Tarot Keyword Cheat Sheets that help you remember the meanings of the Tarot cards without 'giving" you the meanings so you can still create your own reading. Three words for each Rider Waite Smith Card for both upright or reversed meanings and an understanding of the Classical Elements and how they apply to the Tarot. These cheat sheets use the Rider Waite Smith Deck - but you can use the knowledge you have gained for any Tarot deck. PLEASE NOTE THIS ITEM IS AN INSTANT EBOOK DOWNLOAD (no item will be posted) ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ Exactly what it says. Pretty cool because I can print them as stickers and use them as the "picture" of my spread with quick general meanings. I've been doing tarot since 1978 but still appreciate the little things. ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ I love tarot, so many details to remember. These cheat sheets are wonderful, very specific description and meaning for each card. Makes it easier to remember what each card represents. Very good idea. I’m happy. Thanks ▶︎ ▶︎ WHATS INCLUDED? Coloured and Ink Saving versions of upright and reversed keywords for each RWS card. Available in A4 and US Letter size. ▶︎ ▶︎ PLEASE NOTE When purchasing from this shop you will be sent a thank you email inviting you to receive my newsletter. I send my subscribers FREE Tarot trainings to help with your Tarot Journal.You will not be added to my newsletter list unless you confirm the opt in request inside the email sent to you. I do hope you will join us! ▶︎ ▶︎ EACH EBOOK CONTAINS This ebook keyword cheat sheet contains: • Colour and black and white versions of the keywords. • Images of each card beside the keywords to make remembering easier. • 3 Upright keywords for each card. • 3 reversed meanings for each card. • Instructional to give further depth of understanding to these cheat sheets, ▶︎ ▶︎ WHAT YOU WILL LEARN When you complete this workbook you will: • Have a ready reference of keywords you can use for reading and writing about your Tarot cards. • Use the keywords to help you remember the meanings of the cards. • Have a set of keywords you can use for both upright and reversed card readings. • Be able to apply two sets of keywords when deciding the meaning of each Tarot card within a Tarot spread as a whole. • Understand the application of the Classical Elements as a way to further understand the meaning and intent of the Tarot. ▶︎ ▶︎ RELATED LISTINGS Want the Tarot Cheat Sheet Bundle? US Letter Size click HERE >> http://bit.ly/TarotCheatSheetBundleUSLCV (cut and paste this link into your browser) A4 Size click HERE >> http://bit.ly/TarotCheatSheetBundleA4CV (Cut and paste link into your browser) ▶︎ ▶︎ FREEBIES Want FREE Sample Journal Pages, YouTube videos, FREE Tarot Courses and other GOODIES? Follow this link click HERE >> https://linktr.ee/eroebuckjones (or cut and paste into your browser) ▶︎ ▶︎ HOW TO ORDER 1 - Add this listing to your cart by clicking “Add to Cart” (if you do not have an Etsy shop please open one - it makes downloading your files much easier). 2 - Submit your payment information and 'Order'. 3 - After you complete your order, you will see the link for downloading the files. They will be available in your purchase area (https://www.etsy.com/your/purchases). 4 - Download the file on your Etsy platform. If you do not have an Etsy account you will need to look for the email with your download link sent from Etsy, 5 - After downloading the ebook, you can print as many copies of the planner as you want for personal use. 6 - Please contact me through ETSY MESSENGER if you have any difficulties accessing your files. ▶︎ ▶︎ ADDITIONAL NOTES - Due to the instant nature of this transaction, I cannot offer refund or exchanges on your purchase. However, if you have any problems with the download or file, please contact me here on Etsy through messenger and I’ll help to resolve it as quickly as possible! Please allow for time zone differences (I am in Australia) - Due to variations in monitors, web viewing devices and printers, the colours shown on your screen may vary slightly from the actual printed file. - Please note due to the file size ratio required by Etsy some files are not high resolution. These files are written for educational purposes first and are not high resolution art printables. + If you have any questions, please message me! ▶︎ ▶︎ FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/connectwithyourdeck/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/connectwithyourdeck/ © All Design Templates are Copyrights of Elizabeth Roebuck Jones and Connect With Your Deck. For Personal Use Only: You may not use these files for commercial use; they may not be shared, resold, recreated, copied, redistributed, or reproduced for any purpose without the expressed permission from the artist.
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1.082,00 €
1.082,00 €