Vinilo j k c
Listado top ventas vinilo j k c

A Coruña (A Coruña)
D.J.P.C. / INSSOMNIAK / SINGLE 7 PULGADAS D.J.P.C. / INSSOMNIAK / SINGLE 7 PULGADAS SE APRECIA CON POCO USO, PROMO A viso importante sobre el estado de los artículos en general: La mayoría de los discos llevan años almacenados y algunas carpetas y fundas pueden oler a viejo, a humedad o presentar señales de moho. Los lps suelen proceder de particulares. Los maxi-singles de 12 pulgadas casi todos proceden de discotecas. Las fundas de algunos discos suelen estar algo rotas o abiertas y algunos no traen la funda interior. Muchos discos presentan las típicas finas líneas de superficie y la funda suele estar gastada por los cantos y las esquinas o pueden tener pintadas o pegatinas. Los singles pequeños de 7 pulgadas suelen tener dobleces en las fundas y estar algo rotas por los cantos y bastante rozadas por los cantos y las esquinas, con pequeñas roturas en los bordes, también es normal que tengan pintadas y alguna pegatina y estén rozadas en superficie por lo que se nota la marca del disco. El disco suele presentar finas líneas de superficie y casi ninguno tiene funda interior. Muchas fundas pueden presentar suciedad del paso del tiempo. Otros singles están muy bien, pues proceden de emisoras de radio. Sobre todos los discos en general, si hay algún defecto considerable que supere las características señaladas ya se detalla en las características del lote. La expresión 'señales de uso normal', indica que el disco puede estar sucio y presentar finas líneas de superficie y la funda estar gastada por cantos y esquinas y presentar dobleces, escritos y alguna pegatina, aunque la audición del vinilo es buena. Muchos discos están sucios porque llevan mucho tiempo almacenados y deben ser lavados antes de au audición. Todos los discos se revisan antes de ponerlos a la venta y, además, antes de su envío al comprador. De todas formas, si encuentra algún defecto que no haya sido anunciado, por favor, comuníquenoslo, aceptamos devoluciones siempre que estén debidamente justificadas, aunque no abonamos los gastos de envío, sólo el importe del artículo.
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A Coruña (A Coruña)
K.L.J. / SADDAM / SINGLE 7 INCH K.L.J. / SADDAM / SINGLE 7 INCH USO NORMAL, PROMO Aviso importante sobre el estado de los artículos en general: La mayoría de los discos llevan años almacenados y algunas carpetas y fundas pueden oler a viejo, a humedad o presentar señales de moho. Los lps suelen proceder de particulares. Los maxi-singles de 12 pulgadas casi todos proceden de discotecas. Las fundas de algunos discos suelen estar algo rotas o abiertas y algunos no traen la funda interior. Muchos discos presentan las típicas finas líneas de superficie y la funda suele estar gastada por los cantos y las esquinas o pueden tener pintadas o pegatinas. Los singles pequeños de 7 pulgadas suelen tener dobleces en las fundas y estar algo rotas por los cantos y bastante rozadas por los cantos y las esquinas, con pequeñas roturas en los bordes, también es normal que tengan pintadas y alguna pegatina y estén rozadas en superficie por lo que se nota la marca del disco. El disco suele presentar finas líneas de superficie y no tienen funda interior. Muchas fundas pueden presentar suciedad del paso del tiempo. Otros singles están en muy bien estado, pues proceden de emisoras de radio. Sobre todos los discos en general: si hay algún defecto considerable que supere las características señaladas ya se detalla en las características del lote. La expresión 'uso normal', indica que el disco puede estar sucio y presentar finas líneas de superficie y la funda estar gastada por cantos y esquinas, tener pequeñas roturas y dobleces, además de escritos y pegatinas, aunque la audición del vinilo es buena. Muchos discos están sucios porque llevan mucho tiempo almacenados y deben ser lavarlos. Todos los discos se revisan antes de ponerlos a la venta y, además, antes de su envío al comprador. De todas formas, si encuentra algún defecto que no haya sido anunciado, por favor, comuníquenoslo, aceptamos devoluciones siempre que estén debidamente justificadas, aunque no abonamos los gastos de envío, sólo el importe del artículo. SI TIENE DUDAS, POR FAVOR, CONSULTE SOBRE EL ESTADO DEL ARTICULO Y LOS GASTOS DE ENVÍO ANTES DE COMPRAR. GRACIAS.
