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Volante add on

Listado top ventas volante add on

  • Volante desmontable con sistema Thrustmaster Quick Release
  • Controles de carrera completos
  • 2 grandes levas secuenciales de cambio de marchas, fijadas al volante
  • Pesa más de 1,2 kg, para lograr un Force Feedback y una inercia ultra realistas
  • Radios centrales de metal cepillado (2 mm de espesor) con pintura metálica
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  • Volante réplica del 458 CHALLENGE, con licencia oficial de Ferrari: se instala fácilmente en tu base de volante T500 RS, T300 RS ,TX o Ferrari F1 Wheel Integral T500
  • 11” / 28 cm de diámetro
  • 2 grandes levas secuenciales de cambio de marchas, fijadas al volante. Fijadas al volante, se mueven con el volante. 5” / 13 cm de alto. Realizadas en metal cepillado de 2 mm de espesor + pintura metálica. Tact switch de muy alta calidad (ciclo de vida de más de 10 millones de activaciones).
  • 6 botones de acción de fácil acceso claramente identificados
  • Volante desmontable con sistema Thrustmaster Quick Release
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  • Piel genuina cosida a mano en toda la circunferencia del volante (para conseguir una sensación auténtica)
  • La estructura del volante es idéntica a los estándares automovilísticos, con poliuretano moldeado (para lograr un tacto más flexible y una mayor comodidad) y un aro interno hecho de acero (para mejorar la transmisión de las sensaciones de conducción y de los efectos Force Feedback, en particular)
  • 28 cm de diámetro
  • 2 levas grandes secuenciales de cambio de marchas montadas en volante
  • Controles de conducción completos
  • Volante desmontable con sistema Thrustmaster Quick Release
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  • Volante y pedales PS4 con Licencia Original PlayStation 4 RWA Apex incl. Multi vibración TouchSense (PS4/PS3/PC)
  • Inmersión total con la función de vibración de tecnología TouchSense.
  • Sumérgete en una experiencia de conducción realista con sus 28 cm de diámetro, pedales de sensibilidad ajustable y la función de vibración con tecnología TouchSense. Ponte a prueba con el ángulo de giro de 270°, regúlalo a tu gusto o directamente pasa al 'Modo de conducción rápida' para un estilo de carrera más arcade.
  • Las levas de cambio secuencial y todos los botones son completamente configurables y están dispuestos de forma accesible y natural, para que tus ojos no tengan que apartarse de la carretera ni por un segundo. Y gracias al revestimiento antideslizante y los dos salientes superiores, nunca serán tus manos las que derrapen. ¿Listo para dejar tu huella en el asfalto?.
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  • Réplica a escala 1:1 de la palanca del flight stick del F/A-18C Hornet
  • Materiales duraderos de categoría industrial para lograr una sensación auténtica y una duración máxima del producto
  • 19 botones de acción que incluyen un gatillo realista de 2 pasos, y un hat switch "Punto de vista" de 8 direcciones
  • Integración nativa en el juego DCS (vendido por separado) a través del módulo F/A-18C, y compatible con todos los demás juegos de simulación de vuelo
  • Compatible con las bases de volante Thrustmaster HOTAS Cougar y HOTAS Warthog (vendidas por separado; se excluye la implementación del botón 19)
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  • Con licencia oficial de Ferrari para Windows, el volante TS-PC RACER Ferrari 488 Challenge Edition es una réplica a escala 9:10 del volante del Ferrari 488 Challenge y mide 32 cm de diámetro
  • Con un sistema Force Feedback brushless, un servomotor brushless de 40 vatios con una capacidad de respuesta excelente y el sistema Motor Cooling Embedded (pendiente de patente), el motor es capaz de soportar un uso intensivo durante muchas horas de competición de e-racing sin decaer
  • El volante se ha diseñado para la competición automovilística con sus 15 LED integrados para la función de cuentarrevoluciones (RPM) y 2 interruptores giratorios con función de pulsador. Su funda está cosida a mano y realizada en el mismo material Alcantara importado de Italia que se usa en los volantes genuinos de Ferrari
  • La fuente de alimentación externa Turbo Power cuenta con un diseño sin aletas con forma toroidal, que proporciona una eficiencia del 86% (frente al 65% de eficiencia de las fuentes de alimentación estándar con aletas)
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  • Materiales robustos, realistas y de alta calidad
  • Réplica a escala 8:10 del volante del 599XX EVO, con licencia oficial de Ferrari
  • Funda cosida a mano realizada en Alcantara, el mismo material que se usa en los volantes genuinos de Ferrari - ¡importado de Italia! (para lograr una sensación auténtica)
  • La estructura del volante es idéntica a los estándares automovilísticos, con poliuretano moldeado (para lograr un tacto más flexible y mayor comodidad) y un aro interno hecho de acero (para mejorar la transmisión de las sensaciones de conducción y de los efectos Force Feedback)
  • Tamaño grande: 30 cm de diámetro ¡(para lograr una mayor inmersión en los juegos)!
