a special gift for your lover,boyfriend or girlfriend,best friend or family.Each jewelry will be packaged in a beautuful gift box,suitable for Birthday,Graduation,Anniversary,Christmas,Thanksgiving Day,Party Wedding and Valentine's Day. PACKAGING: All jewelry will be nicely packaged ready to gift in elegant jewelry boxes. Large Initial Necklace, Big Letter Necklace, Personalized Necklace, Letter Necklace, Moms Day Gift, Initial Necklace, Gift For Her
    10.028 €
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    España (Todas las ciudades)
    ???? 14K Solid Gold Name Necklace - Mother Day Gifts - Name Necklace - Personalised Gifts - 14K Name Necklace Surprise the special mom in your life with this solid gold name necklace necklace, the perfect Mother’s Day gift. This special mama necklace is personalized with her name or the name of someone special to her, and is crafted with solid gold for a unique look that will last a lifetime. Whether you’re looking for the perfect gift for Mom, Grandma, or any other special mother figure, this necklace is sure to make her smile. Choose from a variety of gold styles and engravings to make this necklace a one-of-a-kind gift. It’s the perfect way to show Mom how much you care and appreciate her! 14K Gold Name Necklace perfect gifts! ???? Before ordering the name necklace, you can examine the font table among the photos. For example: If you order a name necklace with Sarah writing, you will receive 2 separate necklaces. 1. Necklace Sarah is inscribed. 2. The necklace becomes the letter S. 2 separate necklaces are sent as seen on the mannequin in the photo. You can order name necklace and initial letter necklace. For example, when ordering; You can specify Sarah #S or Sarah #Z in the personalization note. 14K Solid Gold Name Necklace is a special design. We can customize our Name Necklaces as you wish. It can be purchased as a Personalized Gift. We can manufacture using Letters, Numbers or Symbols. Name Necklace symbolizes power. Apart from adults, you can order name necklaces for newborn babies or as a school gift. How would you like to welcome the excitement of the Valentine's Day Gifts with this perfect Gold Name Necklace? This perfect, non-fading necklace with a Solid Gold option suitable for all combinations on the neck of both you and your loved ones will be an invaluable personalized memory for Valentine's Day Gifts. Our name necklaces, prepared as 14K Gold, have a gentle and elegant appearance. It never tarnishes or fades. Available for all of skin types. It can come into contact with water. You can use it at sea. Name Necklace is one of the most loved designs by our customers. The gold name necklace is a durable solid necklace. First quality materials are used while producing our name necklaces. Our chains are produced by hand with a special system. It has a solid form. You can place special orders by sending a message to our store. It is a pleasure for us to create designs that you like. ???? Gold Name Necklace is the most beautiful gift in the world. The easiest way to make a woman happy may be to order her a name necklace or letter necklace. ???? A great personalized gifts for your loved ones and yourself 14K SOLID GOLD JEWELRY - Personalized Gifts - Name Necklace - Solid Gold Name Necklace - Our necklaces are suitable for all skin tones. It does not cause allergies. You can use your necklaces in the sea and in the shower. Water does not harm our necklaces. Perfume will never harm our necklaces. - Our name necklaces will never turn yellow and fade. It can be used in the sea and in the shower. Contact with water. It never causes allergies. It is produced with first quality hand workmanship. - If you choose 14K Gold from the list, you will order a Plated Necklace. If you choose 14K Solid Gold, you will have ordered a real Solid Gold necklace. - You can use it for many years under normal use conditions and with proper care. - Gold Necklace that you can use in the sea and in the shower. Our Name Necklaces do not turn yellow and do not fade. 14K Gold is produced. It is a great gift for any woman. - 14K Gold Name Necklace is a type of jewelry that never goes out of style. - Gold Name Necklace can also be worn by people with sensitive skin. - Suitable for use in the sea and in the shower. Our gold necklaces will never turn yellow and fade. JEWELRY GIFT - PERSONALIZED GIFTS Great gift for special person: It is a gift, perfect as a simple romantic gesture. Perfect gift for your lover, wife, girlfriend, daughter, granddaughter or friends. Suitable for Valentine's Day, Christmas Day, Mother's Day, holiday, prom, party, anniversary, prom, graduation, birthday or any special occasion. It is the best option for personalized gifts. Everyone loves personalized gifts. PERSONALIZATION ________________ See the font sample in the last image Leave a note with the NAME/Word you want on the necklace in the "Note to Seller" section, please specify lower or uppercase letters. The necklace will say exactly the same as your note. The font number you see in the image is 1. O T H E R ∙ I N F O R M A T I O N • The length option is the TOTAL chain length (including the charm). If you order an 18" chain, the piece will come as CHAIN + CHARM = 18". All pieces will come with a 1" extension chain so you can FINE TUNE the fit. • All items are nicely packaged ready to gift in elegant jewelry boxes. • If you can't find the information you need or need some advice for your design? Feel free to contact us. We are fast to reply:) CHAIN LENGTH 14 inches (35 cm) - Age 5 years or Under 16 inches (40 cm) - Age 6-18 years 18 inches (45 cm) - Most popular size for women 20 inches (50 cm) 22 inches (55 cm) 24 inches (60 cm) Wanna get to know me? I have been dealing with the art of jewelery production since 2013. My Father, who is a jeweler, is my master. Apart from that, I received training from many world-famous designers. I take custom orders on Etsy. Very soon I will exhibit my own original designs here. I have 2 workshops in total in Turkey/Istanbul and New Jersey/Newark region. I produce my custom products in my workshop located in New Jersey/Newark. It's a great feeling to be in New Jersey and sell my products from here to the whole world! BEST GIFT:This name necklace can be a special gift for your lover,boyfriend or girlfriend,best friend or family.Each jewelry will be packaged in a beautuful gift box,suitable for Birthday,Graduation,Anniversary,Christmas,Thanksgiving Day,Party Wedding and Valentine's Day. PACKAGING: All jewelry will be nicely packaged ready to gift in elegant jewelry boxes.