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Mais qui est Geronimo Stilton. C'est moi! Je suis une souris tranquille, mais je ne sais pas pourquoi, je suis toujours mêlé à des aventures à faire pâlir la mimolette! Je dirige un journal, l'Echo du rongeur, mais ma véritable passion, c'est l'écriture. Comment ça ? vous n'avez pas encore lu mes livres ? Ce sont des histoires à mourir de rire, plus savoureuses que le gruyère... des histoires au poil, quoi ! Agent secret zéro zéro k. " Toute la matinée, un gars, ou plutôt un rat, avec des lunettes noires m'a suivi à la trace. Bizarre ! Heureusement, j'ai fini par le reconnaître: c'est mon ami
15 €
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Almería (Almería)
Disco de música LP vinilo maxi single CANDY J THE SAGA OF SWEET PUSSY PAULINE DESIRABLE REVENGE Disco de música LP vinilo maxi single CANDY J THE SAGA OF SWEET PUSSY PAULINE DESIRABLE REVENGE MIREN MIS OTROS LOTES TENGO MÁS DISCOS DE MÚSICA EN VENTA.. Gastos de envío y manipulación por correo certificado 6 euros.. Por correo ordinario 4 euros.. Caja C.13
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Castejón-Navarra (Navarra)
GRAHAM NASH / WILD TALES 73 !! 2º LP, DAVID CROSBY, J MITCHEL, Rara 1ª EDIC ORG USA + encarte, EX GRAHAM NASH / WILD TALES 73 !! 2º LP, DAVID CROSBY, J MITCHEL, Rara 1ª EDIC ORG USA + encarte, EX PRECIOSA 1ª EDIC. ORG USA, FANATASTICA CARPETA TEXTURADA CON EL ENCARTE INTERIOR TAMBIEN CON LA TEXTURA QUE CONTIENE LOS TEXTOS..ETC.. A DESTACAR EL DETALLE CURIOSO DEL INTERIOR COLOR NEGRO DE LA CARPETA DONDE SE LEE LA PALABRA HELLO!..1º PRESS, COLLECTORS !!.. TODO EN GRAN ESTADO, VINILO CON SEÑALES DE USO QUE NO AFECTAN ASU ESCUCHA, GRAN COPIA !! ES UNA OBRA MAESTRA DE ESTE GRADISIMO GENIO DE LA MUSICA AMERICANA,CADA TEMA ES MEJOR Y SE DRISFRUTAN COMO POCOS DISCOS..ADEMAS SUS AMIGOS LE ACOMPAÑAN COMO: DAVID CROSBY JONI MITCHELL..ETC.. "Wild Tales" fue el segundo de ellos, y al igual que en "Songs for Begginners" (su predecesor) pide a sus amigos (y vaya amigos) que le echen una mano: Dave Mason (fundador de Traffic,músico de sesión que llegó a tocar con Hendrix y autor de interesantes discos a su nombre),Joni Mitchell (quién además retrató a Nash en un precioso dibujo para la contraportada del disco),David Crosby y otros muchos, con mención especial para algunos de los mejores músicos de sesión del, por entonces muy de moda, rock californiano como David Lindley (que hace una gran labor tocando la guitarra slide y la mandolina) Ben Keith (steel guitar) o la base rítmica formada por Tim Drummond y Johnny Barbata (quienes llegarían a tocar con el mismísimo Bob Dylan,quien los reclamó con la intención de conseguir un sonido más amable Con estos brillantes colaboradores Graham Nash dio forma a su mejor disco en solitario, una colección de bonitas canciones country con toques soft-rock californianos de impronta tardo-hippie. La inicial "Wild Tales",un buen disparo de rock sureño adornado con la serpenteante guitarra de Lindley, habla de la precacución que hay que tener ante la vida y los constantes cambios a los que nos somete, ya que nada es lo que parece, pero excepto la antibelicista "Oh!Camil (The Winter Soldier", magnifica canción folk puntuada por la guitarra de doce cuerdas del gran Dave Mason) o "Prison Song" (sobre una chica hippie encarcelada por pasar hierba a sus colegas), la temática del disco gira en torno a lo dulce o no tan dulce que puede llegar a ser el amor ("You'll Never Be The Same", "I Miss You", "Another Sleep Song") y de lo agradable que puede llegar a ser la vida si te la tomas con buen humor y optimismo (el "simplifica,tíiiiiiiiiiiiiiio" de los jodidos hippies) en canciones