  • 2 levas grandes secuenciales de cambio de marchas montadas en el volante
  • Volante desmontable con sistema Thrustmaster Quick Release
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  • ¡Objeto de coleccionista! Réplica a tamaño completo del volante de carreras Ferrari 2011 de Fórmula 1, con licencia oficial de Ferrari
  • Réplica a tamaño completo del volante de carreras Ferrari 2011 de Fórmula 1, con licencia oficial de Ferrari, para tu T500 RS, T300 RS, T300 Ferrari GTE & TX racing wheel
  • Cambio de marchas “Push & Pull” de metal cepillado en el auténtico estilo de la F1
  • Frontal reforzado de metal cepillado que garantiza una solidez e inercia óptimas
  • Volante con textura de goma que ofrece un agarre realista y cómodo
  • Ruedas giratorias, interruptores y botones de acción de calidad profesional
  • Dos modos de juegos disponible: - Modo "Normal", compatible con PC y PS3/ PS4 / Xbox One (que ofrece 13 botones de acción y 3 D-pads) - Modo "Avanzado", compatible con PC (que ofrece 25 botones de acción y 1 D-pad)
  • Base force feedback de 900° con motor brushless de clase industrial
  • Frontal reforzado de metal cepillado que garantiza una solidez e inercia óptimas
  • Add-On para usar con T500 RS, T300RS, T300 Ferrari GTE, TX Racing Wheel Ferrari 458 Italia Edition
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  • El volante tiene 31 cm de diámetro: perfecto para la conducción realista de coches deportivos
  • Exclusiva forma oval aplanada “double flat”, diseñada para competiciones de GT en todas las categorías
  • 9 botones de acción + 1 D-pad con pulsador
  • 2 levas grandes secuenciales de cambio de marchas montadas en el volante (13 cm de altura): ajustables y 100% metálicas
  • Agarres del volante realizados en ante
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  • Tamaño compacto (28 cm de diámetro) y diseño ligero para una sensación mejorada de Force Feedback
  • 2 sensibles levas secuenciales de cambio de marchas, montadas en el volante (100% metálicas, 7,5 cm de altura)
  • 6 botones de acción + 1 D-pad + 1 interruptor selector giratorio (3 posiciones con botón pulsador)
  • Placa frontal robusta realizada en aluminio cepillado negro
  • Agarres del volante realizados en ante
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Ficha técnica fallout 3 add on pack x360 caja original: Sí titulo: fallout 3 add on pack x360 informacion adicional: buen funcionamiento, tiene algunos arañazos en disco y caratula, no incluye descargables Descripción fallout 3 add on pack x360 fallout 3 add on pack x360 es un objeto de Segunda Mano que se ofrece en estado Buen estado.
6,94 €
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Gracias al kit Matatalab Sensor Add on, Matatabot detectará sonidos ambientales, objetos, reaccionará frente a la luz e incluso será controlado por ciertos colores. Los niños y niñas descubrirán los conceptos básicos de la codificación, como las secuencias y condicionales mediante desafíos y tareas avanzadas. Para ello, SPC Matatalab Sensor Add on, incluye piezas de codificación, tarjetas de colores y un libro con grandes desafíos. A través de la aplicación de Matata podrás programar el robot en Scratch. ¡Solamente necesitarás una Tablet o un móvil! Matatalab Sensor Add on es compatible con Matatalab Lite y Matatalab Coding Set. ROBOT EDUCATIVO | SENSOR ADD ON | SONIDOS | ROBÓTICA | SCRATCH; Bluetooth. Temperatura de operatividad: 0-40º
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Características Tipo: Volante Plataforma: PlayStation 4 Color del producto: Negro Color: Acabado: De plástico Número de botones: 6 botones Superficie antideslizante: Compatibilidad: T500 RS, T300 RS Servo Base, T300 RS, T300 GT Edition, T300 Ferrari GTE, T300Empaquetado Tipo de embalaje: CajaContenido del embalaje Número de productos incluidos: 1 pieza(s)
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España (Todas las ciudades)
GAME te presenta On the Road,desde los camiones de 18 toneladas hasta el Gigaliner, On The Road - Truck Simulator ofrece todo lo que el corazón de un camionero desea. Hazte con él en GAME En esta simulación realista de camiones, tienes a tu disposición más de 6.500 km de autopistas y carreteras rurales, incluyendo numerosos y detallados cruces de autopistas. Ponte al volante de un MAN TGX o un Scania Serie R y descubre más de 15 ciudades alemanas como Hamburgo, Bremen, Colonia, Hannover y Berlín, con diseños de carretera y vistas únicas. Además, otros numerosos puntos de interés están esperando a ser descubiertos a lo largo de su viaje, también. Gracias a la colaboración con MAN y Scania, los camiones se comportan de forma muy realista, incluyendo transmisiones automáticas, ralentizador/intensificador y sistemas de asistencia. Desde las carrocerías compactas hasta los semirremolques e incluso los gigaliners, dispondrás del volumen de carga adecuado para cada pedido de entrega. On The Road también cuenta con un sistema económico. Funda tu propia empresa y contrata conductores para poder aceptar más pedidos. Planifica tus rutas de la forma más eficiente posible, pero ten en cuenta también los tiempos de descanso obligatorios. Ponte en marcha: ¡las carreteras de Alemania te están esperando! Características del mundo del juego: Ca. 6000 km de autopista y 600 km de carretera nacional, a escala 1:10 Numerosos modelos detallados de intercambios de autopistas 16 ciudades, algunas de ellas con diseños de carretera únicos (por ejemplo, rotondas o puentes) Numerosos puntos de interés en las ciudades y cerca de las autopistas y carreteras rurales Todas las grandes vías fluviales Terreno basado en datos reales de satélite Características de los vehículos: Vehículos con licencia de Scania y MAN: MAN TGX (2016) como semirremolque 4x2, caja 4x2 y caja 6x2 Scania Serie R (2013) también como semirremolque 4x2, caja 4x2 y caja 6x2 Remolque: semirremolque caja, tándem, bolter y Gigaliner (plataforma móvil + semirremolque) Remolques, semirremolques y Gigaliner Transmisión automática Retardador/Intardador Tarjeta de conductor Conducción en solitario ¡Hazte con este fantástico juego en GAME y no te quedes sin él!
