The foundation for which Class Two mathematics is built upon was laid last year with fairy tale images that introduced the four math processes. Now, the 2nd Graders strengthen their skills throughout the year with Saintly/Hero images and mischievous animal characters. These types of images are beneficial to the children's consciousness, at this age, because the children are starting to realize the duality within themselves. They will be observing saintliness and mischievousness in themselves and in others. The legends of saints and heroes appeal to the child’s moral sense of what is right and good and magical. While on the other hand, the fables give the child an external view of our animal nature.Our shortcomings are played out in fables. Children are able to reflect upon them without judgement of themselves. This space allows them to exercise their own will with the possibility of their actions being guided by their saintly self. These math blocks use the heroic images of Robin Hood and his Band of Merry Men & Merry Women to appeal to the children’s Saintly self. The Robin Hood ballads have been told many ways throughout history. This two part story is an original creation of these tales. The children will be participating in a living way with Robin Hood through the story. The mathematical topics covered in the two part Robin Hood story are: * Continued Practice of the Four Processes with reduced use of manipulatives. * Introduce and understand Time. * Introduce and understand Coins. * Memorizing simple Addition facts up to 24. * Become proficient with Addition and Subtraction of two digit numbers. * Practice memorization of Multiplication and Division tables through 12. * Introduce and develop an understanding of place value. * Introduce and develop carrying and borrowing. * Experience through movement and art how geometric patterns and numbers relate. * Develop a love of math through games and puzzles. * Cultivate a greater capacity for mental math. * Understand the importance of form and organization of written practice of math problems. Upon purchase you will receive all the material you will need to design two complete 2nd grade math blocks. These two math blocks include: * A two part Robin Hood story * Main Lesson book work suggestions * Word problems * Math games * Art lessons that are relevant to the story * Skills Practice section with kinesthetic learning exercises * Songs and poetry suggestions * Practice Book ideas * Weekly suggested rhythm * Blank weekly rhythm forms to design this block to meet your families needs and meet the children right where they are academically and spiritually. It is 60 pages of math curriculum that provides everything you need to teach math to Class Two students. It is two complete Waldorf Math Blocks. This is the downloadable version, meaning you will receive a 60 page PDF that can either be printed by you (and bound if you prefer) or used right from your computer. Since this is a download, I am unable to do refunds as there is no way for you to return it. However, I am always very happy to answer questions or offer support along the way at ancientpathhomestead [!at]
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2.866,00 €