como la entrañable "On The line" o "Grave Concern". A1 Wild Tales 2:18 A2 Hey You (Looking At The Moon) 2:14 A3 Prison Song Mandolin - David Lindley 3:10 A4 You'll Never Be The Same 2:48 A5 And So It Goes Piano [Acoustic] - Joe Yankee Piano [Electric] - Harry Halex 4:48 B1 Grave Concern 2:45 B2 Oh! Camil (The Winter Soldier) Guitar [12-string] - David Mason 2:51 B3 I Miss You 3:04 B4 On The Line 2:35 B5 Another Sleep Song Backing Vocals - Joni Mitchell Guitar [Dobro] - Ben Keith 4:43 Companies etc Phonographic Copyright (p)- Atlantic Recording Corporation Copyright (c)- Atlantic Recording Corporation Mastered At- The Mastering Lab Credits Bass- Tim Drummond Drums- Johnny Barbata* (tracks: A1 to B1, B4 to B5) Engineer- Don Gooch Engineer [Assistant]- Stanley Johnston Guitar [Acoustic]- Graham Nash (tracks: A4, B2), Joel Bernstein (tracks: A2, B5) Guitar [Electric Rhythm]- Graham Nash (tracks: A1 to A2, B1) Guitar [Electric Slide]- David Lindley (tracks: A1, B1) Guitar [Pedal Steel]- Ben Keith (tracks: A2, A4 to A5, B4) Harmonica- Graham Nash (tracks: A3, B4) Illustration [Back Cover]- Joni Mitchell Piano- Graham Nash (tracks: B3 to B4) Piano [Electric]- Graham Nash (tracks: A3, B5) Producer- Graham Nash Vocals- David Crosby (tracks: A3, A5, B4), Graham Nash Written-By- Graham Nash
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Málaga (Málaga)
Disco de vinilo L.P. de Lo Mejor del Año, vol. 14: The Manhattan Transfer, María Ostiz, Cerrote, Col Disco de vinilo L.P. de Lo Mejor del Año, vol. 14: The Manhattan Transfer, María Ostiz, Cerrote, Col ¡¡¡AHORA 10,00 EUROS MENOS YA REBAJADOS!!! Disco de vinilo L.P. de Lo Mejor del Año, vol. 14: The Manhattan Transfer, María Ostiz, Cerrote, Collage, Shaun Cassidy, Nacha Guevara, Bebu Silvetti, Space, Enrique, Jane Birkin con Serge Gainsbourg, C.J. & CO, Jose Luis Perales, Mari Trini, Cavan. De Wea e Hispavox.
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Based on an original new story by J.K. Rowling, John Tiffany and Jack Thorne, a new play by Jack Thorne, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child is the eighth story in the Harry Potter series and the first official Harry Potter story to be presented on stage. ç. Little, Brown. UK. Año 2016. 1ª edición
3 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
C. G. Jung, J. Campbell, K. Wilber, M. S. Peck, R. May, L. Dossey, M-L. von Franz, S. Keen, R. Bly y otros La rabia, los celos, las mentiras, el resentimiento, la culpa, la avaricia, etc., estos sentimientos y comportamientos prohibidos surgen de la parte oscura y negada de nosotros mismos. Editorial Kairós SA. Barcelona. Año 2021. 28ª edición
8 €
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Barcelona (Barcelona)
Mark Knopfler Live At The Royal Albert Hall 1996-2019 2CD Dire Straits Mark Knopfler Live At The Royal Albert Hall 1996-2019 2CD Dire Straits MARK KNOPFLER "Live At The Royal Albert Hall 1996-2019" 2-CD del sello "Golden Eggs". A 27 tracks selection of songs performed at the Royal Albert Hall, in London, UK, during different tours from 1996 to 2019, all in excellent audience recording. CD1 Darling pretty (a) Imelda (a) Vic and Ray (a) Bonnie banks of Loch Lommond(b) What it is (b) Sailing to Philadelphia with William Topley (b) Pyroman (b) Speedway at Nazareth (b) Baloney again with Bill Wyman and the rythm kings (c) Why aye man (d) Boom, like that (d) True love will never fade (e) The fish and the bird (e) Are we in trouble now (a) CD2 Border reiver (h) Privateering (i) Hill farmer blues (i) Get lucky (g) Kingdom of gold (d) I dug up a diamond (k) Seattle (j) I used to could (j) Laughs and jokes and drinks and smokes (m) Matchstick man (n) Marbletown (j) Our shangri-la (l) Piper to the end (h) (a) 24th May 1996 (b) 5th June 2001 (c) 12nd November 2003 Bill Wyman Rythm Kings Concert (d) 31st May 2005 (e) 30th May 2008 (g) 1st June 2010 (h) 3rd June 2010 (i) 4th June 2010 (j) 28th May 2013 (k) 30th May 2013 (l) 31st May 2013 (m) 25th May 2015 (n) 22nd May 2019 Caja de cartón color trifold, con sobrefunda de PVC resellable. EGG 148/149