29,95 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
CUSTOM A3 PUZZLE (large puzzle) (for different sizes/shapes -- see link in description) DETAILS for A4 size ♥ Printed in vibrant colours, with glossy finish ♥ Rectangular shaped cardboard puzzle ♥ 120 pcs ♥ Approx 7x10.8 inches / 18x27 cm (just under size of an A4 paper sheet) ------------------------------------ DETAILS for A3 size ♥ Printed in vibrant colours ♥ rectangular shaped cardboard puzzle ♥ 300 pcs ♥ Approx 10x15 inches / 26x38 cm OPTIONAL: ♥ Include a felt case printed with the puzzle image. ♥ Great to help make the puzzle, but also help store it away ♥ Felt case size is just slighly bigger than an A4 sheet of paper ♥ Felt case can be used for so much more (Paper files storage, as Tablet case, etc) -------------------------------- You can send us your picture for the puzzle via an Etsy conversation. Simply message us here and attach your picture:) Alternatively, you can also e-mail it to alessotrading [!at] gmail.com -------------------------------- Glossy Cardboard Puzzle - other sizes and shapes available ♥ Heart shaped: Approx 7.5x7.5 inches / 19x19 cm Find here: https://www.etsy.com/es/listing/535118413 ♥ A4: 120 pcs Approx 8x11 inches / 21x28 cm Find here: https://www.etsy.com/es/listing/525955400 ♥ A5: 80 pcs Approx 5x8 inches / 14x20 cm Find here: https://www.etsy.com/es/listing/525980020 -------------------------------- PLEASE NOTE ♥ Your image MUST be at least 500KB in order for the quality to be good enough for the print. Any file less than 500KB will become pixelated when printed, affecting quality in the final outcome of the product. ♥ Pictures might be cropped in order to fit the puzzle shape. ♥ The cardboard Jigsaw comes supplied on a piece of card inside a clear plastic wrapper, ideal for giving it as a present. ♥ Picture colours may vary slightly once printed out - this can happen due to the nature of the cardboard as well as due to how images appear on the screen of devices. -------------------------------- *Find more of our designs and gifts here: https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/AlessoShop ♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥ ♥ GIFT WRAPPING: You can easily add gift wrapping to you order by selecting the upgrade "Add gift wrapping" at checkout. ♥ SPEED-UP DELIVERY: select shipping upgrades at checkout in order to receive your item faster (upgrade availability depending on your location). Please note the shipping upgrade refers to faster delivery times, the processing time remaines the same (the time we need to make your order) ♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥ — OUR SHIPPING TIMES — ALESSO is located in the United Kingdom and we ship worldwide; below are the estimated shipping times for standard shipping: United Kingdom: 3-5 business days Europe: 5-20 business days Rest of the World: 10-25 business days PLEASE NOTE: The above shipping times are estimated based on the average shipping times our customers reported back to us. We can not guarantee the shipping times. International shipping times might vary slightly, especially during the holidays. ♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥ Can’t find what your looking for? We do custom orders! Just send us a message with your request. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions! ♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥ TAGS: a5 Personalised Heart Puzzle, Heart Jigsaw, Add your own Photo Puzzle, Cardboard Picture Puzzle. Your Picture Puzzle. Personalised Jigsaw Gift, Kids puzzle, Bridesmaid gift, wooden puzzle, Brridesmaid puzzle, childrens puzzle, childrens jigsaw, cardboard puzzle, wooden jigsaw, small puzzle, large puzzle, a3 puzzle, 1000 pcs puzzle, 250 pcs puzzle with box, puzzle with case
1.749 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Consulting Session - Etsy Coaching, Sell on Etsy You want to improve your shop's performance, but you’re tired of searching for the right tips and testing what really works and what's just another myth! You know Etsy works but you don’t know where to start from. We will give you all the information and advice you need without going through the bottomless pit of outdated opinions, blog posts, and superficial courses. If you’re open to take part in a professional discussion, book this online one a half hour consultation with a member of our team and get bulletproof actionable tips that will help you move forward. ► HOW IT WORKS - Add this listing to your cart and proceed to checkout - In the Order's Note, indicate what time of the day would be most convenient for you - Within 1-2 biz days, we'll send you 3 possible dates and time slots for you to confirm one - To make our session is as productive as possible, please prepare in advance a list with challenges. In case you want to discuss other topics, please send us your questions via email at least 3 days prior to the meeting. Of course, we will answer all the questions that come up during the conversation. - We‘ll schedule an online meeting online via Skype, Facebook Live, Google Hangouts or face-to-face in our office (in case you are located in the city of Sofia, of course) ► ABOUT THE SERVICE Our team will give you honest feedback about your shop and help you set priorities for the business goals you have. We will review your shop and questions prior to the meeting and will analyze your best opportunities for improvement. Usually, we can discuss up to 6 of the following topics in a standard session. Please tell us in advance what is most relevant for you: Brand identity 1. Shop and product texts and visuals 2. Product photography – strengths and weaknesses 3. Best practices in your niche 4. Product categories – opportunities to enrich your portfolio Traffic and visibility 1. SEO best practices for increased visibility 2. Statistics and performance analysis 3. Promoted listings optimization to maximize ROI Orders and fulfillment 1. Pricing strategies & discounts calendar 2. Variations and shopping options 3. Delivery, shopping profiles 4. Communication with customers 5. Payments and accounting ► ABOUT THE TEAM Artery Team is a digital marketing agency helping designers around the globe to build a strong Etsy presence. We’ve been on the Etsy scene for 5 years now and our mission is to support brands’ growth by accelerating their shops and developing their true potential. We’ve been on this journey with more than 200+ Etsy sellers and we’ll be more than glad to help you out with SEO rewrite, SEO tips and coaching, shop consultations, Etsy Shop Management, and others. ► HAVE ANY QUESTIONS? Please, do not hesitate to get in touch by using the “Ask a question” button, it will be our pleasure to help you out! You can find our full range of service here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/ArteryTeamAgency
