Website design alegria
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walther design GmbH & Co KG: walther design GmbH & Co KG es uno de los principales proveedores de marcos de fotos de madera, plástico o aluminio y álbumes de fotos de Europa. Diseño de álbumes Grindy: Una gran variedad de artículos y diseños contemporáneos, inspirados en las últimas tendencias en colaboración con diseñadores internacionales, caracterizan los álbumes de diseño walther. Los álbumes de diseño 'Grindy' se ofrecen como álbumes encuadernados, álbumes deslizantes y álbumes deslizantes para notas. Los álbumes encuadernados están hechos de cartón fotográfico libre de ácido y con un gramaje de alta calidad. Además, los álbumes encuadernados están provistos de intercalaciones de papel cristal protector. Dale un hogar a tus recuerdos. Álbumes para insertar: Las imágenes y las fotos reflejan la alegría de vivir y retienen los recuerdos para la eternidad. Una calidad y un procesamiento de primer orden equivalente al de los álbumes de fotos tradicionales. El manejo sencillo unido al amplio espacio para la configuración personal (mediante campos y bandas de rotulación) hacen que los (memo)álbumes para insertar fotos sean tan populares. La calidad de walther junto con una perfecta selección del diseño poseen la máxima prioridad. Álbumes para pegar: Los álbumes de fotos encuadernados siguen siendo una de las variantes de álbumes más populares porque ofrecen una gran libertad para diseñarlos individualmente. Las fotos que capturan los momentos más bellos nos mantienen en movimiento incluso después de muchos años. Las opciones de diseño individual son casi ilimitadas y te permiten darles un toque muy especial. De esta manera podemos documentar los eventos más importantes y adorables para que nunca se olviden incluso después de muchos años. La mejor tradición de encuadernación, pero también los métodos de producción más modernos, conviven al mismo nivel y garantizan la alta calidad de procesamiento de los álbumes Walther.
9,81 €
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¡Lleva un poquito de aire libre al interior de tu casa con este reloj de pared de Esschert Design, que reproduce un sonido de pájaro diferente cada hora! Gracias a la gran esfera y a los números legibles, el reloj puede verse claramente incluso a gran distancia. Además, posee 12 dibujos de aves al lado de los números: pinzón común, cuco, carbonero común, pico picapinos, tordo cantor, lechuza común, chochín, mirlo, herrerillo, ruiseñor, petirrojo y búho; ¡proporcionarán gran alegría a los amantes de los pájaros! Cada hora se reproducirá un cantar de pájaros, diferente y hermoso (excepto entre las 22:00 y las 5:00).
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¡Dale un hogar a este realista teckel de pelo duro! Sin duda, esta vívida estatua de perro salchicha de pelo duro de Esschert Design dará un toque de alegría a tu hogar. Puedes colocarla dentro o fuera de casa y está hecha de polirresina. La estatua no pierde el color, es ligera y resistente a las heladas y a la luz UV. Su textura se asemeja mucho a la de la piedra natural, ¡por lo que es un adorno muy realista!
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¡Dale a este realista y adorable cordero un hogar! Sin duda, esta estatua de un corderito de pie de Esschert Design dará un toque de alegría y llamará la atención en tu hogar. Puedes colocarlo dentro o fuera de casa.
35,99 €
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¡Dale a este realista y adorable cordero un hogar! Sin duda, esta estatua de un corderito tumbado de Esschert Design dará un toque de alegría y llamará la atención en tu hogar. Puedes colocarlo dentro o fuera de casa.
23,98 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
DEAR BUYER! Please do not purchase at this Etsy store because there is no payment method here and we cannot receive any payments! You can get the same file at this link. (The link is available only today) ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Visit our website to get up to 50% off for all products at ????????????
1.241 €
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Nombre de estilo: con recorte para foto | Tamaño: 30x30 cm | Color: Amarillo Descripción del producto Álbum en espiral con cubierta de papel de alta calidad y una imagen cuadrada de 10x10 cm en la parte frontal para una foto personal. Contenido de la caja 1 álbum Gran selección de artículos en grandes colores: Álbumes de fotos Diversidad de álbumes para todos: Álbumes clásicos y álbumes de diseño Álbumes para pegar: Los álbumes de fotos encuadernados siguen siendo una de las variantes de álbumes más populares porque ofrecen una gran libertad para confeccionarlos individualmente. Los álbumes de fotos conservarán su carácter destacado como “películas de la vida” también en el futuro. Las fotografías donde quedan plasmados los momentos más hermosos siguen emocionándonos incluso después de muchos años. Incluso los propios álbumes de fotos, con sus diseños, nos remiten al tiempo de lo vivido y despiertan recuerdos en nuestro interior. Las posibilidades individuales de diseño son casi ilimitadas y permiten dotarles de una nota muy especial. De este modo podemos documentar los acontecimientos más importantes y entrañables para que nunca se nos olviden, incluso después de muchos años. A diferencia de los álbumes con un diseño clásico, los álbumes de diseño presentan una gran variedad de colores y formas modernas que, posteriormente, serán testigos de nuestra época. La tradición en encuadernación, aunque también los métodos de producción más modernos coexisten a la misma altura y aseguran la elevada calidad de procesamiento de los álbumes de walther. Una gran variedad de cubiertas llamativas, diversos materiales de encuadernación, páginas interiores de colores y diferentes tamaños: aquí cada persona encontrará el álbum óptimo para la presentación de sus aficiones, viajes o deportes. Diseño intemporal, materiales de gran calidad y procesamiento cuidadoso. El surtido de walther ofrece álbumes para pegar en las facetas más diversas. Desde uniones en espiral (para una posición plana del álbum) hasta la versión encuadernada (con páginas de protección de pergamino) pasando por encuadernaciones de tornillos (rellenables) y, de forma complementaria, álbumes autoadhesivos, técnicas de configuración como diseños de gran calidad, troquelado en la cubierta para un diseño personal, con cintas elásticas, con estampado y mucho más. Álbumes para insertar: Las imágenes y las fotos reflejan la alegría de vivir y retienen los recuerdos para la eternidad. Una calidad y un procesamiento de primer orden equivalente al de los álbumes de fotos tradicionales. El manejo sencillo unido al amplio espacio para la configuración personal (mediante campos y bandas de rotulación) hacen que los (memo) álbumes para insertar fotos sean tan populares. La calidad de walther junto con una óptima selección del diseño poseen la prioridad.