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Barcelona (Barcelona)
Aretha Franklin ?– Original Recordings, Eurotrend ?– CD 152.502, temas en la descripción. Aretha Franklin ?– Original Recordings, Eurotrend ?– CD 152.502, temas en la descripción. 1 Without Love Written-By – A. Franklin* 2:48 2 Don't Go Breaking My Heart Written-By – A. Orson/C. Blanche* 3:49 3 When You Get Right Down To It Written-By – A. Franklin* 3:52 4 You'll Never Get To Heaven Written-By – B. Bacharach/H. David* 4:58 5 With Everything I Feel In Me Written-By – A. Franklin* 3:53 6 Love Everything About You Written-By – A. Franklin* 3:40 7 Sing It Again, Say It Again Written-By – C. Franklin* 3:59 8 All Of These Things Written-By – J. Cleveland* 3:44 9 Stay Written By – M. Williams 6:16 10 He Will Wash You White As Snow Written-By – J. Junior* 4:15 11 I Never Loved A Man The Way I Love You Written-By – R. Shannon* 2:37 12 Respect Written-By – O. Redding* 2:21 13 A Natural Woman Written-By – G. Goffin/C. King*, J. Wexler* 2:37 14 Chain Of Fools Written-By – D. Covay* 2:40 15 Think Written-By – M. Jagger/K. Richards* 2:12 16 I Say A Little Prayer Written-By – B. Bacharach/H. David* 3:27 17 Share Your Love With Me Written-By – A. Bragg*, D. Malone* 3:11 18 Call Me (Come Back Home) Written-By – A. Franklin* 3:46 19 Don't Play That Song (You Lied) Written-By – A. Ertegun*, B. Nelson* 2:51 20 Sister From Texas Written-By – A. Franklin* 3:14
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Sevilla (Sevilla)
JAMES LAST LP CLASSICS UP TO DATE VOL 2 POLYDOR ORIGINAL GERMANY JAMES LAST LP CLASSICS UP TO DATE VOL 2 POLYDOR ORIGINAL GERMANY A1 Andante From The Concerto For Piano And Orchestra No, 21 'Theme From Elvira Madigan' (In C Major, K 467) Composed By - W. A. Mozart* A2 Presto From The Symphony No, 7 (In A Major, Op. 92) Composed By - L. v. Beethoven* A3 Romance For Violin And Orchestra (In F Major, Op. 50) Composed By - L. v. Beethoven* A4 Impromptu No. 2 (In A Flat Major, Op. 192) Composed By - F. Schubert* A5 AirFrom The Suite No, 3 (In D Major, BWV 1068) Composed By - J. S. Bach* A6 Impromptu No, 3 (In G Flat Major, Op. 90) Composed By - F. Schubert* B1 Adagio From The Sonata No, 8 'Pathetique' (In C Minor, Op. 92) Composed By - L. v. Beethoven* B2 Slavonic Dance No, 10 Composed By - A. Dvorak* B3 Andante From The Violin Concerto (In E Minor, Op. 64) Composed By - Mendelssohn* B4 Prelude (In C Major) Composed By - J. S. Bach* B5 Andante From The Symphony No, 5 (In C Minor, Op. 67) Composed By - L. v. Beethoven* B6 Ballet Music From 'Prince Igor' Composed By - A. P. Borodin*
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Villalba de Rioja (La Rioja)
ORQUESTA SINFONICA RTVE - CONCIERTO CENTENARIO FONOGRAFO. M.DE FALLA y otros. VINILO (LP). CCM2 ORQUESTA SINFONICA RTVE - CONCIERTO CENTENARIO FONOGRAFO. M.DE FALLA y otros. VINILO (LP). CCM2 Estado del disco: NM o M- (Un disco casi perfecto, es muy probable que nunca se haya usado. Está impecable) Portada / Carpeta: VG+ (Muy bueno, ligero desgaste en esquina, ver fotos) CARA A: J.C. Arriaga: los esclavos felices. E. Toldra: la filla del Marxant. E. Lopez Chavarri: estival. J. Guridi: Tres melodías vascas (narrativa, amorosa y festiva) CARA B: M. de Falla: Noches en los jardines de España (24'20'').