16.559 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Thank you for being here! I offer you this high quality applique patch. It can be add to any of your projects, like dresses, book-bags, lunch boxes, jeans, shirts, and many more. Dont let your imagination limit you. Just have fun with it, I know you can do amazing things! ---How to Order--- You
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España (Todas las ciudades)
This is a really cute custom made recipe book/recipe journal that will hold all your fabulous and treasured recipes, be they your grandmothers secret recipes or your own inventions! It would make a perfect gift for him or for her and includes a free personalised quote or message printed onto the 1st page. You can also choose your own leather and thread colour combination - Refer to listing photos for available colours. ***************************************************** CHOOSE FROM 2 SIZES: A6 - Leather cover approx 11.5cm x 15.5cm or 4.5" x 6.1" - Paper inside approx 10.5cm x 14.8cm or 4.1 x 5.8"   OR SIZE: A5 - Leather cover measures approx 16cm x 22cm or 6.2" x 8.5" - Paper inside is 14.8cm x 21cm or 5.8 x 8.2”  ***************************************************** CHOOSE FROM 2 PAGE COUNT OPTIONS: -72 pages (144 sides) OR 96 pages (192 sides) of white 160 gsm/60 lb cartridge paper. -Each page is folded and pressed by hand into signatures that are stitched into the leather cover by hand using a long stitch binding with a waxed Irish linen thread. ***************************************************** LEATHER: A beautiful quality leather that has a waxy finish that will just get better with use and wear. -Self leather wraparound tie with a bronze spoon charm hand stitched to the end. -If you do not want the spoon charm, please let me know in the personalisation box when you order and I will make it without the charm. ****************************************************** RECIPE PAGE LAYOUT: Choose from 2 options: LINED PAGES: Gives you space for 69 recipes with 'Recipes' headers printed. -Every other side is printed with: Recipe, Prep time Cook time, Ingredients, Method and has room for notes on the opposite page as shown in photo. BLANK PAGES: All the pages will be blank, no lines or printed recipe headers ***************************************************** FREE 1st PAGE PERSONALISATION: -The 1st page has the title 'Recipes' printed onto it. -To have your 1st page printed with a personalised custom quote simply type your quote in the personalisation box or notes to seller section at checkout. ***************************************************** WANT A CUSTOM LAYOUT? EMAIL ME FOR A QUOTE ***************************************************** CUSTOM MONOGRAM ADD ON: -Have your item personalised with initials hand stitched onto the right hand corner of the leather cover. -Please select the appropriate option from the drop down menu and let me know the initials required in capitals in the personalisation box or notes to seller section at checkout. -Your monogram will be stitched using the same thread colour as used on the binding of the journal. -See listing photos for monogram sizes. ***************************************************** GIFT BOX ADD ON: -To have your journal delivered ready to gift, please select this option from the drop down menu. -Your journal will be wrapped in tissue paper and placed inside a brown Kraft gift box, finished off with a ribbon tie. ***************************************************** HOW TO ORDER: 1. Choose if you'd like lined or blank pages, monogram and gift box add on and your preferred size and page count from the drop down menus. 2. Add to cart 3. If you have selected the monogram add on or want a custom quote printed on your 1st page, please remember to let me know the letters in the personalisation box or notes to seller section at checkout. PLEASE ALSO TYPE YOUR PREFERRED LEATHER & THREAD COLOUR OTHERWISE IT WILL BE MADE USING MOHAWK BROWN LEATHER AND WALNUT BROWN THREAD 4. If you would like to have your journal to have any other add ons, please click through on the links below, select the appropriate option, add to cart and proceed to checkout ***************************************************** OTHER ADD ON'S AVAILABLE- there will be no extra shipping fee for these add ons: ADD AN ENVELOPE PAGE/S TO HOLD LOOSE NOTES: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/511088090/envelope-page-add-on-envelope-pocket?ref=shop_home_active_1 EXTRA CHARM ADD ON: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/285927671/charm-add-on-for-leather-journal-orders?ref=shop_home_active_1 MORE LETTERS STITCHED ONTO YOUR COVER: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/263987524/hand-stitched-monogram-custom-quote-add?ref=shop_home_active_2 **************************************************** SHOP ALL RECIPE BOOKS HERE: https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/IndigoArtisans?section_id=15399198&ref=shopsection_leftnav_7 ***************************************************** LEATHER: -As leather is a natural material, please be aware that there may be natural marks and scars. These are not faults but a beautiful part of this natural material. -For your reference, the images in the photos are for illustration purposes only and the cover may vary ever so slightly from the photos as each piece of leather is totally unique. If the edge of the leather is unusually shaped and aesthetically pleasing then I will use that otherwise the cover edge will be cut straight. -The shade of the leather hide used may vary slightly from the piece shown in the photo due to subtle variances from skin to skin. -This product is handmade by Indigo Artisans in the UK. -This product is made in a smoke and pet free environment. -This item will be made to order. -Each piece is individually hand crafted and is a unique one off item, no 2 will be exactly the same. ***************************************************** CLICK BELOW TO SEE WHAT ELSE I SELL? SHOP HOMEPAGE: https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/IndigoArtisans?ref=hdr_shop_menu§ion_id=16801034.