    10.028 €
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    España (Todas las ciudades)
    ????Make it unique and unique to you. Introducing the 14K Solid Gold Flower Necklace with your name on it. Make this lovely item the ideal present for your mother, your closest friend, or even for yourself! With this bespoke jewelry, you may show your individual style in a sophisticated way, whether you choose flowers, initials, or a meaningful statement. Let your imagination go wild and jot down everything that has personal significance for you. made from pure gold of the highest quality, it will last for all of time, from special occasions to eternity. ????A minimalist necklace is the definition of elegant. As a choker necklace, this delicate necklace works well. Your flower jewelry may be personalized with any flower or slogan of your choice. Display your personal style. Create your own design for your unique jewelry just for you. Wear it both frequently and on important occasions. ????Without having to say anything, you may wear your heart on your sleeve with a Flower Nameplate necklace. They can read it on the front of their neck, so there's no need to explain who you are or why you care so much about them. Because of the excellent materials and craftsmanship used to create this item, you can be sure she will wear it every day with style. ????For your mother, sister, girlfriend, or yourself, get a flower necklace! This floral necklace with a vintage printed letter charm is attractive. Keep it basic or add your name to give it more importance. ????The best friend, mother, sisters, bridesmaids, graduates, weddings, engagements, and anniversaries are all excellent occasions to give a woman this personalized name necklace. ???? We provide FREE "After Sales Service" on all of our items. In any case, get in touch with us first.????CARGO INFORMATION???? ????I provide shipping with cargo company ups express cargo. Express service of UPS company, which offers the fastest and highest quality experience in America. ????The same day, it is packaged and dispatched following the quality check phase. Delivery for all US orders takes 2 to 5 business days. ???? ON ALL INTERNATIONAL ORDERS, EXPRESS SHIPPING. The same day, it is packaged and dispatched following the quality check phase. All orders shipped internationally are delivered in 3 to 4 business days. ????UPS is used to ship and insure each order. Once your shipment has arrived, ETSY will send you an email with a tracking number and a direct tracking link. ????Orders can be tailored however you like. presented in unique gift boxes. With the "Gift Message" option, you may give gifts that are more valued and meaningful. ???? Our necklaces are suitable for all skin tones. It does not cause allergies. You can use your necklaces in the sea and in the shower. Water does not harm our necklaces. Perfume will never harm our necklaces. Our name necklaces will never turn yellow and fade. It can be used in the sea and in the shower. Contact with water. It never causes allergies. It is produced with first quality hand workmanship. ???? If you choose 14K Gold from the list, you will order a Plated Necklace. If you choose 14K Solid Gold, you will have ordered a real Solid Gold necklace. ???? You can use it for many years under normal use conditions and with proper care. ???? Gold Necklace that you can use in the sea and in the shower. Our Name Necklaces do not turn yellow and do not fade. 14K Gold is produced. It is a great gift for any woman. ???? 14K Gold Name Necklace is a type of jewelry that never goes out of style. ???? Gold Name Necklace can also be worn by people with sensitive skin. ???? Suitable for use in the sea and in the shower. Our gold necklaces will never turn yellow and fade. ???? C H A I N L E N G T H???? ????14 inches (36 cm) - Age 5 years or Under ????15 inches (38 cm) - Choker ????16 inches (41 cm) - Age 6-18 years ????18 inches (46 cm) - Most popular size for women ????Handmade item ???? ????Materials: Gold, Rose gold, White gold ????Closure: Spring ring ????Chain style: Cable ????Adjustable length ????Style: Minimalist ????Can be personalized???? ????PERSONALIZATION???? ________________ See the font sample in the last image Leave a note with the NAME/Word you want on the necklace in the "Note to Seller" section, please specify lower or uppercase letters. The necklace will say exactly the same as your note. The font number you see in the image is 1. ????O T H E R ∙ I N F O R M A T I O N???? • The length option is the TOTAL chain length (including the charm). If you order an 18" chain, the piece will come as CHAIN + CHARM = 18". All pieces will come with a 1" extension chain so you can FINE TUNE the fit. • All items are nicely packaged ready to gift in elegant jewelry boxes. • If you can't find the information you need or need some advice for your design? Feel free to contact us. We are fast to reply:) ????Wanna get to know me? I have been dealing with the art of jewelery production since 2013. My Father, who is a jeweler, is my master. Apart from that, I received training from many world-famous designers. I take custom orders on Etsy. Very soon I will exhibit my own original designs here. I have 2 workshops in total in Turkey/Istanbul and New Jersey/Newark region. I produce my custom products in my workshop located in New Jersey/Newark. It's a great feeling to be in New Jersey and sell my products from here to the whole world! ????BEST GIFT:This name necklace can be a special gift for your lover,boyfriend or girlfriend,best friend or family.Each jewelry will be packaged in a beautuful gift box,suitable for Birthday,Graduation,Anniversary,Christmas,Thanksgiving Day,Party Wedding and Valentine's Day. PACKAGING: All jewelry will be nicely packaged ready to gift in elegant jewelry boxes.
    10.028 €
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