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Girona (Girona)
David Bowie – Toy - Box 6 LP- David Bowie – Toy - Box 6 LP- David Bowie – Toy Label: ISO Records – ISOL 2001, ISO Records – 0190296773259, ISO Records – LPTOYBOX 1, Parlophone – 0190296773259, Parlophone – LPTOYBOX 1 Format: 2 x Vinyl, LP, 10", Album, Reissue 2 x Vinyl, LP, 10" 2 x Vinyl, LP, 10" Box Set, Special Edition Country: Released: Jan 7, 2022 Genre: Rock Style: Tracklist Hide Credits Toy A1 I Dig Everything Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar – Earl Slick, Mark Plati Backing Vocals – Emm Gryner, Holly Palmer Bass, Backing Vocals – Gail Ann Dorsey Drums, Handclaps [Claps] – Sterling Campbell Lead Vocals, Backing Vocals, Handclaps [Claps] – David Bowie Piano, Organ – Mike Garson Violin, Recorder, Backing Vocals – Lisa Germano Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar – Earl Slick, Mark Plati Backing Vocals – Emm Gryner, Holly Palmer Bass, Backing Vocals – Gail Ann Dorsey Drums, Handclaps [Claps] – Sterling Campbell Lead Vocals, Backing Vocals, Handclaps [Claps] – David Bowie Piano, Organ – Mike Garson Violin, Recorder, Backing Vocals – Lisa Germano A2 You've Got A Habit Of Leaving Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar – Earl Slick, Mark Plati Backing Vocals – Emm Gryner Backing Vocals, Percussion – Holly Palmer Bass – Gail Ann Dorsey Drums – Sterling Campbell Lead Vocals, Backing Vocals – David Bowie Piano, Keyboards – Mike Garson Violin, Backing Vocals – Lisa Germano Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar – Earl Slick, Mark Plati Backing Vocals – Emm Gryner Backing Vocals, Percussion – Holly Palmer Bass – Gail Ann Dorsey Drums – Sterling Campbell Lead Vocals, Backing Vocals – David Bowie Piano, Keyboards – Mike Garson Violin, Backing Vocals – Lisa Germano A3 The London Boys Bass, Acoustic Guitar – Mark Plati Clarinet – Emm Gryner, Gail Ann Dorsey Drums – Sterling Campbell Electric Guitar – Earl Slick Lead Vocals – David Bowie Organ – Mike Garson Trumpet – Cuong Vu Violin – Lisa Germano Bass, Acoustic Guitar – Mark Plati Clarinet – Emm Gryner, Gail Ann Dorsey Drums – Sterling Campbell Electric Guitar – Earl Slick Lead Vocals – David Bowie Organ – Mike Garson Trumpet – Cuong Vu Violin – Lisa Germano B1 Karma Man 12-String Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar [Electric 12 String Guitar], Mellotron, Backing Vocals – Mark Plati Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar – Earl Slick Backing Vocals – Emm Gryner, Lisa Germano Backing Vocals, Percussion – Holly Palmer Bass – Gail Ann Dorsey Drums – Sterling Campbell Harpsichord, Synthesizer [Synth Strings] – Mike Garson Lead Vocals, Backing Vocals – David Bowie Trumpet – Cuong Vu 12-String Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar [Electric 12 String Guitar], Mellotron, Backing Vocals – Mark Plati Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar – Earl Slick Backing Vocals – Emm Gryner, Lisa Germano Backing Vocals, Percussion – Holly Palmer Bass – Gail Ann Dorsey Drums – Sterling Campbell Harpsichord, Synthesizer [Synth Strings] – Mike Garson Lead Vocals, Backing Vocals – David Bowie Trumpet – Cuong Vu B2 Conversation Piece 12-String Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar [Electric 12 String Guitar] – Mark Plati Accordion, Mandolin, Backing Vocals – Lisa Germano Arranged By [String Arrangement] – Tony Visconti Backing Vocals – Holly Palmer Bass – Gail Ann Dorsey Drums – Sterling Campbell Electric Guitar – Earl Slick Lead Vocals, Backing Vocals – David Bowie Piano – Mike Garson 12-String Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar [Electric 12 String Guitar] – Mark Plati Accordion, Mandolin, Backing Vocals – Lisa Germano Arranged By [String Arrangement] – Tony Visconti Backing Vocals – Holly Palmer Bass – Gail Ann Dorsey Drums – Sterling