7.250 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
A must have item for anyone who loves to cook or bake, a place to preserve all those treasured recipes and perhaps hand down to kids or grankids. Stitched completely by hand and custom made just for you, this A5 sized leather bound recipe book/recipe journal can be custom made to your requirements and would make the perfect gift for a chef, baker or food lover. Available in different leather and binding thread colours with a bronze spoon charm attached and a complimentary custom printed title page making it that extra bit special. ========================================================================= SIZE: A5 - Leather cover measures approx 16cm x 22cm or 6.2" x 8.5" - Paper inside is 14.8cm x 21cm or 5.8 x 8.2”  NO: OF PAGES: -72 pages (144 sides) - space for 74 recipes or -96 pages (192 sides) - space for 94 recipes PAPER: -White 160 gsm/60 lb lined cartridge paper. DETAILS/FEATURES: -Entirely bound by hand in the most sumptuous pull up leather that has a waxy finish. The leather will just get better with use and wear. -Self leather wraparound tie with a bronze spoon charm attached to the strap end. -Pages stitched into the leather cover by hand using a long stitch binding with a brown waxed Irish linen thread. -Every left side page is printed with: Recipe Prep time Cook time Ingredients Method Every right side page is printed with lines for notes. ========================================================================= FREE 1ST PAGE PERSONALISATION: -The 1st page of your recipe book can be printed with a custom message of your choice. -Please let me know what you would like printed bu typing it in the personalisation box or notes to seller section at checkout. -Otherwise the default 1st page will be printed with the quote 'Recipe'. ========================================================================= WANT A CUSTOM LAYOUT? EMAIL ME FOR A QUOTE ========================================================================= CUSTOM MONOGRAM ADD ON: -Have your item personalised with initials hand stitched onto the right hand corner of the leather cover. -Please select the appropriate option from the drop down menu and let me know the initials required in capitals in the notes to seller section at checkout. -Your monogram will be stitched using the same thread colour as used on the binding of the journal unless you specify otherwise. -Choose monogram size from drop down menu. ========================================================================= HOW TO ORDER: 1. Choose the quantity of items you would like from the drop down menu 2. Choose the number of pages and whether you would like to have the monogram/number of letters and gift box add on from the drop down menu. 3. In the personaliation box type your monogram initials if purchased, and your preferred leather and binding thread colour if you want a different colour to the main listing photo which is Mohawk Brown with Walnut Brown thread. 4.Please also let me know what your FREE PERSONALISED PRINTED MESSAGE for the 1st page is otherwise it will be printed with the word 'Recipes' as shown in the listing photo. 5. Add to cart and proceed to checkout. 6.If you would like to have your journal to have any other add ons, please click through on the links below, select the appropriate option, add to cart and proceed to checkout IMPORTANT: If you have purchased DHL International Express shipping then please remember to type a recipient telephone number in the personalisation box as a sender and recipient telephone number is required for the courier ========================================================================= OTHER ADD ON'S AVAILABLE- there will be no extra shipping fee for these add ons: ADD AN ENVELOPE PAGE/S TO HOLD LOOSE NOTES: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/511088090/envelope-page-add-on-envelope-pocket?ref=shop_home_active_1 EXTRA CHARM ADD ON: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/285927671/charm-add-on-for-leather-journal-orders?ref=shop_home_active_1 MORE LETTERS STITCHED ONTO YOUR COVER: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/263987524/hand-stitched-monogram-custom-quote-add?ref=shop_home_active_2 ========================================================================= SHOP ALL RECIPE BOOKS HERE: https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/IndigoArtisans?section_id=15399198&ref=shopsection_leftnav_7 ========================================================================= SHOP A6 RECIPE BOOKS: https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/IndigoArtisans?ref=l2-shopheader-name&search_query=A6+RECIPE ========================================================================= SHOP A5 RECIPE BOOKS: https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/IndigoArtisans?ref=l2-shopheader-name&search_query=A5+RECIPE ========================================================================= LEATHER: -As leather is a natural material, please be aware that there may be natural marks and scars. These are not faults but a beautiful part of this natural material. -For your reference, the images in the photos are for illustration purposes only and the cover may vary ever so slightly from the photos as each piece of leather is totally unique. If the edge of the leather is unusually shaped and aesthetically pleasing then I will use that otherwise the cover edge will be cut straight. -The shade of the leather hide used may vary slightly from the piece shown in the photo due to subtle variances from skin to skin. -This product is handmade by Indigo Artisans in the UK. -This product is made in a smoke and pet free environment. -This item will be made to order. -Each piece is individually hand crafted and is a unique one off item, no 2 will be exactly the same. ========================================================================= CLICK BELOW TO SEE WHAT ELSE I SELL? SHOP HOMEPAGE: https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/IndigoArtisans?ref=hdr_shop_menu§ion_id=16801034.