14 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
???? PLEASE READ THE DESCRIPTION ???? INSTANT DOWNLOAD ON OUR WEBSITE: SVGTOON.COM Save 50% OFF on the same files 'ONLY TODAY' on our Website ???????????????????????????????????????????? Unfortunately, We Are Unable To Accept Any Payment Methods On This Shop Today. Please Visit And Order On Our Website With A big Discount. Please Don't Order In this Shop Because There Is No Payment Method. SVGTOON.COM SVGTOON.COM This SVG / PNG is perfect for T-shirts designs or Cricut and Silhouette projects. This listing is for the digital file for your Instant Download after your purchase. No physical product would be delivered. THE DIGITAL DOWNLOAD WILL INCLUDE: ✓ SVG Suitable for Cricut cutting machine and other cutting machines and customizable ✓ EPS Vector file, perfect for resizing in vector editing programs ✓ PDF Resizable vector files that can be printed on all sizes of paper ✓ PNG High resolution, 300 dpi, transparent background for use as clipart IDEAS FOR FILE USE ✓ Scrapbooking ✓ Photo albums ✓ Cardmaking ✓ T-shirt designs ✓ Scrubs ✓ Coffee mug designs ✓ Website design ✓ Blogging ✓ Prints
1.195 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Set of 240 INSTANT DOWNLOAD crystal information cards Have you recently been introduced to the wonderful world of crystal healing and looking for further information to start your new learning journey? Have you started (or planning to start!) a new crystal business and don't have the time to write hundreds of crystal descriptions? Maybe you're an established crystal seller, and creating aesthetically pleasing and informative crystal cards has been on the back of your mind since day one? If you answered YES to any of those questions, my card decks could be the perfect option for you! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ♡ CARD FEATURES ♡ 1️⃣ Key words associated with each crystal 2️⃣ Detailed descriptions drawn from the work of a number of renowned crystal experts. This is to ensure crystal meanings are as accurate as possible. 3️⃣ Chakra associations 4️⃣ Element associations ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ♡ HOW DOES IT WORK? ♡ ⟶ Once purchased (and payment has been processed by Etsy), you will receive a link via your Etsy email address. The link will take you directly to a website called Canva. ⟶ Canva is a free website that requires no software downloads or graphic design skills. It is very user-friendly and easy to navigate. ⟶ From there, you can add your business details or logo, as well as change the fonts, texts, colors, and pictures. ⟶ NOTE: The cards are also saved in organized folders ready to be printed instantly if you don't want to use Canva. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ♡ ADD-ON OPTION ♡ ⟶ If you would like me to personalize your Canva files with your business website and/or social media links, please purchase the add-on listing here: ⟶ If your personalization request is more complex, such as changing the layout, fonts, colors, etc., please purchase the 'redesign' add-on listing here (REDESIGNS NOW FULL): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ♡ WHAT'S INCLUDED? ♡ Cards included in this set: Abalone Shell African Turquoise Agate Amazonite Amber Amethyst Ametrine Ammonite Amphibole Quartz Angel Aura Quartz Angelite Apache Tears Apophyllite Aquamarine Aragonite Arfvedsonite Astrophyllite Atlantisite Auralite-23 Axinite Azurite Black Agate Black Amethyst Black Kyanite Black Moonstone Black Obsidian Black Onyx Black Tourmaline Bloodstone Blue Agate Blue Apatite Blue Aragonite Blue Aventurine Blue Calcite Blue Chalcedony Blue Goldstone Blue Kyanite Blue Lace Agate Blue Onyx Blue Opal Blue Quartz Blue Sapphire Blue Selenite Blue Tiger's Eye Blue Topaz Botswana Agate Brecciated Jasper/Poppy Jasper Bronzite Bumblebee Jasper Cacoxenite Caribbean Calcite Carnelian Celestite Chalcedony Chalcopyrite/Peacock Ore Charoite Chevron Amethyst Chrysanthemum Chrysocolla Chrysoprase Cinnabar Citrine Clear Quartz Coffee Moonstone Copper Crackle Quartz Crazy Lace Agate Cryolite Dalmatian Stone Desert Rose Dioptase Dragon Blood Jasper Dumortierite Elephant Jasper Elite Shungite Emerald Enhydro Quartz Eudialyte Fancy Agate Fancy Jasper Fire Agate Fire Opal Flower Agate Fluorite Fuchsite Garden Quartz Garnet Garnierite Gold Golden Healer Golden Obsidian Goldstone Goshenite Grape Agate Green Agate Green Aventurine Green Calcite Green Fluorite Green Garnet Green Jade Green Opal Hematite Hematoid Quartz/Fire Quartz Hemimorphite Herkimer Diamonds Honey Calcite Imperial Jasper Indian Agate Indigo Gabbro Iolite Jet K2 Stone Kambaba Jasper Kunzite Labradorite Lapis Lazuli Larimar Larvikite Lava Stone Lavender Rose Quartz Lazulite Lemon Quartz Lemurian Quartz Leopard Skin Jasper Lepidolite Lithium Quartz Madagascar Rose Magnesite Mahogany Obsidian Malachite Maligano Jasper Moldavite Montana Agate Mookaite Moonstone Morganite Mosaic Chalcedony Moss Agate/Mocha Stone Mother of Pearl Nuummite Ocean Jasper Opal Opalite/Tiffany Stone Optical Calcite / Iceland Spar Orange Aventurine Orange Calcite Orgonite Palo Santo Peach Moonstone Peridot Petrified Wood Phosphosiderite Picasso Jasper Picture Jasper Pietersite Pink Agate Pink Amethyst Pink Aragonite Pink Aventurine Pink Himalayan Salt Pink Opal Pink Tourmaline/Rubelite Pink Zebra Jasper Polychrome Jasper/Desert Jasper Poppy Jasper Prasiolite/Green Amethyst Prehnite Preseli Bluestone Purple Agate Purple Fluorite Pyrite Quantum Quattro Rainbow Flourite Rainbow Moonstone Rainbow Obsidian Rainbow Tourmaline Rainforest Rhyolite Red Agate Red Aventurine Red Calcite Red Jasper Red Tiger's Eye Rhodocrosite Rhodonite Rose Quartz Ruby Ruby Fuchsite Ruby Kyanite Ruby Zoisite Rutilated Quartz Sardonyx Agate Scheelite Scolecite Sea Sediment Jasper (Purple) Selenite Septarian Nodule/Dragon Stone Seraphinite Serpentine Shattuckite Shiva Eye Agate Shiva Lingam Shiva Shell/Pacific Cat's Eye Shungite Silver Silver Obsidian Smoky/Smokey Quartz Snowflake Obsidian Sodalite Specularite Sphalerite Spirit Quartz Stilbite Strawberry Quartz Sugilite Sunstone Super Seven Tangerine Quartz Teal Agate Tektite Terahertz Tiger's Eye Tiger Iron Tricolor Calcite Trolleite Tourmaline Tourmaline Quartz Tree Agate Turquoise Unakite Vesuvianite White Howlite White Jade White Sage Wulfenite Yellow Aventurine Yellow Calcite Yellow Fluorite Yellow Jade Yellow Jasper Yellow/Golden Topaz Zebra Jasper ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ♡ WHERE TO PRINT ♡ Head over to for more information. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ♡ TERMS OF USE ♡ Crystal cards are copyrighted © by Sarah Elkin Co. This purchase is strictly for non-commercial use only. This means that: ⟶ No part of this template (design, content, description, wording) may be reproduced in any way. ⟶ You may print these as packaging inserts for your business (or for personal use), but you may NOT resell, reproduce, distribute by electronic means or profit in any way from the design. ⟶ Sarah Elkin Co. reserves the right to revoke access to the files if the user fails to comply with any of the above terms. ⟶ Failure to comply will result in action being taken against you by both Sarah Elkin Co. and Etsy (or your hosting provider i.e. Shopify, Wix etc.) If you have any questions regarding the above terms of use, please send me a message and I'd be happy to help! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ♡ EXCHANGES/REFUNDS ♡ Please choose carefully, as no refunds or exchanges will be issued for change of mind purchases due to the nature of the item. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you so much for visiting. I appreciate you stopping by! If you have any questions, please feel free to message me. I'm always happy to help! ~ Sarah Tags: crystal meaning cards, crystal card printables, crystal cards, crystal card deck, crystal cards
4.200 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
///// PLEASE NOTE ☛ ☛ ☛ FRAMES ARE NOT INCLUDED ☚ ☚ ☚ Thank you for choosing Design South. ???? I take pride in creating all of my designs. These contemporary celestial wall art prints will redefine the walls of a boy's nursery, playroom or bedroom. Each design is curated with a passion and vision to create inspired spaces for you and your little ones. Ready to order THESE prints for your home decor? It’s EASY! Complete check out and include any color changes you may need in the ‘notes to seller’ section during checkout. After purchase, I will send you a proof for your review and approval before printing. ----------------♥ WHAT YOU WILL RECEIVE ♥----------------- ➤ Three UNFRAMED art prints. Product description: Moon, star and cloud designs in fog, steel and mineral. Matching print customized with your child's first initial and name. Other color options available. Other options are also available in my shop. Colors can be customized to suit your needs. A color change is included in the price. Frames are for decoration purposes and are not included. The prints should be framed behind glass once received. These are not canvas prints. My art is professionally printed on high-quality fine art paper. Each piece is printed as ordered. --------------------♥ HOW TO CHECKOUT ♥-------------------- 1. Indicate if you would like the prints as shown OR if you would like a color change. If you do not indicate a color change, Design South will assume that you would like the prints in the colors shown above. **NOTE: Please leave a message in the 'notes to seller' section during checkout with your color choices from the chart above if you are requesting colors that are different from this listing. If you do not see the color(s) you want, send me a message! I also accept pictures of nurseries, bedding, and decor for color matching. In the case of a COLOR CHANGE, I will send you a PROOF to your email account. I will use the email account associated with your Etsy account, unless otherwise noted. Please VERIFY the proof, so that I can print and ship your order. Waiting to verify your proof will delay shipping. 2. Enter the name you want on the personalized print in the 'personalization' box. 3. Choose the size of your prints. Options: 5x7, 8x10, 11x14. ---------------------------♥ TIMELINE ♥----------------------------- Timeline: Orders are carefully packaged and typically ready to ship within 3-5 business days. See my shop website for updated turnaround times. If you would like a custom order, visit my shop website and send me a message. Note: Custom orders will require a proof sent to you via email and confirmation regarding the proof for your order to be mailed. **Each day that I do not receive information such as your child's name, or an approval of the proof, it will delay the shipping date. -----------------------♥ TERMS OF USE ♥------------------------- Product cannot be reproduced, resold or distributed. The artwork in this shop is the property of Design South. The artwork offered here is for personal use only. Thanks for choosing Design South! - Cassie DESIGN SOUTH © COPYRIGHT 2022 / Design South / Cassie Rinehart
3.328 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Set of 100 printable crystal information cards Are you just discovering the wonders of crystal healing and looking for more information? Do you find it difficult to write hundreds of crystal descriptions for your new crystal business (or plan to start one!)? Maybe you're an established crystal seller who has long thought about designing attractive, informative crystal cards? These card decks are the perfect choice for you if you answered YES to any of them! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ♡ FEATURES ♡ This is a printable product that comes with: ◆A photo of each crystal ◆Detailed descriptions from the work of renowned crystal experts to ensure accuracy in meaning ◆Chakra associations for every crystal ◆Affirmations to go along with each one Fully editable files are included so you can add your business details and/or logo. The cards come in two sizes, 4"x4", or 3"x3". Adjusting printer settings will allow you to make them smaller or bigger if needed. There are instructions included on how best to do so. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ♡ HOW DOES IT WORKS ♡ ◆ After your payment, you will receive a link to Canva in your Etsy email. ◆ Canva is a free website that doesn't need any software downloads or graphic design skills- it's very user friendly and easy to navigate. The link from Etsy will take you there directly. From there, you can add your business details/logo, as well change fonts, texts, colors and pictures around too. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ♡ ADD-ON OPTION ♡ ◆If you would like your Canva files to be personalized with your business website and/or social media links, please purchase my add-on listing here: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ♡ INCLUDED CARDS ♡ The following cards are included in this set: Amethyst Agate Alexandrite Amazonite Amber Ametrine Angelite Apatite Apophyllite Aquamarine Aragonite Aventurine Azurite Berile Black Tourmaline Bloodstone Blue Chalcedony Blue Lace Agate Calcite Carnelian Celestite Charoite Chrysocolla Chrysoprase Citrine Clear Quartz Diamond Diopside Dumortierite Emerald Epidote Fluorite Garnet Golden Obsidian Goshenite Green Amethyst Green Tourmaline Hematite Herkimer Diamond Howlite Iolite Jade Jasper Kinnabur Kunzite Kyanite Labradorite Lapis Lazuli Larimar Larvikite Lepidolite Magnesite Mahogany Obsidian Malachite Moldavite Mookaite Jasper Moonstone Morganite Moss Agate Obsidian Ocean Jasper Onyx Opal Peridot Petrified Wood Picture Jasper Pietersite Pink Calcite Pink Tourmaline Prehnite Pyrite Rainbow Moonstone Rainforest Jasper Rhodochrosite Rhodonite Rose Quartz Ruby Ruby Zoisite Rutilated Quartz Sapphire Scolecite Selenite Seraphinite Serpentine Shungite Smoky Quartz Snowflake Obsidian Sodalite Spinel Sugilite Sunstone Tanzanite Tiger Iron Tiger’s Eye Topaz Tourmaline Turquoise Unakite Xanlite Yellow Sapphire ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ♡ WHERE TO PRINT ♡ If you do not have a printer at home you can visit stores like CVS, FedEx, Office Depot, and Staples to get your Crystal Cards printed. These typically cost $0.10 per page for black & white and $0.30 per page for colored copies. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ♡ TERMS OF USE ♡ MiaPrintablez Crystal Cards are copyrighted ©.This purchase is for non-commercial use only, which means: - You may not reproduce any part of this template (design, content, description or wording) in any way. - You may print these as packaging inserts for your business (or for personal use), but you may not resell, reproduce or distribute them electronically or profit from the design in any way. - MiaPrintablez will immediately terminate your access to the files if you violate any of the terms mentioned above. - If you do not comply, Etsy (or your hosting provider i.e Shopify, Wix etc) and MiaPrintablez will take action against you. If you have any issues with the above terms of use, please let me know and I'll be glad to assist! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ♡REFUNDS ♡ All sales are final, as I cannot accept returns or exchanges for change of mind due to the digital nature of our product. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thank you so much for taking the time to visit. I appreciate you stopping by! Please feel free to contact me if there are any queries. I'm always delighted to assist! Mia Tags: crystal meaning cards, crystal card printables, crystal cards, crystal card deck, crystal cards
2.468 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Our guestbook maps are a great way to combine your love for travel with your wedding day. Choose to include the places you have been or without places, and then let your wedding guests leave their special wishes for your future together! We create an illustration of the map of your choice e.g. a map of the World, USA, Europe, or any other area or country, and then add your favourite places, cities or country names to your map design. We then personalise the design by adding your own special wording. All wording is customisable and included in the design service we provide. This guestbook design is just one from our wide range of personalised maps. See the link below for more. Our example maps show the world view, USA, Europe and UK, but we can create map views for any place at all. View more of our personalised maps that make great guestbook maps -§ion_id=19316943 ● A proof of your design is sent before printing. Orders are limited to two rounds of minor design changes. Read our design process below. ● Printed on high-quality satin paper with a matt coating. The maps are created digitally with a highly effective image of wood. ● This is an unframed print - frames are not included. ● Shipping - Large prints are shipped rolled up in a strong cardboard tube and small prints in a strong cardboard wallet. ● Please take note of the turnaround time for this item which can be found in the Shipping/Delivery section. Please note that turnaround time excludes delivery time. ORDERING To personalise your order please enter the details into the small text box on the cart page / send the details in an Etsy conversation message / or email the details directly to us at files @ (remove spaces). Please include your order number for reference. ● Paper print size options ~Digital NO PRINT (This option is for a completed digital file only, no physical prints will be sent to you. Use the code "DigitalFile" on the cart page to remove the shipping cost. This code is for digital files only.) ~17 x 11 inches ~20 x 16 inches ~24 x 18 inches ~36 x 24 inches ~420 x 297 mm (A3) ~594 x 420 mm (A2) ~841 x 594 mm (A1) ● Number of location options ~ Without places (This option means that we will add the personalised details at the top/bottom of the design, but no places/locations will be added to the map.) ~1 - 12 places ~12 - 24 places ~24 - 36 places ● Personalisation options When ordering please let us know the following details: □ My places/locations are □ The names and personalised details are: INFO FOR USE AS A GUESTBOOK MAP We recommend using a ballpoint/biro pen as they are quick drying. We can send a small separate piece of the paper for you to test your pens on, please ask when ordering. Ideal sizes for guests to write on: ~24 x 18 inches / 594 x 420 mm (A2) - 60 - 300 guest signatures/notes ~36 x 24 inches / 841 x 594 mm (A1) - 60 - 400 guest signatures/notes INFO FOR DIGITAL FILES (Not printed orders) ~The digital file option is where we create your design and provide you with a print ready digital file for you to print locally/online. ~Digital files are created by us in 3 - 5 business days. A proof is sent before finalising your design. ~Rush options, when available, will be on the following link - ~Use the code "DigitalFile" as a coupon code on the basket/cart page to remove shipping. The code is for digital file purchases only, if the code is used no physical prints will be sent. ~Print size - please let us know at the time of ordering the size you will be printing at. ~The digital files are a print-ready PDF or JPG at 300dpi high-resolution. If you require an alternative format please let us know. Please note the digital file is not a template that can be edited. ~We provide the completed file via a DropBox link, where you can download the file directly to your device. Files are available for 3 months after the purchase date. OUR DESIGN PROCESS ● DESIGN - After receiving your order and the all details required to create the item, we will work on the design within the dispatch times shown on the product page or your purchases page. Please ensure the details you provide are accurate. ● DESIGN PROOFS - As soon as your design has been created we will send you a digital proof image for you to check over. This is typically a few days before the dispatch date if you have not chosen to add on a Rush Turnaround Option. ● PROOF REVISIONS - Orders are limited to two rounds of minor design changes. Extra rounds of changes will be charged additional fees. ● DESIGN APPROVAL - Once you have approved your design we will prepare the design for printing or provide the digital file. Once finalised we are unable to edit the design. Changes after finalisation will be charged additional fees. We are unable to print or finalise your order without approval of the proof. We will honour the dispatch date if the proof