Campbell Electric Guitar – Earl Slick Lead Vocals, Backing Vocals – David Bowie Piano – Mike Garson B3 Shadow Man Acoustic Guitar – Earl Slick, Mark Plati Bass – Gail Ann Dorsey Electric Guitar – Gerry Leonard Lead Vocals – David Bowie Piano – Mike Garson Trumpet – Cuong Vu Violin – Lisa Germano Acoustic Guitar – Earl Slick, Mark Plati Bass – Gail Ann Dorsey Electric Guitar – Gerry Leonard Lead Vocals – David Bowie Piano – Mike Garson Trumpet – Cuong Vu Violin – Lisa Germano C1 Let Me Sleep Beside You 12-String Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar [Electric 12 String Guitar] – Mark Plati Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar – Earl Slick Backing Vocals – Emm Gryner, Holly Palmer Bass – Gail Ann Dorsey Drums – Sterling Campbell Electric Piano [Fender Rhodes] – Mike Garson Lead Vocals, Backing Vocals – David Bowie Violin – Lisa Germano 12-String Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar [Electric 12 String Guitar] – Mark Plati Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar – Earl Slick Backing Vocals – Emm Gryner, Holly Palmer Bass – Gail Ann Dorsey Drums – Sterling Campbell Electric Piano [Fender Rhodes] – Mike Garson Lead Vocals, Backing Vocals – David Bowie Violin – Lisa Germano C2 Hole In The Ground Accordion, Recorder – Lisa Germano Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar – Earl Slick Acoustic Guitar, Slide Guitar, Handclaps [Claps] – Mark Plati Bass – Gail Ann Dorsey Drums, Handclaps [Claps] – Sterling Campbell Lead Vocals, Backing Vocals, Keyboards, Tambourine, Handclaps [Claps] – David Bowie Accordion, Recorder – Lisa Germano Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar – Earl Slick Acoustic Guitar, Slide Guitar, Handclaps [Claps] – Mark Plati Bass – Gail Ann Dorsey Drums, Handclaps [Claps] – Sterling Campbell Lead Vocals, Backing Vocals, Keyboards, Tambourine, Handclaps [Claps] – David Bowie C3 Baby Loves That Way 12-String Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar [Electric 12 String Guitar] – Mark Plati Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar – Earl Slick Backing Vocals – Emm Gryner, Holly Palmer Bass – Gail Ann Dorsey Drums – Sterling Campbell Lead Vocals, Backing Vocals – David Bowie Piano – Mike Garson Violin, Accordion, Recorder, Backing Vocals – Lisa Germano 12-String Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar [Electric 12 String Guitar] – Mark Plati Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar – Earl Slick Backing Vocals – Emm Gryner, Holly Palmer Bass – Gail Ann Dorsey Drums – Sterling Campbell Lead Vocals, Backing Vocals – David Bowie Piano – Mike Garson Violin, Accordion, Recorder, Backing Vocals – Lisa Germano D1 Can't Help Thinking About Me 12-String Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar [Electric 12 String Guitar] – Mark Plati Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar – Earl Slick Backing Vocals – Emm Gryner, Holly Palmer Bass – Gail Ann Dorsey Drums – Sterling Campbell Electric Guitar – Gerry Leonard Lead Vocals, Backing Vocals – David Bowie Piano – Mike Garson 12-String Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar [Electric 12 String Guitar] – Mark Plati Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar – Earl Slick Backing Vocals – Emm Gryner, Holly Palmer Bass – Gail Ann Dorsey Drums – Sterling Campbell Electric Guitar – Gerry Leonard Lead Vocals, Backing Vocals – David Bowie Piano – Mike Garson D2 Silly Boy Blue Acoustic Guitar – Mark Plati Arranged By [String Arrangement] – Tony Visconti Backing Vocals – Emm Gryner Backing Vocals, Finger Cymbals – Holly Palmer Bass – Gail Ann Dorsey Drums – Sterling Campbell Electric Guitar – Earl Slick Lead Vocals, Backing Vocals, Keyboards – David Bowie Piano – Mike Garson Violin [Violin Drone], Recorder – Lisa Germano Acoustic Guitar – Mark Plati Arranged By [String Arrangement] – Tony Visconti Backing Vocals – Emm Gryner Backing Vocals, Finger Cymbals – Holly Palmer Bass – Gail Ann Dorsey Drums – Sterling Campbell Electric Guitar – Earl Slick Lead Vocals, Backing Vocals, Keyboards – David Bowie Piano – Mike Garson Violin [Violin Drone], Recorder – Lisa Germano D3 Toy (Your Turn To Drive) Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar – Mark Plati Backing Vocals – Emm Gryner, Holly Palmer Bass – Gail Ann Dorsey Drums – Sterling Campbell Electric Guitar – Earl Slick Lead Vocals, Backing Vocals, Stylophone – David Bowie Piano – Mike Garson Trumpet – Cuong Vu Violin – Lisa Germano Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar – Mark Plati Backing Vocals – Emm Gryner, Holly Palmer Bass – Gail Ann Dorsey Drums – Sterling Campbell Electric Guitar – Earl Slick Lead Vocals, Backing Vocals, Stylophone – David Bowie Piano – Mike Garson Trumpet – Cuong Vu Violin – Lisa Germano Alternatives & Extras E1 Liza Jane Backing Vocals – Emm Gryner, Holly Palmer Bass – Gail Ann Dorsey Drums – Sterling Campbell Electric Guitar – Earl Slick, Mark Plati Lead Vocals, Stylophone, Acoustic Guitar – David Bowie Synthesizer – Mike Garson Trumpet – Cuong Vu Violin – Lisa Germano Backing Vocals – Emm Gryner, Holly Palmer Bass – Gail Ann Dorsey Drums – Sterling Campbell Electric Guitar – Earl Slick, Mark Plati Lead Vocals, Stylophone, Acoustic Guitar – David Bowie Synthesizer – Mike Garson Trumpet – Cuong Vu Violin – Lisa Germano E2 You've Got A Habit Of Leaving E3 Baby Loves That Way F1 Can't Help Thinking About Me F2 I Dig Everything F3 The London Boys Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar – Mark Plati Bass, Arranged By [String Arrngement] – Tony Visconti Drums – Sterling Campbell Lead Vocals, Synthesizer [Korg Triton] – David Bowie Organ – Mike Garson Strings – The Scorchio Quartet Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar – Mark Plati Bass, Arranged By [String Arrngement] – Tony Visconti Drums – Sterling Campbell Lead Vocals, Synthesizer [Korg Triton] – David Bowie Organ – Mike Garson Strings – The Scorchio Quartet G1 Silly Boy Blue (Tibet Version) Bass – Tony Visconti Drums – Sterling Campbell Electric Guitar – Moby Lead Vocals – David Bowie Piano – Philip Glass Strings – The Scorchio Quartet Bass – Tony Visconti Drums – Sterling Campbell Electric Guitar – Moby Lead Vocals – David Bowie Piano – Philip Glass Strings – The Scorchio Quartet G2 Let Me Sleep Beside You G3 In The Heat Of The Morning 12-String Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar [Electric 12 String Guitar] – Mark Plati Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar – Earl Slick Bass – Gail Ann Dorsey Drums – Sterling Campbell Lead Vocals, Backing Vocals, Harmonica, Electric Guitar – David Bowie Organ – Mike Garson Trumpet – Cuong Vu 12-String Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar [Electric 12 String Guitar] – Mark Plati Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar – Earl Slick Bass – Gail Ann Dorsey Drums – Sterling Campbell Lead Vocals, Backing Vocals, Harmonica, Electric Guitar – David Bowie Organ – Mike Garson Trumpet – Cuong Vu G4 Conversation Piece H1 Hole In The Ground H2 Shadow Man H3 Toy (Your Turn To Drive) Unplugged & Somewhat Slightly Electric I1 In The Heat Of The Morning I2 I Dig Everything I3 You've Got A Habit Of Leaving J1 The London Boys J2 Karma Man J3 Conversation Piece K1 Shadow Man K2 Let Me Sleep Beside You K3 Hole In The Ground K4 Baby Loves That Way L1 Can't Help Thinking About Me L2 Silly Boy Blue L3 Toy (Your Turn To Drive) Companies, etc. Phonographic Copyright ℗ – Jones/Tintoretto Entertainment Co., LLC Licensed To – Parlophone Records Ltd. Copyright © – Jones/Tintoretto Entertainment Co., LLC Copyright © – Parlophone Records Ltd. Record Company – Warner Music Group Recorded At – Sear