10.875 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Teach yourself the calming craft of needle felting with our Border Collie needle felting kit. If you’re a needle felting beginner, let our detailed step-by-step instructions guide you, showing you how to turn the fluffy British wool into a wool sculpture you can be proud of. This kit will take the average beginner about 6 hours to make, offering a wonderful way to relax over a rainy weekend or each evening on the sofa. Once you’ve completed one of our needle felting kits, you will have all the basic techniques and skills needed to continue with this therapeutic craft. - All our kits are carefully packed by hand in our Dorset studio, supporting a small female-led business. - Designer Stephanie has chosen the perfect British wools for felting. - Step-by-step photo instructions guide you from start to finish, and our video tutorials offer additional insights into the basic techniques for all our kits. - Every kit includes 2x stainless steel German made felting needles in a secure holder to keep them safe from small hands or pets. - Add a foam block to give you the ideal working surface for needle felting, protecting the needles and your table or lap. One foam block will last for at least 40 smaller projects. (NB. The foam is an optional add on when ordering and orders with foam added will come in a larger A4 size box) - Gift the complete kit to a craft-loving friend, or wrap up your own finished piece as a lovingly handmade present. - We recommend adult supervision for anyone under the age of 12 due to the sharp needles included. Every kit contains: British wool in a variety of breeds and colours 2x felting needles in a secure holder Detailed instructions with step by step photos Beautiful gift box You will also need: Foam block working surface (optional extra to add when ordering) Tea and biscuits (optional!) Dimensions: Box: A5 (no foam block) 21x15x5cm / A4 (including foam block) 30x21x5cm Finished design: Approximately 15cm tall
2.395 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Teach yourself the calming craft of needle felting with our Rabbit needle felting kit. If you’re a needle felting beginner, let our detailed step-by-step instructions guide you, showing you how to turn the fluffy British wool into a wool sculpture you can be proud of. This kit will take the average beginner about 5 hours to make, offering a wonderful way to relax over a rainy weekend or each evening on the sofa. Once you’ve completed one of our needle felting kits, you will have all the basic techniques and skills needed to continue with this therapeutic craft. - All our kits are carefully packed by hand in our Dorset studio, supporting a small female-led business. - Designer Stephanie has chosen the perfect British wools for felting. - Step-by-step photo instructions guide you from start to finish, and our video tutorials offer additional insights into the basic techniques for all our kits. - Every kit includes 2x stainless steel German made felting needles in a secure holder to keep them safe from small hands or pets. - Add a foam block to give you the ideal working surface for needle felting, protecting the needles and your table or lap. One foam block will last for at least 40 smaller projects. (NB. The foam is an optional add on when ordering and orders with foam added will come in a larger A4 size box) - Gift the complete kit to a craft-loving friend, or wrap up your own finished piece as a lovingly handmade present. - We recommend adult supervision for anyone under the age of 12 due to the sharp needles included. Every kit contains: British wool in a variety of breeds and colours 2x felting needles in a secure holder Detailed instructions with step by step photos Beautiful gift box You will also need: Foam block working surface (optional extra to add when ordering) Tea and biscuits (optional!) Dimensions: Box: A5 (no foam block) 21x15x5cm / A4 (including foam block) 30x21x5cm Finished design: Approximately 15cm tall
2.425 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
A beautifully illustrated journal that includes your personalised text and choice of places on the cover. Inside choose from blank, lined or map pages. The cover designs are first created digitally and after printing onto a smooth matt cover they are bound into a hardbacked book. Notebooks are shipped in a strong cardboard book wrap / box. Please take note of the turnaround time for this item which can be found in the Shipping/Delivery section. Please note that turnaround time excludes delivery time. ORDERING To personalise your order please enter the details into the small text box on the cart page / send the details in an Etsy conversation message / or email the details directly to us at files @ noordinaryemporium.com (remove spaces). Please include your order number for reference. ■ On the product page □ Choose your book page amount ~ 50 pages ~ 100 pages □ Choose your book page design ● Blank pages option - All pages are blank. ● Lined pages option - Lined on right-hand pages only. ● Grey world map pages option - A grey world map at the top of right-hand pages. ● Colour map pages option - Throughout the pages, a world map is divided and mixed into a random order. The maps are printed on the right-hand page only. View an example of a 50 page book with colour map pages - https://www.noordinaryemporium.com/img/all-maps-50-maps.jpg ● Colour map + lines option - A full world map at the top with a section for a date, destination and a lined note section at the bottom. ● Specific county map option - Pick one country of your choice to be printed grey or colour on the right-hand page only. OUR DESIGN PROCESS ● DESIGN - After receiving your order and the details required to create them, we will work on the design within the processing/dispatch times shown on the listing or your purchases page. ● PROOF - As soon as your proof image is ready we will send the digital proof image for you to check over. This is typically a few days before the dispatch date if you have not chosen to add on the Rush DispatchOptions. ● REVISIONS - Included in the purchase price are two rounds of revisions to wording or minor changes to the design. Additional changes or significant design changes will be charged an additional fee. ● APPROVAL - Once you have approved your proof image we will prepare the design for printing or provide the digital file. Without approval of the proof, we are unable to print/finalise your order. Orders will be cancelled if we do not hear back from you with approval. We will honour the dispatch date if proof approval is received in good time, however, the dispatch date may be later than shown if approval is received later than normal. ● DISPATCH - Orders will be dispatched before the end of the processing time, or sooner if you have already agreed to an earlier dispatch or rush option. L A S T - B U T - N O T - L E A S T Please note that printed colours may vary slightly to those on your screen or monitor. Please read our FAQs for more helpful info or if you have any questions that are not answered please get in touch. © No Ordinary Emporium 2015 - 2021 - Based in the United Kingdom - www.noordinaryemporium.com Sign up for our newsletter for product updates and offers - copy and paste this link in your browser - https://noordinaryemporium.com/shop/newsletter-sign-up/