is approved in good time, however, the dispatch date may be later than shown if approval is received late. ● DISPATCH & DELIVERY - Orders will be dispatched by the date shown, or sooner if you have already agreed to an earlier dispatch or purchased the Rush Turnaround Option. The delivery dates shown are estimated. Please ensure the delivery date is at least one week before your event. ● COLOUR ACCURACY - Due to the multitude of different computer and mobile devices available, colour setup can differ from one device to another. Please keep in mind that the final printed colour may not be identical to the colour on your proof. DELIVERY Delivery in the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland: ● Standard delivery: Royal Mail / Courier. After the item is dispatched, the aim is to deliver in 3-8 working days. ● Tracked: Royal Mail Tracked / Courier. After the item is dispatched, the aim is to deliver in 2-5 working days. ● Express: Royal Mail Special Delivery / Courier. After the item is dispatched, the aim is to deliver in 1-3 working days. International delivery: ● Customs - When your shipped item reaches your country it will go through customs to be checked if you need to pay duties and VAT on the imported item. You will be contacted by the shipping carrier if you need to pay any duties or VAT and how to pay them before you can receive your item. As a seller, we cannot pay any applicable charges for you. Please check your government's website for up to date details. ● Please provide a delivery contact telephone number when ● We typically use the shipping carriers we UPS and Fed Ex but choose the best option for your item and the quickest carrier available to us at the time of shipping. The delivery aim is approximately 6 working days after dispatch, depending on your location. Please add the item to your cart and check the cart page for the estimated delivery time. All international deliveries include a tracking number, and their position can be tracked fully once it has been exported from our country, which is usually 2 - 4 business days after dispatch. Please note that we are unable to post to Military addresses, due to carrier restrictions. LAST BUT NOT LEAST ● Please take note of the processing times (the time it takes to create the item). The processing times can be found in the Shipping/Delivery section where it says 'Ready to ship in'. This excludes delivery time. ● Please note that printed colours may vary slightly from what you see on your screen as all screens are set up differently. ● Please note that no changes can be made to an order once it has been approved for printing. ● Please read our frequently asked questions section for more helpful info. © No Ordinary Emporium 2015 - 2022 - Based in the United Kingdom - Sign up to our newsletter for product offers and updates - copy and paste this link into your browser -
1.985 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Our guestbook maps are a great way to combine your love for travel with your wedding day. Choose to include the places you have been or without places, and then let your wedding guests leave their special wishes for your future together! We create an illustration of the map of your choice e.g. a map of the World, USA, Europe, or any other area or country, and then add your favourite places, cities or country names to your map design. We then personalise the design by adding your own special wording. All wording is customisable and included in the design service we provide. This guestbook design is just one from our wide range of personalised maps. See the link below for more. Our example maps show the world view, USA, Europe and UK, but we can create map views for any place at all. View more of our personalised maps that make great guestbook maps -§ion_id=19316943 ● A proof of your design is sent before printing. Orders are limited to two rounds of minor design changes. Read our design process below. ● Printed on high-quality satin paper with a matt coating. The maps are created digitally with a highly effective image of wood. ● This is an unframed print - frames are not included. ● Shipping - Large prints are shipped rolled up in a strong cardboard tube and small prints in a strong cardboard wallet. ● Please take note of the turnaround time for this item which can be found in the Shipping/Delivery section. Please note that turnaround time excludes delivery time. ORDERING To personalise your order please enter the details into the small text box on the cart page / send the details in an Etsy conversation message / or email the details directly to us at files @ (remove spaces). Please include your order number for reference. ● Paper print size options ~Digital NO PRINT (This option is for a completed digital file only, no physical prints will be sent to you. Use the code b'"'DigitalFileb'"' on the cart page to remove the shipping cost. This code is for digital files only.) ~17 x 11 inches ~20 x 16 inches ~24 x 18 inches ~36 x 24 inches ~420 x 297 mm (A3) ~594 x 420 mm (A2) ~841 x 594 mm (A1) ● Number of location options ~ Without places (This option means that we will add the personalised details at the top/bottom of the design, but no places/locations will be added to the map.) ~1 - 12 places ~12 - 24 places ~24 - 36 places ● Personalisation options When ordering please let us know the following details: □ My places/locations are □ The names and personalised details are: INFO FOR USE AS A GUESTBOOK MAP We recommend using a ballpoint/biro pen as they are quick drying. We can send a small separate piece of the paper for you to test your pens on, please ask when ordering. Ideal sizes for guests to write on: ~24 x 18 inches / 594 x 420 mm (A2) - 60 - 300 guest signatures/notes ~36 x 24 inches / 841 x 594 mm (A1) - 60 - 400 guest signatures/notes INFO FOR DIGITAL FILES (Not printed orders) ~The digital file option is where we create your design and provide you with a print ready digital file for you to print locally/online. ~Digital files are created by us in 3 - 5 business days. A proof is sent before finalising your design. ~Rush options, when available, will be on the following link - ~Use the code b'"'DigitalFileb'"' as a coupon code on the basket/cart page to remove shipping. The code is for digital file purchases only, if the code is used no physical prints will be sent. ~Print size - please let us know at the time of ordering the size you will be printing at. ~The digital files are a print-ready PDF or JPG at 300dpi high-resolution. If you require an alternative format please let us know. Please note the digital file is not a template that can be edited. ~We provide the completed file via a DropBox link, where you can download the file directly to your device. Files are available for 3 months after the purchase date. OUR DESIGN PROCESS ● DESIGN - After