Sound Recorded At – The Looking Glass Studios Recorded At – Alice's Restaurant Mixed At – The Looking Glass Studios Mixed At – Alice's Restaurant Engineered At – Alice's Restaurant Mastered At – Air Mastering Pressed By – Optimal Media GmbH – BL34970 Pressed By – Optimal Media GmbH – BL38890 Pressed By – Optimal Media GmbH – BL42007 Credits Concept By, Cover, Graphics [Band Graphics] – DB * Design – Scott Minshall Engineer [Assisted By] – Todd Parker (2) (tracks: E1 to H3) Engineer [Engineered By] – Mark Plati (tracks: E1 to H3), Pete Keppler * Mastered By – John Webber, Mark Plati Mixed By – Mark Plati (tracks: A1 to D3, E1, G3, I1 to L3), Tony Visconti (tracks: E2 to G2, G4 to H3) Mixed By [Assisted By] – Darren S. Moore (tracks: E2 to G2, G4 to H3), Hector Castillo (tracks: A1 to D3, E1, G3, I1 to L3), Steve Mazur (2) (tracks: A1 to D3, I1 to L3), Todd Parker (2) (tracks: A1 to D3, I1 to L3) Photography By [Inner Photography By] – Frank Ockenfels 3 * Producer [Additional Production By] – Tony Visconti (tracks: F3) Producer [Produced By] – David Bowie, Mark Plati (tracks: A1 to F3, G2 to L3), Tony Visconti (tracks: G1) Producer [Project Produced For Reease In 2021 By] – Aisha Cohen Producer [Project Produced For Release In 2021 By] – Nigel Reeve Written-By – David Bowie (tracks: A1 to D3, E2 to L3), Leslie Conn (tracks: E1) Notes Issued in a thick cardboard box, containing six 10" records, two LPs each housed in individual sleeves 16-page booklet A1 to D3 First issued as disc 8 of Brilliant Adventure [1992-2001] Runouts on side A to L are etched ℗ 2021 © 2021 Made in Germany Barcode and Other Identifiers Barcode (Text): 0 190296 773259 Barcode (Scanned UPC-A): 0190296773259 Rights Society: GEMA/MCPS Matrix / Runout (Runout side A): BL34970-01 A1 0190296773259 VΛ Matrix / Runout (Runout side B): BL34970-01 B1 0190296773259 VΛ Matrix / Runout (Runout side C): BL34970-02 C1 0190296773259 Iᛚ Matrix / Runout (Runout side D): BL34970-02 D1 V= 0190296773259 Matrix / Runout (Runout side E): BL34970-03 E1 0190296773259 Matrix / Runout (Runout side F): BL38890-01 F1 =ᛚ 0190296773259 Matrix / Runout (Runout side G): BL38890-01 G1 0190296773259 +ᛚ Matrix / Runout (Runout side H): BL34970-04 H1 0190296773259 ΛΛ Matrix / Runout (Runout side I): BL34970-05 I2 0190296773259 ΛΛ Matrix / Runout (Runout side J): BL34970-05 J1 0190296773259 ΛΛ Matrix / Runout (Runout side K): BL42007-01 K1 0190296773259 xᛚ Matrix / Runout (Runout side L): BL34970-06 L1 0190296773259 xᛚ
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Pontevedra (Pontevedra)
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Barcelona (Barcelona)
Oferta LP Japon The Elvis Costello Show - King Of America Oferta LP Japon The Elvis Costello Show - King Of America ¿Porqué comprar un vinilo Made in Japan? Por su calidad de sonido Ver link: Tracklist A1 Brilliant Mistake Accordion [Piano] – T-Bone Wolk Drums – Mickey Curry Guitar – T-Bone Wolk A2 Lovable Electric Guitar – L.H.C. * Harmony Vocals – David Hidalgo Written-By – O'Riordan *, MacManus * A3 Our Little Angel A4 Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood Guitar – T-Bone Burnett Marimba – Michael Blair Written-By – Benjamin *, Caldwell *, Marcus * A5 Glitter Gulch A6 Indoor Fireworks A7 Little Palaces Mandolin – L.H.C. * A8 I'll Wear It Proudly B1 American Without Tears Accordion [French] – Jo-El Sonnier B2 Eisenhower Blues Bass – Ray Brown Drums – Earl Palmer Guitar – T-Bone Burnett Piano – Tom Canning Written-By – J.B. Lenoir B3 Poisoned Rose Bass – Ray Brown Drums – Earl Palmer Piano – Tom Canning B4 The Big Light B5 Jack Of All Parades Bass – T-Bone Wolk Drums – Mickey Curry Piano – Steve Nieve B6 Suit Of Lights Bass – Bruce Thomas Drums – Pete Thomas Organ [Hammond] – Steve Nieve Piano – Steve Nieve B7 Sleep Of The Just
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