6.000 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
A beautifully illustrated journal that includes your personalised text and choice of places on the cover. Inside choose from blank, lined or map pages. The cover designs are first created digitally and after printing onto a smooth matt cover they are bound into a hardbacked book. Notebooks are shipped in a strong cardboard book wrap / box. Please take note of the turnaround time for this item which can be found in the Shipping/Delivery section. Please note that turnaround time excludes delivery time. ORDERING To personalise your order please enter the details into the small text box on the cart page / send the details in an Etsy conversation message / or email the details directly to us at files @ noordinaryemporium.com (remove spaces). Please include your order number for reference. ■ On the product page □ Choose your book page amount ~ 50 pages ~ 100 pages □ Choose your book page design ● Blank pages option - All pages are blank. ● Lined pages option - Lined on right-hand pages only. ● Grey world map pages option - A grey world map at the top of right-hand pages. ● Colour map pages option - Throughout the pages, a world map is divided and mixed into a random order. The maps are printed on the right-hand page only. View an example of a 50 page book with colour map pages - https://www.noordinaryemporium.com/img/all-maps-50-maps.jpg ● Colour map + lines option - A full world map at the top with a section for a date, destination and a lined note section at the bottom. ● Specific county map option - Pick one country of your choice to be printed grey or colour on the right-hand page only. OUR DESIGN PROCESS ● DESIGN - After receiving your order and the details required to create them, we will work on the design within the processing/dispatch times shown on the listing or your purchases page. ● PROOF - As soon as your proof image is ready we will send the digital proof image for you to check over. This is typically a few days before the dispatch date if you have not chosen to add on a Rush Dispatch Option. ● REVISIONS - Included in the purchase price are two rounds of revisions to wording or minor changes to the design. Additional changes or significant design changes will be charged an additional fee. ● APPROVAL - Once you have approved your proof image we will prepare the design for printing or provide the digital file. Without approval of the proof, we are unable to print/finalise your order. Orders will be cancelled if we do not hear back from you with your approval of the proof image. We will honour the dispatch date if proof approval is received in good time, however, the dispatch date may be later than shown if approval is received later than normal. ● DISPATCH - Orders will be dispatched on time, or sooner if you have already agreed to an earlier dispatch or purchased the rush option. L A S T - B U T - N O T - L E A S T Please note that printed colours may vary slightly to those on your screen or monitor. Please read our FAQs for more helpful info or if you have any questions that are not answered please get in touch. © No Ordinary Emporium 2015 - 2021 - Based in the United Kingdom - www.noordinaryemporium.com Sign up to our newsletter for product offers and updates - copy and paste this link in your browser - https://noordinaryemporium.com/shop/newsletter-sign-up/
5.981 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
The kit includes 6 wise owls who have reading glasses and books. The diamond dots are made from resin, and the base is made of quality acrylic. The perfect craft for you, your kids or grandchildren to work on together. We have several kits to choose from, our kits come with the basics and the gems are in bags with no ziplock. If you would like to save some time, select the Add On option. I will disburse the gems into the bags or container in the Basic-Premium kits, saving you 20-40min. No matter which you choose, the kits includes everything you need. You will receive a pre-printed adhesive canvas. Pre sorted, color coded resin rhinestones to go with the chart on your canvas. DIY Kit Includes 1 Set Colorful Round Diamond Drills (Pre Sorted and labeled.) 6 x Acrylic plates 6 x Brass Key chains Plus the items in kit packages, from Standard to Premium. Each ornament is approximately 3x5.9 inches, the keychain adds an extra 1.5 inches. This is a fun craft kit to enjoy on your own or with your children/grandchildren. The diamond art can be used as a keychain, ornament or unique gift tag. 5D DIY diamonds painting are great for all ages and skill levels. Pasting the colorful drills to your art is calming, a great way to reduce stress. ????Ships in 3 business days from Maryland, USA. Free US shipping on orders over $35! ⭐️ Small objects - choking hazard for ages 3 & under. Please Keep in mind that due to lightning the colors may appear slightly different in person. ???? How Does This Work: Remember the fun paint by number kits, 5D Diamond Art is very similar. However instead of using paint you place small resin gem stones, known as diamonds or drills. Follow the symbol chart to place the diamond drills on the strong adhesive canvas and watch as your masterpiece comes to life. Each design has a numbered sticky template. Use the pens to lift colored resin diamond drills and place them on the corresponding numbered points. The end result is a beautiful 5D art piece that can be used with your books, notebooks planners and more. This is a fun craft kit to enjoy on your own or with your children/grandchildren.