receiving your order and the all details required to create the item, we will work on the design within the dispatch times shown on the product page or your purchases page. Please ensure the details you provide are accurate. ● DESIGN PROOFS - As soon as your design has been created we will message you with a proof image for you to check over. This is typically a few days before the dispatch date if you have not chosen to add on a Rush Turnaround Option. ● PROOF REVISIONS - Orders are limited to two rounds of minor design changes. Extra rounds of changes will be charged additional fees. ● DESIGN APPROVAL - Once you have approved your design we will prepare the design for printing or provide the digital file. Once finalised we are unable to edit the design. Changes after finalisation will be charged additional fees. We are unable to print or finalise your order without approval of the proof. We will honour the dispatch date if the proof is approved in good time, however, the dispatch date may be later than shown if approval is received late. ● DISPATCH & DELIVERY - Orders will be dispatched by the date shown, or sooner if you have already agreed to an earlier dispatch or purchased the Rush Turnaround Option. The delivery dates shown are estimated. Please ensure the delivery date is at least one week before your event. ● COLOUR ACCURACY - Due to the multitude of different computer and mobile devices available, colour setup can differ from one device to another. Please keep in mind that the final printed colour may not be identical to the colour on your proof. DELIVERY Delivery in the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland: ● Standard delivery: Royal Mail / Courier. After the item is dispatched, the aim is to deliver in 3-8 working days. ● Tracked: Royal Mail Tracked / Courier. After the item is dispatched, the aim is to deliver in 2-5 working days. ● Express: Royal Mail Special Delivery / Courier. After the item is dispatched, the aim is to deliver in 1-3 working days. International delivery: ● Customs - When your shipped item reaches your country it will go through customs to be checked if you need to pay duties and VAT on the imported item. You will be contacted by the shipping carrier if you need to pay any duties or VAT and how to pay them before you can receive your item. As a seller, we cannot pay any applicable charges for you. Please check your government's website for up to date details. ● Please provide a delivery contact telephone number when ● We typically use the shipping carriers we UPS and Fed Ex but choose the best option for your item and the quickest carrier available to us at the time of shipping. The delivery aim is approximately 6 working days after dispatch, depending on your location. Please add the item to your cart and check the cart page for the estimated delivery time. All international deliveries include a tracking number, and their position can be tracked fully once it has been exported from our country, which is usually 2 - 4 business days after dispatch. Please note that we are unable to post to Military addresses, due to carrier restrictions. LAST BUT NOT LEAST ● Please take note of the processing times (the time it takes to create the item). The processing times can be found in the Shipping/Delivery section where it says 'Ready to ship in'. This excludes delivery time. ● Please note that printed colours may vary slightly from what you see on your screen as all screens are set up differently. ● Please note that no changes can be made to an order once it has been approved for printing. ● Please read our frequently asked questions section for more helpful info. © No Ordinary Emporium 2015 - 2022 - Based in the United Kingdom - Sign up to our newsletter for product offers and updates - copy and paste this link into your browser -
2.449 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Our guestbook maps are a great way to combine your love for travel with your wedding day. Choose to include the places you have been or without places, and then let your wedding guests leave their special wishes for your future together! We create an illustration of the map of your choice e.g. a map of the World, USA, Europe, or any other area or country, and then add your favourite places, cities or country names to your map design. We then personalise the design by adding your own special wording. All wording is customisable and included in the design service we provide. This guestbook design is just one from our wide range of personalised maps. See the link below for more. Our example maps show the world view, USA, Europe and UK, but we can create map views for any place at all. View more of our personalised maps that make great guestbook maps -§ion_id=19316943 THE ORIGINAL TRAVEL TAG MAP We first created the 'travel tag' map in 2015, when Jane created a gift for Steven, the owners of No Ordinary Emporium. When you buy one of our travel tag maps you can be sure you are purchasing the original travel tag map from the original artist. ● A proof of your design is sent before printing. Orders are limited to two rounds of minor design changes. Read our design process below. ● Printed on high-quality satin paper with a matt coating. The maps are created digitally with a highly effective image of wood. ● This is an unframed print - frames are not included. ● Shipping - Large prints are shipped rolled up in a strong cardboard tube and small prints in a strong cardboard wallet. ● Please take note of the turnaround time for this item which can be found in the Shipping/Delivery section. Please note that turnaround time excludes delivery time. ORDERING To personalise your order please enter the details into the small text box on the cart page / send the details in an Etsy conversation message / or email the details directly to us at files @ (remove spaces). Please include your order number for reference. ● Paper print size options ~Digital NO PRINT (This option is for a completed digital file only, no physical prints will be sent to you. Use the code "DigitalFile" on the cart page to remove the shipping cost. This code is for digital files only.) ~17 x 11 inches ~20 x 16 inches ~24 x 18 inches ~36 x 24 inches ~420 x 297 mm (A3) ~594 x 420 mm (A2) ~841 x 594 mm (A1) ● Number of location options ~ Without places (This option means that we will add the personalised details at the top/bottom of the design, but no places/locations will be added to the map.) ~ 1 - 25 places ~ 26 - 50 places ~ 51+ places When ordering please let us know the following information: □ Places/locations: □ Names and personalised details: □ Map area: Please let us know if you would like the World view, USA, Europe, Australia, UK, or any other. INFO FOR DIGITAL FILES ~Print size - please let us know at the time of ordering the size you will be printing at e.g. 20x16in, 