2.725 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Montessori color matching downloadable toddler activities which are useful and handy to support your kids with their color recognition. Grab this bundle now! Education prepping your child for preschool or homeschool preschool? Line Art Room has this set of colors matching activity which comes with 6 colorful activities that able to assist your toddler or preschooler to learn their colors in an interesting and interactive approach. Color recognition is a key cognitive development for both toddlers and pre-schoolers as it plays an important role in object recognition as well as to develop their language descriptive skills. Other benefits are to improve their concentration and fine motor skills. Recommended to laminate all activity sheets and cut outs for long lasting durability purpose. Great add on to your toddler activity binder or preschool busy book collection. ????THIS PURCHASE INCLUDES???? All of my files are created in A4 size (210mm x 297mm) (8.3” x 11.7”), 300dpi (dots-per-inch) high resolution which saved as CMYK color code for a high-quality print. 1. Education_Preschool_Toddler_Colors_Matching (1 Zipped Folder) Total 12 files inside zipped folder ❖ ColorsMatching Activity 1-Paint– Pg 1 – 1 JPEG file ❖ ColorsMatching CutOut 1-Paint– Pg 2 – 1 JPEG file ❖ ColorsMatching Activity 2-Candy– Pg 3 – 1 JPEG file ❖ ColorsMatching CutOut 2-Candy– Pg 4 – 1 JPEG file ❖ ColorsMatching Activity 3-Crayon– Pg 5 – 1 JPEG file ❖ ColorsMatching CutOut 3-Crayon– Pg 6 – 1 JPEG file ❖ ColorsMatching Activity 4-Car– Pg 7 – 1 JPEG file ❖ ColorsMatching CutOut 4-Car– Pg 8 – 1 JPEG file ❖ ColorsMatching Activity 5-Icecream– Pg 9 – 1 JPEG file ❖ ColorsMatching Activity 6-Icecream– Pg 10 – 1 JPEG file ❖ ColorsMatching CutOut 5&6-Icecream– Pg 11 – 1 JPEG file ❖ Direction guide – 1 JPEG file ????YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE???? Click here to view the following matching products ❖ Colors Pattern https://www.etsy.com/sg-en/listing/1179853562/color-pattern-matching-sorting-worksheet?ref=listings_manager_grid Click here to visit our shopfront page for more products at www.etsy.com/es/shop/lineartroom/ ????HOW DIGITAL DOWNLOAD WORKS???? This product listing is ❖ Instant download digital files and please note that NO physical product will be mailed to you. ❖ After purchased, is available automatically after check out at http://www.etsy.com/es/your/purchases. ❖ Or you can download your files from the “Purchases and Reviews” section of your Etsy profile. ❖ If you check out as a guest without Etsy account, your download links will be sent to your email address shortly. (Please check your junk/spam/promotions folder for the automated email from Etsy) ❖ You will need a pc or laptop to download the artwork files as they can’t be downloaded on a phone o tablet. ????HOW TO UNZIP FOLDER???? Windows Unzip folder by ❖ Download WinRAR (free software) if you do not have it at your pc/laptop. ❖ Open File Explorer and find the zipped folder. ❖ Unzip the entire folder, right-click to select Extract All, and then follow the instructions or ❖ Unzip a single file or folder, double-click the zipped folder to open it. Then, drag or copy the item from the zipped folder to a new location. Mac Unzip folder by ❖ Double click the zipped folder. ❖ The file will automatically be decompressed by Archive Utility into the same folder the compressed file is in. ❖ Alternatively, if the method above does not work, you can right-click on the zipped folder and select Open With Archive Utility (default). ????HOW & WHERE TO PRINT???? Once you save the artwork files to your pc or laptop, you can choose to ❖ Print it out instantly on your home or office printer. ❖ Save and bring your USB thumb drive to your nearby local printing shop. ❖ Order the artwork print online using an online printing company. Print the artwork on ❖ A4 size paper (210mm x 297mm) (8.3” x 11.7”). ❖ Multipurpose (70gsm or 80gsm) thickness paper (recommended). ❖ Printer setting - scale need to set to scale to fit. ❖ Please kindly take note that colors may vary slightly due to different color monitors and printers. ????HOW TO ASSEMBLE???? After you printed out the artwork, you can ❖ Laminate all printed papers (recommended for long lasting usage and able to use dry erase marker on it). ❖ Cut out all the laminated items (as per direction guide) ❖ Equipment or art & craft materials (recommended) used to assemble the printable: ✩ Laminator (A4 or A3 size); ✩ Laminating pouch (A4 size or A3 size); ✩ Scissors, penknife or paper trimmer/cutter; ✩ Adhesive Velcro, etc. ❖ Direction guide in details will be included. ????DISCLAIMER???? CHOKING HAZARD (ADULT SUPERVISION REQUIRED) Once assembled, some of these activities contains small pieces or pieces with sharp edges that are not appropriate for children aged 4 and below. These are not independent play activities for the kids. Please pay attention to the kids when they work on these activities. Please trim the corners for the pieces with sharp edges. ????NO PHYSICAL ITEMS WILL BE SHIPPED???? This product listing is for instant download digital file(s) so please kindly note that you will not receive a physical product. ????COPYRIGHT???? All printable artwork files are COPYRIGHT of LINE ART ROOM and all artwork files are solely for your PERSONAL USE only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited. NOT for RESALE. You are NOT allow to COPY, MODIFY, or SHARE these digital files. ????SOCIAL MEDIA???? I would love to see your little happy learner learns, plays and enjoys LINE ART ROOM’s educational resources. Please tag me @lineartroom | #lineartroom at: Instagram: www.instagram.com/lineartroom Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/lineartroom ????CREDITS???? Graphics by Inkley Studio Graphics by My Cute Lobster Designs https://www.mycutelobsterdesigns.etsy.com Thanks for visiting. Yonna LINE ART ROOM Digital. Learn. Fun
511 €
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