36x24in, A3, A2. ~Digital files will be created in 6 - 8 business days. The estimated delivery times shown are for print orders only and will not change when ordering digital, but digital files are created in 6 - 8 business days. Rush options, when available, will be on the following link - ~Use the code "DigitalFile" as a coupon code on the basket/cart page to remove shipping. The code is for digital file purchases only, if the code is used no physical prints will be sent. ~Please note the digital file we supply is ready for printing and is not be editable. ~The digital files are a print-ready PDF or JPG at 300dpi high-resolution. ~We provide the completed printable file via a DropBox link, where you can download the file directly to your device. Files are available for 3 months after the purchase date, so please ensure that you download the file promptly. UPGRADES Upgrade your print onto cardboard or foam board OUR DESIGN PROCESS ● DESIGN - After receiving your order and the all details required to create the item, we will work on the design within the dispatch times shown on the product page or your purchases page. Please ensure the details you provide are accurate. ● DESIGN PROOFS - As soon as your design has been created we will send you a digital proof image for you to check over. This is typically a few days before the dispatch date if you have not chosen to add on a Rush Turnaround Option. ● PROOF REVISIONS - Orders are limited to two rounds of minor design changes. Extra rounds of changes will be charged additional fees. ● DESIGN APPROVAL - Once you have approved your design we will prepare the design for printing or provide the digital file. Once finalised we are unable to edit the design. Changes after finalisation will be charged additional fees. We are unable to print or finalise your order without approval of the proof. We will honour the dispatch date if the proof is approved in good time, however, the dispatch date may be later than shown if approval is received late. ● DISPATCH & DELIVERY - Orders will be dispatched by the date shown, or sooner if you have already agreed to an earlier dispatch or purchased the Rush Turnaround Option. The delivery dates shown are estimated. Please ensure the delivery date is at least one week before your event. ● COLOUR ACCURACY - Due to the multitude of different computer and mobile devices available, colour setup can differ from one device to another. Please keep in mind that the final printed colour may not be identical to the colour on your proof. DELIVERY Delivery in the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland: ● Standard delivery: Royal Mail / Courier. After the item is dispatched, the aim is to deliver in 3-8 working days. ● Tracked: Royal Mail Tracked / Courier. After the item is dispatched, the aim is to deliver in 2-5 working days. ● Express: Royal Mail Special Delivery / Courier. After the item is dispatched, the aim is to deliver in 1-3 working days. International delivery: ● Customs - When your shipped item reaches your country it will go through customs to be checked if you need to pay duties and VAT on the imported item. You will be contacted by the shipping carrier if you need to pay any duties or VAT and how to pay them before you can receive your item. As a seller, we cannot pay any applicable charges for you. Please check your government's website for up to date details. ● Please provide a delivery contact telephone number when ● We typically use the shipping carriers we UPS and Fed Ex but choose the best option for your item and the quickest carrier available to us at the time of shipping. The delivery aim is approximately 6 working days after dispatch, depending on your location. Please add the item to your cart and check the cart page for the estimated delivery time. All international deliveries include a tracking number, and their position can be tracked fully once it has been exported from our country, which is usually 2 - 4 business days after dispatch. Please note that we are unable to post to Military addresses, due to carrier restrictions. LAST BUT NOT LEAST ● Please take note of the processing times (the time it takes to create the item). The processing times can be found in the Shipping/Delivery section where it says 'Ready to ship in'. This excludes delivery time. ● Please note that printed colours may vary slightly from what you see on your screen as all screens are set up differently. ● Please note that no changes can be made to an order once it has been approved for printing. ● Please read our frequently asked questions section for more helpful info. ● This is a listing to purchase a custom version of the original travel tag map from the original artist. © No Ordinary Emporium 2015 - 2022 - Based in the United Kingdom - Sign up to our newsletter for product offers and updates - copy and paste this link into your browser -
1.999 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Wedding Table Names, Travel Theme Wedding Table Numbers, Adventure Themed, Vintage Travel Theme, Wedding Reception, Breakfast Dinner Cards. Our travel theme wedding place names are perfect for travel lovers' boho or rustic wedding. Printed on quality card they are subtly unique in their modern wood effect design. ● A proof of your design is sent before printing, excluding samples. ● Choose from a completed digital file to print yourself, or printed by us onto 350gsm / 130lb smooth card ● If you are choosing the digital file option, please the code "DigitalFile" as a coupon code on the basket/cart page to remove shipping. The code is for digital file purchases only, if the code is used no physical prints will be sent. ● Custom made using your choice of location names. ● They have a wood image design, but are not made of wood ● Table stands are not supplied ● Please take note of the turnaround/processing times (the time it takes to create the item). The processing times can be found in the Shipping/Delivery section. This excludes delivery time. MATCHING STATIONERY Table Names - Seating Chart - Menus - Place Cards - ORDERING YOUR TABLE CARDS Please use the drop-down boxes to select the amount of cards you would like, the printed card size (single sided or double sided) or the digital file option. The drop down boxes are at the top of the product page either to the left of or below the product images. Box 1 - "Select the amount of cards you would like" Select the amount of cards you would like to order. This box needs to be used for the printed cards or the digital file option. For example, select "8 cards" and we will create 8 different card designs. Box 2 - "Choose the printed card size or digital file" Choose the printed card size you would like or the digital file option. Digital files will be completed files and ready to print. Example 1 - select "5x7" single sided" and we will create and print the cards for you in this size. Example 2 - select "Digital file only" and we will create and prepare the digital file for you. If there is an additional box titled 'quantity' please leave it set to 1. * Personalisation To tell us the details for your table cards click 'Add Personalisation' to display the personalisation box. The personalisation box may already be visible with instructions of how to tell us the details. If you cannot see a personalisation box, you may message us with the details or send them directly to files @ (remove spaces). To personalise your order please enter the details into the small text box on the cart page / send the details in an Etsy conversation message / or email the details directly to us at files @ (remove spaces). Please include your order number for reference. Size options: ● A6 (105mm x 148mm) (approx 4.1 x 5.8 inch) ● 5x7 inch (127x178mm) ● A5 (148mm x 210mm) (approx 5.8 x 8.2 inch) Printing options: Single sided: Your table card design will be printed on one side of the card, the back of the card is the unprinted card. Double-sided: Your table card will be printed with the same design on both sides of the card. For digital files only - Please use the code "DigitalFile" as a coupon code at checkout to remove the shipping cost. This code is for digital file purchases only. Digital files are supplied as a PDF or JPG, no physical prints will be sent to you. INFO FOR DIGITAL FILES ~Digital files will be created in 6 - 8 business days. The estimated delivery times shown are for print orders only and will not change when ordering digital, but digital files are created in 6 - 8 business days. Rush options, when available, will be on the following link - ~Use the code "DigitalFile" as a coupon code on the basket/cart page to remove shipping. The code is for digital file purchases only, if the code is used no physical prints will be sent. ~Print size - please let us know at the time of ordering the size you will be printing at. ~The digital files are a print-ready PDF or JPG at 300dpi high-resolution. If you require an alternative format please let us know. Please note the digital file is not be editable. ~We provide the completed file via a DropBox link, where you can download the file directly to your device. Files are available for 3 months after the purchase date. OUR DESIGN PROCESS ● DESIGN - After receiving your order and the all details required to create the item, we will work on the design within the dispatch times shown on the product page or your purchases page. Please ensure the details you provide are accurate. ● DESIGN PROOFS - As soon as your design has been created we will send you a digital proof image for you to check over. This is typically a few days before the dispatch date if you have not chosen to add on a Rush Turnaround Option. ● PROOF REVISIONS - Orders are limited to two rounds of minor design changes. Extra rounds of changes will be charged additional fees. ● DESIGN APPROVAL - Once you have approved your design we will prepare the design for printing or provide the digital file. Once finalised we are unable to edit the design. Changes after finalisation will be charged additional fees. We are unable to print or finalise your order without approval of the proof. We will honour the dispatch date if the proof is approved in good time, however, the dispatch date may be later than shown if approval is received late. ● DISPATCH & DELIVERY - Orders will be dispatched by the date shown, or sooner if you have already agreed to an earlier dispatch or purchased the Rush Turnaround Option. The delivery dates shown are estimated. Please ensure the delivery date is at least one week before your event. ● COLOUR ACCURACY - Due to the multitude of different computer and mobile devices available, colour setup can differ from one device to another. Please keep in mind that the final printed colour may not be identical to the colour on your proof. DELIVERY Delivery in the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland: ● Standard delivery: Royal Mail / Courier. After the item is dispatched, the aim is to deliver in 3-8 working days. ● Tracked: Royal Mail Tracked / Courier. After the item is dispatched, the aim is to deliver in 2-5 working days. ● Express: Royal Mail Special Delivery / Courier. After the item is dispatched, the aim is to deliver in 1-3 working days. International delivery: ● Customs - When your shipped item reaches your country it will go through customs to be checked if you need to pay duties and VAT on the imported item. You will be contacted by the shipping carrier if you need to pay any duties or VAT and how to pay them before you can receive your item. As a seller, we cannot pay any applicable charges for you. Please check your government's website for up to date details. ● Please provide a delivery contact telephone number when ● We typically use the shipping carriers we UPS and Fed Ex but choose the best option for your item and the quickest carrier available to us at the time of shipping. The delivery aim is approximately 6 working days after dispatch, depending on your location. Please add the item to your cart and check the cart page for the estimated delivery time. All international deliveries include a tracking number, and their position can be tracked fully once it has been exported from our country, which is usually 2 - 4 business days after dispatch. Please note that we are unable to post to Military addresses, due to carrier restrictions. LAST BUT NOT LEAST ● Please take note of the turnaround/processing times (the time it takes to create the item). The processing times can be found in the Shipping/Delivery section. This excludes delivery time. ● Please note that printed colours may vary from what you see on your screen as all screens are set up differently. If you would like to see the printed colour, please order a sample first. ● Please note that no changes can be made to an order once it has been approved for printing. ● Please read our frequently asked questions section for more helpful info. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS ● The paper/card that we use for products are FSC Certified using an Elemental Chlorine Free (ECF) process and produced to the ISO14001 standard. ● We package the products in all-board cardboard envelopes made from recycled card. ● We avoid using plastic wherever possible. If you have any questions about our personalised travel maps, travel journals or wedding stationery, just ask and we'll be happy to help: Thank you for your interest in our wedding stationery, custom travel maps and journals. © No Ordinary Emporium 2015 - 2022 - Based in the United Kingdom - Sign up to our newsletter for product offers and updates - copy and paste this link into your browser -
759 €
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